  *  This function will run the specified module and action in the indicated scope.
  *  @attention
  *      This function should only be called after the loadAllModules function has been executed. If not, this
  *      function will fail as the include files are not loaded yet.
  *  @param  $module The name of the module to run.
  *  @param  $action The name of the action to run.
 function runModule($module, $action)
     // Convert everything to lowercase
     $scope = YDSimpleCMS::getScope();
     $module = strtolower($module);
     $action = strtolower($action);
     // Get the classname for the module
     $moduleClassName = YD_SIMPLECMS_MODULE_PREFIX . $module;
     // Check if the class exists
     if (!class_exists($moduleClassName)) {
         YDSimpleCMS::showError('Module class not found: %s', $moduleClassName);
     // Create the class instance
     $moduleInstance = new $moduleClassName();
     // Set the correct template scope
     $moduleInstance->tpl->scope = $scope;
     // Sort the admin menu items
     if ($scope == YD_SIMPLECMS_SCOPE_ADMIN) {
         $adminMenu =& YDSimpleCMS::getAdminMenu();
         $moduleInstance->tpl->assign('adminMenu', $adminMenu);
     // Create a link to ourselves
     $moduleInstance->manager =& $this;
     // Run the action