 function get_html_head_contributions(&$question, &$state)
     global $PAGE;
     parent::get_html_head_contributions($question, $state);
     $PAGE->requires->js('/lib/overlib/overlib.js', true);
     $PAGE->requires->js('/lib/overlib/overlib_cssstyle.js', true);
  * If this question type requires extra CSS or JavaScript to function,
  * then this method will return an array of <link ...> tags that reference
  * those stylesheets. This function will also call require_js()
  * from ajaxlib.php, to get any necessary JavaScript linked in too.
  * The YUI libraries needed for dragdrop have been added to the default
  * set of libraries.
  * The two parameters match the first two parameters of print_question.
  * @param object $question The question object.
  * @param object $state    The state object.
  * @return an array of bits of HTML to add to the head of pages where
  * this question is print_question-ed in the body. The array should use
  * integer array keys, which have no significance.
 function get_html_head_contributions(&$question, &$state)
     // Load YUI libraries
     $contributions = parent::get_html_head_contributions($question, $state);
     return $contributions;
 function get_html_head_contributions(&$question, &$state)
     global $CFG;
     // Load flash interface libraries
     require_js($CFG->wwwroot . '/question/type/flash/flash_tag.js');
     require_js($CFG->wwwroot . '/question/type/flash/interface.js');
     $contributions = parent::get_html_head_contributions($question, $state);
     return $contributions;
  * Add styles.css to the page's header
 function get_html_head_contributions(&$question, &$state)
     return parent::get_html_head_contributions($question, $state);
  * Add styles.css to the page's header
 function get_html_head_contributions(&$question, &$state)
     parent::get_html_head_contributions($question, $state);