/** * delete row(s) * * @param array $data * @return int */ public function delete($id) { //delete permission of the resource $permissions = new Controlmodule_Model_DbTable_Permissions(); $permissions->delete("resource_id=" . (int) $id); return parent::delete('id = ' . (int) $id); }
public function delete($id) { try { parent::delete($id); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Ocorreu um erro ao excluir os dados.'; } }
public function delete($id) { try { parent::delete($id); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Opa... algum problema aconteceu.'; } }
public function delete($where) { $this->where = $where; $last_id = parent::delete($this->where); if ($last_id > 0) { $this->_notifyObservers("delete"); } return $last_id; }
public function delete($id) { try { parent::delete($id); } catch (Exception $exc) { //echo $exc->getTraceAsString(); echo 'Ocorreu um erro ao excluir os dados'; } }
public function delete($where) { if (count($where) == 0) { throw new Exception(); } foreach ($where as $k => $v) { $where[$k . ' = ?'] = $v; unset($where[$k]); } return parent::delete($where); }
/** * Bulk Delete entries * * @param array With serialized ids * @return bool */ protected function bulkDelete(array $bulkIds) { if (empty($bulkIds)) { return false; } foreach ($bulkIds as $id) { $primaryKey = urldecode($id); $where = $this->_getWhereStatement($primaryKey); $this->obj->delete($where); } return true; }
/** * deleteNode * @param integer $intNodeId * @author Thomas Schedler <*****@*****.**> * @version 1.0 */ public function deleteNode($intNodeId) { $this->intNodeId = $intNodeId; $this->loadNodeData(); if ($this->objNodeData instanceof Zend_Db_Table_Rowset_Abstract && count($this->objNodeData) > 0) { $arrNode = $this->objNodeData->current()->toArray(); if (!is_null($this->strDBFRoot)) { $this->intRootId = $arrNode[$this->strDBFRoot]; } $this->lockTable(); $strSqlAddonRootId = ''; if (!is_null($this->strDBFRoot) && $this->intRootId > 0) { $strSqlAddonRootId = $this->strDBFRoot . ' = ' . $this->intRootId . ' AND '; } /** * delete categories */ $this->objTable->delete($strSqlAddonRootId . $this->strDBFLft . ' BETWEEN ' . $arrNode[$this->strDBFLft] . ' AND ' . $arrNode[$this->strDBFRgt] . ''); $this->shiftLRValues($arrNode[$this->strDBFRgt] + 1, $arrNode[$this->strDBFLft] - $arrNode[$this->strDBFRgt] - 1); $this->unlockTable(); } }
public function delete($where) { parent::delete($where); // $this->_purgeCache(); }
/** * Deletes existing rows. * * @param array|string $where SQL WHERE clause(s). * @return int The number of rows deleted. */ public function delete($where) { Centurion_Signal::factory('pre_delete')->send($this, array($where)); list($found, $return) = Centurion_Traits_Common::checkTraitOverload($this, 'delete', array($where)); if (!$found) { $return = parent::delete($where); } Centurion_Signal::factory('post_delete')->send($this, array($where)); return $return; }
/** * Delete from the database. * * @param MIDAS_GlobalDao $dao * @return true * @throws Zend_Exception */ public function delete($dao) { if (!$dao->saved) { throw new Zend_Exception('The dao should be saved first ...'); } if (!isset($this->_key) || !$this->_key) { $query = array(); foreach ($this->_mainData as $name => $option) { if ($option['type'] == MIDAS_DATA) { $query[$name . ' = ?'] = $dao->{$name}; } } if (empty($query)) { throw new Zend_Exception('Huge error, you almost deleted everything'); } parent::delete($query); $dao->saved = false; return true; } $key = $dao->getKey(); if (!isset($key)) { throw new Zend_Exception('Unable to find the key'); } parent::delete(array($this->_key . ' = ?' => $dao->getKey())); $key = $dao->_key; $dao->set($key, null); $dao->saved = false; return true; }
/** * Deletes existing rows. * * @param array|string $where SQL WHERE clause(s). * @return int The number of rows deleted. */ public function delete($where) { $this->_setAdapter(Zoo::getService('db')->getDb('master')); return parent::delete($where); }
/** * Deletes existing rows. * @param array|string $where SQL WHERE clause(s). * @return int The number of rows deleted. */ public function delete($where) { $this->notifyObservers('beforeDelete', array($this, &$where)); $result = parent::delete($where); $this->notifyObservers('afterDelete', array($this, $result, $where)); return $result; }
/** * Delete all rules that are for a specific action * * @param int $actionId * @return int number of deleted rows */ public function deleteByActionId($actionId) { return parent::delete($this->getAdapter()->quoteInto('uaru_uaa_id = ?', $actionId, Zend_Db::INT_TYPE)); }
public function delete($where) { if ($this->_cache) { $this->_cache->clean(Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_MATCHING_TAG); } return parent::delete($where); }
/** * Delete the record by its id * * @param int $id */ public function delete($id) { try { if ($this->useTransaction()) { $this->getAdapter()->beginTransaction(); } $tmp = $this->get($id); //$objid = $tmp->objid; $where = $this->getAdapter()->quoteInto($this->_primary . ' = ?', $id); $r = parent::delete($where); // $do = new Agana_Domain_Object(); // $o = $do->getById($objid); // $do->setObject($o); // $do->delete(); if ($this->useTransaction()) { $this->getAdapter()->commit(); } return; } catch (Exception $pdoe) { if ($this->useTransaction()) { $this->getAdapter()->rollBack(); } throw new Agana_Exception($pdoe->getMessage()); } }
/** * Helper function to delete data from a table. * * @param \Zend_Db_Table_Abstract $table The table to delete from. * @param array $filter The filter for deleting. This is required to prevent deleting all data in a table. * @param array $deleteUpdates Does not do a real delete, but updates the database instead. * @return int The number of rows deleted / updated */ protected function _deleteTableData(\Zend_Db_Table_Abstract $table, array $filter, array $deleteUpdates = null) { if ($filter) { $adapter = $this->getAdapter(); $wheres = array(); foreach ($filter as $name => $value) { if (is_int($name)) { $wheres[] = $value; } else { $wheres[$adapter->quoteIdentifier($name) . ' = ?'] = $value; } } if ($deleteUpdates) { return $table->update($deleteUpdates, $wheres); } else { return $table->delete($wheres); } } return 0; }
/** * Overrides delete() from Zend_Db_Table_Abstract * * @param mixed $where * @access public * @return int */ public function delete($where) { $where = $this->_normalizeWhere($where); return parent::delete($where); }
/** * Delete all launchers of $type for a specific user * * @param int $userId * @param int $type (see constants defined in Webdesktop_Model_DbTable_Launchers) * @return int number of affected rows */ public function deleteByUserType($userId, $type) { return parent::delete(array($this->getAdapter()->quoteInto('l_u_id = ?', $userId, Zend_Db::INT_TYPE), $this->getAdapter()->quoteInto('l_type = ?', $type))); }
/** Delete the data * @@access public * @param array $where * @return \Pas_Db_Table_Caching */ public function delete($where) { parent::delete($where); $this->_purgeCache(); return $this; }
/** * Deletes existing rows. * * @param array|string $where SQL WHERE clause(s). * @return int The number of rows deleted. */ public function delete($where) { Centurion_Signal::factory('pre_delete')->send($this, array($where)); $return = parent::delete($where); Centurion_Signal::factory('post_delete')->send($this, array($where)); return $return; }
/** * Delete all inheritances for a specific role * * If a role is deleted use this method to delete all roles that extend * the deleted role * * @param int $roleId * @return int number of deleted rows */ public function deleteWithRoleId($roleId) { return parent::delete($this->getAdapter()->quoteInto('uari_uar_id = ?', $roleId, Zend_Db::INT_TYPE)); }
/** * Override to use is_deleted field */ public function delete($where = false, $force = false) { $info = $this->info(); if ($force or array_search('is_deleted', $info['cols']) == false) { return parent::delete($where); } else { $data = array(); $data['is_deleted'] = 1; parent::update($data, $where); } }
/** * Delete records from DB table * * @param int|string $where Id of record to delete, or WHERE statement. * @return int Number of rows deleted. */ public function delete($where) { if (is_numeric($where)) { $where = $this->getPrimaryWhere($where); } return parent::delete($where); }
/** * Delete rows from database * * @param mixed $condition * @return int Returns the number of rows deleted */ public function delete($condition = NULL) { $rows = 0; $this->_preDelete($condition); if (NULL !== $condition) { $rows = parent::delete($condition); } else { if ($this->getId()) { $where = $this->getAdapter()->quoteInto($this->getAdapter()->quoteIdentifier($this->primary) . '=?', $this->getId()); $rows = parent::delete($where); } } $this->_postDelete($condition, $rows); return $rows; }
/** * Delete a record and all his relations. * * @return Phprojekt_ActiveRecord_Abstract An instance of Phprojekt_ActiveRecord_Abstract. */ public function delete() { if (array_key_exists('id', $this->_data)) { if (array_key_exists('hasMany', $this->_relations) || count($this->hasMany) > 0) { foreach (array_keys($this->hasMany) as $key) { $className = $this->_getClassNameForRelationship($key, $this->hasMany); $im = new $className($this->getAdapter()); $tableName = $im->getTableName(); $columnName = $this->_translateKeyFormat(get_class($this)); $this->getAdapter()->delete($tableName, sprintf('%s = %d', $this->getAdapter()->quoteIdentifier($columnName), (int) $this->id)); } } if (array_key_exists('hasManyAndBelongsToMany', $this->_relations) || count($this->hasManyAndBelongsToMany) > 0) { // We just delete the data from the relations and do // not do an lookup for a cascade delete if there is no // relation anymore foreach (array_keys($this->hasManyAndBelongsToMany) as $key) { $className = $this->_getClassNameForRelationship($key, $this->hasManyAndBelongsToMany); $keyName = $this->_translateKeyFormat(get_class($this)); $im = new $className($this->getAdapter()); $tableName = $this->_translateIntoRelationTableName($this, $im); $this->getAdapter()->delete($tableName, sprintf('%s = %d', $this->getAdapter()->quoteIdentifier($keyName), (int) $this->id)); } } parent::delete(sprintf('id = %d', (int) $this->_data['id'])); $this->_initDataArray(); $this->_relations = array(); } return $this; }
public function delete($_id) { $this->dbTable->delete(array('id = ?' => $_id)); }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::delete() */ public function delete($where) { $return = parent::delete($where); App_Cache::remove($this->getTableName()); return $return; }
public function delete($where) { return parent::delete($where); }
/** * @todo remove this, need use Axis::message in controllers * * @param array|string $where SQL WHERE clause(s). * @return int The number of rows deleted. */ public function delete($where) { try { return parent::delete($where); } catch (Exception $e) { Axis::message()->addError($e->getMessage()); return false; } }