function zot_reply_auth_check($data, $encrypted_packet)
    $ret = array('success' => false);
     * Requestor visits /magic/?dest=somewhere on their own site with a browser
     * magic redirects them to $destsite/post [with auth args....]
     * $destsite sends an auth_check packet to originator site
     * The auth_check packet is handled here by the originator's site 
     * - the browser session is still waiting
     * inside $destsite/post for everything to verify
     * If everything checks out we'll return a token to $destsite
     * and then $destsite will verify the token, authenticate the browser
     * session and then redirect to the original destination.
     * If authentication fails, the redirection to the original destination
     * will still take place but without authentication.
    logger('mod_zot: auth_check', LOGGER_DEBUG);
    if (!$encrypted_packet) {
        logger('mod_zot: auth_check packet was not encrypted.');
        $ret['message'] .= 'no packet encryption' . EOL;
    $arr = $data['sender'];
    $sender_hash = make_xchan_hash($arr['guid'], $arr['guid_sig']);
    // garbage collect any old unused notifications
    // This was and should be 10 minutes but my hosting provider has time lag between the DB and
    // the web server. We should probably convert this to webserver time rather than DB time so
    // that the different clocks won't affect it and allow us to keep the time short.
    Zotlabs\Zot\Verify::purge('auth', '30 MINUTE');
    $y = q("select xchan_pubkey from xchan where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($sender_hash));
    // We created a unique hash in mod/magic.php when we invoked remote auth, and stored it in
    // the verify table. It is now coming back to us as 'secret' and is signed by a channel at the other end.
    // First verify their signature. We will have obtained a zot-info packet from them as part of the sender
    // verification.
    if (!$y || !rsa_verify($data['secret'], base64url_decode($data['secret_sig']), $y[0]['xchan_pubkey'])) {
        logger('mod_zot: auth_check: sender not found or secret_sig invalid.');
        $ret['message'] .= 'sender not found or sig invalid ' . print_r($y, true) . EOL;
    // There should be exactly one recipient, the original auth requestor
    $ret['message'] .= 'recipients ' . print_r($recipients, true) . EOL;
    if ($data['recipients']) {
        $arr = $data['recipients'][0];
        $recip_hash = make_xchan_hash($arr['guid'], $arr['guid_sig']);
        $c = q("select channel_id, channel_account_id, channel_prvkey from channel where channel_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($recip_hash));
        if (!$c) {
            logger('mod_zot: auth_check: recipient channel not found.');
            $ret['message'] .= 'recipient not found.' . EOL;
        $confirm = base64url_encode(rsa_sign($data['secret'] . $recip_hash, $c[0]['channel_prvkey']));
        // This additionally checks for forged sites since we already stored the expected result in meta
        // and we've already verified that this is them via zot_gethub() and that their key signed our token
        $z = Zotlabs\Zot\Verify::match('auth', $c[0]['channel_id'], $data['secret'], $data['sender']['url']);
        if (!$z) {
            logger('mod_zot: auth_check: verification key not found.');
            $ret['message'] .= 'verification key not found' . EOL;
        $u = q("select account_service_class from account where account_id = %d limit 1", intval($c[0]['channel_account_id']));
        logger('mod_zot: auth_check: success', LOGGER_DEBUG);
        $ret['success'] = true;
        $ret['confirm'] = $confirm;
        if ($u && $u[0]['account_service_class']) {
            $ret['service_class'] = $u[0]['account_service_class'];
        // Set "do not track" flag if this site or this channel's profile is restricted
        // in some way
        if (intval(get_config('system', 'block_public'))) {
            $ret['DNT'] = true;
        if (!perm_is_allowed($c[0]['channel_id'], '', 'view_profile')) {
            $ret['DNT'] = true;
        if (get_pconfig($c[0]['channel_id'], 'system', 'do_not_track')) {
            $ret['DNT'] = true;
        if (get_pconfig($c[0]['channel_id'], 'system', 'hide_online_status')) {
            $ret['DNT'] = true;