$iID = $oRcpGroup->get($oRcpGroup->primaryKey);
    if ($iTestDestination == $iID) {
        $bTestTargetFound = true;
    $oOption = new cHTMLOptionElement($oRcpGroup->get("groupname"), $iID);
    $oSelTestDestination->addOptionElement($iID, $oOption);
if (!$bTestTargetFound) {
    // Currently specified test target doesn't exist anymore, get back to "my mail"
    $iTestDestination = 0;
if (!$perm->have_perm_area_action($area, "news_send_test")) {
    // No right to send somewhere else than to yourself
    $iTestDestination = 0;
$oBtnSave = new cHTMLButton("submit", i18n("Save", $plugin_name));
$sContent = '<div style="border-bottom: 0px solid #B3B3B3; padding-left:17px; background: ' . $cfg['color']['table_dark'] . ';">' . "\n";
$sContent .= '  <form target="left_bottom" onsubmit="append_registered_parameters(this);" id="htmlnewsletter" name="htmlnewsletter" method="get" action="main.php?1">' . "\n";
$sContent .= '   <input type="hidden" name="area" value="' . $area . '">' . "\n";
$sContent .= '   <input type="hidden" name="frame" value="2">' . "\n";
$sContent .= '   <input type="hidden" name="contenido" value="' . $sess->id . '">' . "\n";
$sContent .= '   <input type="hidden" name="elemperpage" value="' . $_REQUEST["elemperpage"] . '">' . "\n";
$sContent .= '   <input type="hidden" name="sortby" value="' . $_REQUEST["sortby"] . '">' . "\n";
$sContent .= '   <input type="hidden" name="sortorder" value="' . $_REQUEST["sortorder"] . '">' . "\n";
$sContent .= '   <input type="hidden" name="restrictgroup" value="' . $_REQUEST["restrictgroup"] . '">' . "\n";
$sContent .= '   <input type="hidden" name="filter" value="' . $_REQUEST["filter"] . '">' . "\n";
$sContent .= '   <input type="hidden" name="searchin" value="' . $_REQUEST["searchin"] . '">' . "\n";
$sContent .= '   <input type="hidden" name="action_html" value="save_newsletter_properties">' . "\n";