 public function displayList()
     global $cookie, $currentIndex;
     $warnings = array();
     if (!file_exists(_PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/.htaccess')) {
         $warnings[] = $this->l('In order to enable the PrestaShop Webservice, please generate the .htaccess file via the "Generators" tab (in the "Tools" tab).');
     if (strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Apache') === false) {
         $warnings[] = $this->l('To avoid operating problems, please use an Apache server.');
     if (function_exists('apache_get_modules')) {
         $apache_modules = apache_get_modules();
         if (!in_array('mod_auth_basic', $apache_modules)) {
             $warnings[] = $this->l('Please activate the Apache module \'mod_auth_basic\' to allow authentication of PrestaShop webservice.');
         if (!in_array('mod_rewrite', $apache_modules)) {
             $warnings[] = $this->l('Please activate the Apache module \'mod_rewrite\' to allow using the PrestaShop webservice.');
     } else {
         $warnings[] = $this->l('We could not check if basic authentication and rewrite extensions are activated. Please manually check if they are activated in order to use the PrestaShop webservice.');
     if (!extension_loaded('SimpleXML')) {
         $warnings[] = $this->l('Please activate the PHP extension \'SimpleXML\' to allow testing of PrestaShop webservice.');
     if (!configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED')) {
         $warnings[] = $this->l('If possible, it is preferable to use SSL (https) for webservice calls, as it avoids the security issues of type "man in the middle".');
     foreach ($this->_list as $k => $item) {
         if ($item['is_module'] && $item['class_name'] && $item['module_name'] && ($instance = Module::getInstanceByName($item['module_name'])) && !$instance->useNormalPermissionBehaviour()) {
 public function hookLeftColumn($params)
     if (Module::isInstalled('smartblog') != 1) {
         $this->smarty->assign(array('smartmodname' => $this->name));
         return $this->display(__FILE__, 'views/templates/front/install_required.tpl');
     } else {
         if (!$this->isCached('smartblogtag.tpl', $this->getCacheId())) {
             $view_data = array();
             $id_lang = $this->context->language->id;
             if (Configuration::get('smartshowposttag') != '' && Configuration::get('smartshowposttag') != null) {
                 $limit = Configuration::get('smartshowposttag');
             } else {
                 $limit = 10;
             $id_lang_default = configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT');
             $sqllangdefault = 'SELECT * FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'smart_blog_post_tag p INNER JOIN 
             ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'smart_blog_post_shop s ON p.id_post=s.id_smart_blog_post AND s.id_shop = ' . (int) Context::getContext()->shop->id . ' INNER JOIN 
             ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'smart_blog_tag t ON p.id_tag= t.id_tag where t.id_lang = ' . (int) $id_lang_default . ' LIMIT ' . $limit;
             $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'smart_blog_post_tag p INNER JOIN 
             ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'smart_blog_post_shop s ON p.id_post=s.id_smart_blog_post AND s.id_shop = ' . (int) Context::getContext()->shop->id . ' INNER JOIN 
             ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'smart_blog_tag t ON p.id_tag= t.id_tag where t.id_lang = ' . (int) $id_lang . ' LIMIT ' . $limit;
             $tags = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql);
             if (empty($tags)) {
                 $tags = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sqllangdefault);
             $this->smarty->assign(array('tags' => $tags));
         return $this->display(__FILE__, 'views/templates/front/smartblogtag.tpl', $this->getCacheId());
 public function checkForWarning()
     if (strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Apache') === false) {
         $this->warnings[] = $this->l('To avoid operating problems, please use an Apache server.');
         if (function_exists('apache_get_modules')) {
             $apache_modules = apache_get_modules();
             if (!in_array('mod_auth_basic', $apache_modules)) {
                 $this->warnings[] = $this->l('Please activate the \'mod_auth_basic\' Apache module to allow authentication of PrestaShop\'s webservice.');
             if (!in_array('mod_rewrite', $apache_modules)) {
                 $this->warnings[] = $this->l('Please activate the \'mod_rewrite\' Apache module to allow the PrestaShop webservice.');
         } else {
             $this->warnings[] = $this->l('We could not check to see if basic authentication and rewrite extensions have been activated. Please manually check if they\'ve been activated in order to use the PrestaShop webservice.');
     if (!extension_loaded('SimpleXML')) {
         $this->warnings[] = $this->l('Please activate the \'SimpleXML\' PHP extension to allow testing of PrestaShop\'s webservice.');
     if (!configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED')) {
         $this->warnings[] = $this->l('It is preferable to use SSL (https:) for webservice calls, as it avoids the "man in the middle" type security issues.');
     foreach ($this->_list as $k => $item) {
         if ($item['is_module'] && $item['class_name'] && $item['module_name'] && ($instance = Module::getInstanceByName($item['module_name'])) && !$instance->useNormalPermissionBehaviour()) {
 public function testHandleMissingSubKeys()
     $options = $this->_options;
     helper::createIniFile(CONF, $options);
     $conf = new configuration();
     $options['expire']['default'] = '5min';
     $this->assertEquals($options, $conf->get(), 'not overriding "missing" subkeys');
 public function hookExtraRight()
     if (Configuration::get('AV_MULTILINGUE') == 'checked') {
         $this->id_lang = $this->context->language->id;
         $this->iso_lang = pSQL(Language::getIsoById($this->id_lang));
         $this->group_name = $this->getIdConfigurationGroup($this->iso_lang);
     if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.5', '<')) {
         $display_prod_reviews = configuration::get('AV_DISPLAYPRODREVIEWS' . $this->group_name);
     } else {
         $display_prod_reviews = configuration::get('AV_DISPLAYPRODREVIEWS' . $this->group_name, null, null, $this->context->shop->getContextShopID());
     $id_product = (int) Tools::getValue('id_product');
     $o = new NetReviewsModel();
     $reviews = $o->getStatsProduct($id_product, $this->group_name, $this->context->shop->getContextShopID());
     if ($reviews['nb_reviews'] < 1 || $display_prod_reviews != 'yes') {
         return '';
     //Si Aucun avis, on retourne vide
     $percent = round($reviews['rate']) * 20;
     $this->context->smarty->assign(array('av_nb_reviews' => $reviews['nb_reviews'], 'av_rate' => $reviews['rate'], 'av_rate_percent' => $percent ? $percent : 100));
     if (Configuration::get('AV_LIGHTWIDGET') == 'checked') {
         $tpl = 'avisverifies-extraright-light.tpl';
     } else {
         $tpl = 'avisverifies-extraright.tpl';
     if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.5', '<')) {
         return $this->display(__FILE__, "/views/templates/hook/{$tpl}");
     } else {
         return $this->display(__FILE__, $tpl);
 public function hookmyAccountBlock($params)
     if (configuration::get('OF_CACCOUNT') == 1) {
         $var = $this->getconf();
         if ($var['OF_MYACCOUNTBLOCK'] == 1) {
             if ($this->psversion() == 5 || $this->psversion() == 6) {
                 if ($this->context->customer->isLogged() == 1) {
                     return $this->display(__FILE__, 'my-account.tpl');
             global $cookie;
             if ($this->psversion() == 4) {
                 if ($cookie->isLogged() == 1) {
                     return $this->display(__FILE__, 'my-account-14.tpl');
    private function _displaySync()
         * Number of products
         * Parent without child = 1
         * Parent with 2 child = 2 (don't add the parent if there are children)
        $nbProd = Db::getInstance()->getRow("SELECT count(*) FROM " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "product p LEFT JOIN " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "product_attribute pa ON p.id_product = pa.id_product");
        /* Number of parent products */
        $nbParentProd = Db::getInstance()->getRow("SELECT count(*) FROM " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "product");
        /* Number of child products */
        $nbChildProd = $nbProd['count(*)'] - $nbParentProd['count(*)'];
        /* Number of products without reference */
        $nbProdNoRef = Db::getInstance()->getRow("SELECT count(*) FROM " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "product p LEFT JOIN " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "product_attribute pa ON p.id_product = pa.id_product where (pa.id_product_attribute is null and p.reference = '') or (p.reference='' and pa.reference='')");
        /* Number of orders */
        $nbOrder = Db::getInstance()->getRow("SELECT count(*) FROM  `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "orders`");
        /* Number of clients */
        $nbClient = Db::getInstance()->getRow("SELECT count(*) FROM  `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "customer`");
         * Get configuration mode
         * 1 => Production
         * 2 => Test
        $confMod = Db::getInstance()->getRow("SELECT * FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "configuration` WHERE name = 'OSI_CONFIGURATION_MODE'");
        $confMode = $confMod["value"];
        /* html */
        $html = '<fieldset><legend><img src="' . $this->_path . 'img/mode.png" alt="" />' . $this->l('Configuration parameters') . '</legend>';
        if ($confMode == '1') {
            /* Production configuration mode */
            $html .= '
				<label>' . $this->l('Configuration mode') . ' <sup>*</sup></label>
				<div class="margin-form">
					<select style="width:360px" id="osi_configuration_mode" name="osi_configuration_mode">
						<option value="1" selected="selected">Production</option>
						<option value="2">Test</option>
        } else {
            /* Test configuration mode */
            $html .= '
				<label>' . $this->l('Configuration mode') . ' <sup>*</sup></label>
				<div class="margin-form">
					<select style="width:510px" id="osi_configuration_mode" name="osi_configuration_mode" onchange="changeValueFrequencies()">
						<option value="1">Production</option>
						<option value="2" selected="selected">Test</option>
        $html .= '
			<br /><br />
				<legend><img src="' . $this->_path . 'img/parameters.png" alt="" />' . $this->l('Synchronizations configuration') . '</legend>
				<i class="mini">' . $this->l('Note : Frequencies are expressed in minutes') . '.<br /><span class="brown">' . $this->l('We advise you to get closer to the editor module before changing synchronization settings.') . '</span></i><br /><br />

				<label class="strong">' . $this->l('PRODUCTS') . ' (' . $nbProd['count(*)'] . ')</label><br />
        if ($nbProdNoRef['count(*)'] > 0) {
            $html .= '<div class="mini clear info_box">' . $this->l('Warning, your catalog has') . ' <strong>' . $nbProdNoRef['count(*)'] . ' ' . $this->l('products without references') . '</strong> !<br />' . $this->l('Please note that any product without reference will not be synchronized with OpenSi.') . '</div>';
        $html .= '
				<table width="100%" class="wso">
						<td>' . $this->l('Create products') . ' <sup>*</sup></td>
						<td class="sync-p">
							<input type="text" class="ws-freq" name="' . Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(strtolower($this->cachetimeLbl . 'WSO-P005')) . '" value="' . Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(configuration::get($this->cachetimeLbl . 'WSO-P005', 2)) . '" /> <span class="mini grey">(Min : 1)</span>
						<td width="120">
							<select name="active_wso_p005" class="tinysel active_wso">
								<option value="1"';
        if (Configuration::get('OSI_ACTIVE_WSO-P005') == 1) {
            $html .= 'selected="selected"';
        $html .= '>' . $this->l('Enable') . '</option>
								<option value="0"';
        if (Configuration::get('OSI_ACTIVE_WSO-P005') == 0) {
            $html .= 'selected="selected"';
        $html .= '>' . $this->l('Disable') . '</option>
						<td>' . $this->l('Update products') . ' <sup>*</sup></td>
						<td class="sync-p">
							<input type="text" class="ws-freq" name="' . Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(strtolower($this->cachetimeLbl . 'WSO-P006')) . '" value="' . Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(configuration::get($this->cachetimeLbl . 'WSO-P006', 2)) . '" /> <span class="mini grey">(Min : 1)</span>
						<td width="120">
							<select name="active_wso_p006" class="tinysel active_wso">
								<option value="1"';
        if (Configuration::get('OSI_ACTIVE_WSO-P006') == 1) {
            $html .= 'selected="selected"';
        $html .= '>' . $this->l('Enable') . '</option>
								<option value="0"';
        if (Configuration::get('OSI_ACTIVE_WSO-P006') == 0) {
            $html .= 'selected="selected"';
        $html .= '>' . $this->l('Disable') . '</option>
						<td width="300">' . $this->l('Update stocks') . ' <sup>*</sup></td>
						<td class="sync-o">
							<input type="text" class="ws-freq" name="' . Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(strtolower($this->cachetimeLbl . 'WSO-G002')) . '" value="' . Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(configuration::get($this->cachetimeLbl . 'WSO-G002', 2)) . '" /> <span class="mini grey">(Min : 1)</span>
						<td width="120">
							<select name="active_wso_g002" class="tinysel active_wso">
								<option value="1"';
        if (Configuration::get('OSI_ACTIVE_WSO-G002') == 1) {
            $html .= 'selected="selected"';
        $html .= '>' . $this->l('Enable') . '</option>
								<option value="0"';
        if (Configuration::get('OSI_ACTIVE_WSO-G002') == 0) {
            $html .= 'selected="selected"';
        $html .= '>' . $this->l('Disable') . '</option>
						<td>' . $this->l('Update prices') . ' <sup>*</sup></td>
						<td  class="sync-o">
							<input type="text" class="ws-freq" name="' . Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(strtolower($this->cachetimeLbl . 'WSO-G009')) . '" value="' . Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(configuration::get($this->cachetimeLbl . 'WSO-G009', 2)) . '" /> <span class="mini grey">(Min : 1)</span>
						<td width="120">
							<select name="active_wso_g009" class="tinysel active_wso">
								<option value="1"';
        if (Configuration::get('OSI_ACTIVE_WSO-G009') == 1) {
            $html .= 'selected="selected"';
        $html .= '>' . $this->l('Enable') . '</option>
								<option value="0"';
        if (Configuration::get('OSI_ACTIVE_WSO-G009') == 0) {
            $html .= 'selected="selected"';
        $html .= '>' . $this->l('Disable') . '</option>

				<br /><hr /><br />

				<label class="strong">' . $this->l('ORDERS') . ' (' . $nbOrder['count(*)'] . ')</label><br /><br />	
				<table width="100%" class="wso">
						<td width="300">' . $this->l('Create orders') . ' <sup>*</sup></td>
						<td class="sync-p">
							<input type="text" class="ws-freq" name="' . Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(strtolower($this->cachetimeLbl . 'WSO-P011')) . '" value="' . Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(configuration::get($this->cachetimeLbl . 'WSO-P011', 2)) . '" /> <span class="mini grey">(Min : 1)</span>
						<td width="120">
							<select name="active_wso_p011" class="tinysel active_wso">
								<option value="1"';
        if (Configuration::get('OSI_ACTIVE_WSO-P011') == 1) {
            $html .= 'selected="selected"';
        $html .= '>' . $this->l('Enable') . '</option>
								<option value="0"';
        if (Configuration::get('OSI_ACTIVE_WSO-P011') == 0) {
            $html .= 'selected="selected"';
        $html .= '>' . $this->l('Disable') . '</option>
						<td>' . $this->l('Create transactions') . ' <sup>*</sup></td>
						<td class="sync-p">
							<input type="text" class="ws-freq" name="' . Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(strtolower($this->cachetimeLbl . 'WSO-P015')) . '" value="' . Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(configuration::get($this->cachetimeLbl . 'WSO-P015', 2)) . '" /> <span class="mini grey">(Min : 1)</span>
						<td width="120">
							<select name="active_wso_p015" class="tinysel active_wso">
								<option value="1"';
        if (Configuration::get('OSI_ACTIVE_WSO-P015') == 1) {
            $html .= 'selected="selected"';
        $html .= '>' . $this->l('Enable') . '</option>
								<option value="0"';
        if (Configuration::get('OSI_ACTIVE_WSO-P015') == 0) {
            $html .= 'selected="selected"';
        $html .= '>' . $this->l('Disable') . '</option>
						<td>' . $this->l('Update states orders') . ' <sup>*</sup></td>
						<td class="sync-o">
							<input type="text" class="ws-freq" name="' . Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(strtolower($this->cachetimeLbl . 'WSO-G008')) . '" value="' . Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(configuration::get($this->cachetimeLbl . 'WSO-G008', 2)) . '" /> <span class="mini grey">(Min : 1)</span>
						<td width="120">
							<select name="active_wso_g008" class="tinysel active_wso">
								<option value="1"';
        if (Configuration::get('OSI_ACTIVE_WSO-G008') == 1) {
            $html .= 'selected="selected"';
        $html .= '>' . $this->l('Enable') . '</option>
								<option value="0"';
        if (Configuration::get('OSI_ACTIVE_WSO-G008') == 0) {
            $html .= 'selected="selected"';
        $html .= '>' . $this->l('Disable') . '</option>
						<td>' . $this->l('Update orders tracking codes') . ' <sup>*</sup></<td>
						<td class="sync-o">
							<input type="text" class="ws-freq" name="' . Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(strtolower($this->cachetimeLbl . 'WSO-G003')) . '" value="' . Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(configuration::get($this->cachetimeLbl . 'WSO-G003', 2)) . '" /> <span class="mini grey">(Min : 1)</span>
						<td width="120">
							<select name="active_wso_g003" class="tinysel active_wso">
								<option value="1"';
        if (Configuration::get('OSI_ACTIVE_WSO-G003') == 1) {
            $html .= 'selected="selected"';
        $html .= '>' . $this->l('Enable') . '</option>
								<option value="0"';
        if (Configuration::get('OSI_ACTIVE_WSO-G003') == 0) {
            $html .= 'selected="selected"';
        $html .= '>' . $this->l('Disable') . '</option>

				<br /><hr /><br />

				<label class="strong">' . $this->l('CUSTOMERS') . ' (' . $nbClient['count(*)'] . ')</label><br /><br />	
				<table width="100%" class="wso">
						<td width="300">' . $this->l('Create customers') . ' <sup>*</sup></td>
						<td class="sync-p">
							<input type="text" class="ws-freq" name="' . Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(strtolower($this->cachetimeLbl . 'WSO-P010')) . '" value="' . Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(configuration::get($this->cachetimeLbl . 'WSO-P010', 2)) . '" /> <span class="mini grey">(Min : 1)</span>
						<td width="120">
							<select name="active_wso_p010" class="tinysel active_wso">
								<option value="1"';
        if (Configuration::get('OSI_ACTIVE_WSO-P010') == 1) {
            $html .= 'selected="selected"';
        $html .= '>' . $this->l('Enable') . '</option>
								<option value="0"';
        if (Configuration::get('OSI_ACTIVE_WSO-P010') == 0) {
            $html .= 'selected="selected"';
        $html .= '>' . $this->l('Disable') . '</option>
						<td>' . $this->l('Update customers') . ' <sup>*</sup></td>
						<td class="sync-p">
							<input type="text" class="ws-freq" name="' . Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(strtolower($this->cachetimeLbl . 'WSO-P025')) . '" value="' . Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(configuration::get($this->cachetimeLbl . 'WSO-P025', 2)) . '" /> <span class="mini grey">(Min : 1)</span>
						<td width="120">
							<select name="active_wso_p025" class="tinysel active_wso">
								<option value="1"';
        if (Configuration::get('OSI_ACTIVE_WSO-P025') == 1) {
            $html .= 'selected="selected"';
        $html .= '>' . $this->l('Enable') . '</option>
								<option value="0"';
        if (Configuration::get('OSI_ACTIVE_WSO-P025') == 0) {
            $html .= 'selected="selected"';
        $html .= '>' . $this->l('Disable') . '</option>

				<br /><hr />

				<table class="wso">
					<tr><td class="sync-o brown mini"><i>' . $this->l('Synchronization from OpenSi to Prestashop') . '</i></td></tr>
					<tr><td class="sync-p brown mini"><i>' . $this->l('Synchronization from Prestashop to OpenSi') . '</i></td></tr>

        return $html;