 public function doExecute()
     // ensure this is the same user
     $strRedirect = $this->enforceUsername();
     if ($strRedirect != null) {
         return 1;
     $strEmail = "";
     // email address
     $strSubject = "";
     // subject entered by the user
     $strBody = "";
     // body of the email
     $strNotes = "";
     // notes entered by the user
     $strRecords = "";
     // results in citation style
     $headers = "";
     // to specify html as the format of the email
     // get the records from the previous results command
     $objXml = $this->request->toXML();
     // get user entered values
     $strEmail = $this->request->getProperty("email");
     $strSubject = $this->request->getProperty("subject");
     $strNotes = $this->request->getProperty("notes");
     $strUsername = $this->request->getSession("username");
     // get configuration options
     $configFromEmail = $this->registry->getConfig("EMAIL_FROM", false, null);
     if ($strEmail == null) {
         throw new Exception("text_folder_error_no_email");
     // transform the documents to a basic style for now
     // will give them citation style options in the future
     $strRecords = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::transform($objXml, "xsl/citation/basic.xsl");
     // add notes and records to body
     $strBody = $strNotes . "\r\n\r\n";
     $strBody .= $strRecords;
     // set an explcit 'from' address if configured
     if ($configFromEmail != null) {
         $headers .= "From: {$configFromEmail} \r\n";
     // send the user back out, so they don't step on this again
     if (mail($strEmail, $strSubject, $strBody, $headers)) {
         // send the user back out, so they don't step on this again
         $arrParams = array("base" => "folder", "action" => "output_email", "username" => $strUsername, "message" => "done");
         $url = $this->request->url_for($arrParams);
         return 1;
     } else {
         throw new Exception("text_folder_error_email_not_sent");
  * Pulls down a compiled list of all database from Metalib and saves in database
 private function databases()
     $arrDatabases = array();
     // get all databases and convert to local format
     $objXml = new DOMDocument();
     $objXml = $this->objSearch->allDatabases($this->configInstitute, true, $this->configChunk);
     $strXml = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::transform($objXml, "xsl/utility/marc-to-database.xsl");
     if ($this->request->getProperty("test")) {
         file_put_contents("xerxes.xml", $strXml);
     $strXml = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::transform($objXml, "xsl/utility/marc-to-database.xsl");
     // get just the database info
     $objSimple = new SimpleXMLElement($strXml);
     $arrDBs = $objSimple->xpath("//database");
     if (count($arrDBs) < 1) {
         throw new Exception("Could not find any databases in the Metalib KB. " . $this->objSearch->getWarnings(true));
     foreach ($arrDBs as $objDatabase) {
         // populate data object with properties
         $objData = new Xerxes_Data_Database();
         $objData->metalib_id = (string) $objDatabase->metalib_id;
         $objData->title_display = (string) $objDatabase->title_display;
         $objData->type = (string) $objDatabase->type;
         $objData->data = $objDatabase->asXML();
         $arrDatabases[$objData->metalib_id] = $objData;
     return $arrDatabases;
 public function doExecute()
     $objSearch = $this->getSearchObject();
     // metalib search object
     $bolRedirect = false;
     // final determination to redirect on merge
     $objStatus = new DOMDocument();
     // search status
     $objMerge = new DOMDocument();
     // merge information
     $iProgress = null;
     // number of times metalib status polled
     // params from the request
     $id = $this->request->getProperty("group");
     $strGroup = $this->getGroupNumber();
     $strMergeRedirect = $this->request->getProperty("mergeRedirect");
     // configuration options
     $configShowMergedResults = $this->registry->getConfig("IMMEDIATELY_SHOW_MERGED_RESULTS", false, true);
     $configApplication = $this->registry->getConfig("APPLICATION_SID", false, "calstate.edu:xerxes");
     $configFacets = $this->registry->getConfig("FACETS", false, false);
     $configRecordsPerPage = $this->registry->getConfig("RECORDS_PER_PAGE", false, 10);
     $iRefreshSeconds = $this->registry->getConfig("SEARCH_PROGRESS_CAP", false, 35);
     $configHitsCap = (string) $iRefreshSeconds / 5;
     $configSortPrimary = $this->registry->getConfig("SORT_ORDER_PRIMARY", false, "rank");
     $configSortSecondary = $this->registry->getConfig("SORT_ORDER_SECONDARY", false, "year");
     // access control
     $objSearchXml = $this->getCache($id, "search", "DOMDocument");
     Xerxes_Helper::checkDbListSearchableByUser($objSearchXml, $this->request, $this->registry);
     // redirect link base
     $arrParams = array("base" => "metasearch", "action" => "results", "group" => $id);
     // determine if redirect after merge
     if ($configShowMergedResults == true) {
         $bolRedirect = true;
     if ($strMergeRedirect == "false") {
         $bolRedirect = false;
     } else {
         if ($strMergeRedirect == "true") {
             $bolRedirect = true;
     // get status of the search and cache result
     $objStatus = $objSearch->searchStatus($strGroup);
     $this->setCache($id, "group", $objStatus);
     // cap the number of refreshes
     if ($this->request->getSession("refresh-{$strGroup}") != null) {
         // get refresh count
         $iProgress = (int) $this->request->getSession("refresh-{$strGroup}");
         // if we hit limit, set metalib finish flag to true
         if ($iProgress >= (int) $configHitsCap) {
         } else {
             $this->request->setSession("refresh-{$strGroup}", $iProgress);
     } else {
         $this->request->setSession("refresh-{$strGroup}", 1);
     // if done see if there are results and merge and redirect,
     // otherwise this will fall thru and continue with auto refreshing
     if ($objSearch->getFinished() == true) {
         $this->request->setSession("refresh-{$strGroup}", 10);
         // check to see if there are any documents to merge, and then merge
         // and create facets
         $iGroupTotal = 0;
         // total number of hits in the group
         $arrDatabaseHits = array();
         // total number of databases with hits
         $objSimpleXml = simplexml_import_dom($objStatus->documentElement);
         $bolSearchLinkHit = false;
         $strSearchLinkSet = "";
         foreach ($objSimpleXml->xpath("//base_info") as $objBase) {
             if ((string) $objBase->no_of_documents == "888888888") {
                 $bolSearchLinkHit = true;
                 $strSearchLinkSet = (string) $objBase->set_number;
             } elseif ((int) $objBase->no_of_documents > 0) {
                 // we'll only count the databases with hits
                 $iGroupTotal += (int) $objBase->no_of_documents;
                 array_push($arrDatabaseHits, (string) $objBase->set_number);
         // only got a search-and-link database
         if ($iGroupTotal == 0 && $bolSearchLinkHit == true) {
             $arrParams["resultSet"] = $strSearchLinkSet;
             return 1;
         // got hits
         if ($iGroupTotal > 0) {
             // we'll only issue the merge command if there is more than one database
             // with hits, otherwise there's no point
             if (count($arrDatabaseHits) == 1) {
                 $strSetNumber = $arrDatabaseHits[0];
                 // redirect to results page
                 $arrParams["resultSet"] = $strSetNumber;
                 return 1;
             } else {
                 $strMergeSet = "";
                 // merge set identifier
                 $iMergeCount = 0;
                 // count of documents in the merge set
                 // merge the top results
                 $objMerge = $objSearch->merge($strGroup, $configSortPrimary, $configSortSecondary);
                 // get the newly updated status that resulted from that merge
                 // operation and cache
                 $objStatus = $objSearch->searchStatus($strGroup);
                 $this->setCache($id, "group", $objStatus);
                 $objXPath = new DOMXPath($objMerge);
                 // extract new merge set number and total hits for merge set
                 if ($objXPath->query("//new_set_number")->item(0) != null) {
                     $strMergeSet = $objXPath->query("//new_set_number")->item(0)->nodeValue;
                 if ($objXPath->query("//no_of_documents")->item(0) != null) {
                     $iMergeCount = (int) $objXPath->query("//no_of_documents")->item(0)->nodeValue;
                 if ($strMergeSet == "") {
                     //throw new Exception( "Result from Metalib returned no set number" );
                 // cache the facets response, but only if there are more results than a single page
                 // and facets have been turned on
                 if ($iMergeCount > $configRecordsPerPage && $configFacets == true) {
                     $objFacetXml = $objSearch->facets($strMergeSet, "all", $configApplication);
                     $this->setCache($id, "facets", $objFacetXml);
                     // cache a slimmed down version of the facets as well
                     // to ease the load on the interface
                     $strFacetSlim = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::transform($objFacetXml, "xsl/utility/facets-slim.xsl");
                     $this->setCache($id, "facets_slim", $strFacetSlim);
             // redirect to results page with merge set
             if ($bolRedirect == true) {
                 // catch no hits
                 if ($iMergeCount == 0) {
                     // check to see if any of the individual dbs had a search-and-link with
                     // a 'results found' indicator
                     $bolIndividual = false;
                     $strIndividualSet = "";
                     foreach ($objStatus->getElementsByTagName("base_info") as $objDb) {
                         foreach ($objDb->getElementsByTagName("no_of_documents") as $objDocs) {
                             if ((int) $objDocs->nodeValue > 0) {
                                 $bolIndividual = true;
                                 if ($objDb->getElementsByTagName("set_number")->item(0) != null) {
                                     $strIndividualSet = $objDb->getElementsByTagName("set_number")->item(0)->nodeValue;
                                     break 2;
                     if ($bolIndividual == true) {
                         // redirect to individual results page
                         $arrParams["resultSet"] = $strIndividualSet;
                         return 1;
                 } else {
                     // redirect to merged results page
                     $arrParams["resultSet"] = $strMergeSet;
                     return 1;
     // build the response from previous cached data
     $objXml = new DOMDocument();
     $objXml = $this->documentElement();
     $objXml = $this->addSearchInfo($objXml, $id);
     $objXml = $this->addStatus($objXml, $id);
     $objXml = $this->addProgress($objXml, $this->request->getSession("refresh-{$strGroup}"));
     return 1;
  * Simple XSLT transformation function
  * @param mixed $xml			DOMDocument or string containing xml
  * @param string $strXslt		physical path to xslt document 
  * @param array $arrParams		[optional] array of parameters to pass to stylesheet
  * @param array $arrIncludes	[optional] additional stylesheets that should be included in the transform
  * @return string				newly formatted document
 public function transform($xml, $strXslt, $arrParams = null, $arrIncludes = array())
     $html = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::transform($xml, $strXslt, $arrParams, false, $arrIncludes);
     // as of metalib 4.3 we _still_ need to do this to catch html entity references that
     // have been escaped for xml compatibility
     $noEscape = $this->registry->getConfig("FIX_AMERSANDS", false, true);
     // but make sure we don't do it on an XML output, like the open search option
     $format = $this->request->getProperty("format");
     if ($format == "xml") {
         $noEscape = false;
     if ($noEscape === true) {
         $html = str_replace("&amp;", "&", $html);
     return $html;
  * Do something with uncaught errors
 public static function handle($e, Xerxes_Framework_Request $objRequest, Xerxes_Framework_Registry $objRegistry)
     if ($objRegistry->getConfig("DISPLAY_ERRORS", false, false)) {
         throw $e;
     // flag certain exception types for special handling in the xslt
     $strErrorType = get_class($e);
     // might be a sub-class, reset so view will catch.
     if ($e instanceof PDOException) {
         $strErrorType = "PDOException";
     // if this is the command line, just rethrow the error so we can see it; might
     // make this a little better formatted in the future
     if ($objRequest->isCommandLine()) {
         throw $e;
     } else {
         // translate heading and message
         $labels = Xerxes_Framework_Labels::getInstance();
         if ($e instanceof Xerxes_Exception) {
             $heading = $e->heading();
         } else {
             $heading = "text_error";
         $heading = $labels->getLabel($heading);
         $message = $labels->getLabel($e->getMessage());
         // first output to apache error log
         error_log("Xerxes error: " . $message . ": " . $e->getTraceAsString());
         //set proper http response code
         $resultStatus = 500;
         if ($e instanceof Xerxes_Exception_AccessDenied) {
             $resultStatus = 403;
         } else {
             if ($e instanceof Xerxes_Exception_NotFound) {
                 $resultStatus = 404;
         header(' ', true, $resultStatus);
         // send back http status as internal server error or other specified status
         // for the web, we'll convert the error message to xml along with the type
         // of exception and hand display off to the error.xsl file
         $objError = new DOMDocument();
         $objError->loadXML("<error />");
         $objMessage = $objError->createElement("message", $message);
         $objMessage->setAttribute("type", $strErrorType);
         $objHeading = $objError->createElement("heading", $heading);
         // make sure we're showing the main error file
         $objRegistry->setConfig("XSL_PARENT_DIRECTORY", null);
         // set the base url for the error.xsl file's benefit; don't want to assume that
         // the earlier code to this effect was executed before an exception, so this is redundant
         $base_path = $objRegistry->getConfig('BASE_WEB_PATH', false, "");
         $this_server_name = $objRequest->getServer('SERVER_NAME');
         // check for a non-standard port
         $port = $objRequest->getServer('SERVER_PORT');
         if ($port == 80 || $port == 443) {
             $port = "";
         } else {
             $port = ":" . $port;
         $protocol = "http://";
         if ($objRequest->getServer("HTTPS")) {
             $protocol = "https://";
         $web = $protocol . $this_server_name . $port . $base_path;
         $objBaseURL = $objError->createElement("base_url", $web);
         // if it's a db denied exception, include info on dbs.
         if ($e instanceof Xerxes_Exception_DatabasesDenied) {
             $excluded_xml = $objError->createElement("excluded_dbs");
             foreach ($e->deniedDatabases() as $db) {
                 $element = Xerxes_Helper::databaseToNodeset($db, $objRequest, $objRegistry);
                 $element = $objError->importNode($element, true);
         // add in the request object's stuff
         $request_xml = $objRequest->toXML();
         $imported = $objError->importNode($request_xml->documentElement, true);
         foreach ($imported->childNodes as $childNode) {
         if ($objRequest->getProperty("format") == "xerxes") {
             header('Content-type: text/xml');
             echo $objError->saveXML();
         } else {
             // display it to the user. Transform will pick up local
             // xsl for error page too, great.
             echo Xerxes_Framework_Parser::transform($objError, "xsl/error.xsl");
     // need to incorporate methods for doing additional actions based on the type
     // of error -- probably a config option