function doListAnnotations($url, $username, $block, $all) { $handler = annotation_summary_query::handler_for_url($url); $user = get_record('user', 'username', $username); $summary = new annotation_summary_query($url, $handler, null, $user, null, false, $all); if ($summary->error) { $this->httpError(400, 'Bad Request', 'Bad URL 1'); return null; } elseif (!isloggedin() && ANNOTATION_REQUIRE_USER) { $this->httpError(403, 'Forbidden', 'Anonymous listing not allowed'); return null; } else { $querysql = $summary->sql('section_type, section_name, quote_title, start_block, start_line, start_word, start_char, end_block, end_line, end_word, end_char'); $annotation_set = get_records_sql($querysql); $annotations = array(); if ($annotation_set) { $i = 0; foreach ($annotation_set as $r) { $annotations[$i++] = annotation_globals::record_to_annotation($r); } } $format = $this->getQueryParam('format', 'atom'); $logurl = 'annotate.php?format=' . $format . ($user ? '&user='******'') . '&url=' . $url; add_to_log($summary->handler->courseid, 'annotation', 'list', $logurl); return $annotations; } }
function annotation_summary_page($first = 1) { $this->moodlemia = moodle_marginalia::get_instance(); $this->first = $first; $this->logger = $this->moodlemia->logger; $this->summary = new annotation_summary_query(annotation_summary_query::map_params($_GET)); }
function show() { $this->errorpage = array_key_exists('error', $_GET) ? $_GET['error'] : null; $summary = annotation_summary_query::from_params(); if (null == $summary) { header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request'); echo '<h1>400 Bad Request</h1>'; } elseif (!MarginaliaHelper::isUrlSafe($summary->url)) { header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request'); echo '<h1>400 Bad Request</h1>Bad url parameter'; } else { // Display individual annotations // Dunno if the range sorting is working $sql = $summary->sql('section_type, section_name, a.url, start_block, start_word, start_char, end_block, end_word, end_char'); // echo "SQL: $sql\n"; // uncomment for debugging $annotations = get_records_sql($sql); $format = array_key_exists('format', $_GET) ? $_GET['format'] : 'html'; if ('atom' == $format) { $this->show_atom($summary, $annotations); } else { $this->show_html($summary, $annotations); } } }
/** * Figure out whether annotation is permitted on a given page * Should be refactored - same code is in annotate.php * #geof# should go into a mia_page_profile */ function can_annotate($url) { global $USER; if (isguestuser() or !isloggedin()) { return false; } $handler = annotation_summary_query::handler_for_url($url); if (!$handler) { return false; } $handler->fetch_metadata(); if ($handler->modulename && $handler->courseid) { $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance($handler->modulename, $handler->modinstanceid, $handler->courseid); if ($cm) { $modcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); // if ( has_capability('moodle/legacy:guest', $context, $USER->id, false ) ) // return false; if (!$handler->capannotate) { return false; } else { return has_capability($handler->capannotate, $modcontext); } } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
function doListAnnotations($url, $sheet, $block, $all, $mark) { global $USER, $DB; $moodlemia = moodle_marginalia::get_instance(); $handler = annotation_summary_query::handler_for_url($url); $sheet_type = $moodlemia->sheet_type($sheet); $summary = new annotation_summary_query(array('url' => $url, 'sheet_type' => $sheet_type, 'all' => $all)); if ($summary->error) { $this->httpError(400, 'Bad Request', 'Bad URL 1'); return null; } elseif (!isloggedin() && ANNOTATION_REQUIRE_USER) { $this->httpError(403, 'Forbidden', 'Anonymous listing not allowed'); return null; } else { $queryparams = array(); $querysql = $summary->sql($queryparams); //echo "QUERY: $querysql\n"; //echo "PARAMS: \n"; //foreach ( $queryparams as $key => $value ) // echo " $key => $value\n"; $annotations = array(); $annotations_read = array(); $annotations_unread = array(); $i = 0; // Prep as much possible now for lastread updates $now = time(); // lastread time // Open the record set /*echo "Query: $querysql<br/>"; /echo "Params: $queryparams<br/>"; foreach ( $queryparams as $p => $v ) { echo "Param: $p = $v<br/>"; }*/ $annotation_set = $DB->get_recordset_sql($querysql, $queryparams); foreach ($annotation_set as $r) { $annotations[$i] = $moodlemia->record_to_annotation($r); $annotation = $annotations[$i]; if ('read' == $mark) { // Will do a bulk update later if ($annotation->getLastRead()) { $annotations_read[] = $annotation->id; } else { $annotations_unread[] = $annotation->id; } } $i++; } // Close the recordset $annotation_set->close(); // Bulk update of lastread if ('read' == $mark) { if ($annotations_read && count($annotations_read)) { list($in_sql, $in_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($annotations_read, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED); $query = 'UPDATE {' . AN_READ_TABLE . '}' . "\n SET lastread=:lastread" . "\n WHERE userid=:userid AND annotationid {$in_sql}"; $query_params = array('userid' => $USER->id, 'lastread' => (int) $now); $params = array_merge($in_params, $query_params); $DB->execute($query, $params); } if ($annotations_unread && count($annotations_unread)) { list($in_sql, $in_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($annotations_unread, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED); $query = 'INSERT INTO {' . AN_READ_TABLE . '}' . "\n (annotationid, userid, firstread, lastread)" . "\n SELECT, :userid, :now1, :now2" . "\n FROM {" . AN_DBTABLE . "} a" . "\n WHERE {$in_sql}"; $query_params = array('userid' => $USER->id, 'now1' => (int) $now, 'now2' => (int) $now); $params = array_merge($in_params, $query_params); $DB->execute($query, $params); } } if ($this->extService) { $extService = $this->extService; $extService->listAnnotations($url, $sheet, $block, $all, $mark); } $format = $this->getQueryParam('format', 'atom'); $moodlemia->moodle_log('list', 'annotate.php?format=' . $format . '&url=' . $url); return $annotations; } }
function derive($a) { $summary_query = new annotation_summary_query(array('text' => $this->text, 'exactmatch' => $this->exactmatch, 'all' => $this->all, 'orderby' => $this->orderby, 'sheet_type' => $this->sheet_type, 'user' => $this->user, 'ofuser' => $this->ofuser, 'url' => $this->url)); if ($a) { $summary_query->from_params($a); } return $summary_query; }
function for_parent() { $this->handler->fetch_metadata(); if ($this->handler->parenturl) { return new annotation_summary_query($this->handler->parenturl, annotation_summary_query::handler_for_url($this->handler->parenturl), $this->text, $this->user, $this->ofuser, $this->exactmatch, $this->all); } else { return null; } }
function show_user_dropdown($refurl) { global $USER; $summary = annotation_summary_query::from_url($refurl); $userlist = get_records_sql($summary->list_users_sql()); $annotationuserid = moodle_marginalia::get_userid(); $showannotationspref = moodle_marginalia::get_show_annotations_pref() == 'true'; echo "<select name='anuser' id='anuser' onchange='window.moodleMarginalia.changeAnnotationUser(this,\"{$refurl}\");'>\n"; $selected = $showannotationspref ? '' : " selected='selected' "; echo " <option {$selected} value=''>" . get_string('hide_annotations', ANNOTATION_STRINGS) . "</option>\n"; if (!isguest()) { $selected = $showannotationspref && ($USER->username == $annotationuserid ? "selected='selected' " : '') ? " selected='selected' " : ''; echo " <option {$selected}" . "value='" . s($USER->username) . "'>" . get_string('my_annotations', ANNOTATION_STRINGS) . "</option>\n"; } if ($userlist) { foreach ($userlist as $user) { if ($user->username != $USER->username) { $selected = $showannotationspref && ($user->id == $annotationuserid ? "selected='selected' " : '') ? " selected='selected' " : ''; echo " <option {$selected}" . "value='" . s($user->username) . "'>" . s($user->firstname . ' ' . $user->lastname) . "</option>\n"; } } } // Show item for all users if (true) { $selected = $showannotationspref && ('*' == $annotationuserid ? "selected='selected' " : '') ? " selected='selected' " : ''; echo " <option {$selected} value='*'>" . get_string('all_annotations', ANNOTATION_STRINGS) . "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; }