echo "                <tr>\n";
echo "                  <td align=\"center\">\n";
echo "                    <table class=\"posthead\" width=\"95%\">\n";
echo "                      <tr>\n";
echo "                        <td align=\"left\" width=\"250\">", gettext("Use text-captcha"), ":</td>\n";
echo "                        <td align=\"left\">", form_radio("text_captcha_enabled", "Y", gettext("Yes"), isset($forum_global_settings['text_captcha_enabled']) && $forum_global_settings['text_captcha_enabled'] == 'Y'), "&nbsp;", form_radio("text_captcha_enabled", "N", gettext("No"), isset($forum_global_settings['text_captcha_enabled']) && $forum_global_settings['text_captcha_enabled'] == 'N' || !isset($forum_global_settings['text_captcha_enabled'])), "</td>\n";
echo "                      </tr>\n";
echo "                      <tr>\n";
echo "                        <td align=\"left\" width=\"270\">", gettext("Text-captcha Dir"), ":</td>\n";
echo "                        <td align=\"left\">", form_input_text("text_captcha_dir", isset($forum_global_settings['text_captcha_dir']) ? htmlentities_array($forum_global_settings['text_captcha_dir']) : "text_captcha", 35, 255), "</td>\n";
echo "                      </tr>\n";
echo "                      <tr>\n";
echo "                        <td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">\n";
if (isset($forum_global_settings['text_captcha_enabled']) && $forum_global_settings['text_captcha_enabled'] == "Y") {
    if (!$text_captcha->generate_keys() || !$text_captcha->make_image()) {
        if ($errno = $text_captcha->get_error()) {
            switch ($errno) {
                case TEXT_CAPTCHA_NO_FONTS:
                    html_display_error_msg(gettext("Text-captcha has been disabled automatically because there are no true type fonts available for it to use. Please upload some true type fonts to <b>text_captcha/fonts</b> on your server."), '95%', 'center');
                case TEXT_CAPTCHA_DIR_ERROR:
                    html_display_error_msg(gettext("Text-captcha has been disabled because the text_captcha directory and it's sub-directories are not writable by the web server / PHP process."), '95%', 'center');
                case TEXT_CAPTCHA_GD_ERROR:
                    html_display_error_msg(gettext("Text-captcha has been disabled because your server's PHP setup does not provide support for GD Image manipulation and / or TTF font support. Both are required for text-captcha support."), '95%', 'center');
echo "                        </td>\n";
echo "                <tr>\n";
echo "                  <td align=\"center\">\n";
echo "                    <table class=\"posthead\" width=\"95%\">\n";
echo "                      <tr>\n";
echo "                        <td align=\"left\" width=\"250\">", gettext("Use text-captcha"), ":</td>\n";
echo "                        <td align=\"left\">", form_radio("text_captcha_enabled", "Y", gettext("Yes"), isset($forum_global_settings['text_captcha_enabled']) && $forum_global_settings['text_captcha_enabled'] == 'Y'), "&nbsp;", form_radio("text_captcha_enabled", "N", gettext("No"), isset($forum_global_settings['text_captcha_enabled']) && $forum_global_settings['text_captcha_enabled'] == 'N' || !isset($forum_global_settings['text_captcha_enabled'])), "</td>\n";
echo "                      </tr>\n";
echo "                      <tr>\n";
echo "                        <td align=\"left\" width=\"270\">", gettext("Text-captcha Dir"), ":</td>\n";
echo "                        <td align=\"left\">", form_input_text("text_captcha_dir", isset($forum_global_settings['text_captcha_dir']) ? htmlentities_array($forum_global_settings['text_captcha_dir']) : "text_captcha", 35, 255), "</td>\n";
echo "                      </tr>\n";
echo "                      <tr>\n";
echo "                        <td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">\n";
if (isset($forum_global_settings['text_captcha_enabled']) && $forum_global_settings['text_captcha_enabled'] == "Y") {
    if (!$text_captcha->generate_keys() || !$text_captcha->make_image()) {
        if (($errno = $text_captcha->get_error()) !== false) {
            switch ($errno) {
                case TEXT_CAPTCHA_NO_FONTS:
                    html_display_error_msg(gettext("Text-captcha has been disabled automatically because there are no true type fonts available for it to use. Please upload some true type fonts to <b>text_captcha/fonts</b> on your server."), '95%', 'center');
                case TEXT_CAPTCHA_GD_ERROR:
                    html_display_error_msg(gettext("Text-captcha has been disabled because your server's PHP setup does not provide support for GD Image manipulation and / or TTF font support. Both are required for text-captcha support."), '95%', 'center');
echo "                        </td>\n";
echo "                      </tr>\n";
echo "                      <tr>\n";
echo "                        <td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">&nbsp;</td>\n";