$pageId = $_GET['pid']; $row1 = $dbc->pageHeaderDetails($pageId); $pageTitle = $row1["pTitle"]; $imageDir = $row1["iDir"]; $thumbDir = $row1["tDir"]; $bckgrnd = $row1["iName"]; include 'include/checkmail.php'; // Check to see if any mail or comments have sent. include 'include/header.html'; // Includes page header details to "wrapper". include 'include/navbar.php'; // Build the navbar from details collected in the index class. echo '<div class="content">'; echo '<div style="background-image: url(' . $imageDir . $bckgrnd . '); background-size:100% auto">'; echo '<div id="photos">'; echo '<article class="gallery" role="main">'; $sectionList = $dbc->getSectionList($pageId); foreach ($sectionList as $section) { echo '<section id="' . $section["sectionTitle"] . '">'; echo '<h2>' . $section["sectionHeader"] . '</h2>'; $sectionId = $section["sectionId"]; $imageDetails = $dbc->getImages($pageId, $sectionId); foreach ($imageDetails as $images) { echo '<a rel="lightbox[' . $section["sectionTitle"] . ']" href="' . $imageDir . $images["pIname"] . '" title="' . $images["pTitle"] . '"><img src="' . $thumbDir . $images["tIname"] . '" /></a>'; } echo '</section>'; } echo '</article>'; echo '</div> <!-- End Photos -->'; echo '</div> <!-- End background photo -->'; include 'include/footer.php';