  * @desc Obtiene el último usuario registrado
  * @return objeto {@link XoopsUser}
 function getLastUser()
     $db = XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();
     $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $db->prefix("users") . " WHERE level>'0' ORDER BY uid DESC LIMIT 0,1");
     if ($db->getRowsNum($result) > 0) {
         $row = $db->fetchArray($result);
         $user = new XoopsUser();
         return $user;
     return false;
  * Get a list of users belonging to certain groups and matching criteria
  * Temporary solution
  * @param int $groups IDs of groups
  * @param object $criteria {@link CriteriaElement} object
  * @param bool $asobject return the users as objects?
  * @param bool $id_as_key use the UID as key for the array if $asobject is TRUE
  * @return array Array of {@link XoopsUser} objects (if $asobject is TRUE)
  * or of associative arrays matching the record structure in the database.
 function getUsersByGroupLink($groups, $criteria = null, $asobject = false, $id_as_key = false)
     $ret = array();
     $select = $asobject ? "u.*" : "u.uid";
     $sql[] = "    SELECT DISTINCT {$select} " . "    FROM " . $this->_uHandler->db->prefix("users") . " AS u" . "        LEFT JOIN " . $this->_mHandler->db->prefix("groups_users_link") . " AS m ON m.uid = u.uid" . "    WHERE 1 = 1";
     if (!empty($groups)) {
         $sql[] = "m.groupid IN (" . implode(", ", $groups) . ")";
     $limit = $start = 0;
     if (isset($criteria) && is_subclass_of($criteria, 'criteriaelement')) {
         $sql_criteria = $criteria->render();
         if ($criteria->getSort() != '') {
             $sql_criteria .= ' ORDER BY ' . $criteria->getSort() . ' ' . $criteria->getOrder();
         $limit = $criteria->getLimit();
         $start = $criteria->getStart();
         if ($sql_criteria) {
             $sql[] = $sql_criteria;
     $sql_string = implode(" AND ", array_filter($sql));
     if (!($result = $this->_uHandler->db->query($sql_string, $limit, $start))) {
         return $ret;
     while ($myrow = $this->_uHandler->db->fetchArray($result)) {
         if ($asobject) {
             $user = new XoopsUser();
             if (!$id_as_key) {
                 $ret[] =& $user;
             } else {
                 $ret[$myrow['uid']] =& $user;
         } else {
             $ret[] = $myrow['uid'];
     return $ret;
文件: user.php 项目: hiro1173/legacy
 This method is called from pmlite.php. Wmm..
 Type:expand (no using criteria).
 @author minahito
 function &getObjectsByLevel($level = 0)
     $ret = array();
     $level = (int) $level;
     $result = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $this->db->prefix("users") . " WHERE level > {$level} ORDER BY uname");
     if (!$result) {
         return $ret;
     while ($myrow = $this->db->fetchArray($result)) {
         $user = new XoopsUser();
         $ret[] =& $user;
     return $ret;
  * Get all subscribed users
  * @param RMNotificationItem $event
  * @return array
 public function users($event)
     global $xoopsDB;
     if ($event->isNew()) {
         return false;
     $db = $xoopsDB;
     $sql = "SELECT users.* FROM " . $db->prefix("users") . " users\n                INNER JOIN " . $db->prefix("mod_rmcommon_notifications") . " n ON users.uid = n.uid WHERE\n                n.event = '{$event->event}' AND n.element = '{$event->element}' AND n.params = '{$event->params}'\n                ANd n.`type` = '{$event->type}'";
     $result = $db->query($sql);
     $users = array();
     while ($row = $db->fetchArray($result)) {
         $user = new XoopsUser();
         $users[] = $user;
     return $users;
  * retrieve users from the database
  * @param object $criteria {@link CriteriaElement} conditions to be met
  * @param bool $id_as_key use the UID as key for the array?
  * @return array array of {@link XoopsUser} objects
 function &getObjects($criteria = null, $id_as_key = false)
     $ret = array();
     $limit = $start = 0;
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->db->prefix('users');
     if (isset($criteria) && is_subclass_of($criteria, 'criteriaelement')) {
         $sql .= ' ' . $criteria->renderWhere();
         if ($criteria->getSort() != '') {
             $sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . $criteria->getSort() . ' ' . $criteria->getOrder();
         $limit = $criteria->getLimit();
         $start = $criteria->getStart();
     $result = $this->db->query($sql, $limit, $start);
     if (!$result) {
         return $ret;
     while ($myrow = $this->db->fetchArray($result)) {
         $user = new XoopsUser();
         if (!$id_as_key) {
             $ret[] =& $user;
         } else {
             $ret[$myrow['uid']] =& $user;
     return $ret;
* Shows all registered users in a list with filter and manage options
function show_users()
    global $xoopsSecurity;
    define('RMCSUBLOCATION', 'allusers');
    RMTemplate::get()->add_style('users.css', 'rmcommon');
    RMTemplate::get()->add_local_script('users.js', 'rmcommon', 'include');
    RMTemplate::get()->add_local_script('jquery.checkboxes.js', 'rmcommon', 'include');
    RMTemplate::get()->add_head('<script type="text/javascript">var rmcu_select_message = "' . __('You have not selected any user!', 'rmcommon') . '";
        var rmcu_message = "' . __('Dou you really wish to delete selected users?', 'rmcommon') . '";</script>');
    $form = new RMForm('', '', '');
    // Date Field
    $login1 = new RMFormDate('', 'login1', '');
    $login2 = new RMFormDate('', 'login2', '');
    // Registered Field
    $register1 = new RMFormDate('', 'registered1', '');
    $register2 = new RMFormDate('', 'registered2', '');
    xoops_cp_location(__('Users Management', 'rmcommon'));
    // Show the theme
    $db = XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $db->prefix("users") . " " . formatSQL();
    $page = rmc_server_var($_REQUEST, 'pag', 1);
    $limit = rmc_server_var($_REQUEST, 'limit', 15);
    $order = rmc_server_var($_GET, 'order', 'uid');
    list($num) = $db->fetchRow($db->query($sql));
    $tpages = ceil($num / $limit);
    $page = $page > $tpages ? $tpages : $page;
    $start = $num <= 0 ? 0 : ($page - 1) * $limit;
    $nav = new RMPageNav($num, $limit, $page, 5);
    $nav->target_url('users.php?limit=' . $limit . '&order=' . $order . '&pag={PAGE_NUM}');
    $sql = str_replace("COUNT(*)", '*', $sql);
    $sql .= "ORDER BY {$order} LIMIT {$start}, {$limit}";
    $result = $db->query($sql);
    $users = array();
    $user = new XoopsUser();
    $t = array();
    // Temporary
    while ($row = $db->fetchArray($result)) {
        $t = $user->getValues();
        $t['groups'] = $user->groups();
        $t = RMEvents::get()->run_event('rmcommon.loading.users.list', $t);
        $users[] = $t;
        $t = array();
    $xgh = new XoopsGroupHandler($db);
    $users = RMEvents::get()->run_event('rmcommon.users.list.loaded', $users);
    // Users template
    include RMTemplate::get()->get_template('rmc_users.php', 'module', 'rmcommon');
  * Get a list of users belonging to certain groups and matching criteria
  * Temporary solution
  * @param  array           $groups    IDs of groups
  * @param  CriteriaElement $criteria  {@link CriteriaElement} object
  * @param  bool            $asobject  return the users as objects?
  * @param  bool            $id_as_key use the UID as key for the array if $asobject is TRUE
  * @return array           Array of {@link XoopsUser} objects (if $asobject is TRUE)
  *                                    or of associative arrays matching the record structure in the database.
 public function getUsersByGroupLink($groups, CriteriaElement $criteria = null, $asobject = false, $id_as_key = false)
     $ret = array();
     $criteriaCompo = new CriteriaCompo();
     $select = $asobject ? 'u.*' : 'u.uid';
     $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT {$select} " . ' FROM ' . $this->userHandler->db->prefix('users') . ' AS u' . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $this->membershipHandler->db->prefix('groups_users_link') . ' AS m ON m.uid = u.uid WHERE ';
     if (!empty($groups)) {
         $criteriaCompo->add(new Criteria('m.groupid', '(' . implode(', ', $groups) . ')', 'IN'));
     $limit = $start = 0;
     if (isset($criteria) && is_subclass_of($criteria, 'criteriaelement')) {
         $sql_criteria = $criteriaCompo->render();
         if ($criteria->getSort() != '') {
             $sql_criteria .= ' ORDER BY ' . $criteria->getSort() . ' ' . $criteria->getOrder();
         $limit = $criteria->getLimit();
         $start = $criteria->getStart();
     } else {
         $sql_criteria = $criteriaCompo->render();
     if ($sql_criteria) {
         $sql .= $sql_criteria;
     } else {
         $sql .= '1 = 1';
     if (!($result = $this->userHandler->db->query($sql, $limit, $start))) {
         return $ret;
     while ($myrow = $this->userHandler->db->fetchArray($result)) {
         if ($asobject) {
             $user = new XoopsUser();
             if (!$id_as_key) {
                 $ret[] =& $user;
             } else {
                 $ret[$myrow['uid']] =& $user;
         } else {
             $ret[] = $myrow['uid'];
     return $ret;
  * Get a list of users belonging to certain groups and matching criteria
  * Temporary solution
  * @param array           $groups    IDs of groups
  * @param CriteriaElement $criteria  {@link CriteriaElement} object or null
  * @param bool            $asobject  return the users as objects?
  * @param bool            $id_as_key use the UID as key for the array if $asobject is TRUE
  * @return array Array of {@link XoopsUser} objects (if $asobject is TRUE)
  * or of associative arrays matching the record structure in the database.
 public function getUsersByGroupLink($groups, CriteriaElement $criteria = null, $asobject = false, $id_as_key = false)
     $qb = $this->_uHandler->db2->createXoopsQueryBuilder();
     $eb = $qb->expr();
     $qb->select('DISTINCT ' . ($asobject ? 'u.*' : 'u.uid'))->fromPrefix('users', 'u')->leftJoinPrefix('u', 'groups_users_link', 'm', 'm.uid = u.uid');
     $where = false;
     if (!empty($groups)) {
         $qb->where($eb->in('m.groupid', $groups));
         $where = true;
     if (isset($criteria) && $criteria instanceof CriteriaElement) {
         $whereMode = $where ? 'AND' : '';
         $sql[] = $criteria->renderQb($qb, $whereMode);
     $ret = array();
     if (!($result = $qb->execute())) {
         return $ret;
     while ($myrow = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         if ($asobject) {
             $user = new XoopsUser();
             if (!$id_as_key) {
                 $ret[] = $user;
             } else {
                 $ret[$myrow['uid']] = $user;
         } else {
             $ret[] = $myrow['uid'];
     return $ret;