public function actionPostIndex() { $input = file_get_contents('php://input'); $batchJobs = @json_decode($input, true); if (empty($batchJobs)) { return $this->responseError(new XenForo_Phrase('bdapi_slash_batch_requires_json'), 400); } $jobsOutput = array(); foreach ($batchJobs as $batchJob) { if (empty($batchJob['uri'])) { continue; } if (empty($batchJob['id'])) { $number = 0; do { if ($number == 0) { $id = $batchJob['uri']; } else { $id = sprintf('%s_%d', $batchJob['uri'], $number); } $number++; } while (isset($jobsOutput[$id])); } else { $id = $batchJob['id']; } if (empty($batchJob['method'])) { $method = 'GET'; } else { $method = strtoupper($batchJob['method']); } if (empty($batchJob['params']) or !is_array($batchJob['params'])) { $params = array(); } else { $params = $batchJob['params']; } $params = array_merge($this->_extractUriParams($batchJob['uri']), $params); $jobsOutput[$id] = bdApi_Data_Helper_Batch::doJob($method, $batchJob['uri'], $params); } $data = array('jobs' => $jobsOutput); return $this->responseData('bdApi_ViewApi_Batch_Index', $data); }
public function prepareApiContentDataForSearch(array $preparedResults) { $clientContentIds = array(); $threadIds = array(); $postIds = array(); $profilePostIds = array(); $data = array(); foreach ($preparedResults as $key => $preparedResult) { switch ($preparedResult['content_type']) { case 'api_client_content': $clientContentIds[$preparedResult['content_id']] = $key; break; case 'thread': $threadIds[$preparedResult['content_id']] = $key; break; case 'post': $postIds[$preparedResult['content_id']] = $key; break; case 'profile_post': $profilePostIds[$preparedResult['content_id']] = $key; break; } } if (!empty($clientContentIds)) { /** @var bdApi_Model_ClientContent $clientContentModel */ $clientContentModel = $this->getModelFromCache('bdApi_Model_ClientContent'); $clientContents = $clientContentModel->getClientContents(array('client_content_id' => array_keys($clientContentIds))); foreach ($clientContents as $clientContentId => $clientContent) { if (!isset($clientContentIds[$clientContentId])) { // key not found?! continue; } $key = $clientContentIds[$clientContentId]; $data[$key] = array_merge($preparedResults[$key], array_intersect_key($clientContent, array_flip(array('title', 'body', 'date', 'link', 'user_id')))); } } if (!empty($threadIds)) { // fetch the first few thread data as a bonus $dataJobParams = array(); $dataJobParams['thread_ids'] = implode(',', array_keys($threadIds)); $dataJob = bdApi_Data_Helper_Batch::doJob('GET', 'threads', $dataJobParams); if (isset($dataJob['_job_response']) && !empty($dataJob['_job_response']->params['threads'])) { foreach ($dataJob['_job_response']->params['threads'] as $thread) { if (empty($thread['thread_id']) || !isset($threadIds[$thread['thread_id']])) { // key not found?! continue; } $key = $threadIds[$thread['thread_id']]; $data[$key] = array_merge($preparedResults[$key], $thread); } } } if (!empty($postIds)) { // fetch the first few thread data as a bonus $dataJobParams = array(); $dataJobParams['post_ids'] = implode(',', array_keys($postIds)); $dataJob = bdApi_Data_Helper_Batch::doJob('GET', 'posts', $dataJobParams); if (isset($dataJob['_job_response']) && !empty($dataJob['_job_response']->params['posts'])) { foreach ($dataJob['_job_response']->params['posts'] as $post) { if (empty($post['post_id']) || !isset($postIds[$post['post_id']])) { // key not found?! continue; } $key = $postIds[$post['post_id']]; if (!empty($post['thread']['first_post'])) { // the found post is a reply $data[$key] = array_merge($preparedResults[$key], $post); } else { // the found post is a first post, return as thread instead $thread = $post['thread']; unset($post['thread']); $thread['first_post'] = $post; $data[$key] = array_merge(array('content_type' => 'thread', 'content_id' => $thread['thread_id']), $thread); } } } } if (!empty($profilePostIds)) { // fetch the first few thread data as a bonus $dataJobParams = array(); $dataJobParams['profile_post_ids'] = implode(',', array_keys($profilePostIds)); $dataJob = bdApi_Data_Helper_Batch::doJob('GET', 'profile-posts', $dataJobParams); if (isset($dataJob['_job_response']) && !empty($dataJob['_job_response']->params['profile_posts'])) { foreach ($dataJob['_job_response']->params['profile_posts'] as $profilePost) { if (empty($profilePost['profile_post_id']) || !isset($profilePostIds[$profilePost['profile_post_id']])) { // key not found?! continue; } $key = $profilePostIds[$profilePost['profile_post_id']]; $data[$key] = array_merge($preparedResults[$key], $profilePost); } } } ksort($data); return $data; }
public function prepareParams() { $this->_params = bdApi_Data_Helper_Batch::prepareViewParams($this->_renderer, $this); }
public function prepareApiContentDataForSearch(array $preparedResults) { $threadIds = array(); $postIds = array(); $profilePostIds = array(); $data = array(); foreach ($preparedResults as $key => $preparedResult) { switch ($preparedResult['content_type']) { case 'thread': $threadIds[$preparedResult['content_id']] = $key; break; case 'post': $postIds[$preparedResult['content_id']] = $key; break; case 'profile_post': $profilePostIds[$preparedResult['content_id']] = $key; break; } } if (!empty($threadIds)) { // fetch the first few thread data as a bonus $dataJobParams = array(); $dataJobParams['thread_ids'] = implode(',', array_keys($threadIds)); $dataJob = bdApi_Data_Helper_Batch::doJob('GET', 'threads', $dataJobParams); if (isset($dataJob['_job_response']) && !empty($dataJob['_job_response']->params['threads'])) { foreach ($dataJob['_job_response']->params['threads'] as $thread) { if (empty($thread['thread_id']) || !isset($threadIds[$thread['thread_id']])) { // key not found?! continue; } $key = $threadIds[$thread['thread_id']]; $data[$key] = array_merge($preparedResults[$key], $thread); } } } if (!empty($postIds)) { // fetch the first few thread data as a bonus $dataJobParams = array(); $dataJobParams['post_ids'] = implode(',', array_keys($postIds)); $dataJob = bdApi_Data_Helper_Batch::doJob('GET', 'posts', $dataJobParams); if (isset($dataJob['_job_response']) && !empty($dataJob['_job_response']->params['posts'])) { foreach ($dataJob['_job_response']->params['posts'] as $post) { if (empty($post['post_id']) || !isset($postIds[$post['post_id']])) { // key not found?! continue; } $key = $postIds[$post['post_id']]; if (!empty($post['thread']['first_post'])) { // the found post is a reply $data[$key] = array_merge($preparedResults[$key], $post); } else { // the found post is a first post, return as thread instead $thread = $post['thread']; unset($post['thread']); $thread['first_post'] = $post; $data[$key] = array_merge(array('content_type' => 'thread', 'content_id' => $thread['thread_id']), $thread); } } } } if (!empty($profilePostIds)) { // fetch the first few thread data as a bonus $dataJobParams = array(); $dataJobParams['profile_post_ids'] = implode(',', array_keys($profilePostIds)); $dataJob = bdApi_Data_Helper_Batch::doJob('GET', 'profile-posts', $dataJobParams); if (isset($dataJob['_job_response']) && !empty($dataJob['_job_response']->params['profile_posts'])) { foreach ($dataJob['_job_response']->params['profile_posts'] as $profilePost) { if (empty($profilePost['profile_post_id']) || !isset($profilePostIds[$profilePost['profile_post_id']])) { // key not found?! continue; } $key = $profilePostIds[$profilePost['profile_post_id']]; $data[$key] = array_merge($preparedResults[$key], $profilePost); } } } ksort($data); return $data; }