/** * Runs the needed cleanup after an update, setting the DB version to latest version, flushing caches etc. */ private function finish_up() { $this->options = get_option('wpseo'); // Re-get to make sure we have the latest version. update_option('wpseo', $this->options); // This also ensures the DB version is equal to YMBESEO_VERSION. add_action('shutdown', 'flush_rewrite_rules'); // Just flush rewrites, always, to at least make them work after an upgrade. YMBESEO_Utils::clear_sitemap_cache(); // Flush the sitemap cache. YMBESEO_Options::ensure_options_exist(); // Make sure all our options always exist - issue #1245. }
/** * This invalidates our XML Sitemaps cache. * * @param string $type */ function YMBESEO_invalidate_sitemap_cache($type) { // Always delete the main index sitemaps cache, as that's always invalidated by any other change. delete_transient('YMBESEO_sitemap_cache_1'); delete_transient('YMBESEO_sitemap_cache_' . $type); YMBESEO_Utils::clear_sitemap_cache(array($type)); }