  * For Multisite Networks, this function is used to add a User to an existing Blog; and to simulate ``wp_create_user()`` behavior.
  * The ``$user_id`` value will be returned by this function, just like ``wp_create_user()`` does.
  * This function will fire the Hook `user_register`.
  * @package s2Member\Registrations
  * @since 3.5
  * @param str $user_login Expects the User's Username.
  * @param str $user_email Expects the User's Email Address.
  * @param str $user_pass Expects the User's plain text Password.
  * @param int|str $user_id Optional. A numeric WordPress User ID.
  * 	If unspecified, a lookup is performed with ``$user_login`` and ``$user_email``.
  * @return int|false Returns numeric ``$user_id`` on success, else false on failure.
 public static function ms_create_existing_user($user_login = FALSE, $user_email = FALSE, $user_pass = FALSE, $user_id = FALSE)
     foreach (array_keys(get_defined_vars()) as $__v) {
         $__refs[$__v] =& ${$__v};
     do_action("ws_plugin__s2member_before_ms_create_existing_user", get_defined_vars());
     unset($__refs, $__v);
     if (is_multisite()) {
         if (($user_id || ($user_id = c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_users::ms_user_login_email_exists_but_not_on_blog($user_login, $user_email))) && $user_pass) {
             $role = get_option("default_role");
             // Use default Role.
             add_existing_user_to_blog(array("user_id" => $user_id, "role" => $role));
             // Add User.
             wp_update_user(array("ID" => $user_id, "user_pass" => $user_pass));
             // Update to ``$user_pass``.
             do_action("ws_plugin__s2member_during_ms_create_existing_user", get_defined_vars());
             do_action("user_register", $user_id);
             // So s2Member knows a User is registering.
             return apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_ms_create_existing_user", $user_id, get_defined_vars());
     return apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_ms_create_existing_user", false, get_defined_vars());
  * Handles the importation of Users/Members.
  * @package s2Member\Imports
  * @since 110815
  * @return null
 public static function import_users()
     if (!empty($_POST["ws_plugin__s2member_pro_import_users"]) && ($nonce = $_POST["ws_plugin__s2member_pro_import_users"]) && wp_verify_nonce($nonce, "ws-plugin--s2member-pro-import-users") && current_user_can("create_users")) {
         global $wpdb;
         global $current_site, $current_blog;
         @ini_set("memory_limit", apply_filters("admin_memory_limit", WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT));
         remove_all_actions("profile_update") . remove_all_actions("user_register");
         remove_all_actions("added_existing_user") . remove_all_actions("add_user_to_blog");
         if (!empty($_FILES["ws_plugin__s2member_pro_import_users_file"]) && empty($_FILES["ws_plugin__s2member_pro_import_users_file"]["error"])) {
             $file = fopen($_FILES["ws_plugin__s2member_pro_import_users_file"]["tmp_name"], "r");
         } else {
             if (!empty($_POST["ws_plugin__s2member_pro_import_users_direct_input"])) {
                 fwrite($file = tmpfile(), trim(stripslashes($_POST["ws_plugin__s2member_pro_import_users_direct_input"]))) . fseek($file, 0);
         if (isset($file) && is_resource($file) && !($imported = 0)) {
             $custom_field_vars = array();
             if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["custom_reg_fields"]) {
                 foreach (json_decode($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["custom_reg_fields"], TRUE) as $field) {
                     $custom_field_var = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9]/i", "_", strtolower($field["id"]));
                     $custom_field_vars[] = $custom_field_var;
             sort($custom_field_vars, SORT_STRING);
             while (($data = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.3", ">=") ? fgetcsv($file, 0, ",", '"', '"') : fgetcsv($file, 0, ",", '"')) !== false) {
                 $line = (int) $line + 1;
                 $data = c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_strings::trim_deep($data);
                 $data = stripslashes_deep($data);
                 if ($line === 1 && strtoupper($data[0]) === "ID") {
                     $line = $line - 1;
                 if (is_multisite() && c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_conds::is_multisite_farm() && !is_main_site()) {
                     $ID = $data[0];
                     $user_login = is_multisite() ? strtolower($data[1]) : $data[1];
                     $user_login = preg_replace("/\\s+/", "", sanitize_user($user_login, is_multisite()));
                     $user_pass = (string) "";
                     $first_name = $data[2];
                     $last_name = $data[3];
                     $display_name = $data[4];
                     $user_email = sanitize_email($data[5]);
                     $user_url = $data[6];
                     $role = $data[7];
                     $custom_capabilities = $data[8];
                     $user_registered = $data[9] ? date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($data[9])) : "";
                     $paid_registration_times = $data[10] ? maybe_unserialize($data[10]) : "";
                     $last_payment_time = $data[11] ? strtotime($data[11]) : "";
                     $auto_eot_time = $data[12] ? strtotime($data[12]) : "";
                     $custom = $data[13];
                     $subscr_id = $data[14];
                     $subscr_gateway = strtolower($data[15]);
                     $custom_fields = array();
                     if (count($data) > 16) {
                         for ($i = 16, $j = 0; $i < count($data); $i++, $j++) {
                             if (isset($custom_field_vars[$j])) {
                                 $custom_fields[$custom_field_vars[$j]] = maybe_unserialize($data[$i]);
                 } else {
                     $ID = $data[0];
                     $user_login = is_multisite() ? strtolower($data[1]) : $data[1];
                     $user_login = preg_replace("/\\s+/", "", sanitize_user($user_login, is_multisite()));
                     $user_pass = $data[2];
                     $first_name = $data[3];
                     $last_name = $data[4];
                     $display_name = $data[5];
                     $user_email = sanitize_email($data[6]);
                     $user_url = $data[7];
                     $role = $data[8];
                     $custom_capabilities = $data[9];
                     $user_registered = $data[10] ? date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($data[10])) : "";
                     $paid_registration_times = $data[11] ? maybe_unserialize($data[11]) : "";
                     $last_payment_time = $data[12] ? strtotime($data[12]) : "";
                     $auto_eot_time = $data[13] ? strtotime($data[13]) : "";
                     $custom = $data[14];
                     $subscr_id = $data[15];
                     $subscr_gateway = strtolower($data[16]);
                     $custom_fields = array();
                     if (count($data) > 17) {
                         for ($i = 17, $j = 0; $i < count($data); $i++, $j++) {
                             if (isset($custom_field_vars[$j])) {
                                 $custom_fields[$custom_field_vars[$j]] = maybe_unserialize($data[$i]);
                 $role = is_numeric($role) ? $role == 0 ? "subscriber" : "s2member_level" . $role : $role;
                 if ($paid_registration_times && !is_array($paid_registration_times)) {
                     $paid_registration_times = array("level" => strtotime($paid_registration_times));
                 $paid_registration_times = !$paid_registration_times || !is_array($paid_registration_times) ? array() : $paid_registration_times;
                 $user_details = compact("ID", "user_login", "user_pass", "first_name", "last_name", "display_name", "user_email", "user_url", "role", "user_registered");
                 if (empty($user_details["user_pass"])) {
                     // If there was NO Password given.
                 // Unset the Password array element.
                 if ($ID) {
                     if (is_object($user = new WP_User($ID)) && $user->ID) {
                         if (!is_multisite() || is_user_member_of_blog($ID)) {
                             if ((!is_multisite() || !is_super_admin($ID)) && !$user->has_cap("administrator")) {
                                 if (strtolower($role) !== "administrator") {
                                     if ($user_email && is_email($user_email)) {
                                         if ($user_login) {
                                             if (validate_username($user_login)) {
                                                 if (($_same_email = strtolower($user_email) === strtolower($user->user_email)) || !email_exists($user_email)) {
                                                     if (($_same_login = strtolower($user_login) === strtolower($user->user_login)) || !username_exists($user_login)) {
                                                         if (!is_multisite() || $_same_email && $_same_login || ($_ = wpmu_validate_user_signup($user_login, $user_email)) && (!is_wp_error($_["errors"]) || !$_["errors"]->get_error_code())) {
                                                             if (is_multisite() && c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_conds::is_multisite_farm() && !is_main_site()) {
                                                                 unset($user_details["user_login"], $user_details["user_pass"]);
                                                             if ($user_id = wp_update_user($user_details)) {
                                                                 $user = new WP_User($ID);
                                                                 // Refresh object value.
                                                                 update_user_option($user_id, "s2member_custom", $custom);
                                                                 update_user_option($user_id, "s2member_subscr_id", $subscr_id);
                                                                 update_user_option($user_id, "s2member_subscr_gateway", $subscr_gateway);
                                                                 update_user_option($user_id, "s2member_auto_eot_time", $auto_eot_time);
                                                                 update_user_option($user_id, "s2member_paid_registration_times", $paid_registration_times);
                                                                 update_user_option($user_id, "s2member_last_payment_time", $last_payment_time);
                                                                 update_user_option($user_id, "s2member_custom_fields", $custom_fields);
                                                                 foreach ($user->allcaps as $cap => $cap_enabled) {
                                                                     if (preg_match("/^access_s2member_ccap_/", $cap)) {
                                                                         $user->remove_cap($ccap = $cap);
                                                                 if ($custom_capabilities && preg_replace("/^-all[\r\n\t\\s;,]*/", "", str_replace("+", "", $custom_capabilities))) {
                                                                     foreach (preg_split("/[\r\n\t\\s;,]+/", preg_replace("/^-all[\r\n\t\\s;,]*/", "", str_replace("+", "", $custom_capabilities))) as $ccap) {
                                                                         if (strlen($ccap = trim(strtolower(preg_replace("/[^a-z_0-9]/i", "", $ccap))))) {
                                                                             $user->add_cap("access_s2member_ccap_" . $ccap);
                                                                 $imported = $imported + 1;
                                                             } else {
                                                                 $errors[] = "Line #" . $line . ". User ID# <code>" . $ID . "</code> could NOT be updated. Unknown error, please try again.";
                                                         } else {
                                                             $errors[] = "Line #" . $line . ". Network. The Username and/or Email (<code>" . esc_html($user_login) . "</code> / <code>" . esc_html($user_email) . "</code>) are in conflict w/ Network rules.";
                                                     } else {
                                                         $errors[] = "Line #" . $line . ". Conflicting. The Username (<code>" . esc_html($user_login) . "</code>), already exists.";
                                                 } else {
                                                     $errors[] = "Line #" . $line . ". Conflicting. The Email address (<code>" . esc_html($user_email) . "</code>), already exists.";
                                             } else {
                                                 $errors[] = "Line #" . $line . ". Invalid Username (<code>" . esc_html($user_login) . "</code>). Lowercase alphanumerics are required.";
                                         } else {
                                             $errors[] = "Line #" . $line . ". Missing Username; please try again.";
                                         // We have two separate errors for Usernames. This provides clarity.
                                     } else {
                                         $errors[] = "Line #" . $line . ". Missing or invalid Email address (<code>" . esc_html($user_email) . "</code>); please try again.";
                                 } else {
                                     $errors[] = "Line #" . $line . ". User ID# <code>" . $ID . "</code> cannot be updated to an Administrator. Bypassing this line for security.";
                             } else {
                                 $errors[] = "Line #" . $line . ". User ID# <code>" . $ID . "</code> belongs to an Administrator. Bypassing this line for security.";
                         } else {
                             $errors[] = "Line #" . $line . ". User ID# <code>" . $ID . "</code> does NOT belong to an existing User on this site.";
                     } else {
                         $errors[] = "Line #" . $line . ". User ID# <code>" . $ID . "</code> does NOT belong to an existing User.";
                 } else {
                     if (is_multisite() && ($user_id = c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_users::ms_user_login_email_exists_but_not_on_blog($user_login, $user_email)) && !is_super_admin($user_id)) {
                         if (strtolower($role) !== "administrator") {
                             if (add_existing_user_to_blog(array("user_id" => $user_id, "role" => $role))) {
                                 if (is_object($user = new WP_User($user_id)) && $user->ID) {
                                     update_user_option($user_id, "s2member_custom", $custom);
                                     update_user_option($user_id, "s2member_subscr_id", $subscr_id);
                                     update_user_option($user_id, "s2member_subscr_gateway", $subscr_gateway);
                                     update_user_option($user_id, "s2member_auto_eot_time", $auto_eot_time);
                                     update_user_option($user_id, "s2member_paid_registration_times", $paid_registration_times);
                                     update_user_option($user_id, "s2member_last_payment_time", $last_payment_time);
                                     update_user_option($user_id, "s2member_custom_fields", $custom_fields);
                                     foreach ($user->allcaps as $cap => $cap_enabled) {
                                         if (preg_match("/^access_s2member_ccap_/", $cap)) {
                                             $user->remove_cap($ccap = $cap);
                                     if ($custom_capabilities && preg_replace("/^-all[\r\n\t\\s;,]*/", "", str_replace("+", "", $custom_capabilities))) {
                                         foreach (preg_split("/[\r\n\t\\s;,]+/", preg_replace("/^-all[\r\n\t\\s;,]*/", "", str_replace("+", "", $custom_capabilities))) as $ccap) {
                                             if (strlen($ccap = trim(strtolower(preg_replace("/[^a-z_0-9]/i", "", $ccap))))) {
                                                 $user->add_cap("access_s2member_ccap_" . $ccap);
                                     $imported = $imported + 1;
                                 } else {
                                     $errors[] = "Line #" . $line . ". Unknown object error, please try again.";
                             } else {
                                 $errors[] = "Line #" . $line . ". Unknown User/site addition error, please try again.";
                         } else {
                             $errors[] = "Line #" . $line . ". Role cannot be Administrator. Bypassing this line for security.";
                     } else {
                         if (strtolower($role) !== "administrator") {
                             if ($user_email && is_email($user_email)) {
                                 if ($user_login) {
                                     if (validate_username($user_login)) {
                                         if (!email_exists($user_email)) {
                                             if (!username_exists($user_login)) {
                                                 if (!is_multisite() || ($_ = wpmu_validate_user_signup($user_login, $user_email)) && (!is_wp_error($_["errors"]) || !$_["errors"]->get_error_code())) {
                                                     if ($user_id = wp_insert_user($user_details)) {
                                                         if (is_object($user = new WP_User($user_id)) && $user->ID) {
                                                             if ($user_pass) {
                                                                 // If we are given an "un-encrypted Password".
                                                                 wp_update_user(array("ID" => $user_id, "user_pass" => $user_pass));
                                                             if (is_multisite()) {
                                                                 // New Users on a Multisite Network need this too.
                                                                 update_user_meta($user_id, "s2member_originating_blog", $current_blog->blog_id);
                                                             update_user_option($user_id, "s2member_custom", $custom);
                                                             update_user_option($user_id, "s2member_subscr_id", $subscr_id);
                                                             update_user_option($user_id, "s2member_subscr_gateway", $subscr_gateway);
                                                             update_user_option($user_id, "s2member_auto_eot_time", $auto_eot_time);
                                                             update_user_option($user_id, "s2member_paid_registration_times", $paid_registration_times);
                                                             update_user_option($user_id, "s2member_last_payment_time", $last_payment_time);
                                                             update_user_option($user_id, "s2member_custom_fields", $custom_fields);
                                                             foreach ($user->allcaps as $cap => $cap_enabled) {
                                                                 if (preg_match("/^access_s2member_ccap_/", $cap)) {
                                                                     $user->remove_cap($ccap = $cap);
                                                             if ($custom_capabilities && preg_replace("/^-all[\r\n\t\\s;,]*/", "", str_replace("+", "", $custom_capabilities))) {
                                                                 foreach (preg_split("/[\r\n\t\\s;,]+/", preg_replace("/^-all[\r\n\t\\s;,]*/", "", str_replace("+", "", $custom_capabilities))) as $ccap) {
                                                                     if (strlen($ccap = trim(strtolower(preg_replace("/[^a-z_0-9]/i", "", $ccap))))) {
                                                                         $user->add_cap("access_s2member_ccap_" . $ccap);
                                                             $imported = $imported + 1;
                                                         } else {
                                                             $errors[] = "Line #" . $line . ". Unknown object error, please try again.";
                                                     } else {
                                                         $errors[] = "Line #" . $line . ". Unknown insertion error, please try again.";
                                                 } else {
                                                     $errors[] = "Line #" . $line . ". Network. The Username and/or Email (<code>" . esc_html($user_login) . "</code> / <code>" . esc_html($user_email) . "</code>) are in conflict w/ Network rules.";
                                             } else {
                                                 $errors[] = "Line #" . $line . ". Conflicting. The Username (<code>" . esc_html($user_login) . "</code>), already exists.";
                                         } else {
                                             $errors[] = "Line #" . $line . ". Conflicting. The Email address (<code>" . esc_html($user_email) . "</code>), already exists.";
                                     } else {
                                         $errors[] = "Line #" . $line . ". Invalid Username (<code>" . esc_html($user_login) . "</code>). Lowercase alphanumerics are required.";
                                 } else {
                                     $errors[] = "Line #" . $line . ". Missing Username; please try again.";
                                 // We have two separate errors for Usernames. This provides clarity.
                             } else {
                                 $errors[] = "Line #" . $line . ". Missing or invalid Email address (<code>" . esc_html($user_email) . "</code>); please try again.";
                         } else {
                             $errors[] = "Line #" . $line . ". Role cannot be Administrator. Bypassing this line for security.";
         } else {
             $errors[] = "No data was received. Please try again.";
         // The upload failed, or it was empty.
         c_ws_plugin__s2member_admin_notices::display_admin_notice('Operation complete. Users/Members imported: <code>' . (int) $imported . '</code>.');
         if (!empty($errors)) {
             // Here is where a detailed error log will be returned to the Site Owner; as a way of clarifying what just happened during importation.
             c_ws_plugin__s2member_admin_notices::display_admin_notice('<strong>The following errors were encountered during importation:</strong><ul style="font-size:80%; list-style:disc outside; margin-left:25px;"><li>' . implode("</li><li>", $errors) . '</li></ul>', true);
  * Handles the importation of Users/Members.
  * @package s2Member\Imports
  * @since 110815
 public static function import_users()
     if (!empty($_POST['ws_plugin__s2member_pro_import_users']) && ($nonce = $_POST['ws_plugin__s2member_pro_import_users']) && wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'ws-plugin--s2member-pro-import-users') && current_user_can('create_users')) {
         global $wpdb;
         // Global database object reference.
         /** @var \wpdb $wpdb This line for IDEs that need a reference. */
         global $current_site, $current_blog;
         // Multisite Networking.
         // Make time for processing large import files.
         @ini_set('memory_limit', apply_filters('admin_memory_limit', WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT));
         remove_all_actions('profile_update') . remove_all_actions('user_register');
         remove_all_actions('added_existing_user') . remove_all_actions('add_user_to_blog');
         if (!empty($_FILES['ws_plugin__s2member_pro_import_users_file']) && empty($_FILES['ws_plugin__s2member_pro_import_users_file']['error'])) {
             $file = fopen($_FILES['ws_plugin__s2member_pro_import_users_file']['tmp_name'], 'r');
         } else {
             if (!empty($_POST['ws_plugin__s2member_pro_import_users_direct_input'])) {
                 fwrite($file = tmpfile(), trim(stripslashes($_POST['ws_plugin__s2member_pro_import_users_direct_input']))) . fseek($file, 0);
         $imported = $line = $line_index = 0;
         // Initialize these counters.
         $headers = array();
         // Initialize the array of CSV import file headers.
         $user_keys = array();
         // Initialize array of user keys.
         if (is_object($_user_row = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->users . "` LIMIT 1"))) {
             foreach (array_keys((array) $_user_row) as $_user_key) {
                 $user_keys[] = $_user_key;
         unset($_user_row, $_user_key);
         // Housekeeping.
         $user_keys = array_unique($user_keys);
         // Only unique keys please.
         if (isset($file) && is_resource($file)) {
             while (($_csv_data = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '>=') ? fgetcsv($file, 0, ',', '"', '"') : fgetcsv($file, 0, ',', '"')) !== FALSE) {
                 $line_index = (int) $line_index + 1;
                 // CSV lines.
                 $line = (int) $line + 1;
                 // CSV lines.
                 $_csv_data = c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_strings::trim_deep($_csv_data);
                 if ($line_index === 1 && isset($_csv_data[0])) {
                     $line = $line - 1;
                     foreach ($_csv_data as $_header) {
                         $headers[] = $_header;
                     // Housekeeping.
                     // We've got the headers now; let's move to the next line.
                 if ($line_index >= 1 && (!$headers || !in_array('ID', $headers, TRUE) && !in_array('user_login', $headers, TRUE))) {
                     $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Missing first-line CSV headers; please try again.' . ' Please note that your CSV headers MUST contain (at a minimum), one of: "ID", or "user_login"';
                     // Stop here; we have no headers in this importation.
                 $_user_ID_key = array_search('ID', $headers);
                 $_user_id = $_user_ID_key !== FALSE && !empty($_csv_data[$_user_ID_key]) ? (int) $_csv_data[$_user_ID_key] : 0;
                 // Housekeeping.
                 $_user_login_key = array_search('user_login', $headers);
                 $_user_login = $_user_login_key !== FALSE && !empty($_csv_data[$_user_login_key]) ? $_csv_data[$_user_login_key] : '';
                 // Housekeeping.
                 $_user_pass_key = array_search('user_pass', $headers);
                 $_user_pass = $_user_pass_key !== FALSE && !empty($_csv_data[$_user_pass_key]) ? $_csv_data[$_user_pass_key] : '';
                 // Housekeeping.
                 $_user_email_key = array_search('user_email', $headers);
                 $_user_email = $_user_email_key !== FALSE && !empty($_csv_data[$_user_email_key]) ? $_csv_data[$_user_email_key] : '';
                 // Housekeeping.
                 $_user_role_key = array_search('role', $headers);
                 $_user_role = $_user_role_key !== FALSE && !empty($_csv_data[$_user_role_key]) ? $_csv_data[$_user_role_key] : '';
                 $_user_role = is_numeric($_user_role) ? $_user_role == 0 ? 'subscriber' : 's2member_level' . $_user_role : $_user_role;
                 // Housekeeping.
                 $_user_ccaps_key = array_search('ccaps', $headers);
                 $_user_ccaps = $_user_ccaps_key !== FALSE && !empty($_csv_data[$_user_ccaps_key]) ? $_csv_data[$_user_ccaps_key] : '';
                 // Housekeeping.
                 if ($_user_login) {
                     if (is_multisite()) {
                         $_user_login = strtolower($_user_login);
                     $_user_login = sanitize_user($_user_login, is_multisite());
                 if ($_user_email) {
                     $_user_email = sanitize_email($_user_email);
                 $_user_id_exists_but_not_on_blog = 0;
                 // Initialize.
                 if (!$_user_id && $_user_login && $_user_email && is_multisite()) {
                     $_user_id = $_user_id_exists_but_not_on_blog = c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_users::ms_user_login_email_exists_but_not_on_blog($_user_login, $_user_email);
                 if (strcasecmp($_user_role, 'administrator') === 0) {
                     $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Users cannot be updated to an Administrator. Bypassing this line for security.';
                     // Skip this line.
                 if ($_user_email && !is_email($_user_email)) {
                     $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Invalid email address (<code>' . esc_html($_user_email) . '</code>); please try again.';
                     // Skip this line.
                 if ($_user_login && !validate_username($_user_login)) {
                     $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Invalid username (<code>' . esc_html($_user_login) . '</code>).';
                     // Skip this line.
                 if ($_user_id) {
                     if (!is_object($_user = new WP_User($_user_id)) || !$_user->ID) {
                         $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. User ID# <code>' . esc_html($_user_id) . '</code> does NOT belong to an existing User.';
                         // Skip this line.
                     if (is_super_admin($_user_id) || $_user->has_cap('administrator')) {
                         $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. User ID# <code>' . esc_html($_user_id) . '</code> belongs to an Administrator. Bypassing this line for security.';
                         // Skip this line.
                     if (is_multisite() && $_user_id_exists_but_not_on_blog && add_existing_user_to_blog(array('user_id' => $_user_id, 'role' => 'subscriber')) !== TRUE) {
                         $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Unknown user/site addition error, please try again.';
                         // Skip this line.
                     if (is_multisite() && !is_user_member_of_blog($_user_id)) {
                         $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. User ID# <code>' . esc_html($_user_id) . '</code> does NOT belong to an existing User on this site.';
                         // Skip this line.
                     if ($_user_email && strcasecmp($_user_email, $_user->user_email) !== 0 && email_exists($_user_email)) {
                         $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Conflicting; the email address (<code>' . esc_html($_user_email) . '</code>), already exists.';
                         // Skip this line.
                     if ($_user_login && strcasecmp($_user_login, $_user->user_login) !== 0 && username_exists($_user_login)) {
                         $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Conflicting; the username (<code>' . esc_html($_user_login) . '</code>), already exists.';
                         // Skip this line.
                     /** @var WP_Error $_email_login_validation */
                     if (is_multisite() && strcasecmp($_user_email, $_user->user_email) !== 0 && strcasecmp($_user_login, $_user->user_login) !== 0) {
                         if (is_wp_error($_email_login_validation = wpmu_validate_user_signup($_user_login, $_user_email))) {
                             if ($_email_login_validation->get_error_code()) {
                                 $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Network. The email and/or username (<code>' . esc_html($_user_email) . '</code> / <code>' . esc_html($_user_login) . '</code>) are in conflict w/ network rules.';
                                 // Skip this line.
                     // Housekeeping.
                     $_wp_update_user = array();
                     foreach ($user_keys as $_user_key) {
                         if (($_user_data_key = array_search($_user_key, $headers)) !== FALSE && isset($_csv_data[$_user_data_key])) {
                             $_wp_update_user[$_user_key] = $_csv_data[$_user_data_key];
                     unset($_user_key, $_user_data_key);
                     // Housekeeping.
                     if (is_multisite() && c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_conds::is_multisite_farm() && !is_main_site()) {
                         unset($_wp_update_user['user_login'], $_wp_update_user['user_pass']);
                     if (!wp_update_user(wp_slash($_wp_update_user))) {
                         $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. User ID# <code>' . esc_html($_user_id) . '</code> could NOT be updated. Unknown error, please try again.';
                         // Skip this line.
                     // Housekeeping.
                     wp_cache_delete($_user_id, 'user_meta');
                     $_user = new WP_User($_user_id);
                     $imported = $imported + 1;
                 } else {
                     if (!$_user_email) {
                         $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Missing email address.';
                         // Skip this line.
                     if (email_exists($_user_email)) {
                         $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Conflicting; the email address (<code>' . esc_html($_user_email) . '</code>), already exists.';
                         // Skip this line.
                     if (!$_user_login) {
                         $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Missing user login (i.e., username).';
                         // Skip this line.
                     if (username_exists($_user_login)) {
                         $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Conflicting; the username (<code>' . esc_html($_user_login) . '</code>), already exists.';
                         // Skip this line.
                     /** @var WP_Error $_email_login_validation */
                     if (is_multisite() && is_wp_error($_email_login_validation = wpmu_validate_user_signup($_user_login, $_user_email))) {
                         if ($_email_login_validation->get_error_code()) {
                             $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Network. The email and/or username (<code>' . esc_html($_user_email) . '</code> / <code>' . esc_html($_user_login) . '</code>) are in conflict w/ network rules.';
                             // Skip this line.
                     // Housekeeping.
                     if (!($_user_id = wp_insert_user(wp_slash(array('user_login' => $_user_login, 'user_pass' => $_user_pass ? $_user_pass : wp_generate_password(12, FALSE), 'user_email' => $_user_email)))) || is_wp_error($_user_id)) {
                         $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Unknown insertion error, please try again.';
                         // Skip this line.
                     $_wp_update_user = array('ID' => $_user_id);
                     foreach ($user_keys as $_user_key) {
                         if (($_user_data_key = array_search($_user_key, $headers)) !== FALSE && isset($_csv_data[$_user_data_key])) {
                             $_wp_update_user[$_user_key] = $_csv_data[$_user_data_key];
                     unset($_user_key, $_user_data_key);
                     // Housekeeping.
                     if (!wp_update_user(wp_slash($_wp_update_user))) {
                         $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Post insertion update failed on User ID# <code>' . esc_html($_user_id) . '</code>. Unknown error, please try again.';
                         // Skip this line.
                     // Housekeeping.
                     if (is_multisite()) {
                         // New Users on a Multisite Network need this too.
                         update_user_meta($_user_id, 's2member_originating_blog', $current_blog->blog_id);
                     wp_cache_delete($_user_id, 'user_meta');
                     $_user = new WP_User($_user_id);
                     $imported = $imported + 1;
                 if ($_user_role) {
                 if ($_user_ccaps) {
                     foreach ($_user->allcaps as $_cap => $_cap_enabled) {
                         if (preg_match('/^access_s2member_ccap_/', $_cap)) {
                     unset($_cap, $_cap_enabled);
                     // Housekeeping.
                     if (preg_replace('/^-all[' . "\r\n\t" . '\\s;,]*/', '', str_replace('+', '', $_user_ccaps))) {
                         foreach (preg_split('/[' . "\r\n\t" . '\\s;,]+/', preg_replace('/^-all[' . "\r\n\t" . '\\s;,]*/', '', str_replace('+', '', $_user_ccaps))) as $_ccap) {
                             if (strlen($_ccap = trim(strtolower(preg_replace('/[^a-z_0-9]/i', '', $_ccap))))) {
                                 $_user->add_cap('access_s2member_ccap_' . $_ccap);
                 $_user_custom_fields = get_user_option('s2member_custom_fields', $_user_id);
                 $_user_custom_fields = is_array($_user_custom_fields) ? $_user_custom_fields : array();
                 foreach ($headers as $_index => $_header) {
                     if (strpos($_header, 'meta_key__') === 0) {
                         if (isset($_csv_data[$_index])) {
                             $_new_meta_value = $_csv_data[$_index];
                             $_user_meta_key = substr($_header, strlen('meta_key__'));
                             if ($_user_meta_key === $wpdb->prefix . 'capabilities' && ($_user_role || $_user_ccaps)) {
                             // Already handled via `role` and `ccaps`.
                             if ($_user_meta_key === $wpdb->prefix . 'capabilities' && stripos($_new_meta_value, 'administrator') !== FALSE) {
                             // Do not allow this for security purposes.
                             if (is_multisite() && c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_conds::is_multisite_farm() && !is_main_site()) {
                                 if (strpos($_user_meta_key, $wpdb->prefix) !== 0 && !in_array($_user_meta_key, array('first_name', 'last_name', 'nickname', 'description'), TRUE)) {
                             // Child sites may NOT update meta data for other child blogs.
                             switch ($_user_meta_key) {
                                 case $wpdb->prefix . 'capabilities':
                                 case $wpdb->prefix . 's2member_sp_references':
                                 case $wpdb->prefix . 's2member_ipn_signup_vars':
                                 case $wpdb->prefix . 's2member_access_cap_times':
                                 case $wpdb->prefix . 's2member_paid_registration_times':
                                 case $wpdb->prefix . 's2member_file_download_access_arc':
                                 case $wpdb->prefix . 's2member_file_download_access_log':
                                     if (isset($_new_meta_value[0])) {
                                         // This handles JSON-decoding for known array values.
                                         if (!is_null($_new_meta_value_decoded = json_decode($_new_meta_value, TRUE))) {
                                             $_new_meta_value = maybe_serialize($_new_meta_value_decoded);
                             $_existing_meta_row = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->usermeta . "` WHERE `user_id` = '" . esc_sql($_user_id) . "' AND `meta_key` = '" . esc_sql($_user_meta_key) . "' AND `meta_value` = '" . esc_sql($_new_meta_value) . "' LIMIT 1");
                             if (is_object($_existing_meta_row)) {
                             // No need to update this; it is still the same value.
                             $_existing_meta_rows = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->usermeta . "` WHERE `user_id` = '" . esc_sql($_user_id) . "' AND `meta_key` = '" . esc_sql($_user_meta_key) . "' LIMIT 2");
                             if ($_existing_meta_rows && count($_existing_meta_rows) > 1) {
                             // We don't update multivalue keys. This can cause database corruption via CSV import files.
                             $_existing_meta_row = $_existing_meta_rows ? $_existing_meta_rows[0] : NULL;
                             /** @var object $_existing_meta_row This line is for IDEs; so they don't choke. */
                             if (is_object($_existing_meta_row) && $_new_meta_value !== $_existing_meta_row->meta_value) {
                                 $wpdb->update($wpdb->usermeta, array('meta_value' => $_new_meta_value), array('umeta_id' => $_existing_meta_row->umeta_id));
                             } else {
                                 if (!is_object($_existing_meta_row)) {
                                     $wpdb->insert($wpdb->usermeta, array('user_id' => $_user_id, 'meta_key' => $_user_meta_key, 'meta_value' => $_new_meta_value));
                     } else {
                         if (strpos($_header, 'custom_field_key__') === 0) {
                             if (isset($_csv_data[$_index])) {
                                 $_new_custom_field_value = $_csv_data[$_index];
                                 if (!is_null($_new_custom_field_value_decoded = json_decode($_new_custom_field_value, TRUE))) {
                                     $_new_custom_field_value = $_new_custom_field_value_decoded;
                                 $_user_custom_field_key = substr($_header, strlen('custom_field_key__'));
                                 $_user_custom_fields[$_user_custom_field_key] = $_new_custom_field_value;
                 update_user_option($_user_id, 's2member_custom_fields', $_user_custom_fields);
                 unset($_user_custom_fields, $_index, $_header);
                 // Housekeeping.
                 unset($_new_meta_value, $_new_meta_value_decoded, $_user_meta_key, $_existing_meta_rows, $_existing_meta_row);
                 unset($_new_custom_field_value, $_new_custom_field_value_decoded, $_user_custom_field_key);
             // Close the file resource handle now.
             unset($_csv_data, $_user, $_user_id, $_user_login, $_user_email);
             unset($_user_id_exists_but_not_on_blog, $_user_role, $_user_ccaps);
         } else {
             $errors[] = 'No data was received. Please try again.';
         // The upload failed, or it was empty.
         c_ws_plugin__s2member_admin_notices::display_admin_notice('Operation complete. Users/Members imported: <code>' . (int) $imported . '</code>.');
         if (!empty($errors)) {
             // Here is where a detailed error log will be returned to the Site Owner; as a way of clarifying what just happened during importation.
             c_ws_plugin__s2member_admin_notices::display_admin_notice('<strong>The following errors were encountered during importation:</strong><ul style="font-size:80%; list-style:disc outside; margin-left:25px;"><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $errors) . '</li></ul>', TRUE);
  * For Multisite Networks, this function is used to add a User to an existing Blog; and to simulate ``wp_create_user()`` behavior.
  * The ``$user_id`` value will be returned by this function, just like ``wp_create_user()`` does.
  * This function will fire the Hook `user_register`.
  * @package s2Member\Registrations
  * @since 3.5
  * @param string     $user_login Expects the User's Username.
  * @param string     $user_email Expects the User's Email Address.
  * @param string     $user_pass Expects the User's plain text Password.
  * @param int|string $user_id Optional. A numeric WordPress User ID.
  *   If unspecified, a lookup is performed with ``$user_login`` and ``$user_email``.
  * @return int|false Returns numeric ``$user_id`` on success, else false on failure.
 public static function ms_create_existing_user($user_login = '', $user_email = '', $user_pass = '', $user_id = '')
     foreach (array_keys(get_defined_vars()) as $__v) {
         $__refs[$__v] =& ${$__v};
     do_action('ws_plugin__s2member_before_ms_create_existing_user', get_defined_vars());
     unset($__refs, $__v);
     // Housekeeping.
     if (is_multisite()) {
         if (($user_id || ($user_id = c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_users::ms_user_login_email_exists_but_not_on_blog($user_login, $user_email))) && $user_pass) {
             $role = get_option('default_role');
             // Use default Role.
             add_existing_user_to_blog(array('user_id' => $user_id, 'role' => $role));
             // Add User.
             wp_update_user(wp_slash(array('ID' => $user_id, 'user_pass' => $user_pass)));
             // Update to ``$user_pass``.
             do_action('ws_plugin__s2member_during_ms_create_existing_user', get_defined_vars());
             do_action('user_register', $user_id);
             // So s2Member knows a User is registering.
             return apply_filters('ws_plugin__s2member_ms_create_existing_user', $user_id, get_defined_vars());
     return apply_filters('ws_plugin__s2member_ms_create_existing_user', FALSE, get_defined_vars());
  * Determines whether or not a Username/Email is already in the database for this Blog.
  * This is an alias for: `c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_users::ms_user_login_email_exists_but_not_on_blog()`.
  * Returns the WordPress User ID if they exist.
  * @package s2Member\Utilities
  * @since 3.5
  * @param str $user_login A User's Username.
  * @param str $user_email A User's Email Address.
  * @param int|str $blog_id A numeric WordPress Blog ID.
  * @return int|bool If exists *(but not on Blog)*, a WordPress User ID, else false.
 public static function ms_user_login_email_can_join_blog($user_login = FALSE, $user_email = FALSE, $blog_id = FALSE)
     return c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_users::ms_user_login_email_exists_but_not_on_blog($user_login, $user_email, $blog_id);
  * Handles the importation of Users/Members.
  * @package s2Member\Imports
  * @since 110815
 public static function import_users()
     if (!empty($_POST['ws_plugin__s2member_pro_import_simple_users']) && ($nonce = $_POST['ws_plugin__s2member_pro_import_simple_users']) && wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'ws-plugin--s2member-pro-import-users') && current_user_can('create_users')) {
         global $wpdb;
         // Global database object reference.
         global $current_site, $current_blog;
         // Multisite Networking.
         // Make time for processing large import files.
         @ini_set('memory_limit', apply_filters('admin_memory_limit', WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT));
         remove_all_actions('profile_update') . remove_all_actions('user_register');
         remove_all_actions('added_existing_user') . remove_all_actions('add_user_to_blog');
         if (!empty($_FILES['ws_plugin__s2member_pro_import_users_file']) && empty($_FILES['ws_plugin__s2member_pro_import_users_file']['error'])) {
             $file = fopen($_FILES['ws_plugin__s2member_pro_import_users_file']['tmp_name'], 'r');
         } else {
             if (!empty($_POST['ws_plugin__s2member_pro_import_users_direct_input'])) {
                 fwrite($file = tmpfile(), trim(stripslashes($_POST['ws_plugin__s2member_pro_import_users_direct_input']))) . fseek($file, 0);
         $imported = $line = 0;
         // Initialize these counters.
         if (isset($file) && is_resource($file)) {
             $custom_field_vars = array();
             // Initialize this array.
             if ($GLOBALS['WS_PLUGIN__']['s2member']['o']['custom_reg_fields']) {
                 foreach (json_decode($GLOBALS['WS_PLUGIN__']['s2member']['o']['custom_reg_fields'], TRUE) as $field) {
                     $custom_field_var = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i', '_', strtolower($field['id']));
                     $custom_field_vars[] = $custom_field_var;
             sort($custom_field_vars, SORT_STRING);
             // Always sort this array.
             while (($data = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '>=') ? fgetcsv($file, 0, ',', '"', '"') : fgetcsv($file, 0, ',', '"')) !== FALSE) {
                 $line = (int) $line + 1;
                 // CSV lines.
                 $data = c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_strings::trim_deep($data);
                 $data = stripslashes_deep($data);
                 if ($line === 1 && strtoupper($data[0]) === 'ID') {
                     $line = $line - 1;
                 if (is_multisite() && c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_conds::is_multisite_farm() && !is_main_site()) {
                     $ID = $data[0];
                     $user_login = is_multisite() ? strtolower($data[1]) : $data[1];
                     $user_login = sanitize_user($user_login, is_multisite());
                     $user_pass = (string) '';
                     $first_name = $data[2];
                     $last_name = $data[3];
                     $display_name = $data[4];
                     $user_email = sanitize_email($data[5]);
                     $user_url = $data[6];
                     $role = $data[7];
                     $custom_capabilities = $data[8];
                     $user_registered = $data[9] ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($data[9])) : '';
                     $paid_registration_times = $data[10] ? maybe_unserialize($data[10]) : '';
                     $last_payment_time = $data[11] ? strtotime($data[11]) : '';
                     $auto_eot_time = $data[12] ? strtotime($data[12]) : '';
                     $custom = $data[13];
                     $subscr_id = $data[14];
                     $subscr_gateway = strtolower($data[15]);
                     $custom_fields = array();
                     // Initialize.
                     if (count($data) > 16) {
                         // Now loop through Custom Fields.
                         for ($i = 16, $j = 0; $i < count($data); $i++, $j++) {
                             if (isset($custom_field_vars[$j])) {
                                 // A field in this position?
                                 $custom_fields[$custom_field_vars[$j]] = maybe_unserialize($data[$i]);
                 } else {
                     $ID = $data[0];
                     $user_login = is_multisite() ? strtolower($data[1]) : $data[1];
                     $user_login = sanitize_user($user_login, is_multisite());
                     $user_pass = $data[2];
                     $first_name = $data[3];
                     $last_name = $data[4];
                     $display_name = $data[5];
                     $user_email = sanitize_email($data[6]);
                     $user_url = $data[7];
                     $role = $data[8];
                     $custom_capabilities = $data[9];
                     $user_registered = $data[10] ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($data[10])) : '';
                     $paid_registration_times = $data[11] ? maybe_unserialize($data[11]) : '';
                     $last_payment_time = $data[12] ? strtotime($data[12]) : '';
                     $auto_eot_time = $data[13] ? strtotime($data[13]) : '';
                     $custom = $data[14];
                     $subscr_id = $data[15];
                     $subscr_gateway = strtolower($data[16]);
                     $custom_fields = array();
                     // Initialize.
                     if (count($data) > 17) {
                         // Now loop through Custom Fields.
                         for ($i = 17, $j = 0; $i < count($data); $i++, $j++) {
                             if (isset($custom_field_vars[$j])) {
                                 // A field in this position?
                                 $custom_fields[$custom_field_vars[$j]] = maybe_unserialize($data[$i]);
                 $role = is_numeric($role) ? $role == 0 ? 'subscriber' : 's2member_level' . $role : $role;
                 if ($paid_registration_times && !is_array($paid_registration_times)) {
                     $paid_registration_times = array('level' => strtotime($paid_registration_times));
                 $paid_registration_times = !$paid_registration_times || !is_array($paid_registration_times) ? array() : $paid_registration_times;
                 $user_details = compact('ID', 'user_login', 'user_pass', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'display_name', 'user_email', 'user_url', 'role', 'user_registered');
                 if (empty($user_details['user_pass'])) {
                     // If there was NO Password given.
                 // Unset the Password array element.
                 if ($ID) {
                     if (is_object($user = new WP_User($ID)) && $user->ID) {
                         if (!is_multisite() || is_user_member_of_blog($ID)) {
                             if ((!is_multisite() || !is_super_admin($ID)) && !$user->has_cap('administrator')) {
                                 if (strtolower($role) !== 'administrator') {
                                     if ($user_email && is_email($user_email)) {
                                         if ($user_login) {
                                             if (validate_username($user_login)) {
                                                 if (($_same_email = strtolower($user_email) === strtolower($user->user_email)) || !email_exists($user_email)) {
                                                     if (($_same_login = strtolower($user_login) === strtolower($user->user_login)) || !username_exists($user_login)) {
                                                         if (!is_multisite() || $_same_email && $_same_login || ($_ = wpmu_validate_user_signup($user_login, $user_email)) && (!is_wp_error($_['errors']) || !$_['errors']->get_error_code())) {
                                                             if (is_multisite() && c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_conds::is_multisite_farm() && !is_main_site()) {
                                                                 unset($user_details['user_login'], $user_details['user_pass']);
                                                             if ($user_id = wp_update_user(wp_slash($user_details))) {
                                                                 $user = new WP_User($ID);
                                                                 // Refresh object value.
                                                                 update_user_option($user_id, 's2member_custom', $custom);
                                                                 update_user_option($user_id, 's2member_subscr_id', $subscr_id);
                                                                 update_user_option($user_id, 's2member_subscr_gateway', $subscr_gateway);
                                                                 update_user_option($user_id, 's2member_auto_eot_time', $auto_eot_time);
                                                                 update_user_option($user_id, 's2member_paid_registration_times', $paid_registration_times);
                                                                 update_user_option($user_id, 's2member_last_payment_time', $last_payment_time);
                                                                 update_user_option($user_id, 's2member_custom_fields', $custom_fields);
                                                                 foreach ($user->allcaps as $cap => $cap_enabled) {
                                                                     if (preg_match('/^access_s2member_ccap_/', $cap)) {
                                                                         $user->remove_cap($ccap = $cap);
                                                                 if ($custom_capabilities && preg_replace('/^-all[' . "\r\n\t" . '\\s;,]*/', '', str_replace('+', '', $custom_capabilities))) {
                                                                     foreach (preg_split('/[' . "\r\n\t" . '\\s;,]+/', preg_replace('/^-all[' . "\r\n\t" . '\\s;,]*/', '', str_replace('+', '', $custom_capabilities))) as $ccap) {
                                                                         if (strlen($ccap = trim(strtolower(preg_replace('/[^a-z_0-9]/i', '', $ccap))))) {
                                                                             $user->add_cap('access_s2member_ccap_' . $ccap);
                                                                 $imported = $imported + 1;
                                                             } else {
                                                                 $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. User ID# <code>' . $ID . '</code> could NOT be updated. Unknown error, please try again.';
                                                         } else {
                                                             $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Network. The Username and/or Email (<code>' . esc_html($user_login) . '</code> / <code>' . esc_html($user_email) . '</code>) are in conflict w/ Network rules.';
                                                     } else {
                                                         $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Conflicting. The Username (<code>' . esc_html($user_login) . '</code>), already exists.';
                                                 } else {
                                                     $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Conflicting. The Email address (<code>' . esc_html($user_email) . '</code>), already exists.';
                                             } else {
                                                 $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Invalid Username (<code>' . esc_html($user_login) . '</code>). Lowercase alphanumerics are required.';
                                         } else {
                                             $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Missing Username; please try again.';
                                         // We have two separate errors for Usernames. This provides clarity.
                                     } else {
                                         $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Missing or invalid Email address (<code>' . esc_html($user_email) . '</code>); please try again.';
                                 } else {
                                     $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. User ID# <code>' . $ID . '</code> cannot be updated to an Administrator. Bypassing this line for security.';
                             } else {
                                 $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. User ID# <code>' . $ID . '</code> belongs to an Administrator. Bypassing this line for security.';
                         } else {
                             $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. User ID# <code>' . $ID . '</code> does NOT belong to an existing User on this site.';
                     } else {
                         $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. User ID# <code>' . $ID . '</code> does NOT belong to an existing User.';
                 } else {
                     if (is_multisite() && ($user_id = c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_users::ms_user_login_email_exists_but_not_on_blog($user_login, $user_email)) && !is_super_admin($user_id)) {
                         if (strtolower($role) !== 'administrator') {
                             if (add_existing_user_to_blog(array('user_id' => $user_id, 'role' => $role))) {
                                 if (is_object($user = new WP_User($user_id)) && $user->ID) {
                                     update_user_option($user_id, 's2member_custom', $custom);
                                     update_user_option($user_id, 's2member_subscr_id', $subscr_id);
                                     update_user_option($user_id, 's2member_subscr_gateway', $subscr_gateway);
                                     update_user_option($user_id, 's2member_auto_eot_time', $auto_eot_time);
                                     update_user_option($user_id, 's2member_paid_registration_times', $paid_registration_times);
                                     update_user_option($user_id, 's2member_last_payment_time', $last_payment_time);
                                     update_user_option($user_id, 's2member_custom_fields', $custom_fields);
                                     foreach ($user->allcaps as $cap => $cap_enabled) {
                                         if (preg_match('/^access_s2member_ccap_/', $cap)) {
                                             $user->remove_cap($ccap = $cap);
                                     if ($custom_capabilities && preg_replace('/^-all[' . "\r\n\t" . '\\s;,]*/', '', str_replace('+', '', $custom_capabilities))) {
                                         foreach (preg_split('/[' . "\r\n\t" . '\\s;,]+/', preg_replace('/^-all[' . "\r\n\t" . '\\s;,]*/', '', str_replace('+', '', $custom_capabilities))) as $ccap) {
                                             if (strlen($ccap = trim(strtolower(preg_replace('/[^a-z_0-9]/i', '', $ccap))))) {
                                                 $user->add_cap('access_s2member_ccap_' . $ccap);
                                     $imported = $imported + 1;
                                 } else {
                                     $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Unknown object error, please try again.';
                             } else {
                                 $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Unknown User/site addition error, please try again.';
                         } else {
                             $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Role cannot be Administrator. Bypassing this line for security.';
                     } else {
                         if (strtolower($role) !== 'administrator') {
                             if ($user_email && is_email($user_email)) {
                                 if ($user_login) {
                                     if (validate_username($user_login)) {
                                         if (!email_exists($user_email)) {
                                             if (!username_exists($user_login)) {
                                                 if (!is_multisite() || ($_ = wpmu_validate_user_signup($user_login, $user_email)) && (!is_wp_error($_['errors']) || !$_['errors']->get_error_code())) {
                                                     if ($user_id = wp_insert_user(wp_slash(empty($user_details['user_pass']) ? array_merge($user_details, array('user_pass' => wp_generate_password(12, FALSE))) : $user_details))) {
                                                         if (is_object($user = new WP_User($user_id)) && $user->ID) {
                                                             if ($user_pass) {
                                                                 // If we are given an 'un-encrypted Password'.
                                                                 wp_update_user(wp_slash(array('ID' => $user_id, 'user_pass' => $user_pass)));
                                                             if (is_multisite()) {
                                                                 // New Users on a Multisite Network need this too.
                                                                 update_user_meta($user_id, 's2member_originating_blog', $current_blog->blog_id);
                                                             update_user_option($user_id, 's2member_custom', $custom);
                                                             update_user_option($user_id, 's2member_subscr_id', $subscr_id);
                                                             update_user_option($user_id, 's2member_subscr_gateway', $subscr_gateway);
                                                             update_user_option($user_id, 's2member_auto_eot_time', $auto_eot_time);
                                                             update_user_option($user_id, 's2member_paid_registration_times', $paid_registration_times);
                                                             update_user_option($user_id, 's2member_last_payment_time', $last_payment_time);
                                                             update_user_option($user_id, 's2member_custom_fields', $custom_fields);
                                                             foreach ($user->allcaps as $cap => $cap_enabled) {
                                                                 if (preg_match('/^access_s2member_ccap_/', $cap)) {
                                                                     $user->remove_cap($ccap = $cap);
                                                             if ($custom_capabilities && preg_replace('/^-all[' . "\r\n\t" . '\\s;,]*/', '', str_replace('+', '', $custom_capabilities))) {
                                                                 foreach (preg_split('/[' . "\r\n\t" . '\\s;,]+/', preg_replace('/^-all[' . "\r\n\t" . '\\s;,]*/', '', str_replace('+', '', $custom_capabilities))) as $ccap) {
                                                                     if (strlen($ccap = trim(strtolower(preg_replace('/[^a-z_0-9]/i', '', $ccap))))) {
                                                                         $user->add_cap('access_s2member_ccap_' . $ccap);
                                                             $imported = $imported + 1;
                                                         } else {
                                                             $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Unknown object error, please try again.';
                                                     } else {
                                                         $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Unknown insertion error, please try again.';
                                                 } else {
                                                     $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Network. The Username and/or Email (<code>' . esc_html($user_login) . '</code> / <code>' . esc_html($user_email) . '</code>) are in conflict w/ Network rules.';
                                             } else {
                                                 $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Conflicting. The Username (<code>' . esc_html($user_login) . '</code>), already exists.';
                                         } else {
                                             $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Conflicting. The Email address (<code>' . esc_html($user_email) . '</code>), already exists.';
                                     } else {
                                         $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Invalid Username (<code>' . esc_html($user_login) . '</code>). Lowercase alphanumerics are required.';
                                 } else {
                                     $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Missing Username; please try again.';
                                 // We have two separate errors for Usernames. This provides clarity.
                             } else {
                                 $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Missing or invalid Email address (<code>' . esc_html($user_email) . '</code>); please try again.';
                         } else {
                             $errors[] = 'Line #' . $line . '. Role cannot be Administrator. Bypassing this line for security.';
             // Close the file resource handle now.
         } else {
             $errors[] = 'No data was received. Please try again.';
         // The upload failed, or it was empty.
         c_ws_plugin__s2member_admin_notices::display_admin_notice('Operation complete. Users/Members imported: <code>' . (int) $imported . '</code>.');
         if (!empty($errors)) {
             // Here is where a detailed error log will be returned to the Site Owner; as a way of clarifying what just happened during importation.
             c_ws_plugin__s2member_admin_notices::display_admin_notice('<strong>The following errors were encountered during importation:</strong><ul style="font-size:80%; list-style:disc outside; margin-left:25px;"><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $errors) . '</li></ul>', TRUE);