*/ require_once CONFIG_DIR . 'cshop.config.php'; require_once "fu_HTML_Table.class.php"; require_once "filter_form.class.php"; require_once "res_pager.class.php"; require_once "store.edit.inc.php"; /** **/ $range = 50; $offset = isset($_GET['page']) ? ($_GET['page'] - 1) * $range : 0; $filt = new filter_form('GET'); $filt->left_td_style = ''; $filt->field_prefix = ''; $filt->add_element('hdr1', array('Category:', 'heading')); $filt->add_element('cat', array('', 'select', cshopUtils::get_all_categories($pdb, true))); $filt->add_element('hdr2', array('Manufacturer', 'heading')); $filt->add_element('mfr', array('', 'select', cshopUtils::get_all_manufacturers($pdb, true))); $filt->add_element('hdr3', array('SKU', 'heading')); $filt->add_element('sku', array('', 'text', '', array('size' => 5))); $filt->add_element('op_filter', array('GO', 'submit')); /** if there were things selected in the filter forms then make up some WHERE * clauses to narrow the results */ $where = ''; $getvars = ''; if (isset($_GET['mfr']) or isset($_GET['cat'])) { $where = 'WHERE 1=1 '; if (!empty($_GET['mfr'])) { $where .= ' AND cm_manufacturers_id = ' . $pdb->quoteSmart($_GET['mfr']); $getvars .= '&mfr=' . urlencode($_GET['mfr']); } if (!empty($_GET['cat'])) { $where .= ' AND pc.cm_categories_id = ' . $pdb->quoteSmart($_GET['cat']);
$msg = "Product was successfully removed from the site"; } header("Location: store.edit.list.php?info=" . base64_encode($msg)); } if ($SHOWFORM) { $fex->left_td_style = ''; if ($ACTION == OP_EDIT) { $pc->set_id($productid); } if (isset($pc->colmap_help) && is_array($pc->colmap_help)) { foreach ($pc->colmap_help as $k => $text) { $fex->set_elem_helptext($k, $text); } } if (isset($colmap['cm_manufacturers_id'])) { $fex->set_element_opts('cm_manufacturers_id', cshopUtils::get_all_manufacturers($pdb)); } if (isset($colmap['cm_ship_class_id'])) { $fex->set_element_opts('cm_ship_class_id', cshopUtils::get_all_ship_classes($pdb)); } if ($ACTION == OP_EDIT) { $fex->elem_vals = $pc->fetch(null, true); $product_name = $fex->elem_vals['title']; $fex->add_element('id', array('', 'hidden', $productid, null)); // important } $fex->add_element('op', array($ACTION, 'submit')); // the button if ($ACTION == OP_EDIT) { $confirm_msg = 'This will remove this product from the site permanently. Are you sure?'; $fex->add_element('op_kill', array(OP_KILL, 'submit', null, array('class' => 'killButton'), "onclick=\"return confirm('{$confirm_msg}')\""));