function display($k, $v) { switch ($k) { case "date": if (substr($v, 0, 8) == date("Ymd")) { return "oggi " . aux::formatDate($v, TIME); } elseif (substr($v, 0, 8) == aux::yesterday()) { return "ieri " . aux::formatDate($v, TIME); } else { return aux::formatDate($v, STANDARD) . " " . aux::formatDate($v, TIME); } break; case "link": if (ereg("manager", $v)) { return "<a href=\"{$v}\">item</a>"; } else { return ""; } break; default: return beContentPager::display($k, $v); break; } return $v; }
function addItem_postInsertion() { /* controllare reload */ $skin = new Skin("dipartimento"); $mail = new Skinlet("user.mail"); $mail->setContent("name", $_REQUEST['name']); $mail->setContent("username", $_REQUEST['username']); $mail->setContent("password", $_REQUEST['password']); $mail->setContent("message", $_REQUEST['message']); $mail->setContent("email", $_REQUEST['email']); if (isset($_REQUEST['home'])) { $mail->setContent("home", "{$_REQUEST['username']}"); /* $GLOBALS['homeEntity']->insertItem(NULL, "{$_REQUEST['username']}", date('YmdHi'), date('YmdHi'), "Generale", "General", "Home", "Home", "Pagina provvisoria di {$_REQUEST['name']} {$_REQUEST['surname']}", "Temporary page of {$_REQUEST['name']} {$_REQUEST['surname']}", "*", 1); */ } /* --- The following line has been uncommented by Gulyx --- */ aux::mail($_REQUEST['email'], "{$GLOBALS['config']['website']['name']} Login data", $mail->get(), $GLOBALS['config']['website']['email']); }
function phone($name, $data, $pars) { if ($data != "") { $result = $pars['prefix'] . " " . aux::phone($data); } else { $result = ""; } return $result; }
function send2() { $uid = strtoupper(md5(uniqid(time()))); $header = "From: " . $this->from . "\nReply-To: " . $this->from . "\n"; if ($this->cc != "") { $header .= "CC: " . $this->cc . "\n"; } $header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary={$uid}\n"; $header .= "--{$uid}\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: text/plain\n"; $header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n\n"; $header .= $this->message . "\n"; if (is_array($this->file)) { foreach ($this->file as $k => $v) { $content = fread(fopen($this->file[$k], "r"), filesize($this->file[$k])); $content = chunk_split(base64_encode($content)); $header .= "--{$uid}\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: " . $this->file_type[$k] . "; name=\"" . $this->file_name[$k] . "\"\n"; $header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n"; $header .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $this->file_name[$k] . "\"\n\n"; $header .= "{$content}\n"; } } if (is_array($this->buffer)) { foreach ($this->buffer as $k => $v) { $content = chunk_split(base64_encode($v)); $header .= "--{$uid}\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: " . $this->buffer_type[$k] . "; name=\"" . $this->buffer_name[$k] . "\"\n"; $header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n"; $header .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $this->buffer_name[$k] . "\"\n\n"; $header .= "{$content}\n"; } } aux::mail($this->to, $this->subject, $this->message, $header); return true; }
function addItem_postInsertion() { /* controllare reload */ $mail = new Template("dtml/user.mail"); $mail->setContent("name", $_REQUEST['name']); $mail->setContent("username", $_REQUEST['username']); $mail->setContent("password", $_REQUEST['password']); $mail->setContent("message", $_REQUEST['message']); mail("{$_REQUEST['email']}", "{$GLOBALS['config']['website']['name']} Login data", $mail->get(), "From: {{$GLOBALS['config']['website']['email']}}"); } } /* LOCAL END */ #if (isset($_SESSION['registered-user'])) { # $main = new Template("dtml_{$_SESSION['language']}/frame-public-2.html"); #} else { # $main = new Template("dtml/frame-private.html"); #} $main = new Skin(); $form = new Form("dataEntry", $usersEntity); $form->addSection("Modifica Password"); #$form1->addText("username", "username", 20, MANDATORY); #$form1->addSection("personal data"); $form->addPassword("password", aux::lingual("Nuova Password", "New Password", "Nuova Password")); if (!isset($_REQUEST['page'])) { $_REQUEST['page'] = 1; $_REQUEST['value'] = $_SESSION['user']['username']; } $main->setContent("body", $form->editItem(NO_DELETE)); $main->close(); ?>
function tags($name, $data, $pars) { $data = aux::getResult("select * from tags order by position"); if (count($data) > 0) { $content = '<div class="widget">'; $content .= '<h4>Tags</h4>'; $content .= '<nav class="tags">'; foreach ($data as $row) { $content .= "<a href=\"search.php?text={$row['text']}\">{$row['tag']}</a>\n"; } $content .= "</nav>"; $content .= "</div>"; } else { $content = ""; } return $content; }
function getComments($id) { $comments = new Template("dtml/comments.html"); $data = aux::getResult("\n\t\t\tSELECT * \n\t\t FROM comments\n\t\t LEFT JOIN users\n\t\t ON users.username = comments.username\n\t\t WHERE entityname = '{$this->entity->name}'\n\t\t AND itemid = '{$id}'\n\t\t AND = '*'\n\t\t AND = '*'\n\t\t ORDER BY creation DESC"); if (count($data) > 0) { foreach ($data as $item) { foreach ($item as $k => $v) { switch ($k) { case "creation": $comments->setContent($k, aux::formatDate($v, EXTENDED)); break; default: $comments->setContent($k, $v); break; } } } } else { $comments->setContent("username", ""); $comments->setContent("creation", ""); $comments->setContent("body", aux::lingual("Non ci sono commenti", "No comments", "Nemo para commentares")); } return $comments->get(); }
function doLogin() { if (!isset($_SESSION['user'])) { /* User not Logged */ $debug_action = "USER NOT LOGGED"; if (!isset($_POST['username']) and !isset($_POST['password'])) { if (!isset($_SESSION['HTTP_LOGIN'])) { unset($GLOBALS['_SERVER']['PHP_AUTH_PW']); unset($GLOBALS['_SERVER']['PHP_AUTH_USER']); /* Some message should be *maybe* emitted here ! */ } if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) and !isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) { Header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Login \""); Header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"); $_SESSION['HTTP_LOGIN'] = true; exit; } else { $_POST['username'] = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; $_POST['password'] = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']; $_SESSION['HTTP_LOGIN'] = false; } } $name = addcslashes($_POST['username'], "'"); $oid = mysql_query("SELECT * \n\n\t\t \t FROM {$GLOBALS['usersEntity']->name} \n\n\t\t \t WHERE username = '******'\n\n\t\t \t AND password = MD5('{$_POST['password']}')"); if (!$oid) { echo "Error in database!<hr>"; echo mysql_error(); exit; } if (mysql_num_rows($oid) == 0) { if ($_REQUEST['mode'] == "compact") { echo "0"; exit; } else { /* DISIM-specific: it should be removed ? anyhow it is never activate since * it will be activated only with mode=ajax as before * * */ Header("Location: error.php?id=loginError"); exit; } } else { $userdata = mysql_fetch_assoc($oid); $_SESSION['user']['username'] = $userdata['username']; $_SESSION['user']['name'] = $userdata['name']; $_SESSION['user']['surname'] = $userdata['surname']; $_SESSION['user']['email'] = $userdata['email']; $lastlogin = aux::getResult("\n\t\t\t\t SELECT * \n\t\t\t\t FROM {$GLOBALS['logEntity']->name} \n\t\t\t\t WHERE username = '******'user']['username']}'\n\t\t\t\t AND operation = 'LOGIN'\n\t\t\t\t ORDER BY date DESC\n\t\t\t\t LIMIT 1"); if (isset($lastlogin)) { $_SESSION['user']['lastlogin'] = $lastlogin[0]['date']; } else { $_SESSION['user']['lastlogin'] = ""; } $GLOBALS['logEntity']->insertItem(NULL, 'LOGIN', '', '', basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']), $_SESSION['user']['username'], date("YmdHi"), $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); } } else { //USER HAS ALREADY LOGGED IN $debug_action = "USER_LOGGED"; } if (is_array($_SESSION['user']['services'])) { $debug_action = " services array "; } else { $debug_action = " services NOT array, trying to reload it "; $oid = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT {$GLOBALS['usersEntity']->name}.username, \n\n\t\t\t\t {$GLOBALS['servicesEntity']->name}.entry AS serviceName,\n\n\t\t\t\t {$GLOBALS['servicesEntity']->name}.visible,\n\n\t\t\t\t {$GLOBALS['servicesEntity']->name}.id_entities AS entity,\n\n\t\t\t\t {$GLOBALS['servicesEntity']->name}.script,\n\n\t\t\t\t {$GLOBALS['servicesEntity']->name}.superuser_group,\n\n\t\t\t\t {$GLOBALS['servicecategoryEntity']->name}.name AS category,\n\n\t\t\t\t {$GLOBALS['entitiesEntity']->name}.name AS tableName,\n\n\t\t\t\t {$GLOBALS['usersGroupsRelation']->name}.id_groups\n\n FROM {$GLOBALS['usersEntity']->name} \n\n LEFT JOIN {$GLOBALS['usersGroupsRelation']->name} \n\n ON {$GLOBALS['usersGroupsRelation']->name}.username = {$GLOBALS['usersEntity']->name}.username\n\n LEFT JOIN {$GLOBALS['groupsEntity']->name} \n\n ON {$GLOBALS['groupsEntity']->name}.id = {$GLOBALS['usersGroupsRelation']->name}.id_{$GLOBALS['groupsEntity']->name}\n\n LEFT JOIN {$GLOBALS['servicesGroupsRelation']->name} \n\n ON {$GLOBALS['servicesGroupsRelation']->name}.id_{$GLOBALS['groupsEntity']->name} = {$GLOBALS['groupsEntity']->name}.id\n\n LEFT JOIN {$GLOBALS['servicesEntity']->name} \n\n ON {$GLOBALS['servicesEntity']->name}.id = {$GLOBALS['servicesGroupsRelation']->name}.id_{$GLOBALS['servicesEntity']->name}\n\n LEFT JOIN {$GLOBALS['entitiesEntity']->name}\n\n ON {$GLOBALS['entitiesEntity']->name}.name = {$GLOBALS['servicesEntity']->name}.id_{$GLOBALS['entitiesEntity']->name}\n\n LEFT JOIN {$GLOBALS['servicecategoryEntity']->name}\n\n ON {$GLOBALS['servicecategoryEntity']->name}.id = {$GLOBALS['servicesEntity']->name}.servicecategory\n\n \n\n WHERE {$GLOBALS['usersEntity']->name}.username = '******'user']['username']}'\n\n ORDER BY {$GLOBALS['servicecategoryEntity']->name}.position, {$GLOBALS['servicesEntity']->name}.position"); if (!$oid) { echo "Error in database!<hr>"; echo mysql_error(); exit; } do { $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($oid); if ($data) { $_SESSION['user']['services'][] = $data; $_SESSION['user']['services'][$data['script']] = $data; $_SESSION['user']['groups'][$data['id_groups']] = $data['id_groups']; } } while ($data); } #print_r($_SESSION); $trovato = false; $error = 212; if (is_array($_SESSION['user']['services'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['user']['services'] as $k => $v) { $error = 217; if ($v['script'] == basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) { $trovato = true; $currentService = $v; $error = 223; } } } if (basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) == "error.php" or basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) == "login.php" or basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) == "logout.php") { $trovato = true; } if (!$trovato) { #echo $script; if (basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) != "ajax-manager.php") { Header("Location: error.php?id=priviledgeError&{$error}&{$debug_action}"); exit; } } ///se abilitato il datafiltering/////////////////////////////////////// if (isset($currentService['tableName'])) { // Data Filtering Check if (isset($_REQUEST['page']) and $_REQUEST['page'] > 0 and $_REQUEST['action'] == "edit") { $result = mysql_query("select * from {$currentService['tableName']}"); if (!$result) { echo "Generic Database Error!"; exit; } $meta = mysql_fetch_field($result, 0); if (!$meta) { echo "Metadata Error!"; exit; } $oid = mysql_query("SELECT username\n\n\t\t\t FROM {$currentService['tableName']}\n\n \t\t\t\t\t WHERE {$meta->name} = '{$_REQUEST['value']}' "); if (!$oid) { echo "Error in database!<hr>"; echo mysql_error(); exit; } $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($oid); if ($data['username'] != $_SESSION['user']['username']) { /* CHECK FOR SUPERUSER_GROUP */ $superuser_group = Auth::getSuperusergroup(); $mygroups = Auth::getGroups(); echo Auth::isSuperuser(); if (!in_array(Auth::getSuperusergroup(), Auth::getGroups()) and !Auth::isAdmin()) { Header("Location: error.php?id=dataFiltering&289"); exit; } else { } } } } if (!isset($_SESSION['registered-user'])) { $trovato = false; if (is_array($_SESSION['user']['services'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['user']['services'] as $k => $v) { if ($v['id_groups'] == $GLOBALS['config']['registered_usergroup']) { $script = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $_SESSION['registered-user'] = true; Header("Location: {$script}"); exit; } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// $_SESSION['user']['admin'] = false; if (is_array($_SESSION['user']['services'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['user']['services'] as $k => $v) { if ($v['id_groups'] == $GLOBALS['config']['admin_usergroup']) { $_SESSION['user']['admin'] = true; } } } if ($_REQUEST['mode'] == "compact") { echo "1"; exit; } }
function administrationmenu($name, $data, $pars) { $content = ""; #$content .= "<div id=\"administrationMenu\">\n"; $content .= "<ul>\n"; if (is_array($_SESSION['user']['services'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['user']['services'] as $service) { if ($service['visible'] == "*") { $items[$service['script']] = $service; } } $category = ""; foreach ($items as $v) { if ($category != $v['category']) { $content .= aux::first_comma("hiermenu", "</ul>\n"); $content .= "<li><strong>{$v['category']}</strong></li>\n"; $content .= "<ul>\n"; $category = $v['category']; } if (ereg("manager", $v['script'])) { $content .= "<li><a href=\"{$v['script']}?action=edit\">{$v['serviceName']}</a> |<a href=\"{$v['script']}?action=add\" title=\"Add\"><img src=\"img/add.png\"></a></li>\n"; } else { $content .= "<li><a href=\"{$v['script']}\">{$v['serviceName']}</a></li>\n"; } } } $content .= "</ul>\n"; #$content .= "</div>\n"; #$content .= "<div id=\"administrationMenuBottom\"></div>\n"; return $content; }
<?php session_start(); require "include/"; require "include/"; require "include/"; $main = new Skin("orange"); if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { $data = aux::getResult("SELECT id,title,description FROM {$channelEntity->name}"); $body = new Skinlet("rss.html"); $body->setContent("website", $GLOBALS['config']['website']['name']); $body->setContent("item", $data); $main->setContent("body", $body->get()); $main->close(); } else { $rss = new FeedRss($channelEntity); $data = aux::getResultArray("SELECT title FROM {$channelEntity->name} WHERE id={$_GET['id']}", 'title'); $rss->addChannel("{$data[0]}"); $rss->emitXML(); }
function livereport($name, $entityName, $pars) { $item = new Template("dtml/liveReport.html"); $length = $pars['length']; $index = false; foreach ($_SESSION['user']['services'] as $k => $v) { if ($v['script'] == basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) { $index = $k; break; } } if (!$index) { $item->setContent("title", "Report"); } else { $item->setContent("title", $_SESSION['user']['services'][$index]['serviceName']); } $entity = $GLOBALS['database']->getEntityByName($entityName); $count = $entity->getReference(COUNT); #$data = aux::getResult("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$entityName}"); $item->setContent("length", $length); #$item->setContent("total", $data[0]['count']); $item->setContent("total", $count); $item->setContent("entity", $entityName); $item->setContent("script", basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])); $item->setContent("query", aux::encrypt($GLOBALS['currentform']->reportQuery)); return $item->get(); }
function emitHTML_post() { $allChannel = aux::getResult("SELECT id,title FROM bc_channel"); $count = 0; $x = 0; $temp = $allChannel; while ($x < count($GLOBALS['becontent']->entities)) { if ($GLOBALS['becontent']->entities[$x]->rss) { $content = array(); $nameEntity = $GLOBALS['becontent']->entities[$x]->name; $query = "SELECT id_bc_channel FROM channel_entity WHERE entity=\"{$nameEntity}\""; $content = aux::getResult($query); $mod = aux::getResult("SELECT modality FROM bc_rss_mod WHERE entity=\"{$nameEntity}\""); $mod = $mod[0]; $data = array(); $i = 0; while ($content[$i]) { $data[] = $content[$i++]['id_bc_channel']; } //print_r($data); $i = 0; while ($i < count($allChannel)) { if (is_array($data)) { $temp[$i]['checked'] = in_array($temp[$i]['id'], $data); } else { $temp[$i]['checked'] = false; } $temp[$i]['nameEntity'] = $nameEntity; $temp[$i]['mod'] = $mod['modality']; $i++; //print_r($temp); } $buffer[$count] = $temp; $temp = $allChannel; $count++; } $x++; } //print_r($buffer); $content = formTag::lista("prova", $buffer, aux::parsePars("text=\"title\" name=\"title\" value=\"id\" checked=\"checked\" field=\"nameEntity\" mod=\"mod\"")); return $content; }
<?php session_start(); require "include/"; require "include/"; $entity = $database->getEntityByName($_REQUEST['table']); $data['item'] = $entity->getReference(BY_POSITION, $_REQUEST['position'], "{$_REQUEST['reference']} = '{$_REQUEST['value']}'"); foreach ($_REQUEST as $k => $v) { $data[$k] = $v; } #print_r($data); #echo "<hr>"; echo aux::AjaxEncode($data);
function getFieldRaw($key, $field) { $entity = $GLOBALS['database']->getEntityByName($this->entity_name); if ($this->limit) { $limit_clause = "LIMIT {$this->limit}"; } else { $limit_clause = ""; } $data = aux::getResult("SELECT " . $this->getEntityFields() . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t FROM {$this->entity_name} \n\t\t\t\t WHERE {$this->entity_name}.{$entity->fields[0]['name']} = '{$key}'\n\t\t\t\t {$limit_clause}"); return $data[0][$this->getName($field)]; }
function display($data) { $length = 400; foreach ($data as $k => $v) { switch ($k) { case "body": $this->template->setContent($k, aux::subtext($data[$k], $length) . " ..."); break; case "video": if ($data[$k] != "") { #$this->template->setContent("video","<span class=\"mediaicons\"><img src=\"img/grafica/icon_video.gif\" alt=\"Video: titolo_mainnews\"/><a href=\"javascript:openvideo('{$data['video']}','{$data['logo']}')\">video </a> </span>"); $this->template->setContent("video", "<img src=\"img/grafica/icon_video.gif\" alt=\"Video: titolo_mainnews\"/><a href=\"javascript:openvideo('{$data['video']}','{$data['logo']}')\">video </a>"); } else { $this->template->setContent("video", ""); } break; case "foto": if ($data[$k] != 0) { $length = 250; $this->template->setContent("foto", "<a href=\"news.php?id={$data['id']}\"><img src=\"show.php?token=3bcda8f2aed2c8f1fdea1c020dadcf39&id={$data['id']}&width=52&height=60&thumb\" alt=\"{$data['title']}\"/></a>"); } else { $this->template->setContent("foto", ""); } break; case "data": $this->template->setContent("data", aux::formatDate($v, STANDARD_PLUS)); break; default: $this->template->setContent($k, $data[$k]); break; } } }