<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/960_16_col.css">
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try {
    ini_set("display_errors", 1);
    $connection = DB::getConnection(DB::host, DB::database, DB::user, DB::password);
    // gets the user id and searches for a matching id in the member table and displays the user's details
    $sTable = new seekerTable($connection);
    $aTable = new applicationTable($connection);
    $jTable = new jobsTable($connection);
    $id = $_SESSION['id'];
    $applicants = $aTable->showAll();
    $duplicate = false;
    $saveNum = $_GET['saveNum'];
    $count = $saveNum;
    $limit = $count + 10;
    $loopPass = 0;
    $previousSaveNum = $saveNum - 10;
    $seekers = $sTable->showAll();
    $jobs = $jTable->showAll();
} catch (PODException $e) {
    $connection = null;
    exit("Connection Failed: " . $e->getMessage());
        <div id="page-container-default">
            <div id="header">
    $connection = DB::getConnection(DB::host, DB::database, DB::user, DB::password);
    //instantiate a new employer,seeker,job and application table, passing the connection details as a parameter
    $table = new employerTable($connection);
    $applicationTable = new applicationTable($connection);
    $seekerTable = new seekerTable($connection);
    $jobsTable = new jobsTable($connection);
    //id variable will store the employer id stored in the session
    $id = $_SESSION['id'];
    //find the current employer in the database - store in the employer object
    $employer = $table->findById($id);
    //store all the employers in the
    //$employers = $table->showAll();
    //store all jobs
    $jobs = $jobsTable->showAll();
    //store all applications
    $applications = $applicationTable->showAll();
    //store all seekers
    $seekers = $seekerTable->showAll();
    //variables used to store the current employer's information
    $fName = $employer->getFName();
    $lName = $employer->getLName();
    $location = $employer->getLocation();
    $company = $employer->getCompany();
    $bio = $employer->getBio();
    $photo = $employer->getPhoto();
} catch (PODException $e) {
    //if a problem occurs - close connection.
    $connection = null;
    exit("Connection Failed: " . $e->getMessage());