function display_formatted_citation($id, $style) { global $config; global $couch; $reference = null; // grab JSON from CouchDB $couch_id = $id; $resp = $couch->send("GET", "/" . $config['couchdb_options']['database'] . "/" . urlencode($couch_id)); $reference = json_decode($resp); if (isset($reference->error)) { $html = "Oops"; } else { if ($style == 'ris') { $html = '<pre>' . reference_to_ris($reference) . '</pre>'; } else { $citeproc_obj = reference_to_citeprocjs($reference); $json = json_encode($citeproc_obj); $citeproc_obj = json_decode($json); //echo $json; $cslfilename = dirname(__FILE__) . '/style/'; switch ($style) { case 'apa': case 'bibtex': case 'wikipedia': case 'zookeys': case 'zootaxa': $cslfilename .= $style . '.csl'; break; default: $cslfilename .= 'apa.csl'; break; } $csl = file_get_contents($cslfilename); $citeproc = new citeproc($csl); $html = $citeproc->render($citeproc_obj, 'bibliography'); } } echo $html; }
// return $ordered + $array; //} //$new_array = sortArrayByArray($input_data, $sort); //print_r($sort); exit(); //print_r($new_array); exit(); //array_multisort($sortarray, SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING); //print_r($sortarray); exit(); //$data = $input_data; #print_r($input_data); exit(); //print_r(json_decode(utf8_encode($input['input'])));exit(); // CSL-Prozessor instanziieren $citeproc = new citeproc($csl_data); // Fuer jeden Metadatensatz ein gerenderter Zitationsstring foreach ($input_data as $data) { //echo $citeproc->render($data).'<br>'; $data->csl_citations[$input['style']] = $citeproc->render($data); // print_r($data->csl_citations[$input['style']]); // if ('html' !== $input['format']) { if ('html' === $input['format']) { $ersetzung['bold'] = '__HTML_STRONG_START__$1__HTML_STRONG_END__'; $ersetzung['italic'] = '__HTML_EM_START__$1__HTML_EM_END__'; $ersetzung['normal'] = '$1'; $ersetzung['div'] = '__HTML_DIV_START__$1__HTML_DIV_MID__$2__HTML_DIV_END__'; $ersetzung['span'] = '__HTML_SPAN_START__$1__HTML_SPAN_MID__$2__HTML_SPAN_END__'; } elseif ('plain' === $input['format']) { $ersetzung['italic'] = '/$1/'; $ersetzung['bold'] = '*$1*'; } elseif ('rtf' === $input['format']) { $ersetzung['italic'] = '{\\i $1}'; $ersetzung['bold'] = '{\\b $1}'; } elseif ('tex' === $input['format']) {
function CiteReferenceRenderParserFunction($parser, $ref_key, $ref_style = 'b') { global $wgWikiCiteLinkerURL; global $wgWikiCiteZoteroGroupID; $link_data = json_decode(file_get_contents($wgWikiCiteLinkerURL . '/wikicite_api.php?wiki_id=' . $ref_key)); //$parser->disableCache(); // The input parameters are wikitext with templates expanded. // The output should be wikitext too. // $output = "* "; if ($ref_style == "b") { $data = json_decode(file_get_contents('' . $wgWikiCiteZoteroGroupID . '/items/' . $link_data->{'zotero_id'})); $first = True; foreach ($data->{'data'}->{'creators'} as $author) { if (!$first) { $output .= ", "; } $first = False; if (!property_exists($author, "lastName") || !property_exists($author, "firstName")) { if (property_exists($author, "name")) { $output .= $author->{'name'} . " "; } else { $output .= "Unknown author "; } } else { $output .= $author->{'lastName'} . ", " . $author->{'firstName'} . " "; } } $output .= " ("; $output .= $data->{'data'}->{'date'}; $output .= "). "; $output .= $data->{'data'}->{'title'}; $output .= "\n"; } else { if (!property_exists($link_data, 'zotero_id')) { $output .= $ref_key . " could not be found"; } else { $data = json_decode(file_get_contents('' . $wgWikiCiteZoteroGroupID . '/items/' . $link_data->{'zotero_id'} . '?format=csljson')); if (!property_exists($data->items[0]->issued, "date-parts") && property_exists($data->items[0]->issued, "raw")) { if (is_numeric($data->items[0]->issued->raw)) { $data->items[0]->issued->{'date-parts'}[0][0] = $data->items[0]->issued->raw; } else { $data->items[0]->issued->{'date-parts'}[0][0] = date_parse($data->items[0]->issued->raw)["year"]; $data->items[0]->issued->{'date-parts'}[0][1] = date_parse($data->items[0]->issued->raw)["month"]; } } $ref_style = preg_replace("([^a-zA-Z-])", '', $ref_style); $csl = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/csl/' . $ref_style . '.csl'); $citeproc = new citeproc($csl); $output .= $citeproc->render($data->items[0], "bibliography"); } } return array($output, 'noparse' => false); // return $output; }
<?php include './CiteProc.php'; $dir_handle = opendir('./tests'); while (FALSE !== ($filename = readdir($dir_handle))) { if (!is_dir('./tests/' . $filename) && $filename[0] != '.') { $json_data = file_get_contents('./tests/' . $filename); $json_data = substr($json_data, strpos($json_data, '*/{') + 2); $test_data = json_decode($json_data); if ($test_data->mode != 'bibliography') { $citeproc = new citeproc($test_data->csl); $input_data = (array) $test_data->input; $count = count($input_data); $output = ''; foreach ($input_data as $data) { $output .= $citeproc->render($data, $test_data->mode); } //print '<html><body>'; if ($output != $test_data->result) { print './tests/' . $filename . " FAILED\n"; print $output . " != <br>\n" . $test_data->result . "<br><br>\n\n"; } else { print './tests/' . $filename . " PASSED\n"; } } } } //print '</body></html>'; //print($csl_parse);