 function filterAjaxAddApps(&$appName, &$profiletype, &$objResponse)
     $appId = XiptLibApps::getPluginId($appName);
     $notAllowedApps = XiptLibApps::getNotAllowedCommunityAppsArray($profiletype);
     // do not restrict if allowed
     if (!in_array($appId, $notAllowedApps)) {
         return true;
     //restrict the user.
     $objResponse->addAssign('cwin_logo', 'innerHTML', XiptText::_('CC_ADD_APPLICATION_TITLE'));
     $action = '<form name="cancelRequest" action="" method="POST">';
     $action .= '<input type="button" class="button" onclick="cWindowHide();return false;" name="cancel" value="' . XiptText::_('CC_BUTTON_CLOSE') . '" />';
     $action .= '</form>';
     $objResponse->addAssign('cWindowContent', 'innerHTML', '<div class="ajax-notice-apps-added">' . XiptText::_('APPLICATION_ACCESS_DENIED') . '</div>');
     $objResponse->addScriptCall('cWindowActions', $action);
     return false;
  * This function removes not allowed community apps form dispatcher
  * as per user's profiletype
  * @return true
 function onAfterAppsLoad()
     // skip these calls from backend
     if (JFactory::getApplication()->isAdmin()) {
         return true;
     $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
     // get userids of both users profile owner and profile visitor
     $selfUserid = JFactory::getUser()->id;
     $othersUserid = JRequest::getVar('userid', $selfUserid);
     //when user is not logged in and he is not visiting any profile, return true
     if ($selfUserid == 0 && $othersUserid == 0) {
         return true;
     // apply guest profile type for guest user
     $selfProfiletype = XiptLibProfiletypes::getUserData($selfUserid, 'PROFILETYPE');
     $othersProfiletype = XiptLibProfiletypes::getUserData($othersUserid, 'PROFILETYPE');
     $blockDisplayApp = XiptFactory::getSettings('jspt_block_dis_app', 0);
      *  #1: block the display application of logged in user if the above param is set to yes
      * #2: otherwise block display application of user whose profile is being visited
      * #3: block the functional application of logged in user
     $apps = $dispatcher->get('_observers');
     if ($blockDisplayApp == BLOCK_DISPLAY_APP_OF_OWNER || $blockDisplayApp == BLOCK_DISPLAY_APP_OF_BOTH) {
         XiptLibApps::filterCommunityApps($apps, $othersProfiletype, true);
     if ($blockDisplayApp == BLOCK_DISPLAY_APP_OF_VISITOR || $blockDisplayApp == BLOCK_DISPLAY_APP_OF_BOTH) {
         XiptLibApps::filterCommunityApps($apps, $selfProfiletype, true);
     XiptLibApps::filterCommunityApps($apps, $selfProfiletype, false);
     $dispatcher->set('_observers', $apps);
     return true;
 function onAjaxCall(&$func, &$args, &$response)
     $callArray = explode(',', $func);
     //perform Access checks
     $ajax = true;
     XiptAclHelper::performACLCheck($ajax, $callArray, $args);
     // If we come here means ACL Check was passed
     $controller = $callArray[0];
     $function = $callArray[1];
     switch ($controller . '_' . $function) {
         //before creating new account, validate email and username
         case 'connect_ajaxCreateNewAccount':
             return XiptHelperRegistration::ajaxCreateNewAccountFacebook($args, $response);
         case 'connect_ajaxCheckEmail':
             return XiptHelperRegistration::ajaxCheckEmailDuringFacebook($args, $response);
         case 'connect_ajaxCheckUsername':
             return XiptHelperRegistration::ajaxCheckUsernameDuringFacebook($args, $response);
         case 'connect_ajaxShowNewUserForm':
             return XiptHelperRegistration::ajaxShowNewUserForm($args, $response);
         case 'connect_ajaxUpdate':
             return XiptHelperRegistration::ajaxUpdate($args, $response);
             // when controller == register
         // when controller == register
         case 'register_ajaxCheckEmail':
         case 'register_ajaxCheckUserName':
             return XiptHelperRegistration::$function($args, $response);
             //when controller == apps
         //when controller == apps
         case 'apps_ajaxAddApp':
         case 'apps_ajaxAdd':
             $my = JFactory::getUser();
             //XITODO : Remove it and add assert
             if (0 == $my->id) {
                 return true;
             $profiletype = XiptLibProfiletypes::getUserData($my->id, 'PROFILETYPE');
             return XiptLibApps::filterAjaxAddApps($args[0], $profiletype, $response);
         case 'profile_ajaxConfirmRemoveAvatar':
             //case 'profile_ajaxConfirmRemovePicture':
         //case 'profile_ajaxConfirmRemovePicture':
         case 'profile_ajaxRemovePicture':
             // This case use for Admin panel
             return XiptLibAvatar::removeAvatar($args, $response);
             // 	we do not want to interfere, go ahead JomSocial
             return true;