<?php require_once "{$TKTDIR}xactlog.php"; $action = postvalue("action", getvalue("action", "login")); $errlist = ""; $presentform = 0; dbconnect(); $x = new XactLog(); switch ($action) { /* Login / Register - prompt for info */ case "login": $presentform = 1; $firstnm = ""; $lastnm = ""; $phonenbr = ""; $usernm = ""; $usernm2 = ""; $passwd = ""; $passwd2 = ""; loginprompt(false); break; /* Login phase 2 - check usernm and passwd, login if match */ /* Login phase 2 - check usernm and passwd, login if match */ case "Log In": $usernm = postvalue("usernm", ""); $passwd = postvalue("passwd", ""); $pwcheck = dbgetsingleton("SELECT (PASSWORD('{$passwd}') = passwd) pwcheck " . " FROM user " . " WHERE usernm = '{$usernm}'", "pwcheck"); if ($pwcheck) { h1("Login successful"); $user = new User(); $user->loadByUserNm($usernm);
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>PayPal IPN</title> </head> <?php require_once "settings2.php"; require_once "{$TKTDIR}functions.php"; require_once "{$TKTDIR}database.php"; require_once "{$TKTDIR}xactlog.php"; require_once "{$TKTDIR}order.php"; dbconnect(); $x = new XactLog(); $order = new Order(); $ipn = $_POST; $orderix = postvalue("invoice", NULL); $payment_status = postvalue("payment_status", NULL); $mc_gross = postvalue("mc_gross", 0.0); $userix = NULL; if ($orderix) { $order->loadByOrderIx($orderix); $userix = $order->userix; if ($userix) { $usernm = dbgetsingleton("SELECT usernm FROM user WHERE userix = {$userix}", "usernm"); } } $x->log("PP IPN Notificaton", "Unvalidated PP Notification", $userix, $orderix, NULL, print_r($_POST, true)); /* Form the response */ if (array_key_exists("test_ipn", $_POST) && $_POST["test_ipn"] == 1) {
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>PayPal IPN</title> </head> <?php require_once "settings.php"; require_once "{$TKTDIR}functions.php"; require_once "{$TKTDIR}database.php"; require_once "{$TKTDIR}xactlog.php"; require_once "{$TKTDIR}order.php"; dbconnect(); $x = new XactLog(); $order = new Order(); $ipn = $_POST; $orderix = postvalue("invoice", NULL); $userix = NULL; if ($orderix) { $order->loadByOrderIx($orderix); $userix = $order->userix; if ($userix) { $usernm = dbgetsingleton("SELECT usernm FROM user WHERE userix = {$userix}", "usernm"); } } $x->log("PP IPN Notificaton", "Unvalidated PP Notification", $userix, $orderix, NULL, print_r($_POST, true)); /* Form the response */ if (array_key_exists("test_ipn", $_POST) && $_POST["test_ipn"] == 1) { $ppurl = "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr"; } else {
<?php require_once "{$TKTDIR}xactlog.php"; require_once "{$TKTDIR}order.php"; loginprompt(false); $x = new XactLog(); $user = User::getSession(); $usernm = $user ? $user->usernm : ""; $userix = $user ? $user->userix : ""; $action = postvalue("action", getvalue("action"), "none"); $orderix = postvalue("orderix"); switch ($action) { /* *************************************************************************************************************************** */ /* Submit Order: this is the first screen a user lands on when they submit an order from "eventstatus" */ /* It shows the proposed order along with amounts and allows the user to either Confirm or Cancel */ /* *************************************************************************************************************************** */ case 'Submit Order': echo "<form action='eventorder.php' method='post'>\n"; $memstatus = $user->member ? "Member" : "Non-Member"; echo "<h1>Event Order Confirmation - {$usernm} - {$memstatus}</h1>\n"; echo "<br/>\n"; echo "<table>"; echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<th width=16%>Event</th>"; echo "<th width=16%>Date</th>"; echo "<th width=16%>Activity</th>"; echo "<th width=16%>Quantity</th>"; echo "<th width=16%>Price</th>"; echo "<th width=16%>Ext. Price</th>"; echo "</tr>\n"; $ix = 0;
<html> <head> <?php require_once "functions.php"; require_once "database.php"; require_once "xactlog.php"; ?> </head> <body> <h1>test.xactlog</h1> <?php dbconnect(); echo "<h2>XactLog::log</h2>"; $x = new XactLog(); $x->log("Test Xact"); $x->log("Test Xact 2", "description"); $x->log("Test Xact 3", NULL); $x->log("Test Xact 3", ""); $x->log("Test Xact 4", "userix", 1); $x->log("Test Xact 4", "userix", NULL); $x->log("Test Xact 4", "userix", ""); $x->log("Test Xact 4", NULL, 1); $x->log("Test Xact 5", "eventix", 1, 2); $x->log("Test Xact 5", "eventix", 1, NULL); $x->log("Test Xact 5", "eventix", 1, ""); $x->log("Test Xact 5", "eventix", NULL, 2); $x->log("Test Xact 5", "eventix", "", 2); $x->log("Test Xact 5", NULL, 1, 2); $x->log("Test Xact 5", "", 1, 2); $x->log("Test Xact 6", "eventix", 1, 2, "This is a test transaction.\nMany test transactions have excessive detail.\nThis one is a good example of that.\n");