function callback($ctx) { $jump = htmlspecialchars(trim($_GET['jump'])); self::validate_url($jump); if (!$this->appid || !$this->secret) { _redirect($jump); } $code = urlencode(htmlspecialchars(trim($_GET['code']))); if (!$code) { _redirect($jump); } $wx_url = ''; $wx_url = "{$wx_url}?appid={$this->appid}&secret={$this->secret}&code={$code}&grant_type=authorization_code"; $resp = Http::get($wx_url); $ret = @json_decode($resp, true); if (is_array($ret) && $ret['openid']) { $connect = WxConnect::get_by('wx_openid', $ret['openid']); if ($connect) { Logger::info("wx_openid[{$ret['openid']}] oauth login, uid: {$connect->user_id}"); $profile = Profile::get($connect->user_id); if ($profile && $profile->status != Profile::STATUS_LOCK) { UC::force_login($profile); } } else { // 兼容 /weixin/bind, 因为它依赖 session 中的 openid, 所以这里设置 session_start(); $_SESSION['wx_openid'] = $ret['openid']; } } else { Logger::info("weixin oauth, code: {$code}, resp: {$resp}, " . Http::$error); } _redirect($jump); }
static function get_count($where = '') { if (strlen($where)) { $where = " where 1 and {$where}"; } $sql = "select count(*) from " . WxConnect::table() . $where; $count = Db::get_num($sql); return $count; }
static function get_no_bind_users($wx_id) { $self_table = self::$table_name; $wx_connect_table = WxConnect::table(); $sql = "select {$self_table}.wx_openid from {$self_table}"; $sql .= " left join {$wx_connect_table}"; $sql .= " on {$self_table}.wx_openid = {$wx_connect_table}.wx_openid"; $sql .= " where {$self_table}.wx_id = '{$wx_id}'"; $sql .= " and {$self_table}.status = " . self::STATUS_YES; $sql .= " and {$wx_connect_table}.wx_openid is null"; return Db::find($sql); }
function edit($ctx) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $m = WxConnect::get($id); if (!$m) { _throw("ID: {$id} 不存在!"); } if ($_POST) { $up = array('prj_subscribe' => intval($_POST['f']['prj_subscribe']), 'wx_subscribe' => intval($_POST['f']['wx_subscribe'])); $m->update($up); } $ctx->m = $m; }
function success($ctx) { $ctx->title = '绑定成功'; $prj_subscribe_status = $_COOKIE['no_subscribe_prj'] ? WxConnect::PRJ_UNSUBSCRIBED : WxConnect::PRJ_SUBSCRIBED; setcookie('no_subscribe_prj', '', time() + 3600); if (!$ctx->user) { _redirect(_action('/')); } $uid = $ctx->user['id']; $wx_openid = $this->openid; if ($uid && $wx_openid) { WxConnect::bind($uid, $wx_openid); } setcookie(WxTmpLogin::COOKIE_KEY_AUTO_BIND_WX, '', time() - 1, '/'); unset($_SESSION['wx_openid']); }
function index($ctx) { $jump = htmlspecialchars(trim($_GET['jump'])); $host = Html::host(); if (!preg_match("/http(s)?:\\/\\/[^\\/]*{$host}\\//", $jump)) { $jump = ''; } // 验证 token $token = htmlspecialchars(trim($_GET['token'])); if (strlen($token) == 32) { $sess = WxTmpLogin::get_session($token); if ($sess) { WxTmpLogin::del_session($token); } } if (!$sess) { #if($token && !$_SESSION['wx_openid']){ # _throw("链接已经过期, 请重新获取微信消息!", 200); #} _redirect($jump); } session_start(); $_SESSION['wx_openid'] = $sess['openid']; $connect = WxConnect::get_by('wx_openid', $sess['openid']); if (!$connect) { setcookie(WxTmpLogin::COOKIE_KEY_AUTO_BIND_WX, 1, time() + 3600 * 24, '/'); Logger::info("not connected wx_openid: {$sess['openid']}"); UC::logout(); } else { $uid = $connect->user_id; $profile = Profile::get($uid); setcookie('ltz_wx_binded', 1, time() + 3600 * 24 * 365, "/"); // 已经绑定了,直接删除该cookie if (isset($_COOKIE[WxTmpLogin::COOKIE_KEY_AUTO_BIND_WX])) { setcookie(WxTmpLogin::COOKIE_KEY_AUTO_BIND_WX, '', time() - 1, '/'); } Logger::info("wx_openid[{$sess['openid']}] login, uid: {$uid}, {$profile->name}"); UC::force_login($profile); } _redirect($jump); }
private function projects_unsubscribe($xml) { $from = $xml->FromUserName; $to = $xml->ToUserName; if (!$this->bind_check($xml)) { return; } $uid = $this->user_profile->id; $connect = WxConnect::get_by('wx_openid', $from); if ($connect->prj_subscribe !== WxConnect::PRJ_UNSUBSCRIBED) { try { $connect->update(array('prj_subscribe' => WxConnect::PRJ_UNSUBSCRIBED)); $this->wx_reply->imm_reply_text($to, $from, '您已经成功退订新项目通知,如需再次订阅可点击【我的账户-订阅项目通知】。'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->wx_reply->imm_reply_text($to, $from, '抱歉,退订出错,请稍后重试。'); } } else { $this->wx_reply->imm_reply_text($to, $from, '您已经成功退订新项目通知,如需再次订阅可点击【我的账户-订阅项目通知】。'); } }
?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>关注项目通知</td> <td> <?php echo Html::select('f[prj_subscribe]', WxConnect::prj_sub_table(), $m->prj_subscribe); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>是否粉丝</td> <td> <?php echo Html::select('f[wx_subscribe]', WxConnect::wx_sub_table(), $m->wx_subscribe); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td> <button class="btn btn-primary">保存</button> <a class="btn btn-default" href="<?php echo _list_url(); ?> ">返回</a> </td> </tr> </tbody>