  * @param mixed $arguments
  * @param mixed $options
 protected function execute($arguments = array(), $options = array())
     // initialize the database connection
     $databaseManager = new sfDatabaseManager($this->configuration);
     $connection = $databaseManager->getDatabase($options['connection'] ? $options['connection'] : null)->getConnection();
     // Cope with large datasets via PDO
     $migrate = new aMigrate(Doctrine_Manager::connection()->getDbh());
     $postTasks = array();
     echo "Copying individual edit permissions to child pages to keep your 1.4-style policies in place. \nWe suggest running this task only once, which allows you to be more flexible in future and take permissions\naway as needed on child pages. There are generous provisions for applying permissions settings to\nchild pages on an as-needed basis in the user interface.\n";
     $accesses = Doctrine::getTable('aAccess')->findAll(Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
     $total = count($accesses);
     $step = 0;
     foreach ($accesses as $a) {
         echo "Applying {$step} of {$total}...\n";
         $page = Doctrine::getTable('aPage')->find($a['page_id'], Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
         if (!$page) {
             // Don't panic if there's a bad access
         $subpages = Doctrine::getTable('aPage')->createQuery('p')->where('p.lft > ? AND p.rgt < ?', array($page['lft'], $page['rgt']))->execute(array(), Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
         foreach ($subpages as $subpage) {
             // Doctrine runs out of memory when we make a lot of new objects, so go a little more low-level
             $na = array('page_id' => $subpage['id'], 'user_id' => $a['user_id'], 'privilege' => $a['privilege']);
             if (!count($migrate->query('SELECT id FROM a_access WHERE page_id = :page_id AND user_id = :user_id AND privilege = :privilege', $na))) {
                 $migrate->query('INSERT INTO a_access (page_id, user_id, privilege) VALUES (:page_id, :user_id, :privilege)', $na);
     echo "Copying group permissions (most 1.4 sites won't have these)...\n";
     $accesses = Doctrine::getTable('aGroupAccess')->findAll(Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
     $total = count($accesses);
     $step = 0;
     foreach ($accesses as $a) {
         echo "Applying {$step} of {$total}...\n";
         $page = Doctrine::getTable('aPage')->find($a['page_id'], Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
         if (!$page) {
             // Don't panic if there's a bad access
         $subpages = Doctrine::getTable('aPage')->createQuery('p')->where('p.lft > ? AND p.rgt < ?', array($page['lft'], $page['rgt']))->execute(array(), Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
         foreach ($subpages as $subpage) {
             // Doctrine runs out of memory when we make a lot of new objects, so go a little more low-level
             $na = array('page_id' => $subpage['id'], 'group_id' => $a['group_id'], 'privilege' => $a['privilege']);
             if (!count($migrate->query('SELECT id FROM a_group_access WHERE page_id = :page_id AND group_id = :group_id AND privilege = :privilege', $na))) {
                 $migrate->query('INSERT INTO a_group_access (page_id, group_id, privilege) VALUES (:page_id, :group_id, :privilege)', $na);
     echo "Permissions copied.\n";
 public static function migrate()
     $migrate = new aMigrate(Doctrine_Manager::connection()->getDbh());
     $blogIsNew = false;
     echo "Migrating apostropheBlogPlugin...\n";
     if (!$migrate->tableExists('a_blog_item')) {
         $migrate->sql(array("        CREATE TABLE a_blog_editor (blog_item_id BIGINT, user_id BIGINT, PRIMARY KEY(blog_item_id, user_id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci ENGINE = INNODB;", "CREATE TABLE a_blog_item (id BIGINT AUTO_INCREMENT, author_id BIGINT, page_id BIGINT, title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, slug_saved TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0', excerpt TEXT, status VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT 'draft' NOT NULL, allow_comments TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, template VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT 'singleColumnTemplate', published_at DATETIME, type VARCHAR(255), start_date DATE, start_time TIME, end_date DATE, end_time TIME, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, slug VARCHAR(255), INDEX a_blog_item_type_idx (type), UNIQUE INDEX a_blog_item_sluggable_idx (slug), INDEX author_id_idx (author_id), INDEX page_id_idx (page_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci ENGINE = INNODB;", "        ALTER TABLE a_blog_editor ADD CONSTRAINT a_blog_editor_user_id_sf_guard_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES sf_guard_user(id);", "        ALTER TABLE a_blog_editor ADD CONSTRAINT a_blog_editor_blog_item_id_a_blog_item_id FOREIGN KEY (blog_item_id) REFERENCES a_blog_item(id);", "        ALTER TABLE a_blog_item ADD CONSTRAINT a_blog_item_page_id_a_page_id FOREIGN KEY (page_id) REFERENCES a_page(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;", "        ALTER TABLE a_blog_item ADD CONSTRAINT a_blog_item_author_id_sf_guard_user_id FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES sf_guard_user(id) ON DELETE SET NULL;"));
     if (!$migrate->columnExists('a_blog_item', 'location')) {
         $migrate->sql(array('ALTER TABLE a_blog_item ADD COLUMN location varchar(300)'));
     if (!$migrate->columnExists('a_blog_item', 'start_time')) {
         $migrate->sql(array('ALTER TABLE a_blog_item ADD COLUMN start_time TIME', 'ALTER TABLE a_blog_item ADD COLUMN end_time TIME'));
     if (!$migrate->tableExists('a_page_to_category')) {
         $migrate->sql(array("CREATE TABLE a_page_to_category (page_id BIGINT, category_id BIGINT, PRIMARY KEY(page_id, category_id)) ENGINE = INNODB;"));
     if (!$migrate->tableExists('a_blog_item_to_category')) {
         $migrate->sql(array("CREATE TABLE a_blog_item_to_category (blog_item_id BIGINT, category_id BIGINT, PRIMARY KEY(blog_item_id, category_id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci ENGINE = INNODB;", "ALTER TABLE a_blog_item_to_category ADD CONSTRAINT a_blog_item_to_category_category_id_a_category_id FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES a_category(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;", "ALTER TABLE a_blog_item_to_category ADD CONSTRAINT a_blog_item_to_category_blog_item_id_a_blog_item_id FOREIGN KEY (blog_item_id) REFERENCES a_blog_item(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;"));
         echo "Migrating blog categories to Apostrophe categories...\n";
         $oldCategories = array();
         if ($migrate->tableExists('a_blog_category')) {
             $oldCategories = $migrate->query('SELECT * FROM a_blog_category');
         $newCategories = $migrate->query('SELECT * FROM a_category');
         $nc = array();
         foreach ($newCategories as $newCategory) {
             $nc[$newCategory['name']] = $newCategory;
         $oldIdToNewId = array();
         foreach ($oldCategories as $category) {
             if (isset($nc[$category['name']])) {
                 $oldIdToNewId[$category['id']] = $nc[$category['name']]['id'];
             } else {
                 // Blog categories didn't have slugs
                 $category['slug'] = aTools::slugify($category['name']);
                 $migrate->query('INSERT INTO a_category (name, description, slug) VALUES (:name, :description, :slug)', $category);
                 $oldIdToNewId[$category['id']] = $migrate->lastInsertId();
         echo "Migrating from aBlogItemCategory to aBlogItemToCategory...\n";
         if ($migrate->tableExists('a_blog_item_category')) {
             $oldMappings = $migrate->query('SELECT * FROM a_blog_item_category');
             foreach ($oldMappings as $info) {
                 $info['category_id'] = $oldIdToNewId[$info['blog_category_id']];
                 $migrate->query('INSERT INTO a_blog_item_to_category (blog_item_id, category_id) VALUES (:blog_item_id, :category_id)', $info);
     // Older updates may not have categories on the virtual page
     $blogPagesById = array();
     $blogPageIdInfos = $migrate->query("SELECT id, page_id FROM a_blog_item");
     foreach ($blogPageIdInfos as $info) {
         $blogPagesById[$info['id']] = $info['page_id'];
     $blogToCategories = $migrate->query("SELECT * FROM a_blog_item_to_category");
     foreach ($blogToCategories as $toCategory) {
         $migrate->query("INSERT INTO a_page_to_category (category_id, page_id) VALUES (:category_id, :page_id) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE category_id = category_id", array('category_id' => $toCategory['category_id'], 'page_id' => $blogPagesById[$toCategory['blog_item_id']]));
     // Older versions did not have taggings on the virtual page
     $blogTaggings = $migrate->query("SELECT * FROM tagging WHERE taggable_model IN ('aBlogPost', 'aEvent')");
     $blogTagsById = array();
     foreach ($blogTaggings as $tagging) {
         $blogTagsById[$tagging['taggable_id']][$tagging['tag_id']] = true;
     $pageTaggings = $migrate->query("SELECT * FROM tagging WHERE taggable_model IN ('aPage')");
     $pageTagsById = array();
     foreach ($pageTaggings as $tagging) {
         $pageTagsById[$tagging['taggable_id']][$tagging['tag_id']] = true;
     foreach ($blogTagsById as $blogId => $tags) {
         if (!isset($blogPagesById[$blogId])) {
             // No virtual page - just a stale tagging
         foreach ($tags as $tagId => $dummy) {
             if (!isset($pageTagsById[$blogPagesById[$blogId]][$tagId])) {
                 $migrate->query('INSERT INTO tagging (taggable_model, taggable_id, tag_id) VALUES ("aPage", :taggable_id, :tag_id)', array('taggable_id' => $blogPagesById[$blogId], 'tag_id' => $tagId));
     $migrate->query('UPDATE a_page SET engine = "aBlog" WHERE slug LIKE "@a_blog_search_redirect%"');
     $migrate->query('UPDATE a_page SET engine = "aEvent" WHERE slug LIKE "@a_event_search_redirect%"');
     // Older blog post virtual pages won't have published_at
     $migrate->query('update a_page p inner join a_blog_item bi on bi.page_id = p.id set p.published_at = bi.published_at');
     // Really old events may have full timestamps in start_date and end_date, break them out
     $migrate->query('UPDATE a_blog_item SET start_time = substr(start_date, 12), start_date = substr(start_date, 1, 10) WHERE (length(start_date) > 10) AND start_time IS NULL');
     $migrate->query('ALTER TABLE a_blog_item modify column start_date date;');
     $migrate->query('UPDATE a_blog_item SET end_time = substr(end_date, 12), end_date = substr(end_date, 1, 10) WHERE (length(end_date) > 10) AND end_time IS NULL');
     $migrate->query('ALTER TABLE a_blog_item modify column end_date date;');
     // Migrate old full day events from before we started defining this as a null start and end time
     $migrate->query('UPDATE a_blog_item SET start_time = null, end_time = null WHERE start_time = "00:00:00" AND end_time = "00:00:00"');
     if ($migrate->tableExists('a_blog_category_user')) {
         $oldCategoryUsers = $migrate->query('SELECT * FROM a_blog_category_user');
         $oldCategories = $migrate->query('SELECT * from a_blog_category');
         $newCategories = $migrate->query('SELECT * from a_category');
         $oldByName = array();
         foreach ($oldCategories as $oldCategory) {
             $oldByName[$oldCategory['name']] = $oldCategory['id'];
         $newByName = array();
         foreach ($newCategories as $newCategory) {
             $newByName[$newCategory['name']] = $newCategory['id'];
         $oldToNew = array();
         foreach ($oldByName as $name => $id) {
             $oldToNew[$id] = $newByName[$name];
         foreach ($oldCategoryUsers as $oldCategoryUser) {
             $migrate->query('INSERT INTO a_category_user (category_id, user_id) VALUES (:category_id, :user_id) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE category_id = category_id', array('category_id' => $oldToNew[$oldCategoryUser['blog_category_id']], 'user_id' => $oldCategoryUser['user_id']));
     if ($migrate->tableExists('a_blog_category_group')) {
         $oldCategoryGroups = $migrate->query('SELECT * FROM a_blog_category_group');
         $oldCategories = $migrate->query('SELECT * from a_blog_category');
         $newCategories = $migrate->query('SELECT * from a_category');
         $oldByName = array();
         foreach ($oldCategories as $oldCategory) {
             $oldByName[$oldCategory['name']] = $oldCategory['id'];
         $newByName = array();
         foreach ($newCategories as $newCategory) {
             $newByName[$newCategory['name']] = $newCategory['id'];
         $oldToNew = array();
         foreach ($oldByName as $name => $id) {
             $oldToNew[$id] = $newByName[$name];
         foreach ($oldCategoryGroups as $oldCategoryGroup) {
             if (!isset($oldToNew[$oldCategoryGroup['blog_category_id']])) {
                 echo "WARNING: there is no a_blog_category with the id " . $oldCategoryGroup['blog_category_id'] . "\n";
             $migrate->query('INSERT INTO a_category_group (category_id, group_id) VALUES (:category_id, :group_id) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE category_id = category_id', array('category_id' => $oldToNew[$oldCategoryGroup['blog_category_id']], 'group_id' => $oldCategoryGroup['group_id']));
     // Blog item tags must also be on the virtual page, ditto for categories
     if (!$migrate->getCommandsRun()) {
         echo "Your database is already up to date.\n\n";
     } else {
         echo $migrate->getCommandsRun() . " SQL commands were run.\n\n";
     echo "Done!\n";