/** * 加载缓存驱动 * @param $cache_type 缓存类型 * @return object */ public function load($cache_type) { $object = null; if (isset($cache_type)) { switch ($cache_type) { default: case 'zendfile': $object = bpBase::loadSysClass('cache_zendfile'); break; case 'file': $object = bpBase::loadSysClass('cache_file'); break; case 'memcache': define('MEMCACHE_HOST', $this->cache_config['hostname']); define('MEMCACHE_PORT', $this->cache_config['port']); define('MEMCACHE_TIMEOUT', $this->cache_config['timeout']); define('MEMCACHE_DEBUG', $this->cache_config['debug']); $object = bpBase::loadSysClass('cache_memcache'); break; case 'apc': $object = bpBase::loadSysClass('cache_apc'); break; } } else { $object = bpBase::loadSysClass('cache_zendfile'); } return $object; }
function __construct() { //$this->update_log_db = bpBase::loadModel('update_log_model'); parent::__construct(); $checkAccess = $this->exitWithoutAccess('system', 'manage'); $this->dbConfig = array('default' => array('hostname' => DB_HOSTNAME, 'database' => DB_NAME, 'username' => DB_USER, 'password' => DB_PASSWORD, 'tablepre' => TABLE_PREFIX, 'charset' => DB_CHARSET, 'type' => 'mysql', 'debug' => DEBUG, 'pconnect' => 0, 'autoconnect' => 0)); bpBase::loadSysClass('db_factory'); $this->db = db_factory::get_instance($this->dbConfig)->get_database('default'); }
/** * 构造函数 */ public function __construct() { $route = bpBase::loadSysClass('route'); if (!defined('ROUTE_MODEL')) { define('ROUTE_MODEL', $route->routeModel()); define('ROUTE_CONTROL', $route->routeControl()); define('ROUTE_ACTION', $route->routeAction()); } $this->init(); //执行计划任务 if (loadConfig('system', 'cron')) { //$classRunObj=bpBase::loadAppClass('cronRun','cron',1); //$classRunObj->init(); } }
/** * 加载数据库驱动 * @param $db_config_name 数据库配置名称 * @return object */ public function connect($db_config_name) { $object = null; switch ($this->db_config[$db_config_name]['type']) { case 'mysql': bpBase::loadSysClass('mysql', '', 0); $object = new mysql(); break; case 'mysqli': $object = bpBase::loadSysClass('mysqli'); break; case 'access': $object = bpBase::loadSysClass('db_access'); break; default: bpBase::load_sys_class('mysql', '', 0); $object = new mysql(); } $object->open($this->db_config[$db_config_name]); return $object; }
function vc() { $session_storage = getSessionStorageType(); bpBase::loadSysClass($session_storage); $captcha = bpBase::loadSysClass('checkCode'); //width if (isset($_GET['width']) && intval($_GET['width'])) { $captcha->width = intval($_GET['width']); } if ($captcha->width <= 0) { $captcha->width = 70; } //height if (isset($_GET['height']) && intval($_GET['height'])) { $captcha->height = intval($_GET['height']); } if ($captcha->height <= 0) { $captcha->height = 25; } //codeNum if (isset($_GET['codeNum']) && intval($_GET['codeNum'])) { $captcha->code_len = intval($_GET['codeNum']); } if ($captcha->codeNum > 8 || $captcha->codeNum < 2) { $captcha->codeNum = 4; } //backGround if (isset($_GET['backGround']) && trim(urldecode($_GET['backGround'])) && preg_match('/(^[a-z0-9]{6}$)/im', trim(urldecode($_GET['backGround'])))) { $captcha->backGround = '#' . trim(urldecode($_GET['backGround'])); } //fontColor if (isset($_GET['fontColor']) && trim(urldecode($_GET['fontColor'])) && preg_match('/(^[a-z0-9]{6}$)/im', trim(urldecode($_GET['fontColor'])))) { $captcha->fontColor = '#' . trim(urldecode($_GET['fontColor'])); } $captcha->showImg(); $_SESSION['validCode'] = $captcha->getCaptcha(); }
public function action_picUpload() { if (!isset($_SESSION['canupload'])) { exit; } $error = 0; if (isset($_FILES['thumb'])) { $photo = $_FILES['thumb']; if (substr($photo['type'], 0, 5) == 'image') { switch ($photo['type']) { case 'image/jpeg': case 'image/jpg': case 'image/pjpeg': $ext = '.jpg'; break; case 'image/gif': $ext = '.gif'; break; case 'image/png': case 'image/x-png': $ext = '.png'; break; default: $error = -1; break; } if ($error == 0) { $time = SYS_TIME; $year = date('Y', $time); $month = date('m', $time); $day = date('d', $time); $pathInfo = upFileFolders($time); $dstFolder = $pathInfo['path']; $dstFile = ABS_PATH . 'upload' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'temp' . $ext; //the size of file uploaded must under 1M if ($photo['size'] > 2000000) { $error = -2; return $error; } } else { return $error; } //if no error if ($error == 0) { $rand = randStr(4); //delete primary files if (file_exists($dstFolder . $time . $rand . $ext)) { unlink($dstFolder . $time . $rand . $ext); } if ($ext != '.gif') { //save the temporary file move_uploaded_file($photo['tmp_name'], $dstFile); $imgInfo = getimagesize($dstFile); //generate new files $imageWidth = intval($_POST['width']) != 0 ? intval($_POST['width']) : $imgInfo[0]; $imageHeight = intval($_POST['height']) != 0 ? intval($_POST['height']) : $imgInfo[1]; bpBase::loadSysClass('image'); image::zfResize($dstFile, $dstFolder . $time . $rand . '.jpg', $imageWidth, $imageHeight, 1 | 4, 2); $ext = '.jpg'; // } else { move_uploaded_file($photo['tmp_name'], $dstFolder . $time . $rand . '.gif'); } if (isset($_POST['channelid'])) { //内容缩略图 $channelObj = bpBase::loadAppClass('channelObj', 'channel'); $thisChannel = $channelObj->getChannelByID($_POST['channelid']); $articleObj = bpBase::loadAppClass('articleObj', 'article'); $articleObj->setOtherThumb($thisChannel, $dstFile, $dstFolder, $time . $rand, 'jpg'); } if ($ext != '.gif') { @unlink($dstFile); } $location = MAIN_URL_ROOT . '/upload/images/' . $year . '/' . $month . '/' . $day . '/' . $time . $rand . $ext; $error = 0; } } else { $error = -1; } } else { $error = -1; } if ($error == 0) { echo $location; } else { $errors = array(-1 => '你上传的不是图片', -2 => '文件不能超过2M', -3 => '图片地址不正确'); echo $errors[intval($error)]; } }
<?php bpBase::loadSysClass('model', '', 0); class site_model extends model { public function __construct() { $this->table_name = TABLE_PREFIX . 'moopha_site'; parent::__construct(); } function sites() { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'site ORDER BY taxis ASC'; $sites = $this->get_resultsBySql($sql); return $sites; } function getSiteByToken($token) { $cacheName = 'siteByToken' . $token; $cache = getCache($cacheName); if ($cache) { return unserialize($cache); } else { $site = $this->get_one(array('token' => $token)); setCache($cacheName, serialize($site)); return $site; } } }
<?php /** * 数据模型基类 */ bpBase::loadSysClass('db_factory', '', 0); class model { //数据库配置 protected $db_config = ''; //调用数据库的配置项 protected $db_setting = 'default'; //数据库连接 protected $db = ''; //数据表名 protected $table_name = ''; //表前缀 public $db_tablepre = ''; public function __construct() { if (!isset($this->db_config[$this->db_setting])) { $this->db_setting = 'default'; } //$this->table_name = $this->table_name; $this->db = db_factory::get_instance($this->db_config)->get_database($this->db_setting); } /** * 执行sql查询 * @param $where 查询条件[例`name`='$name'] * @param $data 需要查询的字段值[例`name`,`gender`,`birthday`] * @param $limit 返回结果范围[例:10或10,10 默认为空]
<?php $session_storage = getSessionStorageType(); bpBase::loadSysClass($session_storage); bpBase::loadSysFunc('front'); class front { public $uid; public $username; public $email; public $realname; public $mp; public $qq; public $credits; public $isAdmin; public static $user; // public static $smarty; public function __construct() { //smarty if (front::$smarty == '') { //smarty ini_set('include_path', ABS_PATH . 'library' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'smarty' . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path')); require_once 'Smarty.class.php'; // $smartyInstance = new smarty(); if (!isset($_GET['preview']) || !intval($_GET['preview'])) { $smartyInstance->template_dir = ABS_PATH . 'smarty' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } else { $smartyInstance->template_dir = ABS_PATH . 'templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
public function autophoto201307023_b() { $taskName = 'autophoto201307023_b'; $thisTask = $this->update_log_db->get_one(array('file' => $taskName)); $this->_executedCheck($taskName, $thisTask); // $autoclassification_db = bpBase::loadModel('autoclassification_model'); $autos = $autoclassification_db->select('logo!=\'\' AND logo IS NOT NULL', '*', '', 'id ASC'); $count = count($autos); $i = intval($_GET['i']); // if ($i < $count) { $step = 5; for ($j = 0; $j < $step; $j++) { $num = $i + $j; // $logoPathDir = ABS_PATH . 'autoPhotos' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'logo' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $autos[$num]['id'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; bpBase::loadSysClass('image'); @($imgInfo = getimagesize($logoPathDir . 'logo_s.jpg')); if ($imgInfo[0] > 100) { @copy($logoPathDir . 'logo_s.jpg', $logoPathDir . 'logo_s.jpg.bak'); image::zfResize($logoPathDir . 'logo_s.jpg', $logoPathDir . 'logo_s.jpg', 80, 60, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0); echo $autos[$num]['id'] . '<br>'; } } $i = $i + $step; showMessage($thisTask['des'] . ':' . $i . '/' . $count, '?m=update&c=updateTask&a=' . $taskName . '&i=' . $i, 0); } else { $this->_finishTask($taskName); } }
public function picUpload() { $result = array(); if (count($_POST)) { $result['post'] = $_POST; } if (count($_FILES)) { $result['files'] = $_FILES; } // Validation $error = false; if (!isset($_FILES['Filedata']) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'])) { $error = 'Invalid Upload'; exit; } // Processing start $photo = $_FILES['Filedata']; $time = SYS_TIME; $year = date('Y', $time); $month = date('m', $time); $day = date('d', $time); $pathInfo = upFileFolders($time); $dstFolder = $pathInfo['path']; $rand = randStr(4); $dstFile = $dstFolder . $time . $rand . $photo['name']; //the size of file uploaded must under 1M if ($photo['size'] > 3000000) { $error = '图片太大不能超过3M'; exit; } //save the temporary file @move_uploaded_file($photo['tmp_name'], $dstFile); // //自动缩放 $imgInfo = @getimagesize($dstFile); $maxPicWidth = intval(loadConfig('cmsContent', 'maxPicWidth')); $maxPicWidth = $maxPicWidth < 1 ? 500 : $maxPicWidth; if ($imgInfo[0] > $maxPicWidth) { $newWidth = $maxPicWidth; $newHeight = $imgInfo[1] * $newWidth / $imgInfo[0]; } else { $newWidth = $imgInfo[0]; $newHeight = $imgInfo[1]; } bpBase::loadSysClass('image'); bpBase::loadSysClass('watermark'); image::zfResize($dstFile, $dstFolder . $time . $rand . '.jpg', $newWidth, $newHeight, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1); //delete the temporary file @unlink($dstFile); $location = CMS_DIR_PATH . $pathInfo['url'] . $time . $rand . '.jpg'; // bpBase::loadSysClass('image'); bpBase::loadSysClass('watermark'); $wm = new watermark(); $wm->wm($dstFolder . $time . $rand . '.jpg'); // $filePath = $location; //processing end if ($error) { $return = array('status' => '0', 'error' => $error); } else { $return = array('status' => '1', 'name' => ABS_PATH . $filePath); // Our processing, we get a hash value from the file $return['hash'] = ''; // ... and if available, we get image data if ($imgInfo) { $return['width'] = $newWidth; $return['height'] = $newHeight; $return['mime'] = $imgInfo['mime']; $return['url'] = $filePath; $return['randnum'] = rand(0, 999999); } } // Output if (isset($_REQUEST['response']) && $_REQUEST['response'] == 'xml') { // header('Content-type: text/xml'); // Really dirty, use DOM and CDATA section! echo '<response>'; foreach ($return as $key => $value) { echo "<{$key}><![CDATA[{$value}]]></{$key}>"; } echo '</response>'; } else { // header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode($return); } }
public function autoSaveRemoteImage($str, $baseURI = '') { $str = stripslashes($str); $watermark = bpBase::loadSysCLass('watermark'); $img_array = array(); //$str = stripslashes($str); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $str = stripslashes($str); } preg_match_all('#src="(http://(((?!").)+).(jpg|gif|bmp|png))"#i', $str, $img_array); $img_array_urls = array_unique($img_array[1]); $dstFolder = ABS_PATH . 'upload' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'images'; @chmod($dstFolder, 0777); if ($baseURI) { $img_array_urls = $this->_expandlinks($img_array_urls, $baseURI); if ($img_array_urls) { exit; } } if ($img_array_urls) { $i = 0; $time = SYS_TIME; foreach ($img_array_urls as $k => $v) { if (!strpos($v, $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { //不保存本站的 $filenames = explode('.', $v); $filenamesCount = count($filenames); // $year = date('Y', $time); $month = date('m', $time); $pathInfo = upFileFolders($time); $dstFolder = $pathInfo['path']; $rand = randStr(4); $filePath = $dstFolder . $time . $rand . '.' . $filenames[$filenamesCount - 1]; // @httpCopy($v, $filePath, 5); //自动缩放 $imgInfo = @getimagesize($filePath); $maxPicWidth = intval(loadConfig('cmsContent', 'maxPicWidth')); $maxPicWidth = $maxPicWidth < 1 ? 500 : $maxPicWidth; if ($imgInfo[0] > $maxPicWidth) { $newWidth = $maxPicWidth; $newHeight = $imgInfo[1] * $newWidth / $imgInfo[0]; bpBase::loadSysClass('image'); image::zfResize($filePath, $filePath, $newWidth, $newHeight, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1); } // if (file_exists($filePath)) { $watermark->wm($filePath); $str = str_replace($v, 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . CMS_DIR_PATH . $pathInfo['url'] . $time . $rand . '.' . $filenames[$filenamesCount - 1], $str); } } $i++; } } return $str; }
function createIndexPage($siteid = 1) { $siteid = intval($siteid); if (!ABS_PATH . 'templatesCache' && !is_dir(ABS_PATH . 'templatesCache')) { mkdir(ABS_PATH . 'templatesCache', 777); } if ($siteid < 100) { //站点 $template = $this->getDefaultTemplate($siteid, 1); //获取首页模板的数据库信息 if (!$template) { showMessage('没有默认的模板,请在模板管理里面设置', '?m=template&c=m_template&a=templates&siteid=' . $siteid, 2000); exit; } //如果缓存不存在则分析模板 if (!file_exists(ABS_PATH . 'templatesCache' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $template['id'] . '.parsed.tpl.php')) { $templateInfo = $this->getTemplateInfoByPath($template['path']); //parse first layer tags $this->addIDtoFirstLayerTagInTemplate($siteid, $template['id'], $templateInfo['absPath']); } $this->parseFirstLayerTag($template['id'], $siteid, 0, 0); //生成静态首页 if (defined('NEW_INDEX') && NEW_INDEX && !loadConfig('index', 'notToHtml')) { $sitePage = bpBase::loadAppClass('sitePage', 'site'); $sitePage->index(0); } else { if ((loadConfig('site', 'tohtml') || !loadConfig('index', 'notToHtml')) && $siteid == 1) { $snoopy = bpBase::loadSysClass('Snoopy', '', 1); if (!strpos(MAIN_URL_ROOT, 'localhost')) { //echo 'st'; $snoopy->fetch('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/index.php'); } else { $snoopyRt = $snoopy->fetch(''); } //file_put_contents(ABS_PATH.'/index.html',$snoopy->result); } } if (isah()) { $this->createSinglePage(193); } if ($siteid > 1) { //ah子站 $site = bpBase::loadAppClass('siteObj', 'site'); $thisSite = $site->getSiteByID($siteid); $child_siteMoudleClass = bpBase::loadAppClass('sitePage', 'site'); $geo_db = bpBase::loadModel('geo_model'); $thisGeo = $geo_db->get_one(array('geoindex' => $thisSite->siteindex)); if ($thisGeo) { $child_siteMoudleClass->childSiteIndex($thisGeo['id']); } } } else { //专题 $special_db = bpBase::loadModel('special_model'); $thisSpecial = $special_db->get_one(array('id' => $siteid)); if (!$thisSpecial['templateid']) { showMessage('没有选择模板,请设置模板后再操作', '?m=special&c=m_special&a=specialSet&id=' . $siteid, 2000); exit; } $template_db = bpBase::loadModel('template_model'); $template = $template_db->get_one(array('id' => $thisSpecial['templateid'])); if (!$template) { showMessage('模板不存在,请在模板管理里面设置', '?m=template&c=m_template&a=templates&siteid=' . $siteid . '&type=5', 2000); exit; } //如果缓存不存在则分析模板 //if (!file_exists(ABS_PATH.'templatesCache'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template['id'].'.parsed.tpl.php')){ $templateInfo = $this->getTemplateInfoByPath($template['path']); //parse first layer tags $this->addIDtoFirstLayerTagInTemplate($siteid, $template['id'], $templateInfo['absPath']); //} $this->parseFirstLayerTag($template['id'], $siteid, 0, 0); //更新专题url $specialConfig = loadConfig('special'); $thisSpecial['urlformat'] = $thisSpecial['urlformat'] ? $thisSpecial['urlformat'] : $specialConfig['urlFormate']; $url = $this->specialPathReplace($thisSpecial['urlformat'], $thisSpecial['catid'], $thisSpecial); $special_db->update(array('url' => $url), array('id' => $siteid)); delCache('c_special_' . $siteid); } }
function _setFirstImageAsThumb($thisChannel, $contentStr, $imgNo = 1) { $thumbWidht = $thisChannel->thumbwidth; $thmbHeight = $thisChannel->thumbheight; if (!$thumbWidht || !$thmbHeight) { return ''; } //get image url $contentStr = stripslashes($contentStr); @preg_match_all('#src="((((?!").)+).(jpg|bmp))"#i', $contentStr, $img_array); $img_array_urls = $img_array[1]; if ($img_array_urls) { $imgNo = abs(intval($imgNo)); $imgNo = $imgNo < 1 ? 1 : $imgNo; $imgUrl = $img_array_urls[$imgNo - 1]; if (!strpos($imgUrl, 'ttp://')) { $imgUrl = MAIN_URL_ROOT . $imgUrl; } $time = SYS_TIME; $pathInfo = upFileFolders($time); $dstFolder = $pathInfo['path']; $rand = rand(0, 10000); $tempImgPath = ABS_PATH . 'upload' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'temp.jpg'; if (file_exists($tempImgPath)) { @unlink($tempImgPath); } @httpCopy($imgUrl, $tempImgPath); //new start,带水印的图片加缩略图需要裁切掉水印 if (file_exists(ABS_PATH . 'constant' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'watermark.config.php')) { @(include_once ABS_PATH . 'constant' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'watermark.config.php'); if (USE_WATERMARK) { if (WATERMARK_TYPE != 'text') { $oImgSize = getimagesize($tempImgPath); //原图尺寸 //水印尺寸 $watermarkImageAttr = @getimagesize(ABS_PATH . 'editor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ckfinder' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'plugins' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'watermark' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'logo.png'); $width = $oImgSize[0]; $height = $oImgSize[1] - $watermarkImageAttr[1]; //新图高度为原图高度减水印高度 // $firstImg = imagecreatefromjpeg($tempImgPath); if (function_exists("imagecreatetruecolor")) { //GD2.0.1 $dstScaleImg = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); } else { $dstScaleImg = imagecreate($width, $height); } imagecopy($dstScaleImg, $firstImg, 0, 0, 0, 0, $oImgSize[0], $oImgSize[1]); //裁切 ImageJPEG($dstScaleImg, ABS_PATH . 'upload' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'temp.jpg'); //保存图片 imagedestroy($dstScaleImg); imagedestroy($firstImg); } } } //new end,裁切水印end bpBase::loadSysClass('image'); image::zfResize(ABS_PATH . 'upload' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'temp.jpg', $dstFolder . $time . $rand . '.jpg', $thumbWidht, $thmbHeight, 1 | 4, 2); $this->_setThumb($thisChannel, ABS_PATH . 'upload' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'temp.jpg', $dstFolder, $time . $rand, 'jpg'); @unlink(ABS_PATH . 'upload' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'temp.jpg'); // $year = date('Y', $time); $month = date('m', $time); $day = date('d', $time); $url = $pathInfo['url'] . $time . $rand . '.jpg'; // $location = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . CMS_DIR_PATH . $url; return $location; } else { return ''; } // }
<?php ////script.php?oper=checkCode&width=70&height=25&codeNum=4&backGround=fff000&fontColor=f00000 $session_storage = getSessionStorageType(); bpBase::loadSysClass($session_storage); $captcha = bpBase::loadSysClass('checkCode'); //width if (isset($_GET['width']) && intval($_GET['width'])) { $captcha->width = intval($_GET['width']); } if ($captcha->width <= 0) { $captcha->width = 70; } //height if (isset($_GET['height']) && intval($_GET['height'])) { $captcha->height = intval($_GET['height']); } if ($captcha->height <= 0) { $captcha->height = 25; } //codeNum if (isset($_GET['codeNum']) && intval($_GET['codeNum'])) { $captcha->code_len = intval($_GET['codeNum']); } if ($captcha->codeNum > 8 || $captcha->codeNum < 2) { $captcha->codeNum = 4; } //backGround if (isset($_GET['backGround']) && trim(urldecode($_GET['backGround'])) && preg_match('/(^[a-z0-9]{6}$)/im', trim(urldecode($_GET['backGround'])))) { $captcha->backGround = '#' . trim(urldecode($_GET['backGround'])); }