  * Returns a locale formatted number depending on the given options.
  * The seperation and fraction sign is used from the set locale.
  * ##0.#  -> 12345.12345 -> 12345.12345
  * ##0.00 -> 12345.12345 -> 12345.12
  * ##,##0.00 -> 12345.12345 -> 12,345.12
  * @param   string  $input    Localized number string
  * @param   array   $options  Options: number_format, locale, precision. See {@link setOptions()} for details.
  * @return  string  locale formatted number
  * @throws Zend_Locale_Exception
 public static function toNumber($value, array $options = array())
     // load class within method for speed
     // require_once 'Zend/Locale/Math.php';
     $value = Zend_Locale_Math::normalize($value);
     $value = Zend_Locale_Math::floatalize($value);
     $options = self::_checkOptions($options) + self::$_options;
     $options['locale'] = (string) $options['locale'];
     // Get correct signs for this locale
     $symbols = Zend_Locale_Data::getList($options['locale'], 'symbols');
     $oenc = iconv_get_encoding('internal_encoding');
     iconv_set_encoding('internal_encoding', 'UTF-8');
     // Get format
     $format = $options['number_format'];
     if ($format === null) {
         $format = Zend_Locale_Data::getContent($options['locale'], 'decimalnumber');
         $format = self::_seperateFormat($format, $value, $options['precision']);
         if ($options['precision'] !== null) {
             $value = Zend_Locale_Math::normalize(Zend_Locale_Math::round($value, $options['precision']));
     } else {
         // seperate negative format pattern when available
         $format = self::_seperateFormat($format, $value, $options['precision']);
         if (strpos($format, '.')) {
             if (is_numeric($options['precision'])) {
                 $value = Zend_Locale_Math::round($value, $options['precision']);
             } else {
                 if (substr($format, iconv_strpos($format, '.') + 1, 3) == '###') {
                     $options['precision'] = null;
                 } else {
                     $options['precision'] = iconv_strlen(iconv_substr($format, iconv_strpos($format, '.') + 1, iconv_strrpos($format, '0') - iconv_strpos($format, '.')));
                     $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, iconv_strpos($format, '.') + 1) . '###' . iconv_substr($format, iconv_strrpos($format, '0') + 1);
         } else {
             $value = Zend_Locale_Math::round($value, 0);
             $options['precision'] = 0;
         $value = Zend_Locale_Math::normalize($value);
     if (iconv_strpos($format, '0') === false) {
         iconv_set_encoding('internal_encoding', $oenc);
         // require_once 'Zend/Locale/Exception.php';
         throw new Zend_Locale_Exception('Wrong format... missing 0');
     // get number parts
     $pos = iconv_strpos($value, '.');
     if ($pos !== false) {
         if ($options['precision'] === null) {
             $precstr = iconv_substr($value, $pos + 1);
         } else {
             $precstr = iconv_substr($value, $pos + 1, $options['precision']);
             if (iconv_strlen($precstr) < $options['precision']) {
                 $precstr = $precstr . str_pad("0", $options['precision'] - iconv_strlen($precstr), "0");
     } else {
         if ($options['precision'] > 0) {
             $precstr = str_pad("0", $options['precision'], "0");
     if ($options['precision'] === null) {
         if (isset($precstr)) {
             $options['precision'] = iconv_strlen($precstr);
         } else {
             $options['precision'] = 0;
     // get fraction and format lengths
     if (strpos($value, '.') !== false) {
         $number = substr((string) $value, 0, strpos($value, '.'));
     } else {
         $number = $value;
     $prec = call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$sub, $value, $number, $options['precision']);
     $prec = Zend_Locale_Math::floatalize($prec);
     $prec = Zend_Locale_Math::normalize($prec);
     if (iconv_strpos($prec, '-') !== false) {
         $prec = iconv_substr($prec, 1);
     if ($prec == 0 and $options['precision'] > 0) {
         $prec = "0.0";
     if ($options['precision'] + 2 > iconv_strlen($prec)) {
         $prec = str_pad((string) $prec, $options['precision'] + 2, "0", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
     if (iconv_strpos($number, '-') !== false) {
         $number = iconv_substr($number, 1);
     $group = iconv_strrpos($format, ',');
     $group2 = iconv_strpos($format, ',');
     $point = iconv_strpos($format, '0');
     // Add fraction
     $rest = "";
     if (iconv_strpos($format, '.')) {
         $rest = iconv_substr($format, iconv_strpos($format, '.') + 1);
         $length = iconv_strlen($rest);
         for ($x = 0; $x < $length; ++$x) {
             if ($rest[0] == '0' || $rest[0] == '#') {
                 $rest = iconv_substr($rest, 1);
         $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, iconv_strlen($format) - iconv_strlen($rest));
     if ($options['precision'] == '0') {
         if (iconv_strrpos($format, '-') != 0) {
             $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, $point) . iconv_substr($format, iconv_strrpos($format, '#') + 2);
         } else {
             $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, $point);
     } else {
         $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, $point) . $symbols['decimal'] . iconv_substr($prec, 2);
     $format .= $rest;
     // Add seperation
     if ($group == 0) {
         // no seperation
         $format = $number . iconv_substr($format, $point);
     } else {
         if ($group == $group2) {
             // only 1 seperation
             $seperation = $point - $group;
             for ($x = iconv_strlen($number); $x > $seperation; $x -= $seperation) {
                 if (iconv_substr($number, 0, $x - $seperation) !== "") {
                     $number = iconv_substr($number, 0, $x - $seperation) . $symbols['group'] . iconv_substr($number, $x - $seperation);
             $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, iconv_strpos($format, '#')) . $number . iconv_substr($format, $point);
         } else {
             // 2 seperations
             if (iconv_strlen($number) > $point - $group) {
                 $seperation = $point - $group;
                 $number = iconv_substr($number, 0, iconv_strlen($number) - $seperation) . $symbols['group'] . iconv_substr($number, iconv_strlen($number) - $seperation);
                 if (iconv_strlen($number) - 1 > $point - $group + 1) {
                     $seperation2 = $group - $group2 - 1;
                     for ($x = iconv_strlen($number) - $seperation2 - 2; $x > $seperation2; $x -= $seperation2) {
                         $number = iconv_substr($number, 0, $x - $seperation2) . $symbols['group'] . iconv_substr($number, $x - $seperation2);
             $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, iconv_strpos($format, '#')) . $number . iconv_substr($format, $point);
     // set negative sign
     if (call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$comp, $value, 0, $options['precision']) < 0) {
         if (iconv_strpos($format, '-') === false) {
             $format = $symbols['minus'] . $format;
         } else {
             $format = str_replace('-', $symbols['minus'], $format);
     iconv_set_encoding('internal_encoding', $oenc);
     return (string) $format;
  * Returns a locale formatted number depending on the given options.
  * The seperation and fraction sign is used from the set locale.
  * ##0.#  -> 12345.12345 -> 12345.12345
  * ##0.00 -> 12345.12345 -> 12345.12
  * ##,##0.00 -> 12345.12345 -> 12,345.12
  * @param   string  $input    Localized number string
  * @param   array   $options  Options: number_format, locale, precision. See {@link setOptions()} for details.
  * @return  string  locale formatted number
 public static function toNumber($value, array $options = array())
     $value = Zend_Locale_Math::normalize($value);
     $options = array_merge(self::$_Options, self::checkOptions($options));
     if ($options['locale'] instanceof Zend_Locale) {
         $options['locale'] = $options['locale']->toString();
     // Get correct signs for this locale
     $symbols = Zend_Locale_Data::getContent($options['locale'], 'numbersymbols');
     iconv_set_encoding('internal_encoding', 'UTF-8');
     // Get format
     $format = $options['number_format'];
     if ($format === null) {
         $format = Zend_Locale_Data::getContent($options['locale'], 'decimalnumberformat');
         $format = $format['default'];
         if (iconv_strpos($format, ';') !== false) {
             if (call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$comp, $value, 0) < 0) {
                 $format = iconv_substr($format, iconv_strpos($format, ';') + 1);
             } else {
                 $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, iconv_strpos($format, ';'));
     } else {
         // seperate negative format pattern when avaiable
         if (iconv_strpos($format, ';') !== false) {
             if (call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$comp, $value, 0) < 0) {
                 $format = iconv_substr($format, iconv_strpos($format, ';') + 1);
             } else {
                 $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, iconv_strpos($format, ';'));
         if (strpos($format, '.')) {
             if (is_numeric($options['precision'])) {
                 $value = round($value, $options['precision']);
             } else {
                 if (substr($format, strpos($format, '.') + 1, 3) == '###') {
                     $options['precision'] = null;
                 } else {
                     $options['precision'] = strlen(substr($format, strpos($format, '.') + 1, strrpos($format, '0') - strpos($format, '.')));
                     $format = substr($format, 0, strpos($format, '.') + 1) . '###' . substr($format, strrpos($format, '0') + 1);
         } else {
             $value = round($value, 0);
             $options['precision'] = 0;
     // set negative sign
     if (call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$comp, $value, 0) < 0) {
         if (iconv_strpos($format, '-') === false) {
             $format = $symbols['minus'] . $format;
         } else {
             $format = str_replace('-', $symbols['minus'], $format);
     // get number parts
     if (strlen($value) != strlen(round($value, 0))) {
         if ($options['precision'] === null) {
             $precstr = iconv_substr($value, strlen(round($value, 0)) + 1);
         } else {
             $precstr = iconv_substr($value, strlen(round($value, 0)) + 1, $options['precision']);
             if (iconv_strlen($precstr) < $options['precision']) {
                 $precstr = $precstr . str_pad("0", $options['precision'] - iconv_strlen($precstr), "0");
     } else {
         if ($options['precision'] > 0) {
             $precstr = str_pad("0", $options['precision'], "0");
     if ($options['precision'] === null) {
         if (isset($precstr)) {
             $options['precision'] = iconv_strlen($precstr);
         } else {
             $options['precision'] = 0;
     // get fraction and format lengths
     $preg = call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$sub, $value, '0', 0);
     $prec = call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$sub, $value, $preg, $options['precision']);
     if (iconv_strpos($prec, '-') !== false) {
         $prec = iconv_substr($prec, 1);
     if ($options['precision'] + 2 > strlen($prec)) {
         $prec = $prec . str_pad("0", $options['precision'] - iconv_strlen($prec), "0");
     $number = call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$sub, $value, $prec, 0);
     if (iconv_strpos($number, '-') !== false) {
         $number = iconv_substr($number, 1);
     $group = iconv_strrpos($format, ',');
     $group2 = iconv_strpos($format, ',');
     $point = iconv_strpos($format, '0');
     // Add fraction
     $rest = "";
     if ($value < 0 && strpos($format, '.')) {
         $rest = substr(substr($format, strpos($format, '.') + 1), -1, 1);
     if ($options['precision'] == '0') {
         $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, $point) . iconv_substr($format, iconv_strrpos($format, '#') + 2);
     } else {
         $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, $point) . $symbols['decimal'] . iconv_substr($prec, 2) . iconv_substr($format, iconv_strrpos($format, '#') + 2);
     if ($value < 0 and $rest != '0' and $rest != '#') {
         $format .= $rest;
     // Add seperation
     if ($group == 0) {
         // no seperation
         $format = $number . iconv_substr($format, $point);
     } else {
         if ($group == $group2) {
             // only 1 seperation
             $seperation = $point - $group;
             for ($x = iconv_strlen($number); $x > $seperation; $x -= $seperation) {
                 if (iconv_substr($number, 0, $x - $seperation) !== "") {
                     $number = iconv_substr($number, 0, $x - $seperation) . $symbols['group'] . iconv_substr($number, $x - $seperation);
             $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, iconv_strpos($format, '#')) . $number . iconv_substr($format, $point);
         } else {
             // 2 seperations
             if (iconv_strlen($number) > $point - $group) {
                 $seperation = $point - $group;
                 $number = iconv_substr($number, 0, iconv_strlen($number) - $seperation) . $symbols['group'] . iconv_substr($number, iconv_strlen($number) - $seperation);
                 if (iconv_strlen($number) - 1 > $point - $group + 1) {
                     $seperation2 = $group - $group2 - 1;
                     for ($x = iconv_strlen($number) - $seperation2 - 2; $x > $seperation2; $x -= $seperation2) {
                         $number = iconv_substr($number, 0, $x - $seperation2) . $symbols['group'] . iconv_substr($number, $x - $seperation2);
             $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, iconv_strpos($format, '#')) . $number . iconv_substr($format, $point);
     return (string) $format;
     * Returns a locale formatted number depending on the given options.
     * The seperation and fraction sign is used from the set locale.
     * ##0.#  -> 12345.12345 -> 12345.12345
     * ##0.00 -> 12345.12345 -> 12345.12
     * ##,##0.00 -> 12345.12345 -> 12,345.12
     * @param   string  $input    Localized number string
     * @param   array   $options  Options: number_format, locale, precision. See {@link setOptions()} for details.
     * @return  string  locale formatted number
    public static function toNumber($value, array $options = array())
        // load class within method for speed
        require_once 'Zend/Locale/Math.php';

        $value = Zend_Locale_Math::normalize($value);
        $options = array_merge(self::$_Options, self::checkOptions($options));
        if ($options['locale'] instanceof Zend_Locale) {
            $options['locale'] = $options['locale']->toString();

        // Get correct signs for this locale
        $symbols = Zend_Locale_Data::getList($options['locale'], 'symbols');
        iconv_set_encoding('internal_encoding', 'UTF-8');

        // Get format
        $format = $options['number_format'];
        if ($format === null) {
            $format  = Zend_Locale_Data::getContent($options['locale'], 'decimalnumber');
            if (iconv_strpos($format, ';') !== false) {
                if (call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$comp, $value, 0) < 0) {
                    $format = iconv_substr($format, iconv_strpos($format, ';') + 1);
                } else {
                    $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, iconv_strpos($format, ';'));
        } else {
            // seperate negative format pattern when available
            if (iconv_strpos($format, ';') !== false) {
                if (call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$comp, $value, 0) < 0) {
                    $format = iconv_substr($format, iconv_strpos($format, ';') + 1);
                } else {
                    $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, iconv_strpos($format, ';'));

            if (strpos($format, '.')) {
                if (is_numeric($options['precision'])) {
                    $value = Zend_Locale_Math::round($value, $options['precision']);
                } else {
                    if (substr($format, strpos($format, '.') + 1, 3) == '###') {
                        $options['precision'] = null;
                    } else {
                        $options['precision'] = strlen(substr($format, strpos($format, '.') + 1,
                                                              strrpos($format, '0') - strpos($format, '.')));
                        $format = substr($format, 0, strpos($format, '.') + 1) . '###'
                                . substr($format, strrpos($format, '0') + 1);
            } else {
                $value = Zend_Locale_Math::round($value, 0);
                $options['precision'] = 0;
            $value = Zend_Locale_Math::normalize($value);

        // get number parts
        if (strlen($value) != strlen(Zend_Locale_Math::round($value, 0))) {
            if ($options['precision'] === null) {
                $precstr = iconv_substr($value, strlen(Zend_Locale_Math::round($value, 0)) + 1);
            } else {
                $precstr = iconv_substr($value, strlen(Zend_Locale_Math::round($value, 0)) + 1, $options['precision']);
                if (iconv_strlen($precstr) < $options['precision']) {
                    $precstr = $precstr . str_pad("0", ($options['precision'] - iconv_strlen($precstr)), "0");
        } else {
            if ($options['precision'] > 0) {
                $precstr = str_pad("0", ($options['precision']), "0");

        if ($options['precision'] === null) {
            if (isset($precstr)) {
                $options['precision'] = iconv_strlen($precstr);
            } else {
                $options['precision'] = 0;

        // get fraction and format lengths
        if (strpos($value, '.') !== false) {
            $number = substr((string) $value, 0, strpos($value, '.'));
        } else {
            $number = $value;

        $prec   = call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$sub, $value, $number, $options['precision']);
        if (iconv_strpos($prec, '-') !== false) {
            $prec = iconv_substr($prec, 1);
        if (($prec == 0) and ($options['precision'] > 0)) {
            $prec = "0.0";
        if (($options['precision'] + 2) > iconv_strlen($prec)) {
            $prec = str_pad((string) $prec, $options['precision'] + 2, "0", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
        if (iconv_strpos($number, '-') !== false) {
            $number = iconv_substr($number, 1);
        $group  = iconv_strrpos($format, ',');
        $group2 = iconv_strpos ($format, ',');
        $point  = iconv_strpos ($format, '0');
        // Add fraction
        $rest = "";
        if (($value < 0) && (strpos($format, '.'))) {
            $rest   = substr(substr($format, strpos($format, '.') + 1), -1, 1);
        if ($options['precision'] == '0') {
            $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, $point) . iconv_substr($format, iconv_strrpos($format, '#') + 2);
        } else {
            $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, $point) . $symbols['decimal']
                               . iconv_substr($prec, 2) . iconv_substr($format, iconv_strrpos($format, '#') + 2 + strlen($prec) - 2);
        if (($value < 0) and ($rest != '0') and ($rest != '#')) {
            $format .= $rest;
        // Add seperation
        if ($group == 0) {
            // no seperation
            $format = $number . iconv_substr($format, $point);
        } else if ($group == $group2) {
            // only 1 seperation
            $seperation = ($point - $group);
            for ($x = iconv_strlen($number); $x > $seperation; $x -= $seperation) {
                if (iconv_substr($number, 0, $x - $seperation) !== "") {
                    $number = iconv_substr($number, 0, $x - $seperation) . $symbols['group']
                             . iconv_substr($number, $x - $seperation);
            $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, iconv_strpos($format, '#')) . $number . iconv_substr($format, $point);
        } else {

            // 2 seperations
            if (iconv_strlen($number) > ($point - $group)) {
                $seperation = ($point - $group);
                $number = iconv_substr($number, 0, iconv_strlen($number) - $seperation) . $symbols['group']
                        . iconv_substr($number, iconv_strlen($number) - $seperation);

                if ((iconv_strlen($number) - 1) > ($point - $group + 1)) {
                    $seperation2 = ($group - $group2 - 1);

                    for ($x = iconv_strlen($number) - $seperation2 - 2; $x > $seperation2; $x -= $seperation2) {
                         $number = iconv_substr($number, 0, $x - $seperation2) . $symbols['group']
                                 . iconv_substr($number, $x - $seperation2);

            $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, iconv_strpos($format, '#')) . $number . iconv_substr($format, $point);
        // set negative sign
        if (call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$comp, $value, 0) < 0) {
            if (iconv_strpos($format, '-') === false) {
                $format = $symbols['minus'] . $format;
            } else {
                $format = str_replace('-', $symbols['minus'], $format);
        return (string) $format;
文件: Format.php 项目: Tony133/zf-web
  * Returns a locale formatted number depending on the given options.
  * The seperation and fraction sign is used from the set locale.
  * ##0.#  -> 12345.12345 -> 12345.12345
  * ##0.00 -> 12345.12345 -> 12345.12
  * ##,##0.00 -> 12345.12345 -> 12,345.12
  * @param   string  $input    Localized number string
  * @param   array   $options  Options: number_format, locale, precision. See {@link setOptions()} for details.
  * @return  string  locale formatted number
 public static function toNumber($value, array $options = array())
     print "\ntoNumber";
     print "\n--------";
     // load class within method for speed
     require_once 'Zend/Locale/Math.php';
     $value = Zend_Locale_Math::normalize($value);
     print "\n1-Value :'" . $value . "'";
     $options = array_merge(self::$_Options, self::checkOptions($options));
     if ($options['locale'] instanceof Zend_Locale) {
         $options['locale'] = $options['locale']->toString();
     print "\n2-Locale:'" . $options['locale'] . "'";
     // Get correct signs for this locale
     $symbols = Zend_Locale_Data::getList($options['locale'], 'symbols');
     iconv_set_encoding('internal_encoding', 'UTF-8');
     // Get format
     $format = $options['number_format'];
     print "\n3-Format1:'" . $format . "'";
     if ($format === null) {
         $format = Zend_Locale_Data::getContent($options['locale'], 'decimalnumber');
         print "\n3-Format2:'" . $format . "'";
         if (iconv_strpos($format, ';') !== false) {
             if (call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$comp, $value, 0) < 0) {
                 $format = iconv_substr($format, iconv_strpos($format, ';') + 1);
                 print "\n3-Format3:'" . $format . "'";
             } else {
                 $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, iconv_strpos($format, ';'));
                 print "\n3-Format4:'" . $format . "'";
     } else {
         print "\n3-Format5:'" . $format . "'";
         // seperate negative format pattern when avaiable
         if (iconv_strpos($format, ';') !== false) {
             if (call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$comp, $value, 0) < 0) {
                 $format = iconv_substr($format, iconv_strpos($format, ';') + 1);
                 print "\n3-Format6:'" . $format . "'";
             } else {
                 $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, iconv_strpos($format, ';'));
                 print "\n3-Format7:'" . $format . "'";
         if (strpos($format, '.')) {
             print "\n4-Prec:'" . $options['precision'] . "'";
             if (is_numeric($options['precision'])) {
                 $value = Zend_Locale_Math::round($value, $options['precision']);
                 print "\n4-Value1:'" . $value . "'";
                 //print "\nSet Pr:'".$value."'";
             } else {
                 if (substr($format, strpos($format, '.') + 1, 3) == '###') {
                     $options['precision'] = null;
                     print "\n4-Value2";
                 } else {
                     $options['precision'] = strlen(substr($format, strpos($format, '.') + 1, strrpos($format, '0') - strpos($format, '.')));
                     print "\n4-Prec3:'" . $options['precision'] . "'";
                     $format = substr($format, 0, strpos($format, '.') + 1) . '###' . substr($format, strrpos($format, '0') + 1);
                     print "\n4-Format4:'" . $format . "'";
         } else {
             $value = Zend_Locale_Math::round($value, 0);
             $options['precision'] = 0;
             print "\n4-Value5:'" . $value . "'";
         $value = Zend_Locale_Math::normalize($value);
         print "\n5-Value:'" . $value . "'";
     // get number parts
     if (strlen($value) != strlen(Zend_Locale_Math::round($value, 0))) {
         if ($options['precision'] === null) {
             $precstr = iconv_substr($value, strlen(Zend_Locale_Math::round($value, 0)) + 1);
             print "\n6-Prec1:'" . $precstr . "'";
         } else {
             $precstr = iconv_substr($value, strlen(Zend_Locale_Math::round($value, 0)) + 1, $options['precision']);
             print "\n6-Prec2:'" . $precstr . "'";
             if (iconv_strlen($precstr) < $options['precision']) {
                 $precstr = $precstr . str_pad("0", $options['precision'] - iconv_strlen($precstr), "0");
                 print "\n6-Prec3:'" . $precstr . "'";
     } else {
         print "\n6-Prec4";
         if ($options['precision'] > 0) {
             $precstr = str_pad("0", $options['precision'], "0");
             print "\n6-Prec5:'" . $precstr . "'";
     if ($options['precision'] === null) {
         if (isset($precstr)) {
             $options['precision'] = iconv_strlen($precstr);
             print "\n7-Prec1:'" . $options['precision'] . "'";
         } else {
             $options['precision'] = 0;
             print "\n7-Prec2:'" . $options['precision'] . "'";
     // get fraction and format lengths
     if (strpos($value, '.') !== false) {
         $number = substr((string) $value, 0, strpos($value, '.'));
         print "\n8-Number1:'" . $number . "'";
     } else {
         $number = $value;
         print "\n8-Number2:'" . $number . "'";
     $prec = call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$sub, $value, $number, $options['precision']);
     print "\n9-Prec1:'" . $prec . "'";
     if (iconv_strpos($prec, '-') !== false) {
         $prec = iconv_substr($prec, 1);
         print "\n9-Prec2:'" . $prec . "'";
     if ($prec == 0 and $options['precision'] > 0) {
         $prec = "0.0";
         print "\n9-Prec3:'" . $prec . "'";
     if ($options['precision'] + 2 > iconv_strlen($prec)) {
         $prec = str_pad((string) $prec, $options['precision'] + 2, "0", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
         print "\n9-Prec4:'" . $prec . "'";
     if (iconv_strpos($number, '-') !== false) {
         $number = iconv_substr($number, 1);
         print "\n10-Number:'" . $number . "'";
     $group = iconv_strrpos($format, ',');
     $group2 = iconv_strpos($format, ',');
     $point = iconv_strpos($format, '0');
     // Add fraction
     $rest = "";
     if ($value < 0 && strpos($format, '.')) {
         $rest = substr(substr($format, strpos($format, '.') + 1), -1, 1);
         print "\n11-Rest:'" . $rest . "'";
     if ($options['precision'] == '0') {
         $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, $point) . iconv_substr($format, iconv_strrpos($format, '#') + 2);
         print "\n12-Format1:'" . $format . "'";
     } else {
         $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, $point) . $symbols['decimal'] . iconv_substr($prec, 2) . iconv_substr($format, iconv_strrpos($format, '#') + 2 + strlen($prec) - 2);
         print "\n12-Format2:'" . $format . "'";
     if ($value < 0 and $rest != '0' and $rest != '#') {
         $format .= $rest;
         print "\n12-Format3:'" . $format . "'";
     // Add seperation
     if ($group == 0) {
         // no seperation
         $format = $number . iconv_substr($format, $point);
         print "\n12-Format4:'" . $format . "'";
     } else {
         if ($group == $group2) {
             // only 1 seperation
             $seperation = $point - $group;
             for ($x = iconv_strlen($number); $x > $seperation; $x -= $seperation) {
                 if (iconv_substr($number, 0, $x - $seperation) !== "") {
                     $number = iconv_substr($number, 0, $x - $seperation) . $symbols['group'] . iconv_substr($number, $x - $seperation);
                     print "\n12-Number5:'" . $number . "'";
             $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, iconv_strpos($format, '#')) . $number . iconv_substr($format, $point);
             print "\n12-Format6:'" . $format . "'";
         } else {
             // 2 seperations
             if (iconv_strlen($number) > $point - $group) {
                 $seperation = $point - $group;
                 $number = iconv_substr($number, 0, iconv_strlen($number) - $seperation) . $symbols['group'] . iconv_substr($number, iconv_strlen($number) - $seperation);
                 print "\n13-Number1:'" . $number . "'";
                 if (iconv_strlen($number) - 1 > $point - $group + 1) {
                     $seperation2 = $group - $group2 - 1;
                     for ($x = iconv_strlen($number) - $seperation2 - 2; $x > $seperation2; $x -= $seperation2) {
                         $number = iconv_substr($number, 0, $x - $seperation2) . $symbols['group'] . iconv_substr($number, $x - $seperation2);
                         print "\n13-Number2:'" . $number . "'";
             $format = iconv_substr($format, 0, iconv_strpos($format, '#')) . $number . iconv_substr($format, $point);
             print "\n12-Format6:'" . $format . "'";
     // set negative sign
     if (call_user_func(Zend_Locale_Math::$comp, $value, 0) < 0) {
         if (iconv_strpos($format, '-') === false) {
             $format = $symbols['minus'] . $format;
         } else {
             $format = str_replace('-', $symbols['minus'], $format);
     print "\nRESULT:'" . $format . "'";
     return (string) $format;