 * Displays the Email Petitions table page
function dk_speakout_petitions_page()
    // check security: ensure user has authority
    if (!current_user_can('publish_posts')) {
        wp_die('Insufficient privileges: You need to be an editor to do that.');
    include_once 'class.speakout.php';
    include_once 'class.petition.php';
    include_once 'class.wpml.php';
    $the_petitions = new dk_speakout_Petition();
    $wpml = new dk_speakout_WPML();
    $action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : '';
    $id = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? $_REQUEST['id'] : '';
    $options = get_option('dk_speakout_options');
    // set variables for paged record display and limit values in db query
    // request values may be submitted either by html links (pagination.php) or by javascript (admin.js)
    $paged = isset($_REQUEST['paged']) ? $_REQUEST['paged'] : '1';
    $total_pages = isset($_REQUEST['total_pages']) ? $_REQUEST['total_pages'] : '1';
    $current_page = dk_speakout_SpeakOut::current_paged($paged, $total_pages);
    $query_limit = $options['petitions_rows'];
    $query_start = $current_page * $query_limit - $query_limit;
    // link URL for "Add New" button in header
    $addnew_url = esc_url(site_url() . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=dk_speakout_addnew');
    switch ($action) {
        case 'delete':
            // security: ensure user has intention
            check_admin_referer('dk_speakout-delete_petition' . $id);
            // delete the petition and its signatures
            // get petitions
            $petitions = $the_petitions->all($query_start, $query_limit);
            // set up page display variables
            $page_title = __('Email Petitions', 'dk_speakout');
            $count = $the_petitions->count();
            $message_update = __('Petition deleted.', 'dk_speakout');
            // get petitions
            $petitions = $the_petitions->all($query_start, $query_limit);
            // set up page display variables
            $page_title = __('Email Petitions', 'dk_speakout');
            $count = $the_petitions->count();
            $message_update = '';
    // display the Petitions table
    include_once 'petitions.view.php';