/** * * Te trae el último pedido del cliente que está en el get */ function getUltimoPedidoDelCliente() { if(getIdCliente() != 0) { return dbManager::getInstance()->getArrayFromQuery("select * from pedidos where IdCliente = ".getIdCliente()." order by IdPedido desc limit 1"); } else { return false; } }
public function Register($_user, $_password) { if (!dbManager::ExecuteVoid("CreateUser ('{$_user->login}', '{$_password}', '{$_user->username}', '{$_user->address}')")) { return false; } return $this->Login($_user->login, $_password); }
public static function getInstance() { if (self::$instance == null) { $className = __CLASS__; self::$instance = new $className(); } return self::$instance; }
private function __construct() { $config = parse_ini_file('config.ini', true); $this->_connection = mysql_connect( $config['db']['server'], $config['db']['user'], $config['db']['password'] ) or die('Verifique los datos de conexión'); mysql_select_db($config['db']['db-name']) or die('Verifique nombre de la DB'); $this->query("SET NAMES utf8"); self::$_instance = $this; }
public static function excluirEvento($args) { $id_evento = $args['id_evento']; $rs = empresaBusiness::getAllEmpresasByEvento($id_evento); if ($rs == false) { dbManager::deleteByFilter(new Evento(), ' id_evento = ' . $id_evento); return true; } else { return false; } }
<?php // Use Composer to autoload DB Manager require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; // Require the Configuration file require_once 'conf/config.db.inc.php'; $db = new dbManager(DB_HOST, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD, DB_SCHEMA); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Demo Page</title> </head> <body> <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE 1"; $rs = $db->query($sql); // loop to get values while ($row = $db->result($rs)) { // get row value $val = $row['column_name']; } // or ... get 1 row only // $row = $db->result($rs); // or ... fetch total row count // $num = $db->result($rs, 'num_rows'); ?> </body> </html>
<?php include_once 'entity.php'; include_once 'dbManager.php'; $usuario = new Usuario(); $usuario->login = '******'; $usuario->senha = 'teste'; $usuario->id_pessoa_fisica = 1; dbManager::persist($usuario);
/** * @brief Returns an upload job status in html * @param $jobData, $page, $allusers * @return Returns an upload job status in html **/ protected function getShowJobsForEachJob($jobData, $page, $allusers) { $outBuf = ''; $pagination = ''; $uploadtree_pk = 0; $numJobs = count($jobData); if ($numJobs == 0) { return array('showJobsData' => "There are no jobs to display"); } $uri = Traceback_uri() . "?mod=showjobs"; $uriFull = $uri . Traceback_parm_keep(array("upload")); $uriFullMenu = $uri . Traceback_parm_keep(array("allusers")); /* Next/Prev menu */ $next = $numJobs > $this->maxUploadsPerPage; if ($numJobs > $this->maxUploadsPerPage) { $pagination .= MenuEndlessPage($page, $next, $uriFullMenu); } /*****************************************************************/ /* Now display the summary */ /*****************************************************************/ $uploadStyle = "style='font:bold 10pt verdana, arial, helvetica; background:gold; color:white;'"; $noUploadStyle = "style='font:bold 10pt verdana, arial, helvetica; background:gold; color:black;'"; $jobStyle = "style='font:bold 8pt verdana, arial, helvetica; background:lavender; color:black;'"; $prevupload_pk = ""; $firstJob = $page * $this->maxUploadsPerPage; $lastJob = $page * $this->maxUploadsPerPage + $this->maxUploadsPerPage; $jobNumber = -1; /** if $single_browse is 1, represent alread has an upload browse link, if single_browse is 0, no upload browse link */ $single_browse = 0; foreach ($jobData as $job) { /* Upload */ if (!empty($job["upload"])) { $uploadName = GetArrayVal("upload_filename", $job["upload"]); $uploadDesc = GetArrayVal("upload_desc", $job["upload"]); $upload_pk = GetArrayVal("upload_pk", $job["upload"]); $jobId = GetArrayVal("job_pk", $job["job"]); /** the column pfile_fk of the record in the table(upload) is NULL when this record is inserted */ if (!empty($upload_pk) && $prevupload_pk != $upload_pk || empty($upload_pk) && 0 == $single_browse) { $prevupload_pk = $upload_pk; $jobNumber++; /* Only display the jobs for this page */ if ($jobNumber >= $lastJob) { break; } if ($jobNumber < $firstJob) { continue; } /* blank line separator between pfiles */ $outBuf .= "<tr><td colspan=8> <hr> </td></tr>"; $outBuf .= "<tr>"; $outBuf .= "<th {$uploadStyle}></th>"; $outBuf .= "<th colspan=6 {$uploadStyle}>"; if (!empty($job['uploadtree'])) { $uploadtree_pk = $job['uploadtree']['uploadtree_pk']; $outBuf .= "<a title='Click to browse' href='" . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=browse&upload=" . $job['job']['job_upload_fk'] . "&item=" . $uploadtree_pk . "'>"; } else { $outBuf .= "<a {$noUploadStyle}>"; } /* get $userName if all jobs are shown */ $userName = ""; if ($allusers > 0) { $statementName = __METHOD__ . "UploadRec"; $uploadRec = $this->dbManager->getSingleRow("select user_fk from upload where upload_pk=\$1", array($job['job']['job_upload_fk']), $statementName); if (!empty($uploadRec['user_fk'])) { $userName = $this->userDao->getUserName($uploadRec['user_fk']); } else { $userName = $this->userDao->getUserName($job['job']['job_user_fk']); } $userName = "******" . htmlentities($userName, ENT_QUOTES) . ")"; } $outBuf .= htmlentities($uploadName, ENT_QUOTES) . $userName; if (!empty($uploadDesc)) { $outBuf .= " (" . $uploadDesc . ")"; } $outBuf .= "</a>"; $outBuf .= "</th>"; $outBuf .= "<th {$uploadStyle}><a>" . $this->showJobsDao->getEstimatedTime($jobId) . "</a></th>"; $outBuf .= "</tr>"; $single_browse = 1; } else { if ($jobNumber < $firstJob) { continue; } } } else { /* Show Jobs that are not attached to an upload */ $jobNumber++; /* Only display the jobs for this page */ if ($jobNumber >= $lastJob) { break; } if ($jobNumber < $firstJob) { continue; } /* blank line separator between pfiles */ $outBuf .= "<tr><td colspan=8> <hr> </td></tr>"; $outBuf .= "<tr>"; $outBuf .= "<th {$noUploadStyle}></th>"; $outBuf .= "<th colspan=6 {$noUploadStyle}>"; $outBuf .= htmlentities($job["job"]["job_name"], ENT_QUOTES); $outBuf .= "</th>"; $outBuf .= "<th {$noUploadStyle}></th>"; $outBuf .= "</tr>"; } /* Job data */ $outBuf .= "<tr>"; $outBuf .= "<th {$jobStyle}>"; $outBuf .= _("Job/Dependency"); $outBuf .= "</th>"; $outBuf .= "<th {$jobStyle}>"; $outBuf .= _("Status"); $outBuf .= "</th>"; $outBuf .= "<th colspan=3 {$jobStyle}>"; $outBuf .= htmlentities($job["job"]["job_name"], ENT_QUOTES); $outBuf .= "</th>"; $outBuf .= "<th {$jobStyle}>"; $outBuf .= _("Average items/sec"); $outBuf .= "</th>"; $outBuf .= "<th {$jobStyle}>"; $outBuf .= _("ETA"); $outBuf .= "</th>"; $outBuf .= "<th {$jobStyle}>"; $outBuf .= "</th></tr>"; /* Job queue */ foreach ($job['jobqueue'] as $jq_pk => $jobqueueRec) { $varJobQueueRow = array('jqId' => $jq_pk, 'jobId' => $jobqueueRec['jq_job_fk'], 'class' => $this->getClass($jobqueueRec), 'uriFull' => $uriFull, 'depends' => $jobqueueRec['jdep_jq_depends_fk'] ? $jobqueueRec['depends'] : array(), 'status' => $jobqueueRec['jq_endtext'], 'agentName' => $jobqueueRec['jq_type'], 'itemsProcessed' => $jobqueueRec['jq_itemsprocessed'], 'startTime' => substr($jobqueueRec['jq_starttime'], 0, 16), 'endTime' => empty($jobqueueRec["jq_endtime"]) ? '' : substr($jobqueueRec['jq_endtime'], 0, 16), 'endText' => $jobqueueRec['jq_endtext'], 'page' => $page, 'allusers' => $allusers); if (!empty($jobqueueRec["jq_endtime"])) { $numSecs = strtotime($jobqueueRec['jq_endtime']) - strtotime($jobqueueRec['jq_starttime']); } else { $numSecs = time() - strtotime($jobqueueRec['jq_starttime']); } $itemsPerSec = null; if ($jobqueueRec['jq_starttime']) { $itemsPerSec = $this->showJobsDao->getNumItemsPerSec($jobqueueRec['jq_itemsprocessed'], $numSecs); $varJobQueueRow['itemsPerSec'] = $itemsPerSec; } if (empty($jobqueueRec['jq_endtime'])) { $varJobQueueRow['eta'] = $this->showJobsDao->getEstimatedTime($jobId, $jobqueueRec['jq_type'], $itemsPerSec, $job['job']['job_upload_fk']); } $varJobQueueRow['canDoActions'] = $_SESSION[Auth::USER_LEVEL] == PLUGIN_DB_ADMIN || Auth::getUserId() == $job['job']['job_user_fk']; $varJobQueueRow['isInProgress'] = $jobqueueRec['jq_end_bits'] == 0; $varJobQueueRow['isReady'] = $jobqueueRec['jq_end_bits'] == 1; switch ($jobqueueRec['jq_type']) { case 'readmeoss': $varJobQueueRow['download'] = "ReadMeOss"; break; case 'spdx2': $varJobQueueRow['download'] = "SPDX2 report"; break; case 'spdx2tv': $varJobQueueRow['download'] = "SPDX2 tag/value report"; break; case 'dep5': $varJobQueueRow['download'] = "DEP5 copyright file"; break; default: $varJobQueueRow['download'] = ""; } $outBuf .= $this->renderString('ui-showjobs-jobqueue-row.html.twig', $varJobQueueRow); } } if ($numJobs > $this->maxUploadsPerPage) { $pagination = "<p>" . MenuEndlessPage($page, $next, $uriFullMenu); } return array('showJobsData' => $outBuf, 'pagination' => $pagination); }
<?php /// /// Main entry point of api. /// if (!defined("ENTRY_POINT")) { define("ENTRY_POINT", true); } $_PROJECT_DIR = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)); require_once $_PROJECT_DIR . "/Classes/dbManager.php"; require_once $_PROJECT_DIR . "/Classes/userManager.php"; session_start(); $dbMamager = dbManager::getInstance(); $usrMngr = new userManager(); // ƒл¤ скорости упростим схему до CASE блока... // ќбработаем запросы, выделим action и параметры по необходимости. switch ($_REQUEST["action"]) { case "pingUser": echo json_encode($usrMngr->user); break; case "login": $usrMngr->Login(mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST["login"]), mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST["password"])); echo json_encode($usrMngr->user); break; case "logout": if ($usrMngr->LogOut()) { echo "Done."; } break; case "avatarUpload": $usrMngr->GetAvatar();
insert into pedidos( IdCliente, IdInmuebleTipo, IdPedidoTipo, IdMoneda, RangoDesde, RangoHasta, IdPais, IdProvincia, IdPartido, IdEstado, Nombre ) values ( ".$_GET['idcliente'].", ".$_GET['inmueblestipos'].", ".$_GET['pedidostipos'].", ".$_GET['monedas'].", ".$_GET['range-from'].", ".$_GET['range-to'].", ".$_GET['paises'].", ".$_GET['provincias'].", ".$_GET['partidos'].", 1, 'hola' );"; $success = dbManager::getInstance()->query($insertPedidosSql); if($success != false) { echo json_encode(array("success"=>true, "id" => mysql_insert_id())); } else { echo json_encode(array("success"=>false)); }
<?php require_once('../component/functions.php'); require_once('../component/db.php'); $idPartido = getGetParameter('idProvincia'); if(!$idPartido) { $return = array('success' => false); echo json_encode($return); die(); } $db = dbManager::getInstance(); $partidos_query= $db->query("select IdPartido, Partido from partidos where idProvincia= ".$idPartido ." order by Partido"); $partidos = array(); while($partido = mysql_fetch_array($partidos_query)) { $partidos[] = array('partido'=>$partido['Partido'],'idPartido'=>$partido['IdPartido']); } $return = array('partidos' => $partidos, 'success' => true); echo json_encode($return);
/** * Compile a condition into SQL * * @param SugarQuery_Builder_Condition $condition * @param string $sql Current SQL string * @param string $operator Preceding logical operator - AND/OR * * @return string */ public function compileCondition(SugarQuery_Builder_Condition $condition) { $sql = ''; $field = $this->compileField($condition->field); if (empty($field)) { return false; } if ($condition->isNull) { $sql .= "{$field} IS NULL"; } elseif ($condition->notNull) { $sql .= "{$field} IS NOT NULL"; } else { switch ($condition->operator) { case 'IN': $valArray = array(); if ($condition->values instanceof SugarQuery) { $sql .= "{$field} IN (" . $condition->values->compileSql($this->sugar_query) . ")"; } else { foreach ($condition->values as $val) { $valArray[] = $this->prepareValue($val, $condition); } $sql .= "{$field} IN (" . implode(',', $valArray) . ")"; } break; case 'NOT IN': $valArray = array(); $sql .= "({$field} IS NULL OR {$field} NOT IN "; if ($condition->values instanceof SugarQuery) { $sql .= '(' . $condition->values->compileSql($this->sugar_query) . ')'; } else { foreach ($condition->values as $val) { $valArray[] = $this->prepareValue($val, $condition); } $sql .= '(' . implode(',', $valArray) . ')'; } $sql .= ')'; break; case 'BETWEEN': $value['min'] = $this->prepareValue($condition->values['min'], $condition); $value['max'] = $this->prepareValue($condition->values['max'], $condition); $sql .= "{$field} BETWEEN {$value['min']} AND {$value['max']}"; break; case 'STARTS': case 'CONTAINS': case 'DOES NOT CONTAIN': case 'ENDS': //Handling for not contains $comparitor = 'LIKE'; $chainWith = 'OR'; if ($condition->operator === 'DOES NOT CONTAIN') { $comparitor = 'NOT LIKE'; $chainWith = 'AND'; } if ($this->db->supports('case_insensitive')) { $field = "UPPER({$field})"; } if (is_array($condition->values)) { $conditions = array(); foreach ($condition->values as $value) { if ($this->db->supports('case_insensitive')) { $value = strtoupper($value); } $val = $this->prepareValue($value, $condition); $conditions[] = "{$field} {$comparitor} {$val}"; } $sql .= '(' . implode(' ' . $chainWith . ' ', $conditions); if ($condition->operator === 'DOES NOT CONTAIN') { $sql .= " OR {$field} IS NULL"; } $sql .= ') '; } else { $value = $this->db->supports('case_insensitive') ? strtoupper($condition->values) : $condition->values; $value = $this->prepareValue($value, $condition); $sql .= "{$field} {$comparitor} {$value}"; } break; case 'EQUALFIELD': $sql .= "{$field} = " . $this->compileField(new SugarQuery_Builder_Field_Condition($condition->values, $this->sugar_query)); break; case 'NOTEQUALFIELD': $sql .= "{$field} != " . $this->compileField(new SugarQuery_Builder_Field_Condition($condition->values, $this->sugar_query)); break; case '=': case '!=': case '>': case '<': case '>=': case '<=': default: if ($condition->values instanceof SugarQuery) { $sql .= "{$field} {$condition->operator} (" . $condition->values->compileSql($this->sugar_query) . ")"; } else { $value = $this->prepareValue($condition->values, $condition); $sql .= "{$field} {$condition->operator} {$value}"; } break; } } return $sql; }
<?php include_once 'dbManager.php'; $sql = "SELECT * FROM information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'retrospectiva'"; $tabelas = dbManager::getArrayObj($sql); $texto = "<? include_once 'entity_class.php'; \n"; foreach ($tabelas as $key => $value) { $ClassName = $value->TABLE_NAME; $ClassName = str_replace("_", " ", $ClassName); $ClassName = ucwords($ClassName); $ClassName = str_replace(" ", "", $ClassName); $texto .= " \nclass " . $ClassName . " extends Entity {"; //colunas = atributos $sql = "select * from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME = '{$value->TABLE_NAME}'"; $colunas = dbManager::getArrayObj($sql); $primary = ""; foreach ($colunas as $index => $valor) { $texto .= "\n public \$" . $valor->COLUMN_NAME . " = null;"; if ($valor->COLUMN_KEY == 'PRI') { $primary = $valor->COLUMN_NAME; } } $texto .= "\n public static function getTableName(){ \n return '" . $value->TABLE_NAME . "'; \n }"; $texto .= "\n public static function getPrimaryKey(){\n return '" . $primary . "'; \n }"; $texto .= "\n" . ' public static function getColumns(){' . "\n" . ' return array_keys(get_class_vars(get_class($this))); ' . "\n" . ' }'; $texto .= " \n}; "; } $texto .= '?>'; $fp = fopen("entity.php", "wb"); fwrite($fp, $texto); fclose($fp);