
if ($item) {
<form method="POST" id="a-media-edit-form" enctype="multipart/form-data" 
    echo url_for(aUrl::addParams("aMedia/editImage", array("slug" => $item->getSlug())));

$previewAvailable = aValidatorFilePersistent::previewAvailable($form['file']->getValue());
if ($previewAvailable || $item) {

		<div class="a-form-row image">
    if (0) {
        // Maybe Rick doesn't want this...
        echo $form['file']->renderLabel();
  * @param mixed $value
  * @return mixed
 protected function getExistsPersistidAndExtension($value)
     // TODO: should cache this
     $exists = false;
     $extension = false;
     if (isset($value['persistid']) && strlen($value['persistid'])) {
         $persistid = $value['persistid'];
         $info = aValidatorFilePersistent::getFileInfo($persistid);
         if ($info) {
             $exists = true;
             if (isset($info['extension'])) {
                 $extension = $info['extension'];
     } else {
         // One implementation, not two (to inevitably drift apart)
         $persistid = aGuid::generate();
     if (!$exists) {
         $defaultPreview = $this->hasOption('default-preview') ? $this->getOption('default-preview') : false;
         if ($defaultPreview) {
             $extension = pathinfo($defaultPreview, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
     return array($exists, $persistid, $extension);
 public function go()
     $dir_iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->dir);
     $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir_iterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
     $count = 0;
     $mimeTypes = aMediaTools::getOption('mime_types');
     // It comes back as a mapping of extensions to types, get the types
     $extensions = array_keys($mimeTypes);
     $mimeTypes = array_values($mimeTypes);
     foreach ($iterator as $sfile) {
         if ($sfile->isFile()) {
             $file = $sfile->getPathname();
             if (preg_match('/(^|\\/)\\./', $file)) {
                 # Silently ignore all dot folders to avoid trouble with svn and friends
                 $this->giveFeedback("info", "Ignoring dotfile", $file);
             $pathinfo = pathinfo($file);
             // basename and filename seem backwards to me, but that's how it is in the PHP docs and
             // sure enough that's how it behaves
             if ($pathinfo['basename'] === 'Thumbs.db') {
             $vfp = new aValidatorFilePersistent(array('mime_types' => $mimeTypes, 'validated_file_class' => 'aValidatedFile', 'required' => false), array('mime_types' => 'The following file types are accepted: ' . implode(', ', $extensions)));
             $guid = aGuid::generate();
             try {
                 $vf = $vfp->clean(array('newfile' => array('tmp_name' => $file, 'name' => $pathinfo['basename']), 'persistid' => $guid));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $this->giveFeedback("warning", "Not supported or corrupt", $file);
             $item = new aMediaItem();
             // Split it up to make tags out of the portion of the path that isn't dir (i.e. the folder structure they used)
             $dir = $this->dir;
             $dir = preg_replace('/\\/$/', '', $dir) . '/';
             $relevant = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote($dir, '/') . '/', '', $file);
             // TODO: not Microsoft-friendly, might matter in some setting
             $components = preg_split('/\\//', $relevant);
             $tags = array_slice($components, 0, count($components) - 1);
             foreach ($tags as &$tag) {
                 // We don't strictly need to be this harsh, but it's safe and definitely
                 // takes care of some things we definitely can't allow, like periods
                 // (which cause mod_rewrite problems with pretty Symfony URLs).
                 // TODO: clean it up in a nicer way without being UTF8-clueless
                 // (aTools::slugify is UTF8-safe)
                 $tag = aTools::slugify($tag);
             $item->title = aMediaTools::filenameToTitle($pathinfo['basename']);
             if (!strlen($item->title)) {
                 $this->giveFeedback("error", "Files must have a basename", $file);
             // The preSaveImage / save / saveImage dance is necessary because
             // the sluggable behavior doesn't kick in until save and the image file
             // needs a slug based filename.
             if (!$item->preSaveFile($vf)) {
                 $this->giveFeedback("error", "Save failed", $file);
             if (!$item->saveFile($vf)) {
                 $this->giveFeedback("error", "Save failed", $file);
             $this->giveFeedback("completed", $count, $file);
     $this->giveFeedback("total", $count);
  * @param  string $name        The element name
  * @param  string $value       The value displayed in this widget
  *                             (i.e. the browser-side filename submitted
  *                             on a previous partially successful
  *                             validation of this form)
  * @param  array  $attributes  An array of HTML attributes to be merged with the default HTML attributes
  * @param  array  $errors      An array of errors for the field
  * @return string An HTML tag string
  * @see sfWidgetForm
 public function render($name, $value = null, $attributes = array(), $errors = array())
     $exists = false;
     if (isset($value['persistid']) && strlen($value['persistid'])) {
         $persistid = $value['persistid'];
         $info = aValidatorFilePersistent::getFileInfo($persistid);
         if ($info) {
             $exists = true;
     } else {
         // One implementation, not two (to inevitably drift apart)
         $persistid = aGuid::generate();
     $result = '';
     // hasOption just verifies that the option is valid, it doesn't check what,
     // if anything, was passed. Thanks to Lucjan Wilczewski
     $preview = $this->hasOption('image-preview') ? $this->getOption('image-preview') : false;
     $defaultPreview = $this->hasOption('default-preview') ? $this->getOption('default-preview') : false;
     if ($exists) {
         $defaultPreview = false;
     if ($exists || $defaultPreview) {
         if ($preview) {
             // Note change of key
             $urlStem = sfConfig::get('app_aPersistentFileUpload_preview_url', '/uploads/uploaded_image_preview');
             // This is the corresponding directory path. You have to override one
             // if you override the other. You override this one by setting
             // app_aToolkit_upload_uploaded_image_preview_dir
             $dir = aFiles::getUploadFolder("uploaded_image_preview");
             // While we're here age off stale previews
             $imagePreview = $this->getOption('image-preview');
             if ($exists) {
                 $source = $info['tmp_name'];
             } else {
                 $source = $defaultPreview;
             $info = aImageConverter::getInfo($source);
             if ($info) {
                 $iwidth = $info['width'];
                 $height = $info['height'];
                 // This is safe - based on sniffed file contents and not a user supplied extension
                 $format = $info['format'];
                 list($iwidth, $iheight) = getimagesize($source);
                 $dimensions = aDimensions::constrain($iwidth, $iheight, $format, $imagePreview);
                 // A simple filename reveals less
                 $imagename = "{$persistid}.{$format}";
                 $url = "{$urlStem}/{$imagename}";
                 $output = "{$dir}/{$imagename}";
                 if (isset($info['newfile']) && $info['newfile'] || !file_exists($output)) {
                     if ($imagePreview['resizeType'] === 'c') {
                         $method = 'cropOriginal';
                     } else {
                         $method = 'scaleToFit';
                     sfContext::getInstance()->getLogger()->info("YY calling converter method {$method} width " . $dimensions['width'] . ' height ' . $dimensions['height']);
                     aImageConverter::$method($source, $output, $dimensions['width'], $dimensions['height']);
                     sfContext::getInstance()->getLogger()->info("YY after converter");
             if (isset($imagePreview['markup'])) {
                 $markup = $imagePreview['markup'];
             } else {
                 $markup = '<img src="%s" />';
             $result .= sprintf($markup, $url);
         $result .= $this->getOption('existing-html');
     return $result . $this->renderTag('input', array_merge(array('type' => $this->getOption('type'), 'name' => $name . '[newfile]'), $attributes)) . $this->renderTag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => $name . '[persistid]', 'value' => $persistid));
  * @param sfWebRequest $request
  * @return mixed
 public function executeEditVideo(sfWebRequest $request)
     $item = null;
     $this->slug = false;
     $this->popularTags = PluginTagTable::getPopulars(null, array('sort_by_popularity' => true), false, 10);
     if (sfConfig::get('app_a_all_tags', true)) {
         $this->allTags = PluginTagTable::getAllTagNameWithCount();
     } else {
         $this->allTags = array();
     if ($request->hasParameter('slug')) {
         $item = $this->getItem();
         $this->slug = $item->getSlug();
     if ($item) {
     $this->item = $item;
     $embed = false;
     $parameters = $request->getParameter('a_media_item');
     if ($parameters) {
         $files = $request->getFiles('a_media_item');
         $this->form = new aMediaVideoForm($item);
         if (isset($parameters['embed'])) {
             // We need to do some prevalidation of the embed code so we can prestuff the
             // file, title, tags and description widgets
             $result = $this->form->classifyEmbed($parameters['embed']);
             if (isset($result['thumbnail'])) {
                 $thumbnail = $result['thumbnail'];
                 if (!isset($parameters['title']) && !isset($parameters['tags']) && !isset($parameters['description']) && !isset($parameters['credit'])) {
                     $parameters['title'] = $result['serviceInfo']['title'];
                     // We want tags to be lower case, and slashes break routes in most server configs.
                     $parameters['tags'] = str_replace('/', '-', aString::strtolower($result['serviceInfo']['tags']));
                     $parameters['description'] = aHtml::textToHtml($result['serviceInfo']['description']);
                     $parameters['credit'] = $result['serviceInfo']['credit'];
         // On the first pass with a youtube video we just make the service's thumbnail the
         // default thumbnail. We don't force them to use it. This allows more code reuse
         // (Moving this after the bind is necessary to keep it from being overwritten)
         if (isset($thumbnail)) {
             // OMG file widgets can't have defaults! Ah, but our persistent file widget can
             $tmpFile = aFiles::getTemporaryFilename();
             file_put_contents($tmpFile, file_get_contents($thumbnail));
             $vfp = new aValidatorFilePersistent();
             $guid = aGuid::generate();
             $vfp->clean(array('newfile' => array('tmp_name' => $tmpFile), 'persistid' => $guid));
             // You can't mess about with widget defaults after a bind, but you
             // *can* tweak the array you're about to bind with
             $parameters['file']['persistid'] = $guid;
         $this->form->bind($parameters, $files);
         do {
             // first_pass forces the user to interact with the form
             // at least once. Used when we're coming from a
             // YouTube search and we already technically have a
             // valid form but want the user to think about whether
             // the title is adequate and perhaps add a description,
             // tags, etc.
             if ($this->hasRequestParameter('first_pass') || !$this->form->isValid()) {
             $thumbnail = $this->form->getValue('file');
             // The base implementation for saving files gets confused when
             // $file is not set, a situation that our code tolerates as useful
             // because if you're updating a record containing an image you
             // often don't need to submit a new one.
             $object = $this->form->getObject();
             if ($thumbnail) {
             if ($thumbnail) {
             return $this->redirect("aMedia/resumeWithPage");
         } while (false);