  * Constructor to create a valid object
  * @param string $strSystemid (use "" on new objects)
 public function __construct($strSystemid = "")
     if (class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_tags_defaultprivate_") == "true") {
         $this->intPrivate = 1;
  * @inheritDoc
 public function generateFieldsFromObject()
     $objNews = $this->getObjSourceobject();
     if ($objNews->getSystemid() != class_module_system_module::getModuleByName("news")->getSystemid()) {
         //search the languages maintained
         $objLanguageManager = class_module_languages_languageset::getLanguagesetForSystemid($objNews->getSystemid());
         if ($objLanguageManager != null) {
             $arrMaintained = $objLanguageManager->getArrLanguageSet();
             $arrDD = array();
             foreach ($arrMaintained as $strLanguageId => $strSystemid) {
                 $objLanguage = new class_module_languages_language($strLanguageId);
                 $arrDD[$strSystemid] = $this->getLang("lang_" . $objLanguage->getStrName(), "languages");
             class_module_languages_admin::setStrOnChangeHandler("window.location='" . class_link::getLinkAdminHref("news", "editNews") . (class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_system_mod_rewrite_") == "true" ? "?" : "&") . "systemid='+this.value+'&pe=" . class_carrier::getInstance()->getParam("pe") . "';");
     $arrCats = class_module_news_category::getObjectList();
     if (count($arrCats) > 0) {
         $arrKeyValues = array();
         /** @var class_module_news_category $objOneCat */
         foreach ($arrCats as $objOneCat) {
             $arrKeyValues[$objOneCat->getSystemid()] = $objOneCat->getStrDisplayName();
     if (class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_news_news_datetime_") == "true") {
         $this->addField(new class_formentry_datetime($this->getStrFormname(), "objDateStart", $objNews), "datestart")->setBitMandatory(true)->setStrLabel($this->getLang("form_news_datestart"));
         $this->addField(new class_formentry_datetime($this->getStrFormname(), "objDateEnd", $objNews), "dateend")->setStrLabel($this->getLang("form_news_dateend"));
         $this->addField(new class_formentry_datetime($this->getStrFormname(), "objDateSpecial", $objNews), "datespecial")->setStrLabel($this->getLang("form_news_datespecial"));
  * @return string
  * @autoTestable
  * @permissions view
 protected function actionBrowserChooser()
     $strReturn = "";
     if ($this->getParam("CKEditorFuncNum") != "") {
         $strReturn .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.opener.KAJONA.admin.folderview.selectCallbackCKEditorFuncNum = " . (int) $this->getParam("CKEditorFuncNum") . ";</script>";
     $intCounter = 1;
     $strReturn .= $this->objToolkit->listHeader();
     if (class_module_system_module::getModuleByName("pages") !== null) {
         $strAction = $this->objToolkit->listButton(class_link::getLinkAdmin("pages", "pagesFolderBrowser", "&pages=1&form_element=" . $this->getParam("form_element") . "&bit_link=1", $this->getLang("wysiwygPagesBrowser"), $this->getLang("wysiwygPagesBrowser"), "icon_folderActionOpen"));
         $strReturn .= $this->objToolkit->genericAdminList(generateSystemid(), $this->getLang("wysiwygPagesBrowser"), "", $strAction, $intCounter++);
     $strRepoId = class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_mediamanager_default_filesrepoid_");
     if (validateSystemid($strRepoId) && class_module_system_module::getModuleByName("mediamanager") !== null && class_objectfactory::getInstance()->getObject($strRepoId) !== null) {
         $strAction = $this->objToolkit->listButton(class_link::getLinkAdmin("mediamanager", "folderContentFolderviewMode", "&systemid=" . $strRepoId . "&form_element=" . $this->getParam("form_element") . "&bit_link=1", $this->getLang("wysiwygFilesBrowser"), $this->getLang("wysiwygFilesBrowser"), "icon_folderActionOpen"));
         $strReturn .= $this->objToolkit->genericAdminList(generateSystemid(), $this->getLang("wysiwygFilesBrowser"), "", $strAction, $intCounter++);
     $strRepoId = class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_mediamanager_default_imagesrepoid_");
     if (validateSystemid($strRepoId) && class_module_system_module::getModuleByName("mediamanager") !== null && class_objectfactory::getInstance()->getObject($strRepoId) !== null) {
         $strAction = $this->objToolkit->listButton(class_link::getLinkAdmin("mediamanager", "folderContentFolderviewMode", "&systemid=" . $strRepoId . "&form_element=" . $this->getParam("form_element") . "&bit_link=1", $this->getLang("wysiwygImagesBrowser"), $this->getLang("wysiwygImagesBrowser"), "icon_folderActionOpen"));
         $strReturn .= $this->objToolkit->genericAdminList(generateSystemid(), $this->getLang("wysiwygImagesBrowser"), "", $strAction, $intCounter++);
     if (class_module_system_module::getModuleByName("mediamanager") !== null) {
         $strAction = $this->objToolkit->listButton(class_link::getLinkAdmin("mediamanager", "folderContentFolderviewMode", "&form_element=" . $this->getParam("form_element") . "&bit_link=1", $this->getLang("wysiwygRepoBrowser"), $this->getLang("wysiwygRepoBrowser"), "icon_folderActionOpen"));
         $strReturn .= $this->objToolkit->genericAdminList(generateSystemid(), $this->getLang("wysiwygRepoBrowser"), "", $strAction, $intCounter++);
     $strReturn .= $this->objToolkit->listFooter();
     return $strReturn;
 public function install()
     $strReturn = "";
     $strReturn .= "Installing table packageserver_log...\n";
     $arrFields = array();
     $arrFields["log_id"] = array("char20", false);
     $arrFields["log_query"] = array("text", true);
     $arrFields["log_ip"] = array("char254", true);
     $arrFields["log_hostname"] = array("char254", true);
     $arrFields["log_date"] = array("long", true);
     if (!$this->objDB->createTable("packageserver_log", $arrFields, array("log_id"), array("log_date"), false)) {
         $strReturn .= "An error occurred! ...\n";
     //register the module
     $this->registerModule("packageserver", _packageserver_module_id_, "class_module_packageserver_portal.php", "class_module_packageserver_admin.php", $this->objMetadata->getStrVersion(), true);
     $strReturn .= "creating package-upload-repository...\n";
     $objFilesytem = new class_filesystem();
     $objRepo = new class_module_mediamanager_repo();
     $objRepo->setStrTitle("Packageserver packages");
     class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjRights()->addGroupToRight(class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_guests_group_id_"), $objRepo->getSystemid(), class_rights::$STR_RIGHT_RIGHT2);
     $strReturn .= "Registering system-constants...\n";
     $this->registerConstant("_packageserver_repo_id_", "", class_module_system_setting::$int_TYPE_STRING, _packageserver_module_id_);
     $strReturn .= "Setting aspect assignments...\n";
     if (class_module_system_aspect::getAspectByName("content") != null) {
         $objModule = class_module_system_module::getModuleByName($this->objMetadata->getStrTitle());
     return $strReturn;
  * Returns a list of all packages available.
  * By default a json-encoded array-like structure.
  * @return string|json
  * @permissions view
  * @xml
 protected function actionList()
     $arrPackages = array();
     $intNrOfFiles = 0;
     $intStart = $this->ensureNumericValue($this->getParam("start"), null);
     $intEnd = $this->ensureNumericValue($this->getParam("end"), null);
     $strTypeFilter = $this->isValidCategoryFilter($this->getParam("type")) ? $this->getParam("type") : false;
     $strNameFilter = trim($this->getParam("title")) != "" ? trim($this->getParam("title")) : false;
     if ($this->isValidPagingParameter($intStart) && $this->isValidPagingParameter($intEnd)) {
         if ($intEnd >= $intStart) {
             $intNrOfFiles = $this->getAllPackagesCount(class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_packageserver_repo_id_"), $strTypeFilter, $strNameFilter);
             $arrDBFiles = $this->getAllPackages(class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_packageserver_repo_id_"), $strTypeFilter, $intStart, $intEnd, $strNameFilter);
             //error-handling: a new filter and a offset is passed. but maybe the passed offset is no longer valid for the new filter criteria
             if (count($arrDBFiles) == 0 && $intNrOfFiles > 0) {
                 $arrDBFiles = $this->getAllPackages(class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_packageserver_repo_id_"), $strTypeFilter, 0, $intNrOfFiles, $strNameFilter);
             $objManager = new class_module_packagemanager_manager();
             foreach ($arrDBFiles as $objOneFile) {
                 try {
                     $objMetadata = $objManager->getPackageManagerForPath($objOneFile->getStrFilename());
                     $arrPackages[] = array("systemid" => $objOneFile->getSystemid(), "title" => $objMetadata->getObjMetadata()->getStrTitle(), "version" => $objMetadata->getObjMetadata()->getStrVersion(), "description" => $objMetadata->getObjMetadata()->getStrDescription(), "type" => $objMetadata->getObjMetadata()->getStrType());
                 } catch (class_exception $objEx) {
             class_module_packageserver_log::generateDlLog($strNameFilter !== false ? $strNameFilter : "", isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) ? $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] : "::1", urldecode($this->getParam("domain")));
     $result = array();
     $result['numberOfTotalItems'] = $intNrOfFiles;
     $result['items'] = $arrPackages;
     $result['protocolVersion'] = self::PROTOCOL_VERSION;
     $strReturn = json_encode($result);
     return $strReturn;
 public function install()
     $strReturn = "";
     $objManager = new class_orm_schemamanager();
     $strReturn .= "Installing table votings_voting...\n";
     $strReturn .= "Installing table votings_answer...\n";
     //register the module
     $strSystemID = $this->registerModule($this->objMetadata->getStrTitle(), _votings_module_id_, "class_module_votings_portal.php", "class_module_votings_admin.php", $this->objMetadata->getStrVersion(), true);
     //modify default rights to allow guests to vote
     $strReturn .= "Modifying modules' rights node...\n";
     class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjRights()->addGroupToRight(class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_guests_group_id_"), $strSystemID, "right1");
     $strReturn .= "Registering votings-element...\n";
     if (class_module_pages_element::getElement("votings") == null) {
         $objElement = new class_module_pages_element();
         $strReturn .= "Element registered...\n";
     } else {
         $strReturn .= "Element already installed!...\n";
     $strReturn .= "Setting aspect assignments...\n";
     if (class_module_system_aspect::getAspectByName("content") != null) {
         $objModule = class_module_system_module::getModuleByName($this->objMetadata->getStrTitle());
     return $strReturn;
  * Sends the requested file to the browser
  * @return string
 public function actionDownload()
     //Load filedetails
     if (validateSystemid($this->getSystemid())) {
         /** @var $objFile class_module_mediamanager_file */
         $objFile = class_objectfactory::getInstance()->getObject($this->getSystemid());
         if ($objFile instanceof class_module_mediamanager_file && $objFile->getIntRecordStatus() == "1" && $objFile->getIntType() == class_module_mediamanager_file::$INT_TYPE_FILE) {
             //Check rights
             if ($objFile->rightRight2()) {
                 //Log the download
                 //Send the data to the browser
                 $strBrowser = getServer("HTTP_USER_AGENT");
                 //Check the current browsertype
                 if (uniStrpos($strBrowser, "IE") !== false) {
                     //Internet Explorer
                     class_response_object::getInstance()->addHeader("Content-type: application/x-ms-download");
                     class_response_object::getInstance()->addHeader("Content-type: x-type/subtype\n");
                     class_response_object::getInstance()->addHeader("Content-type: application/force-download");
                     class_response_object::getInstance()->addHeader("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . preg_replace('/\\./', '%2e', saveUrlEncode(trim(basename($objFile->getStrFilename()))), substr_count(basename($objFile->getStrFilename()), '.') - 1));
                 } else {
                     //Good: another browser vendor
                     class_response_object::getInstance()->addHeader("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
                     class_response_object::getInstance()->addHeader("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . saveUrlEncode(trim(basename($objFile->getStrFilename()))));
                 //Common headers
                 class_response_object::getInstance()->addHeader("Expires: Mon, 01 Jan 1995 00:00:00 GMT");
                 class_response_object::getInstance()->addHeader("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
                 class_response_object::getInstance()->addHeader("Pragma: no-cache");
                 class_response_object::getInstance()->addHeader("Content-description: JustThum-Generated Data\n");
                 class_response_object::getInstance()->addHeader("Content-Length: " . filesize(_realpath_ . $objFile->getStrFilename()));
                 //End Session
                 //Loop the file
                 $ptrFile = @fopen(_realpath_ . $objFile->getStrFilename(), 'rb');
                 return "";
             } else {
         } else {
     } else {
     //if we reach up here, something gone wrong :/
     class_response_object::getInstance()->setStrRedirectUrl(str_replace(array("_indexpath_", "&amp;"), array(_indexpath_, "&"), class_link::getLinkPortalHref(class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_pages_errorpage_"))));
     return "";
  * Renders the field itself.
  * In most cases, based on the current toolkit.
  * @return string
 public function renderField()
     $objToolkit = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjToolkit("admin");
     $strReturn = "";
     if ($this->getStrHint() != null) {
         $strReturn .= $objToolkit->formTextRow($this->getStrHint());
     $strReturn .= $objToolkit->formInputFileSelector($this->getStrEntryName(), $this->getStrLabel(), $this->getStrValue(), class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_mediamanager_default_filesrepoid_"));
     return $strReturn;
  * Triggers the workflow engine
  * @xml
  * @return string
 protected function actionTrigger()
     if ($this->getParam("authkey") == class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_workflows_trigger_authkey_")) {
         $objWorkflowController = new class_workflows_controller();
         return "<message>Execution successful</message>";
     return "<message><error>Not authorized</error></message>";
  * Processes the content.
  * Make sure to return the string again, otherwise the output will remain blank.
  * @param string $strContent
  * @return string
 public function processContent($strContent)
     $arrConstants = array("_indexpath_", "_webpath_", "_system_browser_cachebuster_", "_gentime_");
     $arrValues = array(_indexpath_, _webpath_, class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_system_browser_cachebuster_"), date("d.m.y H:i", time()));
     $arrConstants[] = "_packagemanager_defaulttemplate_";
     $arrValues[] = class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_packagemanager_defaulttemplate_");
     if (defined("_skinwebpath_")) {
         $arrConstants[] = "_skinwebpath_";
         $arrValues[] = _skinwebpath_;
     return str_replace($arrConstants, $arrValues, $strContent);
  * Returns the contents of the info-block
  * @return mixed
 public function getArrContent()
     $strOldTimezone = date_default_timezone_get();
     $objLang = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjLang();
     $arrReturn = array();
     $arrReturn[] = array($objLang->getLang("time_phptimestamp", "system"), time());
     $arrReturn[] = array($objLang->getLang("time_systemtimezone", "system"), date_default_timezone_get());
     $arrReturn[] = array($objLang->getLang("time_localsystemtime", "system"), timeToString(time()));
     $arrReturn[] = array($objLang->getLang("time_systemtime_UTC", "system"), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
     $arrReturn[] = array($objLang->getLang("time_systemzone_manual_setting", "system"), class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_system_timezone_"));
     return $arrReturn;
  * Generic list of all packages available on the local filesystem
  * @return string
  * @permissions view
  * @autoTestable
 protected function actionOpenFolder()
     if (validateSystemid(class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_packageserver_repo_id_"))) {
         if ($this->getSystemid() == "") {
         $objIterator = new class_array_section_iterator(class_module_mediamanager_file::getFileCount($this->getSystemid(), false, false, true));
         $objIterator->setArraySection(class_module_mediamanager_file::loadFilesDB($this->getSystemid(), false, false, $objIterator->calculateStartPos(), $objIterator->calculateEndPos(), true));
     } else {
         $objIterator = new class_array_section_iterator(class_module_mediamanager_file::getFlatPackageListCount(false, false));
         $objIterator->setArraySection(class_module_mediamanager_file::getFlatPackageList(false, false, $objIterator->calculateStartPos(), $objIterator->calculateEndPos()));
     return $this->renderList($objIterator);
  * Creates a graph-instance either based on the current config or
  * based on the passed param
  * @param string $strType
  * @throws class_exception
  * @return interface_graph
 public static function getGraphInstance($strType = "")
     if ($strType == "") {
         if (class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_system_graph_type_") != "") {
             $strType = class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_system_graph_type_");
         } else {
             $strType = "jqplot";
     $strClassname = "class_graph_" . $strType;
     $strPath = class_resourceloader::getInstance()->getPathForFile("/system/" . $strClassname . ".php");
     if ($strPath !== false) {
         $objReflection = new ReflectionClass($strClassname);
         if (!$objReflection->isAbstract() && $objReflection->implementsInterface("interface_graph")) {
             return $objReflection->newInstance();
     throw new class_exception("Requested charts-plugin " . $strType . " not existing", class_exception::$level_FATALERROR);
  * @param string $strEventName
  * @param array $arrArguments
  * @return bool
 public function handleEvent($strEventName, array $arrArguments)
     if (count(self::$arrToDelete) == 0 && count(self::$arrToIndex) == 0) {
         return true;
     //clean and reduce arrays to avoid logical duplicates
     foreach (self::$arrToDelete as $strOneId => $strObject) {
         if (isset(self::$arrToIndex[$strOneId])) {
     $strConfigValue = class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_search_deferred_indexer_");
     if ($strConfigValue !== null && $strConfigValue == "true") {
     } else {
     self::$arrToDelete = array();
     self::$arrToIndex = array();
     return true;
 public function testUnreadCount()
     $strText = generateSystemid() . " autotest";
     $objMessageHandler = new class_module_messaging_messagehandler();
     $objMessageHandler->sendMessage($strText, new class_module_user_group(class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_admins_group_id_")), new class_messageprovider_exceptions());
     $bitFound = false;
     $objGroup = new class_module_user_group(class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_admins_group_id_"));
     $arrUsers = $objGroup->getObjSourceGroup()->getUserIdsForGroup();
     $arrMessages = class_module_messaging_message::getObjectList($arrUsers[0]);
     $intUnread = class_module_messaging_message::getNumberOfMessagesForUser($arrUsers[0], true);
     $this->assertTrue($intUnread > 0);
     foreach ($arrMessages as $objOneMessage) {
         if ($objOneMessage->getStrBody() == $strText && $objOneMessage->getStrMessageProvider() == "class_messageprovider_exceptions") {
             $bitFound = true;
             $this->assertEquals($intUnread - 1, class_module_messaging_message::getNumberOfMessagesForUser($arrUsers[0], true));
echo "+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";
echo "| Kajona Debug Subsystem                                                        |\n";
echo "|                                                                               |\n";
echo "| Delete all tables                                                             |\n";
echo "|                                                                               |\n";
echo "+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";
if (issetPost("dodelete")) {
    $strUsername = getPost("username");
    $strPassword = getPost("password");
    $objUsersource = new class_module_user_sourcefactory();
    $objUser = $objUsersource->getUserByUsername($strUsername);
    echo "Authenticating user...\n";
    if ($objUsersource->authenticateUser($strUsername, $strPassword)) {
        echo " ... authenticated.\n";
        $arrGroupIds = $objUser->getArrGroupIds();
        if (in_array(class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_admins_group_id_"), $arrGroupIds)) {
            echo "User is member of admin-group.\n";
            $arrTables = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getTables();
            foreach ($arrTables as $strOneTable) {
                $strQuery = "DROP TABLE " . $strOneTable;
                echo " executing " . $strQuery . "\n";
                class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->_pQuery($strQuery, array());
        } else {
            echo "User is not a member of the admin-group!\n";
    } else {
        echo "Authentication failed!\n";
} else {
    $arrTables = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getTables();

*   (c) 2007-2015 by Kajona, www.kajona.de                                                              *
*       Published under the GNU LGPL v2.1, see /system/licence_lgpl.txt                                 *
*	$Id$                                         *
 * This files specified a list of "excluded groups".
 * All group-ids specified are non-editable while editing group assignments.
 * This may be used to block privilege escalations in special scenarios.
 * The groups are removed from the assignment-table unless you are a super-admin.
 * Provide a comma-separated list of group-ids.
$config["blockedgroups"] = "" . class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_admins_group_id_");
  * Does the hard work: installs the module and registers needed constants
  * @return string
 public function install()
     $strReturn = "";
     if (class_module_system_module::getModuleByName("mediamanager") == null) {
         return "Mediamanger not installed, skipping element\n";
     //fetch navifolder-id
     $strNaviFolderId = "";
     $arrFolder = class_module_pages_folder::getFolderList();
     foreach ($arrFolder as $objOneFolder) {
         if ($objOneFolder->getStrName() == "mainnavigation") {
             $strNaviFolderId = $objOneFolder->getSystemid();
     $strReturn .= "Creating new downloads...\n";
     $objDownloads = new class_module_mediamanager_repo();
     $objDownloads->setStrTitle("Sample downloads");
     $strDownloadsID = $objDownloads->getSystemid();
     $strReturn .= "Adding download-permissions for guests...\n";
     class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjRights()->addGroupToRight(class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_guests_group_id_"), $objDownloads->getSystemid(), "right2");
     $strReturn .= "Adding rating-permissions for guests...\n";
     class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjRights()->addGroupToRight(class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_guests_group_id_"), $objDownloads->getSystemid(), "right3");
     $strReturn .= "Creating new downloads page...\n";
     $objPage = new class_module_pages_page();
     $strDownloadsPageId = $objPage->getSystemid();
     $strReturn .= "ID of new page: " . $strDownloadsPageId . "\n";
     $strReturn .= "Adding pagelement to new page\n";
     $objPagelement = new class_module_pages_pageelement();
     if (class_module_pages_element::getElement("downloads") != null) {
         $strElementId = $objPagelement->getSystemid();
         $strQuery = "UPDATE " . _dbprefix_ . "element_downloads\n                            SET download_id = ?,\n                                download_template = ?\n                            WHERE content_id = ? ";
         if ($this->objDB->_pQuery($strQuery, array($strDownloadsID, "downloads.tpl", $strElementId))) {
             $strReturn .= "downloads element created.\n";
         } else {
             $strReturn .= "Error creating downloads element.\n";
     $strReturn .= "Adding headline-element to new page\n";
     if (class_module_pages_element::getElement("row") != null) {
         $objPagelement = new class_module_pages_pageelement();
         $strElementId = $objPagelement->getSystemid();
         $strQuery = "UPDATE " . _dbprefix_ . "element_paragraph\n                                SET paragraph_title = ?\n                                WHERE content_id = ?";
         if ($this->objDB->_pQuery($strQuery, array("Downloads", $strElementId))) {
             $strReturn .= "Headline element created.\n";
         } else {
             $strReturn .= "Error creating headline element.\n";
     return $strReturn;
  * Checks if a given user-id is granted the passed permission for the passed systemid.
  * @param string $strUserid
  * @param string $strPermission
  * @param string $strSystemid
  * @return bool
 public function checkPermissionForUserId($strUserid, $strPermission, $strSystemid)
     if ($strSystemid == "") {
         return false;
     if ($this->bitTestMode) {
         return true;
     $arrGroupIds = array();
     if (validateSystemid($strUserid)) {
         if ($strUserid == $this->objSession->getUserID()) {
             $arrGroupIds = $this->objSession->getGroupIdsAsArray();
         } else {
             $objUser = new class_module_user_user($strUserid);
             $arrGroupIds = $objUser->getArrGroupIds();
     } else {
         if (validateSystemid($this->objSession->getUserID())) {
             $arrGroupIds = $this->objSession->getGroupIdsAsArray();
         } else {
             $arrGroupIds[] = class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_guests_group_id_");
     foreach ($arrGroupIds as $strOneGroupId) {
         if ($this->checkPermissionForGroup($strOneGroupId, $strPermission, $strSystemid)) {
             return true;
     return false;
  * Sends, finally, the mail
  * @return bool
 public function sendMail()
     $bitReturn = false;
     //Do we have all neccessary arguments?
     if (count($this->arrayTo) > 0) {
         $bitReturn = true;
     if ($bitReturn) {
         //Building the mail
         $strTo = implode(", ", $this->arrayTo);
         if ($this->strSender == "") {
             //try to load the current users' mail adress
             if (validateSystemid(class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjSession()->getUserID())) {
                 $objUser = new class_module_user_user(class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjSession()->getUserID());
                 if (checkEmailaddress($objUser->getStrEmail())) {
                     $this->strSender = $objUser->getStrEmail();
         if ($this->strSender == "" || class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_system_email_forcesender_") == "true") {
             $this->strSender = class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_system_email_defaultsender_");
         if ($this->strSender != "") {
             //build the from-arguments
             if ($this->strSenderName != "") {
                 $strFrom = $this->encodeText($this->strSenderName) . " <" . $this->strSender . ">";
             } else {
                 $strFrom = $this->strSender;
             $this->arrHeader[] = "From: " . $strFrom . $this->strEndOfLine;
             $this->arrHeader[] = "Reply-To: " . $this->strSender . $this->strEndOfLine;
         if (count($this->arrayCc) > 0) {
             $this->arrHeader[] = "Cc: " . implode(", ", $this->arrayCc) . $this->strEndOfLine;
         if (count($this->arrayBcc) > 0) {
             $this->arrHeader[] = "Bcc: " . implode(", ", $this->arrayBcc) . $this->strEndOfLine;
         //Kajona Headers to avoid being marked as spam
         $this->arrHeader[] = "X-Mailer: Kajona Mailer V4" . $this->strEndOfLine;
         $this->arrHeader[] = "Message-ID: <" . generateSystemid() . "_kajona@" . getServer("SERVER_NAME") . ">" . $this->strEndOfLine;
         //header for multipartmails?
         $strBoundary = generateSystemid();
         if ($this->bitMultipart || $this->bitFileAttached) {
             $this->arrHeader[] = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . $this->strEndOfLine;
             //file attached?
             if ($this->bitFileAttached) {
                 $this->arrHeader[] = "Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=\"" . $strBoundary . "\"" . $this->strEndOfLine;
             } else {
                 $this->arrHeader[] = "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"" . $strBoundary . "\"" . $this->strEndOfLine;
         //generate the mail-body
         $strBody = "";
         //multipart mail using html?
         if ($this->bitMultipart) {
             //multipart encoded mail
             $strBoundaryAlt = generateSystemid();
             //if a file should attached, a splitter is needed here
             if ($this->bitFileAttached) {
                 $strBody .= "--" . $strBoundary . $this->strEndOfLine;
                 $strBody .= "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"" . $strBoundaryAlt . "\"" . $this->strEndOfLine;
             } else {
                 //no new boundary-section, use old boundary instead
                 $strBoundaryAlt = $strBoundary;
             //place a body for strange mail-clients
             $strBody .= "This is a multi-part message in MIME format." . $this->strEndOfLine . $this->strEndOfLine;
             $strBody .= "--" . $strBoundaryAlt . $this->strEndOfLine;
             $strBody .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" . $this->strEndOfLine;
             $strText = strip_tags($this->strText == "" ? str_replace(array("<br />", "<br />"), array("\n", "\n"), $this->strHtml) : $this->strText);
             if (function_exists("quoted_printable_encode")) {
                 $strBody .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable" . $this->strEndOfLine . $this->strEndOfLine;
                 $strBody .= quoted_printable_encode($strText);
             } else {
                 $strBody .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" . $this->strEndOfLine . $this->strEndOfLine;
                 $strBody .= $strText;
             $strBody .= $this->strEndOfLine . $this->strEndOfLine;
             if ($this->strHtml != "") {
                 $strBody .= "--" . $strBoundaryAlt . $this->strEndOfLine;
                 $strBody .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8" . $this->strEndOfLine;
                 $strBody .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" . $this->strEndOfLine . $this->strEndOfLine;
                 $strBody .= $this->strHtml;
                 $strBody .= $this->strEndOfLine . $this->strEndOfLine;
             if ($this->bitFileAttached) {
                 $strBody .= "--" . $strBoundaryAlt . "--" . $this->strEndOfLine . $this->strEndOfLine;
         } else {
             $this->arrHeader[] = "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" . $this->strEndOfLine;
             if (function_exists("quoted_printable_encode")) {
                 $this->arrHeader[] = "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable" . $this->strEndOfLine;
                 $strBody .= quoted_printable_encode($this->strText);
             } else {
                 $strBody .= $this->strText;
         //any files to place in the mail body?
         if ($this->bitFileAttached) {
             foreach ($this->arrFiles as $arrOneFile) {
                 $strFileContents = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents($arrOneFile["filename"])));
                 //place file in mailbody
                 $strBody .= "--" . $strBoundary . $this->strEndOfLine;
                 $strBody .= "Content-Type: " . $arrOneFile["mimetype"] . "; name=\"" . basename($arrOneFile["filename"]) . "\"" . $this->strEndOfLine;
                 $strBody .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . $this->strEndOfLine;
                 if ($arrOneFile["inline"] === true) {
                     $strBody .= "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"" . basename($arrOneFile["filename"]) . "\"" . $this->strEndOfLine;
                     $strBody .= "Content-ID: <" . basename($arrOneFile["filename"]) . ">" . $this->strEndOfLine . $this->strEndOfLine;
                 } else {
                     $strBody .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . basename($arrOneFile["filename"]) . "\"" . $this->strEndOfLine . $this->strEndOfLine;
                 $strBody .= $strFileContents;
                 $strBody .= $this->strEndOfLine . $this->strEndOfLine;
         //finish mail
         if ($this->bitFileAttached || $this->bitMultipart) {
             $strBody .= "--" . $strBoundary . "--" . $this->strEndOfLine . $this->strEndOfLine;
         //send mail
         // in some cases, the optional param "-f test@kajona.de" may be added as mail()s' 5th param
         class_logger::getInstance()->addLogRow("sent mail to " . $strTo, class_logger::$levelInfo);
         $bitReturn = mail($strTo, $this->encodeText($this->strSubject), $strBody, implode("", $this->arrHeader));
     return $bitReturn;
  * Dumps the current db
  * Takes care of holding just the defined number of dumps in the filesystem, defined by _system_dbdump_amount_
  * @param array $arrTablesToExclude specify a set of tables not to be included in the dump
  * @return bool
 public function dumpDb($arrTablesToExclude = array())
     if (!$this->bitConnected) {
     // Check, how many dumps to keep
     $objFilesystem = new class_filesystem();
     $arrFiles = $objFilesystem->getFilelist(_projectpath_ . "/dbdumps/", array(".sql", ".gz"));
     while (count($arrFiles) >= class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_system_dbdump_amount_")) {
         $strFile = array_shift($arrFiles);
         if (!$objFilesystem->fileDelete(_projectpath_ . "/dbdumps/" . $strFile)) {
             class_logger::getInstance(class_logger::DBLOG)->addLogRow("Error deleting old db-dumps", class_logger::$levelWarning);
             return false;
         $arrFiles = $objFilesystem->getFilelist(_projectpath_ . "/dbdumps/", array(".sql", ".gz"));
     $strTargetFilename = _projectpath_ . "/dbdumps/dbdump_" . time() . ".sql";
     $arrTables = $this->getTables();
     $arrTablesFinal = array();
     if (count($arrTablesToExclude) > 0) {
         foreach ($arrTables as $strOneTable) {
             if (!in_array(uniStrReplace(_dbprefix_, "", $strOneTable), $arrTablesToExclude)) {
                 $arrTablesFinal[] = $strOneTable;
     } else {
         $arrTablesFinal = $arrTables;
     $bitDump = $this->objDbDriver->dbExport($strTargetFilename, $arrTablesFinal);
     if ($bitDump == true) {
         $objGzip = new class_gzip();
         try {
             if (!$objGzip->compressFile($strTargetFilename, true)) {
                 class_logger::getInstance(class_logger::DBLOG)->addLogRow("Failed to compress (gzip) the file " . basename($strTargetFilename) . "", class_logger::$levelWarning);
         } catch (class_exception $objExc) {
     if ($bitDump) {
         class_logger::getInstance(class_logger::DBLOG)->addLogRow("DB-Dump " . basename($strTargetFilename) . " created", class_logger::$levelInfo);
     } else {
         class_logger::getInstance(class_logger::DBLOG)->addLogRow("Error creating " . basename($strTargetFilename), class_logger::$levelError);
     return $bitDump;
  * Saves the rights passed by form
  * @throws class_exception
  * @return string "" in case of success
  * @permissions right
  * @xml
 protected function actionSaveRights()
     $arrRequest = json_decode($this->getParam("json"));
     //Collecting & sorting the passed values
     $strSystemid = $this->getSystemid();
     $objRights = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjRights();
     if ($this->getParam("systemid") == "0") {
         $objTarget = new class_module_system_common("0");
         $strSystemid = "0";
     } else {
         $objTarget = class_objectfactory::getInstance()->getObject($this->getSystemid());
     //Special case: The root-record.
     if (!$objTarget->rightRight()) {
         return $this->objToolkit->warningBox($this->getLang("commons_error_permissions"), "alert-danger");
     if ($arrRequest->bitInherited) {
         $intInherit = 1;
     } else {
         $intInherit = 0;
     //Modified RootRecord? Here Inheritance is NOT allowed!
     if ($strSystemid == "0") {
         $intInherit = 0;
     $strAdminsGroupId = class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_admins_group_id_");
     $strView = $strAdminsGroupId;
     $strEdit = $strAdminsGroupId;
     $strDelete = $strAdminsGroupId;
     $strRight = $strAdminsGroupId;
     $strRight1 = $strAdminsGroupId;
     $strRight2 = $strAdminsGroupId;
     $strRight3 = $strAdminsGroupId;
     $strRight4 = $strAdminsGroupId;
     $strRight5 = $strAdminsGroupId;
     $strChangelog = $strAdminsGroupId;
     foreach ($arrRequest->arrConfigs as $strOneCfg) {
         $arrRow = explode(",", $strOneCfg);
         if ($arrRow[1] == $strAdminsGroupId) {
         switch ($arrRow[0]) {
             case "1":
                 $strView .= "," . $arrRow[1];
             case "2":
                 $strEdit .= "," . $arrRow[1];
             case "3":
                 $strDelete .= "," . $arrRow[1];
             case "4":
                 $strRight .= "," . $arrRow[1];
             case "5":
                 $strRight1 .= "," . $arrRow[1];
             case "6":
                 $strRight2 .= "," . $arrRow[1];
             case "7":
                 $strRight3 .= "," . $arrRow[1];
             case "8":
                 $strRight4 .= "," . $arrRow[1];
             case "9":
                 $strRight5 .= "," . $arrRow[1];
             case "10":
                 $strChangelog .= "," . $arrRow[1];
     $arrReturn = array("inherit" => $intInherit, "view" => $strView, "edit" => $strEdit, "delete" => $strDelete, "right" => $strRight, "right1" => $strRight1, "right2" => $strRight2, "right3" => $strRight3, "right4" => $strRight4, "right5" => $strRight5, "changelog" => $strChangelog);
     //Pass to right-class
     if ($objRights->setRights($arrReturn, $strSystemid)) {
         $strReturn = $this->objToolkit->warningBox($this->getLang("permissions_success"), "alert-success");
     } else {
         $strReturn = $this->objToolkit->warningBox($this->getLang("fehler_setzen"), "alert-danger");
     return json_encode(array("message" => $strReturn));
  * @param interface_model|class_root $objListEntry
  * @return string
 protected function renderDeleteAction(interface_model $objListEntry)
     if ($objListEntry->rightDelete() && $this->getObjModule()->rightDelete()) {
         if (class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_packagemanager_defaulttemplate_") == $objListEntry->getStrName()) {
             return $this->objToolkit->listButton(class_adminskin_helper::getAdminImage("icon_deleteDisabled", $this->getLang("pack_active_no_delete")));
         } else {
             return $this->objToolkit->listDeleteButton($objListEntry->getStrDisplayName(), $this->getLang("delete_question"), class_link::getLinkAdminHref($this->getArrModule("modul"), "deleteTemplate", "&systemid=" . $objListEntry->getSystemid() . ""));
     return "";
  * Saves the memberships passed by param
  * @return string "" in case of success
  * @permissions edit
 protected function actionSaveMembership()
     $objUser = new class_module_user_user($this->getSystemid());
     $objUsersources = new class_module_user_sourcefactory();
     $objSourcesytem = $objUsersources->getUsersource($objUser->getStrSubsystem());
     $arrGroups = $objSourcesytem->getAllGroupIds();
     $arrUserGroups = $objUser->getArrGroupIds();
     //validate possible blocked groups
     $objConfig = class_config::getInstance("blockedgroups.php");
     $arrBlockedGroups = explode(",", $objConfig->getConfig("blockedgroups"));
     //Searching for groups to enter
     foreach ($arrGroups as $strSingleGroup) {
         $objGroup = new class_module_user_group($strSingleGroup);
         //skipped for blocked groups, those won't be updated
         if (!$this->isGroupEditable($objGroup)) {
         if ($this->getParam($strSingleGroup) != "") {
             //add the user to this group
             if (!in_array($strSingleGroup, $arrUserGroups)) {
             } else {
                 //user is already in the group, remove the marker
                 foreach ($arrUserGroups as $strKey => $strValue) {
                     if ($strValue == $strSingleGroup) {
                         $arrUserGroups[$strKey] = null;
     //check, if the current user is member of the admin-group.
     //if not, remain the admin-group as-is
     if (!class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjSession()->isSuperAdmin()) {
         $intKey = array_search(class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_admins_group_id_"), $arrUserGroups);
         if ($intKey !== false) {
             $arrUserGroups[$intKey] = null;
         foreach ($arrBlockedGroups as $strOneGroup) {
             $intKey = array_search($strOneGroup, $arrUserGroups);
             if ($intKey !== false) {
                 $arrUserGroups[$intKey] = null;
     //loop the users' list in order to remove unwanted relations
     foreach ($arrUserGroups as $strValue) {
         if (validateSystemid($strValue)) {
             $objGroup = new class_module_user_group($strValue);
     if ($this->getParam("folderview")) {
         $this->adminReload(class_link::getLinkAdminHref($this->getArrModule("modul"), "list", "&peClose=1&blockAction=1"));
     } else {
         $this->adminReload(class_link::getLinkAdminHref($this->getArrModule("modul"), "list"));
  * Does the hard work: installs the module and registers needed constants
  * @return string
 public function install()
     if (class_module_system_module::getModuleByName("mediamanager") == null) {
         return "Mediamanger not installed, skipping element\n";
     $strReturn = "";
     //fetch navifolder-id
     $strNaviFolderId = "";
     $arrFolder = class_module_pages_folder::getFolderList();
     foreach ($arrFolder as $objOneFolder) {
         if ($objOneFolder->getStrName() == "mainnavigation") {
             $strNaviFolderId = $objOneFolder->getSystemid();
     $strReturn .= "Creating new gallery...\n";
     $objGallery = new class_module_mediamanager_repo();
     $objGallery->setStrTitle("Sample Gallery");
     $objGallery->setStrPath(_filespath_ . "/images/samples");
     $strGalleryID = $objGallery->getSystemid();
     $strReturn .= "Modify rights to allow guests to rate images...\n";
     class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjRights()->addGroupToRight(class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_guests_group_id_"), $objGallery->getSystemid(), "right3");
     $strReturn .= "Creating new gallery page...\n";
     $objPage = new class_module_pages_page();
     $strGalleryPageId = $objPage->getSystemid();
     $strReturn .= "ID of new page: " . $strGalleryPageId . "\n";
     $strReturn .= "Adding pagelement to new page\n";
     if (class_module_pages_element::getElement("gallery") != null) {
         $objPagelement = new class_module_pages_pageelement();
         $strElementId = $objPagelement->getSystemid();
         $strQuery = "UPDATE " . _dbprefix_ . "element_gallery\n                            SET gallery_id = ?,\n                                gallery_mode = ?,\n                                gallery_template = ?,\n                                gallery_maxh_d = ?,\n                                gallery_maxw_d = ?,\n                                gallery_imagesperpage = ?,\n                                gallery_text = ?,\n                                gallery_text_x = ?,\n                                gallery_text_y = ?\n                            WHERE content_id = ? ";
         if ($this->objDB->_pQuery($strQuery, array($strGalleryID, 0, "gallery_imagelightbox.tpl", 600, 600, 0, "(c) kajona.de", 5, 15, $strElementId))) {
             $strReturn .= "Gallery element created.\n";
         } else {
             $strReturn .= "Error creating Gallery element.\n";
     $strReturn .= "Adding headline-element to new page\n";
     if (class_module_pages_element::getElement("row") != null) {
         $objPagelement = new class_module_pages_pageelement();
         $strElementId = $objPagelement->getSystemid();
         $strQuery = "UPDATE " . _dbprefix_ . "element_paragraph\n                                SET paragraph_title = ?\n                                WHERE content_id = ?";
         if ($this->objDB->_pQuery($strQuery, array("Gallery", $strElementId))) {
             $strReturn .= "Headline element created.\n";
         } else {
             $strReturn .= "Error creating headline element.\n";
     $strReturn .= "Adding paragraph-element to new page\n";
     if (class_module_pages_element::getElement("paragraph") != null) {
         $objPagelement = new class_module_pages_pageelement();
         $strElementId = $objPagelement->getSystemid();
         $arrParams = array();
         if ($this->strContentLanguage == "de") {
             $arrParams[] = "";
             $arrParams[] = "Alle Beispielbilder &copy; by kajona.de";
             $arrParams[] = $strElementId;
         } else {
             $arrParams[] = "";
             $arrParams[] = "All sample images &copy; by kajona.de";
             $arrParams[] = $strElementId;
         $strQuery = "UPDATE " . _dbprefix_ . "element_paragraph\n                                SET paragraph_title = ?,\n                                    paragraph_content = ?\n                                WHERE content_id = ?";
         if ($this->objDB->_pQuery($strQuery, $arrParams)) {
             $strReturn .= "Paragraph element created.\n";
         } else {
             $strReturn .= "Error creating paragraph element.\n";
     return $strReturn;
  * Creates a table filled with the sessions currently registered.
  * Returned structure:
  * <sessions>
  *    <session>
  *        <username></username>
  *        <loginstatus></loginstatus>
  *        <releasetime></releasetime>
  *        <activity></activity>
  *    </session>
  * </sessions>
  * @return string
  * @permissions right1
 protected function actionSystemSessions()
     $strReturn = "";
     //check needed rights
     $arrSessions = class_module_system_session::getAllActiveSessions();
     $strReturn .= "<sessions>";
     foreach ($arrSessions as $objOneSession) {
         $strReturn .= "<session>";
         $strUsername = "";
         if ($objOneSession->getStrUserid() != "") {
             $objUser = new class_module_user_user($objOneSession->getStrUserid());
             $strUsername = $objUser->getStrUsername();
         $strLoginStatus = "";
         if ($objOneSession->getStrLoginstatus() == class_module_system_session::$LOGINSTATUS_LOGGEDIN) {
             $strLoginStatus = $this->getLang("session_loggedin");
         } else {
             $strLoginStatus = $this->getLang("session_loggedout");
         //find out what the user is doing...
         $strLastUrl = $objOneSession->getStrLasturl();
         if (uniStrpos($strLastUrl, "?") !== false) {
             $strLastUrl = uniSubstr($strLastUrl, uniStrpos($strLastUrl, "?"));
         $strActivity = "";
         if (uniStrpos($strLastUrl, "admin=1") !== false) {
             $strActivity .= $this->getLang("session_admin");
             foreach (explode("&amp;", $strLastUrl) as $strOneParam) {
                 $arrUrlParam = explode("=", $strOneParam);
                 if ($arrUrlParam[0] == "module") {
                     $strActivity .= $arrUrlParam[1];
         } else {
             $strActivity .= $this->getLang("session_portal");
             if ($strLastUrl == "") {
                 $strActivity .= class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_pages_indexpage_");
             } else {
                 foreach (explode("&amp;", $strLastUrl) as $strOneParam) {
                     $arrUrlParam = explode("=", $strOneParam);
                     if ($arrUrlParam[0] == "page") {
                         $strActivity .= $arrUrlParam[1];
                 if ($strActivity == $this->getLang("session_portal") && uniSubstr($strLastUrl, 0, 5) == "image") {
                     $strActivity .= $this->getLang("session_portal_imagegeneration");
         $strReturn .= "<username>" . xmlSafeString($strUsername) . "</username>";
         $strReturn .= "<loginstatus>" . xmlSafeString($strLoginStatus) . "</loginstatus>";
         $strReturn .= "<releasetime>" . xmlSafeString(timeToString($objOneSession->getIntReleasetime())) . "</releasetime>";
         $strReturn .= "<activity>" . xmlSafeString($strActivity) . "</activity>";
         $strReturn .= "</session>";
     $strReturn .= "</sessions>";
     return $strReturn;
  * Renders the button to open the records' change history. In most cases, this is done in a overlay.
  * To open the change-history, the permission "right3" on the system-module is required.
  * @param class_model|interface_model $objListEntry
  * @return string
 protected function renderChangeHistoryAction(class_model $objListEntry)
     if (class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_system_changehistory_enabled_") == "true" && $objListEntry instanceof interface_versionable && $objListEntry->rightChangelog()) {
         return $this->objToolkit->listButton(class_link::getLinkAdminDialog("system", "genericChangelog", "&systemid=" . $objListEntry->getSystemid() . "&folderview=1", $this->getLang("commons_edit_history"), $this->getLang("commons_edit_history"), "icon_history", $objListEntry->getStrDisplayName()));
     return "";
  * Creates a raw Link for the portal (just the href)
  * @param string $strPageI
  * @param string $strPageE
  * @param string $strAction
  * @param string $strParams
  * @param string $strSystemid
  * @param string $strLanguage
  * @param string $strSeoAddon Only used if using mod_rewrite
  * @return string
 public static function getLinkPortalHref($strPageI, $strPageE = "", $strAction = "", $strParams = "", $strSystemid = "", $strLanguage = "", $strSeoAddon = "")
     $strReturn = "";
     $bitInternal = true;
     //return "#" if neither an internal nor an external page is set
     if ($strPageI == "" && $strPageE == "") {
         return "#";
     //Internal links are more important than external links!
     if ($strPageI == "" && $strPageE != "") {
         $bitInternal = false;
     //create an array out of the params
     if ($strSystemid != "") {
         $strParams .= "&systemid=" . $strSystemid;
         $strSystemid = "";
     $arrParams = self::parseParamsString($strParams, $strSystemid);
     // any anchors set to the page?
     $strAnchor = "";
     if (uniStrpos($strPageI, "#") !== false) {
         //get anchor, remove anchor from link
         $strAnchor = urlencode(uniSubstr($strPageI, uniStrpos($strPageI, "#") + 1));
         $strPageI = uniSubstr($strPageI, 0, uniStrpos($strPageI, "#"));
     $strPageI = urlencode($strPageI);
     $strAction = urlencode($strAction);
     //more than one language installed?
     if ($strLanguage == "" && self::getIntNumberOfPortalLanguages() > 1) {
         $strLanguage = self::getStrPortalLanguage();
     } else {
         if ($strLanguage != "" && self::getIntNumberOfPortalLanguages() <= 1) {
             $strLanguage = "";
     $strHref = "";
     if ($bitInternal) {
         //check, if we could use mod_rewrite
         $bitRegularLink = true;
         if (class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_system_mod_rewrite_") == "true") {
             $strAddKeys = "";
             //used later to add seo-relevant keywords
             $objPage = class_module_pages_page::getPageByName($strPageI);
             if ($objPage !== null) {
                 if ($strLanguage != "") {
                 $strAddKeys = $objPage->getStrSeostring() . ($strSeoAddon != "" && $objPage->getStrSeostring() != "" ? "-" : "") . urlSafeString($strSeoAddon);
                 if (uniStrlen($strAddKeys) > 0 && uniStrlen($strAddKeys) <= 2) {
                     $strAddKeys .= "__";
                 //trim string
                 $strAddKeys = uniStrTrim($strAddKeys, 100, "");
                 if ($strLanguage != "") {
                     $strHref .= $strLanguage . "/";
                 $strPath = $objPage->getStrPath();
                 if ($strPath == "") {
                     $strPath = $objPage->getStrPath();
                 if ($strPath != "") {
                     $strHref .= $strPath . "/";
             //ok, here we go. schema for rewrite_links: pagename.addKeywords.action.systemid.language.html
             //but: special case: just pagename & language
             if ($strAction == "" && $strSystemid == "" && $strAddKeys == "") {
                 $strHref .= $strPageI . ".html";
             } elseif ($strAction == "" && $strSystemid == "") {
                 $strHref .= $strPageI . ($strAddKeys == "" ? "" : "." . $strAddKeys) . ".html";
             } elseif ($strAction != "" && $strSystemid == "") {
                 $strHref .= $strPageI . "." . $strAddKeys . "." . $strAction . ".html";
             } else {
                 $strHref .= $strPageI . "." . $strAddKeys . "." . $strAction . "." . $strSystemid . ".html";
             if (count($arrParams) > 0) {
                 $strHref .= "?" . implode("&amp;", $arrParams);
             // add anchor if given
             if ($strAnchor != "") {
                 $strHref .= "#" . $strAnchor;
             //plus the domain as a prefix
             $strHref = "_webpath_" . "/" . $strHref;
             $bitRegularLink = false;
         if ($bitRegularLink) {
             $strHref = "_indexpath_" . "?" . ($strPageI != "" ? "page=" . $strPageI : "") . "" . ($strSystemid != "" ? "&amp;systemid=" . $strSystemid : "") . ($strAction != "" ? "&amp;action=" . $strAction : "") . ($strLanguage != "" ? "&amp;language=" . $strLanguage : "") . (count($arrParams) > 0 ? "&amp;" . implode("&amp;", $arrParams) : "") . ($strAnchor != "" ? "#" . $strAnchor : "") . "";
     } else {
         $strHref = $strPageE;
     $strReturn .= $strHref;
     return $strReturn;
*	$Id$                                          *
    Usage: Define as many elements as wanted using the

    $arrGlobal["nameOfPlaceholder"]     = "Value of placeholder";

    To have the elements included in the pages, define the placeholders in the templates!
    In the example above, the templates should provide a placeholder like


    At the time of generation, this placeholder will be replaced by the specified content:

    Value of placeholder
$arrGlobal["copyright"] = "powered by <a href=\"http://www.kajona.de\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Kajona CMS - empowering your content\">Kajona</a>";
//---Kajona head parts, please leave them as they are----------------------------------------------------
$arrGlobal["kajona_head"] = "    <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . _webpath_ . "/templates/default/js/jquery/jquery.min.js?" . class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_system_browser_cachebuster_") . "\"></script>\n";
$arrGlobal["kajona_head"] .= "    <script type=\"text/javascript\">KAJONA_WEBPATH = '" . _webpath_ . "'; KAJONA_BROWSER_CACHEBUSTER = '" . class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_system_browser_cachebuster_") . "';</script>\n";
$arrGlobal["kajona_head"] .= "    <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . _webpath_ . class_resourceloader::getInstance()->getCorePathForModule("module_system") . "/module_system/system/scripts/loader.js?" . class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_system_browser_cachebuster_") . "\"></script>\n";
$arrGlobal["kajona_head"] .= "    <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . _webpath_ . "/templates/default/js/kajona.js?" . class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_system_browser_cachebuster_") . "\"></script>\n";
$arrGlobal["kajona_head"] .= "    <meta http-equiv=\"content-language\" content=\"" . $this->getStrPortalLanguage() . "\" />\n";
$arrGlobal["kajona_head"] .= "    <meta name=\"generator\" content=\"Kajona, www.kajona.de\" />";
   The next placeholder is used as an extra separator for the page-title. In some scenarios, modules may add additional
   texts to the current title, e.g. the name of a news. In this case, you can define a separator. This may lead to s.th. like
   "New Kajona version released | Welcome | Kajona" instead of "Welcome | Kajona". Feel free to modify the following line.
$arrGlobal["kajonaTitleSeparator"] = " | ";
  * Counts the number of records currently locked in the database
  * @return int
 public static function getLockedRecordsCount()
     $strQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . _dbprefix_ . "system WHERE system_lock_time > ?";
     $arrRow = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getPRow($strQuery, array(time() - (int) class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_system_lock_maxtime_")));
     return $arrRow["COUNT(*)"];