/** * Returns identity URL of logged in user or false * * @return mixed */ public function getLoggedInUser() { // user is logged in via Tine 2.0 already if (($user = Tinebase_Core::getUser()) instanceof Tinebase_Model_FullUser) { return dirname(Zend_OpenId::selfUrl()) . '/users/' . (isset($user->openid) ? $user->openid : $user->accountLoginName); } // user has authenticated via OpenId before if (isset($this->_sessionNameSpace->logged_in)) { return $this->_sessionNameSpace->logged_in; } return false; }
function HandleObjectCategories($objectCategoryIds) { global $prefs; $perspectivelib = TikiLib::lib('perspective'); $current_object = current_object(); if (!$current_object) { // only used on tiki objects return; } $descendants = $this->get_category_descendants($prefs['areas_root']); $objectPerspective = 0; if (!empty($objectCategoryIds)) { if (!isset($_SESSION['current_perspective'])) { unset($_SESSION['current_perspective']); } foreach ($objectCategoryIds as $categId) { // If category is inside $prefs['areas_root'] if (in_array($categId, $descendants)) { $area = $this->getAreaByCategId($categId); if ($area) { $objectPerspective = $area['perspectives'][0]; // use 1st persp break; } } } if ($objectPerspective && $objectPerspective != $_SESSION['current_perspective']) { $area = $this->getAreaByPerspId($_SESSION['current_perspective']); $objectArea = $this->getAreaByPerspId($objectPerspective); if ($area && !$area['share_common'] || $objectArea && $objectArea['exclusive']) { $perspectivelib->set_perspective($objectPerspective, true); Zend_OpenId::redirect(Zend_OpenId::selfUrl()); } } } if ($objectPerspective < 1 && !empty($_SESSION['current_perspective'])) { // uncategorised objects $area = $this->getAreaByPerspId($_SESSION['current_perspective']); if ($area) { if (!$area['share_common']) { $perspectivelib->set_perspective($objectPerspective, true); Zend_OpenId::redirect(Zend_OpenId::selfUrl()); } } } }
/** * Returns an absolute URL for the given one * * @param string $url absilute or relative URL * @return string */ public static function absoluteUrl($url) { if (empty($url)) { return Zend_OpenId::selfUrl(); } else { if (!preg_match('|^([^:]+)://|', $url)) { if (preg_match('|^([^:]+)://([^:@]*(?:[:][^@]*)?@)?([^/:@?#]*)(?:[:]([^/?#]*))?(/[^?]*)?((?:[?](?:[^#]*))?(?:#.*)?)$|', Zend_OpenId::selfUrl(), $reg)) { $scheme = $reg[1]; $auth = $reg[2]; $host = $reg[3]; $port = $reg[4]; $path = $reg[5]; $query = $reg[6]; if ($url[0] == '/') { return $scheme . '://' . $auth . $host . (empty($port) ? '' : ':' . $port) . $url; } else { $dir = dirname($path); return $scheme . '://' . $auth . $host . (empty($port) ? '' : ':' . $port) . (strlen($dir) > 1 ? $dir : '') . '/' . $url; } } } } return $url; }
/** * Performs check of OpenID identity. * * This is the first step of OpenID authentication process. * On success the function does not return (it does HTTP redirection to * server and exits). On failure it returns false. * * @param bool $immediate enables or disables interaction with user * @param string $id OpenID identity * @param string $returnTo HTTP URL to redirect response from server to * @param string $root HTTP URL to identify consumer on server * @param mixed $extensions extension object or array of extensions objects * @param Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response an optional response * object to perform HTTP or HTML form redirection * @return bool */ protected function _checkId($immediate, $id, $returnTo = null, $root = null, $extensions = null, Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response = null) { $this->_setError(''); if (!Zend_OpenId::normalize($id)) { $this->_setError("Normalisation failed"); return false; } $claimedId = $id; if (!$this->_discovery($id, $server, $version)) { $this->_setError("Discovery failed: " . $this->getError()); return false; } if (!$this->_associate($server, $version)) { $this->_setError("Association failed: " . $this->getError()); return false; } if (!$this->_getAssociation($server, $handle, $macFunc, $secret, $expires)) { /* Use dumb mode */ unset($handle); unset($macFunc); unset($secret); unset($expires); } $params = array(); if ($version >= 2.0) { $params['openid.ns'] = Zend_OpenId::NS_2_0; } $params['openid.mode'] = $immediate ? 'checkid_immediate' : 'checkid_setup'; $params['openid.identity'] = $id; $params['openid.claimed_id'] = $claimedId; if ($version <= 2.0) { if ($this->_session !== null) { $this->_session->identity = $id; $this->_session->claimed_id = $claimedId; } else { if (defined('SID')) { $_SESSION["zend_openid"] = array("identity" => $id, "claimed_id" => $claimedId); } else { require_once "Zend/Session/Namespace.php"; $this->_session = new Zend_Session_Namespace("zend_openid"); $this->_session->identity = $id; $this->_session->claimed_id = $claimedId; } } } if (isset($handle)) { $params['openid.assoc_handle'] = $handle; } $params['openid.return_to'] = Zend_OpenId::absoluteUrl($returnTo); if (empty($root)) { $root = Zend_OpenId::selfUrl(); if ($root[strlen($root) - 1] != '/') { $root = dirname($root); } } if ($version >= 2.0) { $params['openid.realm'] = $root; } else { $params['openid.trust_root'] = $root; } if (!Zend_OpenId_Extension::forAll($extensions, 'prepareRequest', $params)) { $this->_setError("Extension::prepareRequest failure"); return false; } Zend_OpenId::redirect($server, $params, $response); return true; }
/** * Perepares information to send back to consumer's authentication request * and signs it using shared secret. * * @param float $version OpenID protcol version * @param array $ret arguments to be send back to consumer * @param array $params GET or POST request variables * @param mixed $extensions extension object or array of extensions objects * @return array */ protected function _respond($version, $ret, $params, $extensions = null) { if (empty($params['openid_assoc_handle']) || !$this->_storage->getAssociation($params['openid_assoc_handle'], $macFunc, $secret, $expires)) { /* Use dumb mode */ if (!empty($params['openid_assoc_handle'])) { $ret['openid.invalidate_handle'] = $params['openid_assoc_handle']; } $macFunc = $version >= 2.0 ? 'sha256' : 'sha1'; $secret = $this->_genSecret($macFunc); $handle = uniqid(); $expiresIn = $this->_sessionTtl; $this->_storage->addAssociation($handle, $macFunc, $secret, time() + $expiresIn); $ret['openid.assoc_handle'] = $handle; } else { $ret['openid.assoc_handle'] = $params['openid_assoc_handle']; } if (isset($params['openid_return_to'])) { $ret['openid.return_to'] = $params['openid_return_to']; } if (isset($params['openid_claimed_id'])) { $ret['openid.claimed_id'] = $params['openid_claimed_id']; } if (isset($params['openid_identity'])) { $ret['openid.identity'] = $params['openid_identity']; } if ($version >= 2.0) { if (!empty($this->_opEndpoint)) { $ret['openid.op_endpoint'] = $this->_opEndpoint; } else { $ret['openid.op_endpoint'] = Zend_OpenId::selfUrl(); } } $ret['openid.response_nonce'] = gmdate('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z') . uniqid(); $ret['openid.mode'] = 'id_res'; Zend_OpenId_Extension::forAll($extensions, 'prepareResponse', $ret); $signed = ''; $data = ''; foreach ($ret as $key => $val) { if (strpos($key, 'openid.') === 0) { $key = substr($key, strlen('openid.')); if (!empty($signed)) { $signed .= ','; } $signed .= $key; $data .= $key . ':' . $val . "\n"; } } $signed .= ',signed'; $data .= 'signed:' . $signed . "\n"; $ret['openid.signed'] = $signed; $ret['openid.sig'] = base64_encode(Zend_OpenId::hashHmac($macFunc, $data, $secret)); return $ret; }
/** * handle all kinds of openId requests * * @return void */ public function openId() { Tinebase_Core::startCoreSession(); $server = new Tinebase_OpenId_Provider(null, null, new Tinebase_OpenId_Provider_User_Tine20(), new Tinebase_OpenId_Provider_Storage()); $server->setOpEndpoint(dirname(Zend_OpenId::selfUrl()) . '/index.php?method=Tinebase.openId'); // handle openId login form if (isset($_POST['openid_action']) && $_POST['openid_action'] === 'login') { $server->login($_POST['openid_identifier'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['username']); unset($_GET['openid_action']); $this->_setJsonKeyCookie(); Zend_OpenId::redirect(dirname(Zend_OpenId::selfUrl()) . '/index.php', $_GET); // display openId login form } else { if (isset($_GET['openid_action']) && $_GET['openid_action'] === 'login') { $view = new Zend_View(); $view->setScriptPath('Tinebase/views'); $view->openIdIdentity = $_GET['openid_identity']; $view->loginName = $_GET['openid_identity']; header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); echo $view->render('openidLogin.php'); // handle openId trust form } else { if (isset($_POST['openid_action']) && $_POST['openid_action'] === 'trust') { if (isset($_POST['allow'])) { if (isset($_POST['forever'])) { $server->allowSite($server->getSiteRoot($_GET)); } $server->respondToConsumer($_GET); } else { if (isset($_POST['deny'])) { if (isset($_POST['forever'])) { $server->denySite($server->getSiteRoot($_GET)); } Zend_OpenId::redirect($_GET['openid_return_to'], array('openid.mode' => 'cancel')); } } // display openId trust form } else { if (isset($_GET['openid_action']) && $_GET['openid_action'] === 'trust') { if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) { Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " Display openId trust screen"); } $view = new Zend_View(); $view->setScriptPath('Tinebase/views'); $view->openIdConsumer = $server->getSiteRoot($_GET); $view->openIdIdentity = $server->getLoggedInUser(); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); echo $view->render('openidTrust.php'); // handle all other openId requests } else { $result = $server->handle(); if (is_string($result)) { echo $result; } elseif ($result !== true) { header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden'); return; } } } } } }
/** * testing testSelfUrl * */ public function testSelfUrl() { unset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI']); unset($_SERVER['HTTPS']); unset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); unset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); unset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']); unset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL']); unset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']); unset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); unset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); unset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']); $this->assertSame( 'http://', Zend_OpenId::selfUrl() ); $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI'] = "http://www.test.com/"; $this->assertSame( 'http://www.test.com/', Zend_OpenId::selfUrl() ); unset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI']); $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = "www.test.com"; $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = "www.wrong.com"; $this->assertSame( 'http://www.test.com', Zend_OpenId::selfUrl() ); $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = "www.test.com:80"; $this->assertSame( 'http://www.test.com', Zend_OpenId::selfUrl() ); $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = "www.test.com:8080"; $this->assertSame( 'http://www.test.com:8080', Zend_OpenId::selfUrl() ); $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = "www.test.com"; $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] = "80"; $this->assertSame( 'http://www.test.com', Zend_OpenId::selfUrl() ); $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] = "8080"; $this->assertSame( 'http://www.test.com:8080', Zend_OpenId::selfUrl() ); unset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); unset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']); $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = "www.test.com"; $this->assertSame( 'http://www.test.com', Zend_OpenId::selfUrl() ); $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] = "80"; $this->assertSame( 'http://www.test.com', Zend_OpenId::selfUrl() ); $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] = "8080"; $this->assertSame( 'http://www.test.com:8080', Zend_OpenId::selfUrl() ); unset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']); $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = "on"; $this->assertSame( 'https://www.test.com', Zend_OpenId::selfUrl() ); $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] = "443"; $this->assertSame( 'https://www.test.com', Zend_OpenId::selfUrl() ); $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] = "8080"; $this->assertSame( 'https://www.test.com:8080', Zend_OpenId::selfUrl() ); unset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']); unset($_SERVER['HTTPS']); $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL'] = '/test.php'; $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = '/bug.php'; $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/bug.php'; $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] = '/bug'; $this->assertSame( 'http://www.test.com/test.php', Zend_OpenId::selfUrl() ); unset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL']); $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'] = '/ok'; $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = '/bug.php'; $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/bug.php'; $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] = '/bug'; $this->assertSame( 'http://www.test.com/ok', Zend_OpenId::selfUrl() ); unset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']); $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = '/test.php'; $this->assertSame( 'http://www.test.com/test.php', Zend_OpenId::selfUrl() ); unset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/test.php'; $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] = '/ok'; $this->assertSame( 'http://www.test.com/test.php/ok', Zend_OpenId::selfUrl() ); unset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']); $this->assertSame( 'http://www.test.com/test.php', Zend_OpenId::selfUrl() ); }
/** * testing setSelfUrl * */ public function testSetSelfUrl() { unset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI']); unset($_SERVER['HTTPS']); unset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); unset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); unset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']); unset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL']); unset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']); unset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); unset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); unset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']); $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI'] = "http://www.test.com/"; $this->assertSame('http://www.test.com/', Zend_OpenId::selfUrl()); $this->assertSame(null, Zend_OpenId::setSelfUrl("http://localhost/test")); $this->assertSame("http://localhost/test", Zend_OpenId::selfUrl()); $this->assertSame("http://localhost/test", Zend_OpenId::setSelfUrl()); $this->assertSame('http://www.test.com/', Zend_OpenId::selfUrl()); $this->assertSame(null, Zend_OpenId::setSelfUrl()); $this->assertSame('http://www.test.com/', Zend_OpenId::selfUrl()); }
echo Zend_OpenId::selfUrl(); ?> " method="post" onsubmit="this.login.disabled=true;"> <fieldset id="openid"> <legend>OpenID Login</legend> <input type="hidden" name="openid_action" value="login"> <div> <input type="text" name="openid_identifier" class="openid_login" value="<?php echo $id; ?> "> <input type="submit" name="login" value="login"> <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"> <tr><td> </td><td>requird</td><td>optional</td><td>none</td><td> </td></tr> <?php echo "{$sreg_html}<br>\n"; ?> </table> <br> <a href="<?php echo dirname(Zend_OpenId::selfUrl()); ?> /test_server.php?openid.action=register">register</a> </div> </fieldset> </form> </div> </body> </html>
/** * Performs check of OpenID identity. * * This is the first step of OpenID authentication process. * On success the function does not return (it does HTTP redirection to * server and exits). On failure it returns false. * * @param bool $immediate enables or disables interaction with user * @param string $id OpenID identity * @param string $returnTo HTTP URL to redirect response from server to * @param string $root HTTP URL to identify consumer on server * @param mixed $extensions extension object or array of extensions objects * @param Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response an optional response * object to perform HTTP or HTML form redirection * @return bool */ protected function _checkId($immediate, $id, $returnTo = null, $root = null, $extensions = null, Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response = null) { if (!Zend_OpenId::normalize($id)) { return false; } $claimedId = $id; if (!$this->_discovery($id, $server, $version)) { return false; } if (!$this->_associate($server, $version)) { return false; } if (!$this->_getAssociation($server, $handle, $macFunc, $secret, $expires)) { /* Use dumb mode */ unset($handle); unset($macFunc); unset($secret); unset($expires); } $params = array(); if ($version >= 2.0) { $params['openid.ns'] = Zend_OpenId::NS_2_0; } $params['openid.mode'] = $immediate ? 'checkid_immediate' : 'checkid_setup'; $params['openid.identity'] = $id; $params['openid.claimed_id'] = $claimedId; if (isset($handle)) { $params['openid.assoc_handle'] = $handle; } $params['openid.return_to'] = Zend_OpenId::absoluteUrl($returnTo); if (empty($root)) { $root = dirname(Zend_OpenId::selfUrl()); } if ($version >= 2.0) { $params['openid.realm'] = $root; } else { $params['openid.trust_root'] = $root; } if (!Zend_OpenId_Extension::forAll($extensions, 'prepareRequest', $params)) { return false; } Zend_OpenId::redirect($server, $params, $response); return true; }
function wikiplugin_subscribegroup($data, $params) { global $tiki_p_subscribe_groups, $userlib, $user, $smarty; static $iSubscribeGroup = 0; ++$iSubscribeGroup; if (empty($user)) { return ''; } if ($tiki_p_subscribe_groups != 'y') { return tra('Permission denied'); } extract($params, EXTR_SKIP); if (empty($group)) { if (!empty($_REQUEST['group'])) { $group = $_REQUEST['group']; } else { return tra('Missing parameter'); } } if ($group == 'Anonymous' || $group == 'Registered') { return tra('Incorrect param'); } if (!($info = $userlib->get_group_info($group)) || $info['groupName'] != $group) { // must have the right case return tra('Incorrect param'); } if ($info['userChoice'] != 'y') { return tra('Permission denied'); } $groups = $userlib->get_user_groups_inclusion($user); $current_defgroup = $userlib->get_user_default_group($user); if (!empty($_REQUEST['subscribeGroup']) && !empty($_REQUEST['iSubscribeGroup']) && $_REQUEST['iSubscribeGroup'] == $iSubscribeGroup && $_REQUEST['group'] == $group) { if (isset($defgroup) || isset($defgroup_action) || isset($undefgroup) || isset($undefgroup_action)) { if ($current_defgroup == $group) { $new_group = !empty($undefgroup_group) ? $undefgroup_group : 'Registered'; $userlib->set_default_group($user, $new_group); } else { if (!isset($groups[$group])) { $userlib->assign_user_to_group($user, $group); } $userlib->set_default_group($user, $group); } if (!empty($params['defgroup_url']) && $params['defgroup_url'] === 'n') { Zend_OpenId::redirect(Zend_OpenId::selfUrl()); } else { global $tikiroot; Zend_OpenId::redirect($tikiroot); } die; } else { if (isset($groups[$group])) { $userlib->remove_user_from_group($user, $group); unset($groups[$group]); if (!empty($postunsubscribe_url)) { header("Location: {$postunsubscribe_url}"); die; } } else { $userlib->assign_user_to_group($user, $group); $groups[$group] = 'real'; if (!empty($postsubscribe_url)) { header("Location: {$postsubscribe_url}"); die; } } } } if (isset($undefgroup) || isset($undefgroup_action)) { if ($current_defgroup == $group) { $text = isset($undefgroup) ? $undefgroup : ''; if (!isset($undefgroup_action)) { $undefgroup_action = tra('OK'); } $smarty->assign('action', $undefgroup_action); } else { $text = isset($defgroup) ? $defgroup : ''; if (!isset($defgroup_action)) { $defgroup_action = tra('OK'); } $smarty->assign('action', $defgroup_action); } } else { if (isset($groups[$group])) { //user already in the group-> if ($groups[$group] == 'included') { return tra('Incorrect param'); } $text = isset($unsubscribe) ? $unsubscribe : tra('Unsubscribe') . '%s'; if (!isset($unsubscribe_action)) { $unsubscribe_action = tra('OK'); } $smarty->assign('action', $unsubscribe_action); } else { $text = isset($subscribe) ? $subscribe : tra('Subscribe') . '%s'; if (!isset($subscribe_action)) { $subscribe_action = tra('OK'); } $smarty->assign('action', $subscribe_action); } } $smarty->assign('text', sprintf(tra($text), $group)); $smarty->assign('subscribeGroup', $group); $smarty->assign('iSubscribeGroup', $iSubscribeGroup); $data = $data . $smarty->fetch('wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_subscribegroup.tpl'); return $data; }
color: #000; padding-left: 18px; width: 220px; margin-right: 10px; } </style> </head> <body> <?php echo "$status<br>\n";?> <div> <form action="<?php echo Zend_OpenId::selfUrl(); ?>" method="post" onsubmit="this.login.disabled=true;"> <fieldset id="openid"> <legend>OpenID Login</legend> <input type="hidden" name="openid_action" value="login"> <div> <input type="text" name="openid_identifier" class="openid_login" value="<?php echo $id;?>"> <input type="submit" name="login" value="login"> <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"> <tr><td> </td><td>requird</td><td>optional</td><td>none</td><td> </td></tr> <?php echo "$sreg_html<br>\n";?> </table> <br> <a href="<?php echo dirname(Zend_OpenId::selfUrl()); ?>/test_server.php?openid.action=register">register</a> </div> </fieldset> </form> </div> </body> </html>
/** * Performs check of OpenID identity. * * This is the first step of OpenID authentication process. * On success the function does not return (it does HTTP redirection to * server and exits). On failure it returns false. * * @param bool $immediate enables or disables interaction with user * @param string $id OpenID identity * @param string $returnTo HTTP URL to redirect response from server to * @param string $root HTTP URL to identify consumer on server * @param mixed $extensions extension object or array of extensions objects * @param Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response an optional response * object to perform HTTP or HTML form redirection * @return bool */ protected function _checkId($immediate, $id, $returnTo = null, $root = null, $extensions = null, Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response = null) { $this->_setError(''); if (!Zend_OpenId::normalize($id)) { $this->_setError("Normalisation failed"); return false; } $claimedId = $id; if (!$this->_discovery($id, $server, $version)) { $this->_setError("Discovery failed: " . $this->getError()); return false; } if (!$this->_associate($server, $version)) { $this->_setError("Association failed: " . $this->getError()); return false; } if (!$this->_getAssociation($server, $handle, $macFunc, $secret, $expires)) { /* Use dumb mode */ unset($handle); unset($macFunc); unset($secret); unset($expires); } $params = array(); if ($version >= 2.0) { $params['openid.ns'] = Zend_OpenId::NS_2_0; } $params['openid.mode'] = $immediate ? 'checkid_immediate' : 'checkid_setup'; $params['openid.identity'] = $id; $params['openid.claimed_id'] = $claimedId; if ($version <= 2.0) { if ($this->_session !== null) { $this->_session->identity = $id; $this->_session->claimed_id = $claimedId; if ($server == 'https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/ud') { $params['openid.identity'] = 'http://specs.openid.net/auth/2.0/identifier_select'; $params['openid.claimed_id'] = 'http://specs.openid.net/auth/2.0/identifier_select'; $params['openid.ns.ax'] = 'http://openid.net/srv/ax/1.0'; $params['openid.ax.mode'] = 'fetch_request'; $params['openid.ax.type.email'] = 'http://axschema.org/contact/email'; $params['openid.ax.type.country'] = 'http://axschema.org/contact/country/home'; $params['openid.ax.type.firstname'] = 'http://axschema.org/namePerson/first'; $params['openid.ax.type.lastname'] = 'http://axschema.org/namePerson/last'; $params['openid.ax.type.language'] = 'http://axschema.org/pref/language'; $params['openid.ax.required'] = 'country,firstname,email,language,lastname'; } } else { if (defined('SID')) { $_SESSION["zend_openid"] = array("identity" => $id, "claimed_id" => $claimedId); } else { require_once "Zend/Session/Namespace.php"; $this->_session = new Zend_Session_Namespace("zend_openid"); $this->_session->identity = $id; $this->_session->claimed_id = $claimedId; } } } if (isset($handle)) { $params['openid.assoc_handle'] = $handle; } $params['openid.return_to'] = Zend_OpenId::absoluteUrl($returnTo); if (empty($root)) { $root = Zend_OpenId::selfUrl(); if ($root[strlen($root) - 1] != '/') { $root = dirname($root); } } if ($version >= 2.0) { $params['openid.realm'] = $root; } else { $params['openid.trust_root'] = $root; } if (!Zend_OpenId_Extension::forAll($extensions, 'prepareRequest', $params)) { $this->_setError("Extension::prepareRequest failure"); return false; } Zend_OpenId::redirect($server, $params, $response); return true; }