function show_task_calendar_recursive()
    $calendar = new calendar(2, 20);
 function show_task_calendar_recursive()
     $current_user =& singleton("current_user");
     $tasksGraphPlotHomeStart = $current_user->prefs["tasksGraphPlotHomeStart"];
     $tasksGraphPlotHome = $current_user->prefs["tasksGraphPlotHome"];
     $calendar = new calendar($tasksGraphPlotHomeStart, $tasksGraphPlotHome);
  * getting default list
  * @param string $httpData->PRO_UID (opional)
 public function calendarEdit($httpData)
     global $RBAC;
     $CalendarUid = str_replace('"', '', isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : G::GenerateUniqueID());
     $calendarObj = new calendar();
     if (isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] != "") {
         $fields = $calendarObj->getCalendarInfoE($CalendarUid);
         $fields['OLD_NAME'] = $fields['CALENDAR_NAME'];
     // For a new Calendar
     if (!isset($fields['CALENDAR_UID'])) {
         $fields['CALENDAR_UID'] = $CalendarUid;
         $fields['OLD_NAME'] = '';
         //Default Business Hour
         $fields['BUSINESS_DAY'][1]['CALENDAR_BUSINESS_DAY'] = 7;
         $fields['BUSINESS_DAY'][1]['CALENDAR_BUSINESS_START'] = "09:00";
         $fields['BUSINESS_DAY'][1]['CALENDAR_BUSINESS_END'] = "17:00";
     // Copy Calendar
     if (isset($_GET['cp']) && $_GET['cp'] == 1) {
         $fields['CALENDAR_UID'] = G::GenerateUniqueID();
         $fields['CALENDAR_NAME'] = G::LoadTranslation("ID_COPY_OF") . " " . $fields['CALENDAR_NAME'];
         $fields['OLD_NAME'] = $fields['CALENDAR_NAME'];
     $c = new Configurations();
     $configPage = $c->getConfiguration('additionalTablesList', 'pageSize', '', $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED']);
     $Config['pageSize'] = isset($configPage['pageSize']) ? $configPage['pageSize'] : 20;
     $businessDayArray = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($fields['BUSINESS_DAY']); $i++) {
         $businessDayArray[$i] = $fields['BUSINESS_DAY'][$i + 1];
     $fields['BUSINESS_DAY'] = $businessDayArray;
     //validating if the calendar is new, it means that we don't have the $_GET array
     $fields['HOLIDAY'] = isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] != '' ? $fields['HOLIDAY'] : array();
     $holidayArray = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($fields['HOLIDAY']); $i++) {
         $holidayArray[$i] = $fields['HOLIDAY'][$i + 1];
     $_GET['id'] = isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] != '' ? $_GET['id'] : '';
     $fields['HOLIDAY'] = $holidayArray;
     $fields['NEWCALENDAR'] = 'NO';
     if (isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] == '') {
         $fields['CALENDAR_UID'] = G::GenerateUniqueID();
         $fields['NEWCALENDAR'] = 'YES';
     $this->setJSVar('CALENDAR_UID', $fields['CALENDAR_UID']);
     $this->setJSVar('fields', $fields);
     G::RenderPage('publish', 'extJs');
文件: handler.php 项目: Alambos/bot
 function data($msg, $params)
     $arg = funcs::utfToAscii($msg->args);
     if (empty($arg)) {
         $data = time();
     } else {
         $data = calendar::parse_date($arg);
         if (!$data) {
             return new BotMsg('Podana data nie została rozpoznana<br />' . "\n" . '<br />' . "\n" . '<u>Przykłady:</u><br />' . "\n" . 'data<br />' . "\n" . 'data pojutrze<br />' . "\n" . 'data 1.01.2009');
     if (date('d.m.Y') == date('d.m.Y', $data)) {
         $txt = 'Dziś jest ';
     } else {
         $txt = 'Wybrany dzień to ';
     include './data/data/data.php';
     $txt .= self::$dni[date('w', $data)] . ', ' . date('j', $data) . ' ' . self::$miesiace[date('n', $data)] . ' ' . date('Y', $data) . ' r., ' . (date('z', $data) + 1) . ' dzień roku.<br />' . "\n" . '<br />' . "\n";
     if (!isset($msg->session->geo)) {
         $geo = array('lon' => '52.25', 'lat' => '21.0');
     } else {
         $geo = $msg->session->geo;
     $txt .= 'Imieniny: ' . $imieniny[date('n', $data)][date('j', $data)] . '<br />' . "\n" . 'Wschód Słońca: ' . date_sunrise($data, SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING, $geo['lat'], $geo['lon'], 90.58, 1 + date('I')) . '<br />' . "\n" . 'Zachód Słońca: ' . date_sunset($data, SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING, $geo['lat'], $geo['lon'], 90.58, 1 + date('I'));
     return new BotMsg($txt);
文件: index.php 项目: rhertzog/lcs
 public function launch(Request $request, Response $response)
     $response->addVar('NomPeriode', calendar::getPeriodName(time()));
     $response->addVar('TypeSemaineCourante', calendar::getTypeCurrentWeek());
     $response->addVar('SemaineCourante', calendar::getCurrentWeek());
  * @Route("/calendar/{year}/{weekNumber}",name="calendar")
 public function calendarAction($year = null, $month = null)
     $c = new calendar();
     //utlisisateurs sur le site et le mois
     $data = array();
     //$data['absences'] = array();
     $data[] = array('fullName' => 'Math Patrick DOHOU 2', 'bookings' => array(array('dateStart' => '2015-04-01', 'dateEnd' => '2015-04-31', 'startTime' => '06:00', 'endTime' => '22:00', 'commentaire' => 'bbbbbbbbbb')));
     $data[] = array('fullName' => 'Jean Patrick DOHOU', 'bookings' => array(array('dateStart' => '2015-04-01', 'dateEnd' => '2015-04-03', 'startTime' => '06:00', 'endTime' => '22:00', 'commentaire' => 'bbbbbbbbbb'), array('dateStart' => '2015-04-05', 'dateEnd' => '2015-04-06', 'startTime' => '15:00', 'endTime' => '22:00', 'commentaire' => 'bbbbbbbbbb')));
     $data[] = array('fullName' => 'Ame Patrick DOHOU', 'bookings' => array(array('dateStart' => '2015-04-01', 'dateEnd' => '2015-04-03', 'startTime' => '06:00', 'endTime' => '22:00', 'commentaire' => 'bbbbbbbbbb'), array('dateStart' => '2015-04-05', 'dateEnd' => '2015-04-06', 'startTime' => '15:00', 'endTime' => '22:00', 'commentaire' => 'bbbbbbbbbb')));
     $data[] = array('fullName' => 'Hervé Patrick DOHOU', 'bookings' => array(array('dateStart' => '2015-04-01', 'dateEnd' => '2015-04-03', 'startTime' => '06:00', 'endTime' => '22:00', 'commentaire' => 'bbbbbbbbbb'), array('dateStart' => '2015-04-05', 'dateEnd' => '2015-04-06', 'startTime' => '15:00', 'endTime' => '22:00', 'commentaire' => 'bbbbbbbbbb')));
     $data[] = array('fullName' => 'Balle Patrick DOHOU', 'bookings' => array(array('dateStart' => '2015-04-01', 'dateEnd' => '2015-04-03', 'startTime' => '06:00', 'endTime' => '22:00', 'commentaire' => 'bbbbbbbbbb'), array('dateStart' => '2015-04-05', 'dateEnd' => '2015-04-06', 'startTime' => '15:00', 'endTime' => '22:00', 'commentaire' => 'bbbbbbbbbb')));
     // var_dump($data);
     $params = array('calendars' => $c->getDaysOfYearAndMonth(2015, 4), 'users' => $data);
     // hervé à travaillé : date01/04/2015
     // var_dump( $c->getDaysOfYearAndMonth());
     return $this->render('MyPrivSecuCalendarBundle:Calendar:calendar.html.twig', $params);
 function calender()
     $cal = new calendar();
     $sx = '<h1>' . msg("calender") . '</h1>';
     $sx .= '<table width="100%" class="lt1" border=0>';
     $data1 = date("Ym");
     if (date("m") == 12) {
         $data2 = date("Y") + 1 . '01';
     } else {
         $data2 = date("Ym") + 1;
     /* Actual Month */
     $act1 = $cal->actions($data1);
     $sx .= '<TR valign="top">';
     $sx .= '<TD width="10%">';
     $sx .= '<center><font class="lt1"><B>' . msg('month_' . substr($data1, 4, 2)) . '/' . substr($data1, 0, 4) . '</B></font>';
     $sx .= $cal->calendar($data1, $act1, '#1C4161');
     $sx .= '<TD width="90%">';
     $sx .= $cal->actions_list($act1);
     /* Space */
     $sx .= '<TR valign="top">';
     $sx .= '<TD width="10%">&nbsp;';
     /* Next Month */
     $act2 = $cal->actions($data2);
     $sx .= '<TR valign="top">';
     $sx .= '<TD width="10%">';
     $sx .= '<center><font class="lt1"><B>' . msg('month_' . substr($data2, 4, 2)) . '/' . substr($data2, 0, 4) . '</B></font>';
     $sx .= $cal->calendar($data2, $act2, '#1C4161');
     $sx .= '<TD width="90%">';
     $sx .= $cal->actions_list($act2);
     $sx .= '</table>';
     return $sx;
  * Initializes day calendar
  * @param int $room - id from roomscheduler_rooms table
  * @param int $start_time - 0 to 23 representing start time of displayed content
  * @param int $end_time - 0 to 23 representing end time of displayed content
  * @param int $focus_time - focus time of calendar, defaults to time()
 public function __construct($room, $focus_time = null)
     parent::__construct($room, $focus_time);
     //Set instance of the calendar
     if ($this->count == null) {
         $this->count = 0;
     } else {
     $this->instance = 'calendar_day_' . $this->count;
  * initialization of some parameters
 public function init($request)
     if ($this->url == '') {
         $this->url = 'primary';
     if ($this->count == 0) {
         $this->count = 10;
     $this->calendar_ids = explode(',', $this->url);
  * Initializes day calendar
  * @param int $room - id from roomscheduler_rooms table
  * @param int $start_time - 0 to 23 representing start time of displayed content
  * @param int $end_time - 0 to 23 representing end time of displayed content
  * @param int $focus_time - focus time of calendar, defaults to time()
 public function __construct($room, $course, $start_time = 8, $end_time = 5, $focus_time = null)
     parent::__construct($room, $focus_time);
     $this->course = $course;
     if ($start_time > $end_time) {
         $this->start_time = $end_time;
         $this->end_time = $start_time;
     } else {
         $this->start_time = $start_time;
         $this->end_time = $end_time;
     //Set instance of the calendar
     if ($this->count == null) {
         $this->count = 0;
     } else {
     $this->instance = 'calendar_day_' . $this->count;
  * Initializes day calendar
  * @param int $room - id from roomscheduler_rooms table
  * @param int $day - UNIX time stamp representing the day wanted
  * @param int $start_time - 0 to 23 representing start time of displayed content
  * @param int $end_time - 0 to 23 representing end time of displayed content
  * @param int $focus_time - focus time of calendar, defaults to time()
 public function __construct($room, $day, $course, $start_time = 8, $end_time = 5, $show_toolbar = true, $focus_time = null)
     parent::__construct($room, $focus_time);
     $this->course = $course;
     $this->day = $day;
     $this->miniCal = $day;
     if ($start_time > $end_time) {
         $this->start_time = $end_time;
         $this->end_time = $start_time;
     } else {
         $this->start_time = $start_time;
         $this->end_time = $end_time;
     $this->show_toolbar = $show_toolbar;
     //Set instance of the calendar
     if ($this->count == null) {
         $this->count = 0;
     } else {
     $this->instance = 'calendar_day_' . $this->count;
 public function validatePassword($sPassword, $sLastUpdate, $iChangePasswordNextTime)
     if (!defined('PPP_MINIMUM_LENGTH')) {
         define('PPP_MINIMUM_LENGTH', 5);
     if (!defined('PPP_MAXIMUM_LENGTH')) {
         define('PPP_MAXIMUM_LENGTH', 20);
     if (!defined('PPP_SPECIAL_CHARACTER_REQUIRED')) {
     if (!defined('PPP_EXPIRATION_IN')) {
         define('PPP_EXPIRATION_IN', 0);
     if (function_exists('mb_strlen')) {
         $iLength = mb_strlen($sPassword);
     } else {
         $iLength = strlen($sPassword);
     $aErrors = array();
     if ($iLength < PPP_MINIMUM_LENGTH) {
         $aErrors[] = 'ID_PPP_MINIMUM_LENGTH';
     if ($iLength > PPP_MAXIMUM_LENGTH) {
         $aErrors[] = 'ID_PPP_MAXIMUM_LENGTH';
         if (preg_match_all('/[0-9]/', $sPassword, $aMatch, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) == 0) {
             $aErrors[] = 'ID_PPP_NUMERICAL_CHARACTER_REQUIRED';
         if (preg_match_all('/[A-Z]/', $sPassword, $aMatch, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) == 0) {
             $aErrors[] = 'ID_PPP_UPPERCASE_CHARACTER_REQUIRED';
         if (preg_match_all('/[��\\!|"@�#$~%�&�\\/()=\'?��*+\\-_.:,;]/', $sPassword, $aMatch, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) == 0) {
             $aErrors[] = 'ID_PPP_SPECIAL_CHARACTER_REQUIRED';
     if (PPP_EXPIRATION_IN > 0) {
         $oCalendar = new calendar();
         if ($oCalendar->pmCalendarUid == '') {
             $oCalendar->pmCalendarUid = '00000000000000000000000000000001';
         $fDays = $oCalendar->calculateDuration(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $sLastUpdate);
         if ($fDays > PPP_EXPIRATION_IN * 24) {
             $aErrors[] = 'ID_PPP_EXPIRATION_IN';
         if ($iChangePasswordNextTime == 1) {
             $aErrors[] = 'ID_PPP_CHANGE_PASSWORD_AFTER_NEXT_LOGIN';
     return $aErrors;
Copyright Intermesh 2003
Author: Merijn Schering <*****@*****.**>
Version: 1.0 Release date: 08 July 2003

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
//date('Ymd', time())
require "../../Group-Office.php";
if ($calendar_module = $GO_MODULES->get_module('calendar')) {
    require $calendar_module['path'] . "classes/calendar.class.inc";
$cal = new calendar();
require $GO_LANGUAGE->get_language_file('calendar');
//echo '1=='.$_REQUEST['event_id'];
$getevent = $cal->get_event($_REQUEST['event_id']);
//echo '2=='.$getevent['end_time'].'-->'.time();
    if (isset($_POST['calendars'])) {
        $cal->set_event_status($_REQUEST['event_id'], '1', $_POST['email']);
        while ($calendar_id = array_shift($_POST['calendars'])) {
            if (!$cal->event_is_subscribed($_POST['event_id'], $calendar_id)) {
                if ($cal->subscribe_event($_POST['event_id'], $calendar_id)) {
                    if (!$cal->set_event_status($_POST['event_id'], '1', $_POST['email'])) {
                        $error = true;
                } else {
                    $error = true;
  * Delete user
  * This function is used to delete a user from the system.
  * The user cannot be deleted if he is the last system administrator.
  * <br/>Example:
  * <code>
  * $user = EfrontUserFactory :: factory('jdoe');
  * $user -> delete();
  * </code>
  * @return boolean True if the user was deleted successfully
  * @since 3.5.0
  * @access public
 public function delete()
     // Added by Masoud Sadjadi on July 6, 2014 to support vLab in eFront
     $vLab_username = $this->user['login'];
     ///MODULES2 - Module user delete events - Before anything else
     // Get all modules (NOT only the ones that have to do with the user type)
     $modules = eF_loadAllModules();
     // Trigger all necessary events. If the function has not been re-defined in the derived module class, nothing will happen
     foreach ($modules as $module) {
     try {
         $directory = new EfrontDirectory($this->user['directory']);
     } catch (EfrontFileException $e) {
         $message = _USERDIRECTORYCOULDNOTBEDELETED . ': ' . $e->getMessage() . ' (' . $e->getCode() . ')';
         //This does nothing at the moment
     foreach ($this->aspects as $aspect) {
     eF_updateTableData("f_forums", array("users_LOGIN" => ''), "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     eF_updateTableData("f_messages", array("users_LOGIN" => ''), "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     eF_updateTableData("f_topics", array("users_LOGIN" => ''), "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     eF_updateTableData("f_poll", array("users_LOGIN" => ''), "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     eF_updateTableData("news", array("users_LOGIN" => ''), "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     eF_updateTableData("files", array("users_LOGIN" => ''), "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     eF_deleteTableData("f_folders", "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     eF_deleteTableData("f_personal_messages", "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     eF_deleteTableData("bookmarks", "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     eF_deleteTableData("comments", "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     eF_deleteTableData("f_users_to_polls", "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     eF_deleteTableData("logs", "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     eF_deleteTableData("rules", "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     //eF_deleteTableData("users_online", "users_LOGIN='******'login']."'");
     eF_deleteTableData("user_times", "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     eF_deleteTableData("users_to_surveys", "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     eF_deleteTableData("users_to_done_surveys", "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     eF_deleteTableData("survey_questions_done", "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     eF_deleteTableData("lessons_timeline_topics_data", "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     eF_deleteTableData("events", "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     eF_deleteTableData("profile_comments", "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     eF_deleteTableData("users_to_content", "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     eF_deleteTableData("users_to_lessons", "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     eF_deleteTableData("users_to_courses", "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     if (G_VERSIONTYPE != 'community') {
         #cpp#ifndef COMMUNITY
         eF_deleteTableData("payments", "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
         eF_deleteTableData("facebook_connect", "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
         eF_deleteTableData("users_to_skillgap_tests", "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     //This line was in EfrontProfessor and EfrontStudent without an obvious reason. Admins may also be members of groups
     eF_deleteTableData("users_to_groups", "users_LOGIN='******'login'] . "'");
     //Changing order of these lines because of #4318, where system removal notification was set (user triggering the event)
     eF_deleteTableData("notifications", "recipient='" . $this->user['login'] . "'");
     EfrontEvent::triggerEvent(array("type" => EfrontEvent::SYSTEM_REMOVAL, "users_LOGIN" => $this->user['login'], "users_name" => $this->user['name'], "users_surname" => $this->user['surname']));
     eF_deleteTableData("users", "login='******'login'] . "'");
     // Added by Masoud Sadjadi on July 6, 2014 to support vLab in eFront
     // Beging addition
     // $vLab_username 				= $this -> user['login'];
     $vLab_username_urlEncoded = rawurlencode($vLab_username);
     $vLab_courseid = 123;
     // Kaseya 7.0 Fundamentals Workshop
     $vLab_courseid_urlEncoded = rawurlencode($vLab_courseid);
     // $vLab_moodleURL = "http://localhost/moodle19";
     $vLab_moodleURL = "http://ita-portal.cis.fiu.edu";
     // auto delete
     $str = $vLab_moodleURL . "/mod/deva/embedded/auto-delete.php?username={$vLab_username_urlEncoded}&courseid={$vLab_courseid_urlEncoded}";
     // echo $str . '<br>';
     $payload = file_get_contents($str);
     // echo $payload;
     return true;
function do_retour($stuff, $confirmed = 1)
    global $dbh;
    global $msg;
    global $alert_sound_list, $pmb_play_pret_sound;
    global $pmb_gestion_amende, $pmb_gestion_financiere, $pmb_blocage_retard, $pmb_blocage_max, $pmb_blocage_delai, $pmb_blocage_coef;
    global $deflt_docs_location;
    $erreur_affichage = '';
    if (!is_object($stuff)) {
        die("erreur dans le module ./circ/retour.inc [do_retour()]. Contactez l'admin");
    // récupération localisation exemplaire
    $query = "SELECT t.tdoc_libelle as type_doc";
    $query .= ", l.location_libelle as location";
    $query .= ", s.section_libelle as section";
    $query .= " FROM docs_type t";
    $query .= ", docs_location l";
    $query .= ", docs_section s";
    $query .= " WHERE t.idtyp_doc=" . $stuff->expl_typdoc;
    $query .= " AND l.idlocation=" . $stuff->expl_location;
    $query .= " AND s.idsection=" . $stuff->expl_section;
    $query .= " LIMIT 1";
    $result = mysql_query($query, $dbh);
    $info_doc = mysql_fetch_object($result);
    print pmb_bidi("<br /><form><div class='row'><div class='left'><strong>" . $stuff->libelle . "</strong></div>");
    // flag confirm retour
    if (!$confirmed and $stuff->pret_idempr) {
        print "\n\t\t\t<div class='right'>\n\t\t\t<input type='button' class='bouton' \n\t\t\t\t\tname='confirm_ret' value='" . $msg['retour_confirm'] . "'\n\t\t\t\t\tonClick=\"document.location='./circ.php?categ=retour&cb_expl=" . $stuff->expl_cb . "'\">\n\t\t\t</div>";
    } elseif ($stuff->pret_idempr) {
        print "\n\t\t\t\t<div class='right'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<font color='RED'><b>{$msg['retour_ok']}</b></font>\n\t\t\t\t</div>";
    print "</div>";
    print pmb_bidi("<br /><b>" . $stuff->expl_cb . "</b> " . $info_doc->type_doc);
    print pmb_bidi('.&nbsp;' . $info_doc->location);
    print pmb_bidi('.&nbsp;' . $info_doc->section);
    print pmb_bidi('.&nbsp;' . $stuff->expl_cote);
    print "&nbsp;&nbsp;<input class='bouton' type='button' value=\"" . $msg[375] . "\" onClick=\"document.location='circ.php?categ=visu_ex&form_cb_expl=" . $stuff->expl_cb . "';\" />";
    print "</form>";
    //Champs personalisés
    $p_perso = new parametres_perso("expl");
    $perso_aff = "";
    if (!$p_perso->no_special_fields) {
        $perso_ = $p_perso->show_fields($stuff->expl_id);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($perso_["FIELDS"]); $i++) {
            $p = $perso_["FIELDS"][$i];
            if ($p["AFF"]) {
                $perso_aff .= "<br />" . $p["TITRE"] . " " . $p["AFF"];
    if ($perso_aff) {
        print "<div class='row'>" . $perso_aff . "</div>";
    $script_magnetique = "\n<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>\nvar requete = null;\n\nfunction creerRequette(){\n\tif(window.XMLHttpRequest) // Firefox\n\t\trequete = new XMLHttpRequest();\n\telse if(window.ActiveXObject) // Internet Explorer\n  \t\trequete = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');\n\telse { // XMLHttpRequest non supporté par le navigateur\n   \t\talert('Votre navigateur ne supporte pas les objets XMLHTTPRequest...');\n    \treturn;\n\t}\n}\n\nfunction magnetise(commande){\n\tcreerRequette();\n\tif(netscape.security.PrivilegeManager)netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalBrowserRead');\t\n\trequete.open('GET', 'http://localhost:30000/?send_value='+commande+'&command=Send', false);\n\trequete.send(null);\n\tif(requete.readyState != 4) alert('Requête antivol non effectuée !');\n}\n\n";
    global $pmb_antivol;
    if ($pmb_antivol > 0) {
        if ($stuff->type_antivol == 1) {
            // c'est un support non magnétique (livre, revue...)
            print "{$script_magnetique}" . "magnetise('RRR');</script>";
        if ($stuff->type_antivol == 2) {
            //c'est un support magnétique (cassette)
            print "{$script_magnetique}" . "magnetise('SSS');</script>";
    //si le retour se passe sur un site différent de ce lui de l'exemplaire
    global $pmb_transferts_actif;
    $transfert_mauvais_site = false;
    if ($stuff->expl_location != $deflt_docs_location) {
        $alert_sound_list[] = "critique";
        $html_erreur_site = "<hr /><div class='erreur'>";
        //on agit pour faire l'action par defaut
        //et que c'est un retour d'emprunt
        if ($pmb_transferts_actif && $stuff->pret_idempr) {
            global $transferts_retour_action_defaut;
            global $transferts_retour_action_autorise_autre;
            $trans = new transfert();
            //pour afficher le site de l'exemplaire
            $rqtSite = "SELECT location_libelle FROM docs_location WHERE idlocation=" . $stuff->expl_location;
            $resSite = mysql_result(mysql_query($rqtSite), 0);
            //si on propose une autre action
            if ($transferts_retour_action_autorise_autre == "1") {
                $texte_change_loc = str_replace("!!lbl_site!!", $resSite, $msg["transferts_circ_retour_lbl_change_localisation"]);
            $texte_change_loc = str_replace("!!liste_sections!!", "<select onchange='enregLoc(this)'>!!liste!!</select>", $texte_change_loc);
            //on genere la liste des sections
            $rqt = "SELECT idsection, section_libelle FROM docs_section ORDER BY section_libelle";
            $res_section = mysql_query($rqt);
            $liste_section = "";
            while ($value = mysql_fetch_object($res_section)) {
                $liste_section .= "<option value='" . $value->idsection . "'";
                if ($value->idsection == $stuff->expl_section) {
                    $liste_section .= " selected";
                    $expl_section_libelle = $value->section_libelle;
                $liste_section .= ">" . $value->section_libelle . "</option>";
            $texte_change_loc = addslashes(str_replace("!!liste!!", $liste_section, $texte_change_loc));
            $html_erreur_site .= "\n<form name='actionTrans'>\n<input type='hidden' name='typeTrans' value='" . $transferts_retour_action_defaut . "'>\n<input type='hidden' name='explTrans' value='" . $stuff->expl_id . "'>\n<script language='javascript'>\nmsg_inf_loc = '" . $texte_change_loc . "';\nmsg_bt_loc = '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $msg["transferts_circ_retour_bt_retour_mauvaise_localisation"]) . "';\nmsg_inf_trans = '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", str_replace("!!lbl_site!!", $resSite, $msg["transferts_circ_retour_lbl_transfert"])) . "';\nmsg_bt_trans = '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $msg["transferts_circ_retour_bt_changement_localisation"]) . "';\n\nfunction changeAction() {\n\n\tvar actionTrans = new http_request();\n\tvar url= './ajax.php?module=circ&categ=transferts&idexpl=' + document.actionTrans.explTrans.value + '&action=';\n\t\t\t\t\n\tswitch (document.actionTrans.typeTrans.value) {\n\t\tcase '0':\n\t\t\t//il y a eu un changement localisation\n\t\t\t//on propose un transfert\n\t\t\tif (confirm('" . addslashes($msg["transferts_circ_retour_confirm_gen_transfert"]) . "')) {\n\n\t\t\t\turl = url + 'gen_transfert&param=' + document.actionTrans.paramTrans.value ;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tif (actionTrans.request(url)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t// Il y a une erreur. Afficher le message retourné\n\t\t\t\t\talert ( '" . addslashes($msg["540"]) . " : ' + actionTrans.get_text() );\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t//tout c'est bien passe\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t//on recupere les infos\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument.actionTrans.typeTrans.value = '1';\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument.actionTrans.paramTrans.value = actionTrans.get_text();\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t//on change les textes\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument.actionTrans.btActionTrans.value = msg_bt_trans;\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('libInfoTransfert').innerHTML = msg_inf_trans; \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t}//if confirm\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\n\t\tcase '1':\n\t\t\t//il y a eu un transfert\n\t\t\t//on propose un changement de localisation\n\t\t\tif (confirm('" . addslashes($msg["transferts_circ_retour_confirm_change_loc"]) . "')) {\n\n\t\t\t\turl = url + 'change_loc&param=' + document.actionTrans.paramTrans.value ;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tif (actionTrans.request(url)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t// Il y a une erreur. Afficher le message retourné\n\t\t\t\t\talert ( '" . addslashes($msg["540"]) . " : ' + actionTrans.get_text() );\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t//tout c'est bien passe\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t//on recupere les infos\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument.actionTrans.typeTrans.value = '0';\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument.actionTrans.paramTrans.value = actionTrans.get_text();\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t//on change les textes\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument.actionTrans.btActionTrans.value = msg_bt_loc;\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('libInfoTransfert').innerHTML = msg_inf_loc; \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t} //if confirm\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t} //switch\n\t\t\n}\n\nfunction enregLoc(obj) {\n\tval = obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].value;\n\t\n\tvar actionTrans = new http_request();\n\tvar url= './ajax.php?module=circ&categ=transferts&idexpl=' + document.actionTrans.explTrans.value + '&action=change_section&param='+val;\n\t\n\tif (actionTrans.request(url)) {\n\t\t// Il y a une erreur. Afficher le message retourné\n\t\talert ( '" . addslashes($msg["540"]) . " : ' + actionTrans.get_text() );\t\t\t\n\t}\n}\n</script>";
            if ($stuff->resa_idempr) {
                // le doc en retour peut servir à valider une résa suivante
                if (!verif_cb_utilise($stuff->expl_cb)) {
                    $affect = affecte_cb($stuff->expl_cb);
            if (!$affect) {
                switch ($transferts_retour_action_defaut) {
                    case "0":
                        //change la localisation d'origine
                        $param = $trans->retour_exemplaire_change_localisation($stuff->expl_id);
                        //le message a l'ecran
                        $html_erreur_site .= "<div id='libInfoTransfert'>" . str_replace("!!lbl_site!!", $resSite, $msg["transferts_circ_retour_lbl_change_localisation"]) . "</div>";
                        if ($transferts_retour_action_autorise_autre == "1") {
                            //on propose de générer le transfert
                            $html_erreur_site .= "&nbsp;<input class='bouton' name='btActionTrans' type='button' value=\"" . $msg["transferts_circ_retour_bt_retour_mauvaise_localisation"] . "\" " . " onclick=\"changeAction();\"" . ">";
                    case "1":
                        //genere le transfert automatique de l'exemplaire
                        $param = $trans->retour_exemplaire_genere_transfert_retour($stuff->expl_id);
                        //le message a l'ecran
                        $html_erreur_site .= "<div id='libInfoTransfert'>" . $msg["transferts_circ_retour_lbl_transfert"] . "</div>";
                        if ($transferts_retour_action_autorise_autre == "1") {
                            //on propose de changer la localisation
                            $html_erreur_site .= "&nbsp;<input class='bouton' name='btActionTrans' type='button' value=\"" . $msg["transferts_circ_retour_bt_changement_localisation"] . "\" " . " onclick=\"changeAction();\"" . ">";
            if ($transferts_retour_action_autorise_autre == "1") {
                $html_erreur_site .= "<input type='hidden' name='paramTrans' value='" . $param . "'></form>";
            $html_erreur_site = str_replace("!!lbl_site!!", $resSite, $html_erreur_site);
            $html_erreur_site = str_replace("!!liste_sections!!", $expl_section_libelle, $html_erreur_site);
            $transfert_mauvais_site = true;
        } else {
            //if (($pmb_transferts_actif)&&($stuff->pret_idempr))
            //le message à l'écran
            $html_erreur_site .= $msg[expl_retour_bad_location];
        $html_erreur_site .= "</div>";
        print pmb_bidi($html_erreur_site);
        // fin de if ($stuff->expl_location != $deflt_docs_location)
    if ($stuff->expl_note) {
        $alert_sound_list[] = "critique";
        print pmb_bidi("<hr /><div class='erreur'>{$msg[377]} :</div><div class='message_important'>" . $stuff->expl_note . "</div>");
    } elseif ($pmb_play_pret_sound) {
        $alert_sound_list[] = "information";
    // zone du dernier emrunteur
    if ($stuff->expl_lastempr) {
        $dernier_empr = "<hr /><div class='row'>{$msg['expl_prev_empr']} ";
        $link = "<a href='./circ.php?categ=pret&form_cb=" . rawurlencode($stuff->lastempr_cb) . "'>";
        $dernier_empr .= $link . $stuff->lastempr_prenom . ' ' . $stuff->lastempr_nom . ' (' . $stuff->lastempr_cb . ')</a>';
        $dernier_empr .= "</div><hr />";
    if ($stuff->pret_idempr) {
        // l'exemplaire était effectivement emprunté
        // calcul du retard éventuel
        $rqt_date = "select ((TO_DAYS(CURDATE()) - TO_DAYS('{$stuff->pret_retour}'))) as retard ";
        $resultatdate = mysql_query($rqt_date);
        $resdate = mysql_fetch_object($resultatdate);
        $retard = $resdate->retard;
        if ($retard > 0) {
            //Calcul du vrai nombre de jours
            $date_debut = explode("-", $stuff->pret_retour);
            $ndays = calendar::get_open_days($date_debut[2], $date_debut[1], $date_debut[0], date("d"), date("m"), date("Y"));
            if ($ndays > 0) {
                $retard = (int) $ndays;
                print "<br /><div class='erreur'>" . $msg[369] . "&nbsp;: " . $retard . " " . $msg[370] . "</div>";
                $alert_sound_list[] = "critique";
        //Calcul du blocage
        if ($pmb_blocage_retard) {
            $date_debut = explode("-", $stuff->pret_retour);
            $ndays = calendar::get_open_days($date_debut[2], $date_debut[1], $date_debut[0], date("d"), date("m"), date("Y"));
            if ($ndays > $pmb_blocage_delai) {
                $ndays = $ndays * $pmb_blocage_coef;
                if ($ndays > $pmb_blocage_max && $pmb_blocage_max != 0) {
                    $ndays = $pmb_blocage_max;
            } else {
                $ndays = 0;
            if ($ndays > 0) {
                //Le lecteur est-il déjà bloqué ?
                $date_fin_blocage_empr = mysql_result(mysql_query("select date_fin_blocage from empr where id_empr='" . $stuff->pret_idempr . "'"), 0, 0);
                //Calcul de la date de fin
                $date_fin = calendar::add_days(date("d"), date("m"), date("Y"), $ndays);
                if ($date_fin > $date_fin_blocage_empr) {
                    //Mise à jour
                    mysql_query("update empr set date_fin_blocage='" . $date_fin . "' where id_empr='" . $stuff->pret_idempr . "'");
                    print "<br /><div class='erreur'>" . sprintf($msg["blocage_retard_pret"], formatdate($date_fin)) . "</div>";
                    $alertsound_list[] = "critique";
                } else {
                    print "<br /><div class='erreur'>" . sprintf($msg["blocage_already_retard_pret"], formatdate($date_fin_blocage_empr)) . "</div>";
                    $alertsound_list[] = "critique";
        //Vérification des amendes
        if ($pmb_gestion_financiere && $pmb_gestion_amende) {
            $amende = new amende($stuff->pret_idempr);
            $amende_t = $amende->get_amende($stuff->pret_idexpl);
            //Si il y a une amende, je la débite
            if ($amende_t["valeur"]) {
                print pmb_bidi("<br /><div class='erreur'>" . $msg["finance_retour_amende"] . "&nbsp;: " . comptes::format($amende_t["valeur"]));
                $alert_sound_list[] = "critique";
                $compte_id = comptes::get_compte_id_from_empr($stuff->pret_idempr, 2);
                if ($compte_id) {
                    $cpte = new comptes($compte_id);
                    if ($cpte->id_compte) {
                        $cpte->record_transaction("", $amende_t["valeur"], -1, sprintf($msg["finance_retour_amende_expl"], $stuff->pret_idexpl), 0);
                        print " " . $msg["finance_retour_amende_recorded"];
                print "</div>";
        // zone du dernier emrunteur
        print pmb_bidi($dernier_empr);
        // code de suppression prêt et la mise en table de stat
        if ($confirmed) {
            if (del_pret($stuff)) {
                if (!maj_stat_pret($stuff)) {
                    // impossible de maj en table stat
                    print "<div class='erreur'>{$msg[371]}</div>";
            } else {
                // impossible de supprimer en table pret
                print "<div class='erreur'>{$msg[372]}</div>";
            // traitement de l'éventuelle réservation
            if ($stuff->resa_idempr) {
                // le doc en retour peut servir à valider une résa suivante
                if (!verif_cb_utilise($stuff->expl_cb) || $affect) {
                    if (!$affect) {
                        $affect = affecte_cb($stuff->expl_cb);
                    // affichage message de réservation
                    if ($affect) {
                        $trans_en_cours = false;
                        $msg_trans = "";
                        if ($pmb_transferts_actif == "1" && !$transfert_mauvais_site) {
                            //si le transfert est actif et qu'un transfert n'est pas deja fait
                            $res_transfert = resa_transfert($affect, $stuff->expl_cb);
                            if ($res_transfert != 0) {
                                $rqt = "SELECT location_libelle FROM docs_location WHERE idlocation=" . $res_transfert;
                                $lib_loc = mysql_result(mysql_query($rqt), 0);
                                $msg_trans = "<strong>" . str_replace("!!site_dest!!", $lib_loc, $msg["transferts_circ_resa_validation_alerte"]) . "</strong><br />";
                                $trans_en_cours = true;
                        $query = "select distinct ";
                        $query .= "empr_prenom, empr_nom, empr_cb ";
                        $query .= "from (((resa LEFT JOIN notices AS notices_m ON resa_idnotice = notices_m.notice_id ) LEFT JOIN bulletins ON resa_idbulletin = bulletins.bulletin_id) LEFT JOIN notices AS notices_s ON bulletin_notice = notices_s.notice_id), empr ";
                        $query .= "where id_resa in (" . $affect . ") and resa_idempr=id_empr";
                        $result = mysql_query($query, $dbh);
                        $empr = @mysql_fetch_object($result);
                        print pmb_bidi("<div class='message_important'>{$msg['352']}</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='row'>{$msg_trans}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$msg[373]}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong><a href='./circ.php?categ=pret&form_cb=" . rawurlencode($empr->empr_cb) . "'>" . $empr->empr_prenom . "&nbsp;" . $empr->empr_nom . "</a></strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t&nbsp;({$empr->empr_cb} )\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>");
                        $alert_sound_list[] = "critique";
                        if (!$trans_en_cours) {
                    // fin if affect
                // fin if !verif_cb_utilise
            // fin if resa
        // fin confirmed
        $empr = new emprunteur($stuff->pret_idempr, $erreur_affichage, FALSE, 2);
        print pmb_bidi($empr->fiche_affichage);
    } else {
        print "<div class='erreur'>{$msg[605]}</div>";
        $alert_sound_list[] = "critique";
    // show_report($stuff); // this stands for debugging
     $smarty->assign("T_CALENDAR_OPTIONS", $calendarOptions);
     $smarty->assign("T_CALENDAR_LINK", basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?ctg=calendar");
     isset($_GET['add_another']) ? $smarty->assign('T_ADD_ANOTHER', "1") : null;
     $events = calendar::getCalendarEventsForUser($currentUser);
     $events = calendar::getCalendarEventsForUser($currentUser);
     if ($_SESSION['s_type'] != 'administrator' && $_SESSION['s_current_branch']) {
         //this applies to branch urls
         $currentBranch = new EfrontBranch($_SESSION['s_current_branch']);
         $branchTreeUsers = array_keys($currentBranch->getBranchTreeUsers());
         foreach ($events as $key => $value) {
             if ($value['type'] != 'global' && !in_array($value['users_LOGIN'], $branchTreeUsers)) {
     $events = calendar::sortCalendarEventsByTimestamp($events);
     $smarty->assign("T_CALENDAR_EVENTS", $events);
     //Assign events and specific day timestamp to smarty, to be used from calendar
     $smarty->assign("T_VIEW_CALENDAR", $view_calendar);
 /********** Facebook profile ******/
 if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['social_modules_activated'] & FB_FUNC_DATA_ACQUISITION) {
     if (isset($_SESSION['facebook_user']) && $_SESSION['facebook_user']) {
         $smarty->assign("T_FB_INFORMATION", $_SESSION['facebook_details']);
     } else {
         $smarty->assign("T_PREVIOUSMAINURL", $_SESSION['previousMainUrl']);
         $smarty->assign("T_OPEN_FACEBOOK_SESSION", 1);
         $smarty->assign("T_FACEBOOK_API_KEY", $GLOBALS['configuration']['facebook_api_key']);
  Version: 1.0 Release date: 08 July 2003

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
  option) any later version.
define('SHOW_ALL', 0);
define('SHOW_OWN', 1);
define('SHOW_SUB', 2);
require "../../Group-Office.php";
require $GO_LANGUAGE->get_language_file('calendar');
require $GO_MODULES->path . 'classes/calendar.class.inc';
$cal = new calendar();
$post_action = isset($_REQUEST['post_action']) ? $_REQUEST['post_action'] : '';
$task = isset($_POST['task']) ? $_POST['task'] : '';
$return_to = isset($_REQUEST['return_to']) ? $_REQUEST['return_to'] : $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
$link_back = isset($_REQUEST['link_back']) ? $_REQUEST['link_back'] : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$view_type = isset($_REQUEST['view_type']) ? $_REQUEST['view_type'] : 0;
$calendar_id = isset($_REQUEST['calendar_id']) ? $_REQUEST['calendar_id'] : 0;
$db = new db();
switch ($task) {
    case 'delete_calendar':
        $calendar = $cal->get_calendar($_POST['delete_calendar_id']);
        if ($GO_SECURITY->user_id == $calendar['user_id']) {
            if ($cal->delete_calendar($_POST['delete_calendar_id'])) {
                $holidays->delete_holidays($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $_POST['delete_calendar_id']);
 private function getRssSource($source, $mode, $lesson)
     $feeds = $this->getProvidedFeeds();
     foreach ($feeds as $value) {
         if ($value['active'] && $value['mode'] == 'system') {
             $systemFeeds[$value['type']] = $value;
         } else {
             if ($value['active'] && $value['mode'] == 'lesson') {
                 $lessonFeeds[$value['type']] = $value;
     if ($mode == 'system' && !in_array($source, array_keys($systemFeeds))) {
         return array();
     } elseif ($mode == 'lesson' && !in_array($source, array_keys($lessonFeeds))) {
         return array();
     $data = array();
     switch ($source) {
         case 'announcements':
             if ($mode == 'system') {
                 $news = news::getNews(0, true);
             } elseif ($mode == 'lesson') {
                 if ($lesson) {
                     $news = news::getNews($lesson, true);
                 } else {
                     $lessons = eF_getTableDataFlat("lessons", "id, name");
                     $lessonNames = array_combine($lessons['id'], $lessons['name']);
                     $news = news::getNews($lessons['id'], true);
             $count = 1;
             foreach ($news as $value) {
                 if ($mode == 'lesson' && !$lesson) {
                     $value['title'] = $lessonNames[$value['lessons_ID']] . ': ' . $value['title'];
                     $link = G_SERVERNAME . 'userpage.php?lessons_ID=' . $value['lessons_ID'] . '&amp;ctg=news&amp;view=' . $value['id'];
                 } else {
                     $link = G_SERVERNAME . 'userpage.php?ctg=news&amp;view=' . $value['id'];
                 $data[] = array('title' => $value['title'], 'link' => $link, 'description' => $value['data']);
                     				if ($count++ == $this -> feedLimit) {
         case 'catalog':
             $constraints = array("return_objects" => false, 'archive' => false, 'active' => true);
             $result = EfrontCourse::getAllCourses($constraints);
             $directionsTree = new EfrontDirectionsTree();
             $directionPaths = $directionsTree->toPathString();
             foreach ($result as $value) {
                 $pathString = $directionPaths[$value['directions_ID']] . '&nbsp;&rarr;&nbsp;' . $value['name'];
                 $data[] = array('title' => $pathString, 'link' => G_SERVERNAME . 'index.php?ctg=lesson_info&amp;courses_ID=' . $value['id'], 'description' => implode("<br>", unserialize($value['info'])));
             $result = eF_getTableData("lessons", "id,name,directions_ID, info", "archive=0 and instance_source = 0 and active=1 and course_only=0", "name");
             foreach ($result as $value) {
                 $pathString = $directionPaths[$value['directions_ID']] . '&nbsp;&rarr;&nbsp;' . $value['name'];
                 $data[] = array('title' => $pathString, 'link' => G_SERVERNAME . 'index.php?ctg=lesson_info&amp;lessons_ID=' . $value['id'], 'description' => implode("<br>", unserialize($value['info'])));
             $data = array_values(eF_multisort($data, 'title', 'asc'));
             //Sort results based on path string
         case 'calendar':
             if ($mode == 'system') {
                 $events = calendar::getGlobalCalendarEvents();
             } elseif ($mode == 'lesson') {
                 if ($lesson) {
                     $events = calendar::getLessonCalendarEvents($lesson);
                 } else {
                     $events = calendar::getCalendarEventsForAllLessons();
             foreach ($events as $value) {
                 $value['name'] ? $title = formatTimestamp($value['timestamp']) . ' (' . $value['name'] . ')' : ($title = formatTimestamp($value['timestamp']));
                 $data[] = array('title' => $title, 'link' => G_SERVERNAME . 'userpage.php?ctg=calendar&amp;view_calendar=' . $value['timestamp'] . '&amp;type=0', 'description' => $value['data']);
                 		case 'history':
                 			$currentUser = $this -> getCurrentUser();
             				$eventObjects = array();
                 			$result = eF_getTableData("events", "*", "", "timestamp DESC limit 100");
             				foreach ($result as $value) {
             					$eventObject = new EfrontEvent($value);
             					$eventObject -> createMessage();
             		case 'history':
             			$currentUser = $this -> getCurrentUser();
         				$eventObjects = array();
             			$result = eF_getTableData("events", "*", "", "timestamp DESC limit 100");
         				foreach ($result as $value) {
         					$eventObject = new EfrontEvent($value);
         					$eventObject -> createMessage();
         case 'structure':
             if ($lesson) {
                 $contentTree = new EfrontContentTree($lesson);
                 $contentPath = $contentTree->toPathStrings();
                 foreach ($contentPath as $key => $value) {
                     $data[] = array('title' => $value, 'link' => G_SERVERNAME . 'userpage.php?lessons_ID=' . $lesson . '&amp;unit=' . $key, 'description' => $value);
         case 'forum':
             if ($mode == 'system') {
                 $result = eF_getTableData("f_messages fm JOIN f_topics ft JOIN f_forums ff LEFT OUTER JOIN lessons l ON ff.lessons_ID = l.id", "ff.title as forum_name, fm.body, fm.title, fm.id, ft.id as topic_id, ft.title as topic_title, fm.users_LOGIN, fm.timestamp, l.name as lessons_name, lessons_id as show_lessons_id", "ft.f_forums_ID=ff.id AND fm.f_topics_ID=ft.id ", "fm.timestamp desc LIMIT 100");
             } elseif ($mode == 'lesson') {
                 if ($lesson) {
                     $result = eF_getTableData("f_messages fm JOIN f_topics ft JOIN f_forums ff LEFT OUTER JOIN lessons l ON ff.lessons_ID = l.id", "ff.title as forum_name, fm.body, fm.title, fm.id, ft.id as topic_id, ft.title as topic_title, fm.users_LOGIN, fm.timestamp, l.name as lessons_name, lessons_id as show_lessons_id", "ft.f_forums_ID=ff.id AND fm.f_topics_ID=ft.id AND ff.lessons_ID = '" . $lesson . "'", "fm.timestamp desc LIMIT 100");
                 } else {
                     $result = eF_getTableData("f_messages fm JOIN f_topics ft JOIN f_forums ff LEFT OUTER JOIN lessons l ON ff.lessons_ID = l.id", "ff.title as forum_name, fm.body, fm.title, fm.id, ft.id as topic_id, ft.title as topic_title, fm.users_LOGIN, fm.timestamp, l.name as lessons_name, lessons_id as show_lessons_id", "ft.f_forums_ID=ff.id AND fm.f_topics_ID=ft.id AND ff.lessons_ID != 0", "fm.timestamp desc LIMIT 100");
             foreach ($result as $value) {
                 $value['title'] = $value['forum_name'] . ' >> ' . $value['topic_title'] . ' >> ' . $value['title'];
                 if ($mode == 'system' && $value['lessons_name'] || $mode == 'lesson' && !$lesson) {
                     $value['title'] = $value['lessons_name'] . ': ' . $value['title'];
                 $data[] = array('title' => $value['title'], 'link' => G_SERVERNAME . 'userpage.php?ctg=forum&amp;topic=' . $value['topic_id'], 'description' => $value['body']);
     return $data;
 function do_retour_doc()
     global $dbh;
     global $msg;
     global $pmb_gestion_amende, $pmb_gestion_financiere, $pmb_blocage_retard, $pmb_blocage_max, $pmb_blocage_delai, $pmb_blocage_coef;
     // récupération localisation exemplaire
     $query = "select t.tdoc_libelle as type_doc";
     $query .= ", l.location_libelle as location";
     $query .= ", s.section_libelle as section";
     $query .= " from docs_type t";
     $query .= ", docs_location l";
     $query .= ", docs_section s";
     $query .= " where t.idtyp_doc=" . $this->expl_typdoc;
     $query .= " and l.idlocation=" . $this->expl_location;
     $query .= " and s.idsection=" . $this->expl_section;
     $query .= " limit 1";
     $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh);
     $info_doc = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result);
     $this->type_doc = $info_doc->type_doc;
     if ($this->nbparts > 1) {
         $this->type_doc .= " (" . $this->nbparts . ")";
     $this->location = $info_doc->location;
     $this->section = $info_doc->section;
     if ($this->expl_note) {
         $this->error_message = $msg[377];
     if ($this->pret_idempr) {
         // calcul du retard éventuel
         $rqt_date = "select ((TO_DAYS(CURDATE()) - TO_DAYS('{$this->pret_retour}'))) as retard ";
         $resultatdate = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_date);
         $resdate = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultatdate);
         $retard = $resdate->retard;
         if ($retard > 0) {
             //Calcul du vrai nombre de jours
             $date_debut = explode("-", $this->pret_retour);
             $ndays = calendar::get_open_days($date_debut[2], $date_debut[1], $date_debut[0], date("d"), date("m"), date("Y"));
             if ($ndays > 0) {
                 $retard = (int) $ndays;
                 $this->error_message = $msg[369] . " : " . $retard . " " . $msg[370];
             } else {
                 $this->error_message = $msg["calendrier_active_aucun_retard"];
         //Calcul du blocage
         if ($pmb_blocage_retard) {
             $date_debut = explode("-", $this->pret_retour);
             $ndays = calendar::get_open_days($date_debut[2], $date_debut[1], $date_debut[0], date("d"), date("m"), date("Y"));
             if ($ndays > $pmb_blocage_delai) {
                 $ndays = $ndays * $pmb_blocage_coef;
                 if ($ndays > $pmb_blocage_max && $pmb_blocage_max != 0) {
                     $ndays = $pmb_blocage_max;
             } else {
                 $ndays = 0;
             if ($ndays > 0) {
                 //Le lecteur est-il déjà bloqué ?
                 $date_fin_blocage_empr = pmb_mysql_result(pmb_mysql_query("select date_fin_blocage from empr where id_empr='" . $this->pret_idempr . "'"), 0, 0);
                 //Calcul de la date de fin
                 $date_fin = calendar::add_days(date("d"), date("m"), date("Y"), $ndays);
                 if ($date_fin > $date_fin_blocage_empr) {
                     //Mise à jour
                     pmb_mysql_query("update empr set date_fin_blocage='" . $date_fin . "' where id_empr='" . $this->pret_idempr . "'");
                     $this->error_message = sprintf($msg["blocage_retard_pret"], formatdate($date_fin));
                 } else {
                     $this->error_message = sprintf($msg["blocage_already_retard_pret"], formatdate($date_fin_blocage_empr));
         //Vérification des amendes
         if ($pmb_gestion_financiere && $pmb_gestion_amende) {
             $amende = new amende($this->pret_idempr);
             $amende_t = $amende->get_amende($this->pret_idexpl);
             //Si il y a une amende, je la débite
             if ($amende_t["valeur"]) {
                 $this->error_message = $msg["finance_retour_amende"] . "&nbsp;: " . comptes::format($amende_t["valeur"]);
                 $compte_id = comptes::get_compte_id_from_empr($this->pret_idempr, 2);
                 if ($compte_id) {
                     $cpte = new comptes($compte_id);
                     if ($cpte->id_compte) {
                         $cpte->record_transaction("", $amende_t["valeur"], -1, sprintf($msg["finance_retour_amende_expl"], $this->pret_idexpl), 0);
                         $this->error_message .= " " . $msg["finance_retour_amende_recorded"];
         // Suppression prêt et la mise en table de stat
         $query = "delete from pret where pret_idexpl = '" . $this->pret_idexpl . "' ";
         $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh);
         if ($result) {
             $this->retour_message = $msg["retour_ok"];
             if (!$this->maj_stat_pret()) {
                 // impossible de maj en table stat
                 $this->error_message = $msg[371];
         } else {
             // impossible de supprimer en table pret
             $this->error_message = $msg[372];
         // traitement de l'éventuelle réservation
         if ($this->resa_idempr) {
             // le doc en retour peut servir à valider une résa suivante
             if (!verif_cb_utilise($this->cb_expl)) {
                 $affect = affecte_cb($this->cb_expl);
                 // affichage message de réservation
                 if ($affect) {
                     $this->error_message = $msg["rfid_retour_document_reserve_message"];
                     $this->url_reservation = "./circ.php?categ=pret&form_cb=" . rawurlencode($this->cb_reservataire);
                 // fin if affect
             // fin if !verif_cb_utilise
         // fin if resa
     } else {
         $this->error_message = $msg[605];
  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
  option) any later version.
require "../../Group-Office.php";
require $GO_LANGUAGE->get_language_file('calendar');
$max_columns = 7;
$link_back = isset($_REQUEST['link_back']) ? $_REQUEST['link_back'] : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$merged_view = isset($_REQUEST['merged_view']) ? $_REQUEST['merged_view'] : true;
//are we in print view?
$print = isset($_REQUEST['print']) ? true : false;
require_once $GO_MODULES->class_path . 'calendar.class.inc';
require_once $GO_MODULES->class_path . 'todos.class.inc';
$cal = new calendar();
$cal_settings = $cal->get_settings($GO_SECURITY->user_id);
//get the local times
$local_time = get_time();
$year = isset($_REQUEST['year']) ? $_REQUEST['year'] : date("Y", $local_time);
$month = isset($_REQUEST['month']) ? $_REQUEST['month'] : date("m", $local_time);
$day = isset($_REQUEST['day']) ? $_REQUEST['day'] : date("j", $local_time);
$hour = isset($_REQUEST['hour']) ? $_REQUEST['hour'] : date("H", $local_time);
$min = isset($_REQUEST['min']) ? $_REQUEST['min'] : date("i", $local_time);
$local_browse_time = mktime($hour, $min, 0, $month, $day, $year);
//recalculate date
$year = date("Y", $local_browse_time);
$month = date("m", $local_browse_time);
$day = date("j", $local_browse_time);
$hour = date("H", $local_browse_time);
$min = date("i", $local_browse_time);
  * Export lesson
  * This function is used to export the current lesson's data to
  * a file, which can then be imported to other systems. Apart from
  * the lesson content, the user may optinally specify additional
  * information to export, using the $exportEntities array. If
  * $exportEntities is 'all', everything that can be exported, is
  * exported
  * <br/>Example:
  * <code>
  * $exportedFile = $lesson -> export('all');
  * </code>
  * @param array $exportEntities The additional data to export
  * @param boolean $rename Whether to rename the exported file with the same name as the lesson
  * @param boolean $exportFiles Whether to export files as well
  * @return EfrontFile The object of the exported data file
  * @since 3.5.0
  * @access public
 public function export($exportEntities, $rename = true, $exportFiles = true)
     if (!$exportEntities) {
         $exportEntities = array('export_surveys' => 1, 'export_announcements' => 1, 'export_glossary' => 1, 'export_calendar' => 1, 'export_comments' => 1, 'export_rules' => 1);
     $data['lessons'] = $this->lesson;
     $content = eF_getTableData("content", "*", "lessons_ID=" . $this->lesson['id']);
     if (sizeof($content) > 0) {
         $contentIds = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($content); $i++) {
             $content[$i]['data'] = str_replace(G_SERVERNAME, "##SERVERNAME##", $content[$i]['data']);
             $content[$i]['data'] = str_replace("content/lessons/" . ($this->lesson['share_folder'] ? $this->lesson['share_folder'] : $this->lesson['id']), "##LESSONSLINK##", $content[$i]['data']);
             $contentIds[] = $content[$i]['id'];
         $content_list = implode(",", array_values($contentIds));
         $data['content'] = $content;
         $questions = eF_getTableData("questions", "*", "lessons_ID=" . $this->lesson['id']);
         if (sizeof($questions) > 0) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($questions); $i++) {
                 $questions[$i]['text'] = str_replace(G_SERVERNAME, "##SERVERNAME##", $questions[$i]['text']);
                 $questions[$i]['text'] = str_replace("content/lessons/" . ($this->lesson['share_folder'] ? $this->lesson['share_folder'] : $this->lesson['id']), "##LESSONSLINK##", $questions[$i]['text']);
             $data['questions'] = $questions;
         $tests = eF_getTableData("tests", "*", "lessons_ID=" . $this->lesson['id']);
         if (sizeof($tests)) {
             $testsIds = array();
             foreach ($tests as $key => $value) {
                 $testsIds[] = $value['id'];
             $tests_list = implode(",", array_values($testsIds));
             $tests_to_questions = eF_getTableData("tests_to_questions", "*", "tests_ID IN ({$tests_list})");
             for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($tests); $i++) {
                 $tests[$i]['description'] = str_replace(G_SERVERNAME, "##SERVERNAME##", $tests[$i]['description']);
                 $tests[$i]['description'] = str_replace("content/lessons/" . ($this->lesson['share_folder'] ? $this->lesson['share_folder'] : $this->lesson['id']), "##LESSONSLINK##", $tests[$i]['description']);
             $data['tests'] = $tests;
             $data['tests_to_questions'] = $tests_to_questions;
         if (isset($exportEntities['export_rules'])) {
             $rules = eF_getTableData("rules", "*", "lessons_ID=" . $this->lesson['id']);
             if (sizeof($rules) > 0) {
                 $data['rules'] = $rules;
         if (isset($exportEntities['export_comments'])) {
             $comments = eF_getTableData("comments", "*", "content_ID IN ({$content_list})");
             if (sizeof($comments) > 0) {
                 $data['comments'] = $comments;
     if (isset($exportEntities['export_calendar'])) {
         $calendar = calendar::getLessonCalendarEvents($this);
         $calendar = array_values($calendar);
         if (sizeof($calendar) > 0) {
             $data['calendar'] = $calendar;
     if (isset($exportEntities['export_glossary'])) {
         $glossary = eF_getTableData("glossary", "*", "lessons_ID = " . $this->lesson['id']);
         if (sizeof($glossary) > 0) {
             $data['glossary'] = $glossary;
     if (isset($exportEntities['export_announcements'])) {
         $news = eF_getTableData("news", "*", "lessons_ID=" . $this->lesson['id']);
         if (sizeof($news) > 0) {
             $data['news'] = $news;
     if (isset($exportEntities['export_surveys'])) {
         $surveys = eF_getTableData("surveys", "*", "lessons_ID=" . $this->lesson['id']);
         //prepei na ginei to   lesson_ID -> lessons_ID sti basi (ayto isos to parampsoyme eykola)
         if (sizeof($surveys) > 0) {
             $data['surveys'] = $surveys;
             $surveys_ = array();
             foreach ($surveys as $key => $value) {
                 $surveys_[$value['id']] = $value;
             $surveys_list = implode(",", array_keys($surveys_));
             $questions_to_surveys = eF_getTableData("questions_to_surveys", "*", "surveys_ID IN ({$surveys_list})");
             // oposipote omos to survey_ID -> surveys_ID sti basi
             if (sizeof($questions_to_surveys) > 0) {
                 $data['questions_to_surveys'] = $questions_to_surveys;
     $lesson_conditions = eF_getTableData("lesson_conditions", "*", "lessons_ID=" . $this->lesson['id']);
     if (sizeof($lesson_conditions) > 0) {
         $data['lesson_conditions'] = $lesson_conditions;
     $projects = eF_getTableData("projects", "*", "lessons_ID=" . $this->lesson['id']);
     if (sizeof($projects) > 0) {
         $data['projects'] = $projects;
     $lesson_files = eF_getTableData("files", "*", "path like '" . str_replace(G_ROOTPATH, '', EfrontDirectory::normalize($this->getDirectory())) . "%'");
     if (sizeof($lesson_files) > 0) {
         $data['files'] = $lesson_files;
     if (G_VERSIONTYPE != 'community') {
         #cpp#ifndef COMMUNITY
         if (G_VERSIONTYPE != 'standard') {
             #cpp#ifndef STANDARD
             //Export scorm tables from here over
             $scormLessonTables = array('scorm_sequencing_adlseq_map_info', 'scorm_sequencing_content_to_organization', 'scorm_sequencing_maps_info', 'scorm_sequencing_organizations');
             foreach ($scormLessonTables as $table) {
                 $scorm_data = eF_getTableData($table, "*", "lessons_ID=" . $this->lesson['id']);
                 if (sizeof($scorm_data) > 0) {
                     $data[$table] = $scorm_data;
             $scormContentTables = array('scorm_sequencing_completion_threshold', 'scorm_sequencing_constrained_choice', 'scorm_sequencing_control_mode', 'scorm_sequencing_delivery_controls', 'scorm_sequencing_hide_lms_ui', 'scorm_sequencing_limit_conditions', 'scorm_sequencing_maps', 'scorm_sequencing_map_info', 'scorm_sequencing_objectives', 'scorm_sequencing_rollup_considerations', 'scorm_sequencing_rollup_controls', 'scorm_sequencing_rollup_rules', 'scorm_sequencing_rules');
             if ($content_list) {
                 foreach ($scormContentTables as $table) {
                     $scorm_data = eF_getTableData($table, "*", "content_ID IN ({$content_list})");
                     if (sizeof($scorm_data) > 0) {
                         $data[$table] = $scorm_data;
                     if ($table == 'scorm_sequencing_rollup_rules' && sizeof($scorm_data) > 0) {
                         $ids = array();
                         foreach ($scorm_data as $value) {
                             $ids[] = $value['id'];
                         $result = eF_getTableData('scorm_sequencing_rollup_rule', "*", "scorm_sequencing_rollup_rules_ID IN (" . implode(",", $ids) . ")");
                         $data['scorm_sequencing_rollup_rule'] = $result;
                     if ($table == 'scorm_sequencing_rules' && sizeof($scorm_data) > 0) {
                         $ids = array();
                         foreach ($scorm_data as $value) {
                             $ids[] = $value['id'];
                         $result = eF_getTableData('scorm_sequencing_rule', "*", "scorm_sequencing_rules_ID IN (" . implode(",", $ids) . ")");
                         $data['scorm_sequencing_rule'] = $result;
     //'scorm_sequencing_rollup_rule', 'scorm_sequencing_rule',
     // MODULES - Export module data
     // Get all modules (NOT only the ones that have to do with the user type)
     $modules = eF_loadAllModules();
     foreach ($modules as $module) {
         if ($moduleData = $module->onExportLesson($this->lesson['id'])) {
             $data[$module->className] = $moduleData;
     file_put_contents($this->directory . '/' . "data.dat", serialize($data));
     //Create database dump file
     if ($exportFiles) {
         $lessonDirectory = new EfrontDirectory($this->directory);
         $file = $lessonDirectory->compress($this->lesson['id'] . '_exported.zip', false);
         //Compress the lesson files
     } else {
         $dataFile = new EfrontFile($this->directory . '/' . "data.dat");
         $file = $dataFile->compress($this->lesson['id'] . '_exported.zip');
     $newList = FileSystemTree::importFiles($file['path']);
     //Import the file to the database, so we can download it
     $file = new EfrontFile(current($newList));
     if (empty($GLOBALS['currentUser'])) {
         if ($_SESSION['s_login']) {
             $GLOBALS['currentUser'] = EfrontUserFactory::factory($_SESSION['s_login']);
             $userTempDir = $GLOBALS['currentUser']->user['directory'] . '/temp';
         } else {
             $userTempDir = sys_get_temp_dir();
     } else {
         $userTempDir = $GLOBALS['currentUser']->user['directory'] . '/temp';
     if (!is_dir($userTempDir)) {
         //If the user's temp directory does not exist, create it
         $userTempDir = EfrontDirectory::createDirectory($userTempDir, false);
         $userTempDir = $userTempDir['path'];
     try {
         $existingFile = new EfrontFile($userTempDir . '/' . EfrontFile::encode($this->lesson['name']) . '.zip');
         //Delete any previous exported files
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     if ($rename) {
         $newName = str_replace(array('"', '>', '<', '*', '?', ':'), array('&quot;', '&gt;', '&lt;', '&#42;', '&#63;', '&#58;'), $this->lesson['name']);
         $file->rename($userTempDir . '/' . EfrontFile::encode($newName) . '.zip', true);
     unlink($this->directory . '/' . "data.dat");
     //Delete database dump file
     return $file;
    exit('Failed to connect to MySQL: ' . mysqli_connect_error());
if (strlen($year) <= 0) {
    $result = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT MAX(ts) as ts from readings WHERE core_id={$id}");
    if (mysql_errno()) {
        exit('Error: ' . mysqli_error($conn));
    $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
    if (!isset($row['ts'])) {
        echo "No records found";
    } else {
        $date = Carbon::createFromTimeStamp($row['ts']);
        $year = $date->format('Y');
$calendar = new calendar();
$currentYear = $calendar->year($year);
echo "<table border=0 width='100%'>";
echo "<tr><td colspan=5>";
echo "<table border=0>";
echo "<td><h2>{$title_name} Calendar</h2></td>";
echo "<td>";
echo "<span style='padding:4px 10px 4px 10px;font-size:20px;font-weight:bold;color:#CC6666;vertical-align:top;'>{$sensor_name}</span>";
echo "</td>";
echo "<td width=400>&nbsp;</td>";
echo "</table>";
echo "</td><tr>";
echo "<td width='100'></td>";
echo "<td align='right'><input type='button' value='&lt; Previous' style='padding:2px;' onclick='change_year(\"" . $currentYear->prev()->int() . "\")'></td>";
echo "<td width='300' align=center ><b>" . $currentYear->name() . "</b></td>";
echo "<td><input type='button' value='Next    &gt;' style='padding:2px;' onclick='change_year(\"" . $currentYear->next()->int() . "\")'></td>";
  * Delete course
  * This function is used to delete the current course. It also
  * removes the course from the succession information of other
  * courses
  * <br/>Example:
  * <code>
  * $course -> delete();
  * </code>
  * @since 3.5.0
  * @access public
  * @todo remove from other courses succession
 public function delete()
     $courseUsers = eF_getTableDataFlat("users_to_courses", "users_LOGIN", "courses_ID=" . $this->course['id']);
     eF_deleteTableData("courses", "id=" . $this->course['id']);
     if (G_VERSIONTYPE == 'enterprise') {
         #cpp#ifdef ENTERPRISE
         eF_deleteTableData("module_hcd_course_to_job_description", "courses_ID =" . $this->course['id']);
         eF_deleteTableData("module_hcd_course_to_branch", "courses_ID =" . $this->course['id']);
     eF_updateTableData("courses", array("depends_on" => 0), "depends_on = " . $this->course['id']);
     $modules = eF_loadAllModules();
     foreach ($modules as $module) {
     EfrontSearch::removeText('courses', $this->course['id'], '');
 * Admin Menu
 * @author Rene Faustino Gabriel Junior  (Analista-Desenvolvedor)
 * @copyright © Pan American Health Organization, 2013. All rights reserved.
 * @access public
 * @version v0.13.46
 * @package ProEthos-Admin
 * @subpackage calender
require "cab.php";
require "_class/_class_calender.php";
global $acao, $dd, $cp, $tabela;
require $include . '_class_form.php';
require $include . 'sisdoc_data.php';
$form = new form();
require "form_css.php";
$cl = new calendar();
$cp = $cl->cp();
$tabela = $cl->tabela;
$http_edit = page();
$http_redirect = '';
$label = msg('tit_' . $tabela);
/** Edit */
echo '<h2>' . $label . '</h2>';
$tela = $form->editar($cp, $tabela);
/** Caso o registro seja validado */
if ($form->saved > 0) {
} else {
    echo $tela;
echo $hd->foot();
# GPL: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
if (!defined("EXPONENT")) {
$item = null;
$iloc = null;
if (isset($_POST['id'])) {
    $item = $db->selectObject("calendar", "id=" . intval($_POST['id']));
    $loc = unserialize($item->location_data);
    $iloc = exponent_core_makeLocation($loc->mod, $loc->src, $item->id);
if ($item == null && exponent_permissions_check("post", $loc) || $item != null && exponent_permissions_check("edit", $loc) || $iloc != null && exponent_permissions_check("edit", $iloc)) {
    $item = calendar::update($_POST, $item);
    $item->location_data = serialize($loc);
    if (isset($_POST['category'])) {
        $item->category_id = $_POST['category'];
    } else {
        $item->category_id = 0;
    //Check to see if the feedback form is enabled and/or being used for this event.
    if (isset($_POST['feedback_form'])) {
        $item->feedback_form = $_POST['feedback_form'];
        $item->feedback_email = $_POST['feedback_email'];
    } else {
        $item->feedback_form = "";
        $item->feedback_email = "";
    if (!defined("SYS_WORKFLOW")) {
  if (!popup.opener) popup.opener = self;
echo $GO_CONFIG->title;
echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="' . $GO_CONFIG->refresh_rate . ';url=' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '">';
//if user uses the calendar then check for events to remind
$calendar_module = $GO_MODULES->get_module('calendar');
if ($calendar_module && ($GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $calendar_module['acl_read']) || $GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $calendar_module['acl_write']))) {
    require_once $calendar_module['class_path'] . 'calendar.class.inc';
    require_once $calendar_module['class_path'] . 'todos.class.inc';
    $cal = new calendar();
    $todos = new todos();
    $remind_events = $cal->get_events_to_remind($GO_SECURITY->user_id);
    $remind_todos = $todos->get_todos_to_remind($GO_SECURITY->user_id);
    if ($remind_events || $remind_todos) {
        echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">popup("' . $calendar_module['url'] . 'reminder.php", "500", "200", "reminder");</script>';
$_SESSION['notified_new_mail'] = isset($_SESSION['notified_new_mail']) ? $_SESSION['notified_new_mail'] : 0;
$_SESSION['new_mail'] = 0;
//check for email
$email_module = $GO_MODULES->get_module('email');
if ($email_module && ($GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $email_module['acl_read']) || $GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $email_module['acl_write']))) {
    require_once $email_module['class_path'] . 'email.class.inc';
    require_once $GO_CONFIG->class_path . 'imap.class.inc';
	<table border="0">
        echo $strName;
        echo $strOwner;
        $cal2 = new calendar();
        while ($cal->next_record()) {
            if ($view_id > 0 && $task != 'save') {
                $check = $cal2->calendar_is_in_view($cal->f('id'), $view_id);
            } else {
                $check = isset($_POST['calendars']) ? in_array($cal->f('id'), $_POST['calendars']) : false;
            if ($has_write_permission) {
                echo '<tr><td>';
                $checkbox = new checkbox('calendars[]', $cal->f('id'), $cal->f('name'), $check);
                echo '</td><td>' . show_profile($cal->f('user_id')) . '</td></tr>';
            } else {
                if ($check) {
                    echo '<tr><td>' . htmlspecialchars($cal->f('name'));
                    echo '</td><td>' . show_profile($cal->f('user_id')) . '</td></tr>';
try {
    $CalendarUid = $_GET['id'];
    $calendarObj = new calendar();
    G::Header('location: calendarList');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $G_PUBLISH = new Publisher();
    $aMessage['MESSAGE'] = $e->getMessage();
    $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('xmlform', 'xmlform', 'login/showMessage', '', $aMessage);
    G::RenderPage('publish', 'blank');

$id = get_request_variable('id', '');
$save = get_request_variable('save', '');
$start_date = get_request_variable('start_date', date('Y-m-d'));
$stop_date = get_request_variable('stop_date', date('Y-m-d'));
$calendar = new calendar();
$ids = calendar::getIdsForAuthor($STORAGE['current_employee']->login);
$event = new calendar_event();
$event->id_event = $id;
if ($id) {
    if (!$event->Load()) {
        $event->id_event = 0;
    } elseif (!in_array($event->calendar_id, $ids)) {
} else {
    $event->id_event = 0;
if ($save) {
    if ($event->calendar_id == 0) {
        $event->calendar_id = $calendar->id_calendar;
    $event->what = get_request_variable('what', '');
    $event->where = get_request_variable('where', '');
    $event->description = get_request_variable('description', '');
    $event->completed = get_request_variable('completed', 'no');
    $event->notice = get_request_variable('notice', 'no');
    $event->mark = get_request_variable('mark', 'no');
    $event->start_date = parse_date('{Y}-{m}-{d}', $start_date, false);
 public function calculateDueDate($sNextTasParam)
     //Get Task properties
     $task = TaskPeer::retrieveByPK($this->getTasUid());
     $aData['TAS_UID'] = $this->getTasUid();
     //Added to allow User defined Timing Control at Run time from Derivation screen
     if (isset($sNextTasParam['NEXT_TASK']['TAS_TRANSFER_HIDDEN_FLY']) && $sNextTasParam['NEXT_TASK']['TAS_TRANSFER_HIDDEN_FLY'] == 'true') {
         $aData['TAS_DURATION'] = $sNextTasParam['NEXT_TASK']['TAS_DURATION'];
         $aData['TAS_TIMEUNIT'] = $sNextTasParam['NEXT_TASK']['TAS_TIMEUNIT'];
         $aData['TAS_TYPE_DAY'] = $sNextTasParam['NEXT_TASK']['TAS_TYPE_DAY'];
         if (isset($sNextTasParam['NEXT_TASK']['TAS_CALENDAR']) && $sNextTasParam['NEXT_TASK']['TAS_CALENDAR'] != '') {
             $aCalendarUID = $sNextTasParam['NEXT_TASK']['TAS_CALENDAR'];
         } else {
             $aCalendarUID = '';
         //Updating the task Table , so that user will see updated values in the assign screen in consequent cases
         $oTask = new Task();
     } else {
         if (is_null($task)) {
             return 0;
         $aData['TAS_DURATION'] = $task->getTasDuration();
         $aData['TAS_TIMEUNIT'] = $task->getTasTimeUnit();
         $aData['TAS_TYPE_DAY'] = $task->getTasTypeDay();
         $aCalendarUID = '';
     //use the dates class to calculate dates
     $calendar = new calendar();
     if ($calendar->pmCalendarUid == '') {
         $calendar->getCalendar(null, $task->getProUid(), $aData['TAS_UID']);
     $iDueDate = $calendar->calculateDate($this->getDelDelegateDate(), $aData['TAS_DURATION'], $aData['TAS_TIMEUNIT']);
     return $iDueDate;