     if ($user_obj->setUserBan(get_uid(), 0, $sReason, 4, '', 1, true)) {
         // если удалось заблокировать аккаунт
         // пишем лог
         admin_log::addLog(admin_log::OBJ_CODE_USER, admin_log::ACT_ID_DEL_ACC, $sUid, $sUid, $sObjName, $sObjLink, 1, '', null, $sReason);
         header("Location: /users/{$user}");
 case 'real_name_splash':
     // сохранение имени, фамилии и юзерпика с соответствующего сплэш-скрина
     require_once ABS_PATH . "/classes/users.php";
     require_once ABS_PATH . "/classes/attachedfiles.php";
     require_once ABS_PATH . "/classes/CFile.php";
     $userObj = new users();
     $userID = get_uid();
     $aFiles = new attachedfiles($_POST['attachedfiles_session']);
     $userpics = $aFiles->getFiles(array(1));
     if (is_array($userpics) && !empty($userpics)) {
         $userpic = array_pop($userpics);
         $foto = new CFile($userpic['id']);
         $to = $foto->path . 'sm_' . $foto->name;
         $foto->resizeImage($to, 50, 50, 'auto', true);
         $userObj->photo = $userpic['name'];
     $name = change_q(substr(trim($_POST['name']), 0, 21), true);
     $surname = change_q(substr(trim($_POST['surname']), 0, 21), true);
     if ($name && !preg_match("/^[-a-zA-Zа-яёА-ЯЁ]+\$/", $name)) {
         $error_flag = 1;
         $alert[1] = "Поле заполнено некорректно";
     if ($surname && !preg_match("/^[-a-zA-Zа-яёА-ЯЁ]+\$/", $surname)) {
 * формирует превью проекта на главной странице.
function GetPreview($data)
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/projects.php';
    require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/attachedfiles.php';
    require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/CFile.php';
    require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/HTML/projects_lenta.php';
    require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/project_exrates.php';
    require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/memBuff2.php';
    $kind = 1;
    $memBuff = new memBuff();
    $htmlLenta = $memBuff->get('projectsLentaHTML');
    if (!$htmlLenta) {
        $prj = new new_projects();
        $prjs = $prj->getProjects($num_prjs, -1, 1, false, null, true);
        foreach ($prjs as &$proj) {
            // стираем принадлежность проекта к пользователю, чтобы не появилось кнопок РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ и пр.
        $htmlPrj = new HTMLProjects();
        $htmlPrj->template = '/projects/tpl.lenta.new.php';
        $prj_content = $htmlPrj->ShowProjects($num_prjs, $prjs, 1, 1, null, true);
        $prfs = new professions();
        $profs = $prfs->GetAllProfessions('', 0, 1);
        // подложка с лентой проектов
        include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/templates/main.php';
        $htmlLenta = ob_get_clean();
        // кэшируем ленту проектов
        $memBuff->set('projectsLentaHTML', $htmlLenta, 1800);
    // подготавливаем данные для шаблона в ленту проектов
    $row = array();
    $row['kind'] = __paramValue('int', $data['kind']);
    $row['cost'] = __paramValue('int', $data['cost']);
    $row['currency'] = __paramValue('int', $data['currency_db_id']);
    $row['priceby'] = __paramValue('int', $data['priceby_db_id']);
    $row['name'] = stripslashes(__paramValue('html', $data['name'], null, true));
    $contacts = array('phone' => array('name' => 'Телефон', 'value' => ''), 'site' => array('name' => 'Сайт', 'value' => ''), 'icq' => array('name' => 'ICQ', 'value' => ''), 'skype' => array('name' => 'Skype', 'value' => ''), 'email' => array('name' => 'E-mail', 'value' => ''));
    if (isset($data['contacts'])) {
        foreach ($data['contacts'] as $name => $value) {
            if (!isset($contacts[$name])) {
            switch ($name) {
                case 'site':
                    if (!url_validate(ltrim(ltrim($value, 'http://'), 'https://')) && trim($value) != '') {
                        $error["contact_{$name}"] = 'Поле заполнено некорректно';
                    if (strpos($value, 'htt') === false && trim($value) != '') {
                        $value = 'http://' . $value;
                case 'email':
                    if (!is_email($value) && trim($value) != '') {
                        $error["contact_{$name}"] = 'Поле заполнено некорректно';
            $contacts[$name]['value'] = __paramValue('htmltext', stripslashes($value));
        $row['contacts'] = serialize($contacts);
    $descrFull = stripslashes(__paramValue('html', $data['descr'], null, true));
    $descr = preg_replace('/^ /', "", $descrFull);
    $descr = preg_replace("/(\n) /", "\$1", $descr);
    $descr = reformat(strip_tags(htmlspecialchars(LenghtFormatEx(htmlspecialchars_decode($descr, ENT_QUOTES), 180), ENT_QUOTES), '<br />'), 50, 1, 0, 1);
    $descr = preg_replace("//", '&nbsp;', $descr);
    $row['descr'] = $descr;
    $row['t_is_payed'] = $data['logo_ok'] || $data['top_ok'];
    $row['t_is_ontop'] = __paramValue('bool', $data['top_ok']);
    $row['t_pro_only'] = $data['pro_only'] ? 't' : 'f';
    $row['t_verify_only'] = $data['verify_only'] ? 't' : 'f';
    $row['t_urgent'] = $data['urgent'] ? 't' : 'f';
    $row['t_hide'] = $data['hide'] ? 't' : 'f';
    $row['create_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) - 120);
    // делаем дату публикации 2 минуты назад
    $row['end_date'] = __paramValue('string', $data['end_date']);
    $row['win_date'] = __paramValue('string', $data['win_date']);
    $row['country'] = __paramValue('int', $data['project_location_columns'][0]);
    $row['city'] = __paramValue('int', $data['project_location_columns'][1]);
    list($row['country_name'], $row['city_name']) = explode(': ', __paramValue('string', $data['location']));
    $logoOK = __paramValue('bool', $data['logo_ok']);
    $topOK = __paramValue('bool', $data['top_ok']);
    $row['link'] = __paramValue('string', $data['link']);
    if ($logoOK) {
        $logoAttach = new attachedfiles($data['logo_attachedfiles_session']);
        $logoFiles = $logoAttach->getFiles(array(1));
        if (count($logoFiles)) {
            $logoFile = array_pop($logoFiles);
            // загружено может быть несколько файлов, берем последний
            $logoCFile = new CFile($logoFile['id']);
        } elseif (__paramValue('int', $data['logo_file_id'])) {
            $logoCFile = new CFile(__paramValue('int', $data['logo_file_id']));
        $row['logo_name'] = $logoCFile->name;
        $row['logo_path'] = $logoCFile->path;
    $is_ajax = true;
    // подготовка данных для подробной страницы проекта
    $project = $row;
    $categories = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) {
        $categoryID = __paramValue('int', $data['project_profession' . $i . '_columns'][0]);
        $subcategoryID = __paramValue('int', $data['project_profession' . $i . '_spec_columns'][0]);
        if ($categoryID || $subcategoryID) {
            $categories[] = array('category_id' => $categoryID, 'subcategory_id' => $subcategoryID);
    $project['spec_txt'] = projects::_getSpecsStr($categories, ' / ', ', ', true);
    $project['ico_payed'] = $logoOK;
    $project['is_upped'] = $topOK;
    $project['descr'] = $descrFull;
    $project['logo_id'] = $logoCFile->id;
    $project['prefer_sbr'] = __paramValue('bool', $data['prefer_sbr']) ? 't' : 'f';
    $project['urgent'] = __paramValue('bool', $data['urgent']) ? 't' : 'f';
    $project['hide'] = __paramValue('bool', $data['hide']) ? 't' : 'f';
    if (trim($project['contacts']) != '') {
        $contacts_employer = unserialize($project['contacts']);
        $empty_contacts_employer = 0;
        foreach ($contacts_employer as $name => $contact) {
            if (trim($contact['value']) == '') {
        $is_contacts_employer_empty = count($contacts_employer) == $empty_contacts_employer;
    $isPreview = true;
    $project_exRates = project_exrates::GetAll();
    $translate_exRates = array(0 => 2, 1 => 3, 2 => 4, 3 => 1);
    include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/public/new/tpl.preview.php';
    $htmlProject = ob_get_clean();
    $objResponse->assign('project_preview_lenta', 'innerHTML', $htmlLenta);
    $objResponse->assign('project_preview_content', 'innerHTML', $htmlProject);
    return $objResponse;
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                        window.addEvent('domready', function(){
                            $(document.body).addEvent('click', function(){
                            $('hint_files').removeEvents('click').addEvent('click', function(e){ e.stop(); $('attachedfiles_info').toggleClass('b-shadow_hide');});
                            $('attachedfiles_close_info').removeEvents('click').addEvent('click', function(){ e.stop(); $('attachedfiles_info').toggleClass('b-shadow_hide');});
                        (function () {
                            var attachedfiles_list = new Array();
if ($action == 'create_project') {
    $attachedfiles = new attachedfiles($attachedfiles_session);
    $attachedfiles_files = $attachedfiles->getFiles();
} else {
    $attachedfiles = new attachedfiles();
    $attachedfiles_files = $attachedfiles->getFilesForWizard($existPrjID);
if ($attachedfiles_files) {
    $n = 0;
    foreach ($attachedfiles_files as $attachedfiles_file) {
        echo "attachedfiles_list[{$n}] = new Object;\n";
        echo "attachedfiles_list[{$n}].id = '" . md5($attachedfiles_file['id']) . "';\n";
        echo "attachedfiles_list[{$n}].name = '{$attachedfiles_file['orig_name']}';\n";
        echo "attachedfiles_list[{$n}].path = '" . WDCPREFIX . "/{$attachedfiles_file['path']}{$attachedfiles_file['name']}';\n";
        echo "attachedfiles_list[{$n}].size = '" . ConvertBtoMB($attachedfiles_file['size']) . "';\n";
        echo "attachedfiles_list[{$n}].type = '{$attachedfiles_file['type']}';\n";
  * Регистрирует новое личное сообщение.
  * @param int    $user_id               id пользователя-отправителя 
  * @param string $target_login          логин пользователя-получателя
  * @param string $text                  текст сообщения
  * @param array  $files                 прикрепленные файлы
  * @param int    $force                 разрешение/отказ ответа на письмо (1/0)
  * @param bool   $skip_mail             Если TRUE - не отправлять уведомление о новом сообщении на емайл.
  * @param string $attachedfiles_session ID сессии загруженных файлов
  * @return mixed сообщение об ошибке и флаг ошибки в случае ее возниконовения
 public function Add($user_id, $target_login, $text, $files, $force = 0, $skip_mail = false, $attachedfiles_session = null, &$message_id = 0)
     require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/users.php';
     require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/ignor.php';
     $users = new users();
     $login = $users->GetName($user_id, $err);
     $tar_id = $users->GetUid($err, $target_login);
     if ((ignor::CheckIgnored($tar_id, $user_id) || in_array($target_login, array('admin', 'Anonymous'))) && !$force) {
         $error = 'Пользователь запретил отправлять ему сообщения';
     } else {
         if ($files) {
             if (count($files) > self::MAX_FILES) {
                 $alert[1] = 'Вы не можете прикрепить больше ' . self::MAX_FILES . ' файлов к сообщению.';
             } else {
                 $max_file_size = self::MAX_FILE_SIZE;
                 foreach ($files as $file) {
                     $ext = $file->getext();
                     $file->max_size = $max_file_size;
                     $max_file_size -= $file->size;
                     if (!in_array($ext, $GLOBALS['disallowed_array'])) {
                         $f_name = $file->MoveUploadedFile($login['login'] . '/contacts');
                         if (!isNulArray($file->error)) {
                             if ($max_file_size < 0) {
                                 $alert[1] = 'Вы превысили максимально допустимый размер файлов';
                             } else {
                                 $alert[1] = $GLOBALS['PDA'] ? 'Файл не удовлетворяет условиям загрузки' : 'Один или несколько файлов не удовлетворяют условиям загрузки.';
                     } else {
                         $alert[1] = $GLOBALS['PDA'] ? 'Файл не удовлетворяет условиям загрузки' : 'Один или несколько файлов имеют неправильный формат.';
         if (empty($alert) && empty($error)) {
             $memBuff = new memBuff();
             // автоматические папки для массовых рассылок личных менеджеров
             global $aPmUserUids;
             if (in_array($tar_id, $aPmUserUids) || SERVER === 'local' || SERVER === 'beta' || SERVER === 'alpha') {
                 $DBproxy = new DB();
                 $nRecId = $DBproxy->val('SELECT mess_pm_ustf_add(?i, ?i)', $tar_id, $user_id);
                 if ($nRecId) {
                     $memBuff->delete('pmAutoFolder' . $tar_id . '_' . $nRecId);
             $DB = new DB();
             $f = array();
             if ($files) {
                 foreach ($files as $file) {
                     $f[] = $file->id;
             require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/attachedfiles.php';
             $attachedfiles = new attachedfiles($attachedfiles_session);
             $attachedfiles_files = $attachedfiles->getFiles();
             if ($attachedfiles_files) {
                 foreach ($attachedfiles_files as $attachedfiles_file) {
                     $cFile = new CFile($attachedfiles_file['id']);
                     $cFile->table = 'file';
                     $ext = $cFile->getext();
                     $tmp_dir = 'users/' . substr($login['login'], 0, 2) . '/' . $login['login'] . '/contacts/';
                     $tmp_name = $cFile->secure_tmpname($tmp_dir, '.' . $ext);
                     $tmp_name = substr_replace($tmp_name, '', 0, strlen($tmp_dir));
                     $cFile->_remoteCopy($tmp_dir . $tmp_name, true);
                     $f[] = $cFile->id;
             $aNoMod = array_merge($GLOBALS['aContactsNoMod'], $GLOBALS['aPmUserUids']);
             //$bNoMod = hasPermissions('streamnomod', $user_id) || hasPermissions('streamnomod', $tar_id) || is_pro(true, $user_id) || is_pro(true, $tar_id) || in_array($user_id, $aNoMod);
             $bNoMod = true;
             // #0022344: Убрать из потоков личку
             $message_id = $DB->val('SELECT messages_add(?i, ?i, ?, ?b, ?a, ?b)', $user_id, $tar_id, $text, $skip_mail, $f, $bNoMod);
             if ($user_id % 2 == $tar_id % 2) {
                 $memBuff->delete(self::MEMBUFF_CHAT_PREFIX . $tar_id);
             if ($message_id && !$skip_mail && !QChat::active($tar_id)) {
                 $mail = new pmail();
                 $mail->NewMessage($user_id, $tar_id, stripslashes($text));
             if ($message_id) {
                 require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/external/base.php';
                 require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/external/api/api.php';
                 require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/external/api/mobile.php';
                 externalApi_Mobile::addPushMsg($tar_id, 'message', array('from_user_id' => get_uid(false), 'text' => stripslashes($text)));
     return array($alert, $error);
  * Обработка информации шага проекты.
 public function actionProjects()
     $prj_id = $_SESSION['view_wizard_project'];
     if (!$prj_id) {
         require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/attachedfiles.php';
         require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/project_exrates.php';
         require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/professions.php';
         require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/projects.php';
         require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/country.php';
         require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/city.php';
         $prj_exrates = project_exrates::GetAll();
         $categories = professions::GetAllGroupsLite();
         $professions = professions::GetAllProfessions();
         array_group($professions, 'groupid');
         $professions[0] = array();
         $addedPrc = is_pro() ? 0 : new_projects::PRICE_ADDED;
         $colorPrc = new_projects::PRICE_COLOR * ($addedPrc > 0 ? 1 : 0);
         $boldPrc = new_projects::PRICE_BOLD + $addedPrc;
         $logoPrc = new_projects::PRICE_LOGO + $addedPrc;
         $cTopPrice = new_projects::PRICE_CONTEST_TOP1DAY + $addedPrc;
         $pTopPrice = new_projects::PRICE_TOP1DAY + $addedPrc;
         $action = __paramInit('string', 'action', 'action', null);
         $attachedfiles_session = __paramInit('string', 'attachedfiles_session', 'attachedfiles_session', false);
         // проверяем есть ли уже созданый проект
         $projects = $this->getCreatedProjects();
         $existPrjID = count($projects) > 0 ? $projects[0][id] : null;
         // выводим ранее сохраненный проект
         if ($action != 'create_project' && $existPrjID) {
             $data = $projects[0];
             list($category, $subcategory) = explode('|', $data['categories']);
             $currency_name = $this->CURRENCY_TYPE[$data['currency']];
             $priceby_name = $this->PRICEBY_TYPE[$data['priceby']];
             $data['pro_only'] = $data['pro_only'] === 't';
             $price = $data['payed'];
             $option = array();
             $option['top'] = $data['top_count'] > 0;
             $option['top_count'] = $data['top_count'];
             $option['color'] = $data['is_color'] === 't';
             $option['bold'] = $data['is_bold'] === 't';
             $option['logo'] = $data['logo_id'] > 0;
         } elseif ($action == 'create_project') {
             // сохраняем новый проект или изменяем старый
             $in_office = __paramInit('int', null, 'in_office', 0);
             $type = __paramInit('string', null, 'kind');
             if ($type == 'contest') {
                 $data['kind'] = 7;
                 $data['end_date'] = date('d-m-Y', strtotime(__paramInit('string', null, 'end_date_eng_format', 0)));
                 $data['win_date'] = date('d-m-Y', strtotime(__paramInit('string', null, 'win_date_eng_format', 0)));
             } elseif ($in_office == 1) {
                 $location = __paramInit('integer', null, 'location_column_id');
                 if ($location == 1) {
                     $data['city'] = __paramInit('integer', null, 'location_db_id');
                     $data['country'] = country::getCountryByCityId($data['city']);
                 } else {
                     $data['country'] = __paramInit('integer', null, 'location_db_id');
                 $data['kind'] = 4;
             } else {
                 $data['kind'] = 1;
             $data['name'] = __paramInit('string', null, 'name');
             $data['descr'] = __paramInit('string', null, 'descr');
             $category = __paramInit('int', null, 'r_category');
             $subcategory = __paramInit('int', null, 'r_subcategory');
             $agreement = __paramInit('int', null, 'agreement', 0);
             $data['pro_only'] = __paramInit('int', null, 'pro_only', 0) == 1 ? true : false;
             if ($agreement != 1) {
                 $data['cost'] = __paramInit('int', null, 'cost', 0);
                 $data['priceby'] = __paramInit('int', null, 'r_priceby', 0);
                 $data['currency'] = __paramInit('int', null, 'r_currency', 0);
                 $data['budget_type'] = __paramInit('int', null, 'budget_type', 0);
             if (is_empty_html($data['descr'])) {
                 $error['descr'] = 'Поле не заполнено';
             if (is_empty_html($data['name'])) {
                 $error['name'] = 'Поле не заполнено';
             // проверяем длину необработанной строки, а иначе спецсимволы считаются как несколько символов
             if (strlen(stripslashes($_POST['name'])) > 60) {
                 $error['name'] = 'Превышен лимит - 60 символов';
             if (!$category) {
                 $error['category'] = 'Не выбран раздел';
             } elseif ($subcategory) {
                 $data['categories'] = "{$category}|{$subcategory}";
             } else {
                 $data['categories'] = $category;
             if ($data['cost'] < 0) {
                 $error['cost'] = 'Введите положительную сумму';
             if ($data['cost'] > 999999) {
                 $error['cost'] = 'Слишком большая сумма';
             if ($data['cost'] > 0 && ($data['currency'] < 0 || $data['currency'] > 3)) {
                 $error['currency'] = 'Валюта не определена';
             if ($data['cost'] > 0 && ($data['priceby'] < 1 || $data['priceby'] > 4)) {
                 $error['priceby'] = 'Вид бюджета не определен';
             $descr_limit = projects::LIMIT_DESCR;
             if (strlen_real($data['descr']) > $descr_limit) {
                 $error['descr'] = "Исчерпан лимит символов ({$descr_limit})";
             if ($data['kind'] == 7) {
                 if (!preg_match("/^([0-9]{1,2})\\-([0-9]{1,2})\\-([0-9]{4})\$/", $data['end_date'], $o1) || !checkdate($o1[2], $o1[1], $o1[3])) {
                     $error['end_date'] = 'Неправильная дата';
                 if (!preg_match("/^([0-9]{1,2})\\-([0-9]{1,2})\\-([0-9]{4})\$/", $data['win_date'], $o2) || !checkdate($o2[2], $o2[1], $o2[3])) {
                     $error['win_date'] = 'Неправильная дата';
                 if (!$error['end_date'] && mktime(0, 0, 0, $o1[2], $o1[1], $o1[3]) <= mktime(0, 0, 0)) {
                     $error['end_date'] = 'Дата окончания конкурса не может находиться  в прошлом';
                 if (!$error['win_date'] && mktime(0, 0, 0, $o2[2], $o2[1], $o2[3]) <= mktime(0, 0, 0, $o1[2], $o1[1], $o1[3])) {
                     $error['win_date'] = 'Дата определения победителя должна быть больше даты окончания конкурса';
             $option['top'] = __paramInit('int', null, 'option_top', 0);
             $option['top_count'] = __paramInit('int', null, 'option_top_count', 0);
             $option['color'] = __paramInit('int', null, 'option_color', 0);
             $option['bold'] = __paramInit('int', null, 'option_bold', 0);
             $option['logo'] = __paramInit('int', null, 'option_logo', 0);
             // логотип
             if ($option['logo'] == 1) {
                 $data['logo_link'] = str_replace('http://', '', __paramInit('string', null, 'logo_link', null));
                 $data['logo_id'] = __paramInit('int', null, 'logo_id', null);
                 // если выбрана опция "Логотип со ссылкой", то картинка должна быть обязательно
                 if (!$data['logo_id']) {
                     $error['logo_image'] = 'Отсутствует логотип';
                 if ($data['logo_link'] === 'Адрес сайта') {
                     $data['logo_link'] = '';
                 if ($data['logo_link'] !== '' && !is_url($data['logo_link'])) {
                     $error['logo_link'] = 'Не верно введен адрес';
             } else {
                 $data['logo_id'] = null;
             $price = 0;
             // закрепление на верху
             if ($option['top'] == 1 && $option['top_count'] > 0) {
                 if ($option['top_count'] > 999) {
                     $option['top_count'] = 999;
                 $price = (int) $option['top_count'] * ($data['kind'] == 7 ? $cTopPrice : $pTopPrice);
                 $data['top_count'] = (int) $option['top_count'];
                 $pay_option[] = array('wiz_uid' => $this->getWizardUserID(), 'op_code' => new_projects::OPCODE_PAYED, 'option' => self::PROJECT_OPTION_TOP, 'type' => $data['kind'] == 7 ? self::BILL_TYPE_CONTEST : self::BILL_TYPE_PROJECT, 'ammount' => $price);
             } else {
                 $data['top_count'] = 0;
             // выделение цветом
             if ($option['color'] == 1) {
                 $price += (int) $colorPrc;
                 $data['is_color'] = true;
                 $pay_option[] = array('wiz_uid' => $this->getWizardUserID(), 'op_code' => new_projects::OPCODE_PAYED, 'option' => self::PROJECT_OPTION_COLOR, 'type' => $data['kind'] == 7 ? self::BILL_TYPE_CONTEST : self::BILL_TYPE_PROJECT, 'ammount' => $colorPrc);
             } else {
                 $data['is_color'] = false;
             // выделение жирным
             if ($option['bold'] == 1) {
                 $price += (int) $boldPrc;
                 $data['is_bold'] = true;
                 $pay_option[] = array('wiz_uid' => $this->getWizardUserID(), 'op_code' => new_projects::OPCODE_PAYED, 'option' => self::PROJECT_OPTION_BOLD, 'type' => $data['kind'] == 7 ? self::BILL_TYPE_CONTEST : self::BILL_TYPE_PROJECT, 'ammount' => $boldPrc);
             } else {
                 $data['is_bold'] = false;
             if ($option['logo'] == 1) {
                 $price += (int) $logoPrc;
                 $pay_option[] = array('wiz_uid' => $this->getWizardUserID(), 'op_code' => new_projects::OPCODE_PAYED, 'option' => self::PROJECT_OPTION_LOGO, 'type' => $data['kind'] == 7 ? self::BILL_TYPE_CONTEST : self::BILL_TYPE_PROJECT, 'ammount' => $logoPrc);
             if ($price > 0) {
                 $data['payed'] = (int) $price;
             if (!$error) {
                 $data['wiz_uid'] = $this->getWizardUserID();
                 // если проект уже есть
                 if ($existPrjID) {
                     // то просто обновляем его
                     $prj_id = $this->updateProject($data, $existPrjID);
                     // и очищаем все платные опции для этого проекта
                 } else {
                     $prj_id = $this->createProject($data);
                 if ($prj_id && $_POST['attachedfiles_session']) {
                     $attachedfiles = new attachedfiles($_POST['attachedfiles_session']);
                     $files = $attachedfiles->getFiles(array(1, 2, 3, 4));
                     $this->parent->addAttachedFiles($files, $prj_id);
                 if ($prj_id && $data['kind'] == 7) {
                     $insert = array('wiz_uid' => $data['wiz_uid'], 'op_code' => new_projects::OPCODE_KON_NOPRO, 'type' => self::BILL_TYPE_CONTEST, 'ammount' => new_projects::getKonkursPrice(), 'parent' => $prj_id);
                 if ($price > 0 && $prj_id) {
                     foreach ($pay_option as $k => $opt) {
                         $opt['parent'] = $prj_id;
                 if ($prj_id) {
                     $_SESSION['view_wizard_project'] = $prj_id;
                     header('Location: /wizard/registration/');
                 } else {
                     $error['project'] = 'Ошибка записи проекта';
             $currency_name = __paramInit('string', null, 'currency');
             $priceby_name = __paramInit('string', null, 'priceby');
         // Генерируем данные для вывода ошибок и заполнения полей
         $loc[] = country::GetCountryName($data['country']);
         if ($data['city']) {
             $loc[] = city::GetCityName($data['city']);
         $location_name = implode(': ', $loc);
         $cat[] = professions::GetGroupName($category);
         if ($subcategory) {
             $cat[] = professions::GetProfName($subcategory);
         $category_name = implode(': ', $cat);
         if ($data['logo_id']) {
             $file = new CFile($data['logo_id']);
             $logo_path = WDCPREFIX . '/' . $file->path . $file->name;
         include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/wizard/registration/steps/tpl.step.project.php';
     } else {
         $project = $this->getProjectById($prj_id);
         $attached = $this->getProjectAttach($prj_id);
         include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/wizard/registration/steps/tpl.step.project.view.php';
     $attachedfiles_session = $asid;
 } else {
     $attachedfiles = new attachedfiles($attachedfiles_session);
     $asid = $attachedfiles_session;
 $attachedfiles_info = $attachedfiles->calcFiles();
 if ($attachedfiles_session) {
     $countfiles = 0;
 if ($msg === '' && $question === '' && empty($alert[5]) && !($countfiles || $attachedfiles_info['count']) && $yt_link === '') {
     $error_flag = 1;
     $alert[2] = 'Ошибка. Сообщение не должно быть пустым!';
 } elseif (!$error && !$error_flag && ($msg !== '' || $attach['name'] || $attach_have || $attach_delete || $question || $yt_link || $attachedfiles_info['count'])) {
     $blog_obj->Edit($_SESSION['uid'], $thread, $msg, $msg_name, $files, getRemoteIP(), $err, $mod, NULL, $gr, $t, $attach_delete, $olduserlogin, $yt_link, $close_comments, $is_private, $ontop, null, $question, $answers, $answers_exists, $multiple);
     //$nStopWordsCnt = $stop_words->calculate( $msg, $msg_name, $question, $answers, $answers_exists );
     $attachedfiles_files = $attachedfiles->getFiles(array(1, 3, 4));
     $blog_obj->addAttachedFiles($attachedfiles_files, $thread, $olduserlogin, $draft_id ? true : false);
     //$blog_obj->insertIntoModeration( $thread, $nStopWordsCnt ); // больше не модерируем
     if ($err) {
         $alert = $alert + $err;
     if ($draft_id && !($alert || $error || $error_flag)) {
         require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/drafts.php';
         drafts::DeleteDraft($draft_id, get_uid(false), 3, true);
 if ($site == 'journal') {
     if ($alert || $error || $error_flag) {
         $question = str_replace(array('"', "'", '\\', '<', '>'), array('&quot;', '&#039;', '&#92;', '&lt;', '&gt;'), stripslashes($_POST['question']));
     $hasReserve = $reserveInstance->hasReserveByUserId($uid);
     $reqvs[$form_type]['validate_status'] = ($hasReserve)?1:0;
     //после успешного сохранения отправлям на модерацию
     $reqvs[$form_type]['validate_status'] = 1;
     if (!isset($reqvs['is_activate_mob']) || !$reqvs['is_activate_mob'] || $reqvs['is_activate_mob'] == 'f' and !isset($_SESSION['sms_accept_phone']) || !isset($reqvs[$form_type]['phone']) || $_SESSION['sms_accept_phone'] != $reqvs[$form_type]['phone'] || !isset($_SESSION['sms_accept']) || $_SESSION['sms_accept'] !== true) {
         $other_error['phone'] = true;
         unset($_SESSION['sms_accept_phone'], $_SESSION['sms_accept'], $_SESSION['sms_accept_try']);
 $error_file = array();
 if ($form_type == sbr::FT_PHYS && !is_emp($u->role)) {
     // сканы документов
     $attachedFiles = new attachedfiles($_POST['attachedfiles_session']);
     $attachedFiles_files = $attachedFiles->getFiles(array(1, 4));
     $err = $account->addAttach2($attachedFiles_files);
     // сохраняем файлы
     $filesExists = count($attachedFiles->getFiles()) > 0;
     if ($err) {
         $error_file['err_attach'] = $err;
     } elseif (!$filesExists) {
         $error_file['err_attach'] = "Необходимо загрузить скан одной или нескольких страниц паспорта.";
 $required_error = sbr_meta::checkRequired($form_type, $rez_type, $reqvs[$form_type], is_emp($u->role));
 $start_errors = array_merge($required_error, $error_file, $other_error);
 if ($err = sbr_meta::setUserReqv($uid, $rez_type, $form_type, $reqvs[$form_type], $ft_disabled, $is_agree_view, $start_errors)) {
     if (isset($err['mob_phone'])) {
         $err['phone'] = $err['mob_phone'];
function aSaveDocument($stage_id, $doc_id, $name, $type, $access, $session)
    require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/sbr_meta.php';
    $stage_id = __paramValue('int', $stage_id);
    $doc_id = __paramValue('int', $doc_id);
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    if (!hasPermissions('sbr')) {
        $objResponse->script('window.sended = false');
        return $objResponse;
    $sbr = sbr_meta::getInstance();
    $sbr_id = $sbr->getSbrIdFromStage($stage_id);
    $sbr->initFromId($sbr_id, true, false, false);
    if ($sbr->error) {
        $objResponse->script('window.sended = false');
        return $objResponse;
    $stage = $sbr->initFromStage($stage_id, false);
    require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/attachedfiles.php';
    $attachedfiles = new attachedfiles($session);
    $attach = current($attachedfiles->getFiles());
    if ($attach['id']) {
        $file = new CFile($attach['id']);
        $file->table = 'file_sbr';
        $file->_remoteCopy($sbr->getUploadDir() . $file->name);
    } else {
        $file = false;
    if ($doc_id) {
        $old_doc = $sbr->getDoc($doc_id);
        $doc = array('name' => $name, 'type' => $type, 'access_role' => $access, 'status' => $old_doc['status'], 'stage_id' => $stage_id, 'id' => $doc_id);
        if ($file) {
            $doc['file_id'] = $file->id;
        $sbr->editDoc($doc, $old_doc);
        if ($old_doc['access_role'] == 0 && $doc['access_role'] > 0) {
            $stage->removeEvent(29, true);
        } elseif ($old_doc['access_role'] > 0 && $doc['access_role'] == 0) {
            $stage->removeEvent(30, true);
    } else {
        if (!$file) {
            $objResponse->script('window.sended = false');
            $objResponse->call('alert', 'Загрузите файл');
            return $objResponse;
        $doc = array('stage_id' => $stage_id, 'file_id' => $file->id, 'status' => sbr::DOCS_STATUS_PUBL, 'access_role' => $access, 'owner_role' => 0, 'type' => $type);
        $add_doc = $sbr->addDocR($doc);
        if (!$add_doc) {
            $objResponse->script('window.sended = false;');
            $objResponse->call('alert', 'Ошибка запроса');
            return $objResponse;
    return $objResponse;
         $error['win_date'] = 'Неправильная дата';
     // Модераторам аккуратней
     if (!hasPermissions('projects')) {
         if (!$error['end_date'] && mktime(0, 0, 0, $o1[2], $o1[1], $o1[3]) <= mktime(0, 0, 0)) {
             $error['end_date'] = 'Дата окончания конкурса не может находиться  в прошлом';
         if (!$error['win_date'] && mktime(0, 0, 0, $o2[2], $o2[1], $o2[3]) <= mktime(0, 0, 0, $o1[2], $o1[1], $o1[3])) {
             $error['win_date'] = 'Дата определения победителя должна быть больше даты окончания конкурса';
 $logoOK = __paramInit('bool', NULL, 'logo_ok');
 if ($logoOK) {
     $logoAttach = new attachedfiles($_POST['logo_attachedfiles_session']);
     $logoFiles = $logoAttach->getFiles(array(1, 3));
     if (count($logoFiles)) {
         $logoFile = array_pop($logoFiles);
         // загружено может быть несколько файлов, берем последний
         $logoCFile = new CFile($logoFile['id']);
     } elseif ($_POST['logo_file_id']) {
         //$logoCFile = new CFile(__paramInit('int', null, 'logo_file_id'));
     } else {
         if ($_POST['is_exec_quickprj'] != 1) {
             $error['logo'] = 'Необходимо выбрать файл';
 } else {
  * Обработка входящих данных на запись рассылки
  * @param array $post    Входящие данные $_POST
  * @return array Обработканные данные для записи array(name=>value) где name - имя поля в таблице value - значение поля
 public function initPost($post)
     $insert = array();
     if ($post['attachedfiles_session']) {
         $attachedfiles = new attachedfiles($post['attachedfiles_session']);
         $attachedfiles_files = $attachedfiles->getFiles(array(1, 3, 4));
         if (count($attachedfiles_files) > 0) {
             $insert['is_attached'] = true;
             $_POST['attachedfiles_files'] = $attachedfiles_files;
         } else {
             $insert['is_attached'] = false;
     $insert['in_draft'] = (int) $post['in_draft'] == 0 ? 'false' : 'true';
     if (isset($post['status_sending'])) {
         $insert['status_sending'] = (int) $post['status_sending'];
     if (isset($post['status_message'])) {
         $insert['status_message'] = (int) $post['status_message'];
     if (!is_empty_html($post['subject'])) {
         $insert['subject'] = __paramValue('string', addslashes($post['subject']));
     } else {
         $insert['subject'] = 'Рассылка Free-lance.ru';
         //$this->error['subject'] = 'Введите заголовок письма';
     if (!is_empty_html($post['message'])) {
         //$insert['message'] = addslashes(__paramValue('ckedit', stripslashes($post['message'])  ));
         $insert['message'] = $post['message'];
     } else {
         $this->error['message'] = 'Введите текст письма';
     if ($post['type_sending']) {
         $post['type_sending'] = array_map('intval', $post['type_sending']);
         $insert['type_sending'] = (string) implode("", array((int) $post['type_sending'][0], (int) $post['type_sending'][1]));
     if ($post['type_regular']) {
         $insert['type_regular'] = __paramValue('int', $post['type_regular']);
     if ($post['type_send_regular']) {
         $insert['type_send_regular'] = __paramValue('int', $post['type_send_regular']);
     if (!is_empty_html($post['time_sending'])) {
         $time = __paramValue('string', $post['time_sending']) . ":00";
         if (is_empty_html($post['date_sending'])) {
             $insert['date_sending'] = date('Y-m-d ' . $time);
     } elseif ($insert['type_regular'] == 2) {
         $this->error['time_sending'] = 'Введите время отправки рассылки';
     if (!is_empty_html($post['date_sending'])) {
         $time = "00:00";
         if (!is_empty_html($post['time_sending'])) {
             $time = __paramValue('string', $post['time_sending']) . ":00";
         $insert['date_sending'] = date('Y-m-d ' . $time, strtotime($post['date_sending']));
     } elseif ($insert['type_regular'] != 2) {
         $this->error['date_sending'] = 'Введите дату отправки рассылки';
     // Обработка фильтра Работодателя
     if ($post['filter_emp']) {
         // Записываем фильтр
         $insert['filter_emp'] = $this->initPostEmpFilter($post);
     if ($post['filter_frl']) {
         // Записываем фильтр
         $insert['filter_frl'] = $this->initPostFrlFilter($post);
     if ($post['filter_file']) {
         $insert['filter_file'] = true;
     } else {
         $insert['filter_file'] = '';
     $insert['user_id'] = get_uid();
     //$insert['count_recipients'] = 0;
     return $insert;
     // 1 мб
     $max_files = 10;
     $imageTypes = array(2, 3);
     $maxImageHeight = 100;
     $maxImageWidth = 100;
     $dir = $login . '/foto';
 case 'project_logo':
     require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes/projects.php";
     $cFile->server_root = true;
     $dir = 'users/' . substr($login, 0, 2) . '/' . $login . "/tmpproj/";
     $cFile->table = 'file_projects';
     $cFile->disable_animate = true;
     // так как для логотипа нужен только один файл, то удаляем все файлы текущей сессии кроме последнего, на случай если файл по какой-то причине не подойдет или не загрузится
     $aFiles = new attachedfiles($sess);
     $logos = $aFiles->getFiles(array(1));
     if (is_array($logos)) {
         while (count($logos) > 1) {
             $logos = array_splice($logos, 0, 1);
     $max_files_size = new_projects::LOGO_SIZE;
     $max_files = 10;
     $imageTypes = array(1, 2, 3);
     $cFile->max_image_size = array('width' => 150, 'height' => 150, 'less' => 0);
     $cFile->resize = 1;
     $cFile->proportional = 1;
     $cFile->crop = 1;
function quickprjedit_get_prj($prj_id)
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    if (hasPermissions('projects')) {
        require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/projects.php';
        require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/professions.php';
        require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/country.php';
        require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/city.php';
        $categories = professions::GetAllGroupsLite();
        $professions = professions::GetAllProfessions();
        array_group($professions, 'groupid');
        $professions[0] = array();
        $oprj = new new_projects();
        $project = $oprj->getPrj($prj_id);
        if ($project['id']) {
            $project_categories = $oprj->getSpecs($project['id']);
            if (empty($project_categories)) {
                $project_categories[] = array('category_id' => 0, 'subcategory_id' => 0);
            $html_categories = '';
            foreach ($project_categories as $project_category) {
                $html_categories .= "<div id='category_line'>\n                                        <select name='categories[]' class='b-select__select b-select__select_width_180' onchange='popupQEditPrjRefreshSubCategory(this);'>\n                                            <option value='0'>Выберите раздел</option>\n                                     ";
                foreach ($categories as $cat) {
                    if ($cat['id'] <= 0) {
                    $html_categories .= "<option value='{$cat['id']}' " . ($project_category['category_id'] == $cat['id'] ? ' selected' : '') . ">{$cat['name']}</option>";
                $html_categories .= "</select>\n                                        <select name='subcategories[]' class='b-select__select b-select__select_width_180'>\n                                    ";
                $categories_specs = $professions[$project_category['category_id']];
                for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($categories_specs); ++$i) {
                    $html_categories .= "<option value='{$categories_specs[$i]['id']}'" . ($categories_specs[$i]['id'] == $project_category['subcategory_id'] ? ' selected' : '') . ">{$categories_specs[$i]['profname']}</option>";
                $html_categories .= "      <option value='0' " . ($project_category['subcategory_id'] == 0 ? ' selected' : '') . '>Все специализации</option>
            $countries = country::GetCountries();
            if ($project['country']) {
                $cities = city::GetCities($project['country']);
            $html_location = '';
            $html_location .= "<div><select id='popup_qedit_prj_fld_country' name='country' onChange='popupQEditPrjCityUpd(this.value);'><option value='0'>Страна</option>";
            foreach ($countries as $country_id => $country) {
                $html_location .= "<option value='{$country_id}' " . ($country_id == $project['country'] ? 'selected' : '') . ">{$country}</option>";
            $html_location .= '</select></div>';
            $html_location .= "<div id='frm_city'><select name='city'><option value='0'>Город</option>";
            if ($cities) {
                foreach ($cities as $city_id => $city) {
                    $html_location .= "<option value='{$city_id}' " . ($city_id == $project['city'] ? 'selected' : '') . ">{$city}</option>";
            $html_location .= '</select>';
            $objResponse->assign('popup_qedit_prj_fld_id', 'value', $project['id']);
            $objResponse->assign('popup_qedit_prj_fld_name', 'value', htmlspecialchars_decode($project['name'], ENT_QUOTES));
            $objResponse->assign('popup_qedit_prj_fld_descr', 'value', htmlspecialchars_decode($project['descr'], ENT_QUOTES));
            $objResponse->assign('popup_qedit_prj_fld_categories', 'innerHTML', $html_categories);
            $objResponse->assign('popup_qedit_prj_fld_location', 'innerHTML', $html_location);
            $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_fld_kind_1").set("checked", false);');
            switch ($project['kind']) {
                case 1:
                    $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_cal1").setStyle("display", "none");');
                    $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_cal2").setStyle("display", "none");');
                    $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_kind").setStyle("display", "block");');
                    $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_fld_kind_1").set("checked", true);');
                    $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_fld_location").setStyle("display", "none");');
                case 2:
                    //$objResponse->script('$("sbr_text_block").setStyle("display", "none");');
                case 4:
                    $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_cal1").setStyle("display", "none");');
                    $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_cal2").setStyle("display", "none");');
                    $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_kind").setStyle("display", "block");');
                    $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_fld_kind_2").set("checked", true);');
                    $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_fld_location").setStyle("display", "block");');
                case 7:
                    $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_cal1").setStyle("display", "block");');
                    $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_cal2").setStyle("display", "block");');
                    $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_kind").setStyle("display", "none");');
                    $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_fld_location").setStyle("display", "none");');
                    $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_fld_end_date").set("value", "' . date('d-m-Y', strtotime($project['end_date'])) . '");');
                    $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_fld_win_date").set("value", "' . date('d-m-Y', strtotime($project['win_date'])) . '");');
            if ($project['pro_only'] == 't') {
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_fld_pro_only").set("checked", true);');
            } else {
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_fld_pro_only").set("checked", false);');
            if ($project['verify_only'] == 't') {
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_fld_verify_only").set("checked", true);');
            } else {
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_fld_verify_only").set("checked", false);');
            if ($project['prefer_sbr'] == 't') {
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_fld_prefer_sbr").set("checked", true);');
            } else {
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_fld_prefer_sbr").set("checked", false);');
            if ($project['strong_top'] == 1) {
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_fld_strong_top").set("checked", true);');
            } else {
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_fld_strong_top").set("checked", false);');
            /*if($project['prefer_sbr']=='t') {
                  $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_fld_prefer_sbr").set("checked", true);');
              } else {
                  $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_fld_prefer_sbr").set("checked", false);');
            $objResponse->script("var mx = new MultiInput('popup_qedit_prj_fld_categories','category_line', " . (int) ($project['is_pro'] === 't') . '); mx.init();');
            require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/attachedfiles.php';
            $attchedfiles = new attachedfiles($attachedfiles_session);
            $attachedfiles_tmpprj_files = $oprj->GetAllAttach($project['id']);
            if ($attachedfiles_tmpprj_files) {
                $attachedfiles_prj_files = array();
                foreach ($attachedfiles_tmpprj_files as $attachedfiles_prj_file) {
                    $attachedfiles_prj_files[] = $attachedfiles_prj_file['file_id'];
            $attachedfiles_files = $attchedfiles->getFiles();
            $js_attachedfiles = 'attachedfiles_list = [];';
            if ($attachedfiles_files) {
                $n = 0;
                foreach ($attachedfiles_files as $attachedfiles_file) {
                    $js_attachedfiles .= "attachedfiles_list[{$n}] = new Object;\n";
                    $js_attachedfiles .= "attachedfiles_list[{$n}].id = '" . md5($attachedfiles_file['id']) . "';\n";
                    $js_attachedfiles .= "attachedfiles_list[{$n}].name = '{$attachedfiles_file['orig_name']}';\n";
                    $js_attachedfiles .= "attachedfiles_list[{$n}].path = '" . WDCPREFIX . "/{$attachedfiles_file['path']}{$attachedfiles_file['name']}';\n";
                    $js_attachedfiles .= "attachedfiles_list[{$n}].size = '" . ConvertBtoMB($attachedfiles_file['size']) . "';\n";
                    $js_attachedfiles .= "attachedfiles_list[{$n}].type = '{$attachedfiles_file['type']}';\n";
            $objResponse->script("attachedFiles.init('popup_qedit_prj_attachedfiles', '" . $attchedfiles->getSession() . "', attachedfiles_list, " . tmp_project::MAX_FILE_COUNT . ', ' . tmp_project::MAX_FILE_SIZE . ",'" . implode(', ', $GLOBALS['disallowed_array']) . "', 'project', " . get_uid(false) . ');');
            if ($project['is_color'] == 't') {
                $objResponse->script("\$('popup_qedit_prj_is_color').set('checked', true); popupQEditPrjToggleIsColor();");
            } else {
                $objResponse->script("\$('popup_qedit_prj_is_color').set('checked', false); popupQEditPrjToggleIsColor();");
            if ($project['is_bold'] == 't') {
                $objResponse->script("\$('popup_qedit_prj_is_bold').set('checked', true); popupQEditPrjToggleIsBold();");
            } else {
                $objResponse->script("\$('popup_qedit_prj_is_bold').set('checked', false); popupQEditPrjToggleIsBold();");
            if ($project['hide'] == 't') {
                $objResponse->script("\$('popup_qedit_prj_is_hide').set('checked', true); ");
            } else {
                $objResponse->script("\$('popup_qedit_prj_is_hide').set('checked', false); ");
            if ($project['urgent'] == 't') {
                $objResponse->script("\$('popup_qedit_prj_is_urgent').set('checked', true); ");
            } else {
                $objResponse->script("\$('popup_qedit_prj_is_urgent').set('checked', false); ");
            $objResponse->assign('popup_qedit_prj_logolink', 'value', $project['link']);
            $key = md5(uniqid($uid));
            $tmpPrj = new tmp_project($key);
            $tmpPrj->init(1, $project['id']);
            $remTPeriod = $tmpPrj->getRemainingTopPeriod($remTD, $remTH, $remTM, $remtverb);
            $addedTD = $tmpPrj->getAddedTopDays();
            $objResponse->assign('popup_qedit_prj_fld_tmpid', 'value', $key);
            if ($remTPeriod || $addedTD) {
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_top_ok").set("checked", true);');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_top_ok").set("disabled", true);');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_top_ok_tab1_days").set("value", "1");');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_top_ok_icon").setStyle("display", "block");');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_top_ok_tab1").setStyle("display", "none");');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_top_ok_tab2").setStyle("display", "block");');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_top_ok_tab1_days").set("disabled", true);');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_top_ok_tab2_c").set("checked", false);');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_top_ok_tab2_c").set("disabled", false);');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_top_ok_tab2_days").set("disabled", false);');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_top_ok_tab2_days").set("value", "1");');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_top_ok_tab2_left").set("html", "' . $remtverb . ' ' . $remTPeriod . '");');
            } else {
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_top_ok").set("checked", false);');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_top_ok").set("disabled", false);');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_top_ok_tab1_days").set("value", "1");');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_top_ok_icon").setStyle("display", "none");');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_top_ok_tab1").setStyle("display", "none");');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_top_ok_tab2").setStyle("display", "none");');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_top_ok_tab1_days").set("disabled", false);');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_top_ok_tab2_c").set("checked", false);');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_top_ok_tab2_c").set("disabled", true);');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_top_ok_tab2_days").set("disabled", true);');
            if ($project['logo_id']) {
                $logo = $tmpPrj->getLogo();
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_use_logo_src").set("href", "' . WDCPREFIX . '/' . $logo['path'] . $logo['name'] . '");');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_use_logo").set("checked", true);');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_use_logo").set("disabled", true);');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_use_logo_tab").setStyle("display", "block");');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_use_logo_tab2").setStyle("display", "none");');
            } else {
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_use_logo").set("checked", false);');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_use_logo").set("disabled", false);');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_use_logo_tab").setStyle("display", "none");');
                $objResponse->script('$("popup_qedit_prj_use_logo_tab2").setStyle("display", "none");');
            $objResponse->call('center_popup', '.b-shadow_center-quick');
    return $objResponse;
  * Функция для вывода и обработки редактирования финансов в попап окне
 public static function view_finance_popup($redirect_url = "")
     require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes/account.php";
     require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes/smail.php";
     require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes/attachedfiles.php";
     $action = __paramInit('string', NULL, 'action');
     $sbr_id = __paramInit('int', 'id');
     $account = new account();
     $uid = $_SESSION['uid'];
     $ok = $account->GetInfo($uid, true);
     $reqvs = sbr_meta::getUserReqvs($uid);
     $sbr = sbr_meta::getInstance();
     $form_type = $reqvs['form_type'];
     $rez_type = __paramInit('int', NULL, 'rez_type');
     if ($rt_disabled = $sbr->checkChangeRT()) {
         if (!($rez_type = $reqvs['rez_type'])) {
             $rez_type = sbr::RT_RU;
         $reqvs['rez_type'] = $rez_type;
     if (!isset($rez_type)) {
         $rez_type = $reqvs['rez_type'];
     $reqvs['rez_type'] = $rez_type;
     // !!!
     if ($action == 'updfin') {
         $popup_open = true;
         $error = array();
         $form_type = __paramInit('int', NULL, 'form_type');
         if ($form_type || $rez_type || isset($_POST['ft' . $form_type])) {
             if (!$ft_disabled) {
                 $reqvs['form_type'] = $form_type;
             $reqvs[$form_type] = $_POST['ft' . $form_type];
             //@todo: запрещаем изменять финансы в старой СБР #29196
             $error['sbr'] = 'Прекращена поддержка СБР.';
             //if ($err = sbr_meta::setUserReqv($uid, $rez_type, $form_type, $reqvs[$form_type], $ft_disabled))
             //    $error['sbr'] = $err;
         // обработка загруженных и удаленных файлов
         $attachedFiles = new attachedfiles($_POST['attachedfiles_session']);
         $attachedFiles_files = $attachedFiles->getFiles(array(1, 4));
         $err = $account->addAttach2($attachedFiles_files);
         // сохраняем файлы
         if ($err) {
             $error['all']['err_attach'] = $err;
         if (!$error) {
             if ($stage) {
                 $stage->setPayoutSys((int) $_POST['credit_sys'], true);
             //$_SESSION['users.setup.fin_success'] = 1;
             if (!hasPermissions('users')) {
                 $smail = new smail();
             header_location_exit($redirect_url, 1);
         $finance_error = $error;
     $attach = $account->getAllAttach();
     $prepared = sbr_meta::prepareFinanceFiles($attach);
     $attachDoc = $prepared['attachDoc'];
     $attachOther = $prepared['attachOther'];
     $attachedFilesDoc = $prepared['attachedFilesDoc'];
     $attachedFilesOther = $prepared['attachedFilesOther'];
     include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/sbr/tpl.finance.php';
function CreateCommentForm($backto, $top_id, $message_id, $commune_id, $om, $page = 0, $action = 'Create.post', $mod, $adv = 0, $draft_id = 0, $attachedfiles_session = '')
    global $session;
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    if ($action == 'Create.post') {
        // Комментируем сообщение.
        $objResponse->assign($backto, 'style.position', 'static');
        $objResponse->assign($backto, 'innerHTML', __commPrntCommentForm($commune_id, $om, $page, $action, $top_id, NULL, $message_id, NULL, NULL, !$page ? 'Topic' : NULL, $mod));
    } else {
        // Выводим форму с атрибутами сообщения.
        $objResponse->assign($backto, 'style.position', 'static');
        $objResponse->assign($backto, 'innerHTML', __commPrntCommentForm($commune_id, $om, $page, $action, $top_id, $message_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, !$page ? 'Topic' : NULL, $mod, 0, $draft_id));
    $objResponse->script(" var editMsg = document.getElementById('{$backto}');\n    if(__commLastOpenedForm!=editMsg) {\n      try { \n        if(!__commLastOpenedForm) {\n          var ___acf = document.getElementById('idAlertedCommentForm');\n          if(___acf && ___acf.parentNode)\n            __commLastOpenedForm = ___acf.parentNode;\n        }\n        __commLastOpenedForm.innerHTML = ''; __commLastOpenedForm.style.position='absolute'; \n      } catch(e) {}\n    }\n    __commLastOpenedForm  = editMsg;\n    __commLastOpenedForm.action = '{$action}';\n\t\n\tpoll.init('Commune', document.getElementById('" . $backto . "'), " . commune::POLL_ANSWERS_MAX . ", '" . $_SESSION['CommunePoll_Sess'] . "');\n\tif (document.getElementById('question')) maxChars('question', 'polls_error', " . commune::POLL_QUESTION_CHARS_MAX . ");\n\teditMsg.scrollIntoView(true);\n\t//new mAttach(document.getElementById('files_block'), " . (commune::MAX_FILES - $adv) . ");\n        //mA = new mAttach2(document.getElementById('files_block'), " . (commune::MAX_FILES - $adv) . ", {p:'btn-add', m:'btn-del', nv:true});\n  ");
    $js = "var attachedfiles_list = new Array();\n";
    require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/attachedfiles.php';
    $attachedfiles = new attachedfiles($attachedfiles_session);
    $attachedfiles_tmpcomm_files = commune::getAttachedFiles($message_id);
    if ($attachedfiles_tmpcomm_files) {
        $attachedfiles_comm_files = array();
        foreach ($attachedfiles_tmpcomm_files as $attachedfiles_comm_file) {
            $attachedfiles_comm_files[] = $attachedfiles_comm_file;
    $attachedfiles_files = $attachedfiles->getFiles();
    if ($attachedfiles_files) {
        $n = 0;
        foreach ($attachedfiles_files as $attachedfiles_file) {
            $js .= "attachedfiles_list[{$n}] = new Object;\n";
            $js .= "attachedfiles_list[{$n}].id = '" . md5($attachedfiles_file['id']) . "';\n";
            $js .= "attachedfiles_list[{$n}].name = '{$attachedfiles_file['orig_name']}';\n";
            $js .= "attachedfiles_list[{$n}].path = '" . WDCPREFIX . "/{$attachedfiles_file['path']}{$attachedfiles_file['name']}';\n";
            $js .= "attachedfiles_list[{$n}].size = '" . ConvertBtoMB($attachedfiles_file['size']) . "';\n";
            $js .= "attachedfiles_list[{$n}].type = '{$attachedfiles_file['type']}';\n";
    $js .= "attachedFiles.init('attachedfiles', \n                               '" . $attachedfiles->getSession() . "',\n                               attachedfiles_list, \n                               '" . commune::MAX_FILES . "',\n                               '" . commune::MAX_FILE_SIZE . "',\n                               '" . implode(', ', $GLOBALS['disallowed_array']) . "',\n                               'commune',\n                               '" . get_uid(false) . "'\n                            );";
    if ($action != 'Create.post') {
    return $objResponse;
 * Возвращает яваскрипт код для инициализации прикрепленных файлов
 * @param  array $tmp_files массив прикрепленных файлов
 * @param  int $max_files максимально возможное количество прикрепленных файлов
 * @param  int $max_file_size максимальный размер каждого из прикрепленных файлов
 * @param  string $kind тип записи (contacts, blog и т.д)
 * @param  string $tag_id id html тэга для инициализации прикрепленных файлов
 * @return string 
function getAttachedFilesJs($tmp_files = array(), $max_files = 0, $max_file_size = 0, $kind = '', $tag_id = 'adm_edit_attachedfiles')
    require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/attachedfiles.php';
    $sAttach = 'attachedfiles_list = new Array();';
    $attachedfiles = new attachedfiles('', true);
    $attachedfiles_session = $attachedfiles->createSessionID();
    if ($tmp_files) {
        $attachedfiles_files = array();
        foreach ($tmp_files as $attachedfiles_file) {
            if ($kind == 'contacts' || $kind == 'project') {
                $sId = $kind == 'contacts' ? 'id' : 'file_id';
                $attachedfiles_files[] = $attachedfiles_file[$sId];
            } else {
                $attachedfiles_files[] = $attachedfiles_file;
    $files = $attachedfiles->getFiles();
    if ($files) {
        $n = 0;
        foreach ($files as $attachedfiles_file) {
            $sAttach .= "attachedfiles_list[{$n}] = new Object;\n";
            $sAttach .= "attachedfiles_list[{$n}].id = '" . md5($attachedfiles_file['id']) . "';\n";
            $sAttach .= "attachedfiles_list[{$n}].name = '{$attachedfiles_file['orig_name']}';\n";
            $sAttach .= "attachedfiles_list[{$n}].path = '" . WDCPREFIX . "/{$attachedfiles_file['path']}{$attachedfiles_file['name']}';\n";
            $sAttach .= "attachedfiles_list[{$n}].size = '" . ConvertBtoMB($attachedfiles_file['size']) . "';\n";
            $sAttach .= "attachedfiles_list[{$n}].type = '{$attachedfiles_file['type']}';\n";
    $sAttach .= "attachedFiles.init('adm_edit_attachedfiles', '{$attachedfiles_session}', attachedfiles_list, \n        '{$max_files}', '{$max_file_size}', '" . implode(', ', $GLOBALS['disallowed_array']) . "',\n        '{$kind}', " . get_uid(false) . "\n        );";
    return $sAttach;
  * Сохранение проекта в черновики (новый шаблон)
  * @param   array     $prj    Информация о проекте
  * @return  array             ['id'] - ID черновика, ['date'] - дата сохранения черновика
 function SaveProjectNew($prj, $attachedfiles_files = false)
     global $DB;
     require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes/attachedfiles.php";
     $categories = "";
     $check = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i <= 2; $i++) {
         $catID = __paramValue('int', $prj['project_profession' . $i . '_columns'][0]);
         $subcatID = __paramValue('int', $prj['project_profession' . $i . '_spec_columns'][0]);
         if ($catID || $subcatID) {
             $categories .= $catID . '|' . $subcatID . ',';
     $categories = preg_replace("/,\$/", "", $categories);
     if ($prj['name'] === false) {
         $prj['name'] = '';
     if ($prj['descr'] === false) {
         $prj['descr'] = '';
     if (!$prj['end_date']) {
         $prj['end_date'] = NULL;
     if (!$prj['win_date']) {
         $prj['win_date'] = NULL;
     $prj['budget_type'] = intval($prj['budget_type']);
     if (!intval($prj['draft_prj_id'])) {
         $prj['prj_id'] = NULL;
     } else {
         $prj['prj_id'] = $prj['draft_prj_id'];
     $prj['draft_id'] = intval($prj['draft_id']);
     if (!isset($prj['kind'])) {
         $prj['kind'] = 7;
     $prj['cost'] = $prj['agreement'] ? 0 : floatval($prj['cost']);
     $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $prj['strong_top'] = hasPermissions('projects') ? (int) $prj['strong_top'] : 0;
     $prj['verify_only'] = (bool) $prj['verify_only'];
     // платные опции
     $prj['urgent'] = (bool) $prj['urgent'];
     $prj['hide'] = (bool) $prj['hide'];
     $topDays = $prj['top_ok'] ? $prj['top_days'] : 0;
     if ($prj['logo_ok']) {
         $logoAttach = new attachedfiles($prj['logo_attachedfiles_session']);
         $logoFiles = $logoAttach->getFiles();
         if (is_array($logoFiles) && count($logoFiles)) {
             $logoFile = array_pop($logoFiles);
             // файлов может быть несколько, берем последний
             $logoFileID = $logoFile['id'];
         } elseif ($prj['logo_file_id']) {
             $logoFileID = $prj['logo_file_id'];
         $logoLink = $prj['link'];
     if (self::isDraftExists($prj['draft_id'], $prj['uid'], 1, $prj['prj_id'])) {
         $sql = "UPDATE draft_projects SET \n                            name = ?u,\n                            descr = ?u,\n                            cost = ?,\n                            currency = ?i,\n                            kind = ?i,\n                            pro_only = ?,\n                            strong_top = ?i,\n                            end_date = ?,\n                            win_date = ?,\n                            country = ?i,\n                            city = ?i,\n                            categories = ?,\n                            date = ?,\n                            prj_id = ?,\n                            priceby = ?i,\n                            prefer_sbr = ?,\n                            budget_type = ?i,\n                            verify_only = ?,\n                            urgent = ?,\n                            hide = ?,\n                            top_days = ?i,\n                            logo_id = ?,\n                            logo_link = ?,\n                            contacts = ?\n                    WHERE (id=? OR prj_id=?)AND uid=?i";
         $DB->query($sql, $prj['name'], $prj['descr'], $prj['cost'], $prj['currency_db_id'], $prj['kind'], $prj['pro_only'] == 1 ? 't' : 'f', $prj['strong_top'], $prj['end_date'], $prj['win_date'], (int) $prj['project_location_columns'][0], (int) $prj['project_location_columns'][1], $categories, $date, $prj['prj_id'], intval($prj['priceby_db_id']), $prj['prefer_sbr'] == 1 ? 't' : 'f', $prj['budget_type'], $prj['verify_only'], $prj['urgent'], $prj['hide'], $topDays, $logoFileID, $logoLink, $prj['contacts'], $prj['draft_id'], $prj['prj_id'], $prj['uid']);
         $id = $prj['draft_id'];
     } else {
         $new_draft = true;
         $sql = "INSERT INTO draft_projects (\n                            name,\n                            descr,\n                            cost,\n                            currency,\n                            kind,\n                            pro_only,\n                            end_date,\n                            win_date,\n                            country,\n                            city,\n                            categories,\n                            date,\n                            uid,\n                            prj_id,\n                            priceby,\n                            prefer_sbr,\n                            budget_type,\n                            strong_top,\n                            verify_only,\n                            urgent,\n                            hide, \n                            top_days,\n                            logo_id,\n                            logo_link,\n                            contacts\n                        ) VALUES (\n                            ?u,\n                            ?u,\n                            ?,\n                            ?i,\n                            ?i,\n                            ?,\n                            ?,\n                            ?,\n                            ?i,\n                            ?i,\n                            ?,\n                            ?,\n                            ?i,\n                            ?,\n                            ?i,\n                            ?,\n                            ?i,\n                            ?i,\n                            ?,\n                            ?,\n                            ?,\n                            ?i,\n                            ?,\n                            ?,\n                            ?\n                        ) RETURNING id;";
         $id = $DB->val($sql, $prj['name'], $prj['descr'], $prj['cost'], $prj['currency_db_id'], $prj['kind'], $prj['pro_only'] == 1 ? 't' : 'f', $prj['end_date'], $prj['win_date'], (int) $prj['project_location_columns'][0], (int) $prj['project_location_columns'][1], $categories, $date, $prj['uid'], $prj['prj_id'], intval($prj['priceby_db_id']), $prj['prefer_sbr'] == 1 ? 't' : 'f', $prj['budget_type'], (int) $prj['strong_top'], $prj['verify_only'], $prj['urgent'], $prj['hide'], $topDays, $logoFileID, $logoLink, $prj['contacts']);
     // - BEGIN атачи
     if (!$attachedfiles_files) {
         require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes//uploader/uploader.php";
         $mask_files = array(1, 3);
         $uploader = new uploader(current($prj['IDResource']));
         $attachedfiles_files = $uploader->getFiles($mask_files);
     $file_id = array();
     // массив с ID файлов которые не надо удалять
     $noDeletedFiles = array();
     foreach ($attachedfiles_files as $attachedfiles_file) {
         $noDeletedFiles[] = $attachedfiles_file['id'];
         // старые файлы не трогаем
         if ($attachedfiles_file['status'] == 3) {
         if (in_array($f->id, $file_id)) {
         // Чтобы не было дублей
         $file_id[] = $f->id;
         $f = new CFile($attachedfiles_file['id']);
         $f->table = 'file';
         $sql = "INSERT INTO draft_attaches(draft_id, draft_type, file_id) VALUES(?i, 4, ?i)";
         $DB->hold()->query($sql, $id, $f->id);
     if ($DB->sqls) {
     if ($uploader && $attachedfiles_files) {
         $uploader->setStatusFiles(uploader::STATUS_CREATE, uploader::STATUS_ADDED);
     $sqlNoDeletedFiles = count($noDeletedFiles) ? $DB->parse('AND file_id NOT IN (?l)', $noDeletedFiles) : '';
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM draft_attaches WHERE draft_id = ?i AND draft_type = 4 {$sqlNoDeletedFiles};";
     $files = $DB->rows($sql, $id, $noDeletedFiles);
     if ($files) {
         foreach ($files as $f) {
             $cf = new CFile($f['file_id']);
             $cf->table = 'file';
     $sql = "DELETE FROM draft_attaches WHERE draft_id = ?i AND draft_type = 4 {$sqlNoDeletedFiles};";
     $DB->query($sql, $id, array());
     // - END атачи
     $_SESSION['drafts_count'] = drafts::getCount($msg['uid']);
     return array('id' => $id, 'date' => $date);
  * Редактирует сделку по данным пользовательского запроса.
  * @see sbr_emp::initFromRequest()
  * @param array $request данные запроса (гет, пост).
  * @param array $files   массив $_FILES с вложениями к каждому этапу.
  * @return bool успешно?
 private function __new_edit($request, attachedfiles $files, &$old)
     $old = clone $this;
     $attached = $files->getFiles(array(1, 4), true);
     if (!$this->_new_initFromRequest($request, $attached, $old)) {
         return false;
     if (!$this->_openXact(true)) {
         return false;
     if ($this->_delstages) {
         foreach ($this->_delstages as $dstage) {
             if (!$dstage->delete($old->isDraft())) {
                 return false;
     $sql_data = $this->_preSql(true);
     $sql = "\n          UPDATE sbr\n             SET name = '{$sql_data['name']}',\n                 frl_id = {$sql_data['frl_id']},\n                 cost_sys = {$sql_data['cost_sys']},\n                 is_draft = '{$sql_data['is_draft']}',\n                 scheme_type = {$sql_data['scheme_type']}\n           WHERE id = {$this->data['id']}\n             AND emp_id = {$this->uid}\n        ";
     if (!($res = pg_query(self::connect(false), $sql)) || !pg_affected_rows($res)) {
         return false;
     // Ситуация когда редактируем сделку (отправляем из черновиков) а в ней нет офферт, тогда просто генерируем их
     if ($this->scheme_type == sbr::SCHEME_LC) {
         $docs = $this->getDocs();
         foreach ($docs as $doc) {
             if ($doc['type'] == sbr::DOCS_TYPE_OFFER) {
                 $offers_doc[] = $doc['file_id'];
         if (count($offers_doc) != 2) {
             $doc_delete = current($offers_doc);
             // Удаляем, если одна оферта сгенерировалась уже, а вторая нет
             if ($doc_delete) {
                 $doc_file = CFile($doc_delete);
             if ($doc_file = $this->generateAgreement($err)) {
                 $doc = array('file_id' => $doc_file->id, 'status' => sbr::DOCS_STATUS_SIGN, 'access_role' => sbr::DOCS_ACCESS_ALL, 'owner_role' => 0, 'type' => sbr::DOCS_TYPE_OFFER, 'subtype' => 2);
             if (!$err) {
                 if ($doc_file = $this->generateContract($err)) {
                     $doc = array('file_id' => $doc_file->id, 'status' => sbr::DOCS_STATUS_SIGN, 'access_role' => sbr::DOCS_ACCESS_ALL, 'owner_role' => 0, 'type' => sbr::DOCS_TYPE_OFFER, 'subtype' => 1);
             if ($err) {
                 return false;
     pg_query(self::connect(false), "SELECT sbr_trigger_fvrs_gt_vrs('sbr', {$this->data['id']})");
     foreach ($this->stages as $stage) {
         if ($this->scheme_type == sbr::SCHEME_LC && ($this->data['state'] == pskb::STATE_NEW || $this->data['state'] == pskb::STATE_FORM || $this->data['status'] >= sbr::STATUS_CHANGED)) {
             $cur_stage = $this->initFromStage($stage->id, false);
             $stage->data['cost'] = $cur_stage->cost;
         if ($this->data['delstages'][$stage->id] || $this->data['stage_id'] && $stage->id != $this->data['stage_id'] || $stage->isFixedState()) {
         if (!($stage->id ? $stage->edit() : $stage->_new_create())) {
             return false;
     // записываем профессию сделки
     //$this->saveProfessions(); при редактировании ничего не записываем
     return true;
 * Сохранение комментария к статьям
 * @param object $objResponse xajaxResponse
 * @param string $rec_id идентификатор записи
 * @param string $rec_type тип записи
 * @param array $aForm массив данных
 * @param string $sDrawFunc имя функции для выполнения после сохранения
function _admEditArtComSaveForm(&$objResponse, $rec_id = '', $rec_type = '', $aForm = array(), $sDrawFunc = '')
    require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/messages.php';
    require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/user_content.php';
    require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/attachedfiles.php';
    require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/comments/CommentsArticles.php';
    $oComments = new CommentsArticles();
    $attachedfiles = new attachedfiles($aForm['attachedfiles_session']);
    $attachedfiles_files = $attachedfiles->getFiles(array(1, 3, 4));
    $oComments->addAttachedFiles($attachedfiles_files, $rec_id, $aForm['user_login']);
    $sReason = _parseReason($aForm['user_id'], $aForm['adm_edit_text']);
    messages::artComModifiedNotification($rec_id, $aForm['user_login'], $aForm['user_uname'], $aForm['user_usurname'], $sReason, $aForm['resource']);
    $content_id = user_content::MODER_ART_COM;
    _admEditAfterAll($objResponse, $content_id, $rec_id, $rec_type, $sDrawFunc, $aForm);
  * Изменение документа
  * @param    integer  $id      ID документа
  * @param    array    $data    Данные документа
 function updateDocument($id, $data)
     global $DB;
     if (!$data['letters_doc_frm_user_3_db_id'] || $data['letters_doc_frm_user_3_db_id'] == 'null') {
         $data['letters_doc_frm_user_3_db_id'] = null;
         $data['letters_doc_frm_user3_status_data'] = null;
         $data['letters_doc_frm_user3_status_date_data'] = null;
     if (!$data['letters_doc_frm_user3_status_date_data']) {
         $data['letters_doc_frm_user3_status_date_data'] = null;
     if (!$data['letters_doc_frm_user2_status_date_data']) {
         $data['letters_doc_frm_user2_status_date_data'] = null;
     if (!$data['letters_doc_frm_user1_status_date_data']) {
         $data['letters_doc_frm_user1_status_date_data'] = null;
     if (!$data['letters_doc_frm_user3_status_data']) {
         $data['letters_doc_frm_user3_status_data'] = null;
     if (!$data['letters_doc_frm_user2_status_data']) {
         $data['letters_doc_frm_user2_status_data'] = null;
     if (!$data['letters_doc_frm_user1_status_data']) {
         $data['letters_doc_frm_user1_status_data'] = null;
     if (!$data['letters_doc_frm_parent_db_id'] || $data['letters_doc_frm_parent_db_id'] == 'null') {
         $data['letters_doc_frm_parent_db_id'] = null;
     if (!$data['letters_doc_frm_group'] || $data['letters_doc_frm_group'] == 'null') {
         $data['letters_doc_frm_group'] = null;
     if (!$data['letters_doc_frm_group_db_id'] || $data['letters_doc_frm_group_db_id'] == 'null') {
         $data['letters_doc_frm_group_db_id'] = null;
     if (!$data['letters_doc_frm_group_db_id'] && !empty($data['letters_doc_frm_group'])) {
         $data['letters_doc_frm_group_db_id'] = letters::checkCreateGroup($data['letters_doc_frm_group']);
     if ($data['letters_doc_frm_user_1_section'] == '1') {
         $data['letters_doc_frm_user_1_section'] = true;
     } else {
         $data['letters_doc_frm_user_1_section'] = false;
     if ($data['letters_doc_frm_user_2_section'] == '1') {
         $data['letters_doc_frm_user_2_section'] = true;
     } else {
         $data['letters_doc_frm_user_2_section'] = false;
     if ($data['letters_doc_frm_user_3_section'] == '1') {
         $data['letters_doc_frm_user_3_section'] = true;
     } else {
         $data['letters_doc_frm_user_3_section'] = false;
     if ($data['letters_doc_frm_withoutourdoc'] == '1') {
         $data['letters_doc_frm_withoutourdoc'] = true;
     } else {
         $data['letters_doc_frm_withoutourdoc'] = false;
     $doc = self::getDocument($id);
     $doc_data['title'] = $data['letters_doc_frm_title'];
     $doc_data['user_1'] = $data['letters_doc_frm_user_1_db_id'];
     $doc_data['user_2'] = $data['letters_doc_frm_user_2_db_id'];
     $doc_data['user_3'] = $data['letters_doc_frm_user_3_db_id'];
     $doc_data['group_id'] = $data['letters_doc_frm_group_db_id'];
     $doc_data['parent'] = $data['letters_doc_frm_parent_db_id'];
     $doc_data['user_status_1'] = $data['letters_doc_frm_user1_status_data'];
     $doc_data['user_status_2'] = $data['letters_doc_frm_user2_status_data'];
     $doc_data['user_status_3'] = $data['letters_doc_frm_user3_status_data'];
     $doc_data['user_status_date_1'] = $data['letters_doc_frm_user1_status_date_data'];
     $doc_data['user_status_date_2'] = $data['letters_doc_frm_user2_status_date_data'];
     $doc_data['user_status_date_3'] = $data['letters_doc_frm_user3_status_date_data'];
     $doc_data['is_user_1_company'] = $data['letters_doc_frm_user_1_section'] ? 't' : 'f';
     $doc_data['is_user_2_company'] = $data['letters_doc_frm_user_2_section'] ? 't' : 'f';
     $doc_data['is_user_3_company'] = $data['letters_doc_frm_user_3_section'] ? 't' : 'f';
     $doc_data['withoutourdoc'] = $data['withoutourdoc'] ? 't' : 'f';
     if (isset($data['letters_doc_frm_comment']) && $data['letters_doc_frm_comment']) {
         $doc_data['comment'] = $data['letters_doc_frm_comment'];
     } else {
         $data['letters_doc_frm_comment'] = $doc['comment'];
     if ($doc_data['user_status_1'] != $doc['user_status_1'] || $doc_data['user_status_2'] != $doc['user_status_2'] || $doc_data['user_status_3'] != $doc['user_status_3']) {
     letters::saveHistory($id, $doc_data);
     $sql = "UPDATE letters SET\n                                     date_add = " . ($data['letters_doc_frm_dateadd_eng_format'] ? "'{$data['letters_doc_frm_dateadd_eng_format']}'" : "NOW()") . ",\n                                     title = ?,\n                                     user_1 = ?,\n                                     user_2 = ?,\n                                     user_3 = ?,\n                                     group_id = ?,\n                                     parent = ?,\n                                     user_status_1 = ?, \n                                     user_status_2 = ?, \n                                     user_status_3 = ?, \n                                     user_status_date_1 = ?, \n                                     user_status_date_2 = ?, \n                                     user_status_date_3 = ?,\n                                     is_user_1_company = ?,  \n                                     is_user_2_company = ?, \n                                     is_user_3_company = ?, \n                                     withoutourdoc = ?,\n                                     comment = ?\n                WHERE id = ?i;";
     $DB->query($sql, $data['letters_doc_frm_title'], $data['letters_doc_frm_user_1_db_id'], $data['letters_doc_frm_user_2_db_id'], $data['letters_doc_frm_user_3_db_id'], $data['letters_doc_frm_group_db_id'], $data['letters_doc_frm_parent_db_id'], $data['letters_doc_frm_user1_status_data'], $data['letters_doc_frm_user2_status_data'], $data['letters_doc_frm_user3_status_data'], $data['letters_doc_frm_user1_status_date_data'], $data['letters_doc_frm_user2_status_date_data'], $data['letters_doc_frm_user3_status_date_data'], $data['letters_doc_frm_user_1_section'], $data['letters_doc_frm_user_2_section'], $data['letters_doc_frm_user_3_section'], $data['letters_doc_frm_withoutourdoc'], $data['letters_doc_frm_comment'], $id);
     $sql = "UPDATE letters SET is_out=false WHERE (user_status_1 IS DISTINCT FROM 1 AND user_status_2 IS DISTINCT FROM 1 AND user_status_3 IS DISTINCT FROM 1) AND id=?i";
     $DB->query($sql, $id);
     require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes/attachedfiles.php";
     require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes/CFile.php";
     $attachedfiles = new attachedfiles($data['attachedfiles_session']);
     $attachedfiles_files = $attachedfiles->getFiles();
     if ($attachedfiles_files) {
         foreach ($attachedfiles_files as $attachedfiles_file) {
             $cFile = new CFile();
             $cFile->table = 'file';
             if ($cFile->id != $doc['file_id']) {
                 $ext = $cFile->getext();
                 $tmp_dir = "letters/";
                 $tmp_name = $cFile->secure_tmpname($tmp_dir, '.' . $ext);
                 $tmp_name = substr_replace($tmp_name, "", 0, strlen($tmp_dir));
                 $cFile->_remoteCopy($tmp_dir . $tmp_name, true);
                 $sql = "UPDATE letters SET file_id = ?i WHERE id = ?i";
                 $DB->query($sql, $cFile->id, intval($id));
     return $id;