/** * Copies image from one entry to a new entry. * * NOTE: The entry slug should be run thru rawurldecode() before being passed to this method. * * @access private * @since 8.1 * @static * @uses wp_upload_dir() * @uses trailingslashit() * @uses cnFileSystem::mkdir() * @param string $filename The filename to copy. * @param string $source The source sub directory (entry slug) of WP_CONTENT_DIR/CN_IMAGE_DIR_NAME of the image to copy. * @param string $destination The destination sub directory (entry slug) of WP_CONTENT_DIR/CN_IMAGE_DIR_NAME of the image to copy. * * @return mixed bool | object TRUE on success, an instance of WP_Error on failure. */ private static function copyImages($filename, $source, $destination) { // Get the core WP uploads info. // $uploadInfo = wp_upload_dir(); // Build source path to the subfolder in which all the entry's images are saved. $sourcePath = CN_IMAGE_PATH . $source . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $sourceImagePath = $sourcePath . $filename; // Source file info. $sourceImageInfo = pathinfo($sourceImagePath); // Build destination path to the subfolder in which all the entry's images are saved. $destinationPath = CN_IMAGE_PATH . $destination . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; // Create the new folder. cnFileSystem::mkdir($destinationPath); // foreach ( glob( "$sourcePath{$sourceImageInfo['filename']}*.{$sourceImageInfo['extension']}", GLOB_NOSORT ) as $file ) { // if ( ! is_dir( $file ) && is_readable( $file ) ) { // $destinationFile = trailingslashit( realpath( $destinationPath ) ) . basename( $file ); // if ( copy( $file, $destinationFile ) === FALSE ) { // return new WP_Error( 'image_copy_error', __( 'Image copy failed.', 'connections' ) ); // } // } // } if (realpath($sourcePath)) { $files = new DirectoryIterator($sourcePath); foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file->isDot()) { continue; } if (!$file->isDir() && $file->isReadable()) { $destinationFile = trailingslashit(realpath($destinationPath)) . basename($file); if (copy($file->getPathname(), $destinationFile) === FALSE) { return new WP_Error('image_copy_error', __('Image copy failed.', 'connections')); } } } } return TRUE; }
/** * Uses WP's Image Editor Class to crop and resize images. * * Derived from bfithumb. * @link https://github.com/bfintal/bfi_thumb * Incorporated crop only from Github pull request 13 * @link https://github.com/bfintal/bfi_thumb/pull/13 * Also incorporates positional cropping and image quality change from the Dominic Whittle bfithumb fork: * @link https://github.com/dominicwhittle/bfi_thumb * Crop mode support was inspired by TimThumb. * @link http://www.binarymoon.co.uk/projects/timthumb/ * * bfiThumb was inspired by Aqua Resizer * @url https://github.com/syamilmj/Aqua-Resizer * * @todo Should an option be added to control the order filters should be applied be added? Filter order can affect result... * * Accepted option for the $atts property are: * width (int|string) Width in pixels or percentage. If using percentage, the percentage symbol must be included, example `50%`. * height (int|string) Height in pixels or percentage. If using percentage, the percentage symbol must be included, example `50%`. * * negate (bool) Whether or not to apply the negate filter. Default: FALSE * grayscale (bool) Whether or not to apply the grayscale filter. Default: FALSE * brightness (int) Adjust the image brightness. Valid range is -255–255 (-255 = min brightness, 0 = no change, +255 = max brightness). Default: 0 * colorize (string) Colorize the image. Either a valid hex-color #000000–#ffffff or a HTML named color like `red` can be supplied. Default: NULL * @see cnColor::$colors for a list of valid named colors. * contrast (int) Ajust the image contrast. Valid range is -100–100 (-100 = max contrast, 0 = no change, +100 = min contrast [note the direction]) Default: 0 * detect_edges (bool) Whether of not to apply the detect edges filter. Default: FALSE * emboss (bool) Whether or not to apply the emboss filter. Default: FALSE * gassian_blur (bool) Whether of not to apply a gaussian blur. Default: FALSE * blur (bool) Whether or not to apply the blur filter. Default: FALSE * sketchy (bool) Whether or not to apply the the skethy filter. Default: FALSE * sharpen (bool) Whether or not to apply the sharpen filter. Default: FALSE * smooth (int) Apply the smooth filter. Valid range is -100–100 (-100 = max smooth, 100 = min smooth). Default: NULL * opacity (int) Set the image opacity. Valid range is 0–100 (0 = fully transparent, 100 = fully opaque). Default: 100 * * crop_mode (int) Which crop mode to utilize when rescaling the image. Valid range is 0–3. Default: 1 * 0 == Resize to Fit specified dimensions with no cropping. Aspect ratio will not be maintained. * 1 == Crop and resize to best fit dimensions maintaining aspect ration. Default. * 2 == Resize proportionally to fit entire image into specified dimensions, and add margins if required. * Use the canvas_color option to set the color to be used when adding margins. * 3 == Resize proportionally adjusting size of scaled image so there are no margins added. * crop_focus (array|string) The crop focus/positional cropping is used to determine the center origin of a crop when crop_mode is set 1. * Valid range is (float) 0.0–1.0 * Default: array( .5, .5) * Text options are also supported: * 'left,top' | array( 'left', 'top' ) == array( 0, 0 ) * 'center,top' | array( 'center', 'top' ) == array( .5, 0 ) * 'right,top' | array( 'right', 'top' ) == array( 1, 0 ) * 'left,center' | array( 'left', 'center' ) == array( 0, .5 ) * 'center,center' | array( 'center', 'center' ) == array( .5, .5) [the default crop focus]. * 'right,center' | array( 'right', 'center' ) == array( 1, .5 ) * 'left,bottom' | array( 'left', 'bottom' ) == array( 0, 1 ) * 'center,bottom' | array( 'center', 'bottom' ) == array( .5, 1 ) * 'right,bottom' | array( 'right', 'bottom' ) == array( 1, 1 ) * * crop_only (bool) Whether or not to just crop the image. * If set to TRUE, crop_x, crop_y, crop_width, crop_height must be supplied. * This overrides crop_mode. * Default: FALSE * crop_x (int|string) The x-axis crop origin start in pixels or percentage. If using percentage, the percentage symbol must be included, example `50%`. * crop_y (int|string) The y-axis crop origin start in pixels or percentage. If using percentage, the percentage symbol must be included, example `50%`. * crop_width (int|string) The resize width of the crop in pixels or percentage. If using percentage, the percentage symbol must be included, example `50%`. * The width option can be set to determine the final scaled width. * crop_height (int|string) The resize height of the crop in pixels or percentage. If using percentage, the percentage symbol must be included, example `50%`. * The height option can be set to determine the final scaled height. * * canvas_color (string) Either a valid hex-color #000000–#ffffff or a HTML named color like `red` can be supplied or set to 'transparent'. * The canvas_color is only used when using crop_mode=2. This will be the color of the margins. * Default: #FFFFFF * @see cnColor::$colors for a list of valid named colors. * * quality (int) The image quality to be used when saving the image. Valid range is 1–100. Default: 90 * * @param string $source The local image path or URL to process. The image must be in the upload folder or the theme folder. * @param array $atts An associative array containing the options used to process the image. * @param string $return * * @return mixed array | object | string | stream * If $return is `base64` then base64 encoded image data URI will be returned. Suitable for use in CSS or img src attribute. * If $return is `data` and array of the image meta is returned. * If $return is `editor` an instance if the WP_Image_Editor is returned. * If $return is `stream` the image resource will be streamed to the browser with the correct headers set. * If $return is `url` the image URL will be returned. [Default] */ public static function get($source, $atts = array(), $return = 'url') { global $wp_filter; // Increase PHP script execution by 60. This should help on hosts // that permit this change from page load timeouts from occurring // due to large number of images that might have to be created and cached. @set_time_limit(60); // Set artificially high because GD uses uncompressed images in memory. // Even though Imagick uses less PHP memory than GD, set higher limit for users that have low PHP.ini limits. @ini_set('memory_limit', apply_filters('image_memory_limit', WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT)); $filter = array(); $methods = array(); $log = new cnLog_Stateless(); /* * Temporarily store the filters hooked to the image editor filters. */ $filter['editors'] = isset($wp_filter['wp_image_editors']) ? $wp_filter['wp_image_editors'] : ''; $filter['resize'] = isset($wp_filter['image_resize_dimensions']) ? $wp_filter['image_resize_dimensions'] : ''; /* * Remove all filters hooked into the the image editor filters to prevent conflicts. */ remove_all_filters('wp_image_editors'); remove_all_filters('image_resize_dimensions'); /* * Start an instance of the logger if WP_DEBUG is defind and TRUE. */ $log->add('image_process_start', __('Image processing started.', 'connections')); /* * Use the cnImage editors. */ add_filter('wp_image_editors', array(__CLASS__, 'imageEditors')); /* * Do not use the default resizer since we want to allow resizing to larger sizes than the original image. * Parts are borrowed from media.php file in WordPress core. */ add_filter('image_resize_dimensions', array(__CLASS__, 'resize_dimensions'), 10, 6); $defaults = array('width' => 0, 'height' => 0, 'negate' => FALSE, 'grayscale' => FALSE, 'brightness' => 0, 'colorize' => NULL, 'contrast' => 0, 'detect_edges' => FALSE, 'emboss' => FALSE, 'gaussian_blur' => FALSE, 'blur' => FALSE, 'sketchy' => FALSE, 'sharpen' => FALSE, 'smooth' => NULL, 'opacity' => 100, 'crop_mode' => 1, 'crop_focus' => array(0.5, 0.5), 'crop_only' => FALSE, 'canvas_color' => '#FFFFFF', 'quality' => 90, 'sub_dir' => ''); $atts = wp_parse_args(apply_filters('cn_get_image_atts', $atts, $source, $return), $defaults); do_action('cn_image_get', $atts, $source, $return); /** * @var $width * @var $height * @var $negate * @var $grayscale * @var $brightness * @var $colorize * @var $contrast * @var $detect_edges * @var $emboss * @var $gaussian_blur * @var $blur * @var $sketchy * @var $sharpen * @var $smooth * @var $opacity * @var $crop_mode * @var $crop_focus * @var $crop_only * @var $canvas_color * @var $quality * @var $sub_dir */ extract($atts); /* * --> START <-- Sanitize/Validate $atts values. */ if (path_is_absolute($source)) { $log->add('image_path', __(sprintf('Supplied Source Path: %s', $source), 'connections')); } else { $source = esc_url($source); $log->add('image_url', __(sprintf('Supplied Source URL: %s', $source), 'connections')); } if (empty($source)) { return new WP_Error('no_path_or_url_provided', __('No image path or URL supplied.', 'connections'), $source); } if (!is_bool($negate)) { $negate = FALSE; } if (!is_bool($grayscale)) { $grayscale = FALSE; } if (!is_numeric($brightness) || empty($brightness)) { unset($brightness); } if (!is_numeric($contrast) || empty($contrast)) { unset($contrast); } if (!is_null($colorize)) { // If $colorize is a HEX color, ensure it is hashed. $colorize = cnFormatting::maybeHashHEXColor($colorize); // Check to see if $colorize is a valid HEX color. if (!cnSanitize::hexColor($colorize)) { // Since $colorize is not a valid HEX color, check to see if it is a named color. $colorize = cnColor::name2hex($colorize); // If $colorize is not a named color, unset it. if ($colorize === FALSE) { unset($colorize); } } } else { unset($colorize); } if (!is_bool($detect_edges)) { $detect_edges = FALSE; } if (!is_bool($emboss)) { $emboss = FALSE; } if (!is_bool($gaussian_blur)) { $gaussian_blur = FALSE; } if (!is_bool($blur)) { $blur = FALSE; } if (!is_bool($sketchy)) { $sketchy = FALSE; } if (!is_bool($sharpen)) { $sharpen = FALSE; } if (!is_numeric($smooth) || is_null($smooth)) { unset($smooth); } // Ensure valid value for opacity. if (!is_numeric($opacity)) { $opacity = 100; } // Ensure valid value for crop mode. if (filter_var((int) $crop_mode, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('min_range' => 0, 'max_range' => 3))) === FALSE) { $crop_mode = 1; } $log->add('image_crop_mode', __(sprintf('Crop Mode: %d', $crop_mode), 'connections')); // Crop can be defined as either an array or string, sanitized/validate both. if (is_array($crop_focus) || is_string($crop_focus)) { // If $crop_focus is a string, lets check if is a positional crop and convert to an array. if (is_string($crop_focus) && stripos($crop_focus, ',') !== FALSE) { $crop_focus = explode(',', $crop_focus); array_walk($crop_focus, 'trim'); } // Convert the string values to their float equivalents. if (is_string($crop_focus[0])) { switch ($crop_focus[0]) { case 'left': $crop_focus[0] = 0; break; case 'right': $crop_focus[0] = 1; break; default: $crop_focus[0] = 0.5; break; } } if (is_string($crop_focus[1])) { switch ($crop_focus[1]) { case 'top': $crop_focus[1] = 0; break; case 'bottom': $crop_focus[1] = 1; break; default: $crop_focus[1] = 0.5; break; } } // Ensure if an array was supplied, that there are only two keys, if not, set the default positional crop. if (count($crop_focus) !== 2) { $crop_focus = array(0.5, 0.5); // Values must be a float within the range of 0–1, if is not, set the default positional crop. } else { if ((!$crop_focus[0] >= 0 || !$crop_focus <= 1) && filter_var((double) $crop_focus[0], FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT) === FALSE) { $crop_focus[0] = 0.5; } if ((!$crop_focus[1] >= 0 || !$crop_focus <= 1) && filter_var((double) $crop_focus[1], FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT) === FALSE) { $crop_focus[1] = 0.5; } } $log->add('image_crop_focus', 'Crop Focus: ' . implode(',', $crop_focus)); } else { // If $crop_focus is not an array, it must be a (bool) FALSE and if it is not, set $crop_focus to FALSE. $crop_focus = FALSE; } if (!is_bool($crop_only)) { $crop_only = FALSE; } // If $canvas_color is a HEX color, ensure it is hashed. $canvas_color = cnFormatting::maybeHashHEXColor($canvas_color); // Check to see if $canvas_color is a valid HEX color. if (!cnSanitize::hexColor($canvas_color)) { // Check to see if it is `transparent`, if not, check if it is a named color. if (strtolower($canvas_color) === 'transparent') { $canvas_color = 'transparent'; } else { // Check to see if it is a named color. $canvas_color = cnColor::name2hex($canvas_color); // Not a named color, set the default. if ($canvas_color === FALSE) { $canvas_color = '#FFFFFF'; } } } // Ensure valid value for $quality. If invalid valid is supplied reset to the default of 90, matching WP core. if (filter_var((int) $quality, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('min_range' => 1, 'max_range' => 100))) === FALSE) { $quality = 90; } /* * --> END <-- Sanitize/Validate $atts values. */ // Define upload path & dir. $upload_dir = CN_IMAGE_PATH; $upload_url = CN_IMAGE_BASE_URL; // Get image info or return WP_Error. if (is_wp_error($image_info = self::info($source))) { return $image_info; } $log->add('image_path', __(sprintf('Verified Source Path: %s', $image_info['path']), 'connections')); // This is the filename. $basename = $image_info['basename']; $log->add('image_base_filename', 'Original filename: ' . $basename); // Path/File info. $ext = $image_info['extension']; // Image info. $orig_w = $image_info[0]; $orig_h = $image_info[1]; $orig_mime_type = $image_info['mime']; $log->add('image_original_info', 'Original width: ' . $orig_w); $log->add('image_original_info', 'Original height: ' . $orig_h); $log->add('image_original_info', 'Original mime: ' . $orig_mime_type); // Support percentage dimensions. Compute percentage based on the original dimensions. if (is_string($width) && !is_numeric($width)) { if (stripos($width, '%') !== FALSE) { $log->add('image_width_percentage', 'Width set as percentage.'); $width = (int) ((double) str_replace('%', '', $width) / 100 * $orig_w); $log->add('image_width', 'Width: ' . $width); } } else { $width = absint($width); $log->add('image_width', 'Width: ' . ($width === 0 ? '0' : $width)); } if (is_string($height) && !is_numeric($height)) { if (stripos($height, '%') !== FALSE) { $log->add('image_height_percentage', 'Height set as percentage.'); $height = (int) ((double) str_replace('%', '', $height) / 100 * $orig_h); $log->add('image_height', 'Height: ' . $height); } } else { $height = absint($height); $log->add('image_height', 'Height: ' . ($height === 0 ? '0' : $height)); } // The only purpose of this is to determine the final width and height // without performing any actual image manipulation. This will be used // to check whether a resize was done previously. if ((!empty($width) || !empty($height)) && $crop_only === FALSE) { switch ($crop_mode) { case 0: $dims = image_resize_dimensions($orig_w, $orig_h, empty($width) ? NULL : $width, empty($height) ? NULL : $height, FALSE); $dst_w = $dims[4]; $dst_h = $dims[5]; break; case 1: $dims = image_resize_dimensions($orig_w, $orig_h, empty($width) ? NULL : $width, empty($height) ? NULL : $height, is_array($crop_focus) ? $crop_focus : TRUE); $dst_w = $dims[4]; $dst_h = $dims[5]; break; case 2: $canvas_w = $width; $canvas_h = $height; // generate new w/h if not provided if ($width && !$height) { $height = floor($orig_h * ($width / $orig_w)); $canvas_h = $height; } else { if ($height && !$width) { $width = floor($orig_w * ($height / $orig_h)); $canvas_w = $width; } } $final_height = $orig_h * ($width / $orig_w); if ($final_height > $height) { $origin_x = $width / 2; $width = $orig_w * ($height / $orig_h); $origin_x = round($origin_x - $width / 2); } else { $origin_y = $height / 2; $height = $final_height; $origin_y = round($origin_y - $height / 2); } $dst_w = $canvas_w; $dst_h = $canvas_h; break; case 3: // generate new w/h if not provided if ($width && !$height) { $height = floor($orig_h * ($width / $orig_w)); } else { if ($height && !$width) { $width = floor($orig_w * ($height / $orig_h)); } } $final_height = $orig_h * ($width / $orig_w); if ($final_height > $height) { $width = $orig_w * ($height / $orig_h); } else { $height = $final_height; } $dims = image_resize_dimensions($orig_w, $orig_h, empty($width) ? NULL : $width, empty($height) ? NULL : $height, FALSE); $dst_w = $dims[4]; $dst_h = $dims[5]; break; } $log->add('image_resize_width', 'Resize width: ' . ($dst_w === 0 ? '0' : $dst_w)); $log->add('image_resize_height', 'Resize height: ' . ($dst_h === 0 ? '0' : $dst_h)); // Do not resize, only a crop in the image. } elseif ($crop_only === TRUE) { // get x position to start cropping $src_x = isset($crop_x) ? $crop_x : 0; // get y position to start cropping $src_y = isset($crop_y) ? $crop_y : 0; // width of the crop if (isset($crop_width)) { $src_w = $crop_width; } else { if (isset($width)) { $src_w = $width; } else { $src_w = $orig_w; } } // height of the crop if (isset($crop_height)) { $src_h = $crop_height; } else { if (isset($height)) { $src_h = $height; } else { $src_h = $orig_h; } } // set the width resize with the crop if (isset($crop_width) && isset($width)) { $dst_w = $width; } else { $dst_w = NULL; } // set the height resize with the crop if (isset($crop_height) && isset($height)) { $dst_h = $height; } else { $dst_h = NULL; } // allow percentages if (isset($dst_w)) { if (stripos($dst_w, '%') !== FALSE) { $dst_w = (int) ((double) str_replace('%', '', $dst_w) / 100 * $orig_w); } } if (isset($dst_h)) { if (stripos($dst_h, '%') !== FALSE) { $dst_h = (int) ((double) str_replace('%', '', $dst_h) / 100 * $orig_h); } } $dims = image_resize_dimensions($src_w, $src_h, $dst_w, $dst_h, FALSE); $dst_w = $dims[4]; $dst_h = $dims[5]; // Make the pos x and pos y work with percentages if (stripos($src_x, '%') !== FALSE) { $src_x = (int) ((double) str_replace('%', '', $width) / 100 * $orig_w); } if (stripos($src_y, '%') !== FALSE) { $src_y = (int) ((double) str_replace('%', '', $height) / 100 * $orig_h); } // allow center to position crop start if ($src_x === 'center') { $src_x = ($orig_w - $src_w) / 2; } if ($src_y === 'center') { $src_y = ($orig_h - $src_h) / 2; } } // Create the hash for the saved file. // This to check whether we need to create a new file or use an existing file. $hash = (string) $image_info['modified'] . (empty($width) ? str_pad((string) $width, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : '00000') . (empty($height) ? str_pad((string) $height, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : '00000') . ($negate ? '1' : '0') . ($grayscale ? '1' : '0') . (isset($brightness) ? str_pad((string) ((int) $brightness >= 0 ? '1' . (string) $brightness : str_replace('-', '0', (string) $brightness)), 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : '0000') . (isset($colorize) ? str_pad(preg_replace('#^\\##', '', $colorize), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : '00000000') . (isset($contrast) ? str_pad((string) ((int) $contrast >= 0 ? '1' . (string) $contrast : str_replace('-', '0', (string) $contrast)), 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : '0000') . ($detect_edges ? '1' : '0') . ($emboss ? '1' : '0') . ($gaussian_blur ? '1' : '0') . ($blur ? '1' : '0') . ($sketchy ? '1' : '0') . ($sharpen ? '1' : '0') . (isset($smooth) ? str_pad((string) ((double) $smooth >= 0 ? '1' . (string) $smooth : str_replace('-', '0', (string) $smooth)), 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : '0000') . str_pad((string) $opacity, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ($crop_focus ? is_array($crop_focus) ? str_replace('.', '', join('', $crop_focus)) : '1' : '0') . $crop_mode . ($crop_only ? '1' : '0') . (isset($src_x) ? str_pad((string) $src_x, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : '00000') . (isset($src_y) ? str_pad((string) $src_y, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : '00000') . (isset($src_w) ? str_pad((string) $src_w, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : '00000') . (isset($src_h) ? str_pad((string) $src_h, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : '00000') . (isset($dst_w) ? str_pad((string) $dst_w, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : '00000') . (isset($dst_h) ? str_pad((string) $dst_h, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : '00000') . str_pad(preg_replace('#^\\##', '', $canvas_color), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad((string) $quality, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $log->add('image_file_hash', 'Hash: ' . $hash); // Hash the filename suffix. $suffix = md5($hash); $log->add('image_base_name_suffix', 'Base filename suffix: ' . $suffix); // Use this to check if cropped image already exists, so we can return that instead. $dst_rel_path = str_replace('.' . $ext, '', $image_info['basename']); // Set file ext to `png` if the opacity has been set less than 100 or if the crop mode is `2` and the canvas color was set to transparent. if ($opacity < 100 || $canvas_color === 'transparent' && $crop_mode == 2) { $ext = 'png'; } // Create the upload subdirectory, this is where the generated images are saved. $upload_dir = is_string($atts['sub_dir']) && !empty($atts['sub_dir']) ? trailingslashit(CN_IMAGE_PATH . $atts['sub_dir']) : CN_IMAGE_PATH; $upload_url = is_string($atts['sub_dir']) && !empty($atts['sub_dir']) ? trailingslashit(CN_IMAGE_BASE_URL . $atts['sub_dir']) : CN_IMAGE_BASE_URL; cnFileSystem::mkdir($upload_dir); // Destination paths and URL. $destfilename = "{$upload_dir}{$dst_rel_path}-{$suffix}." . strtolower($ext); $img_url = "{$upload_url}{$dst_rel_path}-{$suffix}." . strtolower($ext); // If file exists, just return it. if (@file_exists($destfilename) && ($image_info = getimagesize($destfilename))) { $mime_type = $image_info['mime']; $log->add('image_serve_from_cache', 'Image found in cache, no processing required.'); $editor = wp_get_image_editor($destfilename); // If there is an error, return WP_Error object. if (is_wp_error($editor)) { return $editor; } $log->add('image_editor_engine', __(sprintf('Image processing parent class is %s', get_parent_class($editor)), 'connections')); $log->add('image_editor_engine', __(sprintf('Image processing class is %s', get_class($editor)), 'connections')); } else { // Setup the $methods var to be passed to wp_get_image_editor() // so the correct image editor engine can be chosen for processing the image. if ($negate) { $methods['methods'][] = 'negate'; } if ($grayscale) { $methods['methods'][] = 'grayscale'; } if (isset($brightness)) { $methods['methods'][] = 'brightness'; } if (isset($colorize)) { $methods['methods'][] = 'colorize'; } if (isset($contrast)) { $methods['methods'][] = 'contrast'; } if ($detect_edges) { $methods['methods'][] = 'detect_edges'; } if ($emboss) { $methods['methods'][] = 'emboss'; } if ($gaussian_blur) { $methods['methods'][] = 'gaussian_blur'; } if ($blur) { $methods['methods'][] = 'blur'; } if ($sketchy) { $methods['methods'][] = 'sketchy'; } if ($sharpen) { $methods['methods'][] = 'sharpen'; } if (isset($smooth)) { $methods['methods'][] = 'smooth'; } if (isset($opacity)) { $methods['methods'][] = 'opacity'; } if ($crop_focus) { $methods['methods'][] = 'crop'; } if ($crop_mode == 2) { $methods['methods'][] = 'resize_padded'; } if ($crop_only) { $methods['methods'][] = 'resize'; } $methods['methods'][] = 'set_quality'; // Perform resizing and other filters. /** @var CN_Image_Editor_GD $editor */ $editor = wp_get_image_editor($image_info['path'], $methods); // If there is an error, return WP_Error object. if (is_wp_error($editor)) { return $editor; } $log->add('image_editor_engine', __(sprintf('Image processing parent class is %s', get_parent_class($editor)), 'connections')); $log->add('image_editor_engine', __(sprintf('Image processing class is %s', get_class($editor)), 'connections')); /* * Perform image manipulations. */ if ($crop_only === FALSE) { if (!empty($width) && $width || !empty($height) && $height) { switch ($crop_mode) { case 0: if (is_wp_error($result = $editor->resize(empty($width) ? NULL : $width, empty($height) ? NULL : $height, FALSE))) { return $result; } $log->add('image_resized', __('Image successfully resized to fit new width and height without maintaining proportion.', 'connections')); break; case 1: if (is_wp_error($result = $editor->resize(empty($width) ? NULL : $width, empty($height) ? NULL : $height, is_array($crop_focus) ? $crop_focus : TRUE))) { return $result; } if (is_bool($crop_focus)) { $log->add('image_resized', __('Image successfully resized with cropping.', 'connections')); } elseif (is_array($crop_focus)) { $log->add('image_resized', __(sprintf('Image successfully resized with cropping from origin %s,%s.', $crop_focus[0], $crop_focus[1]), 'connections')); } break; case 2: if (is_wp_error($result = $editor->resize_padded($canvas_w, $canvas_h, $canvas_color, empty($width) ? NULL : $width, empty($height) ? NULL : $height, $orig_w, $orig_h, empty($origin_x) ? 0 : $origin_x, empty($origin_y) ? 0 : $origin_y))) { return $result; } $log->add('image_resized', __('Image successfully resized proportionally with padding.', 'connections')); break; case 3: if (is_wp_error($result = $editor->resize(empty($width) ? NULL : $width, empty($height) ? NULL : $height, FALSE))) { return $result; } $log->add('image_resized', __('Image successfully resized proportionally with no padding.', 'connections')); break; } } } else { if (is_wp_error($result = $editor->crop($src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $dst_w, $dst_h))) { return $result; } } if ($negate) { if (is_wp_error($result = $editor->negate())) { return $result; } $log->add('image_filter_negate', __('Negate filter applied.', 'connections')); } if ($grayscale) { if (is_wp_error($result = $editor->grayscale())) { return $result; } $log->add('image_filter_grayscale', __('Grayscale filter applied.', 'connections')); } if (isset($brightness)) { if (is_wp_error($result = $editor->brightness($brightness))) { return $result; } $log->add('image_filter_brightnes', __(sprintf('Brightness level %s applied.', $brightness), 'connections')); } if (isset($contrast)) { if (is_wp_error($result = $editor->contrast($contrast))) { return $result; } $log->add('image_filter_contrast', __(sprintf('Contrast level %s applied.', $contrast), 'connections')); } if (isset($colorize)) { if (is_wp_error($result = $editor->colorize($colorize))) { return $result; } $log->add('image_filter_colorize', __(sprintf('Colorized using %s.', $colorize), 'connections')); } if ($detect_edges) { if (is_wp_error($result = $editor->detect_edges())) { return $result; } $log->add('image_filter_edge_detect', __('Edge Detect filter applied.', 'connections')); } if ($emboss) { if (is_wp_error($result = $editor->emboss())) { return $result; } $log->add('image_filter_emboss', __('Emboss filter applied.', 'connections')); } if ($gaussian_blur) { if (is_wp_error($result = $editor->gaussian_blur())) { return $result; } $log->add('image_filter_gaussian_blur', __('Gaussian Blur filter applied.', 'connections')); } if ($blur) { if (is_wp_error($result = $editor->blur())) { return $result; } $log->add('image_filter_blur', __('Blur filter applied.', 'connections')); } if ($sketchy) { if (is_wp_error($result = $editor->sketchy())) { return $result; } $log->add('image_filter_sketchy', __('Sketchy filter applied.', 'connections')); } if ($sharpen) { if (is_wp_error($result = $editor->sharpen($sharpen))) { return $result; } $log->add('image_filter_sharpen', __('Sharpen filter applied.', 'connections')); } if (isset($smooth)) { if (is_wp_error($result = $editor->smooth($smooth))) { return $result; } $log->add('image_filter_smooth', __(sprintf('Smooth filter applied with level %s.', $smooth), 'connections')); } if ($opacity < 100) { if (is_wp_error($result = $editor->opacity($opacity))) { return $result; } } $log->add('image_filter_opacity', __(sprintf('Opacity set at %d.', $opacity), 'connections')); // Set image save quality. $editor->set_quality($quality); $log->add('image_save_quality', __(sprintf('Saving quality set at %s.', $editor->get_quality()), 'connections')); // Save the new image, set file type to PNG if the opacity has been set less than 100 or if the crop mode is `2` and the canvas color was set to transparent. if ($opacity < 100 || $canvas_color === 'transparent' && $crop_mode == 2 || $orig_mime_type == 'image/png') { $mime_type = 'image/png'; } elseif ($orig_mime_type == 'image/jpeg') { $mime_type = 'image/jpeg'; } elseif ($orig_mime_type == 'image/gif') { $mime_type = 'image/gif'; } $log->add('image_save_mime_type', __(sprintf('Saving file as %s.', $mime_type), 'connections')); $log->add('image_save_file_path', __(sprintf('Saving file in path: %s', $destfilename), 'connections')); $resized_file = $editor->save($destfilename, $mime_type); $log->add('image_save', __('File saved successfully.', 'connections')); } $log->add('image_cache_url', __(sprintf('Cache URL: %s', $img_url), 'connections')); /* * Remove the cnImage filters. */ remove_filter('wp_image_editors', array(__CLASS__, 'imageEditors')); remove_filter('image_resize_dimensions', array(__CLASS__, 'resize_dimensions'), 10); /* * Be a good citizen and add the filters that were hooked back to image editor filters. */ if (!empty($filter['editors'])) { $wp_filter['wp_image_editors'] = $filter['editors']; } if (!empty($filter['resize'])) { $wp_filter['image_resize_dimensions'] = $filter['resize']; } switch ($return) { case 'base64': $image = 'data:image/' . (isset($mime_type) ? $mime_type : $orig_mime_type) . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents($destfilename)); break; case 'data': $image = array('name' => "{$dst_rel_path}-{$suffix}.{$ext}", 'path' => $destfilename, 'url' => $img_url, 'width' => isset($dst_w) ? $dst_w : $orig_w, 'height' => isset($dst_h) ? $dst_h : $orig_h, 'size' => 'height="' . (isset($dst_h) ? $dst_h : $orig_h) . '" width="' . (isset($dst_w) ? $dst_w : $orig_w) . '"', 'mime' => isset($mime_type) ? $mime_type : $orig_mime_type, 'type' => $image_info[2], 'log' => defined('WP_DEBUG') && WP_DEBUG === TRUE ? $log : __('WP_DEBUG is not defined or set to FALSE, set to TRUE to enable image processing log.', 'connections')); break; case 'editor': $image = $editor; break; case 'stream': $image = $editor->stream(); break; default: $image = $img_url; break; } return $image; }
/** * Copy or move the originally uploaded logo to the new folder structure, post 8.1. * * NOTE: If the original logo already exists in the new folder structure, this will * return TRUE without any further processing. * * NOTE: Versions previous to did not not make a duplicate copy of logos when * copying an entry so it was possible multiple entries could share the same logo. * Only logos created after the date that version . was released will be moved, * plus a couple weeks for good measure. Images before that date will be copied instead * so it is available to be copied to the new folder structure, post 8.1, for any other * entries that may require it. * * @access private * @since 8.1 * @uses wp_upload_dir() * @uses trailingslashit() * @param string $filename The original logo file name. * * @return mixed bool|WP_Error TRUE on success, an instance of WP_Error on failure. */ protected function processLegacyLogo($filename) { global $blog_id; if (is_multisite() && CN_MULTISITE_ENABLED) { $legacyPath = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/blogs.dir/' . $blog_id . '/connection_images/'; } else { $legacyPath = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/connection_images/'; } // The entry slug is saved in the db URL encoded, so it needs to be decoded. $slug = rawurldecode($this->getSlug()); // Ensure the entry slug is not empty in case a user added an entry with no name. if (empty($slug)) { return new WP_Error('image_empty_slug', __(sprintf('Failed to move legacy logo %s.', $filename), 'connections'), $legacyPath . $filename); } // Get the core WP uploads info. // $uploadInfo = wp_upload_dir(); // Build the destination logo path. $path = CN_IMAGE_PATH . $slug . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; // If the source logo already exists in the new folder structure, post 8.1, bail, nothing to do. if (is_file($path . $filename)) { return TRUE; } if (is_file($legacyPath . $filename)) { // The modification file date that logo will be deleted to maintain compatibility with and older. $compatibilityDate = mktime(0, 0, 0, 6, 1, 2010); // Build path to the original file. $original = $legacyPath . $filename; // Ensure the destination directory exists. if (cnFileSystem::mkdir($path)) { // Copy or move the logo. /** @noinspection PhpUsageOfSilenceOperatorInspection */ if ($compatibilityDate < @filemtime($legacyPath . $filename)) { /** @noinspection PhpUsageOfSilenceOperatorInspection */ $result = @rename($original, $path . $filename); } else { /** @noinspection PhpUsageOfSilenceOperatorInspection */ $result = @copy($original, $path . $filename); } if (TRUE === $result) { return TRUE; } } } return new WP_Error('image_move_legacy_logo_error', __(sprintf('Failed to move legacy logo %s.', $filename), 'connections'), $legacyPath . $filename); }