token() public static method

public static token ( )
  * Generates an opening HTML form tag.
  * @param   string  form action attribute
  * @param   array   extra attributes
  * @param   array   hidden fields to be created immediately after the form tag
  * @return  string
 public static function open($action = NULL, $attr = array(), $hidden = NULL)
     // Make sure that the method is always set
     empty($attr['method']) and $attr['method'] = 'post';
     if ($attr['method'] !== 'post' and $attr['method'] !== 'get') {
         // If the method is invalid, use post
         $attr['method'] = 'post';
     if ($action === NULL) {
         // Use the current URL as the default action
         $action = url::site(Router::$complete_uri);
     } elseif (strpos($action, '://') === FALSE) {
         // Make the action URI into a URL
         $action = url::site($action);
     // Set action
     $attr['action'] = $action;
     // Only show the CSRF field when form method is POST
     $hidden_field = $attr['method'] === 'post' ? form::hidden('form_auth_token', csrf::token()) . "\n" : '';
     // Form opening tag
     $form = '<form' . form::attributes($attr) . '>' . "\n" . $hidden_field;
     // Add hidden fields immediate after opening tag
     empty($hidden) or $form .= form::hidden($hidden);
     return $form;
文件: form.php 项目: evopix/csrf
  * Creates a csrf token form input.
  * @access  public
  * @return  string
 public static function token()
     return Form::input('token', csrf::token(), array('type' => 'hidden'));
文件: forum.php 项目: anqqa/Anqh
  * Edit topic
  * @param  mixed  $topic_id
  * @param  mixed  $area_id
 public function _topic_edit($topic_id, $area_id = false)
     $this->history = false;
     $errors = array();
     $forum_topic = new Forum_Topic_Model((int) $topic_id);
     $forum_area = $forum_topic->loaded() ? $forum_topic->forum_area : new Forum_Area_Model((int) $area_id);
     if ($forum_topic->loaded()) {
         // Editing topic
         $editing = true;
         if (!$forum_topic->has_access(Forum_Topic_Model::ACCESS_EDIT)) {
     } else {
         if ($forum_area->loaded()) {
             // New topic
             $editing = false;
             if (!$forum_area->has_access(Forum_Area_Model::ACCESS_WRITE)) {
         } else {
             // New topic in unknown area
             $errors[] = __('Area :area or topic :topic not found', array(':area' => (int) $area_id, ':topic' => (int) $topic_id));
     if (empty($errors)) {
         $forum_post = new Forum_Post_Model((int) $forum_topic->first_post_id);
         $form_errors = array();
         $form_values_topic = $forum_topic->as_array();
         $form_values_post = $forum_post->as_array();
         $form_topics = false;
         // Bound area?
         if ($forum_area->is_type(Forum_Area_Model::TYPE_BIND)) {
             // Get bind config and load topics
             $bind = Forum_Area_Model::binds($forum_area->bind);
             if ($editing) {
                 // Can't edit bound topic
                 $form_topics = array($forum_topic->bind_id => $forum_topic->name);
             } else {
                 // Try to load options from configured model
                 try {
                     $bind_topics = ORM::factory($bind['model'])->find_bind_topics($forum_area->bind);
                     $form_topics = array(0 => __('Choose..')) + $bind_topics;
                 } catch (Kohana_Exception $e) {
                     $form_topics = array();
         // Admin actions
         if ($editing && $forum_topic->has_access(Forum_Topic_Model::ACCESS_DELETE)) {
             $this->page_actions[] = array('link' => url::model($forum_topic) . '/delete/?token=' . csrf::token(), 'text' => __('Delete topic'), 'class' => 'topic-delete');
         // Check post
         if ($post = $this->input->post()) {
             $post['forum_area_id'] = $forum_area->id;
             $topic = $post;
             if (isset($bind_topics)) {
                 $topic['name'] = arr::get($bind_topics, (int) $topic['bind_id'], '');
             $post_extra = $topic_extra = array('author_id' => $this->user->id, 'author_name' => $this->user->username);
             if ($editing) {
                 $post_extra['modifies'] = (int) $forum_post->modifies + 1;
                 $post_extra['modified'] = date::unix2sql(time());
             $post_extra['author_ip'] = $this->input->ip_address();
             $post_extra['author_host'] = $this->input->host_name();
             // validate post first and save topic if ok
             if (csrf::valid() && $forum_post->validate($post, false, $post_extra) && $forum_topic->validate($topic, true, $topic_extra)) {
                 // post
                 $forum_post->forum_topic_id = $forum_topic->id;
                 if (!$editing) {
                     // topic
                     $forum_topic->first_post_id = $forum_post->id;
                     $forum_topic->last_post_id = $forum_post->id;
                     $forum_topic->last_poster = $this->user->username;
                     $forum_topic->last_posted = date::unix2sql(time());
                     $forum_topic->posts = 1;
                     // area
                     $forum_area->last_topic_id = $forum_topic->id;
                     $forum_area->posts += 1;
                     $forum_area->topics += 1;
                     // user
                     $this->user->posts += 1;
                     // News feed
                     newsfeeditem_forum::topic($this->user, $forum_topic);
                 // redirect back to topic
             } else {
                 $form_errors = array_merge($post->errors(), is_object($topic) ? $topic->errors() : array());
             $form_values_topic = arr::overwrite($form_values_topic, is_object($topic) ? $topic->as_array() : $topic);
             $form_values_post = arr::overwrite($form_values_post, $post->as_array());
     // Show form
     if (empty($errors)) {
         $this->breadcrumb[] = html::anchor(url::model($forum_area), text::title($forum_area->name));
         $this->page_title = $editing ? text::title($forum_topic->name) : __('New topic');
         $this->page_subtitle = __('Area :area', array(':area' => html::anchor(url::model($forum_area), text::title($forum_area->name), array('title' => strip_tags($forum_area->description)))));
         widget::add('head', html::script(array('js/jquery.markitup.pack', 'js/markitup.bbcode')));
         widget::add('main', View_Mod::factory('forum/topic_edit', array('topic' => $form_values_topic, 'topics' => $form_topics, 'post' => $form_values_post, 'errors' => $form_errors)));
     } else {
         $this->_error(__('Error'), $errors);
文件: member.php 项目: anqqa/Anqh
  * User profile
 public function _view()
     $this->tab_id = 'profile';
     $owner = $this->user && $this->member->id == $this->user->id;
     if ($owner && $this->user->newcomments) {
         $this->user->newcomments = 0;
     // Actions
     if ($this->member->has_access(User_Model::ACCESS_EDIT)) {
         $this->page_actions[] = array('link' => url::user($this->member) . '/edit', 'text' => __('Settings'), 'class' => 'settings');
     // Picture
     widget::add('side', View_Mod::factory('member/member', array('mod_class' => 'member member-' . $this->member->id, 'user' => $this->member)));
     // Comments
     if ($this->member->has_access(User_Model::ACCESS_COMMENT)) {
         $comment = new User_Comment_Model();
         $form_values = $comment->as_array();
         $form_errors = array();
         // check post
         if (csrf::valid() && ($post = $this->input->post())) {
             $comment->user_id = $this->member->id;
             $comment->author_id = $this->user->id;
             $comment->comment = $post['comment'];
             if (isset($post['private'])) {
                 $comment->private = 1;
             try {
                 if (!$owner) {
                     $this->member->newcomments += 1;
                 $this->user->commentsleft += 1;
                 if (!request::is_ajax()) {
             } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) {
                 $form_errors = $e->validation->errors();
                 $form_values = arr::overwrite($form_values, $post);
         // Handle pagination
         $per_page = 25;
         $page_num = $this->uri->segment('page') ? $this->uri->segment('page') : 1;
         $page_offset = ($page_num - 1) * $per_page;
         $total_comments = $this->member->get_comment_count();
         $comments = $this->member->find_comments($page_num, $per_page, $this->user);
         $pagination = new Pagination(array('items_per_page' => $per_page, 'total_items' => $total_comments));
         $view = View::factory('generic/comments', array('delete' => '/member/comment/%d/delete/?token=' . csrf::token(), 'private' => '/member/comment/%d/private/?token=' . csrf::token(), 'comments' => $comments, 'errors' => $form_errors, 'values' => $form_values, 'pagination' => $pagination, 'user' => $this->user));
         if (request::is_ajax()) {
             echo $view;
         widget::add('main', $view);
     // Basic info
     $basic_info = array();
     if (!empty($this->member->name)) {
         $basic_info[__('Name')] = html::specialchars($this->member->name);
     if (!empty($this->member->city_name)) {
         $basic_info[__('City')] = html::specialchars($this->member->city_name);
     if (!empty($this->member->dob) && $this->member->dob != '0000-00-00') {
         $basic_info[__('Date of Birth')] = __(':dob (:years years)', array(':dob' => date::format('DMYYYY', $this->member->dob), ':years' => date::timespan(strtotime($this->member->dob), null, 'years')));
     if (!empty($this->member->gender)) {
         $basic_info[__('Gender')] = $this->member->gender == 'm' ? __('Male') : __('Female');
     if (!empty($this->member->latitude) && !empty($this->member->longitude)) {
         $basic_info[__('Location')] = $this->member->latitude . ', ' . $this->member->longitude;
         $basic_info[__('Location')] = html::anchor('#map', __('Toggle map'), array('class' => 'expander', 'title' => __('Show/hide'))) . '<div id="map" style="display: none">' . __('Map loading') . '</div>';
         $map = new Gmap('map', array('ScrollWheelZoom' => true));
         $map->center($this->member->latitude, $this->member->longitude, 15)->controls('small')->types();
         $map->add_marker($this->member->latitude, $this->member->longitude, html::avatar($this->member->avatar, $this->member->username) . html::user($this->member));
         widget::add('foot', html::script_source($map->render('gmaps/jquery_event')));
         widget::add('foot', html::script_source("\$('a[href*=\"#map\"]:first').click(function() { \$('#map').toggle('normal', gmap_open); return false; });"));
     // Site info
     $site_info = array(__('Registered') => date::format('DMYYYY_HM', $this->member->created) . ' [#' . $this->member->id . ']', __('Logins') => __(':logins (:ago ago)', array(':logins' => number_format($this->member->logins, 0), ':ago' => '<abbr title="' . date::format('DMYYYY_HM', $this->member->last_login) . '">' . date::timespan_short($this->member->last_login) . '</abbr>')), __('Posts') => number_format($this->member->posts, 0), __('Comments') => number_format($this->member->commentsleft, 0));
     // Initialize tabs
     $tabs = array('basic-info' => array('href' => '#basic-info', 'title' => __('Basic info'), 'tab' => new View('generic/list_info', array('id' => 'basic-info', 'title' => __('Basic info'), 'list' => $basic_info))), 'site-info' => array('href' => '#site-info', 'title' => __('Site info'), 'tab' => new View('generic/list_info', array('id' => 'site-info', 'title' => __('Site info'), 'list' => $site_info))));
     widget::add('side', View::factory('generic/tabs', array('id' => 'info-tab', 'tabs' => $tabs)));
文件: post.php 项目: anqqa/Anqh

echo html::avatar($post->author->avatar, $post->author->username);

			<span class="actions">
if ($my) {

    echo html::anchor('forum/post/' . $post->id . '/edit', __('Edit'), array('class' => 'action post-edit'));
    echo html::anchor('forum/post/' . $post->id . '/delete/?token=' . csrf::token(), __('Delete'), array('class' => 'action post-delete'));

if ($topic->has_access(Forum_Topic_Model::ACCESS_WRITE)) {

    echo html::anchor('forum/post/' . $post->id . '/quote', __('Quote'), array('class' => 'action post-quote'));

文件: blogs.php 项目: anqqa/Anqh
  * Edit entry
  * @param  integer|string  $entry_id
 public function _entry_edit($entry_id = false)
     $this->history = false;
     $entry = new Blog_Entry_Model((int) $entry_id);
     // For authenticated users only
     if (!$this->user || !$entry->is_author() && !$this->visitor->logged_in('admin')) {
         url::redirect(empty($_SESSION['history']) ? '/blogs' : $_SESSION['history']);
     $errors = $form_errors = array();
     $form_messages = '';
     $form_values = $entry->as_array();
     /***** CHECK POST *****/
     if (request::method() == 'post') {
         $post = $this->input->post();
         // update
         $editing = (bool) $entry->id;
         if ($editing) {
             $extra['modified'] = date::unix2sql(time());
             $extra['modifies'] = (int) $entry->modifies + 1;
         } else {
             $extra['author_id'] = $this->user->id;
         if ($entry->validate($post, true, $extra)) {
             // News feed event
             if (!$editing) {
                 newsfeeditem_blog::entry($this->user, $entry);
         } else {
             $form_errors = $post->errors();
             $form_messages = $post->message();
         $form_values = arr::overwrite($form_values, $post->as_array());
     /***** /CHECK POST *****/
     /***** SHOW FORM *****/
     if ($entry->id) {
         $this->page_actions[] = array('link' => url::model($entry) . '/delete?token=' . csrf::token($this->user->id), 'text' => __('Delete entry'), 'class' => 'entry-delete');
         $this->page_title = text::title($entry->name);
         $this->page_subtitle = __('Edit entry');
     } else {
         $this->page_title = __('New entry');
     $form = $entry->get_form();
     if (empty($errors)) {
         widget::add('head', html::script(array('js/jquery.markitup.pack.js', 'js/markitup.bbcode.js')));
         widget::add('main', View::factory('blog/entry_edit', array('form' => $form, 'values' => $form_values, 'errors' => $form_errors, 'messages' => $form_messages)));
     } else {
         $this->_error(Kohana::lang('generic.error'), $errors);
     /***** /SHOW FORM *****/
文件: MY_form.php 项目: anqqa/Anqh
  * Creates CSRF token input
  * @param  mixed   $id      e.g. uid
  * @param  string  $action  optional action
 public static function csrf($id = '', $action = '')
     return form::hidden('token', csrf::token($id, $action));
  * Validate by processing pre-filters, rules, callbacks, and post-filters.
  * All fields that have filters, rules, or callbacks will be initialized if
  * they are undefined. Validation will only be run if there is data already
  * in the array.
  * @param bool $validate_csrf When TRUE, performs CSRF token validation
  * @return bool
 public function validate($validate_csrf = TRUE)
     // CSRF token field
     $csrf_token_key = 'form_auth_token';
     if (array_key_exists($csrf_token_key, $this)) {
     // Delete the CSRF token field if it's in the validation
     // rules
     if (array_key_exists($csrf_token_key, $this->callbacks)) {
     } elseif (array_key_exists($csrf_token_key, $this->rules)) {
     // Disable CSRF for XHR
     // Same method as django CSRF protection:
     if (request::is_ajax()) {
         $validate_csrf = FALSE;
     // Perform CSRF validation for all HTTP POST requests
     // where CSRF validation is enabled and the request
     // was not submitted via the API
     if ($_POST and $validate_csrf and !Validation::$is_api_request) {
         // Check if CSRF module is loaded
         if (in_array(MODPATH . 'csrf', Kohana::config('config.modules'))) {
             // Check for presence of CSRF token in HTTP POST payload
             $form_auth_token = isset($_POST[$csrf_token_key]) ? $_POST[$csrf_token_key] : text::random('alnum', 10);
             // Validate the token
             if (!csrf::valid($form_auth_token)) {
                 Kohana::log('debug', 'Invalid CSRF token: ' . $form_auth_token);
                 Kohana::log('debug', 'Actual CSRF token: ' . csrf::token());
                 // Flag CSRF validation as having failed
                 $this->csrf_validation_failed = TRUE;
                 // Set the error message
                 $this->errors[$csrf_token_key] = Kohana::lang('csrf.form_auth_token.error');
                 return FALSE;
     // All the fields that are being validated
     $all_fields = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($this->pre_filters), array_keys($this->rules), array_keys($this->callbacks), array_keys($this->post_filters)));
     // Copy the array from the object, to optimize multiple sets
     $object_array = $this->getArrayCopy();
     foreach ($all_fields as $i => $field) {
         if ($field === $this->any_field) {
             // Remove "any field" from the list of fields
         if (substr($field, -2) === '.*') {
             // Set the key to be an array
             Kohana::key_string_set($object_array, substr($field, 0, -2), array());
         } else {
             // Set the key to be NULL
             Kohana::key_string_set($object_array, $field, NULL);
     // Swap the array back into the object
     // Reset all fields to ALL defined fields
     $all_fields = array_keys($this->getArrayCopy());
     foreach ($this->pre_filters as $field => $calls) {
         foreach ($calls as $func) {
             if ($field === $this->any_field) {
                 foreach ($all_fields as $f) {
                     // Process each filter
                     $this[$f] = is_array($this[$f]) ? arr::map_recursive($func, $this[$f]) : call_user_func($func, $this[$f]);
             } else {
                 // Process each filter
                 $this[$field] = is_array($this[$field]) ? arr::map_recursive($func, $this[$field]) : call_user_func($func, $this[$field]);
     if ($this->submitted === FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     foreach ($this->rules as $field => $calls) {
         foreach ($calls as $call) {
             // Split the rule into function and args
             list($func, $args) = $call;
             if ($field === $this->any_field) {
                 foreach ($all_fields as $f) {
                     if (isset($this->array_fields[$f])) {
                         // Use the field key
                         $f_key = $this->array_fields[$f];
                         // Prevent other rules from running when this field already has errors
                         if (!empty($this->errors[$f_key])) {
                         // Don't process rules on empty fields
                         if (!in_array($func[1], $this->empty_rules, TRUE) and $this[$f_key] == NULL) {
                         foreach ($this[$f_key] as $k => $v) {
                             if (!call_user_func($func, $this[$f_key][$k], $args)) {
                                 // Run each rule
                                 $this->errors[$f_key] = is_array($func) ? $func[1] : $func;
                     } else {
                         // Prevent other rules from running when this field already has errors
                         if (!empty($this->errors[$f])) {
                         // Don't process rules on empty fields
                         if (!in_array($func[1], $this->empty_rules, TRUE) and $this[$f] == NULL) {
                         if (!call_user_func($func, $this[$f], $args)) {
                             // Run each rule
                             $this->errors[$f] = is_array($func) ? $func[1] : $func;
             } else {
                 if (isset($this->array_fields[$field])) {
                     // Use the field key
                     $field_key = $this->array_fields[$field];
                     // Prevent other rules from running when this field already has errors
                     if (!empty($this->errors[$field_key])) {
                     // Don't process rules on empty fields
                     if (!in_array($func[1], $this->empty_rules, TRUE) and $this[$field_key] == NULL) {
                     foreach ($this[$field_key] as $k => $val) {
                         if (!call_user_func($func, $this[$field_key][$k], $args)) {
                             // Run each rule
                             $this->errors[$field_key] = is_array($func) ? $func[1] : $func;
                             // Stop after an error is found
                             break 2;
                 } else {
                     // Prevent other rules from running when this field already has errors
                     if (!empty($this->errors[$field])) {
                     // Don't process rules on empty fields
                     if (!in_array($func[1], $this->empty_rules, TRUE) and $this[$field] == NULL) {
                     if (!call_user_func($func, $this[$field], $args)) {
                         // Run each rule
                         $this->errors[$field] = is_array($func) ? $func[1] : $func;
                         // Stop after an error is found
     foreach ($this->callbacks as $field => $calls) {
         foreach ($calls as $func) {
             if ($field === $this->any_field) {
                 foreach ($all_fields as $f) {
                     // Execute the callback
                     call_user_func($func, $this, $f);
                     // Stop after an error is found
                     if (!empty($errors[$f])) {
                         break 2;
             } else {
                 // Execute the callback
                 call_user_func($func, $this, $field);
                 // Stop after an error is found
                 if (!empty($errors[$field])) {
     foreach ($this->post_filters as $field => $calls) {
         foreach ($calls as $func) {
             if ($field === $this->any_field) {
                 foreach ($all_fields as $f) {
                     if (isset($this->array_fields[$f])) {
                         // Use the field key
                         $f = $this->array_fields[$f];
                     // Process each filter
                     $this[$f] = is_array($this[$f]) ? array_map($func, $this[$f]) : call_user_func($func, $this[$f]);
             } else {
                 if (isset($this->array_fields[$field])) {
                     // Use the field key
                     $field = $this->array_fields[$field];
                 // Process each filter
                 $this[$field] = is_array($this[$field]) ? array_map($func, $this[$field]) : call_user_func($func, $this[$field]);
     // Return TRUE if there are no errors
     return count($this->errors) === 0;
文件: events.php 项目: anqqa/Anqh
  * Edit event
  * @param  int|string  $event_id
 public function _event_edit($event_id = false)
     $this->history = false;
     $event = new Event_Model((int) $event_id);
     // For authenticated users only
     if (!$this->user || !$event->is_author() && !$this->visitor->logged_in(array('admin', 'event moderator'))) {
     $errors = $form_errors = array();
     $form_values = $event->as_array();
     $form_values['start_date'] = '';
     $form_values['start_hour'] = '';
     $form_values['end_hour'] = '';
     /***** CHECK POST *****/
     if (request::method() == 'post') {
         $post = array_merge($this->input->post(), $_FILES);
         $extra = array('start_time' => date::unix2sql(strtotime($post['start_date'] . ' ' . date::time_24h($post['start_hour']))));
         if (!empty($post['end_hour'])) {
             $end_time = strtotime($post['start_date']);
             // end hour is earlier than start hour = event ends the next day
             if ($post['end_hour'] < $post['start_hour']) {
                 $end_time = strtotime('+1 day', $end_time);
             $extra['end_time'] = date('Y-m-d', $end_time) . ' ' . date::time_24h($post['end_hour']) . ':00';
         // update
         $editing = (bool) $event->id;
         if ($editing) {
             $extra['modified'] = date::unix2sql(time());
             $extra['modifies'] = (int) $event->modifies + 1;
         } else {
             $extra['author_id'] = $this->user->id;
         $city = ORM::factory('city', $post['city_id']);
         if ($city) {
             $extra['country_id'] = $city->country_id;
         if (csrf::valid() && $event->validate($post, true, $extra)) {
             // Update tags
             if (!empty($post['tags'])) {
                 foreach ($post['tags'] as $tag_id => $tag) {
                     $event->add(ORM::factory('tag', $tag_id));
             // Handle flyer uploads
             foreach (array('flyer_front_image_id' => $post->flyer_front, 'flyer_back_image_id' => $post->flyer_back) as $image_id => $flyer) {
                 if (isset($flyer) && empty($flyer['error'])) {
                     $image = Image_Model::factory('events.flyer', $flyer, $this->user->id);
                     if ($image->id) {
                         $event->{$image_id} = $image->id;
             if (!$editing) {
                 newsfeeditem_events::event($this->user, $event);
         } else {
             $form_errors = $post->errors();
         $form_values = arr::overwrite($form_values, $post->as_array());
     /***** /CHECK POST *****/
     /***** SHOW FORM *****/
     if ($event->id) {
         $this->page_actions[] = array('link' => url::model($event) . '/delete/?token=' . csrf::token(), 'text' => __('Delete event'), 'class' => 'event-delete');
         $this->page_title = text::title($event->name);
         $this->page_subtitle = __('Edit event');
         list($form_values['start_date'], $form_values['start_hour']) = explode(' ', date('Y-m-d H', strtotime($event->start_time)));
         if (!empty($event->end_time)) {
             list($temp, $form_values['end_hour']) = explode(' ', date('Y-m-d H', strtotime($event->end_time)));
     } else {
         $this->page_title = __('New event');
     $form = $event->get_form();
     // Tags
     if ($tag_group = Kohana::config('events.tag_group')) {
         $form['tags'] = $form_values['tags'] = array();
         $tags = ORM::factory('tag_group', $tag_group);
         foreach ($tags->tags as $tag) {
             $form['tags'][$tag->id] = $tag->name;
             if ($event->has($tag)) {
                 $form_values['tags'][$tag->id] = $tag->name;
     // City autocomplete
     // Venue autocomplete
     $venues = ORM::factory('venue')->where('event_host', '=', 1)->find_all();
     $hosts = array();
     foreach ($venues as $venue) {
         $hosts[] = "{ id: '" . $venue->id . "', text: '" . html::chars($venue->name) . "' }";
     widget::add('foot', html::script_source('var venues = [' . implode(', ', $hosts) . "];\n\$('input[name=venue_name]').autocomplete(venues, {\n\tformatItem: function(item) {\n\t\treturn item.text;\n\t}\n}).result(function(event, item) {\n\t\$('input[name=venue_id]').val(;\n});"));
     // Date pickers
     widget::add('foot', html::script_source("\$('input#start_date').datepicker({ dateFormat: 'd.m.yy', firstDay: 1, changeFirstDay: false, showOtherMonths: true, showWeeks: true, showStatus: true, showOn: 'both' });"));
     if (empty($errors)) {
         widget::add('main', View::factory('events/event_edit', array('form' => $form, 'values' => $form_values, 'errors' => $form_errors)));
     } else {
         //			$this->_error(Kohana::lang('generic.error'), $errors);
     /***** /SHOW FORM *****/
文件: venues.php 项目: anqqa/Anqh
  * Edit venue
  * @param  integer|string  $venue_id
  * @param  integer|string  $category_id
 public function _venue_edit($venue_id = false, $category_id = false)
     $this->history = false;
     $venue = new Venue_Model((int) $venue_id);
     // Check access
     if (!($venue->loaded() && $venue->has_access(Venue_Model::ACCESS_EDIT)) && !(!$venue->loaded() && $this->visitor->logged_in(array('admin', 'venue moderator', 'venue')))) {
     $errors = $form_errors = array();
     $form_values = $venue->as_array();
     // check post
     if (request::method() == 'post') {
         $post = array_merge($this->input->post(), $_FILES);
         $extra = array('author_id' => $this->user->id);
         // got address, get geocode
         if (!empty($post['address']) && !empty($post['city_name'])) {
             list($extra['latitude'], $extra['longitude']) = Gmap::address_to_ll(implode(', ', array($post['address'], $post['zip'], $post['city_name'])));
         if (csrf::valid() && $venue->validate($post, true, $extra)) {
             // handle logo upload
             if (isset($post->logo) && empty($post->logo['error'])) {
                 $logo = Image_Model::factory('venues.logo', $post->logo, $this->user->id);
                 if ($logo->id) {
                     $venue->default_image_id = $logo->id;
             // handle picture uploads
             foreach (array($post->picture1, $post->picture2) as $picture) {
                 if (isset($picture) && empty($picture['error'])) {
                     $image = Image_Model::factory('venues.image', $picture, $this->user->id);
                     if ($image->id) {
             // update tags
             if (!empty($post->tags)) {
                 foreach ($post->tags as $tag_id => $tag) {
                     $venue->add(ORM::factory('tag', $tag_id));
         } else {
             $form_errors = $post->errors();
         $form_values = arr::overwrite($form_values, $post->as_array());
     // editing old?
     if ($venue_id) {
         if ($venue->has_access(Venue_Model::ACCESS_DELETE)) {
             $this->page_actions[] = array('link' => 'venue/' . url::title($venue->id, $venue->name) . '/delete/?token=' . csrf::token(), 'text' => __('Delete venue'), 'class' => 'venue-delete');
         $this->page_subtitle = __('Edit venue');
         if (!$venue->id) {
             $errors = array('venues.error_venue_not_found');
         } else {
             $venue_category = $venue->venue_category;
     } else {
         $this->page_subtitle = __('Add venue');
         if ($category_id) {
             $venue_category = new Venue_Category_Model((int) $category_id);
             if ($venue_category->id) {
                 $form_values['venue_category_id'] = $venue_category->id;
             } else {
                 $errors = array('venues.error_venue_category_not_found');
     $this->page_actions[] = array('link' => 'venue/' . url::title($venue->id, $venue->name), 'text' => __('Cancel'), 'class' => 'cancel');
     $this->breadcrumb[] = html::anchor('/venues/' . url::title($venue_category->id, $venue_category->name), $venue_category->name);
     if ($venue->id) {
         $this->breadcrumb[] = html::anchor('/venue/' . url::title($venue->id, $venue->name), $venue->name);
     // show form
     if (empty($errors)) {
         $form = array();
         // tags
         if ($venue_category->tag_group_id) {
             $form['tags'] = $form_values['tags'] = array();
             foreach ($venue_category->tag_group->tags as $tag) {
                 $form['tags'][$tag->id] = $tag->name;
                 if ($venue->has($tag)) {
                     $form_values['tags'][$tag->id] = $tag->name;
         $venue_categories = ORM::factory('venue_category')->find_all()->select_list('id', 'name');
         $form['venue_category_id'] = $venue_categories;
         widget::add('main', View_Mod::factory('venues/venue_edit', array('form' => $form, 'values' => $form_values, 'errors' => $form_errors)));
         // city autocomplete
     } else {
         $this->_error(Kohana::lang('generic.error'), $errors);
  * Test report deletion.
  * @test 
  * @depends editReport
 public function deleteReport($report_id)
     $_POST = array('form_auth_token' => csrf::token(), 'action' => 'delete', 'incident_id' => $report_id, 'task' => 'reports');
     $contents = json_decode(ob_get_clean());
     $this->assertEquals(0, $contents->error->code, $contents->error->message);