function socialnetworkBlogPostCommentMobile(array $comment, array $arParams, array $arResult, SocialnetworkBlogPostComment $component) { global $APPLICATION; $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE"] = intval($arParams["AVATAR_SIZE"]) ?: 58; $arAvatarSizes = array("AVATAR_SIZE" => intval(array_key_exists("AVATAR_SIZE_COMMON", $arParams) ? $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMON"] : $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE"]), "AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT" => intval($arParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"])); $arAvatarSizes["AVATAR_SIZE"] = $arAvatarSizes["AVATAR_SIZE"] > 0 ? $arAvatarSizes["AVATAR_SIZE"] : 42; // reference to CBlogUser::GetUserInfoArray $arAvatarSizes["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"] = $arAvatarSizes["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"] > 0 ? $arAvatarSizes["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"] : 42; // reference to CBlogUser::GetUserInfoArray $avatarKey = "PERSONAL_PHOTO_RESIZED"; if ($arAvatarSizes["AVATAR_SIZE"] == $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE"]) { $avatarKey = "PERSONAL_PHOTO_resized"; } else { if ($arAvatarSizes["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"] == $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE"]) { $avatarKey = "PERSONAL_PHOTO_resized_30"; } } $arUser = $arResult["userCache"][$comment["AUTHOR_ID"]]; if (!array_key_exists($avatarKey, $arUser) && intval($arUser["PERSONAL_PHOTO"]) > 0) { $arResult["userCache"][$comment["AUTHOR_ID"]][$avatarKey] = CFile::ResizeImageGet($arUser["PERSONAL_PHOTO"], array("width" => $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE"], "height" => $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE"]), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_EXACT); $arUser = $arResult["userCache"][$comment["AUTHOR_ID"]]; } $text = $comment["TextFormated"]; if ($component->isWeb()) { static $parser = null; if ($parser == null) { $parser = new blogTextParser(false, $arParams["PATH_TO_SMILE"]); $parser->bMobile = true; $parser->LAZYLOAD = isset($arParams["LAZYLOAD"]) && $arParams["LAZYLOAD"] == "Y" ? "Y" : "N"; } if (is_array($comment["COMMENT_PROPERTIES"]["DATA"]["UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE"])) { $parser->arUserfields = array("UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE" => array_merge($comment["COMMENT_PROPERTIES"]["DATA"]["UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE"], array("TAG" => "DOCUMENT ID"))); } $text = $parser->convert($comment["POST_TEXT"], false, $comment["showedImages"], array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "Y", "BIU" => "Y", "IMG" => "Y", "QUOTE" => "Y", "CODE" => "Y", "FONT" => "Y", "LIST" => "Y", "SMILES" => "Y", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => COption::GetOptionString("blog", "allow_video", "Y") != "Y" || $arParams["ALLOW_VIDEO"] != "Y" ? "N" : "Y", "SHORT_ANCHOR" => "Y"), array("pathToUser" => "/mobile/users/?user_id=#user_id#")); } $res = array("ID" => $comment["ID"], "NEW" => $arParams["FOLLOW"] != "N" && $comment["NEW"] == "Y" ? "Y" : "N", "APPROVED" => $comment["PUBLISH_STATUS"] == BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH ? "Y" : "N", "POST_TIMESTAMP" => !empty($comment["DATE_CREATE_TS"]) ? $comment["DATE_CREATE_TS"] + $arResult["TZ_OFFSET"] : MakeTimeStamp($comment["DATE_CREATE"]) - $arResult["TZ_OFFSET"], "AUTHOR" => array("ID" => $arUser["ID"], "NAME" => $arUser["~NAME"], "LAST_NAME" => $arUser["~LAST_NAME"], "SECOND_NAME" => $arUser["~SECOND_NAME"], "AVATAR" => array_key_exists($avatarKey, $arUser) ? $arUser[$avatarKey]["src"] : ''), "FILES" => false, "UF" => false, "POST_MESSAGE_TEXT" => $text, "~POST_MESSAGE_TEXT" => $comment["POST_TEXT"], "CLASSNAME" => "", "BEFORE_HEADER" => "", "BEFORE_ACTIONS" => "", "AFTER_ACTIONS" => "", "AFTER_HEADER" => "", "BEFORE" => "", "AFTER" => "", "BEFORE_RECORD" => "", "AFTER_RECORD" => ""); if (!empty($arResult["arImages"][$comment["ID"]])) { $res["FILES"] = array(); foreach ($arResult["arImages"][$comment["ID"]] as $i => $val) { $t = $arResult["Images"][$i]; $res["FILES"][] = array("THUMBNAIL" => $val["small"], "SRC" => $val["full"], "FILE_SIZE" => $t["source"]["size"], "CONTENT_TYPE" => "image/xyz", "ORIGINAL_NAME" => $t["fileName"], "FILE_NAME" => $t["fileName"]); } } if ($comment["COMMENT_PROPERTIES"]["SHOW"] == "Y") { $res["UF"] = $comment["COMMENT_PROPERTIES"]["DATA"]; foreach ($res["UF"] as $key => $arPostField) { if (!empty($arPostField["VALUE"])) { $res["UF"][$key]['POST_ID'] = $arParams['POST_DATA']['ID']; $res["UF"][$key]['URL_TO_POST'] = str_replace('#source_post_id#', $arPostField['POST_ID'], $arResult['urlToPost']); } } } return $res; }
$arPostField["~EDIT_FORM_LABEL"] = $arPostField["EDIT_FORM_LABEL"]; $arComment["COMMENT_PROPERTIES"]["DATA"][$FIELD_NAME] = $arPostField; if (!empty($arPostField["VALUE"])) { $bHasProps = true; } } } if (!empty($arComment["COMMENT_PROPERTIES"]["DATA"])) { $arComment["COMMENT_PROPERTIES"]["SHOW"] = "Y"; } } } if (is_array($arComment["COMMENT_PROPERTIES"]["DATA"]["UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE"])) { $p->arUserfields = array("UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE" => array_merge($arComment["COMMENT_PROPERTIES"]["DATA"]["UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE"], array("TAG" => "DOCUMENT ID"))); } $arComment["TextFormated"] = $p->convert($arComment["POST_TEXT"], false, $arImages, $arAllow, $arParserParams); if (is_array($arComment["COMMENT_PROPERTIES"]["DATA"]["UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE"]) && is_array($arComment["COMMENT_PROPERTIES"]["DATA"]["UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE"]["VALUE"]) && is_array($p->arUserfields["UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE"]["PARSED"])) { $arComment["COMMENT_PROPERTIES"]["DATA"]["UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE"]["VALUE"] = array_diff($arComment["COMMENT_PROPERTIES"]["DATA"]["UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE"]["VALUE"], $p->arUserfields["UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE"]["PARSED"]); } $arComment["showedImages"] = $p->showedImages; if (!empty($p->showedImages)) { foreach ($p->showedImages as $val) { if (!empty($arResult["arImages"][$arComment["ID"]][$val])) { unset($arResult["arImages"][$arComment["ID"]][$val]); } } } $arComment["DateFormated"] = FormatDateFromDB($arComment["DATE_CREATE"], $arParams["DATE_TIME_FORMAT"], true); $arComment["DATE_CREATE_DATE"] = FormatDateFromDB($arComment["DATE_CREATE"], FORMAT_DATE); if (strcasecmp(LANGUAGE_ID, 'EN') !== 0 && strcasecmp(LANGUAGE_ID, 'DE') !== 0) { $arComment["DateFormated"] = ToLower($arComment["DateFormated"]);
} if (!$SocNetGroupID) { $SocNetGroupID = CBlogGroup::Add(array("SITE_ID" => WIZARD_SITE_ID, "NAME" => "[" . WIZARD_SITE_ID . "] " . GetMessage("BLOG_DEMO_GROUP_SOCNET"))); } $rsUser = CUser::GetByID(1); $arUser = $rsUser->Fetch(); $blogID = CBlog::Add(array("NAME" => GetMessage("BLG_NAME") . " " . $arUser["NAME"] . " " . $arUser["LAST_NAME"], "DESCRIPTION" => "", "GROUP_ID" => $SocNetGroupID, "ENABLE_IMG_VERIF" => 'Y', "EMAIL_NOTIFY" => 'Y', "USE_SOCNET" => 'Y', "ENABLE_RSS" => "Y", "ALLOW_HTML" => "Y", "URL" => str_replace(" ", "_", $arUser["LOGIN"]) . "-blog-" . WIZARD_SITE_ID, "ACTIVE" => "Y", "=DATE_CREATE" => $DB->GetNowFunction(), "=DATE_UPDATE" => $DB->GetNowFunction(), "OWNER_ID" => 1, "PERMS_POST" => array("1" => BLOG_PERMS_READ, "2" => BLOG_PERMS_READ), "PERMS_COMMENT" => array("1" => BLOG_PERMS_WRITE, "2" => BLOG_PERMS_WRITE))); CBlog::AddSocnetRead($blogID); $categoryID[] = CBlogCategory::Add(array("BLOG_ID" => $blogID, "NAME" => GetMessage("BLOG_DEMO_CATEGORY_1"))); $categoryID[] = CBlogCategory::Add(array("BLOG_ID" => $blogID, "NAME" => GetMessage("BLOG_DEMO_CATEGORY_2"))); $arBlogPostFields = array("TITLE" => GetMessage("BLOG_DEMO_MESSAGE_TITLE_1"), "DETAIL_TEXT" => GetMessage("BLOG_DEMO_MESSAGE_BODY_1"), "DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE" => "text", "BLOG_ID" => $blogID, "AUTHOR_ID" => 1, "=DATE_CREATE" => $DB->GetNowFunction(), "=DATE_PUBLISH" => $DB->GetNowFunction(), "PUBLISH_STATUS" => BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH, "ENABLE_TRACKBACK" => 'N', "ENABLE_COMMENTS" => 'Y', "CATEGORY_ID" => implode(",", $categoryID), "PERMS_POST" => array(1 => BLOG_PERMS_READ, 2 => BLOG_PERMS_READ), "PERMS_COMMENT" => array(1 => BLOG_PERMS_WRITE, 2 => BLOG_PERMS_WRITE), "SOCNET_RIGHTS" => array("UA")); $postID = CBlogPost::Add($arBlogPostFields); if (CModule::IncludeModule("socialnetwork")) { $parserBlog = new blogTextParser(false, "/bitrix/images/socialnetwork/smile/"); $arAllow = array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "N", "BIU" => "N", "IMG" => "N", "QUOTE" => "N", "CODE" => "N", "FONT" => "N", "LIST" => "N", "SMILES" => "N", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => "N"); $text4message = $parserBlog->convert($arBlogPostFields["DETAIL_TEXT"], true, array(), $arAllow); $arSoFields = array("EVENT_ID" => "blog_post", "=LOG_DATE" => $GLOBALS["DB"]->CurrentTimeFunction(), "TITLE_TEMPLATE" => "#USER_NAME# " . GetMessage("BPC_SONET_POST_TITLE"), "TITLE" => $arBlogPostFields["TITLE"], "MESSAGE" => $text4message, "TEXT_MESSAGE" => $arBlogPostFields["DETAIL_TEXT"], "MODULE_ID" => "blog", "CALLBACK_FUNC" => false, "ENTITY_TYPE" => "U", "ENTITY_ID" => 1, "URL" => CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate(WIZARD_SITE_DIR . "company/personal/user/#user_id#/blog/#post_id#/", array("user_id" => 1, "post_id" => $postID)), "USER_ID" => 1, "SITE_ID" => WIZARD_SITE_ID, "SOURCE_ID" => $postID, "ENABLE_COMMENTS" => "Y", "RATING_TYPE_ID" => "BLOG_POST", "RATING_ENTITY_ID" => $postID); $logID = CSocNetLog::Add($arSoFields, false); if (intval($logID) > 0) { $socnetPerms = array("U1", "G2"); CSocNetLog::Update($logID, array("TMP_ID" => $logID)); CSocNetLogRights::DeleteByLogID($logID); CSocNetLogRights::Add($logID, $socnetPerms); } } foreach ($categoryID as $v) { CBlogPostCategory::Add(array("BLOG_ID" => $blogID, "POST_ID" => $postID, "CATEGORY_ID" => $v)); } $arBlogCommentFields = array("TITLE" => GetMessage("BLOG_DEMO_COMMENT_TITLE"), "POST_TEXT" => GetMessage("BLOG_DEMO_COMMENT_BODY"), "BLOG_ID" => $blogID, "POST_ID" => $postID, "PARENT_ID" => 0, "AUTHOR_ID" => 1, "DATE_CREATE" => ConvertTimeStamp(false, "FULL"), "AUTHOR_IP" => ""); $commmentId = CBlogComment::Add($arBlogCommentFields); if (CModule::IncludeModule("socialnetwork")) {
$arTmp["urlToPost"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_POST"], array("blog" => $arPost["BLOG_URL"], "post_id" => CBlogPost::GetPostID($arPost["ID"], $arPost["CODE"], $arParams["ALLOW_POST_CODE"]), "user_id" => $arPost["BLOG_OWNER_ID"])); } $arTmp["urlToAuthor"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_USER"], array("user_id" => $arPost["AUTHOR_ID"])); $arTmp["AuthorName"] = CBlogUser::GetUserName($arPost["BLOG_USER_ALIAS"], $arPost["AUTHOR_NAME"], $arPost["AUTHOR_LAST_NAME"], $arPost["AUTHOR_LOGIN"]); if ($itemCnt == 0) { $arTmp["FIRST"] = "Y"; } $text = preg_replace("#\\[img\\](.+?)\\[/img\\]#is", "", $arPost["~DETAIL_TEXT"]); $text = preg_replace("#\\[url(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/url\\]#is", "\\2", $text); $text = preg_replace("#\\[video(.+?)\\](.+?)\\[/video\\]#is", "", $text); $text = preg_replace("#^(.+?)<cut[\\s]*(/>|>).*?\$#is", "\\1", $text); $text = preg_replace("#^(.+?)\\[cut[\\s]*(/\\]|\\]).*?\$#is", "\\1", $text); $text = preg_replace("#(\\[|<)(/?)(b|u|i|list|code|quote|url|img|color|font|/*)(.*?)(\\]|>)#is", "", $text); $text = TruncateText($text, $arParams["MESSAGE_LENGTH"]); $text1 = $text; $title = $p->convert($text1, true, false, array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "N", "BIU" => "N", "IMG" => "N", "QUOTE" => "N", "CODE" => "N", "FONT" => "N", "LIST" => "N", "SMILES" => "N", "NL2BR" => "N")); $text = $p->convert($text, true, false, array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "N", "BIU" => "N", "IMG" => "N", "QUOTE" => "N", "CODE" => "N", "FONT" => "N", "LIST" => "N", "SMILES" => "Y", "NL2BR" => "N")); $text = CBlogTools::DeleteDoubleBR($text); $arTmp["TEXT_FORMATED"] = $text; $arTmp["DATE_PUBLISH_FORMATED"] = FormatDate($arParams["DATE_TIME_FORMAT"], MakeTimeStamp($arTmp["DATE_PUBLISH"], CSite::GetDateFormat("FULL"))); if ($arTmp["MICRO"] == "Y") { $arTmp["TITLE"] = TruncateText(str_replace(array("<br />", "<br>", "'", """, "<", ">"), "", $title), 60); $arTmp["~TITLE"] = htmlspecialcharsback($arTmp["TITLE"]); } $itemCnt++; $arResult[] = $arTmp; $ids[] = $arTmp["ID"]; } $arResult["IDS"] = $ids; } if ($arParams["CACHE_TIME"] > 0) {
function UpdateLog($postID, $arPost, $arBlog, $arParams) { if (!CModule::IncludeModule('socialnetwork')) { return; } global $DB; $parserBlog = new blogTextParser(false, $arParams["PATH_TO_SMILE"]); preg_match("#^(.*?)<cut[\\s]*(/>|>).*?\$#is", $arPost["DETAIL_TEXT"], $arMatches); if (count($arMatches) <= 0) { preg_match("#^(.*?)\\[cut[\\s]*(/\\]|\\]).*?\$#is", $arPost["DETAIL_TEXT"], $arMatches); } if (count($arMatches) > 0) { $cut_suffix = "#CUT#"; } else { $cut_suffix = ""; } $arImages = array(); $res = CBlogImage::GetList(array("ID" => "ASC"), array("POST_ID" => $postID, "BLOG_ID" => $arBlog["ID"], "IS_COMMENT" => "N")); while ($arImage = $res->Fetch()) { $arImages[$arImage['ID']] = $arImage['FILE_ID']; } if ($arPost["DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE"] == "html" && $arParams["allowHTML"] == "Y" && $arBlog["ALLOW_HTML"] == "Y") { $arAllow = array("HTML" => "Y", "ANCHOR" => "Y", "IMG" => "Y", "SMILES" => "N", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => "Y", "QUOTE" => "Y", "CODE" => "Y"); if ($arParams["allowVideo"] != "Y") { $arAllow["VIDEO"] = "N"; } $text4message = $parserBlog->convert($arPost["DETAIL_TEXT"], true, $arImages, $arAllow); } else { $arAllow = array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "N", "BIU" => "N", "IMG" => "N", "QUOTE" => "N", "CODE" => "N", "FONT" => "N", "TABLE" => "N", "LIST" => "N", "SMILES" => "N", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => "N"); $text4message = $parserBlog->convert($arPost["DETAIL_TEXT"], true, $arImages, $arAllow, array("isSonetLog" => true)); } $text4message .= $cut_suffix; $arSoFields = array("TITLE_TEMPLATE" => "#USER_NAME# " . GetMessage("BLG_SONET_TITLE"), "TITLE" => $arPost["TITLE"], "MESSAGE" => $text4message, "TEXT_MESSAGE" => $text4mail, "ENABLE_COMMENTS" => array_key_exists("ENABLE_COMMENTS", $arPost) && $arPost["ENABLE_COMMENTS"] == "N" ? "N" : "Y", "=LOG_UPDATE" => strlen($arPost["DATE_PUBLISH"]) > 0 ? MakeTimeStamp($arPost["DATE_PUBLISH"], CSite::GetDateFormat("FULL", $SITE_ID)) > time() + CTimeZone::GetOffset() ? $DB->CharToDateFunction($arPost["DATE_PUBLISH"], "FULL", SITE_ID) : $DB->CurrentTimeFunction() : $DB->CurrentTimeFunction()); $dbRes = CSocNetLog::GetList(array("ID" => "DESC"), array("EVENT_ID" => "blog_post", "SOURCE_ID" => $postID), false, false, array("ID", "ENTITY_TYPE", "ENTITY_ID")); if ($arRes = $dbRes->Fetch()) { CSocNetLog::Update($arRes["ID"], $arSoFields); $socnetPerms = CBlogPost::GetSocNetPermsCode($postID); if (!in_array("U" . $arPost["AUTHOR_ID"], $socnetPerms)) { $socnetPerms[] = "U" . $arPost["AUTHOR_ID"]; } if (CModule::IncludeModule("extranet")) { $arSiteID = CExtranet::GetSitesByLogDestinations($socnetPerms); CSocNetLog::Update($arRes["ID"], array("SITE_ID" => $arSiteID)); } $socnetPerms[] = "SA"; // socnet admin CSocNetLogRights::DeleteByLogID($arRes["ID"]); CSocNetLogRights::Add($arRes["ID"], $socnetPerms); } }
if (!empty($arResult["POST_PROPERTIES"]["DATA"])) { $arResult["POST_PROPERTIES"]["SHOW"] = "Y"; } } $res = CBlogImage::GetList(array("ID" => "ASC"), array("POST_ID" => $arPost['ID'], "BLOG_ID" => $arBlog['ID'], "IS_COMMENT" => "N")); while ($arImage = $res->Fetch()) { $arImages[$arImage['ID']] = $arImage['FILE_ID']; $arResult["images"][$arImage['ID']] = array("small" => "/bitrix/components/bitrix/blog/show_file.php?fid=" . $arImage['ID'] . "&width=70&height=70&type=square", "full" => "/bitrix/components/bitrix/blog/show_file.php?fid=" . $arImage['ID'] . "&width=1000&height=1000"); } $arParserParams = array("imageWidth" => $arParams["IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH"], "imageHeight" => $arParams["IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT"]); if ($arPost["DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE"] == "html" && COption::GetOptionString("blog", "allow_html", "N") == "Y") { $arAllow = array("HTML" => "Y", "ANCHOR" => "Y", "IMG" => "Y", "SMILES" => "Y", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => "Y", "QUOTE" => "Y", "CODE" => "Y"); if (COption::GetOptionString("blog", "allow_video", "Y") != "Y") { $arAllow["VIDEO"] = "N"; } $arResult["Post"]["textFormated"] = $p->convert($arPost["~DETAIL_TEXT"], false, $arImages, $arAllow, $arParserParams); } else { $arAllow = array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "Y", "BIU" => "Y", "IMG" => "Y", "QUOTE" => "Y", "CODE" => "Y", "FONT" => "Y", "LIST" => "Y", "SMILES" => "Y", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => "Y"); if (COption::GetOptionString("blog", "allow_video", "Y") != "Y") { $arAllow["VIDEO"] = "N"; } $arResult["Post"]["textFormated"] = $p->convert($arPost["~DETAIL_TEXT"], false, $arImages, $arAllow, $arParserParams); } if (!empty($p->showedImages)) { foreach ($p->showedImages as $val) { if (!empty($arResult["images"][$val])) { unset($arResult["images"][$val]); } } } $arResult["Post"]["DATE_PUBLISH_FORMATED"] = FormatDate($arParams["DATE_TIME_FORMAT"], MakeTimeStamp($arResult["Post"]["DATE_PUBLISH"], CSite::GetDateFormat("FULL")));
} $arAllow = array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "Y", "BIU" => "Y", "IMG" => "Y", "QUOTE" => "Y", "CODE" => "Y", "FONT" => "Y", "LIST" => "Y", "SMILES" => "Y", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => "Y"); if (COption::GetOptionString("blog", "allow_video", "Y") != "Y" || $arParams["ALLOW_VIDEO"] != "Y") { $arAllow["VIDEO"] = "N"; } if ($arParams["NO_URL_IN_COMMENTS"] == "L" || IntVal($arComment["AUTHOR_ID"]) <= 0 && $arParams["NO_URL_IN_COMMENTS"] == "A") { $arAllow["CUT_ANCHOR"] = "Y"; } if ($arParams["NO_URL_IN_COMMENTS_AUTHORITY_CHECK"] == "Y" && $arAllow["CUT_ANCHOR"] != "Y" && IntVal($arComment["AUTHOR_ID"]) > 0) { $authorityRatingId = CRatings::GetAuthorityRating(); $arRatingResult = CRatings::GetRatingResult($authorityRatingId, $arComment["AUTHOR_ID"]); if ($arRatingResult["CURRENT_VALUE"] < $arParams["NO_URL_IN_COMMENTS_AUTHORITY"]) { $arAllow["CUT_ANCHOR"] = "Y"; } } $arComment["TextFormated"] = $p->convert($arComment["~POST_TEXT"], false, array(), $arAllow, $arParserParams); $arComment["DateFormated"] = FormatDate($arParams["DATE_TIME_FORMAT"], MakeTimeStamp($arComment["DATE_CREATE"], CSite::GetDateFormat("FULL"))); if ($bUseTitle) { if (strlen($arComment["TITLE"]) > 0) { $arComment["TitleFormated"] = $p->convert($arComment["TITLE"], false); } if (strpos($arComment["TITLE"], "RE") === false) { $subj = "RE: " . $arComment["TITLE"]; } else { if (strpos($arComment["TITLE"], "RE") == 0) { if (strpos($arComment["TITLE"], "RE:") !== false) { $count = substr_count($arComment["TITLE"], "RE:"); $subj = substr($arComment["TITLE"], strrpos($arComment["TITLE"], "RE:") + 4); } else { if (strpos($arComment["TITLE"], "[") == 2) { $count = substr($arComment["TITLE"], 3, strpos($arComment["TITLE"], "]: ") - 3);
function OnSearchReindex($NS = array(), $oCallback = NULL, $callback_method = "") { global $DB; $arResult = array(); //CBlogSearch::Trace('OnSearchReindex', 'NS', $NS); if ($NS["MODULE"] == "blog" && strlen($NS["ID"]) > 0) { $category = substr($NS["ID"], 0, 1); $id = intval(substr($NS["ID"], 1)); } else { $category = 'B'; //start with blogs $id = 0; //very first id } //CBlogSearch::Trace('OnSearchReindex', 'category+id', array("CATEGORY"=>$category,"ID"=>$id)); //Reindex blogs if ($category == 'B') { $strSql = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\tb.ID\n\t\t\t\t\t,bg.SITE_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t,b.REAL_URL\n\t\t\t\t\t,b.URL\n\t\t\t\t\t," . $DB->DateToCharFunction("b.DATE_UPDATE") . " as DATE_UPDATE\n\t\t\t\t\t,b.NAME\n\t\t\t\t\t,b.DESCRIPTION\n\t\t\t\t\t,b.OWNER_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t,b.SOCNET_GROUP_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t,b.USE_SOCNET\n\t\t\t\t\t,b.SEARCH_INDEX\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\tb_blog b\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_blog_group bg ON (b.GROUP_ID = bg.ID)\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\tb.ACTIVE = 'Y'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND b.SEARCH_INDEX = 'Y'\n\t\t\t\t\t" . ($NS["SITE_ID"] != "" ? "AND bg.SITE_ID='" . $DB->ForSQL($NS["SITE_ID"]) . "'" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\tAND b.ID > " . $id . "\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY\n\t\t\t\t\tb.ID\n\t\t\t"; //CBlogSearch::Trace('OnSearchReindex', 'strSql', $strSql); $rs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); while ($ar = $rs->Fetch()) { if ($ar["USE_SOCNET"] == "Y") { $Result = array("ID" => "B" . $ar["ID"], "BODY" => "", "TITLE" => ""); } else { //CBlogSearch::Trace('OnSearchReindex', 'ar', $ar); $arSite = array($ar["SITE_ID"] => CBlog::PreparePath($ar["URL"], $ar["SITE_ID"], false, $ar["OWNER_ID"], $ar["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"])); //CBlogSearch::Trace('OnSearchReindex', 'arSite', $arSite); $Result = array("ID" => "B" . $ar["ID"], "LAST_MODIFIED" => $ar["DATE_UPDATE"], "TITLE" => $ar["NAME"], "BODY" => blogTextParser::killAllTags($ar["DESCRIPTION"]), "SITE_ID" => $arSite, "PARAM1" => "BLOG", "PARAM2" => $ar["OWNER_ID"], "PERMISSIONS" => array(2)); //CBlogSearch::Trace('OnSearchReindex', 'Result', $Result); } if ($oCallback) { $res = call_user_func(array($oCallback, $callback_method), $Result); if (!$res) { return $Result["ID"]; } } else { $arResult[] = $Result; } } //all blogs indexed so let's start index posts $category = 'P'; $id = 0; } if ($category == 'P') { $arUser2Blog = array(); if (COption::GetOptionString("blog", "socNetNewPerms", "N") == "N") { $dbB = CBlog::GetList(array(), array("USE_SOCNET" => "Y", "!OWNER_ID" => false), false, false, array("ID", "OWNER_ID", "USE_SOCNET", "GROUP_ID")); while ($arB = $dbB->Fetch()) { $arUser2Blog[$arB["OWNER_ID"]][$arB["GROUP_ID"]] = $arB["ID"]; } } $bSonet = false; if (IsModuleInstalled("socialnetwork")) { $bSonet = true; } $parserBlog = new blogTextParser(false, "/bitrix/images/blog/smile/"); $strSql = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\tbp.ID\n\t\t\t\t\t,bg.SITE_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t,b.REAL_URL\n\t\t\t\t\t,b.URL\n\t\t\t\t\t," . $DB->DateToCharFunction("bp.DATE_PUBLISH") . " as DATE_PUBLISH\n\t\t\t\t\t,bp.TITLE\n\t\t\t\t\t,bp.DETAIL_TEXT\n\t\t\t\t\t,bp.BLOG_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t,b.OWNER_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t,bp.CATEGORY_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t,b.SOCNET_GROUP_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t,b.USE_SOCNET\n\t\t\t\t\t,b.SEARCH_INDEX\n\t\t\t\t\t,b.GROUP_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t,bp.PATH\n\t\t\t\t\t,bp.MICRO\n\t\t\t\t\t,bp.PUBLISH_STATUS\n\t\t\t\t\t,bp.AUTHOR_ID " . ($bSonet ? ", BSL.ID as SLID" : "") . " FROM\n\t\t\t\t\tb_blog_post bp\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_blog b ON (bp.BLOG_ID = b.ID)\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_blog_group bg ON (b.GROUP_ID = bg.ID) " . ($bSonet ? "LEFT JOIN b_sonet_log BSL ON (BSL.EVENT_ID in ('blog_post', 'blog_post_micro') AND BSL.SOURCE_ID = bp.ID) " : "") . " WHERE\n\t\t\t\t\tbp.DATE_PUBLISH <= " . $DB->CurrentTimeFunction() . "\n\t\t\t\t\tAND b.ACTIVE = 'Y'\n\t\t\t\t\t" . ($NS["SITE_ID"] != "" ? "AND bg.SITE_ID='" . $DB->ForSQL($NS["SITE_ID"]) . "'" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\tAND bp.ID > " . $id . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY\n\t\t\t\t\tbp.ID\n\t\t\t"; /* AND bp.PUBLISH_STATUS = '".$DB->ForSQL(BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH)."'*/ //AND b.SEARCH_INDEX = 'Y' //CBlogSearch::Trace('OnSearchReindex', 'strSql', $strSql); $rs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); while ($ar = $rs->Fetch()) { //Check permissions $tag = ""; if ($ar["USE_SOCNET"] != "Y") { $PostPerms = CBlogUserGroup::GetGroupPerms(1, $ar["BLOG_ID"], $ar["ID"], BLOG_PERMS_POST); if ($PostPerms < BLOG_PERMS_READ) { continue; } } //CBlogSearch::Trace('OnSearchReindex', 'ar', $ar); if (strlen($ar["PATH"]) > 0) { $arSite = array($ar["SITE_ID"] => str_replace("#post_id#", $ar["ID"], $ar["PATH"])); } else { $arSite = array($ar["SITE_ID"] => CBlogPost::PreparePath($ar["URL"], $ar["ID"], $ar["SITE_ID"], false, $ar["OWNER_ID"], $ar["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"])); } if (strlen($ar["CATEGORY_ID"]) > 0) { $arC = explode(",", $ar["CATEGORY_ID"]); $tag = ""; $arTag = array(); foreach ($arC as $v) { $arCategory = CBlogCategory::GetByID($v); $arTag[] = $arCategory["NAME"]; } $tag = implode(",", $arTag); } //CBlogSearch::Trace('OnSearchReindex', 'arSite', $arSite); $Result = array("ID" => "P" . $ar["ID"], "LAST_MODIFIED" => $ar["DATE_PUBLISH"], "TITLE" => blogTextParser::killAllTags($ar["TITLE"]), "BODY" => blogTextParser::killAllTags($ar["DETAIL_TEXT"]), "SITE_ID" => $arSite, "PARAM1" => "POST", "PARAM2" => $ar["BLOG_ID"], "PERMISSIONS" => array(2), "TAGS" => $tag, "USER_ID" => $ar["AUTHOR_ID"], "ENTITY_TYPE_ID" => "BLOG_POST", "ENTITY_ID" => $ar["ID"]); if ($ar["USE_SOCNET"] == "Y" && CModule::IncludeModule("socialnetwork")) { $arF = array(); if (COption::GetOptionString("blog", "socNetNewPerms", "N") == "N") { if (IntVal($ar["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"]) > 0) { $newBlogId = 0; if (IntVal($arUser2Blog[$ar["AUTHOR_ID"]][$ar["GROUP_ID"]]) > 0) { $newBlogId = IntVal($arUser2Blog[$ar["AUTHOR_ID"]][$ar["GROUP_ID"]]); } else { $arFields = array("=DATE_UPDATE" => $DB->CurrentTimeFunction(), "GROUP_ID" => $ar["GROUP_ID"], "ACTIVE" => "Y", "ENABLE_COMMENTS" => "Y", "ENABLE_IMG_VERIF" => "Y", "EMAIL_NOTIFY" => "Y", "ENABLE_RSS" => "Y", "ALLOW_HTML" => "N", "ENABLE_TRACKBACK" => "N", "SEARCH_INDEX" => "Y", "USE_SOCNET" => "Y", "=DATE_CREATE" => $DB->CurrentTimeFunction(), "PERMS_POST" => array(1 => "I", 2 => "I"), "PERMS_COMMENT" => array(1 => "P", 2 => "P")); $bRights = false; $rsUser = CUser::GetByID($ar["AUTHOR_ID"]); $arUser = $rsUser->Fetch(); if (strlen($arUser["NAME"] . "" . $arUser["LAST_NAME"]) <= 0) { $arFields["NAME"] = GetMessage("BLG_NAME") . " " . $arUser["LOGIN"]; } else { $arFields["NAME"] = GetMessage("BLG_NAME") . " " . $arUser["NAME"] . " " . $arUser["LAST_NAME"]; } $arFields["URL"] = str_replace(" ", "_", $arUser["LOGIN"]) . "-blog-" . $ar["SITE_ID"]; $arFields["OWNER_ID"] = $ar["AUTHOR_ID"]; $urlCheck = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/is", "", $arFields["URL"]); if ($urlCheck != $arFields["URL"]) { $arFields["URL"] = "u" . $arUser["ID"] . "-blog-" . $ar["SITE_ID"]; } if (CBlog::GetByUrl($arFields["URL"])) { $uind = 0; do { $uind++; $arFields["URL"] = $arFields["URL"] . $uind; } while (CBlog::GetByUrl($arFields["URL"])); } $featureOperationPerms = CSocNetFeaturesPerms::GetOperationPerm(SONET_ENTITY_USER, $ar["AUTHOR_ID"], "blog", "view_post"); if ($featureOperationPerms == SONET_RELATIONS_TYPE_ALL) { $bRights = true; } $blogID = CBlog::Add($arFields); if ($bRights) { CBlog::AddSocnetRead($blogID); } $newBlogId = $blogID; $arUser2Blog[$arFields["OWNER_ID"]][$arFields["GROUP_ID"]] = $newBlogId; } if (intVal($newBlogId) > 0) { $arF = array("BLOG_ID" => $newBlogId, "SOCNET_RIGHTS" => array("SG" . $ar["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"])); } if (IntVal($ar["SLID"]) > 0) { CSocNetLog::Delete($ar["SLID"]); $ar["SLID"] = 0; } $arSites = array(); $rsGroupSite = CSocNetGroup::GetSite($ar["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"]); while ($arGroupSite = $rsGroupSite->Fetch()) { $arSites[] = $arGroupSite["LID"]; } } else { $newBlogId = 0; if ($ar["OWNER_ID"] != $ar["AUTHOR_ID"]) { if (IntVal($arUser2Blog[$ar["AUTHOR_ID"]][$ar["GROUP_ID"]]) > 0) { $newBlogId = IntVal($arUser2Blog[$ar["AUTHOR_ID"]][$ar["GROUP_ID"]]); } else { $arFields = array("=DATE_UPDATE" => $DB->CurrentTimeFunction(), "GROUP_ID" => $ar["GROUP_ID"], "ACTIVE" => "Y", "ENABLE_COMMENTS" => "Y", "ENABLE_IMG_VERIF" => "Y", "EMAIL_NOTIFY" => "Y", "ENABLE_RSS" => "Y", "ALLOW_HTML" => "N", "ENABLE_TRACKBACK" => "N", "SEARCH_INDEX" => "Y", "USE_SOCNET" => "Y", "=DATE_CREATE" => $DB->CurrentTimeFunction(), "PERMS_POST" => array(1 => "I", 2 => "I"), "PERMS_COMMENT" => array(1 => "P", 2 => "P")); $bRights = false; $rsUser = CUser::GetByID($ar["AUTHOR_ID"]); $arUser = $rsUser->Fetch(); if (strlen($arUser["NAME"] . "" . $arUser["LAST_NAME"]) <= 0) { $arFields["NAME"] = GetMessage("BLG_NAME") . " " . $arUser["LOGIN"]; } else { $arFields["NAME"] = GetMessage("BLG_NAME") . " " . $arUser["NAME"] . " " . $arUser["LAST_NAME"]; } $arFields["URL"] = str_replace(" ", "_", $arUser["LOGIN"]) . "-blog-" . $ar["SITE_ID"]; $arFields["OWNER_ID"] = $ar["AUTHOR_ID"]; $urlCheck = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/is", "", $arFields["URL"]); if ($urlCheck != $arFields["URL"]) { $arFields["URL"] = "u" . $arUser["ID"] . "-blog-" . $ar["SITE_ID"]; } if (CBlog::GetByUrl($arFields["URL"])) { $uind = 0; do { $uind++; $arFields["URL"] = $arFields["URL"] . $uind; } while (CBlog::GetByUrl($arFields["URL"])); } $featureOperationPerms = CSocNetFeaturesPerms::GetOperationPerm(SONET_ENTITY_USER, $ar["AUTHOR_ID"], "blog", "view_post"); if ($featureOperationPerms == SONET_RELATIONS_TYPE_ALL) { $bRights = true; } $blogID = CBlog::Add($arFields); if ($bRights) { CBlog::AddSocnetRead($blogID); } $newBlogId = $blogID; $arUser2Blog[$arFields["OWNER_ID"]][$arFields["GROUP_ID"]] = $newBlogId; } if (IntVal($ar["SLID"]) > 0) { CSocNetLog::Delete($ar["SLID"]); $ar["SLID"] = 0; } } $arF = array("SOCNET_RIGHTS" => array()); if (intVal($newBlogId) > 0) { $arF["BLOG_ID"] = $newBlogId; } $arSites = array($ar["SITE_ID"]); } if (!empty($arF)) { if (IntVal($arF["BLOG_ID"]) > 0) { $Result["PARAM2"] = $ar["BLOG_ID"]; $sqlR = "UPDATE b_blog_post SET BLOG_ID=" . IntVal($arF["BLOG_ID"]) . " WHERE ID=" . IntVal($ar["ID"]); $DB->Query($sqlR, False, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); $sqlR = "UPDATE b_blog_post_category SET BLOG_ID=" . IntVal($arF["BLOG_ID"]) . " WHERE POST_ID=" . IntVal($ar["ID"]); $DB->Query($sqlR, False, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); $sqlR = "UPDATE b_blog_image SET BLOG_ID=" . IntVal($arF["BLOG_ID"]) . " WHERE POST_ID=" . IntVal($ar["ID"]); $DB->Query($sqlR, False, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); $sqlR = "UPDATE b_blog_comment SET BLOG_ID=" . IntVal($arF["BLOG_ID"]) . " WHERE POST_ID=" . IntVal($ar["ID"]); $DB->Query($sqlR, False, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); } $sqlR = "SELECT * FROM b_blog_socnet_rights where POST_ID=" . IntVal($ar["ID"]); $dbBB = $DB->Query($sqlR); if (!$dbBB->Fetch()) { $arF["SC_PERM"] = CBlogPost::UpdateSocNetPerms($ar["ID"], $arF["SOCNET_RIGHTS"], array("AUTHOR_ID" => $ar["AUTHOR_ID"])); } if (IntVal($arF["BLOG_ID"]) > 0 && $ar["PUBLISH_STATUS"] == BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH) { $dbComment = CBlogComment::GetList(array(), array("POST_ID" => $ar["ID"]), false, false, array("ID", "POST_ID", "BLOG_ID", "PATH")); if ($arComment = $dbComment->Fetch()) { $arParamsComment = array("BLOG_ID" => $arF["BLOG_ID"], "POST_ID" => $ar["ID"], "SITE_ID" => $ar["SITE_ID"], "PATH" => $arPostSite[$arGroup["SITE_ID"]] . "?commentId=#comment_id###comment_id#", "USE_SOCNET" => "Y"); CBlogComment::_IndexPostComments($arParamsComment); } } } } if ($ar["PUBLISH_STATUS"] == BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH) { if (empty($arF["SC_PERM"])) { $arF["SC_PERM"] = CBlogPost::GetSocNetPermsCode($ar["ID"]); } $Result["PERMISSIONS"] = $arF["SC_PERM"]; if (IntVal($ar["SLID"]) <= 0) { $arAllow = array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "N", "BIU" => "N", "IMG" => "N", "QUOTE" => "N", "CODE" => "N", "FONT" => "N", "TABLE" => "N", "LIST" => "N", "SMILES" => "N", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => "N"); $text4message = $parserBlog->convert($ar["DETAIL_TEXT"], false, array(), $arAllow, array("isSonetLog" => true)); $arSoFields = array("EVENT_ID" => "blog_post", "=LOG_DATE" => $DB->CharToDateFunction($ar["DATE_PUBLISH"], "FULL", SITE_ID), "LOG_UPDATE" => $DB->CharToDateFunction($ar["DATE_PUBLISH"], "FULL", SITE_ID), "TITLE_TEMPLATE" => "#USER_NAME# add post", "TITLE" => $ar["TITLE"], "MESSAGE" => $text4message, "MODULE_ID" => "blog", "CALLBACK_FUNC" => false, "SOURCE_ID" => $ar["ID"], "ENABLE_COMMENTS" => "N", "ENTITY_TYPE" => SONET_ENTITY_USER, "ENTITY_ID" => $ar["AUTHOR_ID"], "USER_ID" => $ar["AUTHOR_ID"], "URL" => $arSite[$ar["SITE_ID"]], "SITE_ID" => $arSites); $logID = CSocNetLog::Add($arSoFields, false); if (intval($logID) > 0) { $socnetPerms = $arF["SC_PERM"]; if (!in_array("U" . $ar["AUTHOR_ID"], $socnetPerms)) { $socnetPerms[] = "U" . $ar["AUTHOR_ID"]; } $socnetPerms[] = "SA"; // socnet admin CSocNetLog::Update($logID, array("TMP_ID" => $logID, "=LOG_UPDATE" => $arSoFields["LOG_UPDATE"])); CSocNetLogRights::DeleteByLogID($logID); CSocNetLogRights::Add($logID, $socnetPerms); } } else { $socnetPerms = $arF["SC_PERM"]; if (!in_array("U" . $ar["AUTHOR_ID"], $socnetPerms)) { $socnetPerms[] = "U" . $ar["AUTHOR_ID"]; } $socnetPerms[] = "SA"; // socnet admin CSocNetLogRights::DeleteByLogID($ar["SLID"]); CSocNetLogRights::Add($ar["SLID"], $socnetPerms); } } } if ($ar["PUBLISH_STATUS"] == BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH && $ar["SEARCH_INDEX"] == "Y") { //CBlogSearch::Trace('OnSearchReindex', 'Result', $Result); if ($oCallback) { $res = call_user_func(array($oCallback, $callback_method), $Result); if (!$res) { return $Result["ID"]; } } else { $arResult[] = $Result; } } } //all blog posts indexed so let's start index users $category = 'C'; $id = 0; COption::SetOptionString("blog", "socNetNewPerms", "Y"); } if ($category == 'C') { $strSql = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\tbc.ID\n\t\t\t\t\t,bg.SITE_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t,bp.ID as POST_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t,b.URL\n\t\t\t\t\t,bp.TITLE as POST_TITLE\n\t\t\t\t\t,b.OWNER_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t,b.SOCNET_GROUP_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t,bc.TITLE\n\t\t\t\t\t,bc.POST_TEXT\n\t\t\t\t\t,bc.POST_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t,bc.BLOG_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t,b.USE_SOCNET\n\t\t\t\t\t,b.SEARCH_INDEX\n\t\t\t\t\t,bc.PATH\n\t\t\t\t\t," . $DB->DateToCharFunction("bc.DATE_CREATE") . " as DATE_CREATE\n\t\t\t\t\t,bc.AUTHOR_ID\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\tb_blog_comment bc\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_blog_post bp ON (bp.ID = bc.POST_ID)\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_blog b ON (bc.BLOG_ID = b.ID)\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_blog_group bg ON (b.GROUP_ID = bg.ID)\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\tbc.ID > " . $id . " \n\t\t\t\t\t" . ($NS["SITE_ID"] != "" ? " AND bg.SITE_ID='" . $DB->ForSQL($NS["SITE_ID"]) . "'" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\tAND b.SEARCH_INDEX = 'Y'\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY\n\t\t\t\t\tbc.ID\n\t\t\t"; //CBlogSearch::Trace('OnSearchReindex', 'strSql', $strSql); $rs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); while ($ar = $rs->Fetch()) { //Check permissions $tag = ""; $PostPerms = CBlogUserGroup::GetGroupPerms(1, $ar["BLOG_ID"], $ar["POST_ID"], BLOG_PERMS_POST); if ($PostPerms < BLOG_PERMS_READ) { continue; } //CBlogSearch::Trace('OnSearchReindex', 'ar', $ar); if (strlen($ar["PATH"]) > 0) { $arSite = array($ar["SITE_ID"] => str_replace("#comment_id#", $ar["ID"], $ar["PATH"])); } else { $arSite = array($ar["SITE_ID"] => CBlogPost::PreparePath($ar["URL"], $ar["POST_ID"], $ar["SITE_ID"], false, $ar["OWNER_ID"], $ar["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"])); } $Result = array("ID" => "C" . $ar["ID"], "SITE_ID" => $arSite, "LAST_MODIFIED" => $ar["DATE_CREATE"], "PARAM1" => "COMMENT", "PARAM2" => $ar["BLOG_ID"] . "|" . $ar["POST_ID"], "PERMISSIONS" => array(2), "TITLE" => $ar["TITLE"], "BODY" => blogTextParser::killAllTags($ar["POST_TEXT"]), "INDEX_TITLE" => false, "USER_ID" => IntVal($ar["AUTHOR_ID"]) > 0 ? $ar["AUTHOR_ID"] : false, "ENTITY_TYPE_ID" => "BLOG_COMMENT", "ENTITY_ID" => $ar["ID"]); if ($ar["USE_SOCNET"] == "Y") { $arSp = CBlogComment::GetSocNetCommentPerms($ar["POST_ID"]); if (is_array($arSp)) { $Result["PERMISSIONS"] = $arSp; } } if (strlen($ar["TITLE"]) <= 0) { $Result["TITLE"] = substr($Result["BODY"], 0, 100); } if ($oCallback) { $res = call_user_func(array($oCallback, $callback_method), $Result); if (!$res) { return $Result["ID"]; } } else { $arResult[] = $Result; } } //all blog posts indexed so let's start index users $category = 'U'; $id = 0; } if ($category == 'U') { $strSql = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\tbu.ID\n\t\t\t\t\t,bg.SITE_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t," . $DB->DateToCharFunction("bu.LAST_VISIT") . " as LAST_VISIT\n\t\t\t\t\t," . $DB->DateToCharFunction("u.DATE_REGISTER") . " as DATE_REGISTER\n\t\t\t\t\t,bu.ALIAS\n\t\t\t\t\t,bu.DESCRIPTION\n\t\t\t\t\t,bu.INTERESTS\n\t\t\t\t\t,u.NAME\n\t\t\t\t\t,u.LAST_NAME\n\t\t\t\t\t,u.LOGIN\n\t\t\t\t\t,bu.USER_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t,b.OWNER_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t,b.USE_SOCNET\n\t\t\t\t\t,b.SEARCH_INDEX\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\tb_blog_user bu\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_user u ON (u.ID = bu.USER_ID)\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_blog b ON (u.ID = b.OWNER_ID)\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_blog_group bg ON (b.GROUP_ID = bg.ID)\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\tb.ACTIVE = 'Y'\n\t\t\t\t\t" . ($NS["SITE_ID"] != "" ? "AND bg.SITE_ID='" . $DB->ForSQL($NS["SITE_ID"]) . "'" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\tAND bu.ID > " . $id . "\n\t\t\t\t\tAND b.SEARCH_INDEX = 'Y'\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY\n\t\t\t\t\tbu.ID\n\t\t\t"; //CBlogSearch::Trace('OnSearchReindex', 'strSql', $strSql); $rs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); while ($ar = $rs->Fetch()) { if ($ar["USE_SOCNET"] == "Y") { $Result = array("ID" => "U" . $ar["ID"], "BODY" => "", "TITLE" => ""); } else { //CBlogSearch::Trace('OnSearchReindex', 'ar', $ar); $arSite = array($ar["SITE_ID"] => CBlogUser::PreparePath($ar["USER_ID"], $ar["SITE_ID"])); //CBlogSearch::Trace('OnSearchReindex', 'arSite', $arSite); $Result = array("ID" => "U" . $ar["ID"], "LAST_MODIFIED" => $ar["LAST_VISIT"], "TITLE" => CBlogUser::GetUserName($ar["ALIAS"], $ar["NAME"], $ar["LAST_NAME"], $ar["LOGIN"]), "BODY" => blogTextParser::killAllTags($ar["DESCRIPTION"] . " " . $ar["INTERESTS"]), "SITE_ID" => $arSite, "PARAM1" => "USER", "PARAM2" => $ar["ID"], "PERMISSIONS" => array(2)); if (strlen($Result["LAST_MODIFIED"]) <= 0) { $Result["LAST_MODIFIED"] = $ar["DATE_REGISTER"]; } } //CBlogSearch::Trace('OnSearchReindex', 'Result', $Result); if ($oCallback) { $res = call_user_func(array($oCallback, $callback_method), $Result); if (!$res) { return $Result["ID"]; } } else { $arResult[] = $Result; } } } if ($oCallback) { return false; } return $arResult; }
$arPost["AUTHOR_ID"] = $arUser["ID"]; $arPost["CATEGORY_ID"] = implode(",", $iCategory); $postID = CBlogPost::Add($arPost); // posts to socialnetwork log if (CModule::IncludeModule("socialnetwork")) { $arPost["ID"] = $postID; $arParams = array("UserID" => $arUser["ID"], "allowHTML" => "N", "allowVideo" => "Y", "PATH_TO_SMILE" => false, "PATH_TO_POST" => WIZARD_SITE_DIR . 'people/user/#user_id#/blog/#post_id#/', "user_id" => $arUser["ID"]); $arBlog = CBlog::GetByID($blogID); if ($arPost["ID"]) { $parserBlog = new blogTextParser(false, $arParams["PATH_TO_SMILE"]); if ($arPost["DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE"] == "html" && $arParams["allowHTML"] == "Y" && $arBlog["ALLOW_HTML"] == "Y") { $arAllow = array("HTML" => "Y", "ANCHOR" => "Y", "IMG" => "Y", "SMILES" => "N", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => "Y", "QUOTE" => "Y", "CODE" => "Y"); if ($arParams["allowVideo"] != "Y") { $arAllow["VIDEO"] = "N"; } $text4message = $parserBlog->convert($arPost["DETAIL_TEXT"], false, $arImages, $arAllow); } else { $arAllow = array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "N", "BIU" => "N", "IMG" => "N", "QUOTE" => "N", "CODE" => "N", "FONT" => "N", "TABLE" => "N", "LIST" => "N", "SMILES" => "N", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => "N"); $text4message = $parserBlog->convert($arPost["DETAIL_TEXT"], false, $arImages, $arAllow, array("isSonetLog" => true)); } $arSoFields = array("EVENT_ID" => "blog_post", "=LOG_DATE" => strlen($arPost["DATE_PUBLISH"]) > 0 ? MakeTimeStamp($arPost["DATE_PUBLISH"], CSite::GetDateFormat("FULL", $SITE_ID)) > time() + CTimeZone::GetOffset() ? $DB->CharToDateFunction($arPost["DATE_PUBLISH"], "FULL", SITE_ID) : $DB->CurrentTimeFunction() : $DB->CurrentTimeFunction(), "TITLE_TEMPLATE" => "#USER_NAME# " . GetMessage("BLG_SONET_TITLE"), "TITLE" => $arPost["TITLE"], "MESSAGE" => $text4message, "TEXT_MESSAGE" => $text4mail, "MODULE_ID" => "blog", "CALLBACK_FUNC" => false, "SOURCE_ID" => $arPost["ID"], "ENABLE_COMMENTS" => array_key_exists("ENABLE_COMMENTS", $arPost) && $arPost["ENABLE_COMMENTS"] == "N" ? "N" : "Y", "SITE_ID" => WIZARD_SITE_ID); $arSoFields["RATING_TYPE_ID"] = "BLOG_POST"; $arSoFields["RATING_ENTITY_ID"] = intval($arPost["ID"]); if ($arParams["bGroupMode"]) { $arSoFields["ENTITY_TYPE"] = SONET_ENTITY_GROUP; $arSoFields["ENTITY_ID"] = $arParams["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"]; $arSoFields["URL"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_POST"], array("blog" => $arBlog["URL"], "user_id" => $arBlog["OWNER_ID"], "group_id" => $arParams["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"], "post_id" => $arPost["ID"])); } else { $arSoFields["ENTITY_TYPE"] = SONET_ENTITY_USER; $arSoFields["ENTITY_ID"] = $arBlog["OWNER_ID"]; $arSoFields["URL"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_POST"], array("blog" => $arBlog["URL"], "user_id" => $arBlog["OWNER_ID"], "group_id" => $arParams["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"], "post_id" => $arPost["ID"]));
$CurPost["urlToBlog"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_BLOG"], array("blog" => $arBlog["URL"])); } } $CurPost["urlToPost"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_POST"], array("blog" => $arBlog["URL"], "post_id" => $CurPost["ID"])); $CurPost["urlToAuthor"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_USER"], array("user_id" => $CurPost["AUTHOR_ID"])); $arImages = array(); $res = CBlogImage::GetList(array("ID" => "ASC"), array("POST_ID" => $arPost['ID'], "BLOG_ID" => $arBlog['ID'])); while ($arImage = $res->Fetch()) { $arImages[$arImage['ID']] = $arImage['FILE_ID']; } if ($CurPost["DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE"] == "html" && COption::GetOptionString("blog", "allow_html", "N") == "Y") { $arAllow = array("HTML" => "Y", "ANCHOR" => "Y", "IMG" => "Y", "SMILES" => "Y", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => "Y", "QUOTE" => "Y", "CODE" => "Y"); if (COption::GetOptionString("blog", "allow_video", "Y") != "Y") { $arAllow["VIDEO"] = "N"; } $CurPost["TEXT_FORMATED"] = $p->convert($CurPost["~DETAIL_TEXT"], true, $arImages, $arAllow); } else { $arAllow = array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "Y", "BIU" => "Y", "IMG" => "Y", "QUOTE" => "Y", "CODE" => "Y", "FONT" => "Y", "LIST" => "Y", "SMILES" => "Y", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => "Y"); if (COption::GetOptionString("blog", "allow_video", "Y") != "Y") { $arAllow["VIDEO"] = "N"; } $CurPost["TEXT_FORMATED"] = $p->convert($CurPost["~DETAIL_TEXT"], true, $arImages, $arAllow); } $CurPost["IMAGES"] = $arImages; $CurPost["BlogUser"] = CBlogUser::GetByID($CurPost["AUTHOR_ID"], BLOG_BY_USER_ID); $CurPost["BlogUser"] = CBlogTools::htmlspecialcharsExArray($CurPost["BlogUser"]); $CurPost["BlogUser"]["AVATAR_file"] = CFile::GetFileArray($CurPost["BlogUser"]["AVATAR"]); if ($CurPost["BlogUser"]["AVATAR_file"] !== false) { $CurPost["BlogUser"]["AVATAR_img"] = CFile::ShowImage($CurPost["BlogUser"]["AVATAR_file"]["SRC"], 150, 150, "border=0 align='right'"); } $dbUser = CUser::GetByID($CurPost["AUTHOR_ID"]);
} else { if ($v1["PUBLISH_STATUS"] != BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH) { unset($arResult["CommentsResult"][$k1]); unset($arResult["IDS"][$k1]); } } if (isset($arResult["CommentsResult"][$k1])) { if (IntVal($arResult["ajax_comment"]) > 0 && $v1["ID"] == $arResult["ajax_comment"]) { $p = new blogTextParser(false, $arParams["PATH_TO_SMILE"]); $p->bMobile = true; $arParserParams = array("pathToUser" => "/mobile/users/?user_id=#user_id#"); if (is_array($v1["COMMENT_PROPERTIES"]["DATA"]["UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE"])) { $p->arUserfields = array("UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE" => array_merge($v1["COMMENT_PROPERTIES"]["DATA"]["UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE"], array("TAG" => "DOCUMENT ID"))); } $arAllow = array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "Y", "BIU" => "Y", "IMG" => "Y", "QUOTE" => "Y", "CODE" => "Y", "FONT" => "Y", "LIST" => "Y", "SMILES" => "Y", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => COption::GetOptionString("blog", "allow_video", "Y") != "Y" || $arParams["ALLOW_VIDEO"] != "Y" ? "N" : "Y", "SHORT_ANCHOR" => "Y"); $arResult["CommentsResult"][$k1]["TextFormatedMobile"] = $p->convert($v1["POST_TEXT"], false, array(), $arAllow, $arParserParams); } else { $arResult["CommentsResult"][$k1]["TextFormatedMobile"] = ""; } } } } if ($arResult["newCount"] < 3) { $arResult["newCount"] = 3; } $arResult["~newCount"] = $arResult["newCount"]; if (IntVal($commentUrlID) > 0) { $arResult["newCount"] = count($arResult["CommentsResult"]); } if ($arParams["SHOW_RATING"] == "Y" && !empty($arResult["IDS"])) { $arResult['RATING'] = CRatings::GetRatingVoteResult('BLOG_COMMENT', $arResult["IDS"]);
CSocNetTools::InitGlobalExtranetArrays(); } $arTmpUser = array("NAME" => $arAuthor["~NAME"], "LAST_NAME" => $arAuthor["~LAST_NAME"], "SECOND_NAME" => $arAuthor["~SECOND_NAME"], "LOGIN" => $arAuthor["~LOGIN"], "NAME_LIST_FORMATTED" => ""); $arAuthor["NAME_FORMATED"] = CUser::FormatName($arParams["NAME_TEMPLATE"], $arTmpUser, $arParams["SHOW_LOGIN"] != "N" ? true : false); if (intval($arAuthor["PERSONAL_PHOTO"]) > 0) { $image_resize = CFile::ResizeImageGet($arAuthor["PERSONAL_PHOTO"], array("width" => $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"], "height" => $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"]), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_EXACT); $arAuthor["PERSONAL_PHOTO_RESIZED"] = array("src" => $image_resize["src"]); } $p = new blogTextParser(false, ''); $arPostFields = $GLOBALS["USER_FIELD_MANAGER"]->GetUserFields("BLOG_COMMENT", $arComment["ID"], LANGUAGE_ID); if (is_array($arPostFields[$ufCode])) { $p->arUserfields = array($ufCode => array_merge($arPostFields[$ufCode], array("TAG" => "DOCUMENT ID"))); } $arAllow = array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "Y", "BIU" => "Y", "IMG" => "Y", "QUOTE" => "Y", "CODE" => "Y", "FONT" => "Y", "LIST" => "Y", "SMILES" => "Y", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => "Y", "SHORT_ANCHOR" => "Y"); $arParserParams = array("imageWidth" => 800, "imageHeight" => 800); $arComment["TextFormated"] = $p->convert($arComment["POST_TEXT"], false, array(), $arAllow, $arParserParams); $p->bMobile = true; $arComment["TextFormatedMobile"] = $p->convert($arComment["POST_TEXT"], false, array(), $arAllow, $arParserParams); if ($perm >= BLOG_PERMS_MODERATE) { if ($arComment["PUBLISH_STATUS"] == BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH) { $arComment["CAN_HIDE"] = "Y"; } else { $arComment["CAN_SHOW"] = "Y"; } } else { $arComment["CAN_SHOW"] = $arComment["CAN_HIDE"] = "N"; } $urlToPost = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate(htmlspecialcharsBack($arParams["PATH_TO_POST"]), array("post_id" => "#source_post_id#", "user_id" => $arPost["AUTHOR_ID"])); $urlToPost .= strpos($urlToPost, "?") !== false ? "&" : "?"; $arFields = array("POST_ID" => $arBlogPost["ID"], "COMMENT_ID" => $commentId, "arComment" => $arComment, "arAuthor" => $arAuthor, "arUrl" => array("LINK" => $urlToPost, "SHOW" => $urlToPost . "show_comment_id=#comment_id#&comment_post_id=#post_id#&" . bitrix_sessid_get(), "HIDE" => $urlToPost . "hide_comment_id=#comment_id#&comment_post_id=#post_id#&" . bitrix_sessid_get(), "DELETE" => $urlToPost . "delete_comment_id=#comment_id#&comment_post_id=#post_id#&" . bitrix_sessid_get(), "USER" => htmlspecialcharsback($arParams["PATH_TO_USER"])), "RATING_TYPE" => "like", "SHOW_RATING" => $arParams["SHOW_RATING"]); $arParams["RATING_TYPE"] = "like";
$cache_path = "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/" . $arBlog["URL"] . "/post/" . $arPost["ID"] . "/"; if ($CACHE_TIME > 0 && $cache->InitCache($CACHE_TIME, $cache_id, $cache_path)) { $cache->Output(); } else { if ($CACHE_TIME > 0) { $cache->StartDataCache($CACHE_TIME, $cache_id, $cache_path); } $urtToPost = CBlogPost::PreparePath($arBlog["URL"], $arPost["ID"], false, $is404); $urtToBlog = CBlog::PreparePath($arBlog["URL"], false, $is404); $urlToAuthor = CBlogUser::PreparePath($arPost["AUTHOR_ID"], false, $is404); $p = new blogTextParser(); $res = CBlogImage::GetList(array("ID" => "ASC"), array("POST_ID" => $arPost['ID'], "BLOG_ID" => $arBlog['ID'])); while ($arImage = $res->Fetch()) { $arImages[$arImage['ID']] = $arImage['FILE_ID']; } $text = $p->convert($arPost["DETAIL_TEXT"], false, $arImages); $BlogUser = CBlogUser::GetByID($arPost["AUTHOR_ID"], BLOG_BY_USER_ID); $dbUser = CUser::GetByID($arPost["AUTHOR_ID"]); $arUser = $dbUser->Fetch(); $AuthorName = CBlogUser::GetUserName($BlogUser["ALIAS"], $arUser["NAME"], $arUser["LAST_NAME"], $arUser["LOGIN"]); ?> <table class="blogtableborder" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="blogtablebody"> <tr> <td class="blogtablehead" align="left" nowrap width="100%" style="padding-left:10px;"><font class="blogpostdate"><?php echo $arPost["DATE_PUBLISH"]; ?> </font></td> <td align="right" class="blogtablehead" nowrap style="padding-right:10px;"><font class="blogauthor"><a href="<?php
$arTmp["urlToPost"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_GROUP_BLOG_POST"], array("blog" => $arPost["BLOG_URL"], "post_id" => $arPost["ID"], "group_id" => $arPost["BLOG_SOCNET_GROUP_ID"])); } else { $arTmp["urlToPost"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_POST"], array("blog" => $arPost["BLOG_URL"], "post_id" => $arPost["ID"], "user_id" => $arPost["BLOG_OWNER_ID"])); } $arTmp["urlToAuthor"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_USER"], array("user_id" => $arPost["AUTHOR_ID"])); $arTmp["AuthorName"] = CBlogUser::GetUserName($arPost["BLOG_USER_ALIAS"], $arPost["AUTHOR_NAME"], $arPost["AUTHOR_LAST_NAME"], $arPost["AUTHOR_LOGIN"]); $arImage = array(); $res = CBlogImage::GetList(array("ID" => "ASC"), array("POST_ID" => $arPost['ID'])); while ($arImage = $res->Fetch()) { $arImages[$arImage['ID']] = $arImage['FILE_ID']; } if (preg_match("/(\\[CUT\\])/i", $arTmp['DETAIL_TEXT']) || preg_match("/(<CUT>)/i", $arTmp['DETAIL_TEXT'])) { $arTmp["CUT"] = "Y"; } if ($arTmp["DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE"] == "html") { $arTmp["TEXT_FORMATED"] = $p->convert($arTmp["~DETAIL_TEXT"], true, $arImages, array("HTML" => "Y", "ANCHOR" => "Y", "IMG" => "Y", "SMILES" => "Y", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => "Y", "QUOTE" => "Y", "CODE" => "Y")); } else { $arTmp["TEXT_FORMATED"] = $p->convert($arTmp["~DETAIL_TEXT"], true, $arImages); } $arTmp["IMAGES"] = $arImages; $arTmp["DATE_PUBLISH_FORMATED"] = date($arParams["DATE_TIME_FORMAT"], MakeTimeStamp($arTmp["DATE_PUBLISH"], CSite::GetDateFormat("FULL"))); $dbCategory = CBlogPostCategory::GetList(array("NAME" => "ASC"), array("POST_ID" => $arTmp["ID"], "BLOG_ID" => $arPost["BLOG_ID"])); while ($arCategory = $dbCategory->GetNext()) { $arCategory["urlToCategory"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_BLOG_CATEGORY"], array("category_name" => urlencode($arCategory["NAME"]))); $arTmp["CATEGORY"][] = $arCategory; } $arResult["POSTS"][] = $arTmp; } if ($arParams["SHOW_RATING"] == "Y" && !empty($arResult["IDS"])) { $arResult["RATING"] = CRatings::GetRatingVoteResult("BLOG_POST", $arResult["IDS"]); }
public function OnAfterPhotoCommentAddBlog($ID, $arFields) { if (!CModule::IncludeModule('iblock')) { return; } if (!$this->IsSocnet) { return; } if (intval($this->PhotoElementID) > 0) { $dbRes = CSocNetLog::GetList(array("ID" => "DESC"), array("EVENT_ID" => "photo_photo", "SOURCE_ID" => $this->PhotoElementID), false, false, array("ID", "ENTITY_TYPE", "ENTITY_ID", "TMP_ID", "TITLE", "URL", "USER_ID", "PARAMS")); $bSocNetLogRecordExists = false; if ($arRes = $dbRes->Fetch()) { $log_id = $arRes["ID"]; $entity_type = $arRes["ENTITY_TYPE"]; $entity_id = $arRes["ENTITY_ID"]; $log_title = $arRes["TITLE"]; $log_url = $arRes["URL"]; $log_user_id = $arRes["USER_ID"]; $bSocNetLogRecordExists = true; if (strlen($arRes["PARAMS"]) > 0) { $arTmp = unserialize($arRes["PARAMS"]); if ($arTmp) { if (array_key_exists("SECTION_NAME", $arTmp) && strlen($arTmp["SECTION_NAME"]) > 0) { $log_section_name = $arTmp["SECTION_NAME"]; } if (array_key_exists("SECTION_URL", $arTmp) && strlen($arTmp["SECTION_URL"]) > 0) { $log_section_url = $arTmp["SECTION_URL"]; } } } } else { $rsElement = CIBlockElement::GetByID($this->PhotoElementID); if ($arElement = $rsElement->Fetch()) { $url = $this->arPath["DETAIL_URL"]; $sAuthorName = GetMessage("SONET_PHOTO_LOG_GUEST"); if (intval($arElement["CREATED_BY"]) > 0) { $rsUser = CUser::GetByID($arElement["CREATED_BY"]); if ($arUser = $rsUser->Fetch()) { $sAuthorName = CUser::FormatName(CSite::GetNameFormat(false), $arUser, true, false); } } if (in_array($this->entity_type, array(SONET_ENTITY_USER, SONET_ENTITY_GROUP)) && intval($this->entity_id) > 0) { $entity_type = $this->entity_type; $entity_id = $this->entity_id; $alias = ($this->entity_type == SONET_ENTITY_GROUP ? "group" : "user") . "_" . $this->entity_id; } $arLogParams = array("BLOG_ID" => intval($this->BlogID)); $rsIBlock = CIBlock::GetByID($arElement["IBLOCK_ID"]); if ($arIBlock = $rsIBlock->Fetch()) { $arLogParams["IBLOCK_ID"] = $arIBlock["ID"]; $arLogParams["IBLOCK_TYPE"] = $arIBlock["IBLOCK_TYPE_ID"]; } $rsSection = CIBlockSection::GetByID($arElement["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"]); if ($arSection = $rsSection->Fetch()) { $arLogParams["SECTION_ID"] = $arSection["ID"]; $arLogParams["SECTION_NAME"] = $arSection["NAME"]; $arLogParams["SECTION_URL"] = str_replace("#SECTION_ID#", $arSection["ID"], $this->arPath["SECTION_URL"]); $arSectionPath = array(); $bPassword = false; $dbSectionPath = CIBlockSection::GetList(array("LEFT_MARGIN" => "ASC"), array("IBLOCK_ID" => intval($arLogParams["IBLOCK_ID"]), "<=LEFT_BORDER" => intval($arSection["LEFT_MARGIN"]), ">=RIGHT_BORDER" => intval($arSection["RIGHT_MARGIN"]), "<=DEPTH_LEVEL" => intval($arSection["DEPTH_LEVEL"])), false, array("ID", "IBLOCK_ID", "NAME", "CREATED_BY", "DEPTH_LEVEL", "LEFT_MARGIN", "RIGHT_MARGIN", "UF_PASSWORD")); while ($arPath = $dbSectionPath->Fetch()) { $arSectionPath[] = $arPath; if (strlen(trim($arPath["UF_PASSWORD"])) > 0) { $bPassword = true; break; } } if (!$alias) { $entity_type = SONET_ENTITY_USER; $entity_id = $arSectionPath[0]["CREATED_BY"]; $alias = $arSectionPath[0]["CODE"]; } } $arLogParams["ALIAS"] = $alias; $arSonetFields = array("ENTITY_TYPE" => $entity_type, "ENTITY_ID" => $entity_id, "EVENT_ID" => "photo_photo", "LOG_DATE" => $arElement["TIMESTAMP_X"], "TITLE_TEMPLATE" => str_replace("#AUTHOR_NAME#", $sAuthorName, GetMessage("SONET_PHOTOPHOTO_LOG_1")), "TITLE" => $arElement["NAME"], "MESSAGE" => "", "TEXT_MESSAGE" => "", "URL" => CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($url, array("ELEMENT_ID" => $arElement["ID"], "element_id" => $arElement["ID"], "SECTION_ID" => $arElement["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"], "section_id" => $arElement["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"])), "MODULE_ID" => false, "CALLBACK_FUNC" => false, "SOURCE_ID" => $arElement["ID"], "PARAMS" => serialize($arLogParams), "RATING_TYPE_ID" => "IBLOCK_ELEMENT", "RATING_ENTITY_ID" => $arElement["ID"]); if (intval($arElement["CREATED_BY"]) > 0) { $arSonetFields["USER_ID"] = $arElement["CREATED_BY"]; } $log_id = CSocNetLog::Add($arSonetFields, false); if (intval($log_id) > 0) { $log_title = $arSonetFields["TITLE"]; $log_url = $arSonetFields["URL"]; $log_section_name = $arLogParams["SECTION_NAME"]; $log_section_url = $arLogParams["SECTION_URL"]; $log_user_id = $arSonetFields["USER_ID"]; CSocNetLog::Update($log_id, array("TMP_ID" => $log_id)); if ($bPassword) { CSocNetLogRights::DeleteByLogID($log_id); CSocNetLogRights::Add($log_id, array("U" . $GLOBALS["USER"]->GetID(), "SA")); } else { CSocNetLogRights::SetForSonet($log_id, $entity_type, $entity_id, "photo", "view", true); } } } } if (intval($log_id) > 0) { $parserBlog = new blogTextParser(false, $this->arPath["PATH_TO_SMILE"]); $arAllow = array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "N", "BIU" => "N", "IMG" => "N", "QUOTE" => "N", "CODE" => "N", "FONT" => "N", "LIST" => "N", "SMILES" => "N", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => "N"); if ($bSocNetLogRecordExists) { $text4message = $parserBlog->convert($arFields["POST_TEXT"], true, array(), $arAllow); $text4mail = $parserBlog->convert4mail($arFields["POST_TEXT"]); $arFieldsForSocnet = array("ENTITY_TYPE" => $entity_type, "ENTITY_ID" => $entity_id, "EVENT_ID" => "photo_comment", "=LOG_DATE" => $GLOBALS["DB"]->CurrentTimeFunction(), "MESSAGE" => $text4message, "TEXT_MESSAGE" => $text4mail, "MODULE_ID" => false, "SOURCE_ID" => $ID, "LOG_ID" => $log_id, "RATING_TYPE_ID" => "BLOG_COMMENT", "RATING_ENTITY_ID" => $ID); if (intval($arFields["AUTHOR_ID"]) > 0) { $arFieldsForSocnet["USER_ID"] = $arFields["AUTHOR_ID"]; } $comment_id = CSocNetLogComments::Add($arFieldsForSocnet, false, false); if ($comment_id) { CSocNetLog::CounterIncrement($comment_id, false, false, "LC"); $arFieldsIM = array("TYPE" => "COMMENT", "TITLE" => $log_title, "MESSAGE" => $arFieldsForSocnet["MESSAGE"], "URL" => $log_url, "SECTION_NAME" => $log_section_name, "SECTION_URL" => $log_section_url, "ID" => $this->PhotoElementID, "PHOTO_AUTHOR_ID" => $log_user_id, "COMMENT_AUTHOR_ID" => $arFields["AUTHOR_ID"]); CSocNetPhotoCommentEvent::NotifyIm($arFieldsIM); } } else { $dbComments = CBlogComment::GetList(array(), array("BLOG_ID" => intval($this->BlogID), "POST_ID" => intval($this->PostID)), false, false, array("ID", "BLOG_ID", "POST_ID", "AUTHOR_ID", "POST_TEXT", "DATE_CREATE")); while ($arComment = $dbComments->GetNext()) { $text4message = $parserBlog->convert($arComment["POST_TEXT"], true, array(), $arAllow); $text4mail = $parserBlog->convert4mail($arComment["POST_TEXT"]); $arFieldsForSocnet = array("ENTITY_TYPE" => $entity_type, "ENTITY_ID" => $entity_id, "EVENT_ID" => "photo_comment", "=LOG_DATE" => $GLOBALS["DB"]->CharToDateFunction($arComment["DATE_CREATE"], "FULL", SITE_ID), "MESSAGE" => $text4message, "TEXT_MESSAGE" => $text4mail, "MODULE_ID" => false, "SOURCE_ID" => intval($arComment["ID"]), "LOG_ID" => $log_id, "RATING_TYPE_ID" => "BLOG_COMMENT", "RATING_ENTITY_ID" => intval($arComment["ID"])); if (intval($arFields["AUTHOR_ID"]) > 0) { $arFieldsForSocnet["USER_ID"] = $arFields["AUTHOR_ID"]; } $comment_id = CSocNetLogComments::Add($arFieldsForSocnet, false, false); if ($comment_id) { CSocNetLog::CounterIncrement($comment_id, false, false, "LC"); $arFieldsIM = array("TYPE" => "COMMENT", "TITLE" => $log_title, "MESSAGE" => $arFieldsForSocnet["MESSAGE"], "URL" => $log_url, "SECTION_NAME" => $log_section_name, "SECTION_URL" => $log_section_url, "ID" => $this->PhotoElementID, "PHOTO_AUTHOR_ID" => $log_user_id, "COMMENT_AUTHOR_ID" => $arFields["AUTHOR_ID"]); CSocNetPhotoCommentEvent::NotifyIm($arFieldsIM); } } if ($arElement) { self::InheriteAlbumFollow($arElement["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"], $log_id, intVal($arElement["CREATED_BY"]) > 0 ? $arElement["CREATED_BY"] : false); } } } } }
$arDest[] = "[user="******"POST_DATA"]["SPERM_NAME"][$type][$entityId]["ID"] . "]" . htmlspecialcharsback($arParams["POST_DATA"]["SPERM_NAME"][$type][$entityId]["NAME"]) . "[/user]"; } } } $arDest[] = GetMessage("B_B_SHARE_HIDDEN_1"); $destText = GetMessage("B_B_SHARE_1"); if (count($arDest) > 1) { $destText = GetMessage("B_B_SHARE"); } $destText .= implode(", ", $arDest); if (!$p) { $p = new blogTextParser(false, $arParams["PATH_TO_SMILE"]); $arParserParams = array("imageWidth" => $arParams["IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH"], "imageHeight" => $arParams["IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT"], "pathToUser" => $arParams["PATH_TO_USER"]); $arAllow = array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "Y", "BIU" => "Y", "IMG" => "Y", "QUOTE" => "Y", "CODE" => "Y", "FONT" => "Y", "LIST" => "Y", "SMILES" => "Y", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => "Y", "SHORT_ANCHOR" => "Y"); } $arResult["CommentsResult"][$k1]["TextFormated"] = $p->convert($destText, false, array(), $arAllow, $arParserParams); } } } $bAuthor = false; if (IntVal($v1["AUTHOR_ID"]) > 0 && $v1["AUTHOR_ID"] == $user_id) { $bAuthor = true; } if ($bIntranetInstalled && $bAuthor || $arResult["Perm"] >= BLOG_PERMS_FULL && !$bIntranetInstalled || CSocNetUser::IsCurrentUserModuleAdmin() || $APPLICATION->GetGroupRight("blog") >= "W") { $arResult["CommentsResult"][$k1]["CAN_DELETE"] = "Y"; $arResult["CommentsResult"][$k1]["CAN_EDIT"] = "Y"; } if ($bAuthor && $arPost["AUTHOR_ID"] != $v1["AUTHOR_ID"] && strlen($v1["SHARE_DEST"]) > 0) { $arResult["CommentsResult"][$k1]["CAN_DELETE"] = "N"; $arResult["CommentsResult"][$k1]["CAN_EDIT"] = "N"; }
$arPostsAll[] = $arPost; } if (!empty($arIdToGet)) { $arResult["userCache"] = CBlogUser::GetUserInfoArray($arIdToGet, $arParams["PATH_TO_USER"], array("AVATAR_SIZE" => $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE"])); foreach ($arResult["userCache"] as $userId => $arUserCache) { $arUserCache["~AUTHOR_NAME"] = CUser::FormatName($arParams["NAME_TEMPLATE"], array("LAST_NAME" => $arUserCache["~LAST_NAME"], "NAME" => $arUserCache["~NAME"], "SECOND_NAME" => $arUserCache["~SECOND_NAME"], "LOGIN" => $arUserCache["~LOGIN"]), $arParams["SHOW_LOGIN"], false); $arUserCache["AUTHOR_NAME"] = htmlspecialcharsbx($arUserCache["~AUTHOR_NAME"]); $arResult["userCache"][$userId] = $arUserCache; } } $db_user = CUser::GetById($GLOBALS["USER"]->GetId()); $arResult["USER"] = $db_user->Fetch(); foreach ($arPostsAll as $arPost) { $text = preg_replace($patt, $repl, $arPost["~DETAIL_TEXT"]); $text = TruncateText($text, $arParams["MESSAGE_LENGTH"]); $text = CBlogTools::DeleteDoubleBR($p->convert($text, true, false, $allow)); $arPost["~CLEAR_TEXT"] = $text; $arPost["CLEAR_TEXT"] = $p->wrap_long_words($text); $arPost["perms"] = $arResult["perms"]; if (!$bGroupMode && $arParams["USER_ID"] == $user_id && (empty($arParams["4ME"]) || $arPost["AUTHOR_ID"] == $user_id)) { $arPost["perms"] = BLOG_PERMS_FULL; } elseif (!$bGroupMode && $arParams["USER_ID"] != $user_id || strlen($arParams["4ME"]) > 0) { $arPost["perms"] = CBlogPost::GetSocNetPostPerms($arPost["ID"], true); } $arUser = $arResult["userCache"][$arPost["AUTHOR_ID"]]; $arPost["~AUTHOR_NAME"] = $arUser["~AUTHOR_NAME"]; $arPost["AUTHOR_NAME"] = $arUser["AUTHOR_NAME"]; $arPost["AUTHOR_AVATAR"] = $arUser["PERSONAL_PHOTO_resized"]; $arPost["urlToPost"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["~PATH_TO_POST"], array("post_id" => CBlogPost::GetPostID($arPost["ID"], $arPost["CODE"], $arParams["ALLOW_POST_CODE"]), "user_id" => $arPost["BLOG_OWNER_ID"])); $arPost["urlToPosts"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["~PATH_TO_BLOG_POSTS"], array("user_id" => $arPost["BLOG_OWNER_ID"])); $arPost["urlToPostsImportant"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["~PATH_TO_POST_IMPORTANT"], array("user_id" => $arPost["BLOG_OWNER_ID"]));
function AddLiveComment($commentId = 0, $path = "", $arParams = array()) { if (IntVal($commentId) <= 0) { return; } if (CModule::IncludeModule("pull") && CPullOptions::GetNginxStatus() && ($arComment = CBlogComment::GetByID($commentId)) && ($arPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($arComment["POST_ID"]))) { if (strlen($path) <= 0 && strlen($arComment["PATH"]) > 0) { $path = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arComment["PATH"], array("post_id" => $arComment["POST_ID"], "comment_id" => $commentId)); } if (strlen($path) <= 0) { $path = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arPost["PATH"], array("post_id" => $arComment["POST_ID"], "comment_id" => $commentId)) . "?commentId=" . $commentId; } $arFormatParams = array("PATH_TO_USER" => isset($arParams["PATH_TO_USER"]) ? $arParams["PATH_TO_USER"] : '', "PATH_TO_POST" => $path, "NAME_TEMPLATE" => isset($arParams["NAME_TEMPLATE"]) ? $arParams["NAME_TEMPLATE"] : CSite::GetNameFormat(), "SHOW_LOGIN" => isset($arParams["SHOW_LOGIN"]) ? $arParams["SHOW_LOGIN"] : true, "AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT" => isset($arParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"]) ? $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"] : 58, "PATH_TO_SMILE" => isset($arParams["PATH_TO_SMILE"]) ? $arParams["PATH_TO_SMILE"] : '', "DATE_TIME_FORMAT" => isset($arParams["DATE_TIME_FORMAT"]) ? $arParams["DATE_TIME_FORMAT"] : '', "SHOW_RATING" => isset($arParams["SHOW_RATING"]) ? $arParams["SHOW_RATING"] : '', "RATING_TYPE" => "like"); $arComment["DateFormated"] = FormatDateFromDB($arComment["DATE_CREATE"], $arFormatParams["DATE_TIME_FORMAT"], true); if (strcasecmp(LANGUAGE_ID, 'EN') !== 0 && strcasecmp(LANGUAGE_ID, 'DE') !== 0) { $arComment["DateFormated"] = ToLower($arComment["DateFormated"]); } $arComment["UF"] = $GLOBALS["USER_FIELD_MANAGER"]->GetUserFields("BLOG_COMMENT", $commentId, LANGUAGE_ID); $arAuthor = CBlogUser::GetUserInfo($arComment["AUTHOR_ID"], $arFormatParams["PATH_TO_USER"], array("AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT" => $arFormatParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"])); if (IsModuleInstalled('extranet') && CModule::IncludeModule('socialnetwork')) { CSocNetTools::InitGlobalExtranetArrays(); } $arTmpUser = array("NAME" => $arAuthor["~NAME"], "LAST_NAME" => $arAuthor["~LAST_NAME"], "SECOND_NAME" => $arAuthor["~SECOND_NAME"], "LOGIN" => $arAuthor["~LOGIN"], "NAME_LIST_FORMATTED" => ""); $arAuthor["NAME_FORMATED"] = CUser::FormatName($arFormatParams["NAME_TEMPLATE"], $arTmpUser, $arFormatParams["SHOW_LOGIN"] != "N"); if (intval($arAuthor["PERSONAL_PHOTO"]) > 0) { $image_resize = CFile::ResizeImageGet($arAuthor["PERSONAL_PHOTO"], array("width" => $arFormatParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"], "height" => $arFormatParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"]), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_EXACT); $arAuthor["PERSONAL_PHOTO_RESIZED"] = array("src" => $image_resize["src"]); } $p = new blogTextParser(false, ''); $ufCode = "UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE"; if (is_array($arComment["UF"][$ufCode])) { $p->arUserfields = array($ufCode => array_merge($arComment["UF"][$ufCode], array("TAG" => "DOCUMENT ID"))); } $arAllow = array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "Y", "BIU" => "Y", "IMG" => "Y", "QUOTE" => "Y", "CODE" => "Y", "FONT" => "Y", "LIST" => "Y", "SMILES" => "Y", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => "Y", "SHORT_ANCHOR" => "Y"); $arParserParams = array("imageWidth" => 800, "imageHeight" => 800); $arComment["TextFormated"] = $p->convert($arComment["POST_TEXT"], false, array(), $arAllow, $arParserParams); $p->bMobile = true; $arComment["TextFormatedMobile"] = $p->convert($arComment["POST_TEXT"], false, array(), $arAllow, $arParserParams); if ($perm >= BLOG_PERMS_MODERATE) { if ($arComment["PUBLISH_STATUS"] == BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH) { $arComment["CAN_HIDE"] = "Y"; } else { $arComment["CAN_SHOW"] = "Y"; } } else { $arComment["CAN_SHOW"] = $arComment["CAN_HIDE"] = "N"; } $urlToPost = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate(htmlspecialcharsBack($arFormatParams["PATH_TO_POST"]), array("post_id" => "#source_post_id#", "user_id" => $arPost["AUTHOR_ID"])); $urlToPost .= strpos($urlToPost, "?") !== false ? "&" : "?"; $arUrl = array("LINK" => $urlToPost, "SHOW" => $urlToPost . "show_comment_id=#comment_id#&comment_post_id=#post_id#&" . bitrix_sessid_get(), "HIDE" => $urlToPost . "hide_comment_id=#comment_id#&comment_post_id=#post_id#&" . bitrix_sessid_get(), "DELETE" => $urlToPost . "delete_comment_id=#comment_id#&comment_post_id=#post_id#&" . bitrix_sessid_get(), "USER" => htmlspecialcharsback($arFormatParams["PATH_TO_USER"])); CRatingsComponentsMain::GetShowRating($arFormatParams); if ($arFormatParams["SHOW_RATING"] == "Y") { $arRating = CRatings::GetRatingVoteResult('BLOG_COMMENT', array($arComment["ID"])); } $arCommentParams = array("ID" => $commentId, "ENTITY_XML_ID" => "BLOG_" . $arPost["ID"], "FULL_ID" => array("BLOG_" . $arPost["ID"], $commentId), "ACTION" => "REPLY", "APPROVED" => "Y", "PANELS" => array("EDIT" => "N", "MODERATE" => "N", "DELETE" => "N"), "NEW" => "Y", "AUTHOR" => array("ID" => $GLOBALS["USER"]->GetID(), "NAME" => $arAuthor["NAME_FORMATED"], "URL" => $arAuthor["url"], "E-MAIL" => $arComment["AuthorEmail"], "AVATAR" => $arAuthor["PERSONAL_PHOTO_resized"]["src"], "IS_EXTRANET" => is_array($GLOBALS["arExtranetUserID"]) && in_array($GLOBALS["USER"]->GetID(), $GLOBALS["arExtranetUserID"])), "POST_TIMESTAMP" => $arComment["DATE_CREATE_TS"], "POST_TIME" => $arComment["DATE_CREATE_TIME"], "POST_DATE" => $arComment["DateFormated"], "POST_MESSAGE_TEXT" => $arComment["TextFormated"], "POST_MESSAGE_TEXT_MOBILE" => $arComment["TextFormatedMobile"], "URL" => array("LINK" => str_replace(array("##comment_id#", "#comment_id#"), array("", $commentId), $arUrl["LINK"]), "EDIT" => "__blogEditComment('" . $commentId . "', '" . $arPost["ID"] . "');", "MODERATE" => str_replace(array("#source_post_id#", "#post_id#", "#comment_id#", "&" . bitrix_sessid_get()), array($arPost["ID"], $arPost["ID"], $commentId, ""), $arComment["CAN_SHOW"] == "Y" ? $arUrl["SHOW"] : ($arComment["CAN_HIDE"] == "Y" ? $arUrl["HIDE"] : "")), "DELETE" => str_replace(array("#source_post_id#", "#post_id#", "#comment_id#", "&" . bitrix_sessid_get()), array($arPost["ID"], $arPost["ID"], $commentId, ""), $arUrl["DELETE"])), "AFTER" => "", "BEFORE_ACTIONS_MOBILE" => "", "AFTER_MOBILE" => ""); if ($arFormatParams["SHOW_RATING"] == "Y") { $arRatingData = array("ENTITY_TYPE_ID" => "BLOG_COMMENT", "ENTITY_ID" => $commentId, "OWNER_ID" => $arComment["AUTHOR_ID"], "USER_VOTE" => $arRating[$commentId]["USER_VOTE"], "USER_HAS_VOTED" => $arRating[$commentId]["USER_HAS_VOTED"], "TOTAL_VOTES" => $arRating[$commentId]["TOTAL_VOTES"], "TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES" => $arRating[$commentId]["TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES"], "TOTAL_NEGATIVE_VOTES" => $arRating[$commentId]["TOTAL_NEGATIVE_VOTES"], "TOTAL_VALUE" => $arRating[$commentId]["TOTAL_VALUE"], "PATH_TO_USER_PROFILE" => $arUrl["USER"]); ob_start(); $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->IncludeComponent("", $arFormatParams["RATING_TYPE"], $arRatingData, false, array("HIDE_ICONS" => "Y")); $arCommentParams["BEFORE_ACTIONS"] = ob_get_clean(); ob_start(); $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->IncludeComponent("", "mobile_comment_" . $arFormatParams["RATING_TYPE"], $arRatingData, false, array("HIDE_ICONS" => "Y")); $arCommentParams["BEFORE_ACTIONS_MOBILE"] = ob_get_clean(); } $arUFResult = self::BuildUFFields($arComment["UF"]); $arCommentParams["AFTER"] .= $arUFResult["AFTER"]; $arCommentParams["AFTER_MOBILE"] .= $arUFResult["AFTER_MOBILE"]; if ($arComment["CAN_EDIT"] == "Y") { ob_start(); ?> <script> top.text<?php echo $commentId; ?> = text<?php echo $commentId; ?> = '<?php echo CUtil::JSEscape(htmlspecialcharsBack($arComment["POST_TEXT"])); ?> '; top.title<?php echo $commentId; ?> = title<?php echo $commentId; ?> = '<?php echo isset($arComment["TITLE"]) ? 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$SORT = array($arParams["SORT_BY1"] => $arParams["SORT_ORDER1"], $arParams["SORT_BY2"] => $arParams["SORT_ORDER2"]); if ($arParams["COMMENT_COUNT"] > 0) { $COUNT = array("nTopCount" => $arParams["COMMENT_COUNT"]); } else { $COUNT = false; } $arResult = array(); $dbComment = CBlogComment::GetList($SORT, $arFilter, false, $COUNT, $arSelectedFields); $p = new blogTextParser(false, $arParams["PATH_TO_SMILE"]); $itemCnt = 0; while ($arComment = $dbComment->GetNext()) { $text = preg_replace("#\\[img\\](.+?)\\[/img\\]#ie", "", $arComment["~POST_TEXT"]); $text = preg_replace("#\\[url(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/url\\]#is", "\\2", $text); $text = preg_replace("#(\\[|<)(/?)(b|u|i|list|code|quote|url|img|color|font|/*)(.*?)(\\]|>)#is", "", $text); $text = TruncateText($text, $arParams["MESSAGE_LENGTH"]); $text = $p->convert($text, false, false, array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "N", "BIU" => "N", "IMG" => "N", "QUOTE" => "N", "CODE" => "N", "FONT" => "N", "LIST" => "N", "SMILES" => "Y", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => "N")); $arComment["TEXT_FORMATED"] = $text; if (IntVal($arComment["AUTHOR_ID"]) > 0) { $arComment["urlToAuthor"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_USER"], array("user_id" => $arComment["AUTHOR_ID"])); $arComment["BlogUser"] = CBlogUser::GetByID($arComment["AUTHOR_ID"], BLOG_BY_USER_ID); $arComment["BlogUser"] = CBlogTools::htmlspecialcharsExArray($arComment["BlogUser"]); $dbUser = CUser::GetByID($arComment["AUTHOR_ID"]); $arComment["arUser"] = $dbUser->GetNext(); $arComment["AuthorName"] = CBlogUser::GetUserName($arComment["BlogUser"]["ALIAS"], $arComment["arUser"]["NAME"], $arComment["arUser"]["LAST_NAME"], $arComment["arUser"]["LOGIN"]); $arComment["Blog"] = CBlog::GetByOwnerID(IntVal($arComment["AUTHOR_ID"]), $arParams["GROUP_ID"]); if (!empty($arComment["Blog"])) { $arComment["urlToBlog"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_BLOG"], array("blog" => $arComment["Blog"]["URL"], "user_id" => $arComment["AUTHOR_ID"])); } else { $arComment["urlToBlog"] = $arComment["urlToAuthor"]; } } else {
public static function UpdateLog($commentID, $arBlogUser, $arUser, $arComment, $arPost, $arParams) { if (!CModule::IncludeModule('socialnetwork')) return; $AuthorName = CBlogUser::GetUserName($arBlogUser["~ALIAS"], $arUser["~NAME"], $arUser["~LAST_NAME"], $arUser["~LOGIN"], $arUser["~SECOND_NAME"]); $parserBlog = new blogTextParser(false, $arParams["PATH_TO_SMILE"]); $arAllow = array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "N", "BIU" => "N", "IMG" => "N", "QUOTE" => "N", "CODE" => "N", "FONT" => "N", "LIST" => "N", "SMILES" => "N", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => "N"); $text4message = $parserBlog->convert($arComment["POST_TEXT"], false, $arParams["IMAGES"], $arAllow, array("isSonetLog"=>true)); $text4mail = $parserBlog->convert4mail($arComment["POST_TEXT"], $arParams["IMAGES"]); $arSoFields = Array( "TITLE_TEMPLATE" => htmlspecialcharsback($AuthorName)." ".GetMessage("BLG_SONET_COMMENT_TITLE"), "TITLE" => $arPost['~TITLE'], "MESSAGE" => $text4message, "TEXT_MESSAGE" => $text4mail ); $dbRes = CSocNetLogComments::GetList( array("ID" => "DESC"), array( "EVENT_ID" => array("blog_comment", "blog_comment_micro"), "SOURCE_ID" => $commentID ), false, false, array("ID") ); while ($arRes = $dbRes->Fetch()) CSocNetLogComments::Update($arRes["ID"], $arSoFields); }
/** * Use component to work with LiveFeed * @param int $commentId Comment ID which needs to send. * @param array $arParams Array of settings (DATE_TIME_FORMAT, SHOW_RATING, PATH_TO_USER, AVATAR_SIZE, NAME_TEMPLATE, SHOW_LOGIN) * @return string */ public static function addLiveComment($commentId = 0, $arParams = array()) { $res = ""; if ($commentId > 0 && CModule::IncludeModule("pull") && \CPullOptions::GetNginxStatus() && ($comment = CBlogComment::GetByID($commentId)) && ($arPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($comment["POST_ID"]))) { global $DB, $APPLICATION; $arParams["DATE_TIME_FORMAT"] = isset($arParams["DATE_TIME_FORMAT"]) ? $arParams["DATE_TIME_FORMAT"] : $DB->DateFormatToPHP(CSite::GetDateFormat("FULL")); $arParams["SHOW_RATING"] = $arParams["SHOW_RATING"] == "N" ? "N" : "Y"; $arParams["PATH_TO_USER"] = isset($arParams["PATH_TO_USER"]) ? $arParams["PATH_TO_USER"] : ''; $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"] = $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"] > 0 ? $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"] : ($arParams["AVATAR_SIZE"] > $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE"] ? $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE"] : 58); $arParams["NAME_TEMPLATE"] = isset($arParams["NAME_TEMPLATE"]) ? $arParams["NAME_TEMPLATE"] : CSite::GetNameFormat(); $arParams["SHOW_LOGIN"] = $arParams["SHOW_LOGIN"] == "N" ? "N" : "Y"; $comment["DateFormated"] = FormatDateFromDB($comment["DATE_CREATE"], $arParams["DATE_TIME_FORMAT"], true); $timestamp = MakeTimeStamp($comment["DATE_CREATE"]); if (strcasecmp(LANGUAGE_ID, 'EN') !== 0 && strcasecmp(LANGUAGE_ID, 'DE') !== 0) { $comment["DateFormated"] = ToLower($comment["DateFormated"]); } $comment["UF"] = $GLOBALS["USER_FIELD_MANAGER"]->GetUserFields("BLOG_COMMENT", $commentId, LANGUAGE_ID); $arAuthor = CBlogUser::GetUserInfo($comment["AUTHOR_ID"], $arParams["PATH_TO_USER"], array("AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT" => $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"])); if (intval($arAuthor["PERSONAL_PHOTO"]) > 0) { $image_resize = CFile::ResizeImageGet($arAuthor["PERSONAL_PHOTO"], array("width" => $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"], "height" => $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"]), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_EXACT); $arAuthor["PERSONAL_PHOTO_RESIZED"] = array("src" => $image_resize["src"]); } $p = new blogTextParser(false, ''); $ufCode = "UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE"; if (is_array($comment["UF"][$ufCode])) { $p->arUserfields = array($ufCode => array_merge($comment["UF"][$ufCode], array("TAG" => "DOCUMENT ID"))); } $arAllow = array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "Y", "BIU" => "Y", "IMG" => "Y", "QUOTE" => "Y", "CODE" => "Y", "FONT" => "Y", "LIST" => "Y", "SMILES" => "Y", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => "Y", "SHORT_ANCHOR" => "Y"); $arParserParams = array("imageWidth" => 800, "imageHeight" => 800); $comment["TextFormated"] = $p->convert($comment["POST_TEXT"], false, array(), $arAllow, $arParserParams); $p->bMobile = true; $comment["TextFormatedMobile"] = $p->convert($comment["POST_TEXT"], false, array(), $arAllow, $arParserParams); $comment["TextFormatedJS"] = CUtil::JSEscape(htmlspecialcharsBack($comment["POST_TEXT"])); $comment["TITLE"] = CUtil::JSEscape(htmlspecialcharsBack($comment["TITLE"])); $eventHandlerID = AddEventHandler("main", "system.field.view.file", array("CSocNetLogTools", "logUFfileShow")); $res = $APPLICATION->IncludeComponent("", "", array("TEMPLATE_ID" => 'BLOG_COMMENT_BG_', "RATING_TYPE_ID" => $arParams["SHOW_RATING"] == "Y" ? "BLOG_COMMENT" : "", "ENTITY_XML_ID" => "BLOG_" . $arPost["ID"], "RECORDS" => array($commentId => array("ID" => $comment["ID"], "NEW" => $arParams["FOLLOW"] != "N" && $comment["NEW"] == "Y" ? "Y" : "N", "APPROVED" => $comment["PUBLISH_STATUS"] == BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH ? "Y" : "N", "POST_TIMESTAMP" => $timestamp, "POST_TIME" => $comment["DATE_CREATE_TIME"], "POST_DATE" => $comment["DateFormated"], "AUTHOR" => array("ID" => $arAuthor["ID"], "NAME" => $arAuthor["~NAME"], "LAST_NAME" => $arAuthor["~LAST_NAME"], "SECOND_NAME" => $arAuthor["~SECOND_NAME"], "AVATAR" => $arAuthor["PERSONAL_PHOTO_resized"]["src"]), "FILES" => false, "UF" => $comment["UF"], "~POST_MESSAGE_TEXT" => $comment["POST_TEXT"], "WEB" => array("POST_TIME" => $comment["DATE_CREATE_TIME"], "POST_DATE" => $comment["DateFormated"], "CLASSNAME" => "", "POST_MESSAGE_TEXT" => $comment["TextFormated"], "AFTER" => <<<HTML <script>top.text{$commentId} = text{$commentId} = '{$comment["TextFormatedJS"]}';top.title{$commentId} = title{$commentId} = '{$comment["TITLE"]}';top.arComFiles{$commentId} = [];</script> HTML ), "MOBILE" => array("POST_TIME" => $comment["DATE_CREATE_TIME"], "POST_DATE" => $comment["DateFormated"], "CLASSNAME" => "", "POST_MESSAGE_TEXT" => $comment["TextFormatedMobile"]))), "NAV_STRING" => "", "NAV_RESULT" => "", "PREORDER" => "N", "RIGHTS" => array("MODERATE" => "N", "EDIT" => "N", "DELETE" => "N"), "VISIBLE_RECORDS_COUNT" => 1, "ERROR_MESSAGE" => "", "OK_MESSAGE" => "", "RESULT" => $commentId, "PUSH&PULL" => array("ACTION" => "REPLY", "ID" => $commentId), "MODE" => "PULL_MESSAGE", "VIEW_URL" => "", "EDIT_URL" => "", "MODERATE_URL" => "", "DELETE_URL" => "", "AUTHOR_URL" => "", "AVATAR_SIZE" => $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"], "NAME_TEMPLATE" => $arParams["NAME_TEMPLATE"], "SHOW_LOGIN" => $arParams["SHOW_LOGIN"], "DATE_TIME_FORMAT" => "", "LAZYLOAD" => "", "NOTIFY_TAG" => "", "NOTIFY_TEXT" => "", "SHOW_MINIMIZED" => "Y", "SHOW_POST_FORM" => "", "IMAGE_SIZE" => "", "mfi" => ""), array(), null); if ($eventHandlerID !== false && intval($eventHandlerID) > 0) { RemoveEventHandler('main', 'system.field.view.file', $eventHandlerID); } } return $res; }
$bHasImg = true; $arImages[$arImage['ID']] = $arImage['FILE_ID']; $arResult["images"][$arImage['ID']] = array("small" => "/bitrix/components/bitrix/blog/show_file.php?fid=" . $arImage['ID'] . "&width=" . $arParams["ATTACHED_IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH_SMALL"] . "&height=" . $arParams["ATTACHED_IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT_SMALL"] . "&type=square"); $arResult["images"][$arImage['ID']]["full"] = "/bitrix/components/bitrix/blog/show_file.php?fid=" . $arImage['ID'] . "&width=" . $arParams["ATTACHED_IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH_FULL"] . "&height=" . $arParams["ATTACHED_IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT_FULL"]; } } $arParserParams = array("imageWidth" => $arParams["IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH"], "imageHeight" => $arParams["IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT"], "pathToUser" => $arParams["PATH_TO_USER"]); $arAllow = array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "Y", "BIU" => "Y", "IMG" => "Y", "QUOTE" => "Y", "CODE" => "Y", "FONT" => "Y", "LIST" => "Y", "SMILES" => "Y", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => "Y", "USER" => "Y", "TAG" => "Y", "SHORT_ANCHOR" => "Y"); if (COption::GetOptionString("blog", "allow_video", "Y") != "Y") { $arAllow["VIDEO"] = "N"; } if (is_array($arResult["POST_PROPERTIES"]["DATA"]["UF_BLOG_POST_FILE"])) { $p->arUserfields = array("UF_BLOG_POST_FILE" => array_merge($arResult["POST_PROPERTIES"]["DATA"]["UF_BLOG_POST_FILE"], array("TAG" => "DOCUMENT ID"))); } $p->LAZYLOAD = isset($arParams["LAZYLOAD"]) && $arParams["LAZYLOAD"] == "Y" ? "Y" : "N"; $arResult["Post"]["textFormated"] = $p->convert($arPost["~DETAIL_TEXT"], $arParams["USE_CUT"] == "Y" ? true : false, $arImages, $arAllow, $arParserParams); if (is_array($arResult["POST_PROPERTIES"]["DATA"]["UF_BLOG_POST_FILE"]) && is_array($arResult["POST_PROPERTIES"]["DATA"]["UF_BLOG_POST_FILE"]["VALUE"])) { $arResult["POST_PROPERTIES"]["DATA"]["UF_BLOG_POST_FILE"]["SOURCE_VALUE"] = $arResult["POST_PROPERTIES"]["DATA"]["UF_BLOG_POST_FILE"]["VALUE"]; } if ($arParams["USE_CUT"] == "Y" && preg_match("/(\\[CUT\\])/i", $arPost['~DETAIL_TEXT'])) { $arResult["Post"]["CUT"] = "Y"; } if (!empty($p->showedImages) && !empty($arResult["images"])) { foreach ($p->showedImages as $val) { if (!empty($arResult["images"][$val])) { unset($arResult["images"][$val]); } } } $arResult["Post"]["DATE_PUBLISH_FORMATED"] = FormatDateFromDB($arResult["Post"]["DATE_PUBLISH"], $arParams["DATE_TIME_FORMAT"], true); $arResult["Post"]["DATE_PUBLISH_DATE"] = FormatDateFromDB($arResult["Post"]["DATE_PUBLISH"], FORMAT_DATE);
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"Y" : "N"; } if (is_array($comment["COMMENT_PROPERTIES"]["DATA"]["UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE"])) { $parser->arUserfields = array("UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE" => array_merge($comment["COMMENT_PROPERTIES"]["DATA"]["UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE"], array("TAG" => "DOCUMENT ID"))); } $text = $parser->convert($comment["POST_TEXT"], false, $comment["showedImages"], array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "Y", "BIU" => "Y", "IMG" => "Y", "QUOTE" => "Y", "CODE" => "Y", "FONT" => "Y", "LIST" => "Y", "SMILES" => "Y", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => COption::GetOptionString("blog", "allow_video", "Y") != "Y" || $arParams["ALLOW_VIDEO"] != "Y" ? "N" : "Y", "SHORT_ANCHOR" => "Y"), array("imageWidth" => $arParams["IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH"], "imageHeight" => $arParams["IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT"])); } $res = array("ID" => $comment["ID"], "NEW" => $arParams["FOLLOW"] != "N" && $comment["NEW"] == "Y" ? "Y" : "N", "APPROVED" => $comment["PUBLISH_STATUS"] == BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH ? "Y" : "N", "POST_TIMESTAMP" => !empty($comment["DATE_CREATE_TS"]) ? $comment["DATE_CREATE_TS"] + $arResult["TZ_OFFSET"] : MakeTimeStamp($comment["DATE_CREATE"]) - $arResult["TZ_OFFSET"], "AUTHOR" => array("ID" => is_array($arUser) ? $arUser["ID"] : false, "NAME" => is_array($arUser) ? $arUser["~NAME"] : '', "LAST_NAME" => is_array($arUser) ? $arUser["~LAST_NAME"] : '', "SECOND_NAME" => is_array($arUser) ? $arUser["~SECOND_NAME"] : '', "AVATAR" => is_array($arUser) && array_key_exists($avatarKey, $arUser) ? $arUser[$avatarKey]["src"] : ''), "FILES" => false, "UF" => false, "POST_MESSAGE_TEXT" => $text, "~POST_MESSAGE_TEXT" => $comment["POST_TEXT"], "CLASSNAME" => "", "BEFORE_HEADER" => "", "BEFORE_ACTIONS" => "", "AFTER_ACTIONS" => "", "AFTER_HEADER" => "", "BEFORE" => "", "AFTER" => "", "BEFORE_RECORD" => "", "AFTER_RECORD" => ""); $aditStyle = ($comment["AuthorIsAdmin"] == "Y" ? "blog-comment-admin" : "") . ($comment["AuthorIsPostAuthor"] == "Y" ? 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