function Render(&$oView)
     global $dcl_info, $g_oSec;
     if (!is_object($oView)) {
         trigger_error('[htmlTicketBrowse::Render] ' . STR_VW_VIEWOBJECTNOTPASSED);
     if (!$g_oSec->HasAnyPerm(array(DCL_ENTITY_TICKET => array($g_oSec->PermArray(DCL_PERM_VIEW), $g_oSec->PermArray(DCL_PERM_VIEWSUBMITTED), $g_oSec->PermArray(DCL_PERM_VIEWACCOUNT))))) {
         return PrintPermissionDenied();
     $this->oView =& $oView;
     // Reset start row if filter changes
     if (isset($_REQUEST['filter']) && $_REQUEST['filter'] == 'Filter') {
         $oView->startrow = 0;
     if (!$this->_Execute()) {
     $oTable = CreateObject('dcl.htmlTable');
     $iEndOffset = 0;
     for ($iColumn = count($oView->groups); $iColumn < $this->oDB->NumFields(); $iColumn++) {
         $sFieldName = $this->oDB->GetFieldName($iColumn);
         if ($sFieldName == 'ticketid') {
             $oTable->assign('ticket_id_ordinal', $iColumn);
         } else {
             if ($sFieldName == '_num_tags_') {
                 $oTable->assign('num_tags_ordinal', $iColumn);
             } else {
                 if ($sFieldName == 'tag_desc') {
                     $oTable->assign('tag_ordinal', $iColumn);
     for ($iColumn = 0; $iColumn < count($this->oView->groups); $iColumn++) {
     foreach ($this->oView->columnhdrs as $sColumn) {
         $oTable->addColumn($sColumn, 'string');
     $aOptions = array('Export' => array('menuAction' => 'boViews.export', 'hasPermission' => true));
     foreach ($aOptions as $sDisplay => $aOption) {
         if ($aOption['hasPermission']) {
             $oTable->addToolbar($aOption['menuAction'], $sDisplay);
     $oDB = new dclDB();
     $sSQL = $this->oView->GetSQL(true);
     if ($oDB->Query($sSQL) == -1) {
     $iRecords = $oDB->f(0);
     if ($this->oView->numrows > 0) {
         if ($iRecords % $this->oView->numrows == 0) {
             $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGES', strval($iRecords / $this->oView->numrows));
         } else {
             $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGES', strval(ceil($iRecords / $this->oView->numrows)));
         $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGE', strval($this->oView->startrow / $this->oView->numrows + 1));
     } else {
         $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGES', '0');
         $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGE', '0');
     $oTable->assign('VAL_ENDOFFSET', $iEndOffset);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERMENUACTION', $this->sPagingMenuAction);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERSTARTROW', $this->oView->startrow);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERNUMROWS', $this->oView->numrows);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERSTATUS', isset($_REQUEST['filterStatus']) ? $_REQUEST['filterStatus'] : -1);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERTYPE', isset($_REQUEST['filterType']) ? $_REQUEST['filterType'] : -1);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERREPORTTO', isset($_REQUEST['filterReportto']) ? $_REQUEST['filterReportto'] : -1);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERPRODUCT', isset($_REQUEST['filterProduct']) ? $_REQUEST['filterProduct'] : -1);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_VIEWSETTINGS', $this->oView->GetForm());
     $oTable->assign('VAL_ISPUBLIC', $g_oSec->IsPublicUser());
     $oTable->sTemplate = 'htmlTableTicket.tpl';
 function _SetPager()
     if (!$this->bShowPager) {
     $oDB = new dclDB();
     $sSQL = $this->oView->GetSQL(true);
     if ($oDB->Query($sSQL) == -1) {
     $iRecords = $oDB->f(0);
     $bNext = $this->oView->startrow + $this->oView->numrows < $iRecords;
     $bPrev = $this->oView->startrow > 0;
     if ($this->oView->numrows > 0) {
         if ($iRecords % $this->oView->numrows == 0) {
             $this->_SetVar('VAL_PAGES', strval($iRecords / $this->oView->numrows));
         } else {
             $this->_SetVar('VAL_PAGES', strval(ceil($iRecords / $this->oView->numrows)));
         $this->_SetVar('VAL_PAGE', strval($this->oView->startrow / $this->oView->numrows + 1));
     } else {
         $this->_SetVar('VAL_PAGES', '0');
         $this->_SetVar('VAL_PAGE', '0');
     $this->_SetVar('VAL_JUMPDISABLED', $bNext || $bPrev ? '' : ' disabled');
     $this->_SetVar('VAL_PREVDISABLED', $bPrev ? '' : ' disabled');
     $this->_SetVar('VAL_NEXTDISABLED', $bNext ? '' : ' disabled');
     $this->_SetVar('VAL_FILTERMENUACTION', $this->sPagingMenuAction);
     $this->_SetVar('VAL_FILTERSTARTROW', $this->oView->startrow);
     $this->_SetVar('VAL_FILTERNUMROWS', $this->oView->numrows);
     $this->Template->parse('hPager', 'pager');
function dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4()
    // And you thought dcl_upgrade0_9_3 was nasty????  You ain't seen nothin' yet...
    function dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4_write_message($sMessage)
        global $phpgw_setup;
        if (!$phpgw_setup->oProc->m_bDeltaOnly) {
            echo $sMessage;
    global $phpgw_setup, $setup_info, $dcl_domain, $dcl_domain_info;
    $sType = $dcl_domain_info[$dcl_domain]['dbType'];
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreatePrimaryKey('dcl_wiki', array('dcl_entity_type_id', 'dcl_entity_id', 'dcl_entity_id2', 'page_name'));
    if ($sType == 'pgsql') {
        // Fix table defaults for auto fields
        $aTables = array('departments' => 'id', 'faq' => 'faqid', 'faqtopics' => 'topicid', 'faqquestions' => 'questionid', 'faqanswers' => 'answerid');
        foreach ($aTables as $sTable => $sField) {
            $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("ALTER TABLE {$sTable} ALTER {$sField} SET DEFAULT nextval('seq_{$sTable}')");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->AddColumn('products', 'is_versioned', array('type' => 'char', 'precision' => 1, 'nullable' => false, 'default' => 'N'));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_product_build', array('fd' => array('product_build_id' => array('type' => 'auto', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'product_version_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'product_build_descr' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 50, 'nullable' => false), 'product_build_on' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => false)), 'pk' => array('product_build_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array(), 'uc' => array('uc_dcl_product_build_descr' => array('product_build_descr'))));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_product_build_except', array('fd' => array('product_build_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'entity_type_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'entity_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'entity_id2' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false)), 'pk' => array('product_build_id', 'entity_type_id', 'entity_id', 'entity_id2'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array(), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_product_build_sccs', array('fd' => array('product_build_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'sccs_xref_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false)), 'pk' => array('product_build_id', 'sccs_xref_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array(), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_product_version', array('fd' => array('product_version_id' => array('type' => 'auto', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'product_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'product_version_text' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 50, 'nullable' => false), 'product_version_descr' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 100, 'nullable' => false), 'product_version_target_date' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => false), 'product_version_actual_date' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => true)), 'pk' => array('product_version_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array(), 'uc' => array('uc_dcl_product_version_text' => array('product_version_text'))));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_product_version_item', array('fd' => array('product_version_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'entity_type_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'entity_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'entity_id2' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'version_status_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'version_item_submit_on' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => true), 'version_item_apply_on' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => true)), 'pk' => array('product_version_id', 'entity_type_id', 'entity_id', 'entity_id2'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array(), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->AlterColumn('personnel', 'short', array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 25, 'nullable' => false));
    // Tidy up the short field
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('update personnel set short = rtrim(short)');
    // Adding support for public interfaces and ticket/work order sources
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_entity_source', array('fd' => array('entity_source_id' => array('type' => 'auto', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'entity_source_name' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 50, 'nullable' => false), 'active' => array('type' => 'char', 'precision' => 1, 'default' => 'Y', 'nullable' => false)), 'pk' => array('entity_source_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array(), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->AddColumn('workorders', 'entity_source_id', array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->AddColumn('workorders', 'is_public', array('type' => 'char', 'precision' => 1, 'nullable' => false, 'default' => 'N'));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->AddColumn('tickets', 'entity_source_id', array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->AddColumn('tickets', 'is_public', array('type' => 'char', 'precision' => 1, 'nullable' => false, 'default' => 'N'));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->AddColumn('timecards', 'is_public', array('type' => 'char', 'precision' => 1, 'nullable' => false, 'default' => 'N'));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->AddColumn('ticketresolutions', 'is_public', array('type' => 'char', 'precision' => 1, 'nullable' => false, 'default' => 'N'));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->AddColumn('products', 'is_public', array('type' => 'char', 'precision' => 1, 'nullable' => false, 'default' => 'N'));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("insert into dcl_config (dcl_config_name, dcl_config_field, dcl_config_varchar) values ('DCL_BUILD_MANAGER_ENABLED', 'dcl_config_varchar', 'N')");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("insert into dcl_config (dcl_config_name, dcl_config_field, dcl_config_varchar) values ('DCL_SMTP_AUTH_REQUIRED', 'dcl_config_varchar', 'N')");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("insert into dcl_config (dcl_config_name, dcl_config_field, dcl_config_varchar) values ('DCL_SMTP_AUTH_USER', 'dcl_config_varchar', 'smtp_user')");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("insert into dcl_config (dcl_config_name, dcl_config_field, dcl_config_varchar) values ('DCL_SMTP_AUTH_PWD', 'dcl_config_varchar', 'smtp_pass')");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_addr_type', array('fd' => array('addr_type_id' => array('type' => 'auto', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'addr_type_name' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 30, 'nullable' => false)), 'pk' => array('addr_type_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array(), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_email_type', array('fd' => array('email_type_id' => array('type' => 'auto', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'email_type_name' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 30, 'nullable' => false)), 'pk' => array('email_type_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array(), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_note_type', array('fd' => array('note_type_id' => array('type' => 'auto', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'note_type_name' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 30, 'nullable' => false)), 'pk' => array('note_type_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array(), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_phone_type', array('fd' => array('phone_type_id' => array('type' => 'auto', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'phone_type_name' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 30, 'nullable' => false)), 'pk' => array('phone_type_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array(), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_url_type', array('fd' => array('url_type_id' => array('type' => 'auto', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'url_type_name' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 30, 'nullable' => false)), 'pk' => array('url_type_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array(), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_org_type', array('fd' => array('org_type_id' => array('type' => 'auto', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'org_type_name' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 30, 'nullable' => false)), 'pk' => array('org_type_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array(), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_contact_type', array('fd' => array('contact_type_id' => array('type' => 'auto', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'contact_type_name' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 30, 'nullable' => false)), 'pk' => array('contact_type_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array(), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_contact', array('fd' => array('contact_id' => array('type' => 'auto', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'first_name' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 50, 'nullable' => false), 'last_name' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 50, 'nullable' => false), 'middle_name' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 50, 'nullable' => true), 'active' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 30, 'nullable' => false, 'default' => 'Y'), 'created_on' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => false), 'created_by' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'modified_on' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => true), 'modified_by' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => true)), 'pk' => array('contact_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array('ix_dcl_contact_name_id' => array('last_name', 'first_name', 'contact_id')), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_contact_addr', array('fd' => array('contact_addr_id' => array('type' => 'auto', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'contact_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'addr_type_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'add1' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 50, 'nullable' => true), 'add2' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 50, 'nullable' => true), 'city' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 50, 'nullable' => true), 'state' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 30, 'nullable' => true), 'zip' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 20, 'nullable' => true), 'country' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 40, 'nullable' => true), 'preferred' => array('type' => 'char', 'precision' => 1, 'default' => 'N', 'nullable' => false), 'created_on' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => false), 'created_by' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'modified_on' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => true), 'modified_by' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => true)), 'pk' => array('contact_addr_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array('ix_dcl_contact_addr_contact' => array('contact_id')), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_contact_email', array('fd' => array('contact_email_id' => array('type' => 'auto', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'contact_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'email_type_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'email_addr' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 100, 'nullable' => true), 'preferred' => array('type' => 'char', 'precision' => 1, 'default' => 'N', 'nullable' => false), 'created_on' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => false), 'created_by' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'modified_on' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => true), 'modified_by' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => true)), 'pk' => array('contact_email_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array('ix_dcl_contact_email_contact' => array('contact_id')), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_contact_note', array('fd' => array('contact_note_id' => array('type' => 'auto', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'contact_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'note_type_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'note_text' => array('type' => 'text', 'nullable' => false), 'created_on' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => false), 'created_by' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'modified_on' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => true), 'modified_by' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => true)), 'pk' => array('contact_note_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array('ix_dcl_contact_note_contact' => array('contact_id')), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_contact_phone', array('fd' => array('contact_phone_id' => array('type' => 'auto', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'contact_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'phone_type_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'phone_number' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 30, 'nullable' => false), 'preferred' => array('type' => 'char', 'precision' => 1, 'default' => 'N', 'nullable' => false), 'created_on' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => false), 'created_by' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'modified_on' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => true), 'modified_by' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => true)), 'pk' => array('contact_phone_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array('ix_dcl_contact_phone_contact' => array('contact_id')), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_contact_type_xref', array('fd' => array('contact_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'contact_type_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false)), 'pk' => array('contact_id', 'contact_type_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array(), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_contact_url', array('fd' => array('contact_url_id' => array('type' => 'auto', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'contact_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'url_type_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'url_addr' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 150, 'nullable' => false), 'preferred' => array('type' => 'char', 'precision' => 1, 'default' => 'N', 'nullable' => false), 'created_on' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => false), 'created_by' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'modified_on' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => true), 'modified_by' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => true)), 'pk' => array('contact_url_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array('ix_dcl_contact_url_contact' => array('contact_id')), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_org', array('fd' => array('org_id' => array('type' => 'auto', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'name' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 50, 'nullable' => false), 'active' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 1, 'default' => 'Y', 'nullable' => false), 'parent' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => true), 'created_on' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => false), 'created_by' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'modified_on' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => true), 'modified_by' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => true)), 'pk' => array('org_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array('ix_dcl_org_name_id' => array('name', 'org_id')), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_org_addr', array('fd' => array('org_addr_id' => array('type' => 'auto', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'org_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'addr_type_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'add1' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 50, 'nullable' => true), 'add2' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 50, 'nullable' => true), 'city' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 50, 'nullable' => true), 'state' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 30, 'nullable' => true), 'zip' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 20, 'nullable' => true), 'country' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 40, 'nullable' => true), 'preferred' => array('type' => 'char', 'precision' => 1, 'default' => 'N', 'nullable' => false), 'created_on' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => false), 'created_by' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'modified_on' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => true), 'modified_by' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => true)), 'pk' => array('org_addr_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array('ix_dcl_org_addr_org' => array('org_id')), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_org_alias', array('fd' => array('org_alias_id' => array('type' => 'auto', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'org_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'alias' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 50, 'nullable' => true), 'created_on' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => false), 'created_by' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'modified_on' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => true), 'modified_by' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => true)), 'pk' => array('org_alias_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array('ix_dcl_org_alias_org' => array('org_id')), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_org_contact', array('fd' => array('org_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'contact_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'created_on' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => false), 'created_by' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false)), 'pk' => array('org_id', 'contact_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array('ix_dcl_org_contact_contact' => array('contact_id')), 'uc' => array()));
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    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (7,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (7,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (7,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (7,11)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (8,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (8,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (8,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (8,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (9,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (9,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (9,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (9,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (10,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (10,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (10,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (10,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (11,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (11,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (11,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (11,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (12,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (12,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (12,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (13,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (13,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (13,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (14,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (14,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (14,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (14,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (15,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (15,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (15,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (15,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (16,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (16,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (16,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (17,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (17,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (17,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (18,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (18,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (18,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (19,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (19,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (19,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (19,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (19,9)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (20,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (20,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (20,11)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (21,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (21,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (21,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (21,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (22,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (22,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (22,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (22,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (23,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (23,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (23,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (23,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (24,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (24,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (24,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (24,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (25,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (25,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (25,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (25,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (26,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (26,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (26,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (26,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (27,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (27,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (27,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (27,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (28,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (28,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (28,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (28,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (29,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (29,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (29,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (29,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (30,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (30,11)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (31,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (31,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (31,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (31,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (32,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (32,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (32,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (32,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (33,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (33,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (33,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (33,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (34,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (34,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (34,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (34,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (35,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (35,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (36,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (36,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (36,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (36,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (37,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (37,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (37,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (37,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (38,1)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (38,2)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (38,3)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_entity_perm VALUES (38,4)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_role', array('fd' => array('role_id' => array('type' => 'auto', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'role_desc' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 50, 'nullable' => false), 'active' => array('type' => 'char', 'precision' => 1, 'nullable' => false)), 'pk' => array('role_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array(), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_role (role_desc, active) VALUES ('Administrator (Level 9)', 'Y')");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_role (role_desc, active) VALUES ('Guest (Level 2)', 'Y')");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_role (role_desc, active) VALUES ('Submit (Level 3)', 'Y')");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_role (role_desc, active) VALUES ('Action (Level 4)', 'Y')");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_role (role_desc, active) VALUES ('Assign (Level 5)', 'Y')");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_role (role_desc, active) VALUES ('Modify (Level 7)', 'Y')");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_role (role_desc, active) VALUES ('Delete (Level 8)', 'Y')");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_role_perm', array('fd' => array('role_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'entity_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'perm_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false)), 'pk' => array('role_id', 'entity_id', 'perm_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array(), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (1,0,0)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (2,1,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (2,1,22)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (2,2,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (2,2,13)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (2,2,22)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (2,3,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (2,3,13)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (2,3,22)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (2,12,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (2,13,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (2,15,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (2,30,11)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (3,1,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (3,1,22)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (3,2,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (3,2,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (3,2,13)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (3,2,18)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (3,2,22)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (3,3,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (3,3,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (3,3,13)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (3,3,18)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (3,3,22)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (3,12,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (3,13,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (3,15,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (3,30,11)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (4,1,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (4,1,20)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (4,1,22)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (4,2,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (4,2,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (4,2,10)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (4,2,13)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (4,2,18)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (4,2,20)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (4,2,22)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (4,3,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (4,3,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (4,3,10)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (4,3,13)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (4,3,18)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (4,3,20)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (4,3,22)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (4,5,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (4,5,20)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (4,12,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (4,13,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (4,15,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (4,30,11)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,1,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,1,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,1,9)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,1,16)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,1,17)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,1,18)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,1,19)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,1,20)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,1,22)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,2,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,2,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,2,9)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,2,10)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,2,12)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,2,13)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,2,14)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,2,15)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,2,18)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,2,19)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,2,20)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,2,22)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,3,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,3,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,3,8)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,3,9)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,3,10)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,3,12)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,3,13)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,3,15)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,3,18)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,3,19)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,3,20)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,3,22)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,4,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,4,20)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,5,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,5,20)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,6,20)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,12,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,13,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,15,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,15,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,16,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,17,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,18,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,19,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,19,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,19,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,19,9)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,22,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,30,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (5,30,11)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,1,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,1,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,1,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,1,9)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,1,16)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,1,17)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,1,18)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,1,19)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,1,20)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,1,22)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,2,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,2,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,2,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,2,9)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,2,10)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,2,12)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,2,13)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,2,14)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,2,15)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,2,18)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,2,19)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,2,20)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,2,22)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,3,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,3,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,3,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,3,8)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,3,9)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,3,10)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,3,12)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,3,13)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,3,15)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,3,18)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,3,19)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,3,20)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,3,22)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,4,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,4,20)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,5,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,5,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,5,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,5,20)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,6,20)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,12,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,12,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,13,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,13,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,14,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,14,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,14,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,15,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,15,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,15,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,16,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,16,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,17,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,17,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,18,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,18,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,19,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,19,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,19,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,19,9)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,22,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,30,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (6,30,11)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,1,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,1,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,1,3)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,1,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,1,9)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,1,16)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,1,17)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,1,18)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,1,19)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,1,20)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,1,22)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,2,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,2,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,2,3)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,2,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,2,9)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,2,10)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,2,12)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,2,13)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,2,14)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,2,15)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,2,18)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,2,19)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,2,20)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,2,22)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,3,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,3,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,3,3)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,3,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,3,8)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,3,9)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,3,10)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,3,12)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,3,13)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,3,15)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,3,18)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,3,19)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,3,20)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,3,22)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,4,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,4,20)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,5,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,5,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,5,3)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,5,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,5,20)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,6,20)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,12,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,12,3)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,12,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,13,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,13,3)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,13,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,14,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,14,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,14,3)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,14,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,15,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,15,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,15,3)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,15,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,16,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,16,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,16,3)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,17,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,17,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,17,3)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,18,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,18,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,18,3)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,19,1)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,19,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,19,3)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,19,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,19,9)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,22,4)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,30,2)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_role_perm VALUES (7,30,11)');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_user_role', array('fd' => array('personnel_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'entity_type_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'entity_id1' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'entity_id2' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'role_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false)), 'pk' => array('personnel_id', 'entity_type_id', 'entity_id1', 'entity_id2', 'role_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array(), 'uc' => array()));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_user_role SELECT id, 0, 0, 0, 1 FROM personnel WHERE security > 8');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_user_role SELECT id, 0, 0, 0, 2 FROM personnel WHERE security < 3');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_user_role SELECT id, 0, 0, 0, 3 FROM personnel WHERE security = 3');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_user_role SELECT id, 0, 0, 0, 4 FROM personnel WHERE security = 4');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_user_role SELECT id, 0, 0, 0, 5 FROM personnel WHERE security = 5');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_user_role SELECT id, 0, 0, 0, 6 FROM personnel WHERE security = 7 OR security = 6');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('INSERT INTO dcl_user_role SELECT id, 0, 0, 0, 7 FROM personnel WHERE security = 8');
    // Convert accounts table to real organization entries
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_org_type (org_type_name) VALUES ('Converted')");
    if (!$phpgw_setup->oProc->m_bDeltaOnly) {
        $iOrgTypeID = $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->GetLastInsertID('dcl_org_type');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_contact_type (contact_type_name) VALUES ('Converted')");
    if (!$phpgw_setup->oProc->m_bDeltaOnly) {
        $iContactTypeID = $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->GetLastInsertID('dcl_contact_type');
    if ($sType == 'mssql' || $sType == 'sybase') {
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('SET IDENTITY_INSERT dcl_org ON');
    dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4_write_message('<br>Converting orgs...');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("insert into dcl_org (org_id, name, active, created_on, created_by) select id, name, active, " . $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->GetDateSQL() . ", 1 from accounts");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->UpdateSequence('dcl_org', 'org_id');
    if ($sType == 'mssql' || $sType == 'sybase') {
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('SET IDENTITY_INSERT dcl_org OFF');
    if (!$phpgw_setup->oProc->m_bDeltaOnly) {
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("insert into dcl_org_alias (org_id, alias, created_on, created_by) select id, short, " . $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->GetDateSQL() . ", 1 from accounts WHERE short IS NOT NULL AND short != ''");
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("insert into dcl_phone_type (phone_type_name) values ('Voice')");
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("insert into dcl_org_phone (org_id, phone_type_id, phone_number, preferred, created_on, created_by) select id, 1, voice, 'Y', " . $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->GetDateSQL() . ", 1 from accounts where voice is not null and voice != ''");
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("insert into dcl_phone_type (phone_type_name) values ('Fax')");
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("insert into dcl_org_phone (org_id, phone_type_id, phone_number, preferred, created_on, created_by) select id, 2, fax, 'N', " . $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->GetDateSQL() . ", 1 from accounts where fax is not null and fax != ''");
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("insert into dcl_phone_type (phone_type_name) values ('Data1')");
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("insert into dcl_org_phone (org_id, phone_type_id, phone_number, preferred, created_on, created_by) select id, 3, data1, 'N', " . $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->GetDateSQL() . ", 1 from accounts where data1 is not null and data1 != ''");
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("insert into dcl_phone_type (phone_type_name) values ('Data2')");
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("insert into dcl_org_phone (org_id, phone_type_id, phone_number, preferred, created_on, created_by) select id, 4, data2, 'N', " . $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->GetDateSQL() . ", 1 from accounts where data2 is not null and data2 != ''");
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("insert into dcl_addr_type (addr_type_name) values ('Default')");
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("insert into dcl_org_addr (org_id, addr_type_id, add1, add2, city, state, zip, preferred, created_on, created_by) select id, 1, add1, add2, city, state, zip, 'Y', " . $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->GetDateSQL() . ", 1 from accounts where (add1 is not null and add1 != '') or (add2 is not null and add2 != '') or (city is not null and city != '') or (state is not null and state != '') or (zip is not null and zip != '')");
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("insert into dcl_note_type (note_type_name) values ('Converted')");
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("insert into dcl_org_note (org_id, note_type_id, note_text, created_on, created_by) select id, 1, notes, " . $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->GetDateSQL() . ", 1 from accounts where notes is not null and notes not like ''");
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_org_type_xref SELECT org_id, {$iOrgTypeID} FROM dcl_org");
    // Now is the time to convert the contacts
    if (!$phpgw_setup->oProc->m_bDeltaOnly) {
        // Temporary working table
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->CreateTable('dcl_contact_cnv', array('fd' => array('cnv_id' => array('type' => 'auto', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'entity_type_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'entity_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'entity_id2' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'contactname' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 80), 'contactphone' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 20), 'contactemail' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 100), 'lastname' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 50), 'firstname' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 50), 'contactphone_num' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 20), 'contact_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4)), 'pk' => array('cnv_id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array('ix_dcl_contact_cnv_1' => array('lastname', 'firstname', 'contactphone_num'), 'ix_dcl_contact_cnv_2' => array('entity_type_id')), 'uc' => array()));
        // users
        dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4_write_message('<br>Getting user contacts...');
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('insert into dcl_contact_cnv (entity_type_id, entity_id, entity_id2, lastname, firstname, contactemail) select 7, id, 0, lastname, firstname, email from personnel');
        // work orders
        dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4_write_message('<br>Getting work order contacts...');
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("insert into dcl_contact_cnv (entity_type_id, entity_id, entity_id2, contactname, contactphone) select 2, jcn, seq, contact, contactphone from workorders where (contact is not null and contact != '') or (contactphone is not null and contactphone != '')");
        // tickets
        dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4_write_message('<br>Getting ticket contacts...');
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('insert into dcl_contact_cnv (entity_type_id, entity_id, entity_id2, contactname, contactphone, contactemail) select 3, ticketid, 0, contact, contactphone, contactemail from tickets');
        // Scrub the data - very basic, nothing fancy
        $oDB = new dclDB();
        $i = 0;
        dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4_write_message('<br/>Scrubbing contact data (# = 1000): ');
        $oDB->Query('SELECT cnv_id, contactphone, contactname FROM dcl_contact_cnv WHERE contactname IS NOT NULL ORDER BY cnv_id');
        $iStartTime = time();
        while ($oDB->next_record()) {
            // Phone number
            $iID = $oDB->f(0);
            $sPhoneNum = trim($oDB->f(1));
            $sName = trim($oDB->f(2));
            $sPhoneNumOnly = ereg_replace('[^0-9]', '', $sPhoneNum);
            $sLastName = '';
            $sFirstName = '';
            // last, first, "first last", or just last
            $iPos = strpos($sName, ',');
            if ($iPos !== false) {
                $aName = split(',', $sName);
                $sLastName = trim($aName[0]);
                if (count($aName) > 1) {
                    $sFirstName = trim($aName[1]);
                if (count($aName) > 2) {
                    for ($j = 2; $j < count($aName); $j++) {
                        $sFirstName .= ' ' . trim($aName[$j]);
            } else {
                $iPos = strpos($sName, ' ');
                if ($iPos !== false) {
                    $aName = split(' ', $sName);
                    $sFirstName = trim($aName[0]);
                    if (count($aName) > 1) {
                        $sLastName = trim($aName[1]);
                    if (count($aName) > 2) {
                        for ($j = 2; $j < count($aName); $j++) {
                            $sLastName .= ' ' . trim($aName[$j]);
                } else {
                    $sLastName = $sName;
                    $sFirstName = '_';
            if ($sPhoneNumOnly != '' || $sLastName != '' || $sFirstName != '') {
                $sPhoneNumOnly = $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->DBAddSlashes($sPhoneNumOnly);
                $sLastName = $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->DBAddSlashes($sLastName);
                $sFirstName = $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->DBAddSlashes($sFirstName);
                $sName = $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->DBAddSlashes($sName);
                $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("UPDATE dcl_contact_cnv SET contactphone_num = '{$sPhoneNumOnly}', lastname = '{$sLastName}', firstname = '{$sFirstName}' WHERE cnv_id = {$iID}");
                if (++$i % 1000 == 0) {
                    dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4_write_message('# ');
                    // add some more time
        // More time!
        // Create contact records for the personnel records
        $i = 0;
        $iStartTime = time();
        dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4_write_message('<br>Creating contact records for personnel (# = 500): ');
        $oDB->Query('SELECT lastname, firstname, cnv_id FROM dcl_contact_cnv WHERE entity_type_id = 7 ORDER BY lastname, firstname, contactemail');
        while ($oDB->next_record()) {
            $sLastName = $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->DBAddSlashes($oDB->f(0));
            $sFirstName = $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->DBAddSlashes($oDB->f(1));
            $iCnvID = $oDB->f(2);
            $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_contact (first_name, last_name, created_on, created_by) VALUES ('{$sFirstName}', '{$sLastName}', " . $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->GetDateSQL() . ", 1)");
            $iID = $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->GetLastInsertID('dcl_contact');
            $sSQL = "UPDATE dcl_contact_cnv SET contact_id = {$iID} WHERE cnv_id = {$iCnvID}";
            if (++$i % 500 == 0) {
                dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4_write_message('# ');
                // add some more time
        // More time!
        // Create contact records for the distinct name/phone combinations, this will undoubtedly
        // create duplicates, but there will be a way to "merge" contacts together
        $i = 0;
        $iStartTime = time();
        dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4_write_message('<br>Creating contact records for wo/tickets (# = 500): ');
        $oDB->Query('SELECT lastname, firstname, contactphone_num FROM dcl_contact_cnv GROUP BY lastname, firstname, contactphone_num ORDER BY UPPER(lastname), UPPER(firstname), contactphone_num');
        $sLastLastName = '';
        $sLastFirstName = '';
        $sLastPhone = '';
        $iID = -1;
        while ($oDB->next_record()) {
            // for case-sensitive databases, we'll skip multiple instances of same uppercase name/phone
            if (strtoupper($oDB->f(0)) != $sLastLastName || strtoupper($oDB->f(1)) != $sLastFirstName || $oDB->f(2) != $sLastPhone) {
                $sLastLastName = strtoupper($oDB->f(0));
                $sLastFirstName = strtoupper($oDB->f(1));
                $sLastPhone = $oDB->f(2);
                $sLastName = $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->DBAddSlashes($oDB->f(0));
                $sFirstName = $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->DBAddSlashes($oDB->f(1));
                $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_contact (first_name, last_name, created_by) VALUES ('{$sFirstName}', '{$sLastName}', 1)");
                $iID = $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->GetLastInsertID('dcl_contact');
            if ($iID == -1) {
            $sSQL = "UPDATE dcl_contact_cnv SET contact_id = {$iID} WHERE ";
            $sSQL .= "lastname " . ($oDB->IsFieldNull(0) ? 'IS NULL' : "= '" . $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->DBAddSlashes($oDB->f(0)) . "'");
            $sSQL .= " AND firstname " . ($oDB->IsFieldNull(1) ? 'IS NULL' : "= '" . $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->DBAddSlashes($oDB->f(1)) . "'");
            $sSQL .= " AND contactphone_num " . ($oDB->IsFieldNull(2) ? 'IS NULL' : "= '" . $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->DBAddSlashes($oDB->f(2)) . "'");
            if (++$i % 500 == 0) {
                dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4_write_message('# ');
                // add some more time
        // Add records for phone and email
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_contact_phone (contact_id, phone_type_id, phone_number, preferred, created_on, created_by) SELECT DISTINCT contact_id, 1, contactphone, 'N', " . $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->GetDateSQL() . ", 1 FROM dcl_contact_cnv WHERE contactphone IS NOT NULL AND contactphone != '' AND contact_id IS NOT NULL");
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_email_type (email_type_name) VALUES ('Default')");
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_contact_email (contact_id, email_type_id, email_addr, preferred, created_on, created_by) SELECT DISTINCT contact_id, 1, contactemail, 'N', " . $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->GetDateSQL() . ", 1 FROM dcl_contact_cnv WHERE contactemail IS NOT NULL AND contactemail != '' AND contact_id IS NOT NULL");
        // Update preferred status for email
        $i = 0;
        $iStartTime = time();
        dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4_write_message('<br>Setting preferred email address (# = 1000): ');
        $oDB->Query('SELECT MIN(contact_email_id) FROM dcl_contact_email GROUP BY contact_id');
        while ($oDB->next_record()) {
            $iID = $oDB->f(0);
            $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("UPDATE dcl_contact_email SET preferred = 'Y' WHERE contact_email_id = {$iID}");
            if (++$i % 1000 == 0) {
                dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4_write_message('# ');
                // add some more time
        // Update preferred status for phone numbers
        $i = 0;
        $iStartTime = time();
        dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4_write_message('<br>Setting preferred phone numbers (# = 1000): ');
        $oDB->Query('SELECT MIN(contact_phone_id) FROM dcl_contact_phone GROUP BY contact_id');
        while ($oDB->next_record()) {
            $iID = $oDB->f(0);
            $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("UPDATE dcl_contact_phone SET preferred = 'Y' WHERE contact_phone_id = {$iID}");
            if (++$i % 1000 == 0) {
                dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4_write_message('# ');
                // add some more time
        printf("<b>Completed contact conversion of %d records in %d seconds (%d / sec)</b><br/>", $i, time() - $iStartTime, time() - $iStartTime > 0 ? $i / (time() - $iStartTime) : 0);
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->AddColumn('workorders', 'contact_id', array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->AddColumn('tickets', 'contact_id', array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->AddColumn('personnel', 'contact_id', array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4));
    if ($sType == 'mysql') {
        dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4_write_message('<br>Setting personnel contact field ');
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('UPDATE personnel P, dcl_contact_cnv C SET P.contact_id = C.contact_id WHERE C.entity_type_id = 7 AND C.entity_id =');
        dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4_write_message('<br>Setting work orders contact field ');
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('UPDATE workorders W, dcl_contact_cnv C SET W.contact_id = C.contact_id WHERE C.entity_type_id = 2 AND C.entity_id = W.jcn AND C.entity_id2 = W.seq');
        dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4_write_message('<br>Setting tickets contact field ');
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('UPDATE tickets T, dcl_contact_cnv C SET T.contact_id = C.contact_id WHERE C.entity_type_id = 3 AND C.entity_id = T.ticketid');
    } else {
        dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4_write_message('<br>Setting personnel contact field ');
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('UPDATE personnel SET contact_id = dcl_contact_cnv.contact_id FROM dcl_contact_cnv WHERE dcl_contact_cnv.entity_type_id = 7 AND dcl_contact_cnv.entity_id =');
        dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4_write_message('<br>Setting work orders contact field ');
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('UPDATE workorders SET contact_id = dcl_contact_cnv.contact_id FROM dcl_contact_cnv WHERE dcl_contact_cnv.entity_type_id = 2 AND dcl_contact_cnv.entity_id = workorders.jcn AND dcl_contact_cnv.entity_id2 = workorders.seq');
        dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4_write_message('<br>Setting tickets contact field ');
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('UPDATE tickets SET contact_id = dcl_contact_cnv.contact_id FROM dcl_contact_cnv WHERE dcl_contact_cnv.entity_type_id = 3 AND dcl_contact_cnv.entity_id = tickets.ticketid');
    // Set up a default "converted" type for contacts
    dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4_write_message('<br>Setting contact types ');
    if (!$phpgw_setup->oProc->m_bDeltaOnly) {
        $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("INSERT INTO dcl_contact_type_xref SELECT contact_id, {$iContactTypeID} FROM dcl_contact");
    // Now we blindly start adding all distinct combinations of orgs/contacts
    // The end result could be messy in some cases, but it's better than manually setting these up later
    dcl_upgrade0_9_4_4_write_message('<br>Setting default org/contact relationships');
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query('insert into dcl_org_contact select distinct account, contact_id, ' . $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->GetDateSQL() . ', 1 from tickets where account is not null and contact_id is not null union select distinct a.account_id, w.contact_id, ' . $phpgw_setup->oProc->m_odb->GetDateSQL() . ', 1 from workorders w, dcl_wo_account a where w.jcn = a.wo_id and w.seq = a.seq and a.account_id is not null and w.contact_id is not null');
    if (!$phpgw_setup->oProc->m_bDeltaOnly) {
    // Bye bye free form fields
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->DropColumn('workorders', array('fd' => array('jcn' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'seq' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'product' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'createby' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'createdon' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => false), 'closedby' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4), 'closedon' => array('type' => 'date'), 'status' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4), 'statuson' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => false), 'lastactionon' => array('type' => 'timestamp'), 'deadlineon' => array('type' => 'date'), 'eststarton' => array('type' => 'date'), 'estendon' => array('type' => 'date'), 'starton' => array('type' => 'date'), 'esthours' => array('type' => 'float', 'precision' => 8), 'totalhours' => array('type' => 'float', 'precision' => 8), 'priority' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'severity' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'summary' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 100, 'nullable' => false), 'notes' => array('type' => 'text'), 'description' => array('type' => 'text', 'nullable' => false), 'responsible' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'revision' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 20), 'etchours' => array('type' => 'float', 'precision' => 8), 'module_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4), 'wo_type_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'entity_source_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => true), 'is_public' => array('type' => 'char', 'precision' => 1, 'nullable' => false, 'default' => 'N'), 'contact_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => true)), 'pk' => array('jcn', 'seq'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array(), 'uc' => array()), array('contact', 'contactphone'));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->DropColumn('tickets', array('fd' => array('ticketid' => array('type' => 'auto', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'product' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'account' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4), 'createdby' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'createdon' => array('type' => 'timestamp'), 'responsible' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'closedby' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4), 'closedon' => array('type' => 'timestamp'), 'status' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'statuson' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'nullable' => false), 'lastactionon' => array('type' => 'timestamp'), 'priority' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'type' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'issue' => array('type' => 'text', 'nullable' => false), 'version' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 20), 'summary' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 100, 'nullable' => false), 'seconds' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'default' => 0, 'nullable' => false), 'module_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4), 'entity_source_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4), 'is_public' => array('type' => 'char', 'precision' => 1, 'nullable' => false, 'default' => 'N'), 'contact_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => true)), 'pk' => array('ticketid'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array(), 'uc' => array()), array('contact', 'contactphone'));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->DropColumn('personnel', array('fd' => array('id' => array('type' => 'auto', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false), 'short' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 25, 'nullable' => false), 'reportto' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4), 'department' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4), 'pwd' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 50, 'nullable' => false), 'active' => array('type' => 'char', 'precision' => 1, 'default' => 'Y', 'nullable' => false), 'contact_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4, 'nullable' => false)), 'pk' => array('id'), 'fk' => array(), 'ix' => array(), 'uc' => array()), array('lastname', 'firstname', 'security', 'email'));
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("DELETE FROM dcl_config WHERE dcl_config_name IN ('DCL_ADD_USER', 'DCL_DEL_WO', 'DCL_MOD_WO', 'DCL_ASSIGN_WO', 'DCL_ADD_WO', 'DCL_HAVE_WO', 'DCL_CHG_PWD', 'DCL_COLOR_DARK', 'DCL_COLOR_LIGHT', 'DCL_WIKI_VIEW', 'DCL_WIKI_VIEW')");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("insert into dcl_config (dcl_config_name, dcl_config_field, dcl_config_int) values ('DCL_GATEWAY_WO_ACCOUNT', 'dcl_config_int', 0)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("insert into dcl_config (dcl_config_name, dcl_config_field, dcl_config_int) values ('DCL_GATEWAY_WO_REPLY_LOGGED_BY', 'dcl_config_int', 0)");
    $phpgw_setup->oProc->Query("UPDATE dcl_config SET dcl_config_varchar='0.9.5RC1' WHERE dcl_config_name='DCL_VERSION'");
    $setup_info['dcl']['currentver'] = '0.9.5RC1';
    return $setup_info['dcl']['currentver'];
 function GetProjectStatistics($projectid, $includeChildren = false, $includeParents = false)
     $retval = array('totaltasks' => 0, 'esthours' => 0.0, 'totalhours' => 0.0, 'etchours' => 0.0, 'resources' => 0, 'tasksclosed' => 0);
     $obj = new dclDB();
     $projectids = $projectid;
     if ($includeChildren) {
         $children = $this->GetProjectChildren($projectid);
         if ($children != '') {
             $projectids .= "," . $children;
     if ($includeParents) {
         $parents = $this->GetProjectParents($projectid);
         if ($parents != '') {
             $projectids .= "," . $parents;
     $sql = 'SELECT count(*),sum(esthours),sum(totalhours),sum(etchours) FROM workorders a, projectmap b WHERE ';
     $sql .= "a.jcn=b.jcn AND (b.seq=0 OR a.seq=b.seq) AND b.projectid in ({$projectids}) ";
     if ($obj->Query($sql) != -1) {
         if ($obj->next_record()) {
             $retval['totaltasks'] = $obj->f(0);
             $retval['esthours'] = $obj->f(1);
             $retval['totalhours'] = $obj->f(2);
             $retval['etchours'] = $obj->f(3);
     $sql = 'SELECT distinct responsible FROM workorders a, projectmap b, statuses c WHERE ';
     $sql .= "a.jcn=b.jcn AND (b.seq=0 OR a.seq=b.seq) AND b.projectid in ({$projectids}) AND AND c.dcl_status_type!=2";
     if ($obj->Query($sql) != -1) {
         // spin through results to get count - Oracle has no numrows and mysql doesn't support count(distinct) in older versions :-(
         while ($obj->next_record()) {
     $sql = 'SELECT count(*) FROM workorders a, projectmap b, statuses c WHERE ';
     $sql .= "a.jcn=b.jcn AND (b.seq=0 OR a.seq=b.seq) AND b.projectid in ({$projectids}) AND AND c.dcl_status_type=2";
     if ($obj->Query($sql) != -1) {
         if ($obj->next_record()) {
             $retval['tasksclosed'] = $obj->f(0);
     return $retval;
 function Render(&$oView)
     global $dcl_info, $g_oSec;
     if (!is_object($oView)) {
         trigger_error('[htmlProjectsBrowse::Render] ' . STR_VW_VIEWOBJECTNOTPASSED);
     if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_PROJECT, DCL_PERM_VIEW)) {
         return PrintPermissionDenied();
     $this->oView =& $oView;
     // Reset start row if filter changes
     if (isset($_REQUEST['filter']) && $_REQUEST['filter'] == 'Filter') {
         $oView->startrow = 0;
     if (!$this->_Execute()) {
     $oTable = CreateObject('dcl.htmlTable');
     for ($iColumn = 0; $iColumn < count($this->oView->groups); $iColumn++) {
     foreach ($this->oView->columnhdrs as $sColumn) {
         $oTable->addColumn($sColumn, 'string');
     $oTable->addColumn(STR_CMMN_OPTIONS, 'string');
     //$aOptions = array('Export' => array('menuAction' => 'boViews.export', 'hasPermission' => true));
     $aOptions = array();
     foreach ($aOptions as $sDisplay => $aOption) {
         if ($aOption['hasPermission']) {
             $oTable->addToolbar($aOption['menuAction'], $sDisplay);
     $oDB = new dclDB();
     $sSQL = $this->oView->GetSQL(true);
     if ($oDB->Query($sSQL) == -1) {
     $iRecords = $oDB->f(0);
     if ($this->oView->numrows > 0) {
         if ($iRecords % $this->oView->numrows == 0) {
             $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGES', strval($iRecords / $this->oView->numrows));
         } else {
             $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGES', strval(ceil($iRecords / $this->oView->numrows)));
         $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGE', strval($this->oView->startrow / $this->oView->numrows + 1));
     } else {
         $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGES', '0');
         $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGE', '0');
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERMENUACTION', $this->sPagingMenuAction);
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     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERNUMROWS', $this->oView->numrows);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERSTATUS', isset($_REQUEST['filterStatus']) ? $_REQUEST['filterStatus'] : -1);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERREPORTTO', isset($_REQUEST['filterReportto']) ? $_REQUEST['filterReportto'] : -1);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERNAME', isset($_REQUEST['filterName']) ? $_REQUEST['filterName'] : '');
     $oTable->assign('VAL_VIEWSETTINGS', $this->oView->GetForm());
     $oTable->assign('VAL_WIKIUSED', $dcl_info['DCL_WIKI_ENABLED'] == 'Y' && $g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_PROJECT, DCL_PERM_VIEWWIKI));
     $oTable->sTemplate = 'htmlTableProject.tpl';
 function Render(&$oView)
     global $g_oSec;
     if (!is_object($oView)) {
         trigger_error('[htmlHotlistBrowse::Render] ' . STR_VW_VIEWOBJECTNOTPASSED);
     if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_HOTLIST, DCL_PERM_VIEW)) {
         return PrintPermissionDenied();
     $this->oView =& $oView;
     // Reset start row if filter changes
     if (isset($_REQUEST['filter']) && $_REQUEST['filter'] == 'Filter') {
         $oView->startrow = 0;
     if (!$this->_Execute()) {
     $oTable = CreateObject('dcl.htmlTable');
     $allRecs = $this->oDB->FetchAllRows();
     for ($iColumn = 0; $iColumn < count($this->oView->groups); $iColumn++) {
     foreach ($this->oView->columnhdrs as $sColumn) {
         if ($sColumn == STR_CMMN_NAME) {
             $oTable->addColumn($sColumn, 'html');
         } else {
             $oTable->addColumn($sColumn, 'string');
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($allRecs); $i++) {
         $allRecs[$i][2] = '<a href="' . menuLink('', 'menuAction=htmlHotlists.browse&tag=' . $allRecs[$i][2]) . '">' . $allRecs[$i][2] . '</a>';
     $aOptions = array(STR_CMMN_NEW => array('menuAction' => 'htmlHotlistForm.add', 'hasPermission' => $g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_HOTLIST, DCL_PERM_ADD)));
     foreach ($aOptions as $sDisplay => $aOption) {
         if ($aOption['hasPermission']) {
             $oTable->addToolbar($aOption['menuAction'], $sDisplay);
     if (count($allRecs) > 0 && $g_oSec->HasAnyPerm(array(DCL_ENTITY_HOTLIST => array($g_oSec->PermArray(DCL_PERM_VIEW), $g_oSec->PermArray(DCL_PERM_MODIFY), $g_oSec->PermArray(DCL_PERM_DELETE))))) {
         $oTable->addColumn(STR_CMMN_OPTIONS, 'html');
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($allRecs); $i++) {
             $options = '';
             if ($g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_HOTLIST, DCL_PERM_VIEW)) {
                 $options = '<a href="' . menuLink('', 'menuAction=htmlHotlistProject.View&id=' . $allRecs[$i][0]) . '">' . 'View as Project' . '</a>';
             if ($g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_HOTLIST, DCL_PERM_MODIFY)) {
                 if ($options != '') {
                     $options .= '&nbsp;|&nbsp;';
                 $options .= '<a href="' . menuLink('', 'menuAction=htmlHotlists.prioritize&hotlist_id=' . $allRecs[$i][0]) . '">' . 'Prioritize' . '</a>';
                 $options .= '&nbsp;|&nbsp;';
                 $options .= '<a href="' . menuLink('', 'menuAction=htmlHotlistForm.modify&hotlist_id=' . $allRecs[$i][0]) . '">' . STR_CMMN_EDIT . '</a>';
             if ($g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_HOTLIST, DCL_PERM_DELETE)) {
                 if ($options != '') {
                     $options .= '&nbsp;|&nbsp;';
                 $options .= '<a href="' . menuLink('', 'menuAction=htmlHotlistForm.delete&hotlist_id=' . $allRecs[$i][0]) . '">' . STR_CMMN_DELETE . '</a>';
             $allRecs[$i][] = $options;
     $oDB = new dclDB();
     $sSQL = $this->oView->GetSQL(true);
     if ($oDB->Query($sSQL) == -1) {
     $iRecords = $oDB->f(0);
     if ($this->oView->numrows > 0) {
         if ($iRecords % $this->oView->numrows == 0) {
             $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGES', strval($iRecords / $this->oView->numrows));
         } else {
             $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGES', strval(ceil($iRecords / $this->oView->numrows)));
         $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGE', strval($this->oView->startrow / $this->oView->numrows + 1));
     } else {
         $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGES', '0');
         $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGE', '0');
     $oTable->assign('VAL_LETTERS', array_merge(array('All'), range('A', 'Z')));
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERMENUACTION', $this->sPagingMenuAction);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERSTARTROW', $this->oView->startrow);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERNUMROWS', $this->oView->numrows);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_VIEWSETTINGS', $this->oView->GetForm());
     $filterActive = @$_REQUEST['filterActive'];
     if ($filterActive != 'Y' && $filterActive != 'N') {
         $filterActive = '';
     $filterStartsWith = '';
     if (isset($_REQUEST['filterStartsWith'])) {
         $filterStartsWith = $_REQUEST['filterStartsWith'];
     $filterSearch = '';
     if (isset($_REQUEST['filterSearch'])) {
         $filterSearch = $_REQUEST['filterSearch'];
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERACTIVE', $filterActive);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERSTART', $filterStartsWith);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERSEARCH', $filterSearch);
     $oTable->setCaption('Browse Hotlists');
     $oTable->sTemplate = 'htmlTableHotlist.tpl';
 function Render(&$oView)
     global $dcl_info, $g_oSec;
     if (!is_object($oView)) {
         trigger_error('[htmlContactBrowse::Render] ' . STR_VW_VIEWOBJECTNOTPASSED);
     if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_CONTACT, DCL_PERM_VIEW)) {
         return PrintPermissionDenied();
     $this->oView =& $oView;
     // Reset start row if filter changes
     if (isset($_REQUEST['filter']) && $_REQUEST['filter'] == 'Filter') {
         $oView->startrow = 0;
     if (!$this->_Execute()) {
     $oTable = CreateObject('dcl.htmlTable');
     $oMetadata = CreateObject('dcl.DCL_MetadataDisplay');
     $aContacts = array();
     while ($this->oDB->next_record()) {
         $aContact = $oMetadata->GetContact($this->oDB->f('contact_id'));
         $aRow = array($this->oDB->f('contact_id'), $this->oDB->f('active'), $this->oDB->f('last_name'), $this->oDB->f('first_name'), $aContact['org_name'], $aContact['phone'], $aContact['email'], 'url_addr' => $aContact['url']);
         $aContacts[] = $aRow;
     for ($iColumn = 0; $iColumn < count($this->oView->groups); $iColumn++) {
     foreach ($this->oView->columnhdrs as $sColumn) {
         $oTable->addColumn($sColumn, 'string');
     $aOptions = array(STR_CMMN_NEW => array('menuAction' => 'htmlContactForm.add', 'hasPermission' => $g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_CONTACT, DCL_PERM_ADD)), 'Merge' => array('menuAction' => 'javascript:merge();', 'hasPermission' => $g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_CONTACT, DCL_PERM_MODIFY)));
     foreach ($aOptions as $sDisplay => $aOption) {
         if ($aOption['hasPermission']) {
             $oTable->addToolbar($aOption['menuAction'], $sDisplay);
     $oDB = new dclDB();
     $sSQL = $this->oView->GetSQL(true);
     if ($oDB->Query($sSQL) == -1) {
     $iRecords = $oDB->f(0);
     if ($this->oView->numrows > 0) {
         if ($iRecords % $this->oView->numrows == 0) {
             $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGES', strval($iRecords / $this->oView->numrows));
         } else {
             $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGES', strval(ceil($iRecords / $this->oView->numrows)));
         $iPage = $this->oView->startrow / $this->oView->numrows + 1;
     } else {
         $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGES', '0');
         $iPage = 0;
     $oTable->setCaption('Browse Contacts');
     $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGE', strval($iPage));
     $oTable->assign('VAL_LETTERS', array_merge(array('All'), range('A', 'Z')));
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERMENUACTION', $this->sPagingMenuAction);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERSTARTROW', $this->oView->startrow);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERNUMROWS', $this->oView->numrows);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_VIEWSETTINGS', $this->oView->GetForm());
     $filterActive = DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($_REQUEST['filterActive']);
     if ($filterActive == 'Y' || $filterActive == 'N') {
         $filterActive = $_REQUEST['filterActive'];
     $filterStartsWith = '';
     if (isset($_REQUEST['filterStartsWith'])) {
         $filterStartsWith = $_REQUEST['filterStartsWith'];
     $filterSearch = '';
     if (isset($_REQUEST['filterSearch'])) {
         $filterSearch = $_REQUEST['filterSearch'];
     $filterOrgID = isset($_REQUEST['org_id']) ? DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['org_id']) : null;
     if ($filterOrgID !== null) {
         $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERORGID', $filterOrgID);
         $aOrg = $oMetadata->GetOrganization($filterOrgID);
         $oTable->setCaption('Browse Contacts - ' . $aOrg['name']);
         if ($g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_ORG, DCL_PERM_VIEW)) {
             $oTable->addToolbar('' . $filterOrgID, 'Organization');
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERACTIVE', $filterActive);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERSTART', $filterStartsWith);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERSEARCH', $filterSearch);
     $aLastView = array('VAL_FILTERACTIVE' => $filterActive, 'VAL_FILTERSTART' => $filterStartsWith, 'VAL_FILTERSEARCH' => $filterSearch, 'VAL_JUMPTOPAGE' => $iPage, 'VAL_STARTROW' => $this->oView->startrow, 'VAL_NUMROWS' => $this->oView->numrows, 'VAL_VIEWSETTINGS' => $this->oView->GetForm());
     global $g_oSession;
     $g_oSession->Register('LAST_CONTACT_BROWSE_PAGE', $aLastView);
     $oTable->setShowChecks($g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_CONTACT, DCL_PERM_MODIFY));
     $oTable->sTemplate = 'htmlTableContact.tpl';
 function Render(&$oView)
     global $dcl_info, $g_oSec;
     if (!is_object($oView)) {
         trigger_error('[htmlOrgBrowse::Render] ' . STR_VW_VIEWOBJECTNOTPASSED);
     if (!$g_oSec->HasAnyPerm(array(DCL_ENTITY_ORG => array($g_oSec->PermArray(DCL_PERM_VIEW), $g_oSec->PermArray(DCL_PERM_VIEWACCOUNT))))) {
         return PrintPermissionDenied();
     $this->oView =& $oView;
     // Reset start row if filter changes
     if (isset($_REQUEST['filter']) && $_REQUEST['filter'] == 'Filter') {
         $oView->startrow = 0;
     if (!$this->_Execute()) {
     $oTable = CreateObject('dcl.htmlTable');
     for ($iColumn = 0; $iColumn < count($this->oView->groups); $iColumn++) {
     foreach ($this->oView->columnhdrs as $sColumn) {
         $oTable->addColumn($sColumn, 'string');
     $aOptions = array(STR_CMMN_NEW => array('menuAction' => 'htmlOrgForm.add', 'hasPermission' => $g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_ORG, DCL_PERM_ADD)));
     foreach ($aOptions as $sDisplay => $aOption) {
         if ($aOption['hasPermission']) {
             $oTable->addToolbar($aOption['menuAction'], $sDisplay);
     $oDB = new dclDB();
     $sSQL = $this->oView->GetSQL(true);
     if ($oDB->Query($sSQL) == -1) {
     $iRecords = $oDB->f(0);
     if ($this->oView->numrows > 0) {
         if ($iRecords % $this->oView->numrows == 0) {
             $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGES', strval($iRecords / $this->oView->numrows));
         } else {
             $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGES', strval(ceil($iRecords / $this->oView->numrows)));
         $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGE', strval($this->oView->startrow / $this->oView->numrows + 1));
     } else {
         $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGES', '0');
         $oTable->assign('VAL_PAGE', '0');
     $oTable->assign('VAL_LETTERS', array_merge(array('All'), range('A', 'Z')));
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERMENUACTION', $this->sPagingMenuAction);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERSTARTROW', $this->oView->startrow);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERNUMROWS', $this->oView->numrows);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_VIEWSETTINGS', $this->oView->GetForm());
     $filterActive = @DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($_REQUEST['filterActive']);
     if ($filterActive != 'Y' && $filterActive != 'N') {
         $filterActive = '';
     $filterStartsWith = '';
     if (isset($_REQUEST['filterStartsWith'])) {
         $filterStartsWith = $_REQUEST['filterStartsWith'];
     $filterSearch = '';
     if (isset($_REQUEST['filterSearch'])) {
         $filterSearch = $_REQUEST['filterSearch'];
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERACTIVE', $filterActive);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERSTART', $filterStartsWith);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_FILTERSEARCH', $filterSearch);
     $oTable->setCaption('Browse Organizations');
     $oTable->sTemplate = 'htmlTableOrganization.tpl';
 function Render(&$oView)
     global $dcl_info, $g_oSec;
     if (!is_object($oView)) {
         trigger_error('[htmlTicketResults::Render] ' . STR_VW_VIEWOBJECTNOTPASSED);
     if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_TICKET, DCL_PERM_SEARCH)) {
         return PrintPermissionDenied();
     $oTable = CreateObject('dcl.htmlTable');
     $oTable->assign('VAL_VIEWSETTINGS', $oView->GetForm());
     $aProducts = isset($_REQUEST['product']) ? DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray($_REQUEST['product']) : array();
     if ($aProducts !== null && count($aProducts) > 0) {
         $oTable->assign('HID_PRODUCT', join(',', $aProducts));
     } else {
         $oTable->assign('HID_PRODUCT', '');
     for ($iColumn = 0; $iColumn < count($oView->groups); $iColumn++) {
         $oTable->addColumn('', 'string');
     $iColumn = 0;
     foreach ($oView->columnhdrs as $sColumn) {
         if ($iColumn++ < count($oView->groups)) {
         $oTable->addColumn($sColumn, 'string');
     $aOptions = array(STR_CMMN_SAVE => array('menuAction' => 'boViews.add', 'hasPermission' => $g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_SAVEDSEARCH, DCL_PERM_ADD)), 'Refine' => array('menuAction' => 'htmlTicketSearches.ShowRequest', 'hasPermission' => $g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_SAVEDSEARCH, DCL_PERM_VIEW)), 'Export' => array('menuAction' => 'boViews.export', 'hasPermission' => true));
     foreach ($aOptions as $sDisplay => $aOption) {
         if ($aOption['hasPermission']) {
             $oTable->addToolbar($aOption['menuAction'], $sDisplay);
     $oDB = new dclDB();
     $sSQL = $oView->GetSQL();
     if ($oDB->Query($sSQL) == -1) {
     for ($iColumn = count($oView->groups); $iColumn < count($oView->columns) + count($oView->groups); $iColumn++) {
         if ($oDB->GetFieldName($iColumn) == 'ticketid') {
             $oTable->assign('ticket_id_ordinal', $iColumn);
     $iOffset = 0;
     for ($iColumn = count($oView->groups); $iColumn < $oDB->NumFields(); $iColumn++) {
         $sFieldName = $oDB->GetFieldName($iColumn);
         if ($sFieldName == '_num_tags_') {
             $oTable->assign('num_tags_ordinal', $iColumn);
         } else {
             if ($sFieldName == 'tag_desc') {
                 $oTable->assign('tag_ordinal', $iColumn);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_ENDOFFSET', $iOffset);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_VIEWSETTINGS', $oView->GetForm());
     $oTable->sTemplate = 'htmlTableTicketResults.tpl';
 function GetWorkOrderStatistics($id)
     $retval = array('totaltasks' => 0, 'esthours' => 0.0, 'totalhours' => 0.0, 'etchours' => 0.0, 'resources' => 0, 'tasksclosed' => 0);
     $obj = new dclDB();
     $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(esthours), SUM(totalhours), SUM(etchours) FROM workorders a, dcl_entity_hotlist h WHERE h.entity_id = ' . DCL_ENTITY_WORKORDER;
     $sql .= " AND a.jcn = h.entity_key_id AND a.seq = h.entity_key_id2 AND h.hotlist_id = {$id} ";
     if ($obj->Query($sql) != -1) {
         if ($obj->next_record()) {
             $retval['totaltasks'] = $obj->f(0);
             $retval['esthours'] = $obj->f(1);
             $retval['totalhours'] = $obj->f(2);
             $retval['etchours'] = $obj->f(3);
     $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(distinct responsible) FROM workorders a, dcl_entity_hotlist h, statuses c WHERE h.entity_id = ' . DCL_ENTITY_WORKORDER;
     $sql .= " AND a.jcn = h.entity_key_id AND a.seq = h.entity_key_id2 AND h.hotlist_id = {$id} AND AND c.dcl_status_type!=2";
     if ($obj->Query($sql) != -1) {
         if ($obj->next_record()) {
             $retval['resources'] = $obj->f(0);
     $sql = 'SELECT count(*) FROM workorders a, dcl_entity_hotlist h, statuses c WHERE h.entity_id = ' . DCL_ENTITY_WORKORDER;
     $sql .= " AND a.jcn = h.entity_key_id AND a.seq = h.entity_key_id2 AND h.hotlist_id = {$id} AND AND c.dcl_status_type=2";
     if ($obj->Query($sql) != -1) {
         if ($obj->next_record()) {
             $retval['tasksclosed'] = $obj->f(0);
     return $retval;
 function Render(&$oView)
     global $dcl_info, $g_oSec, $g_oSession;
     if (!is_object($oView)) {
         trigger_error('[htmlWorkOrderResults::Render] ' . STR_VW_VIEWOBJECTNOTPASSED);
     if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_WORKORDER, DCL_PERM_SEARCH)) {
         return PrintPermissionDenied();
     $oTable = CreateObject('dcl.htmlTable');
     $bIsExplicitView = is_a($oView, 'boExplicitView');
     if (!$bIsExplicitView) {
         $oTable->assign('VAL_VIEWSETTINGS', $oView->GetForm());
     $aProducts = isset($_REQUEST['product']) ? DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray($_REQUEST['product']) : array();
     if ($aProducts !== null && count($aProducts) > 0) {
         $oTable->assign('HID_PRODUCT', join(',', $aProducts));
     } else {
         $oTable->assign('HID_PRODUCT', '');
     for ($iColumn = 0; $iColumn < count($oView->groups); $iColumn++) {
         $oTable->addColumn('', 'string');
     $iColumn = 0;
     foreach ($oView->columnhdrs as $sColumn) {
         if ($iColumn++ < count($oView->groups)) {
         $oTable->addColumn($sColumn, 'string');
     $aOptions = array(STR_CMMN_SAVE => array('menuAction' => 'boViews.add', 'hasPermission' => !$bIsExplicitView && $g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_SAVEDSEARCH, DCL_PERM_ADD)), 'Refine' => array('menuAction' => 'htmlWOSearches.ShowRequest', 'hasPermission' => !$bIsExplicitView && $g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_SAVEDSEARCH, DCL_PERM_VIEW)), 'Export' => array('menuAction' => 'boViews.export', 'hasPermission' => true), 'Detail' => array('menuAction' => 'boWorkorders.batchdetail', 'hasPermission' => $g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_WORKORDER, DCL_PERM_ADD)), 'Time Card' => array('menuAction' => 'boTimecards.batchadd', 'hasPermission' => $g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_WORKORDER, DCL_PERM_ACTION)), 'Assign' => array('menuAction' => 'boWorkorders.batchassign', 'hasPermission' => $g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_WORKORDER, DCL_PERM_ASSIGN)), 'Project' => array('menuAction' => 'htmlProjectmap.batchmove', 'hasPermission' => $g_oSec->HasAllPerm(array(DCL_ENTITY_PROJECT => array($g_oSec->PermArray(DCL_PERM_ADDTASK), $g_oSec->PermArray(DCL_PERM_REMOVETASK))))));
     $showBM = $g_oSession->Value('showBM');
     if (isset($showBM) && (int) $showBM == 1) {
         $aOptions_BM = array('Version' => array('menuAction' => 'boBuildManager.SubmitWO', 'hasPermission' => $g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_WORKORDER, DCL_PERM_ACTION)));
         $aOptions = array_merge($aOptions, $aOptions_BM);
     foreach ($aOptions as $sDisplay => $aOption) {
         if ($aOption['hasPermission']) {
             $oTable->addToolbar($aOption['menuAction'], $sDisplay);
     $oDB = new dclDB();
     $sSQL = $oView->GetSQL();
     if ($oDB->Query($sSQL) == -1) {
     $iOffset = 0;
     for ($iColumn = count($oView->groups); $iColumn < $oDB->NumFields(); $iColumn++) {
         $sFieldName = $oDB->GetFieldName($iColumn);
         if ($sFieldName == 'jcn') {
             $oTable->assign('wo_id_ordinal', $iColumn);
         } else {
             if ($sFieldName == 'seq') {
                 $oTable->assign('seq_ordinal', $iColumn);
             } else {
                 if ($sFieldName == '_num_accounts_') {
                     $oTable->assign('num_accounts_ordinal', $iColumn);
                 } else {
                     if ($sFieldName == '_num_tags_') {
                         $oTable->assign('num_tags_ordinal', $iColumn);
                     } else {
                         if ($sFieldName == 'tag_desc') {
                             $oTable->assign('tag_ordinal', $iColumn);
                         } else {
                             if ($sFieldName == '_num_hotlist_') {
                                 $oTable->assign('num_hotlist_ordinal', $iColumn);
                             } else {
                                 if ($sFieldName == 'hotlist_tag') {
                                     $oTable->assign('hotlist_ordinal', $iColumn);
                                 } else {
                                     if ($oView->columns[$iColumn - count($oView->groups)] == '') {
                                         $oTable->assign('org_ordinal', $iColumn);
     $oTable->assign('VAL_ENDOFFSET', $iOffset);
     if (!$bIsExplicitView) {
         $oTable->assign('VAL_VIEWSETTINGS', $oView->GetForm());
     $oTable->sTemplate = 'htmlTableWorkOrderResults.tpl';
 function DisplayProjectTasks($projectid, $wostatus, $woresponsible, $level = 0)
     global $dcl_info;
     $db = new dclDB();
     $sql = 'SELECT a.jcn,a.seq,c.short,,a.summary FROM workorders a, projectmap b,personnel c,statuses d WHERE ';
     $sql .= "a.jcn=b.jcn AND (b.seq=0 OR a.seq=b.seq) AND AND AND b.projectid={$projectid} ";
     if ($wostatus > 0) {
         $sql .= "AND a.status={$wostatus} ";
     if ($woresponsible > 0) {
         $sql .= "AND a.responsible={$woresponsible} ";
     $sql .= 'ORDER BY a.jcn,a.seq';
     if ($db->next_record()) {
         echo '<tr><td>', str_repeat('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', $level), '</td>';
         echo '<td style="border-bottom: 2px solid black;"><b>WO#</b></td>';
         echo '<td style="border-bottom: 2px solid black;"><b>Seq</b></td>';
         echo '<td style="border-bottom: 2px solid black;"><b>Responsible</b></td>';
         echo '<td style="border-bottom: 2px solid black;"><b>Status</b></td>';
         echo '<td style="border-bottom: 2px solid black;"><b>Summary</b></td>';
         echo '</tr>';
         $hilite = false;
         do {
             echo '<tr><td>', str_repeat('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', $level), '</td>';
             for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
                 echo '<td>';
                 if ($i == 4) {
                     echo '<a href="' . menuLink('', 'menuAction=boWorkorders.viewjcn&jcn=' . $db->f(0) . '&seq=' . $db->f(1)), '">';
                 echo $db->f($i);
                 if ($i == 4) {
                     echo '</a>';
                 echo '</td>';
             $hilite = !$hilite;
             echo '</tr>';
         } while ($db->next_record());
     } else {
         echo '<tr><td colspan="6">This project has no tasks that match your filter.</td></tr>';