return 'onmouseover="overlib(\'<img src=\\\'' . $name . '\\\' maxwidth=\\\'200\\\' maxheight=\\\'200\\\'>\',VAUTO, WIDTH)" onmouseout="nd()" ';
    } else {
        return '';
function fsize($size)
    if ($size == 0) {
        return "0 Bytes";
    $filesizename = array(" bytes", " kB", " MB", " GB", " TB");
    return round($size / pow(1024, $i = floor(log($size, 1024))), 1) . $filesizename[$i];
// Setup template object, parse vars to it, then parse it
// Create new template object
$template = new Template(dirname($admin->correct_theme_source('media_browse.htt')));
$template->set_file('page', 'media_browse.htt');
$template->set_block('page', 'main_block', 'main');
// Get the current dir
$currentHome = $admin->get_home_folder();
$directory = ($currentHome and !array_key_exists('dir', $_GET)) ? $currentHome : $admin->strip_slashes($admin->get_get('dir'));
if ($directory == '/' or $directory == '\\') {
    $directory = '';
$dir_backlink = 'browse.php?dir=' . $directory;
// Check to see if it contains ../
if (!check_media_path($directory)) {
    // $admin->print_header();
if (!file_exists(WB_PATH . MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $directory)) {
 * @version         $Id: index.php 5 2015-04-27 08:02:19Z luisehahne $
 * @filesource      $HeadURL: https://localhost:8443/svn/wb283Sp4/SP4/branches/wb/admin/access/index.php $
 * @lastmodified    $Date: 2015-04-27 10:02:19 +0200 (Mo, 27. Apr 2015) $
if (!defined('WB_PATH')) {
    require dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/config.php';
if (!class_exists('admin', false)) {
    require WB_PATH . '/framework/class.admin.php';
$admin = new admin('Access', 'access');
// Setup template object, parse vars to it, then parse it
// Create new template object
$template = new Template(dirname($admin->correct_theme_source('access.htt')));
// $template->debug = true;
$template->set_file('page', 'access.htt');
$template->set_block('page', 'main_block', 'main');
$template->set_block('main_block', 'users_block', 'user');
$template->set_block('main_block', 'groups_block', 'group');
// Insert values into the template object
$template->set_var(array('ADMIN_URL' => ADMIN_URL, 'THEME_URL' => THEME_URL, 'WB_URL' => WB_URL));
 *    Insert permission values into the template object
 *    Deprecated - as we are using blocks.
$display_none = "style=\"display: none;\"";
if ($admin->get_permission('users') != true) {
    $template->set_var('DISPLAY_USERS', $display_none);
 * @requirements    PHP 5.2.2 and higher
 * @version         $Id: index.php 1625 2012-02-29 00:50:57Z Luisehahne $
 * @filesource		$HeadURL: svn:// $
 * @lastmodified    $Date: 2012-02-29 01:50:57 +0100 (Mi, 29. Feb 2012) $
require_once "../../config.php";
require_once WB_PATH . "/framework/class.login.php";
if (defined('SMART_LOGIN') and SMART_LOGIN == 'enabled') {
    // Generate username field name
    $username_fieldname = 'username_';
    $password_fieldname = 'password_';
    $salt = "abchefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
    srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
    $i = 0;
    while ($i <= 7) {
        $num = rand() % 33;
        $tmp = substr($salt, $num, 1);
        $username_fieldname = $username_fieldname . $tmp;
        $password_fieldname = $password_fieldname . $tmp;
} else {
    $username_fieldname = 'username';
    $password_fieldname = 'password';
$admin = new admin('Start', '', false, false);
$WarnUrl = str_replace(WB_PATH, WB_URL, $admin->correct_theme_source('warning.html'));
// Setup template object, parse vars to it, then parse it
$ThemePath = dirname($admin->correct_theme_source('login.htt'));
$thisApp = new Login(array('MAX_ATTEMPS' => "3", 'WARNING_URL' => $WarnUrl, 'USERNAME_FIELDNAME' => $username_fieldname, 'PASSWORD_FIELDNAME' => $password_fieldname, 'REMEMBER_ME_OPTION' => SMART_LOGIN, 'MIN_USERNAME_LEN' => "2", 'MIN_PASSWORD_LEN' => "3", 'MAX_USERNAME_LEN' => "30", 'MAX_PASSWORD_LEN' => "30", 'LOGIN_URL' => ADMIN_URL . "/login/index.php", 'DEFAULT_URL' => ADMIN_URL . "/start/index.php", 'TEMPLATE_DIR' => $ThemePath, 'TEMPLATE_FILE' => "login.htt", 'FRONTEND' => false, 'FORGOTTEN_DETAILS_APP' => ADMIN_URL . "/login/forgot/index.php", 'USERS_TABLE' => TABLE_PREFIX . "users", 'GROUPS_TABLE' => TABLE_PREFIX . "groups"));
    $pathsettings['global']['admin_only'] = $admin->get_post('admin_only') != '' ? 'checked' : '';
    $pathsettings['global']['show_thumbs'] = $admin->get_post('show_thumbs') != '' ? 'checked' : '';
    $fieldSerialized = serialize($pathsettings);
    $database->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "settings SET `value` = '{$fieldSerialized}' WHERE `name`='mediasettings'");
    header("Location: browse.php");
include 'parameters.php';
if ($_SESSION['GROUP_ID'] != 1 && $pathsettings['global']['admin_only']) {
    echo "Sorry, settings not available";
// Read data to display
$caller = "setparameter";
// Setup template object, parse vars to it, then parse it
// Create new template object
$template = new Template(dirname($admin->correct_theme_source('setparameter.htt')));
$template->set_file('page', 'setparameter.htt');
$template->set_block('page', 'main_block', 'main');
if ($_SESSION['GROUP_ID'] != 1) {
    $template->set_var('DISPLAY_ADMIN', 'hide');
$template->set_var(array('TEXT_HEADER' => $TEXT['TEXT_HEADER'], 'SAVE_TEXT' => $TEXT['SAVE'], 'BACK' => $TEXT['BACK']));
$template->set_block('main_block', 'list_block', 'list');
$row_bg_color = '';
$dirs = directory_list(WB_PATH . MEDIA_DIRECTORY);
$array_lowercase = array_map('strtolower', $dirs);
array_multisort($array_lowercase, SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING, $dirs);
foreach ($dirs as $name) {
    $relative = str_replace(WB_PATH, '', $name);
    $safepath = str_replace(array('/', ' '), '_', $relative);
// Workout if the developer wants to show the info banner
if (isset($print_info_banner) && $print_info_banner == true) {
    // Get page details already defined
    // Get display name of person who last modified the page
    $user = $admin->get_user_details($page['modified_by']);
    // Convert the unix ts for modified_when to human a readable form
    $modified_ts = 'Unknown';
    if ($page['modified_when'] != 0) {
        $modified_ts = gmdate(TIME_FORMAT . ', ' . DATE_FORMAT, $page['modified_when'] + TIMEZONE);
    // Setup template object, parse vars to it, then parse it
    // Create new template object
    $template = new Template(dirname($admin->correct_theme_source('pages_modify.htt')));
    // $template->debug = true;
    $template->set_file('page', 'pages_modify.htt');
    $template->set_block('page', 'main_block', 'main');
    $template->set_block('main_block', 'section_block', 'section_list');
    $template->set_block('section_block', 'block_block', 'block_list');
    $template->set_var(array('PAGE_ID' => $page['page_id'], 'PAGE_IDKEY' => $page['page_id'], 'PAGE_TITLE' => $page['page_title'], 'MENU_TITLE' => $page['menu_title'], 'ADMIN_URL' => ADMIN_URL, 'WB_URL' => WB_URL, 'THEME_URL' => THEME_URL));
    $template->set_var(array('MODIFIED_BY' => $user['display_name'], 'MODIFIED_BY_USERNAME' => $user['username'], 'MODIFIED_WHEN' => $modified_ts, 'LAST_MODIFIED' => $MESSAGE['PAGES_LAST_MODIFIED']));
    $template->set_block('main_block', 'show_modify_block', 'show_modify');
    if ($modified_ts == 'Unknown') {
        $template->set_block('show_modify', '');
        $template->set_var('CLASS_DISPLAY_MODIFIED', 'hide');
    } else {
        $template->set_var('CLASS_DISPLAY_MODIFIED', '');
        $template->parse('show_modify', 'show_modify_block', true);
 * @filesource      $HeadURL: svn:// $
 * @lastmodified    $Date: 2012-02-29 01:50:57 +0100 (Mi, 29. Feb 2012) $
 * @description
// Print admin header
if (!defined('WB_PATH')) {
    require dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/config.php';
if (!class_exists('admin', false)) {
    require WB_PATH . '/framework/class.admin.php';
$admin = new admin('Addons', 'languages');
// Setup template object, parse vars to it, then parse it
// Create new template object
$template = new Template(dirname($admin->correct_theme_source('languages.htt')));
// $template->debug = true;
$template->set_file('page', 'languages.htt');
$template->set_block('page', 'main_block', 'main');
// Insert values into language list
$template->set_block('main_block', 'language_detail_block', 'language_detail');
$template->set_block('language_detail_block', 'language_detail_select_block', 'language_detail_select');
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'addons` ' . 'WHERE `type` =\'language\'' . 'ORDER BY `directory`';
if ($oAddons = $database->query($sql)) {
    while ($aAddon = $oAddons->fetchRow(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
        if (!$admin->get_permission($aAddon['directory'], 'language')) {
        $template->set_var('VALUE', $aAddon['directory']);
        $template->set_var('NAME', $aAddon['name'] . ' (' . $aAddon['directory'] . ')');
        $template->parse('language_detail_select', 'language_detail_select_block', true);
 * @filesource      $HeadURL: https://localhost:8443/svn/wb283Sp4/SP4/branches/wb/admin/groups/index.php $
 * @lastmodified    $Date: 2015-04-27 10:02:19 +0200 (Mo, 27. Apr 2015) $
// Print admin header
if (!defined('WB_PATH')) {
    require dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/config.php';
if (!class_exists('admin', false)) {
    require WB_PATH . '/framework/class.admin.php';
$admin = new admin('Access', 'groups');
$ftan = $admin->getFTAN();
// Setup template object, parse vars to it, then parse it
// Create new template object
$template = new Template(dirname($admin->correct_theme_source('groups.htt')));
// $template->debug = true;
$template->set_file('page', 'groups.htt');
$template->set_block('page', 'main_block', 'main');
$template->set_block('main_block', 'manage_users_block', 'users');
// insert urls
$template->set_var(array('ADMIN_URL' => ADMIN_URL, 'WB_URL' => WB_URL, 'THEME_URL' => THEME_URL, 'FTAN' => $ftan));
// Get existing value from database
$query = 'SELECT `group_id`, `name` FROM `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'groups` WHERE `group_id` != 1';
$results = $database->query($query);
if ($database->is_error()) {
    $admin->print_error($database->get_error(), 'index.php');
// Insert values into the modify/remove menu
$template->set_block('main_block', 'list_block', 'list');
if ($results->numRows() > 0) {
 $admin = new admin('Access', 'users_modify');
 $user_id = intval($admin->checkIDKEY('user_id', 0, $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']));
 // Check if user id is a valid number and doesnt equal 1
 if ($user_id == 0) {
 if ($user_id < 2) {
     // if($admin_header) { $admin->print_header(); }
 // Get existing values
 $results = $database->query("SELECT * FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "users` WHERE `user_id` = '" . $user_id . "'");
 $user = $results->fetchRow();
 // Setup template object, parse vars to it, then parse it
 // Create new template object
 $template = new Template(dirname($admin->correct_theme_source('users_form.htt')));
 // $template->debug = true;
 $template->set_file('page', 'users_form.htt');
 $template->set_block('page', 'main_block', 'main');
 $template->set_var(array('ACTION_URL' => ADMIN_URL . '/users/save.php', 'SUBMIT_TITLE' => $TEXT['SAVE'], 'USER_ID' => $user['user_id'], 'USERNAME' => $user['username'], 'DISPLAY_NAME' => $user['display_name'], 'EMAIL' => $user['email'], 'ADMIN_URL' => ADMIN_URL, 'WB_URL' => WB_URL, 'THEME_URL' => THEME_URL));
 $template->set_var('FTAN', $admin->getFTAN());
 if ($user['active'] == 1) {
     $template->set_var('ACTIVE_CHECKED', ' checked="checked"');
 } else {
     $template->set_var('DISABLED_CHECKED', ' checked="checked"');
 // Add groups to list
 $template->set_block('main_block', 'group_list_block', 'group_list');
 $results = $database->query("SELECT group_id, name FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "groups WHERE group_id != '1' ORDER BY name");
 if ($results->numRows() > 0) {
     $template->set_var('ID', '');
    header("Location: index.php");
} else {
    $file = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_-]/i', "", $_POST['file']);
    // fix secunia 2010-92-2
// Check if the template exists
if (!file_exists(WB_PATH . '/templates/' . $file)) {
    header("Location: index.php");
// Print admin header
$admin = new admin('Addons', 'templates_view');
// Setup template object, parse vars to it, then parse it
// Create new template object
$template = new Template(dirname($admin->correct_theme_source('templates_details.htt')));
// $template->debug = true;
$template->set_file('page', 'templates_details.htt');
$template->set_block('page', 'main_block', 'main');
$template->set_var('FTAN', $admin->getFTAN());
// Insert values
$result = $database->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "addons WHERE type = 'template' AND directory = '{$file}'");
if ($result->numRows() > 0) {
    $row = $result->fetchRow();
// check if a template description exists for the displayed backend language
$tool_description = false;
if (function_exists('file_get_contents') && file_exists(WB_PATH . '/templates/' . $file . '/languages/' . LANGUAGE . '.php')) {
    // read contents of the template language file into string
    $data = @file_get_contents(WB_PATH . '/templates/' . $file . '/languages/' . LANGUAGE . '.php');
    // use regular expressions to fetch the content of the variable from the string
        // and delete the wrong Email
        $email = '';
} else {
    $email = '';
if (!isset($message)) {
    $message = $MESSAGE['FORGOT_PASS_NO_DATA'];
    $message_color = '000000';
} else {
    $message_color = 'FF0000';
// Setup template object, parse vars to it, then parse it
// Create new template object
$template = new Template(dirname($admin->correct_theme_source('login_forgot.htt')));
$template->set_file('page', 'login_forgot.htt');
$template->set_block('page', 'main_block', 'main');
if (defined('FRONTEND')) {
    $template->set_var('ACTION_URL', 'forgot.php');
} else {
    $template->set_var('ACTION_URL', 'index.php');
$template->set_var('EMAIL', $email);
if (isset($display_form)) {
    $template->set_var('DISPLAY_FORM', 'display:none;');
if (defined('FRONTEND')) {
    $template->set_var('LOGIN_URL', WB_URL . '/account/login.php');
} else {
if ($results->numRows() == 0) {
$results_array = $results->fetchRow(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
// Get display name of person who last modified the page
$user = $admin->get_user_details($results_array['modified_by']);
// Convert the unix ts for modified_when to human a readable form
if ($results_array['modified_when'] != 0) {
    $modified_ts = gmdate(TIME_FORMAT . ', ' . DATE_FORMAT, $results_array['modified_when'] + TIMEZONE);
} else {
    $modified_ts = 'Unknown';
// Setup template object, parse vars to it, then parse it
// Create new template object
$template = new Template(dirname($admin->correct_theme_source('pages_settings.htt')));
// $template->debug = true;
$template->set_file('page', 'pages_settings.htt');
$template->set_block('page', 'main_block', 'main');
$template->set_var('FTAN', $admin->getFTAN());
$template->set_var(array('PAGE_ID' => $results_array['page_id'], 'PAGE_IDKEY' => $results_array['page_id'], 'PAGE_TITLE' => $results_array['page_title'], 'MENU_TITLE' => $results_array['menu_title'], 'DESCRIPTION' => $results_array['description'], 'KEYWORDS' => $results_array['keywords'], 'MODIFIED_BY' => $user['display_name'], 'MODIFIED_BY_USERNAME' => $user['username'], 'MODIFIED_WHEN' => $modified_ts, 'ADMIN_URL' => ADMIN_URL, 'WB_URL' => WB_URL, 'THEME_URL' => THEME_URL));
// Work-out if we should show the "manage sections" link
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'sections` WHERE `page_id`=' . $page_id . ' AND `module`="menu_link"';
$sections_available = intval($database->get_one($sql)) != 0;
if ($sections_available) {
    $template->set_var('DISPLAY_MANAGE_SECTIONS', 'display:none;');
} elseif (MANAGE_SECTIONS == 'enabled') {
} else {
    $template->set_var('DISPLAY_MANAGE_SECTIONS', 'display:none;');
 if (file_exists($template_location)) {
     require $template_location;
 // Check if $menu is set
 if (!isset($block[1]) || $block[1] == '') {
     // Make our own menu list
     $block[1] = $TEXT['MAIN'];
 /*-- load css files with jquery --*/
 // include jscalendar-setup
 $jscal_use_time = true;
 // whether to use a clock, too
 require_once WB_PATH . "/include/jscalendar/wb-setup.php";
 // Setup template object, parse vars to it, then parse it
 // Create new template object
 $tpl = new Template(dirname($admin->correct_theme_source('pages_sections.htt')));
 // $template->debug = true;
 $tpl->set_file('page', 'pages_sections.htt');
 $tpl->set_block('page', 'main_block', 'main');
 $tpl->set_block('main_block', 'module_block', 'module_list');
 $tpl->set_block('main_block', 'section_block', 'section_list');
 $tpl->set_block('section_block', 'block_block', 'block_list');
 $tpl->set_block('main_block', 'calendar_block', 'calendar_list');
 $tpl->set_var('FTAN', $admin->getFTAN());
 // set first defaults and messages
 // Insert variables
 $tpl->set_var(array('PAGE_ID' => $results_array['page_id'], 'PAGE_IDKEY' => $results_array['page_id'], 'VAR_PAGE_TITLE' => $results_array['page_title'], 'SETTINGS_LINK' => ADMIN_URL . '/pages/settings.php?page_id=' . $results_array['page_id'], 'MODIFY_LINK' => ADMIN_URL . '/pages/modify.php?page_id=' . $results_array['page_id']));
 $sql = 'SELECT * ';
 $sql .= 'FROM `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'sections` ';
 $sql .= 'WHERE `page_id` = ' . $page_id . ' ';
    require dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/config.php';
if (!class_exists('admin', false)) {
    require WB_PATH . '/framework/class.admin.php';
if (isset($_GET['advanced']) && $_GET['advanced'] == 'yes') {
    $admin = new admin('Settings', 'settings_advanced');
} else {
    $admin = new admin('Settings', 'settings_basic');
// Include the WB functions file
require_once WB_PATH . '/framework/functions.php';
require_once WB_PATH . '/framework/functions-utf8.php';
// Setup template object, parse vars to it, then parse it
// Create new template object
$template = new Template(dirname($admin->correct_theme_source('settings.htt')), 'remove');
// $template->debug = true;
$template->set_file('page', 'settings.htt');
$template->set_block('page', 'main_block', 'main');
$template->set_var('FTAN', $admin->getFTAN());
$template->set_block('main_block', 'template_list_block', 'template_list');
$template->set_block('main_block', 'timezone_list_block', 'timezone_list');
$template->set_block('main_block', 'language_list_block', 'language_list');
$template->set_block('main_block', 'date_format_list_block', 'date_format_list');
$template->set_block('main_block', 'time_format_list_block', 'time_format_list');
$template->set_block('main_block', 'theme_list_block', 'theme_list');
$template->set_block('main_block', 'search_template_list_block', 'search_template_list');
$template->set_block('main_block', 'group_list_block', 'group_list');
$template->set_block('main_block', 'charset_list_block', 'charset_list');
$template->set_block('main_block', 'error_reporting_list_block', 'error_reporting_list');
$template->set_block('main_block', 'editor_list_block', 'editor_list');