function actionDefault() { // Get the filter $filter = 'no_spam'; if (isset($_GET['filter']) && strtolower($_GET['filter']) == 'spam') { $filter = 'spam'; } // Get the ID from the query string $id = $this->getIdFromQS(); // If there is something, set the defaults if ($id != -1) { // Get the list of comments $comments = $this->weblog->getComments($id, 'CREATED DESC'); // Get the item details $item = $this->weblog->getItemById($id); $this->tpl->assign('item', $item); } else { // Get the list of comments if ($filter == 'no_spam') { $comments = $this->weblog->getComments(null, 'CREATED DESC'); } else { $comments = $this->weblog->getComments(null, 'CREATED DESC', -1, -1, false, true); } } // Get the pagesize and current page from the URL $page = @$_GET['page']; // Create the YDRecordSet object $comments = new YDRecordSet($comments, $page, YDConfig::get('YD_DB_DEFAULTPAGESIZE', 20)); // Assign it to the template $this->tpl->assign('comments', $comments); $this->tpl->assign('filter', $filter); // Display the template $this->display(); }
function actionDefault() { // Get the data $db = YDDatabase::getInstance('sqlite', 'database2.db'); // Output the server version YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getServerVersion(), 'Version:'); // Output some queries YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getRecords('select * from escalations'), 'escalations'); YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getRecords('select * from sqlite_master'), 'sqlite_master'); YDConfig::set('YD_DB_FETCHTYPE', YD_DB_FETCH_NUM); YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getRecords('select * from sqlite_master'), 'array - sqlite_master'); YDConfig::set('YD_DB_FETCHTYPE', YD_DB_FETCH_ASSOC); // Test string escaping YDDebugUtil::dump($db->string("Pieter's Framework"), '$db->string'); // Show number of queries YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getSqlCount(), 'Number of queries'); // Test timestamps YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getDate(), 'getDate()'); YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getTime(), 'getTime()'); YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getDate('__NOW__'), 'getDate( \'__NOW__\' )'); YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getTime('__NOW__'), 'getTime( \'__NOW__\' )'); YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getDate('28-FEB-1977'), 'getDate( \'28-FEB-1977\' )'); YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getTime('28-FEB-1977'), 'getTime( \'28-FEB-1977\' )'); YDDebugUtil::dump($db->sqlString($db->getDate()), 'sqlString( getDate() )'); YDDebugUtil::dump($db->sqlString($db->getTime()), 'sqlString( getTime() )'); YDDebugUtil::dump($db->sqlString($db->getDate('__NOW__')), 'sqlString( getDate( \'__NOW__\' ) )'); YDDebugUtil::dump($db->sqlString($db->getTime('__NOW__')), 'sqlString( getTime( \'__NOW__\' ) )'); // Test limits YDDebugUtil::dump($db->_prepareSqlForLimit('SELECT * FROM TABLE', 10)); YDDebugUtil::dump($db->_prepareSqlForLimit('SELECT * FROM TABLE', 10, 25)); // Test errors YDDebugUtil::dump($db->getRecords('xx'), 'should return error'); // Close the database connection $db->close(); }
function actionDefault() { // Create the form $form = new YDForm('form1'); $form->registerFilter('reverse', 'strrev'); $form->setDefaults(array('txt2' => 'First text', 'txt3' => "2\nlines", 'hid1' => 'me hidden', 'chk1' => 'x', 'chk2' => false, 'sel1' => 2)); $text =& $form->addElement('text', 'txt1', 'Enter text 1:'); $text->_label = 'new label for txt1'; $form->addElement('text', 'txt2', 'Enter text 2:', array('class' => 'textInputClass', 'name' => 'x')); $form->addElement('textarea', 'txt3', 'Enter text 2:'); $form->addElement('textareacounter', 'txtcounter_1', 'Textarea counter 1', array(), array('maxlength' => 10, 'before' => ' (', 'after' => ' characters remaining)')); $form->addElement('textareacounter', 'txtcounter_2', 'Textarea counter 2'); $form->addElement('radio', 'rad1', 'Select a value 1:', array(), array(1 => 'een', 2 => 'twee')); $form->addElement('radio', 'rad2', 'Select a value 2:', array(), array(1 => 'een<br/>', 2 => 'twee')); $form->addElement('hidden', 'hid1', ''); $form->addElement('hidden', 'hid2', '', array(), 'i am also hidden'); $form->addElement('image', 'img1', '', array(), ''); $form->addElement('password', 'pas1', 'Enter your password'); $form->addElement('bbtextarea', 'bbt1', 'Enter your BBCode'); $form->addElement('checkbox', 'chk1', 'Select me please'); $form->addElement('checkbox', 'chk2', 'Select me please'); $form->addElement('select', 'sel1', 'Select an option:', array(), array(1 => 'een', 2 => 'twee')); $form->addElement('span', 'span1', 'This is a span. The next element is an image (img).'); $form->addElement('img', 'img2', ''); $form->addElement('file', 'fil1', 'Select an file:'); $form->addElement('submit', 'cmd1', 'Send'); $form->addElement('reset', 'res1', 'Reset'); $form->addFilter('__ALL__', 'upper'); $form->addFilter('txt1', 'trim'); $form->addFilter('txt2', 'reverse'); $form->addRule('txt1', 'required', 'txt1 is required'); $form->addRule('chk2', 'exact', 'chk2 is required', 1); $form->addFormRule(array(&$this, 'formrule'), 'txt1 is required'); if (YDConfig::get('YD_DEBUG') == 1 || YDConfig::get('YD_DEBUG') == 2) { YDDebugUtil::dump($form->_regElements, 'Registered elements'); YDDebugUtil::dump($form->_regRules, 'Registered rules'); YDDebugUtil::dump($form->_regFilters, 'Registered filters'); YDDebugUtil::dump($form->_filters, 'Filters'); YDDebugUtil::dump($form->_rules, 'Rules'); YDDebugUtil::dump($form->_formrules, 'Form Rules'); YDDebugUtil::dump($form->getValue('txt1'), 'txt1'); YDDebugUtil::dump($form->getValue('txt2'), 'txt2'); YDDebugUtil::dump($_POST, '$_POST'); YDDebugUtil::dump($_FILES, '$_FILES'); YDDebugUtil::dump($form->toArray()); } if ($form->validate()) { YDDebugUtil::dump($form->getModifiedValues(), 'Form modified values'); YDDebugUtil::dump($form->getValues(), 'Form values'); } else { $form->display(); } // Create the form $form2 = new YDForm('form2'); $form2->setDefaults(array('txt1' => 'First text')); $form2->addElement('text', 'txt1', 'Enter text 1:'); $form2->addElement('text', 'txt2', 'Enter text 2:'); $form2->addElement('submit', 'cmd1', 'Send'); $form2->display(); }
function actionDefault() { // Set some variables YDConfig::set('MyConfigVar1', 'value cfg1'); YDConfig::set('MyConfigVar2', 'value cfg2'); YDConfig::set('MyConfigVar3', 'value cfg3'); // Get the values YDDebugUtil::dump(YDConfig::get('MyConfigVar1'), 'get - MyConfigVar1'); YDDebugUtil::dump(YDConfig::get('MyConfigVar2'), 'get - MyConfigVar2'); YDDebugUtil::dump(YDConfig::get('MyConfigVar3'), 'get - MyConfigVar3'); // Check if the variables exist or not YDDebugUtil::dump(YDConfig::exists('MyConfigVar1'), 'exists - MyConfigVar1'); YDDebugUtil::dump(YDConfig::exists('MyConfigVar2'), 'exists - MyConfigVar2'); YDDebugUtil::dump(YDConfig::exists('MyConfigVar3'), 'exists - MyConfigVar3'); // Check an unexisting variable YDDebugUtil::dump(YDConfig::exists('xx'), 'exists - xx'); // Set some variables, not overriding existing values YDConfig::set('MyConfigVar1', 'value cfg1 changed', false); YDConfig::set('MyConfigVar2', 'value cfg2 changed', false); YDConfig::set('MyConfigVar3', 'value cfg3 changed', false); // Get the values (should be unchanged) YDDebugUtil::dump(YDConfig::get('MyConfigVar1'), 'get - MyConfigVar1 - changed1'); YDDebugUtil::dump(YDConfig::get('MyConfigVar2'), 'get - MyConfigVar2 - changed1'); YDDebugUtil::dump(YDConfig::get('MyConfigVar3'), 'get - MyConfigVar3 - changed1'); // Set some variables, overriding existing values YDConfig::set('MyConfigVar1', 'value cfg1 changed', true); YDConfig::set('MyConfigVar2', 'value cfg2 changed', true); YDConfig::set('MyConfigVar3', 'value cfg3 changed', true); // Get the values (should be changed) YDDebugUtil::dump(YDConfig::get('MyConfigVar1'), 'get - MyConfigVar1 - changed2'); YDDebugUtil::dump(YDConfig::get('MyConfigVar2'), 'get - MyConfigVar2 - changed2'); YDDebugUtil::dump(YDConfig::get('MyConfigVar3'), 'get - MyConfigVar3 - changed2'); // Dump the contents of YDConfig YDConfig::dump(); }
function actionDefault() { // Get the ID from the query string $id = $this->getIdFromQS(); // If there is nothing, show the list if ($id == -1) { // Get the count and number of requests $requests_count = $this->weblog->getBadBehaviorRequestsCount(); $requests = $this->weblog->getBadBehaviorPostRequests(); // Get the pagesize and current page from the URL $page = @$_GET['page']; // Create the YDRecordSet object $requests = new YDRecordSet($requests, $page, YDConfig::get('YD_DB_DEFAULTPAGESIZE', 20)); // Assign it to the template $this->tpl->assign('requests_count', $requests_count); $this->tpl->assign('requests', $requests); } else { // Get the request data $request = $this->weblog->getBadBehaviorRequestById($id); // Redirect if nothing found if (!$request) { $this->redirectToAction(); } // Add it to the template $this->tpl->assign('request', $request); } // Display the template $this->display(); }
/** * @returns The current locale. */ function get() { // Set the default locale YDConfig::set(YD_LOCALE_KEY, 'en', false); // Return the setting return strtolower(YDConfig::get(YD_LOCALE_KEY)); }
/** * This static function returns an YDCMStatistics module * * @returns an module object */ function module($name) { // include lib // TODO: check if name is a valid lib name require_once YDConfig::get('YD_DBOBJECT_PATH') . '/' . $name . '.php'; // return class return new $name(); }
function actionThumbnailSmall() { // Get the image name if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { die('No image selected.'); } // Create a new image object $img = new YDFSImage(YDConfig::get('dir_uploads', '../uploads') . '/' . $_GET['id']); // Output the thumbnail $img->outputThumbnail(48, 48); }
function actionShowLog() { $file = new YDFSFile(YDConfig::get('YD_LOG_FILE')); $data = $file->getContents(); if (substr($data, 0, 5) == '<?xml') { header('Content-type: text/xml'); } else { header('Content-type: text/plain'); } echo $data; die; }
/** * This function returns the page form (form admin edition) * * @returns YDForm object */ function getFormPage() { YDInclude('YDForm.php'); // get template and language object $templates = YDCMComponent::module('YDCMTemplates'); $languages = YDCMComponent::module('YDCMLanguages'); // create access options $access = array(0 => t('public'), 1 => t('private')); // create 'template pack' options $template_pack = array(1 => t('use templatepack') . ' (' . $templates->template_pack() . ')', 0 => t('use custom template')); // create form object $form = new YDForm(YDConfig::get('YDCMPAGE_FORMPAGE')); $form->addElement('text', 'reference', t('page_reference'), array('size' => 25, 'maxlength' => 35)); $form->addElement('text', 'title', t('page_title'), array('size' => 70, 'maxlength' => 70)); $form->addElement('textarea', 'html', t('page_html')); $form->addElement('textarea', 'xhtml', t('page_xhtml')); $form->addElement('select', 'access', t('page_access'), array(), $access); $form->addElement('select', 'state', t('page_state'), array(), array(1 => t('yes'), 0 => t('no'), 2 => t('schedule'))); $form->addElement('datetimeselect', 'published_date_start', t('page_startdate')); $form->addElement('datetimeselect', 'published_date_end', t('page_enddate')); $form->addElement('select', 'template_pack', '', array(), $template_pack); $form->addElement('select', 'template', t('page_template'), array(), $templates->visitors_templates()); $form->addElement('select', 'metatags', t('page_metatags'), array(), array(0 => t('no'), 1 => t('yes'))); $form->addElement('textarea', 'description', t('page_description'), array('cols' => 50, 'rows' => 5)); $form->addElement('textarea', 'keywords', t('page_keywords'), array('cols' => 50, 'rows' => 5)); $form->addElement('select', 'searcheable', t('page_search'), array(), array(0 => t('no'), 1 => t('yes'))); $form->addElement('hidden', 'content_id'); $form->addElement('hidden', 'parent_id'); $form->addElement('hidden', 'language_id'); // parent of new page is 0 by default $form->setDefault('content_id', 0); $form->setDefault('parent_id', 0); $form->setDefault('language_id', $languages->adminDefault()); // add form rules $form->addRule('reference', 'required', t('reference_required')); $form->addRule('reference', 'alphanumeric', t('reference_alphanumeric')); $form->addRule('reference', 'maxwords', t('reference_maxwords'), 1); $form->addRule('reference', 'maxlength', t('reference_maxlength'), 100); $form->addRule('title', 'required', t('title_required')); $form->addRule('title', 'maxlength', t('title_maxlength'), 255); $form->addRule('content_id', 'required', t('content_id_required')); $form->addRule('content_id', 'numeric', t('content_id_numeric')); $form->addRule('parent_id', 'required', t('parent_id_required')); $form->addRule('parent_id', 'numeric', t('parent_id_numeric')); $form->addRule('html', 'maxlength', t('html_maxlength'), 50000); $form->addRule('xhtml', 'maxlength', t('xhtml_maxlength'), 50000); $form->addRule('template_pack', 'in_array', t('template_pack_invalid'), array(0, 1)); $form->addRule('template', 'in_array', t('template_invalid'), array_keys($templates->visitors_templates())); $form->addRule('metatags', 'in_array', t('metatags_invalid'), array(0, 1)); $form->addRule('description', 'maxlength', t('description_maxlength'), 2000); $form->addRule('keywords', 'maxlength', t('keywords_maxlength'), 2000); return $form; }
function actionDefault() { // Get the list of items $items = $this->weblog->getItems(); // Get the pagesize and current page from the URL $page = @$_GET['page']; // Create the YDRecordSet object $items = new YDRecordSet($items, $page, intval(YDConfig::get('YD_DB_DEFAULTPAGESIZE', 20) / 2)); // Assign it to the template $this->tpl->assign('items', $items); // Display the template $this->display(); }
function actionDefault() { // Get the list of links $links = $this->weblog->getLinks(); // Get the pagesize and current page from the URL $page = @$_GET['page']; // Create the YDRecordSet object $links = new YDRecordSet($links, $page, YDConfig::get('YD_DB_DEFAULTPAGESIZE', 20)); // Assign it to the template $this->tpl->assign('links', $links); // Display the template $this->display(); }
/** * This is the class constructor for the YDHttpClient class. * * @param $host The host name to connect to. * @param $port (optional) The port to connect to (default is 80). */ function YDHttpClient($host, $port = 80) { // Initialize the HTTP client $this->HttpClient($host, $port); $this->user_agent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; ' . YD_FW_NAMEVERS . ')'; $this->contenttype = ''; if (YDConfig::get('YD_HTTP_USES_GZIP') == 1) { $this->useGzip(true); } else { $this->useGzip(false); } $this->setDebug(YDConfig::get('YD_DEBUG')); }
/** * This function will return the element as HTML. * * @returns The form element as HTML text. */ function toHtml() { // Create the list of attributes $attribs = array('name' => $this->_form . '_' . $this->_name); $attribs = array_merge($this->_attributes, $attribs); // check if we are in a Javascript environment if (YDConfig::get('YD_FORMELEMENT_TEXTAREA_NL')) { $this->_value = preg_replace("/\r*\n/", "\\n", $this->_value); $this->_value = preg_replace("/\\//", "\\\\/", $this->_value); $this->_value = preg_replace("/'/", " ", $this->_value); } // Get the HTML return '<textarea' . YDForm::_convertToHtmlAttrib($attribs) . '>' . $this->_value . '</textarea>'; }
function install() { // Initialize the parent $this->YDRequest(); // Initialize the template $this->tpl = new YDTemplate(); // Get the shortcuts to the directories $this->dir_uploads = YDConfig::get('dir_uploads', 'uploads'); $this->dir_skins = YDConfig::get('dir_skins', 'skins') . '/'; // Error out if the YDFramework temp directory is not writeable $this->_checkWriteableDirectory(YD_DIR_TEMP); $this->_checkWriteableDirectory(dirname(__FILE__) . '/include'); $this->_checkWriteableDirectory(dirname(__FILE__) . '/uploads'); }
function actionDefault() { // Get the list of categories $categories = $this->weblog->getCategories(); // Get the pagesize and current page from the URL $page = @$_GET['page']; // Create the YDRecordSet object $categories = new YDRecordSet($categories, $page, YDConfig::get('YD_DB_DEFAULTPAGESIZE', 20)); // Assign it to the template $this->tpl->assign('categories', $categories); // Assign the quick adds form to the template $this->tpl->assignForm('form', $this->form); // Display the template $this->display(); }
function initCommentsFeed() { // Get the weblog items $comments = $this->weblog->getComments(null, 'CREATED DESC', YDConfig::get('max_syndicated_items', 15)); // Initialize the feed $this->feed = new YDFeedCreator(); $this->feed->setTitle(YDConfig::get('weblog_title', 'Untitled Weblog') . ' - ' . t('comments')); $this->feed->setDescription(YDConfig::get('weblog_description', 'Untitled Weblog Description')); $this->feed->setLink(YDUrl::makeLinkAbsolute('index.php')); // Add the items foreach ($comments as $comment) { $body = $comment['comment'] . "\n\n" . t('by') . ' ' . $comment['username']; $this->feed->addItem($comment['item_title'], YDTplModLinkItem($comment['item_id'], '#comment'), YDTplModBBCode($body)); } }
function actionDefault() { // Get the ID from the query string $id = $this->getIdFromQS(); if ($id != -1) { $this->redirect('item.php?id=' . $id); } // Get the weblog items and 5 older items $items = $this->weblog->getItems(YDConfig::get('weblog_entries_fp', 5)); $old_items = $this->weblog->getItems(5, sizeof($items)); // Assign them to the template $this->tpl->assign('items', $items); $this->tpl->assign('old_items', $old_items); // Display the template $this->display(); }
/** * This is the method returns the JS initialization of the editor * */ function JSinit($htmlID) { // start by creating an FCKeditor object $js = "oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor( '" . $htmlID . "' );"; // set the editor path $js .= "oFCKeditor.BasePath = '" . YDConfig::get('YD_AJAXEDITOR_FCKEDITOR_Url') . "';"; // set editor skin path $js .= "oFCKeditor.Config['SkinPath'] = oFCKeditor.BasePath + 'editor/skins/" . YDConfig::get('YD_AJAXEDITOR_FCKEDITOR_Skin') . "/';"; // set toolbar expanded on start $js .= YDConfig::get('YD_AJAXEDITOR_FCKEDITOR_ToolbarStartExpanded') ? "oFCKeditor.Config['ToolbarStartExpanded'] = true;" : "oFCKeditor.Config['ToolbarStartExpanded'] = false;"; // set toolbar scheme $js .= "oFCKeditor.ToolbarSet = '" . YDConfig::get('YD_AJAXEDITOR_FCKEDITOR_ToolbarSet') . "';"; // on fckeditor we add a replace method (that will replace the textarea) $js .= "oFCKeditor.ReplaceTextarea();"; return $js; }
function actionDefault() { // Create the form $form = new YDForm('form1'); // Add a first set of elements $elementDate = $form->addElement('dateselect', 'dateSelect1', 'Enter data:'); $elementTime = $form->addElement('timeselect', 'timeSelect1', 'Enter data:'); $elementDateTime = $form->addElement('datetimeselect', 'datetimeSelect1', 'Enter data:'); // Add a second set of elements $form->addElement('dateselect', 'dateSelect2', 'Enter data:', array(), array('yearstart' => 1970, 'yearend' => '2050')); $form->addElement('timeselect', 'timeSelect2', 'Enter data:'); $form->addElement('datetimeselect', 'datetimeSelect2', 'Enter data:', array(), array('yearstart' => 1970, 'yearend' => '2050')); $form->addElement('datetimeselect', 'datetimeSelect3', 'Enter data with seconds:', array(), array('seconds' => true)); // Add the send button $form->addElement('submit', 'cmd1', 'Send'); // Set the defaults $form->setDefaults(array('dateSelect1' => array('month' => 4, 'day' => 4, 'year' => 2002), 'dateSelect2' => strval(time()), 'timeSelect2' => strval(time()), 'datetimeSelect2' => time() + 3600 * 24)); // Display the form $form->display(); // Show the contents of the form if (YDConfig::get('YD_DEBUG') == 1) { YDDebugUtil::dump($form->_regElements, 'Registered elements'); YDDebugUtil::dump($form->_regRules, 'Registered rules'); YDDebugUtil::dump($form->_regFilters, 'Registered filters'); YDDebugUtil::dump($form->_filters, 'Filters'); YDDebugUtil::dump($form->_rules, 'Rules'); YDDebugUtil::dump($form->_formrules, 'Form Rules'); YDDebugUtil::dump($form->getValue('dateSelect1'), 'dateSelect1'); YDDebugUtil::dump($form->getValue('timeSelect1'), 'timeSelect1'); YDDebugUtil::dump($form->getValue('datetimeSelect1'), 'datetimeSelect1'); YDDebugUtil::dump($form->getValues(), '$form->getValues()'); YDDebugUtil::dump($_POST, '$_POST'); YDDebugUtil::dump($_FILES, '$_FILES'); } if ($form->validate()) { YDDebugUtil::dump($form->getValues(), '$form->getValues()'); YDDebugUtil::dump($elementDate->getTimeStamp(), '$elementDate->getTimeStamp()'); YDDebugUtil::dump($elementDate->getTimeStamp('%d/%m/%Y'), '$elementDate->getTimeStamp( "%d/%m/%Y" )'); YDDebugUtil::dump(date('M-d-Y', $elementDate->getTimeStamp()), '$elementDate->gdate( getTimeStamp() )'); YDDebugUtil::dump($elementTime->getTimeStamp(), '$elementTime->getTimeStamp()'); YDDebugUtil::dump($elementTime->getTimeStamp('%H:%M'), '$elementTime->getTimeStamp( "%H:%M" )'); YDDebugUtil::dump($elementDateTime->getTimeStamp(), '$elementDateTime->getTimeStamp()'); YDDebugUtil::dump($elementDateTime->getTimeStamp('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M'), '$elementDateTime->getTimeStamp( "%H:%M" )'); YDDebugUtil::dump(YDStringUtil::formatDate($elementDateTime, 'datetime', 'pt'), 'YDStringUtil::formatDate'); } }
/** * This is the method returns the JS initialization of the editor * */ function JSinit($htmlID) { // start by creating an FCKeditor object $js = "oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor( '" . $htmlID . "' );"; // set the editor path $js .= "oFCKeditor.BasePath = '" . YDConfig::get('YD_AJAXEDITOR_FCKEDITOR_Url') . "';"; // set editor skin path $js .= "oFCKeditor.Config['SkinPath'] = oFCKeditor.BasePath + 'editor/skins/" . YDConfig::get('YD_AJAXEDITOR_FCKEDITOR_Skin') . "/';"; // set toolbar expanded on start $js .= YDConfig::get('YD_AJAXEDITOR_FCKEDITOR_ToolbarStartExpanded') ? "oFCKeditor.Config['ToolbarStartExpanded'] = true;" : "oFCKeditor.Config['ToolbarStartExpanded'] = false;"; // set toolbar scheme $js .= 'oFCKeditor.ToolbarSet = "' . YDConfig::get('YD_AJAXEDITOR_FCKEDITOR_ToolbarSet') . '";'; // set size and language $js .= "oFCKeditor.Height = 210;"; $js .= 'oFCKeditor.Width = "90%";'; $js .= 'oFCKeditor.Config["AutoDetectLanguage"] = false;'; $js .= 'oFCKeditor.Config["DefaultLanguage"] = "' . YDConfig::get('YD_AJAXEDITOR_FCKEDITOR_DefaultLanguage') . '";'; // on fckeditor we add a replace method (that will replace the textarea) $js .= "oFCKeditor.ReplaceTextarea();"; return $js; }
function actionDefault() { // Get the ID from the query string $id = $this->getQueryStringParameterAsInt('id', -1); if ($id != -1) { $this->redirect('item.php?id=' . $id); } // Add support for itemid query strings $id = $this->getQueryStringParameterAsInt('itemid', -1); if ($id != -1) { $this->redirect('item.php?id=' . $id); } // Get the weblog items and 5 older items $items = $this->weblog->getPublicItems(YDConfig::get('weblog_entries_fp', 5)); $old_items = $this->weblog->getPublicItems(YDConfig::get('weblog_entries_fp', 5), sizeof($items)); // Assign the variables to the template $this->tpl->assign('items', $items); $this->tpl->assign('old_items', $old_items); // Display the template $this->display(); }
/** * This function execute the SQL statement passed and adds it's * results to the object. * * @param $sql The SQL statement. * @param $slices (optional) The slices of the query. * * @returns The number of records found. */ function findSql($sql, $slices = array()) { YDDebugUtil::debug(YDStringUtil::removeWhiteSpace($sql)); $fetch = YDConfig::get('YD_DB_FETCHTYPE'); YDConfig::set('YD_DB_FETCHTYPE', YD_DB_FETCH_NUM); $results = $this->_db->getRecords($sql); YDConfig::set('YD_DB_FETCHTYPE', $fetch); if (!sizeof($slices)) { $slices = array(0 => ''); } reset($slices); $var = current($slices); while ($var !== false) { $curr_pos = key($slices); $next = next($slices); $next_pos = $next ? key($slices) : false; if (!$var) { $obj =& $this; } else { $obj =& $this->{$var}; } $obj->resetResults(); $obj->_count = $results ? sizeof($results) : 0; $select = $obj->_query->select; foreach ($results as $result) { if (!$next_pos) { $next_pos = sizeof($result); } $length = $next_pos - $curr_pos; $res = array_slice($result, $curr_pos, $length); $new_res = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($res); $i++) { $new_res[$select[$i]['alias']] = $res[$i]; } $obj->_results[] = $new_res; } $obj->resetQuery(); if ($obj->_count >= 1) { $obj->setValues($obj->_results[0]); } $var = current($slices); } return $this->_count; }
/** * This function will connect to the database, execute a query and will return the result handle. * * @param $sql The SQL statement to execute. * * @returns Handle to the result of the query. In case of an error, this function triggers an error. * * @internal */ function &_connectAndExec($sql) { // Add the table prefix $sql = str_replace(' #_', ' ' . YDConfig::get('YD_DB_TABLEPREFIX', ''), $sql); // Update the language placeholders $languageIndex = YDConfig::get('YD_DB_LANGUAGE_INDEX', null); if (!is_null($languageIndex)) { $sql = str_replace('_@', '_' . $languageIndex, $sql); } // Connect $result = $this->connect(); // Handle errors if (!$result && $this->_failOnError === true) { $error = ocierror(); trigger_error($error['message'], YD_ERROR); } // Record the start time $timer = new YDTimer(); // Create statement $stmt = OCIParse($this->_conn, $sql); // Handle errors if (!$stmt && $this->_failOnError === true) { $error = ocierror($stmt); trigger_error($error['message'], YD_ERROR); } // Execute $result = @OCIExecute($stmt); // Handle errors if ($result === false && $this->_failOnError === true) { $error = ocierror($stmt); if (!empty($error['sqltext'])) { $error['message'] .= ' (SQL: ' . $error['sqltext'] . ')'; } echo '<b>Stacktrace:</b> <pre>' . YDDebugUtil::getStackTrace() . '</pre>'; echo '<b>SQL Statement:</b> <pre>' . $this->formatSql($sql) . '</pre>'; trigger_error($error['message'], YD_ERROR); } // Log the statement $this->_logSql($sql, $timer->getElapsed()); // Return the result return $stmt; }
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ // Check if the framework is loaded if (!defined('YD_FW_NAME')) { die('Yellow Duck Framework is not loaded.'); } // set components path YDConfig::set('YD_DBOBJECT_PATH', YD_DIR_HOME_ADD . '/YDCMComponent', false); // include YDF libs YDInclude('YDDatabaseObject.php'); YDInclude('YDResult.php'); // add translations directory for generic translations YDLocale::addDirectory(dirname(__FILE__) . '/languages/'); class YDCMPermission extends YDDatabaseObject { function YDCMPermission() { // init component as non default $this->YDDatabaseObject(); // register database as default $this->registerDatabase(); // register table for this component $this->registerTable('YDCMPermission');
/** * This is the class constructor of the YDXmlRpcClient class. * * @param $url The URL of the XML/RPC server. */ function YDXmlRpcClient($url) { $this->_client = new YDXmlRpcClientCore($url); if (YDConfig::get('YD_DEBUG') == 1) { $this->_client->debug = true; } else { $this->_client->debug = false; } }
function actionShowImage() { // Get the list of files $file = $this->getImage(); $this->redirectIfMissing($file); // Redirect $this->redirect('../' . YDConfig::get('dir_uploads', 'uploads') . '/' . $file); }
/** * This function will print a stack trace. * * @static */ function stackTrace() { if (YDConfig::get('YD_DEBUG') == 1 || YDConfig::get('YD_DEBUG') == 2) { $err = 'URI: ' . YD_SELF_URI . YD_CRLF . YDDebugUtil::getStackTrace(); if (ini_get('display_errors') == 1) { echo '<pre>' . YD_CRLF . htmlentities($err) . '</pre>'; } error_log($err, 0); } }
/** * This function will log the specified text to the logfile, indicating the correct level. * * @param $level The level to show in the logfile * @param $text The text to show in the logfile * * @internal */ function _log($level, $text) { // Get the maximum linesize $maxlinesize = is_numeric(YDConfig::get('YD_LOG_MAX_LINESIZE')) ? intval(YDConfig::get('YD_LOG_MAX_LINESIZE')) : 80; $wraplines = is_bool(YDConfig::get('YD_LOG_WRAPLINES')) ? YDConfig::get('YD_LOG_WRAPLINES') : false; // Split the text up in parts if longer than the maximum linesize if (strlen($text) > $maxlinesize && $wraplines) { // The break character we are going to use $break = '__YD_LOG_BREAK__'; // Wrap the text $text = YD_CRLF . "\t" . wordwrap($text, $maxlinesize, YD_CRLF . "\t"); } // Get the current stack $stack = debug_backtrace(); // Plain text logfile if (strtoupper(YDConfig::get('YD_LOG_FORMAT')) == 'TEXT') { // Get the template $msg = YDConfig::get('YD_LOG_TEXTFORMAT'); // Fill in the variables $msg = str_replace('%date%', strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), $msg); $msg = str_replace('%level%', strtoupper($level), $msg); $msg = str_replace('%file%', $stack[1]['file'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%basefile%', basename($stack[1]['file']), $msg); $msg = str_replace('%uri%', YD_SELF_URI, $msg); $msg = str_replace('%line%', $stack[1]['line'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%function%', $stack[2]['class'] . $stack[2]['type'] . $stack[2]['function'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%message%', $text, $msg); $msg = $msg . YD_CRLF; // Write to the file $f = fopen(YDConfig::get('YD_LOG_FILE'), 'a'); fwrite($f, $msg); fclose($f); } // XML logfile if (strtoupper(YDConfig::get('YD_LOG_FORMAT')) == 'XML') { // Create the log entry $msg = '<entry>'; $msg .= '<date>' . strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . '</date>'; $msg .= '<level>' . htmlentities(strtoupper($level)) . '</level>'; $msg .= '<file>' . htmlentities($stack[1]['file']) . '</file>'; $msg .= '<basefile>' . htmlentities(basename($stack[1]['file'])) . '</basefile>'; $msg .= '<uri>' . htmlentities(YD_SELF_URI) . '</uri>'; $msg .= '<line>' . htmlentities($stack[1]['line']) . '</line>'; $msg .= '<function>' . htmlentities($stack[2]['class'] . $stack[2]['type'] . $stack[2]['function']) . '</function>'; $msg .= '<message>' . htmlentities($text) . '</message>'; $msg .= '</entry>' . YD_CRLF; $msg .= '</log>'; // Write to the file $f = fopen(YDConfig::get('YD_LOG_FILE'), 'a'); fclose($f); $f = fopen(YDConfig::get('YD_LOG_FILE'), 'r+'); clearstatcache(); if (filesize(YDConfig::get('YD_LOG_FILE')) == 0) { fwrite($f, '<?xml version=\'1.0\'?>' . YD_CRLF . '<log creator="' . htmlentities(YD_FW_NAMEVERS) . '">' . YD_CRLF . '</log>'); } fseek($f, -6, SEEK_END); fwrite($f, $msg); fclose($f); } // Use another function if not text or XML if (!in_array(strtoupper(YDConfig::get('YD_LOG_FORMAT')), array('XML', 'TEXT'))) { // Get the values $values = array(); $values['date'] = time(); //strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ); $values['level'] = strtoupper($level); $values['file'] = $stack[1]['file']; $values['basefile'] = basename($stack[1]['file']); $values['uri'] = YD_SELF_URI; $values['line'] = $stack[1]['line']; $values['function'] = $stack[2]['class'] . $stack[2]['type'] . $stack[2]['function']; $values['message'] = $text; // Log the values call_user_func('YDLogWrite_' . strtoupper(YDConfig::get('YD_LOG_FORMAT')), $values); } }
/** * This function will connect to the database, execute a query and will return the result handle. * * @param $sql The SQL statement to execute. * * @returns Handle to the result of the query. * * @internal */ function &_connectAndExec($sql) { // Add the table prefix $sql = str_replace(' #_', ' ' . YDConfig::get('YD_DB_TABLEPREFIX', ''), $sql); $sql = str_replace(' `#_', ' `' . YDConfig::get('YD_DB_TABLEPREFIX', ''), $sql); // Connect $result = $this->connect(); // Handle errors if (!$result && is_null($this->_conn) && $this->_failOnError === true) { trigger_error(mysql_error(), YD_ERROR); } if (!$result && !is_null($this->_conn) && $this->_failOnError === true) { trigger_error(mysql_error($this->_conn), YD_ERROR); } // Record the start time $timer = new YDTimer(); // Execute the query $result = @mysql_query($sql, $this->_conn); // Handle errors if ($result === false && $this->_failOnError === true) { YDDebugUtil::error('[' . mysql_errno($this->_conn) . '] ' . mysql_error($this->_conn), $sql); } // Log the statement $this->_logSql($sql, $timer->getElapsed()); // Return the result return $result; }