  * Return the generated form output.
  * @return Form HTML.
 public static function get_form($args)
     data_entry_helper::enable_tabs(array('divId' => 'controls'));
     $r = "<form method=\"post\">\n";
     // Get authorisation tokens to update and read from the Warehouse.
     $r .= data_entry_helper::get_auth($args['website_id'], $args['password']);
     $readAuth = data_entry_helper::get_read_auth($args['website_id'], $args['password']);
     $r .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"website_id\" name=\"website_id\" value=\"" . $args['website_id'] . "\" />\n";
     $r .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"record_status\" name=\"record_status\" value=\"C\" />\n";
     $r .= "<div id=\"controls\">\n";
     // Create a list which jQuery can parse to create the tabs.
     $r .= "<ul>\r\n      <li><a href=\"#recorder\"><span>Recorder</span></a></li>\r\n      <li><a href=\"#site\"><span>Site</span></a></li>\r\n      <li><a href=\"#species_tab_1\"><span>" . $args['tab_title_1'] . "</span></a></li>\n";
     if ($args['list_id_2']) {
         $r .= "<li><a href=\"#species_tab_2\"><span>" . $args['tab_title_2'] . "</span></a></li>\n";
     if ($args['list_id_3']) {
         $r .= "<li><a href=\"#species_tab_3\"><span>" . $args['tab_title_3'] . "</span></a></li>\n";
     if ($args['list_id_4']) {
         $r .= "<li><a href=\"#species_tab_4\"><span>" . $args['tab_title_4'] . "</span></a></li>\n";
     $r .= "</ul>\n";
     $r .= "<div id=\"recorder\">\n";
     $r .= data_entry_helper::select(array('label' => 'Title', 'fieldname' => 'smpAttr:5', 'table' => 'termlists_term', 'captionField' => 'term', 'valueField' => 'id', 'extraParams' => $readAuth + array('termlist_external_key' => 'indicia:titles')));
     $r .= data_entry_helper::text_input(array('label' => 'First name', 'fieldname' => 'smpAttr:6'));
     $r .= data_entry_helper::text_input(array('label' => 'Last name', 'fieldname' => 'smpAttr:7'));
     $r .= data_entry_helper::text_input(array('label' => 'Email', 'fieldname' => 'smpAttr:8'));
     // Postcode before address since entering the postcode auto-populates part of the address.
     $r .= data_entry_helper::postcode_textbox(array('label' => 'Postcode', 'fieldname' => 'smpAttr:10', 'linkedAddressBoxId' => 'address', 'hiddenFields' => false));
     $r .= data_entry_helper::textarea(array('label' => 'Address', 'fieldname' => 'smpAttr:9', 'id' => 'address'));
     $r .= "</div>\n";
     $r .= "<div id=\"site\">\n";
     $r .= data_entry_helper::map();
     $r .= data_entry_helper::date_picker(array('label' => 'Date', 'fieldname' => 'sample:date'));
     $r .= "</div>\n";
     $r .= "<div id=\"species_tab_1\">\n";
     $species_list_args = array('label' => 'Species', 'fieldname' => 'occurrence:taxa_taxon_list_id', 'table' => 'taxa_taxon_list', 'captionField' => 'taxon', 'valueField' => 'id', 'columns' => 2, 'extraParams' => $readAuth + array('taxon_list_id' => $args['list_id_1']));
     $r .= data_entry_helper::species_checklist($species_list_args);
     $r .= "</div>\n";
     $r .= "</div>\n";
     $r .= "<input type=\"submit\" class=\"ui-state-default ui-corner-all\" value=\"Save\" />\n";
     $r .= "</form>";
     return $r;
  * Get the control for species input, either a grid or a single species input control.
 private static function get_control_species($auth, $args, $tabalias, $options)
     $extraParams = $auth['read'];
     if ($args['species_names_filter'] == 'preferred') {
         $extraParams += array('preferred' => 't');
     if ($args['species_names_filter'] == 'language') {
         $extraParams += array('language' => iform_lang_iso_639_2($user->lang));
     if (self::getGridMode($args)) {
         // multiple species being input via a grid
         $species_ctrl_opts = array_merge(array('listId' => $args['list_id'], 'label' => lang::get('occurrence:taxa_taxon_list_id'), 'columns' => 1, 'extraParams' => $extraParams, 'survey_id' => $args['survey_id'], 'occurrenceComment' => $args['occurrence_comment'], 'occurrenceImages' => $args['occurrence_images'], 'PHPtaxonLabel' => true), $options);
         if ($args['extra_list_id']) {
             $species_ctrl_opts['lookupListId'] = $args['extra_list_id'];
         if (isset($args['col_widths']) && $args['col_widths']) {
             $species_ctrl_opts['colWidths'] = explode(',', $args['col_widths']);
         // Start by outputting a hidden value that tells us we are using a grid when the data is posted,
         // then output the grid control
         return '<input type="hidden" value="true" name="gridmode" />' . data_entry_helper::species_checklist($species_ctrl_opts);
     } else {
         // A single species entry control of some kind
         if (count(self::$occurrenceIds) == 1) {
             // output a hidden input to contain the occurrence id
             $r .= '<input type="hidden" name="occurrence:id" value="' . self::$occurrenceIds[0] . '" />' . "\n";
         if ($args['extra_list_id'] == '') {
             $extraParams['taxon_list_id'] = $args['list_id'];
         } elseif ($args['species_ctrl'] == 'autocomplete') {
             $extraParams['taxon_list_id'] = $args['extra_list_id'];
         } else {
             $extraParams['taxon_list_id'] = array($args['list_id'], $args['extra_list_id']);
         $species_ctrl_opts = array_merge(array('label' => lang::get('occurrence:taxa_taxon_list_id'), 'fieldname' => 'occurrence:taxa_taxon_list_id', 'table' => 'taxa_taxon_list', 'captionField' => 'taxon', 'valueField' => 'id', 'columns' => 2, 'parentField' => 'parent_id', 'extraParams' => $extraParams), $options);
         if ($args['species_ctrl'] == 'tree_browser') {
             // change the node template to include images
             global $indicia_templates;
             $indicia_templates['tree_browser_node'] = '<div>' . '<img src="' . data_entry_helper::$base_url . '/upload/thumb-{image_path}" alt="Image of {caption}" width="80" /></div>' . '<span>{caption}</span>';
         // Dynamically generate the species selection control required.
         return call_user_func(array('data_entry_helper', $args['species_ctrl']), $species_ctrl_opts);
  * Returns the species checklist input control.
  * @param array $auth Read authorisation tokens
  * @param array $args Form configuration
  * @param array $extraParams Extra parameters array, pre-configured with filters for taxa and name types.
  * @param array $options additional options for the control, e.g. those configured in the form structure.
  * @return HTML for the species_checklist control.
 protected static function get_control_species_checklist($auth, $args, $extraParams, $options)
     global $user;
     // Build the configuration options
     if (isset($options['view'])) {
         $extraParams['view'] = $options['view'];
     // There may be options in the form occAttr:n|param => value targetted at specific attributes
     $occAttrOptions = array();
     $optionToUnset = array();
     foreach ($options as $option => $value) {
         // split the id of the option into the attribute name and option name.
         $optionParts = explode('|', $option);
         if ($optionParts[0] != $option) {
             // an occurrence attribute option was found
             $attrName = $optionParts[0];
             $optName = $optionParts[1];
             // split the attribute name into the type and id (type will always be occAttr)
             $attrParts = explode(':', $attrName);
             $attrId = $attrParts[1];
             if (!isset($occAttrOptions[$attrId])) {
                 $occAttrOptions[$attrId] = array();
             $occAttrOptions[$attrId][$optName] = apply_user_replacements($value);
             $optionToUnset[] = $option;
     // tidy up options array
     foreach ($optionToUnset as $value) {
     // make sure that if extraParams is specified as a config option, it does not replace the essential stuff
     if (isset($options['extraParams'])) {
         $options['extraParams'] = array_merge($extraParams, $options['extraParams']);
     $species_ctrl_opts = array_merge(array('occAttrOptions' => $occAttrOptions, 'listId' => $args['list_id'], 'label' => lang::get('occurrence:taxa_taxon_list_id'), 'columns' => 1, 'extraParams' => $extraParams, 'survey_id' => $args['survey_id'], 'occurrenceComment' => $args['occurrence_comment'], 'occurrenceSensitivity' => isset($args['occurrence_sensitivity']) ? $args['occurrence_sensitivity'] : false, 'occurrenceImages' => $args['occurrence_images'], 'PHPtaxonLabel' => true, 'language' => iform_lang_iso_639_2(hostsite_get_user_field('language')), 'cacheLookup' => $args['cache_lookup'], 'speciesNameFilterMode' => self::getSpeciesNameFilterMode($args), 'userControlsTaxonFilter' => isset($args['user_controls_taxon_filter']) ? $args['user_controls_taxon_filter'] : false, 'subSpeciesColumn' => $args['sub_species_column'], 'copyDataFromPreviousRow' => !empty($args['copy_species_row_data_to_new_rows']) && $args['copy_species_row_data_to_new_rows'], 'previousRowColumnsToInclude' => empty($args['previous_row_columns_to_include']) ? '' : $args['previous_row_columns_to_include'], 'editTaxaNames' => !empty($args['edit_taxa_names']) && $args['edit_taxa_names'], 'includeSpeciesGridLinkPage' => !empty($args['include_species_grid_link_page']) && $args['include_species_grid_link_page'], 'speciesGridPageLinkUrl' => $args['species_grid_page_link_url'], 'speciesGridPageLinkParameter' => $args['species_grid_page_link_parameter'], 'speciesGridPageLinkTooltip' => $args['species_grid_page_link_tooltip']), $options);
     if ($groups = hostsite_get_user_field('taxon_groups')) {
         $species_ctrl_opts['usersPreferredGroups'] = unserialize($groups);
     if ($args['extra_list_id']) {
         $species_ctrl_opts['lookupListId'] = $args['extra_list_id'];
     //We only do the work to setup the filter if the user has specified a filter in the box
     if (!empty($args['taxon_filter_field']) && !empty($args['taxon_filter'])) {
         $species_ctrl_opts['taxonFilterField'] = $args['taxon_filter_field'];
         $filterLines = helper_base::explode_lines($args['taxon_filter']);
         $species_ctrl_opts['taxonFilter'] = $filterLines;
     if (isset($args['col_widths']) && $args['col_widths']) {
         $species_ctrl_opts['colWidths'] = explode(',', $args['col_widths']);
     call_user_func(array(self::$called_class, 'build_grid_taxon_label_function'), $args, $options);
     if (self::$mode == self::MODE_CLONE) {
         $species_ctrl_opts['useLoadedExistingRecords'] = true;
     // Start by outputting a hidden value that tells us we are using a grid when the data is posted,
     // then output the grid control
     return '<input type="hidden" value="true" name="gridmode" />' . data_entry_helper::species_checklist($species_ctrl_opts);
  * Get the control for species input, either a grid or a single species input control.
 protected static function get_control_species($auth, $args, $tabalias, $options)
     global $user;
     $extraParams = $auth['read'];
     $fieldPrefix = !empty($options['fieldprefix']) ? $options['fieldprefix'] : '';
     if (!empty($args['taxon_filter_field']) && !empty($args['taxon_filter'])) {
         $filterLines = helper_base::explode_lines($args['taxon_filter']);
         if ($args['multiple_subject_observation_mode'] !== 'single' && $args['taxon_filter_field'] !== 'taxon_group' && count($filterLines) === 1) {
             // The form is configured for filtering by taxon name or meaning id. If there is only one specified then the form
             // cannot display a species checklist, as there is no point. So, convert our preferred taxon name or meaning ID to find the
             // preferred taxa_taxon_list_id from the selected checklist, and then output a hidden ID.
             if (empty($args['list_id'])) {
                 throw new exception(lang::get('Please configure the Initial Species List parameter to define which list the species to record is selected from.'));
             $filter = array('preferred' => 't', 'taxon_list_id' => $args['list_id']);
             if ($args['taxon_filter_field'] == 'preferred_name') {
                 $filter['taxon'] = $filterLines[0];
             } else {
                 $filter[$args['taxon_filter_field']] = $filterLines[0];
             $options = array('table' => 'taxa_taxon_list', 'extraParams' => $auth['read'] + $filter);
             $response = data_entry_helper::get_population_data($options);
             if (count($response) === 0) {
                 throw new exception(lang::get('Failed to find the single species that this form is setup to record in the defined list.'));
             if (count($response) > 1) {
                 throw new exception(lang::get('This form is setup for single species recording, but more than one species with the same name exists in the list.'));
             return '<input type="hidden" name="' . $fieldPrefix . 'occurrence:taxa_taxon_list_id" value="' . $response[0]['id'] . "\"/>\n";
     if (call_user_func(array(get_called_class(), 'getGridMode'), $args)) {
         // multiple species being input via a grid
         $species_ctrl_opts = array_merge(array('listId' => $args['list_id'], 'label' => lang::get('occurrence:taxa_taxon_list_id'), 'columns' => 1, 'extraParams' => $extraParams, 'survey_id' => $args['survey_id'], 'occurrenceComment' => $args['occurrence_comment'], 'occurrenceSensitivity' => isset($args['subject_observation_confidential']) ? $args['subject_observation_confidential'] : false, 'occurrenceImages' => $args['observation_images'], 'PHPtaxonLabel' => true, 'language' => iform_lang_iso_639_2(hostsite_get_user_field('language')), 'cacheLookup' => isset($args['cache_lookup']) && $args['cache_lookup'], 'speciesNameFilterMode' => self::getSpeciesNameFilterMode($args)), $options);
         if ($args['extra_list_id']) {
             $species_ctrl_opts['lookupListId'] = $args['extra_list_id'];
         if (!empty($args['taxon_filter_field']) && !empty($args['taxon_filter'])) {
             $species_ctrl_opts['taxonFilterField'] = $args['taxon_filter_field'];
             $species_ctrl_opts['taxonFilter'] = $filterLines;
         if (isset($args['col_widths']) && $args['col_widths']) {
             $species_ctrl_opts['colWidths'] = explode(',', $args['col_widths']);
         call_user_func(array(get_called_class(), 'build_grid_taxon_label_function'), $args);
         call_user_func(array(get_called_class(), 'build_grid_autocomplete_function'), $args);
         // Start by outputting a hidden value that tells us we are using a grid when the data is posted,
         // then output the grid control
         return '<input type="hidden" value="true" name="gridmode" />' . data_entry_helper::species_checklist($species_ctrl_opts);
     } else {
         // A single species entry control of some kind
         if ($args['extra_list_id'] == '') {
             $extraParams['taxon_list_id'] = $args['list_id'];
         } elseif ($args['species_ctrl'] == 'autocomplete') {
             $extraParams['taxon_list_id'] = empty($args['extra_list_id']) ? $args['list_id'] : $args['extra_list_id'];
         } else {
             $extraParams['taxon_list_id'] = array($args['list_id'], $args['extra_list_id']);
         if (!empty($args['taxon_filter_field']) && !empty($args['taxon_filter'])) {
             // filter the taxa available to record
             $query = array('in' => array($args['taxon_filter_field'], helper_base::explode_lines($args['taxon_filter'])));
         } else {
             $query = array();
         // Apply the species names filter to the single species picker control
         if (isset($args['species_names_filter'])) {
             $languageFieldName = isset($args['cache_lookup']) && $args['cache_lookup'] ? 'language_iso' : 'language';
             switch ($args['species_names_filter']) {
                 case 'preferred':
                     $extraParams += array('preferred' => 't');
                 case 'currentLanguage':
                     if (isset($options['language'])) {
                         $extraParams += array($languageFieldName => $options['language']);
                 case 'excludeSynonyms':
                     $query['where'] = array("(preferred='t' OR {$languageFieldName}<>'lat')");
         if (count($query)) {
             $extraParams['query'] = json_encode($query);
         $species_ctrl_opts = array_merge(array('label' => lang::get('occurrence:taxa_taxon_list_id'), 'fieldname' => $fieldPrefix . 'occurrence:taxa_taxon_list_id', 'table' => 'taxa_taxon_list', 'captionField' => 'taxon', 'valueField' => 'id', 'columns' => 2, 'parentField' => 'parent_id', 'extraParams' => $extraParams, 'blankText' => 'Please select'), $options);
         if (isset($args['cache_lookup']) && $args['cache_lookup']) {
             $species_ctrl_opts['extraParams']['view'] = 'cache';
         global $indicia_templates;
         if (isset($args['species_include_both_names']) && $args['species_include_both_names']) {
             if ($args['species_names_filter'] == 'all') {
                 $indicia_templates['species_caption'] = '{taxon}';
             } elseif ($args['species_names_filter'] == 'language') {
                 $indicia_templates['species_caption'] = '{taxon} - {preferred_name}';
             } else {
                 $indicia_templates['species_caption'] = '{taxon} - {common}';
             $species_ctrl_opts['captionTemplate'] = 'species_caption';
         if ($args['species_ctrl'] == 'tree_browser') {
             // change the node template to include images
             $indicia_templates['tree_browser_node'] = '<div>' . '<img src="' . self::warehouseUrl() . '/upload/thumb-{image_path}" alt="Image of {caption}" width="80" /></div>' . '<span>{caption}</span>';
         // Dynamically generate the species selection control required.
         return call_user_func(array('data_entry_helper', $args['species_ctrl']), $species_ctrl_opts);
  * Return the generated form output.
  * @param array $args List of parameter values passed through to the form depending on how the form has been configured.
  * This array always contains a value for language.
  * @param object $node The Drupal node object.
  * @param array $response When this form is reloading after saving a submission, contains the response from the service call.
  * Note this does not apply when redirecting (in this case the details of the saved object are in the $_GET data).
  * @return Form HTML.
  * @todo: Implement this method 
 public static function get_form($args, $node, $response = null)
     global $indicia_templates, $user;
     $url = !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? "https://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     $r = data_entry_helper::loading_block_start();
     $r .= "<form method=\"post\" id=\"entry_form\" action=\"{$url}\">\n";
     $readAuth = data_entry_helper::get_read_auth($args['website_id'], $args['password']);
     $r .= "<div id=\"controls\">\n";
     if ($args['interface'] != 'one_page') {
         $r .= "<ul>\n";
         if ($user->uid == 0) {
             $r .= '  <li><a href="#about_you"><span>' . lang::get('about you') . "</span></a></li>\n";
         $r .= '  <li><a href="#species"><span>' . lang::get('what did you see') . "</span></a></li>\n";
         $r .= '  <li><a href="#place"><span>' . lang::get('where was it') . "</span></a></li>\n";
         $r .= '  <li><a href="#other"><span>' . lang::get('other information') . "</span></a></li>\n";
         $r .= "</ul>\n";
         data_entry_helper::enable_tabs(array('divId' => 'controls', 'style' => $args['interface']));
     if ($user->uid == 0) {
         $r .= "<fieldset id=\"about_you\">\n";
         if ($args['interface'] == 'one_page') {
             $r .= '<legend>' . lang::get('about you') . '</legend>';
         $r .= data_entry_helper::text_input(array('label' => lang::get('first name'), 'fieldname' => 'smpAttr:' . $args['first_name_attr_id'], 'class' => 'control-width-4', 'validation' => array('required')));
         $r .= data_entry_helper::text_input(array('label' => lang::get('surname'), 'fieldname' => 'smpAttr:' . $args['surname_attr_id'], 'class' => 'control-width-4', 'validation' => array('required')));
         $r .= data_entry_helper::text_input(array('label' => lang::get('phone number'), 'fieldname' => 'smpAttr:' . $args['phone_attr_id'], 'class' => 'control-width-4'));
         $r .= data_entry_helper::text_input(array('label' => lang::get('email'), 'fieldname' => 'smpAttr:' . $args['email_attr_id'], 'class' => 'control-width-4 optional', 'validation' => array('email')));
         if ($args['interface'] == 'wizard') {
             $r .= data_entry_helper::wizard_buttons(array('divId' => 'controls', 'page' => 'first'));
         $r .= "</fieldset>\n";
     // Species tab
     $r .= "<fieldset id=\"species\">\n";
     if ($args['interface'] == 'one_page') {
         $r .= '<legend>' . lang::get('what did you see') . '</legend>';
     $species_list_args = array('label' => lang::get('Species'), 'fieldname' => 'occurrence:taxa_taxon_list_id', 'table' => 'taxa_taxon_list', 'captionField' => 'taxon', 'valueField' => 'id', 'listId' => $args['species_list_id'], 'columns' => 1, 'parentField' => 'parent_id', 'checkboxCol' => false, 'occAttrs' => array($args['abundance_attr_id']), 'extraParams' => $readAuth + array('view' => 'detail', 'orderby' => 'taxonomic_sort_order'), 'survey_id' => $args['survey_id'], 'header' => false, 'view' => 'detail', 'PHPtaxonLabel' => true);
     // Build a nice template to show a picture of each species, with fancybox.
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= "jQuery('a.fancybox').fancybox();\n";
     $indicia_templates['taxon_label'] = 'return \'<div class="taxon-cell">' . '<a href="' . data_entry_helper::$base_url . 'upload/{image_path}" class="fancybox" >' . '<img alt="{taxon}" src="' . data_entry_helper::$base_url . 'upload/med-{image_path}" width="250"/></a>' . '<div>{taxon}</div></div>' . '<div class="taxon-desc"><ul><li>\'.str_replace("\\n", "</li><li>","{description_in_list}").\'</li></ul>' . '<a href="http://www.marine-life.org.uk/northeastcetaceans/?q=\'.
     strtolower(str_replace(array(" ", "\\\'"), array("-", ""), "{taxon}")).
     \'" target="_blank" class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all indicia-button">' . lang::get('More Info') . '...</a></div>\';';
     // Template the taxon label cell
     $indicia_templates['taxon_label_cell'] = "\n<td class='scTaxonCell'>{content}</td>";
     // Also template the attribute controls to show the label in place.
     $indicia_templates['attribute_cell'] = "\n<td class='scOccAttrCell'><label>{label}:</label><br/>{content}</td>";
     $r .= data_entry_helper::species_checklist($species_list_args);
     if ($args['interface'] == 'wizard') {
         $r .= data_entry_helper::wizard_buttons(array('divId' => 'controls', 'page' => $user->uid == 0 ? 'middle' : 'first'));
     $r .= "</fieldset>";
     // --Place tab--
     $r .= "<fieldset id=\"place\">\n";
     if ($args['interface'] == 'one_page') {
         $r .= '<legend>' . lang::get('where was it') . '</legend>';
     $r .= data_entry_helper::radio_group(array('label' => 'Where were you when you made the sighting?', 'fieldname' => 'smpAttr:' . $args['platform_attr_id'], 'table' => 'termlists_term', 'captionField' => 'term', 'valueField' => 'id', 'extraParams' => $readAuth + array('termlist_id' => $args['platform_termlist_id']), 'sep' => '<br />', 'labelClass' => 'auto', 'class' => 'inline sighting-platform', 'validation' => array('required')));
     $r .= '<div id="place_wrapper" class="hidden">';
     // Some instructions only visible when entering data from a boat
     $r .= '<p class="boat_mode page-notice ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all">' . lang::get('Instructions for when on boat') . '</p>';
     // Some instructions only visible when entering data from the shore
     $r .= '<p class="shore_mode page-notice ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all">' . lang::get('Instructions for clicking on map') . '</p>';
     $r .= '<div class="boat_mode">';
     // Add help examples to the lat and long boxes
     $indicia_templates['sref_textbox_latlong'] = '<label for="{idLat}">{labelLat}:</label>' . '<input type="text" id="{idLat}" name="{fieldnameLat}" {class} {disabled} value="{default}" /> <p class="helpText">e.g. 55:12.345N</p>' . '<label for="{idLong}">{labelLong}:</label>' . '<input type="text" id="{idLong}" name="{fieldnameLong}" {class} {disabled} value="{default}" /> <p class="helpText">e.g. 0:45.678W</p>' . '<input type="hidden" id="imp-geom" name="{table}:geom" value="{defaultGeom}" />' . '<input type="text" id="{id}" name="{fieldname}" style="display:none" value="{default}" />';
     $r .= data_entry_helper::sref_and_system(array('systems' => array(4326 => lang::get('Latitude, Longitude')), 'splitLatLong' => true, 'helpText' => lang::get('Instructions for latlong')));
     $r .= '</div>';
     // Initially, we hide the map. Only show it when the user selects the sighting was from the shore,
     // as a click on the map for boat recordings will not be accurate.
     $r .= '<div class="shore_mode">';
     $options = iform_map_get_map_options($args, $readAuth);
     $olOptions = iform_map_get_ol_options($args);
     $options['maxZoom'] = 9;
     // Switch to degrees and decimal minutes for lat long.
     $options['latLongFormat'] = 'DM';
     $r .= data_entry_helper::map_panel($options, $olOptions);
     // Now, add some JavaScript to show or hide the map. Show it for when the sighting was from the shore.
     // Hide it for boat based sightings as we want a GPS coordinate in this case. The JavaScript looks for the
     // checked radio button to see the value
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'jQuery(".sighting-platform input").click(
   function() {
     var platformId = jQuery("input[name=smpAttr\\\\:' . $args['platform_attr_id'] . ']:checked").val();
     if (platformId == ' . $args['platform_mapped_term_id'] . ') {
     } else {          
 );' . "\n";
     // Force existing setting of the radio buttons to reload when showign page after validation failure
     data_entry_helper::$onload_javascript .= '
 jQuery("input[name=smpAttr\\\\:' . $args['platform_attr_id'] . ']:checked").trigger("click");
     $r .= '</div></div>';
     if ($args['interface'] == 'wizard') {
         $r .= data_entry_helper::wizard_buttons(array('divId' => 'controls'));
     $r .= '</fieldset>';
     // --Other information tab--
     $r .= "<fieldset id=\"other\">\n";
     // Get authorisation tokens to update and read from the Warehouse.
     $r .= data_entry_helper::get_auth($args['website_id'], $args['password']);
     $r .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"website_id\" value=\"" . $args['website_id'] . "\" />\n";
     $r .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"survey_id\" value=\"" . $args['survey_id'] . "\" />\n";
     $r .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"occurrence:record_status\" value=\"C\" />\n";
     if ($args['interface'] == 'one_page') {
         $r .= '<legend>' . lang::get('other information') . '</legend>';
     $r .= data_entry_helper::date_picker(array('label' => lang::get('Sighting Date'), 'fieldname' => 'sample:date'));
     $indicia_templates['timeFormat'] = '<label>hh:mm</label><br/>';
     $r .= data_entry_helper::text_input(array('label' => lang::get('Sighting Time'), 'fieldname' => 'smpAttr:' . $args['sample_time_attr_id'], 'class' => 'control-width-1', 'suffixTemplate' => 'timeFormat'));
     $r .= data_entry_helper::textarea(array('label' => lang::get('Any other information'), 'fieldname' => 'sample:comment', 'class' => 'control-width-6', 'helpText' => lang::get('Instructions for any other info')));
     $r .= '<div class="footer">' . data_entry_helper::checkbox(array('label' => lang::get('happy for contact'), 'labelClass' => 'auto', 'fieldname' => 'smpAttr:' . $args['contact_attr_id'])) . '</div>';
     if ($args['interface'] == 'wizard') {
         $r .= data_entry_helper::wizard_buttons(array('divId' => 'controls', 'page' => 'last'));
     } else {
         $r .= "<input type=\"submit\" class=\"ui-state-default ui-corner-all\" value=\"Save\" />\n";
     $r .= "</fieldset></div>";
     $r .= "</form>";
     $r .= data_entry_helper::loading_block_end();
     return $r;
  * Return the generated form output.
  * @return Form HTML.
 public static function get_form($args, $node)
     global $user;
     $logged_in = $user->uid > 0;
     $r = '';
     // Get authorisation tokens to update and read from the Warehouse.
     $writeAuth = data_entry_helper::get_auth($args['website_id'], $args['password']);
     $readAuth = data_entry_helper::get_read_auth($args['website_id'], $args['password']);
     $svcUrl = data_entry_helper::$base_url . '/index.php/services';
     $mode = 0;
     // default mode : display survey selector
     // mode 1: display new sample
     // mode 2: display existing sample
     $loadID = null;
     $displayThisOcc = true;
     // when populating from the DB rather than POST we have to be
     // careful with selection object, as geom in wrong format.
     if ($_POST) {
         if (!is_null(data_entry_helper::$entity_to_load)) {
             $mode = 2;
             // errors with new sample, entity poulated with post, so display this data.
         // else valid save, so go back to gridview: default mode 0
     } else {
         if (array_key_exists('sample_id', $_GET)) {
             $mode = 2;
             $loadID = $_GET['sample_id'];
         } else {
             if (array_key_exists('newSample', $_GET)) {
                 $mode = 1;
                 data_entry_helper::$entity_to_load = array();
         // else default to mode 0
     // default mode 0 : display survey selector
     if ($mode == 0) {
         // Create the Sample list datagrid for this user.
         drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'iform') . '/media/js/hasharray.js', 'module');
         drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'iform') . '/media/js/jquery.datagrid.js', 'module');
         drupal_add_js("jQuery(document).ready(function(){\n  \$('div#smp_grid').indiciaDataGrid('rpt:mnhnl_collab_list_samples', {\n    indiciaSvc: '" . $svcUrl . "',\n    dataColumns: ['location_name', 'entered_sref', 'date', 'num_occurrences', 'completed'],\n    reportColumnTitles: {location_name : '" . lang::get('LANG_Location') . "', entered_sref : '" . lang::get('LANG_Spatial_ref') . "', date : '" . lang::get('LANG_Date') . "', num_occurrences : '" . lang::get('LANG_Num_Occurrences') . "', completed : '" . lang::get('LANG_Completed') . "'},\n    actionColumns: {" . lang::get('LANG_Edit') . " : \"" . url('node/' . $node->nid, array('query' => 'sample_id=�id�')) . "\"},\n    auth : { nonce : '" . $readAuth['nonce'] . "', auth_token : '" . $readAuth['auth_token'] . "'},\n    parameters : {\n    \t\t\tsurvey_id : '" . $args['survey_id'] . "',\n    \t\t\tuserID_attr_id : '" . $args['uid_attr_id'] . "',\n    \t\t\tuserID : '" . $user->uid . "'\n    \t\t\t\t},\n    itemsPerPage : 12 \n  });\n});\n\n", 'inline');
         $r .= '<div id="sampleList" class="mnhnl-btw-datapanel"><div id="smp_grid"></div>';
         $r .= '<form><input type="button" value="' . lang::get('LANG_Add_Sample') . '" onclick="window.location.href=\'' . url('node/' . $node->nid, array('query' => 'newSample')) . '\'"></form></div>';
         $r .= "</div>\n";
         return $r;
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= "\n// Create vector layers: one to display the location onto, and another for the occurrence list\n// the default edit layer is used for the occurrences themselves\nlocStyleMap = new OpenLayers.StyleMap({\n                \"default\": new OpenLayers.Style({\n                    fillColor: \"Green\",\n                    strokeColor: \"Black\",\n                    fillOpacity: 0.3,\n                    strokeWidth: 1\n                  })\n  });\nlocationLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(\"" . lang::get("LANG_Location_Layer") . "\",\n                                    {styleMap: locStyleMap});\n";
     if ($loadID) {
         // Can't cache these as data may have just changed
         data_entry_helper::$entity_to_load['occurrence:record_status'] = 'I';
         $url = $svcUrl . '/data/sample/' . $loadID;
         $url .= "?mode=json&view=detail&auth_token=" . $readAuth['auth_token'] . "&nonce=" . $readAuth["nonce"];
         $session = curl_init($url);
         curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
         $entity = json_decode(curl_exec($session), true);
         // Attributes should be loaded by get_attributes.
         data_entry_helper::$entity_to_load = array();
         foreach ($entity[0] as $key => $value) {
             data_entry_helper::$entity_to_load['sample:' . $key] = $value;
         $url = $svcUrl . '/data/occurrence';
         $url .= "?mode=json&view=detail&auth_token=" . $readAuth['auth_token'] . "&nonce=" . $readAuth["nonce"] . "&sample_id=" . $loadID . "&deleted=FALSE";
         $session = curl_init($url);
         curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
         $entities = json_decode(curl_exec($session), true);
         foreach ($entities as $entity) {
             data_entry_helper::$entity_to_load['occurrence:record_status'] = $entity['record_status'];
             data_entry_helper::$entity_to_load['sc:' . $entity['taxa_taxon_list_id'] . ':' . $entity['id'] . ':present'] = true;
         data_entry_helper::$entity_to_load['sample:geom'] = '';
         // value received from db is not WKT, which is assumed by all the code.
         data_entry_helper::$entity_to_load['sample:date'] = data_entry_helper::$entity_to_load['sample:date_start'];
         // bit of a bodge to get around vague dates.
     $defAttrOptions = array('extraParams' => $readAuth);
     //    $r .= "<h1>MODE = ".$mode."</h1>";
     //    $r .= "<h2>readOnly = ".$readOnly."</h2>";
     $r = "<form method=\"post\" id=\"entry_form\">\n";
     // Get authorisation tokens to update and read from the Warehouse.
     $r .= $writeAuth;
     $r .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"website_id\" name=\"website_id\" value=\"" . $args['website_id'] . "\" />\n";
     $r .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"sample:survey_id\" name=\"sample:survey_id\" value=\"" . $args['survey_id'] . "\" />\n";
     if (array_key_exists('sample:id', data_entry_helper::$entity_to_load)) {
         $r .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"sample:id\" name=\"sample:id\" value=\"" . data_entry_helper::$entity_to_load['sample:id'] . "\" />\n";
     // request automatic JS validation
     $attributes = data_entry_helper::getAttributes(array('id' => data_entry_helper::$entity_to_load['sample:id'], 'valuetable' => 'sample_attribute_value', 'attrtable' => 'sample_attribute', 'key' => 'sample_id', 'fieldprefix' => 'smpAttr', 'extraParams' => $readAuth, 'survey_id' => $args['survey_id']));
     if ($logged_in) {
         // If logged in, output some hidden data about the user
         $uid = $user->uid;
         $email = $user->mail;
         $username = $user->name;
         $uid_attr_id = $args['uid_attr_id'];
         $email_attr_id = $args['email_attr_id'];
         $username_attr_id = $args['username_attr_id'];
         // This assumes that we have the following attributes : no built in error checking.
         $r .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . $attributes[$uid_attr_id]['fieldname'] . "\" value=\"{$uid}\" />\n";
         $r .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . $attributes[$email_attr_id]['fieldname'] . "\" value=\"{$email}\" />\n";
         $r .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . $attributes[$username_attr_id]['fieldname'] . "\" value=\"{$username}\" />\n";
     $r .= "<div id=\"controls\">\n";
     if ($args['interface'] != 'one_page') {
         $r .= "<ul>\n";
         if (!$logged_in) {
             $r .= '  <li><a href="#about_you"><span>' . lang::get('LANG_About_You_Tab') . "</span></a></li>\n";
         $r .= '  <li><a href="#species"><span>' . lang::get('LANG_Species_Tab') . "</span></a></li>\n";
         $r .= '  <li><a href="#place"><span>' . lang::get('LANG_Place_Tab') . "</span></a></li>\n";
         $r .= '  <li><a href="#other"><span>' . lang::get('LANG_Other_Information_Tab') . "</span></a></li>\n";
         $r .= "</ul>\n";
         data_entry_helper::enable_tabs(array('divId' => 'controls', 'style' => $args['interface']));
     if (!$logged_in) {
         $r .= "<div id=\"about_you\">\n";
         $r .= '<p class="page-notice ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all">' . lang::get('LANG_About_You_Tab_Instructions') . "</p>";
         $defAttrOptions['class'] = 'control-width-4';
         $r .= data_entry_helper::outputAttribute($attributes[$args['first_name_attr_id']], $defAttrOptions);
         $r .= data_entry_helper::outputAttribute($attributes[$args['surname_attr_id']], $defAttrOptions);
         $r .= data_entry_helper::outputAttribute($attributes[$args['email_attr_id']], $defAttrOptions);
         $r .= data_entry_helper::outputAttribute($attributes[$args['phone_attr_id']], $defAttrOptions);
         if ($args['interface'] == 'wizard') {
             $r .= data_entry_helper::wizard_buttons(array('divId' => 'controls', 'page' => 'first'));
         $r .= "</div>\n";
     global $indicia_templates;
     $indicia_templates['taxon_label'] = '<div class="biota"><span class="nobreak sci binomial"><em>{taxon}</em></span> {authority}</div>';
     $r .= "<div id=\"species\">\n";
     $r .= '<p class="page-notice ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all">' . lang::get('LANG_Species_Tab_Instructions') . "</p>";
     $extraParams = $readAuth + array('taxon_list_id' => $args['list_id']);
     $species_list_args = array('label' => lang::get('occurrence:taxa_taxon_list_id'), 'fieldname' => 'occurrence:taxa_taxon_list_id', 'table' => 'taxa_taxon_list', 'captionField' => 'taxon', 'valueField' => 'id', 'columns' => 1, 'view' => 'detail', 'parentField' => 'parent_id', 'occAttrs' => explode(',', $args['checklist_attributes']), 'extraParams' => $extraParams, 'survey_id' => $args['survey_id']);
     $r .= data_entry_helper::species_checklist($species_list_args);
     $r .= "<label for=\"sample:comment\">" . lang::get('LANG_Sample_Comment_Label') . "</label><input type=\"text\" id=\"sample:comment\" name=\"sample:comment\" value=\"" . data_entry_helper::$entity_to_load['sample:comment'] . "\" />\n";
     if ($args['interface'] == 'wizard') {
         $r .= data_entry_helper::wizard_buttons(array('divId' => 'controls', 'page' => $user->id == 0 ? 'first' : 'middle'));
     $r .= "</div>\n";
     $r .= "<div id=\"place\">\n";
     $r .= '<p class="page-notice ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all">' . lang::get('LANG_Place_Tab_Instructions') . "</p>";
     // Build the array of spatial reference systems into a format Indicia can use.
     $systems = array();
     $list = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $args['spatial_systems']));
     foreach ($list as $system) {
         $systems[$system] = lang::get($system);
     $r .= data_entry_helper::sref_and_system(array('label' => lang::get('LANG_SRef_Label'), 'systems' => $systems));
     $location_list_args = array('label' => lang::get('LANG_Location_Label'), 'view' => 'detail', 'extraParams' => array_merge(array('view' => 'detail', 'orderby' => 'name'), $extraParams));
     $r .= call_user_func(array('data_entry_helper', $args['location_ctrl']), $location_list_args);
     $r .= data_entry_helper::georeference_lookup(array('label' => lang::get('LANG_Georef_Label'), 'georefPreferredArea' => $args['georefPreferredArea'], 'georefCountry' => $args['georefCountry'], 'georefLang' => $args['language']));
     $options = iform_map_get_map_options($args, $readAuth);
     $options['layers'][] = 'locationLayer';
     $olOptions = iform_map_get_ol_options($args);
     $r .= data_entry_helper::map_panel($options, $olOptions);
     if ($args['interface'] == 'wizard') {
         $r .= data_entry_helper::wizard_buttons(array('divId' => 'controls'));
     $r .= "</div>\n";
     $r .= "<div id=\"other\">\n";
     $r .= '<p class="page-notice ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all">' . lang::get('LANG_Other_Information_Tab_Instructions') . "</p>";
     $r .= data_entry_helper::date_picker(array('label' => lang::get('LANG_Date'), 'fieldname' => 'sample:date'));
     $r .= data_entry_helper::outputAttribute($attributes[$args['biotope_attr_id']], $defAttrOptions);
     $r .= data_entry_helper::outputAttribute($attributes[$args['voucher_attr_id']], $defAttrOptions);
     $values = array('I', 'C');
     // not initially doing V=Verified
     $r .= '<label for="occurrence:record_status">' . lang::get('LANG_Record_Status_Label') . '</label><select id="occurrence:record_status" name="occurrence:record_status">';
     foreach ($values as $value) {
         $r .= '<option value="' . $value . '"';
         if (isset(data_entry_helper::$entity_to_load['occurrence:record_status'])) {
             if (data_entry_helper::$entity_to_load['occurrence:record_status'] == $value) {
                 $r .= ' selected="selected"';
         $r .= '>' . lang::get('LANG_Record_Status_' . $value) . '</option>';
     $r .= '</select>';
     //  TODO image upload - not sure how to do this as images are attached to occurrences, and occurrences
     //  are embedded in the species list.
     //    $r .= "<label for='occurrence:image'>".lang::get('LANG_Image_Label')."</label>\n".
     //        data_entry_helper::image_upload('occurrence:image');
     $r .= '<br/><br/>';
     if ($args['interface'] == 'wizard') {
         $r .= data_entry_helper::wizard_buttons(array('divId' => 'controls', 'page' => 'last'));
     } else {
         $r .= "<input type=\"submit\" class=\"ui-state-default ui-corner-all\" value=\"" . lang::get('LANG_Save') . "\" />\n";
     $r .= "</div>\n";
     $r .= "</div>\n";
     if (!empty(data_entry_helper::$validation_errors)) {
         $r .= data_entry_helper::dump_remaining_errors();
     $r .= "</form>";
     // may need to keep following code for location change functionality
     data_entry_helper::$onload_javascript .= "\n    \nlocationChange = function(obj){\n\tlocationLayer.destroyFeatures();\n\tif(obj.value != ''){\n\t\tjQuery.getJSON(\"" . $svcUrl . "\" + \"/data/location/\"+obj.value +\n\t\t\t\"?mode=json&view=detail&auth_token=" . $readAuth['auth_token'] . "&nonce=" . $readAuth["nonce"] . "\" +\n\t\t\t\"&callback=?\", function(data) {\n            if (data.length>0) {\n            \tvar parser = new OpenLayers.Format.WKT();\n            \tfor (var i=0;i<data.length;i++)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t      \t\t\tif(data[i].centroid_geom){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfeature = parser.read(data[i].centroid_geom);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcentre = feature.geometry.getCentroid();\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcentrefeature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(centre, {}, {label: data[i].name});\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlocationLayer.addFeatures([feature, centrefeature]); \n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tif(data[i].boundary_geom){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfeature = parser.read(data[i].boundary_geom);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfeature.style = {strokeColor: \"Blue\",\n    \t                \tstrokeWidth: 2,\n  \t\t\t\t\t\t\tlabel: (data[i].centroid_geom ? \"\" : data[i].name)};\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlocationLayer.addFeatures([feature]);\n \t\t\t\t\t}\n    \t\t\t\tlocationLayer.map.zoomToExtent(locationLayer.getDataExtent());\n  \t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n  }\n};\njQuery('#imp-location').unbind('change');\njQuery('#imp-location').change(function(){\n\tlocationChange(this);\n});\n// upload location & sref initial values into map.\njQuery('#imp-location').change();\njQuery('#imp-sref').change();\n\n";
     return $r;
  * Returns the species checklist input control.
  * @param array $auth Read authorisation tokens
  * @param array $args Form configuration
  * @param array $extraParams Extra parameters array, pre-configured with filters for taxa and name types.
  * @param array $options additional options for the control, e.g. those configured in the form structure.
  * @return HTML for the species_checklist control.
 protected static function get_control_species_checklist($auth, $args, $extraParams, $options)
     global $user;
     // Build the configuration options
     if (isset($options['view'])) {
         $extraParams['view'] = $options['view'];
     // make sure that if extraParams is specified as a config option, it does not replace the essential stuff
     if (isset($options['extraParams'])) {
         $options['extraParams'] = array_merge($extraParams, $options['extraParams']);
     $species_ctrl_opts = array_merge(array('occAttrOptions' => array(), 'listId' => '', 'label' => lang::get('occurrence:taxa_taxon_list_id'), 'columns' => 1, 'extraParams' => $extraParams, 'survey_id' => $args['survey_id'], 'occurrenceComment' => $args['occurrence_comment'], 'occurrenceSensitivity' => isset($args['occurrence_sensitivity']) ? $args['occurrence_sensitivity'] : false, 'occurrenceImages' => $args['occurrence_images'], 'PHPtaxonLabel' => true, 'language' => iform_lang_iso_639_2(hostsite_get_user_field('language')), 'cacheLookup' => $args['cache_lookup'], 'speciesNameFilterMode' => self::getSpeciesNameFilterMode($args), 'userControlsTaxonFilter' => false, 'subSpeciesColumn' => false, 'copyDataFromPreviousRow' => false, 'editTaxaNames' => !empty($args['edit_taxa_names']) && $args['edit_taxa_names']), $options);
     if ($groups = hostsite_get_user_field('taxon_groups')) {
         $species_ctrl_opts['usersPreferredGroups'] = unserialize($groups);
     if ($args['map_taxon_list_id']) {
         $species_ctrl_opts['lookupListId'] = $args['map_taxon_list_id'];
     //We only do the work to setup the filter if the user has specified a filter in the box
     if (!empty($args['map_taxon_filter_field']) && !empty($args['map_taxon_filter'])) {
         $species_ctrl_opts['taxonFilterField'] = $args['map_taxon_filter_field'];
         $filterLines = helper_base::explode_lines($args['map_taxon_filter']);
         $species_ctrl_opts['taxonFilter'] = $filterLines;
     if (isset($args['col_widths']) && $args['col_widths']) {
         $species_ctrl_opts['colWidths'] = explode(',', $args['col_widths']);
     self::build_grid_taxon_label_function($args, $options);
     // Start by outputting a hidden value that tells us we are using a grid when the data is posted,
     // then output the grid control
     return '<input type="hidden" value="true" name="gridmode" />' . data_entry_helper::species_checklist($species_ctrl_opts);
$readAuth = $auth['read'];
<input type='hidden' name='website_id' value='<?php 
echo $config['website_id'];
' />
<input type='hidden' name='survey_id' value='<?php 
echo $config['survey_id'];
' />
<input type='hidden' name='occurrence:record_status' value='C' />
echo data_entry_helper::date_picker(array('label' => 'Date', 'fieldname' => 'sample:date'));
echo data_entry_helper::sref_and_system(array('label' => 'Grid Ref', 'fieldname' => 'sample:entered_sref'));
<div class="smaller">
echo data_entry_helper::species_checklist(array('listId' => $config['species_checklist_taxon_list'], 'lookupListId' => $config['species_checklist_alt_list'], 'extraParams' => $readAuth, 'survey_id' => $config['survey_id']));

<br />
<input type='submit' value='Save' />
echo data_entry_helper::dump_javascript();
<div id="wrap">
<h1>Species Checklist</h1>
<p>Now please enter details of the list of species you observed in this sample.</p>
<form action="save.php" method="post">
<legend>Species List</legend>
echo data_entry_helper::get_auth($config['website_id'], $config['password']);
<input type="hidden" class="auto" name="website_id" id="website_id" value="<?php 
echo $config['website_id'];
" />
<input type="hidden" class="auto" name="survey_id" id="website_id" value="<?php 
echo $config['survey_id'];
" />
echo data_entry_helper::species_checklist($config['species_checklist_taxon_list'], $config['species_checklist_occ_attributes'], $readAuth, null, $config['species_checklist_alt_list']);
<br />
<input type="submit" value="Save" class="auto" />
echo data_entry_helper::dump_javascript();
 protected static function tab_species_npms_paths($args, $auth, $offset, $limit, $tabNum, $numSpeciesTabs)
     $r = '';
     //Get user configured instruction if it is available.
     if (!empty($args['species_tab_instruction'])) {
         $r .= '<p>' . $args['species_tab_instruction'] . '</p>';
     } else {
         $r .= '<p>Please select the percentage cover of each species that is present in each plot from the list below.</p>';
     global $indicia_templates;
     $indicia_templates['taxon_label'] = '<div class="biota nobreak"><span class="vernacular">{common}</span>' . '<br/><span class="sci binomial"><em>{taxon}</em></span> {authority}</div>';
     $r .= data_entry_helper::species_checklist(array('id' => "species-{$offset}", 'label' => 'Species', 'listId' => $args['list_id'], 'columns' => 2, 'rowInclusionCheck' => 'hasData', 'class' => 'checklist', 'survey_id' => $args['survey_id'], 'extraParams' => $auth['read'] + array('taxon_list_id' => $args['list_id'], 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset, 'orderby' => 'common', 'sortdir' => 'ASC', 'view' => 'detail'), 'occAttrClasses' => array('coverage'), 'speciesNameFilterMode' => 'preferred', 'language' => 'eng', 'useLoadedExistingRecords' => $offset > 0));
     //If the last tab, then use a submit button, otherwise we have Previous/Next Step
     if ($tabNum == $numSpeciesTabs) {
         $r .= '<p class="highlight">' . lang::get('Please review all tabs of the form before submitting the survey.') . '</p>';
         $r .= data_entry_helper::wizard_buttons(array('divId' => 'tabs', 'page' => 'last', 'captionSave'));
     } else {
         $r .= data_entry_helper::wizard_buttons(array('divId' => 'tabs', 'page' => 'middle'));
     return $r;
 protected static function tab_other_species($args, $auth)
     $r = '';
     $indicia_templates['taxon_label'] = '<div class="biota nobreak"><span class="vernacular">{common}</span>' . '<br/><span class="sci binomial"><em>{taxon}</em></span> {authority}</div>';
     $extraParams = $auth['read'];
     $species_ctrl_opts = array('id' => "species-other", 'label' => 'Species', 'lookupListId' => $args['other_list_id'], 'cacheLookup' => isset($args['cache_lookup']) && $args['cache_lookup'], 'PHPtaxonLabel' => true, 'class' => 'checklist', 'survey_id' => $args['survey_id'], 'extraParams' => $extraParams, 'language' => 'eng', 'occAttrClasses' => array('coverage'), 'reloadExtraParams' => array('taxon_list_id' => $args['other_list_id']), 'speciesNameFilterMode' => 'excludeSynonyms', 'helpText' => 'Please provide details of any additional species you would like to record that you observed during your wildflower count. ' . 'Type the species name into the box on the left of the grid then select the correct name from the drop-down list of suggestions. ' . 'Make sure you input the information about whether the species was recorded on the path or linear/square transect.');
     if (!empty($args['taxon_filter_field']) && !empty($args['taxon_filter'])) {
         $filterLines = helper_base::explode_lines($args['taxon_filter']);
         $species_ctrl_opts['taxonFilterField'] = $args['taxon_filter_field'];
         $species_ctrl_opts['taxonFilter'] = $filterLines;
     $r .= data_entry_helper::species_checklist($species_ctrl_opts);
     $r .= '<p class="highlight">' . lang::get('Please review all tabs of the form before submitting the survey.') . '</p>';
     $r .= data_entry_helper::wizard_buttons(array('divId' => 'tabs', 'page' => 'last', 'captionSave' => 'Submit'));
     return $r;