		// Get the headers.
                $uniqueHeaders = ZuoraAPIHelper::getCSVHeaders($xml_obj);

	        ZuoraAPIHelper::getCSVData($xml_obj, $uniqueHeaders, true, true);
       	    } else {
       	    	$responseString = xml_pretty_printer($xml, true);

	    $queryLocator = ZuoraAPIHelper::getQueryLocator($xml);
	    while ($outputQM && $queryLocator) {
	        $payload = "<ns1:queryMore><ns1:queryLocator>" . $queryLocator . "</ns1:queryLocator></ns1:queryMore>";
       	    	$soapRequest = ZuoraAPIHelper::createRequestAndHeadersWithNS($header->data["session"], $_SESSION['api-batchSize'], $callOptions, $payload, $_SESSION['api-ns'], $_SESSION['object-ns']);

                $timeBefore = microtime(true);
	    	$xml = ZuoraAPIHelper::callAPIWithClient($client, $header, $soapRequest, $debug);
                $timings[] = microtime(true) - $timeBefore;
	        $queryLocator = ZuoraAPIHelper::getQueryLocator($xml);

       	    	if ($outputCSV) {
	    	    $xml_obj = ZuoraAPIHelper::getElementFromXML($xml);
		    ZuoraAPIHelper::getCSVData($xml_obj, $uniqueHeaders, true, false);
       	    	} else {
       	    	    $responseString .= "\n" . xml_pretty_printer($xml, true);
       	    	    $requestString .= "\n" . xml_pretty_printer($soapRequest, true);
       	    if ($outputCSV) {
       	} catch (Exception $e) {
 public static function bulkOperation($client, $header, $method, $payload, $itemCount, $debug, $htmlOutput = FALSE, $zObjectCap = -1)
     global $maxZObjectCount;
     global $defaultApiNamespaceURL;
     $result = array("errorList" => array(), "batchList" => array(), "successCount" => 0, "errorCount" => 0);
     // Only create/update calls are supported.
     if ($method != "create" && $method != "update" && $method != "delete") {
         return $result;
     $nodeName = "zObjects";
     if ($method == "delete") {
         $nodeName = "ids";
     // Allow control over how many objects are submitted in one call.
     if ($zObjectCap < 0) {
         $zObjectCap = $maxZObjectCount;
     $soapRequest = createRequest($header->data["session"], $payload);
     $xml_obj = new SimpleXMLElement($soapRequest);
     $xml_obj->registerXPathNamespace("SOAP-ENV", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/");
     $xml_obj->registerXPathNamespace("ns1", $defaultApiNamespaceURL);
     $type = $xml_obj->xpath("//SOAP-ENV:Envelope/SOAP-ENV:Body/ns1:" . $method . "/ns1:type");
     // Iterate through the list of items, $zObjectCap at a time
     for ($counter = 0; $counter < $itemCount; $counter += $zObjectCap) {
         // Identify upper bound for this batch.
         $lowerBound = $counter + 1;
         $upperBound = $counter + $zObjectCap;
         if ($upperBound > $itemCount) {
             $upperBound = $itemCount;
         // Create request for this batch of records.
         $batchNodes = $xml_obj->xpath("//SOAP-ENV:Envelope/SOAP-ENV:Body/ns1:" . $method . "/ns1:" . $nodeName . "[position()>=" . $lowerBound . " and position()<" . ($upperBound + 1) . "]");
         $batchPayload = "\n<ns1:" . $method . ">\n";
         if ($method == "delete") {
             $batchPayload = $batchPayload . " " . $type[0]->asXML() . "\n";
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($batchNodes); $i++) {
             $batchPayload = $batchPayload . " " . $batchNodes[$i]->asXML() . "\n";
         $batchPayload = $batchPayload . "</ns1:" . $method . ">\n";
         print "Batch " . ceil($upperBound / $zObjectCap) . ": submitting ZObjects " . $lowerBound . "-" . $upperBound . " (" . count($batchNodes) . ")...";
         $soapRequest = createRequest($header->data["session"], $batchPayload);
         // Execute the API call.
         $timeBefore = microtime(true);
         $batchResponse = ZuoraAPIHelper::callAPIWithClient($client, $header, $soapRequest, $debug);
         $timeAfter = microtime(true);
         print " " . ($timeAfter - $timeBefore) . " secs - Done.";
         if ($htmlOutput) {
             print "<br/>";
         print "\n";
         // Parse through the response.
         $xml_obj2 = new SimpleXMLElement($batchResponse);
         $xml_obj2->registerXPathNamespace("SOAP-ENV", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/");
         $xml_obj2->registerXPathNamespace("ns1", $defaultApiNamespaceURL);
         $soapFaultNode = $xml_obj2->xpath("//SOAP-ENV:Envelope/SOAP-ENV:Body/SOAP-ENV:Fault");
         $resultNodes = $xml_obj2->xpath("//SOAP-ENV:Envelope/SOAP-ENV:Body/ns1:" . $method . "Response/ns1:result/ns1:Success | //SOAP-ENV:Envelope/SOAP-ENV:Body/ns1:" . $method . "Response/ns1:result/ns1:success");
         $successCount = 0;
         $errorCount = 0;
         if (count($soapFaultNode) > 0) {
             $errorCount = count($batchNodes);
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($batchNodes); $i++) {
                 $faultCode = $xml_obj2->xpath("//SOAP-ENV:Envelope/SOAP-ENV:Body/SOAP-ENV:Fault/faultstring");
                 $faultMessage = $xml_obj2->xpath("//SOAP-ENV:Envelope/SOAP-ENV:Body/SOAP-ENV:Fault/detail/Exception");
                 array_push($result["errorList"], array("index" => $lowerBound + $i, "code" => (string) $faultCode[0], "message" => (string) $faultMessage[0]));
             array_push($result["batchList"], array("start" => $lowerBound, "end" => $upperBound, "size" => count($batchNodes), "successCount" => $successCount, "errorCount" => $errorCount));
         } else {
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($resultNodes); $i++) {
                 $resultNode = $resultNodes[$i];
                 if (strcasecmp($resultNode, "false") == 0) {
                     $errorCodeNodes = $xml_obj2->xpath("//SOAP-ENV:Envelope/SOAP-ENV:Body/ns1:" . $method . "Response/ns1:result[position()=" . ($i + 1) . "]/ns1:errors/ns1:Code | //SOAP-ENV:Envelope/SOAP-ENV:Body/ns1:" . $method . "Response/ns1:result[position()=" . ($i + 1) . "]/ns1:Errors/ns1:Code");
                     $errorMsgNodes = $xml_obj2->xpath("//SOAP-ENV:Envelope/SOAP-ENV:Body/ns1:" . $method . "Response/ns1:result[position()=" . ($i + 1) . "]/ns1:errors/ns1:Message | //SOAP-ENV:Envelope/SOAP-ENV:Body/ns1:" . $method . "Response/ns1:result[position()=" . ($i + 1) . "]/ns1:Errors/ns1:Message");
                     array_push($result["errorList"], array("index" => $lowerBound + $i, "code" => (string) $errorCodeNodes[0], "message" => (string) $errorMsgNodes[0]));
                 } else {
             array_push($result["batchList"], array("start" => $lowerBound, "end" => $upperBound, "size" => count($resultNodes), "successCount" => $successCount, "errorCount" => $errorCount));
         $result["successCount"] += $successCount;
         $result["errorCount"] += $errorCount;
     return $result;