 private function convertXerxesRecord(Xerxes_Record $xerxes)
     $citation = new Xerxes_Citation_Data();
     $map = array("type" => "format", "issued" => "year", "number" => "", "number_of_volumes" => "", "publisher_place" => "place", "event" => "", "event_place" => "", "page" => "startPage", "locator" => "", "genre" => "format");
     foreach ($citation as $key => $value) {
         if ($key == "names") {
             foreach ($xerxes->getAuthors() as $author) {
                 $name = new Xerxes_Citation_Name();
                 foreach ($author as $key => $value) {
                     $name->{$key} = $value;
                 array_push($citation->names, $name);
         $target = $key;
         if (array_key_exists($key, $map)) {
             $target = $map[$key];
         $method = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::strtoupper(substr($target, 0, 1));
         $method .= substr($target, 1);
         $method = "get{$method}";
         if (method_exists($xerxes, $method)) {
             $citation->{$key} = $xerxes->{$method}();
 public function getOpenURL($strResolver, $strReferer = null, $param_delimiter = "&")
     $url = parent::getOpenURL($strResolver, $strReferer, $param_delimiter);
     // always ignore dates for journals and books, since worldcat is describing
     // the item as a whole, not any specific issue or part
     return $url . "&sfx.ignore_date_threshold=1";
 public function map()
     $leader = $this->leader();
     ## source database
     $sid = $this->datafield("SID");
     $this->metalib_id = $sid->subfield("d")->__toString();
     $this->record_number = $sid->subfield("j")->__toString();
     $this->result_set = $sid->subfield("s")->__toString();
     $this->database_name = $sid->subfield("t")->__toString();
     $this->source = $sid->subfield("b")->__toString();
     ## metalib weirdness
     // puts leader in control field
     $strLeaderMetalib = $this->controlfield("LDR")->__toString();
     if ($strLeaderMetalib != "") {
         $leader->value = $strLeaderMetalib;
     $demunge = array("1XX", "6XX");
     // character entity references de-munging code -- thanks a lot metalib!
     foreach ($demunge as $field) {
         $got_one = true;
         do {
             $authors = $this->datafield($field);
             $got_one = false;
             // whether we found any in the list
             for ($x = 0; $x < $authors->length(); $x++) {
                 $this_datafield = $authors->item($x);
                 $this_value = $this_datafield->subfield()->__toString();
                 // we found an un-terminated char entity ref
                 $matches = array();
                 if (preg_match('/\\&\\#\\d{3}$/', $this_value, $matches)) {
                     $got_one = true;
                     $new_value = "";
                     // grab the value out of the next field
                     // hopefully we aren't at the end?
                     if ($x < $authors->length()) {
                         // nope, so grab the next field's value
                         $next_datafield = $authors->item($x);
                         $next_value = $next_datafield->subfield()->__toString();
                         // add back in the terminating semi-colon
                         $new_value = "{$this_value};{$next_value}";
                         // blank it so we don't re-process it
                         $next_datafield->tag = "XXX";
                     } else {
                         // yup, just add a terminating char to the value
                         $new_value = $this_value . ";";
                     // now create a new datafield composed of both old and new values
                     $fixed_datafield = new Xerxes_Marc_DataField();
                     $fixed_datafield->tag = $this_datafield->tag;
                     // we'll just assume this is |a
                     $fixed_subfield = new Xerxes_Marc_Subfield();
                     $fixed_subfield->code = "a";
                     $fixed_subfield->value = $new_value;
                     // add it to the main record
                     // now blank the old ones
                     $this_datafield->tag = "XXX";
                 } else {
                     // we need to shift this to the end to keep field order in tact
                     // (critical for authors) so the above code works right
                     $new_field = clone $this_datafield;
                     $this_datafield->tag = "XXX";
             // if we found one, cycle back again to see if our now-combined
             // field(s) *also* have un-terminated references since there may have
             // been more than one broken char reference for a single author, e.g.
         } while ($got_one == true);
     // z3950/sutrs and some screen-scrapers have multiple authors in repeating 100 fields;
     // invalid marc, so switch all but first to 700
     $authors = $this->datafield("100");
     if ($authors->length() > 1) {
         for ($x = 1; $x < $authors->length(); $x++) {
             $author = $authors->item($x);
             $author->tag = "700";
     // there are often multiple 773's, just combine them into one so we don't
     // have to iterate over all of them in other code
     $obj773 = new Xerxes_Marc_DataField();
     $obj773->tag = "773";
     foreach ($this->datafield("773") as $linked_entry) {
         // add all of its subfields to the new one
         foreach ($linked_entry->subfield() as $linked_entry_subfield) {
         // now blank this one to take it out of the mix
         $linked_entry->tag = "XXX";
     // add our new one to the document
     ## ebsco format
     if (strstr($this->source, "EBSCO")) {
         // leader appears to be hard-wired; useless
         $leader->value = "";
         // format
         array_push($this->format_array, $this->datafield("656")->subfield("a")->__toString());
         array_push($this->format_array, $this->datafield("514")->subfield("a")->__toString());
         $strEbscoType = $this->datafield("072")->subfield("a")->__toString();
         if (strstr($this->source, "EBSCO_PSY") || strstr($this->source, "EBSCO_PDH")) {
             $strEbscoType = "";
         array_push($this->format_array, $strEbscoType);
         // ebsco book chapter
         $strEbscoBookTitle = $this->datafield("771")->subfield("a")->__toString();
         if ($strEbscoBookTitle != "") {
             array_push($this->format_array, "Book Chapter");
     // gale puts issn in 773b
     if (strstr($this->source, 'GALE')) {
         $strGaleIssn = $this->datafield("773")->subfield("b")->__toString();
         if ($strGaleIssn != null) {
             array_push($this->issns, $strGaleIssn);
     // eric doc number
     $this->eric_number = $this->datafield("ERI")->subfield("a")->__toString();
     ## full-text
     // some databases have full-text but no 856
     // will capture these here and add to links array
     // pychcritiques -- no indicator of full-text either, assume all to be (9/5/07)
     // no unique metalib config either, using psycinfo, so make determination based on name. yikes!
     if (stristr($this->database_name, "psycCRITIQUES")) {
         array_push($this->links, array("Full-Text in HTML", array("001" => $this->controlfield("001")->__toString()), "html"));
     // factiva -- no indicator of full-text either, assume all to be (9/5/07)
     if (stristr($this->source, "FACTIVA")) {
         array_push($this->links, array("Full-Text Available", array("035_a" => $this->datafield("035")->subfield("a")->__toString()), "online"));
     // eric -- document is recent enough to likely contain full-text;
     // 340000 being a rough approximation of the document number after which they
     // started digitizing
     // EBSCO provides an indication of Full text available in 037 (jdwyn 01/12/2012)
     if (strstr($this->source, "ERIC") && strlen($this->eric_number) > 3) {
         $strEricType = substr($this->eric_number, 0, 2);
         $strEricNumber = (int) substr($this->eric_number, 2);
         $strEricAvailabilityNote = $this->datafield("037")->subfield("a")->__toString();
         if ($strEricType == "ED") {
             if ($strEricNumber >= 340000 || stristr($this->source, "EBSCO_ERIC") && $strEricAvailabilityNote != "Not available from ERIC" && $strEricAvailabilityNote != "Available on microfiche only") {
                 $strFullTextPdf = "http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=" . $this->eric_number;
                 array_push($this->links, array("Full-text at ERIC.gov", $strFullTextPdf, "pdf"));
     // 7 Apr 09, jrochkind. Gale Biography Resource Center
     // No 856 is included at all, but a full text link can be
     // constructed from the 001 record id.
     if (stristr($this->source, "GALE_ZBRC")) {
         $url = "http://ic.galegroup.com/ic/bic1/ReferenceDetailsPage/ReferenceDetailsWindow?displayGroupName=K12-Reference&action=e&windowstate=normal&mode=view&documentId=GALE|" . $this->controlfield("001")->__toString();
         array_push($this->links, array("Full-Text in HTML", $url, "html"));
     // special handling of 856
     $notes = $this->fieldArray("500", "a");
     // needed for gale
     foreach ($this->datafield("856") as $link) {
         $strDisplay = $link->subfield("z")->__toString();
         $strUrl = $link->subfield("u")->__toString();
         // bad links
         // records that have 856s, but are not always for full-text; in that case, specify them
         // here as original records, and remove 856 so parent code doesn't process them as full-text links
         // springer (metapress): does not distinguish between things in your subscription or not (9/16/08)
         // cinahl (bzh): not only is 856 bad, but link missing http://  bah! thanks greg at upacific! (9/10/08)
         // wilson: 901|t shows an indication of full-text (9/16/10)
         // cabi: just point back to site (10/30/07)
         // google scholar: just point back to site (3/26/07)
         // amazon: just point back to site (3/20/08)
         // abc-clio: just point back to site (7/30/07)
         // engineering village (evii): has unreliable full-text links in a consortium environment (4/1/08)
         // wiley interscience: wiley does not limit full-text links only to your subscription (4/29/08)
         // oxford: only include the links that are free, otherwise just a link to abstract (5/7/08)
         // gale: only has full-text if 'text available' note in 500 field (9/7/07) BUT: Not true of Gale virtual reference library (GALE_GVRL). 10/14/08 jrochkind.
         // ieee xplore: does not distinguish between things in your subscription or not (2/13/09)
         // elsevier links are not based on subscription (6/2/10)
         // harvard business: these links in business source premiere are not part of your subscription (5/26/10)
         // proquest (umi): these links are not full-text (thanks jerry @ uni) (5/26/10)
         // proquest (gateway): there doesn't appear to be a general rule to this, so only doing it for fiaf (5/26/10)
         // primo central: no actual links here
         if (stristr($this->source, "METAPRESS_XML") || stristr($this->source, "EBSCO_RZH") || stristr($this->source, "WILSON_") && $this->datafield("901")->subfield("t")->__toString() == "" || stristr($this->source, "CABI") || stristr($this->source, "SCOPUS4") || stristr($this->source, "GOOGLE_SCH") || stristr($this->source, "AMAZON") || stristr($this->source, "ABCCLIO") || stristr($this->source, "EVII") || stristr($this->source, "WILEY_IS") || stristr($this->source, "OXFORD_JOU") && !strstr($strUrl, "content/full/") || strstr($this->source, "GALE") && !strstr($this->source, "GALE_GVRL") && !in_array("Text available", $notes) || stristr($this->source, "IEEE_XPLORE") || stristr($this->source, "ELSEVIER_SCOPUS") || stristr($this->source, "ELSEVIER_SCIRUS") || stristr($this->source, "EBSCO") && $strUrl != "" && !strstr($strUrl, "epnet") || strstr($strUrl, "proquest.umi.com") && strstr($strUrl, "Fmt=2") || strstr($strUrl, "gateway.proquest.com") && strstr($strUrl, "xri:fiaf:article") || stristr($this->source, "NEWPC")) {
             // take it out so the parent class doesn't treat it as full-text
             $link->tag = "XXX";
             array_push($this->links, array($strDisplay, $strUrl, "original_record"));
         } elseif (stristr($this->source, "EBSCO")) {
             $strEbscoFullText = $link->subfield("i")->__toString();
             $ebsco_fulltext_type = "";
             // html
             // there is (a) an indicator from ebsco that the record has full-text, or
             // (b) an abberant 856 link that doesn't work, but the construct link will work,
             // so we take that as something of a full-text indicator
             if (strstr($strEbscoFullText, "T") || strstr($strDisplay, "View Full Text")) {
                 $ebsco_fulltext_type = "html";
             } elseif (strstr($link->subfield("az")->__toString(), "PDF")) {
                 $ebsco_fulltext_type = "pdf";
             if ($ebsco_fulltext_type != "") {
                 $str001 = $this->controlfield("001")->__toString();
                 $str016 = $this->datafield("016")->subfield("a")->__toString();
                 // see if the id number is 'dirty'
                 $bolAlpha001 = preg_match('/^\\W/', $str001);
                 // if so, and there is a 016, use that instead, if not go ahead and use
                 // the 001; if neither do nothing
                 if ($bolAlpha001 == true && $str016 != "") {
                     array_push($this->links, array($strDisplay, array("016" => $str016), $ebsco_fulltext_type));
                 } elseif ($bolAlpha001 == false) {
                     array_push($this->links, array($strDisplay, array("001" => $str001), $ebsco_fulltext_type));
                 $link->tag = "XXX";
                 array_push($this->links, array($strDisplay, $strUrl, "original_record"));
     // Gale title clean-up, because for some reason unknown to man they put weird
     // notes and junk at the end of the title. so remove them here and add them to notes.
     if (strstr($this->source, 'GALE_')) {
         $arrMatches = array();
         $strGaleRegExp = '/\\(([^)]*)\\)/';
         $title = $this->datafield("245");
         $title_main = $title->subfield("a");
         $title_sub = $title->subfield("b");
         $note_field = new Xerxes_Marc_DataField();
         $note_field->tag = "500";
         if ($title_main != null) {
             if (preg_match_all($strGaleRegExp, $title_main->value, $arrMatches) != 0) {
                 $title_main->value = preg_replace($strGaleRegExp, "", $title_main->value);
             foreach ($arrMatches[1] as $strMatch) {
                 $subfield = new Xerxes_Marc_Subfield();
                 $subfield->code = "a";
                 $subfield->value = "From title: " . $strMatch;
         // sub title is only these wacky notes
         if ($title_sub != null) {
             $subfield = new Xerxes_Marc_Subfield();
             $subfield->code = "a";
             $subfield->value = "From title: " . $title_sub->value;
             $title_sub->value = "";
         if ($note_field->subfield("a")->length() > 0) {
     // psycinfo and related databases
     if (strstr($this->source, "EBSCO_PDH") || strstr($this->source, "EBSCO_PSYH") || strstr($this->source, "EBSCO_LOH")) {
         // includes a 502 that is not a thesis note -- bonkers!
         // need to make this a basic note, otherwise xerxes will assume this is a thesis
         foreach ($this->datafield("502") as $thesis) {
             $thesis->tag = "500";
     ######## PARENT MAPPING ###########
     // metalib's own year, issue, volume fields
     $year = $this->datafield("YR ")->subfield("a")->__toString();
     if ($year != "") {
         $this->year = $year;
     if ($this->issue == null) {
         $this->issue = $this->datafield("ISS")->subfield("a")->__toString();
     if ($this->volume == null) {
         $this->volume = $this->datafield("VOL")->subfield("a")->__toString();
     // book chapters
     if ($this->journal_title != "" && count($this->isbns) > 0 && count($this->issns) == 0) {
         $this->book_title = $this->journal_title;
         $this->journal_title = "";
         $this->format = "Book Chapter";
     ## ebsco 77X weirdness
     if (strstr($this->source, "EBSCO")) {
         // pages in $p (abbreviated title)
         $pages = $this->datafield("773")->subfield('p')->__toString();
         if ($pages != "") {
             $this->short_title = "";
         // book chapter
         $btitle = $this->datafield("771")->subfield('a')->__toString();
         if ($btitle != "") {
             $this->book_title = $btitle;
             $this->format = "Book Chapter";
     ## oclc dissertation abstracts
     // (HACK) 10/1/2007 this assumes that the diss abs record includes the 904, which means
     // there needs to be a local search config that performs an 'add new' action rather than
     // the  'remove' action that the parser uses by default
     if (strstr($this->source, "OCLC_DABS")) {
         $this->degree = $this->datafield("904")->subfield("j")->__toString();
         $this->institution = $this->datafield("904")->subfield("h")->__toString();
         $this->journal_title = $this->datafield("904")->subfield("c")->__toString();
         $this->journal = $this->journal_title . " " . $this->journal;
         if ($this->journal_title == "MAI") {
             $this->format = "Thesis";
         } else {
             $this->format = "Dissertation";
     // random format related changes
     if (strstr($this->source, 'ERIC') && strstr($this->eric_number, 'ED') && !stristr($this->title, "proceeding")) {
         $this->format = "Report";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, 'ERIC') && !strstr($this->eric_number, 'ED')) {
         $this->format = "Article";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, 'OCLC_PAPERS')) {
         $this->format = "Conference Paper";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, 'PCF1')) {
         $this->format = "Conference Proceeding";
     } elseif (stristr($this->source, "GOOGLE_B")) {
         $this->format = "Book";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, "EBSCO_LOH")) {
         $this->format = "Tests & Measures";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, "OXFORD_MUSIC_ONLINE")) {
         $this->format = "Article";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, "ESPACENET")) {
         $this->format = "Patent";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, "WIPO_PCT")) {
         $this->format = "Patent";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, "USPA")) {
         $this->format = "Patent";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, "DEPATIS")) {
         $this->format = "Patent";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, "DART")) {
         $this->format = "Thesis";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, "DDI")) {
         $this->format = "Thesis";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, "ETHOS")) {
         $this->format = "Thesis";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, "DIVA_EXTR")) {
         $this->format = "Thesis";
     } elseif (strstr($this->source, "UNION_NDLTD")) {
         $this->format = "Thesis";
     // JSTOR book review correction: title is meaningless, but subjects
     // contain the title of the books, so we'll swap them to the title here
     if (strstr($this->source, 'JSTOR') && $this->title == "Review") {
         $this->title = "";
         $this->sub_title = "";
         foreach ($this->subjects as $subject) {
             $this->title .= " " . $subject->value;
         $this->title = trim($this->title);
         $this->subjects = null;
         $this->format = "Book Review";
     // jstor links are all pdfs
     if (strstr($this->source, 'JSTOR')) {
         for ($x = 0; $x < count($this->links); $x++) {
             $link = $this->links[$x];
             $link[2] = "pdf";
             $this->links[$x] = $link;
     // CSA subject term clean-up,
     // since they put an asterick in front of each term (2009-09-30)
     if (strstr($this->source, 'CSA_')) {
         for ($x = 0; $x < count($this->subjects); $x++) {
             $subject_object = $this->subjects[$x];
             $subject_object->value = str_replace("*", "", $subject_object->value);
             $this->subjects[$x] = $subject_object;
     // demote links based on config
     $objConfig = Xerxes_Framework_Registry::getInstance();
     $configIgnoreFullText = $objConfig->getConfig("FULLTEXT_IGNORE_SOURCES", false);
     $configIgnoreFullText = str_replace(" ", "", $configIgnoreFullText);
     $arrIgnore = explode(",", $configIgnoreFullText);
     for ($x = 0; $x < count($this->links); $x++) {
         $link = $this->links[$x];
         if (in_array($this->source, $arrIgnore) || in_array($this->metalib_id, $arrIgnore)) {
             $link[2] = "original_record";
         $this->links[$x] = $link;
  * Add a record to the user's saved record space. $objXerxesRecord will be
  * updated with internal db id and original id.. 
  * @param string $username					username to save the record under
  * @param string $source					name of the source database
  * @param string $id						identifier for the record
  * @param Xerxes_Record $objXerxesRecord	xerxes record object to save
  * @return int  status
 public function addRecord($username, $source, $id, Xerxes_Record $objXerxesRecord)
     $arrValues = array();
     $iRefereed = 0;
     $iYear = (int) $objXerxesRecord->getYear();
     $strTitle = $objXerxesRecord->getMainTitle();
     $strSubTitle = $objXerxesRecord->getSubTitle();
     if ($strSubTitle != "") {
         $strTitle .= ": " . $strSubTitle;
     // peer-reviwed look-up
     if ($objXerxesRecord->getISSN() != null) {
         $arrResults = $this->getRefereed($objXerxesRecord->getISSN());
         if (count($arrResults) > 0) {
             $iRefereed = 1;
     $strSQL = "INSERT INTO xerxes_records \r\n\t\t\t( source, original_id, timestamp, username, nonsort, title, author, year, format, refereed, record_type, marc )\r\n\t\t\tVALUES \r\n\t\t\t( :source, :original_id, :timestamp, :username, :nonsort, :title, :author, :year, :format, :refereed, :record_type, :marc)";
     $arrValues[":source"] = $source;
     $arrValues[":original_id"] = $id;
     $arrValues[":timestamp"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $arrValues[":username"] = $username;
     $arrValues[":nonsort"] = $objXerxesRecord->getNonSort();
     $arrValues[":title"] = substr($strTitle, 0, 90);
     $arrValues[":author"] = $objXerxesRecord->getPrimaryAuthor(true);
     $arrValues[":year"] = $iYear;
     $arrValues[":format"] = $objXerxesRecord->getFormat();
     $arrValues[":refereed"] = $iRefereed;
     $arrValues[":marc"] = serialize($objXerxesRecord);
     $arrValues[":record_type"] = "xerxes_record";
     $status = $this->insert($strSQL, $arrValues);
     // get the internal xerxes record id for the saved record, and fill record
     // with it, so caller can use.
     $getIDSql = "SELECT id FROM xerxes_records WHERE original_id = :original_id";
     $getIDParam = array(":original_id" => $id);
     $getIDResults = $this->select($getIDSql, $getIDParam);
     $objXerxesRecord->id = $getIDResults[0]["id"];
     $objXerxesRecord->original_id = $id;
     return $status;
  * URL for the sms feature
  * @param Xerxes_Record $result
  * @return string url
 protected function linkSMS($result)
     $arrParams = array("base" => $this->request->getProperty("base"), "action" => "sms", "id" => $result->getRecordID());
     return $this->request->url_for($arrParams);
 public function map()