function __construct($qg) { parent::__construct('div'); $this->qg = $qg; $this->css_style['padding'] = '0px'; $this->css_style['margin'] = '0px'; $this->css_style['border'] = '0px'; $this->table = new dom_table(); $this->row = new dom_tr(); $this->hrow = new dom_tr(); $this->hrow->css_class = 'head'; $this->table->css_style['page-break-after'] = 'always'; $this->table->css_style['padding'] = '0px'; $this->table->css_style['margin'] = '0px'; $this->table->css_style['border'] = '0px'; $this->table->css_style['border-collapse'] = 'collapse'; $this->row->css_style['height'] = '8mm'; foreach ($this->qg->what->exprs as $e) { if ($e->alias == '') { print "You should specify an alias for each column."; exit; } $this->txts[$e->alias] = new dom_statictext(); $this->htxts[$e->alias] = new dom_statictext($e->alias); $td = new dom_td(); unset($td->id); $div = new dom_div(); unset($div->id); $div->append_child($this->txts[$e->alias]); $td->append_child($div); $this->row->append_child($td); $td = new dom_td(); unset($td->id); $div = new dom_div(); unset($div->id); $div->append_child($this->htxts[$e->alias]); $td->append_child($div); $this->hrow->append_child($td); } unset($this->row->id); unset($this->table->id); $this->append_child($this->table); $this->table->append_child($this->hrow); $this->table->append_child($this->row); $this->row_height = 16.0; $this->page_height = 270.0; }
function append_child($c) { switch ($this->__model) { case '': case 'raw': //simply put child into listdiv $this->listdiv->append_child($c); break; case 'div': //put child into individual div. Then put this div into listdiv $div = new dom_div(); $div->append_child($c); $this->listdiv->append_child($div); break; case 'table': //the most quirky layout. Create fixed width rows if ($this->__table_row_pos == 0) { $this->__table_temp_row = new dom_tr(); $this->listdiv_table->append_child($this->__table_temp_row); if ($this->__table_row_cnt <= 0) { $this->__table_row_pos = 1; } else { $this->__table_row_pos = $this->__table_row_cnt; } } if ($this->__table_row_pos > 0) { $td = new dom_td(); $td->append_child($c); $this->__table_temp_row->append_child($td); $this->__table_row_pos--; break; } } }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->etype = get_class($this); editor_generic::addeditor('rn', new editor_statictext()); editor_generic::addeditor('s', new editor_statictext()); editor_generic::addeditor('d', new editor_statictext()); $this->tbl = new dom_table(); $this->append_child($this->tbl); $this->tr = new dom_tr(); $this->tbl->append_child($this->tr); $td1 = new dom_td(); $td2 = new dom_td(); $td3 = new dom_td(); $td1->append_child($this->editors['rn']); $td2->append_child($this->editors['s']); $td3->append_child($this->editors['d']); $this->tr->append_child($td1); $this->tr->append_child($td2); $this->tr->append_child($td3); }
function prepare() { global $sql; $st = new settings_tool(); $r = $sql->q1($st->single_query($this->oid, 'mq', $_SESSION['uid'], 0)); if ($r != '') { $res = unserialize($r); } else { $res = new meta_query_gen(); } $this->meta_query = $res; $r = $sql->q1($st->single_query($this->oid, 'ed_count', $_SESSION['uid'], 0)); if ($r != '') { $res = intval($r); } else { $res = 10; } $ed_count = $res; $r = $sql->q1($st->single_query($this->oid, 'ed_offset', $_SESSION['uid'], 0)); if ($r != '') { $res = intval($r); } else { $res = 0; } $ed_offset = $res; $colidx = 0; if (is_array($this->meta_query->result_def->children)) { foreach ($this->meta_query->result_def->children as $r) { if (get_class($r) == 'fm_meta_object') { $hrarr = $sql->qkv("SELECT,coalesce(b.val, as hr_name FROM `" . TABLE_META_TREE . "` as a LEFT OUTER JOIN `" . TABLE_META_I18N . "` as b ON AND b.var='name' AND b.loc='" . $_SESSION['lang'] . "' WHERE IN (" . str_replace('.', ',', $r->path) . ")"); $hrt = ''; $hrm = ''; foreach ($hrarr as $kk => $e) { if ($hrt != '') { $hrt .= '.'; } $hrt .= $e; if ($hrm != '') { $hrm .= '.'; } $hrm .= $kk; } } else { $hrt = 'expression ' . $colidx; $hrm = ''; } $td = new dom_td(); unset($td->id); $td->append_child(new dom_statictext($hrt)); $td->attributes['title'] = $hrm; $this->c_c->append_child($td); editor_generic::addeditor('cd' . $colidx, new editor_statictext()); $td = new dom_td(); unset($td->id); $td->append_child($this->editors['cd' . $colidx]); $this->c_d->append_child($td); $colidx++; } } $this->meta_query->oid = $this->oid; $this->sql_obj = $this->meta_query->to_show(); $this->sql_obj->lim_count = $ed_count; $this->sql_obj->lim_offset = $ed_offset; $colidx1 = 0; if (is_array($this->sql_obj->what->exprs)) { foreach ($this->sql_obj->what->exprs as $e) { $e->alias = 'cd' . $colidx1; $colidx1++; } } }