/** * Display results based on qurey var `cn-view`. * * @access public * @since 0.7.3 * @static * @uses get_query_var() * @param array $atts * @param string $content [optional] * * @return string */ public static function view($atts, $content = '', $tag = 'connections') { // Grab an instance of the Connections object. $instance = Connections_Directory(); /*$getAllowPublic = $instance->options->getAllowPublic(); var_dump($getAllowPublic); $getAllowPublicOverride = $instance->options->getAllowPublicOverride(); var_dump($getAllowPublicOverride); $getAllowPrivateOverride = $instance->options->getAllowPrivateOverride(); var_dump($getAllowPrivateOverride);*/ /* * Only show this message under the following condition: * - ( The user is not logged in AND the 'Login Required' is checked ) AND ( neither of the shortcode visibility overrides are enabled ). */ if (!is_user_logged_in() && !$instance->options->getAllowPublic() && !($instance->options->getAllowPublicOverride() || $instance->options->getAllowPrivateOverride())) { $message = $instance->settings->get('connections', 'connections_login', 'message'); // Format and texturize the message. $message = wptexturize(wpautop($message)); // Make any links and such clickable. $message = make_clickable($message); // Apply the shortcodes. $message = do_shortcode($message); return $message; } $view = get_query_var('cn-view'); switch ($view) { case 'submit': if (has_action('cn_submit_entry_form')) { ob_start(); do_action('cn_submit_entry_form', $atts, $content, $tag); return ob_get_clean(); } else { return '<p>' . __('Future home of front end submissions.', 'connections') . '</p>'; } break; case 'landing': return '<p>' . __('Future home of the landing pages, such a list of categories.', 'connections') . '</p>'; break; case 'search': if (has_action('cn_submit_search_form')) { ob_start(); do_action('cn_submit_search_form', $atts, $content, $tag); return ob_get_clean(); } else { return '<p>' . __('Future home of the search page.', 'connections') . '</p>'; } break; case 'results': if (has_action('cn_submit_search_results')) { ob_start(); do_action('cn_submit_search_results', $atts, $content, $tag); return ob_get_clean(); } else { return '<p>' . __('Future home of the search results landing page.', 'connections') . '</p>'; } break; // Show the standard result list. // Show the standard result list. case 'card': return cnShortcode_Connections::shortcode($atts, $content); break; // Show the "View All" result list using the "Names" template. // Show the "View All" result list using the "Names" template. case 'all': // Disable the output of the repeat character index. $atts['repeat_alphaindex'] = FALSE; // Force the use of the Names template. $atts['template'] = 'names'; return cnShortcode_Connections::shortcode($atts, $content); break; // Show the entry detail using a template based on the entry type. // Show the entry detail using a template based on the entry type. case 'detail': switch (get_query_var('cn-process')) { case 'edit': if (has_action('cn_edit_entry_form')) { // Check to see if the entry has been linked to a user ID. $entryID = get_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), 'connections_entry_id', TRUE); // var_dump( $entryID ); // $results = $instance->retrieve->entries(array('status' => 'approved,pending')); // var_dump( $results ); /* * The `cn_edit_entry_form` action should only be executed if the user is * logged in and they have the `connections_manage` capability and either the * `connections_edit_entry` or `connections_edit_entry_moderated` capability. */ if (is_user_logged_in() && (current_user_can('connections_manage') || $entryID == $results[0]->id) && (current_user_can('connections_edit_entry') || current_user_can('connections_edit_entry_moderated'))) { ob_start(); if (!current_user_can('connections_edit_entry') && $results[0]->status == 'pending') { echo '<p>' . __('Your entry submission is currently under review, however, you can continue to make edits to your entry submission while your submission is under review.', 'connections') . '</p>'; } do_action('cn_edit_entry_form', $atts, $content, $tag); return ob_get_clean(); } else { return __('You are not authorized to edit entries. Please contact the admin if you received this message in error.', 'connections'); } } break; default: // Ensure an array is passed the the cnRetrieve::entries method. if (!is_array($atts)) { $atts = (array) $atts; } $results = $instance->retrieve->entries($atts); //var_dump($results); $atts['list_type'] = $instance->settings->get('connections', 'connections_display_single', 'template') ? $results[0]->entry_type : NULL; // Disable the output of the following because they do no make sense to display for a single entry. $atts['show_alphaindex'] = FALSE; $atts['repeat_alphaindex'] = FALSE; $atts['show_alphahead'] = FALSE; return cnShortcode_Connections::shortcode($atts, $content); break; } break; // Show the standard result list. // Show the standard result list. default: //return cnShortcode_Connections::shortcode( $atts, $content ); if (has_action("cn_view_{$view}")) { ob_start(); do_action("cn_view_{$view}", $atts, $content, $tag); return ob_get_clean(); } break; } return cnShortcode_Connections::shortcode($atts, $content); }
function _connections_qtip($atts, $content = NULL, $tag) { $atts = shortcode_atts(array('id' => NULL), $atts, $tag); if (empty($atts['id']) || !is_numeric($atts['id']) || empty($content)) { return ''; } $qTipContent = '<span class="cn-qtip-content-card" style="display: none">' . cnShortcode_Connections::shortcode(array('id' => $atts['id'], 'template' => 'qtip-card')) . '</span>'; return '<span class="cn-qtip-card">' . $content . $qTipContent . '</span>'; }