function __construct(Zend_Config $options)
     $this->options = $options;
     if ($this->isEnabled()) {
  * @return X_RtmpDump
 public static function getInstance()
     if (self::$instance === null) {
         self::$instance = new X_RtmpDump();
     return self::$instance;
  * @see X_VlcShares_Plugins_ResolverInterface::getLocation()
 function resolveLocation($location = null)
     if ($location == '' || $location == null) {
         return false;
     if (array_key_exists($location, $this->cachedLocation)) {
         return $this->cachedLocation[$location];
     X_Debug::i("Requested location: {$location}");
     $list = $this->getChannelsList();
     $dom = simplexml_load_string($list);
     $channel = $dom->xpath("//stream[title = \"{$location}\"]");
     $return = false;
     if ($channel) {
         /* @var $channel SimpleXmlElement */
         $channel = $channel[0];
         $uriParam = array();
         $uriParam['rtmp'] = trim((string) $channel->link);
         $uriParam['swfUrl'] = trim((string) $channel->swfUrl);
         $uriParam['pageUrl'] = trim((string) $channel->pageUrl);
         if (@strlen(trim((string) $channel->playpath))) {
             $uriParam['playpath'] = trim((string) $channel->playpath);
         $advanced = trim((string) $channel->advanced);
         if (@strlen($advanced)) {
             $pattern = '/-(?P<arg>[a-zA-Z]) \\"?(?P<value>[^\\-\\" ]+)\\"?/i';
             $advParams = array();
             if (preg_match_all($pattern, $advanced, $advParams, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
                 foreach ($advParams as $advParam) {
                     $arg = $advParam['arg'];
                     $value = $advParam['value'];
                     if (array_key_exists($arg, $this->placeholders)) {
                         $uriParam[$this->placeholders[$arg]] = $value;
         $uriParam['live'] = true;
         $return = X_RtmpDump::buildUri($uriParam);
     $this->cachedLocation[$location] = $return;
     return $return;
 public function savertmpAction()
     $form = new Application_Form_VideoRtmp();
     if ($form->isValid($this->getRequest()->getPost())) {
         $values = $form->getValues();
         $params = array();
         foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
             if ($value == 'true') {
                 $params[$key] = true;
             } elseif ($value != '') {
                 $params[$key] = $value;
         $url = X_RtmpDump::buildUri($params);
         $this->_forward('add', 'onlinelibrary', 'default', array('rtmp' => $url));
     } else {
         $this->view->form = $form;
 public function doStop($threadInfo)
     // this should be "->shutdown()"
     // wait few seconds
     //TODO tweak value better
// Define path to application directory
if (!defined('APPLICATION_PATH')) {
    if (realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../application') === false) {
        // in dev
        define('APPLICATION_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../core/application'));
    } else {
        define('APPLICATION_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../application'));
// Define application environment
defined('APPLICATION_ENV') || define('APPLICATION_ENV', getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') ? getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') : 'production');
// Ensure library/ is on include_path
set_include_path(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, array(realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library'), get_include_path())));
/** Zend_Application */
(bool) @(include_once 'Zend/Application.php') or die('VLCShares needs Zend Framework 1.10.6+. Please, install it in library/ folder');
// Create application, bootstrap, and run
$application = new Zend_Application(APPLICATION_ENV, APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini');
$huluHelper = new X_VlcShares_Plugins_Helper_Hulu();
echo "<html><body>";
try {
    $fetched = $huluHelper->setLocation('324620/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-mon-jan-30-2012')->fetch();
    echo '<pre>' . print_r($fetched, true) . '</pre>';
    echo '<b>RTMPDump: </b><br /><pre>' . (string) X_RtmpDump::getInstance()->parseUri($fetched['url']) . '</pre>';
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "<h1>Exception:</h1><h2>{$e->getMessage()}</h2>";
    echo "<pre>{$e->getTraceAsString()}</pre>";
echo "</body></html>";
 public function fetch($infoOnly = false)
     if ($this->_location == null) {
         X_Debug::w('Trying to fetch a hulu location without a location');
         throw new Exception('Trying to fetch a hulu location without a location');
     if ($this->_fetched === false) {
         // ported code form
         $http = $this->getHttpClient("{$this->_location}");
         $response = $http->request();
         $datas = $response->getBody();
         X_Debug::i("Fetching main page for: {{$this->_location}}");
         //echo "<b>REQUESTED PAGE</b><textarea>".htmlentities($datas)."</textarea><br/>";
         $pageUrl = str_replace('.com:80/', '.com/', $http->getUri(true));
         X_Debug::i("Last location is {{$pageUrl}}");
         $matches = array();
         if ( !preg_match('/content_id\"\, (?P<CID>[0-9]+?)\)/', $datas, $matches) ) {
         	X_Debug::e("Content_ID pattern failure");
         	throw new Exception("Content_ID pattern failure");
         $content_id = $matches['CID'];
         echo "<b>CONTENT ID FOUND:</b><textarea>".htmlentities($content_id)."</textarea><br/>";
         $matches = array();
         if (!preg_match('/videoEmbedId = "(?P<EID>[^\\"]+?)"/', $datas, $matches)) {
             X_Debug::e("EID pattern failure");
             X_Debug::i("Searching EID in: \n{$datas}");
             throw new Exception("EID pattern failure");
         $eid = $matches['EID'];
         //echo "<b>EID FOUND:</b><textarea>".htmlentities($eid)."</textarea><br/>";
         X_Debug::i("EID Found {{$eid}}");
         // fetch information about the player, required by rtmp
         //list($swfsize, $swfhash, $swfUrl) = $this->getPlayerData();
         //$http->setHeaders('Host', '');
         //echo "<b>API URL:</b><textarea>".htmlentities("$content_id")."</textarea><br/>";
         $apiUrl = '' . $eid;
         X_Debug::i("Fetching video info from {{$apiUrl}}");
         //echo "<b>API URL:</b><textarea>".htmlentities($apiUrl)."</textarea><br/>";
         $datas = $http->request()->getBody();
         //$http->setHeaders('Host', null);
         //echo "<b>API RESPONSE 1</b><textarea>".htmlentities($datas)."</textarea><br/>";
         $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($datas);
         if ($xml->video == null) {
             X_Debug::e("Invalid response for EID {{$eid}}");
             X_Debug::i("Response: \n{$datas}");
             throw new Exception("Invalid response for EID {{$eid}}");
         //echo "<b>ENCODED PID</b><textarea>".htmlentities((string) $xml->video->pid[0])."</textarea><br/>";
         X_Debug::i("Encoded PID: {{$xml->video[0]->pid[0]}}");
         $pid = $this->decodePid((string) $xml->video[0]->pid[0]);
         X_Debug::i("Decoded PID: {{$pid}}");
         //echo "<b>DECRYPTED PID</b><textarea>".htmlentities($pid)."</textarea><br/>";
         $title = (string) $xml->video->title[0];
         if ($xml->video->{'media-type'} == "TV") {
             $show_name = $xml->video->show->name[0];
             $season = $xml->video->{"season-number"}[0];
             $episode_number = $xml->video->{"episode-number"}[0];
             $title = sprintf('%s - S%02dE%02d - %s', $show_name, $season, $episode_number, $title);
         $description = (string) $xml->video->description[0];
         $length = X_Env::formatTime((int) $xml->video->duration[0]);
         $thumbnail = (string) $xml->video->{"thumbnail-url"}[0];
         $needProxy = $xml->video->{"allow-international"}[0] == 'false' ? true : false;
         if ($infoOnly) {
             $infos = array('title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'length' => $length, 'thumbnail' => $thumbnail, 'needProxy' => $needProxy);
             X_Debug::i("Video info: " . print_r($infos, true));
             return $infos;
         // new focus on smil infos
         //$auth = md5($pid.self::$KEYS_PLAYER);
         //echo "<b>AUTH</b><pre>$auth</pre><br/>";
         //echo "<b>REQUEST</b><pre>$pid&auth=$auth&v=".self::$KEYS_V."</pre><br/>";
         $now = (int) time();
         $parameters = array('video_id' => $pid, 'v' => self::$KEYS_V, 'ts' => (string) $now, 'np' => '1', 'vp' => '1', 'device_id' => '', 'pp' => 'Desktop', 'dp_id' => 'Hulu', 'region' => 'US', 'ep' => '1', 'language' => 'en');
         $paramKeys = array_keys($parameters);
         $sortedParams = $parameters;
         $bcsl = '';
         foreach ($sortedParams as $key => $value) {
             $bcsl .= $key . $value;
         $bcs = hash_hmac('md5', $bcsl, self::$HMAC);
         $smil_file_url = '' . http_build_query($sortedParams) . "&bcs={$bcs}";
         X_Debug::i("Fetching SMIL file from {{$smil_file_url}}");
         //echo "<b>SMIL FILE URL</b><textarea>".htmlentities($smil_file_url)."</textarea><br/>";
         $datas = $http->request()->getBody();
         //echo "<b>ENCODED SMIL</b><textarea>".htmlentities($datas)."</textarea><br/>";
         $datas = $this->decodeSmil($datas);
         //echo "<b>DECRYPTED SMIL</b><textarea>".htmlentities($datas)."</textarea><br/>";
         X_Debug::i("Decoded SMIL (50 chars only): \n" . substr($datas, 0, 50) . "...");
         $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($datas);
         //$vids = $xml->body->switch[1]->video[0];
         $vids = $xml->body->switch[1]->video;
         //$ref = $xml->body->switch[1]->ref[0]; // choose the better source... ignored now
         //echo "<b>VIDEOS</b><pre>".print_r($vid, true)."</pre><br/>";
         if ($this->options->get('priority', 'cdn')) {
             $vids = $this->filterCdn($vids, $this->options->get('cdn', 'limelight'));
             $vids = $this->filterCdn($vids, $this->options->get('quality', '400_h264'));
         } else {
             $vids = $this->filterCdn($vids, $this->options->get('quality', '400_h264'));
             $vids = $this->filterCdn($vids, $this->options->get('cdn', 'limelight'));
         $vid = @$vids[0];
         // if no vid available yet, just try to get the first one
         if (!$vid) {
             X_Debug::w('Filter mode failed');
             $vid = $xml->body->switch[1]->video[0];
         if (is_null($vid)) {
             X_Debug::e('No video tag. Video requires HULU Plus or you are not in US');
             X_Debug::i("Video info: " . print_r($vid, true));
             throw new Exception('No video tag. Video requires HULU Plus or you are not in US');
         X_Debug::i("Selected video info: " . print_r($vid, true));
         // ported code:
         $stream = (string) $vid['stream'];
         $server = (string) $vid['server'];
         $token = (string) $vid['token'];
         $cdn = (string) $vid['cdn'];
         $hostname = "";
         $appName = "";
         $protocol = "";
         $pattern = '/^(?P<protocol>[a-zA-z]+:\\/\\/)(?P<hostname>[^\\/]+)\\/(?P<appname>.*)$/';
         $matches = array();
         if (preg_match($pattern, $server, $matches)) {
             $protocol = $matches['protocol'];
             $hostname = $matches['hostname'];
             $appName = $matches['appname'];
         // rtmp params based on cdn
         switch ($cdn) {
             case 'level3':
                 $appName .= "?sessionid=sessionId&{$token}";
                 $stream = substr($stream, 0, -4);
                 // remove .mp4
                 $server = "{$server}?sessionid=sessionId&{$token}";
             case 'limelight':
                 $appName .= "?sessionid=sessionId&{$token}";
                 $stream = substr($stream, 0, -4);
                 // remove .mp4
                 $server = "{$server}?sessionid=sessionId&{$token}";
             case 'akamai':
                 $appName .= "?sessionid=sessionId&{$token}";
                 $server = "{$server}?sessionid=sessionId&{$token}";
         $this->_fetched = array('title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'length' => $length, 'thumbnail' => $thumbnail, 'eid' => $eid, 'pid' => $pid, 'needProxy' => $needProxy, 'stream' => $stream, 'server' => $server, 'token' => $token, 'cdn' => $cdn, 'hostname' => $hostname, 'protocol' => $protocol, 'appName' => $appName, 'playpath' => $stream, 'pageUrl' => self::HULU_PLAYER, 'swfUrl' => self::HULU_PLAYER);
         $this->_fetched['url'] = X_RtmpDump::buildUri(array('rtmp' => $server, 'app' => $appName, 'playpath' => $stream, 'swfUrl' => self::HULU_PLAYER, 'pageUrl' => self::HULU_PLAYER, 'swfVfy' => self::HULU_PLAYER));
         $this->_cachedSearch[$this->_location] = $this->_fetched;
         //X_Debug::i("All info: ".print_r($this->_fetched, true));
         return $this->_fetched;