/** * This method is used to display the output of the element. * * @return void */ function element() { if (empty($this->data['options'])) { return; } $elm_classes = array(); $elm_classes[] = $uid = $this->data['uid']; $elm_classes[] = $this->opt('css_class', ''); ?> <div class="media-container <?php echo implode(' ', $elm_classes); ?> "> <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source(array('source_type' => $this->opt('source_type'), 'source_background_image' => $this->opt('background_image'), 'source_vd_yt' => $this->opt('source_vd_yt'), 'source_vd_embed_iframe' => $this->opt('source_vd_embed_iframe'), 'source_vd_self_mp4' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_mp4'), 'source_vd_self_ogg' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_ogg'), 'source_vd_self_webm' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_webm'), 'source_vd_vp' => $this->opt('source_vd_vp'), 'source_vd_autoplay' => $this->opt('source_vd_autoplay'), 'source_vd_loop' => $this->opt('source_vd_loop'), 'source_vd_muted' => $this->opt('source_vd_muted'), 'source_vd_controls' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls'), 'source_vd_controls_pos' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls_pos'), 'source_overlay' => $this->opt('source_overlay'), 'source_overlay_color' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color'), 'source_overlay_opacity' => $this->opt('source_overlay_opacity'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient_opac'), 'source_overlay_gloss' => $this->opt('source_overlay_gloss', ''))); $link_style = $this->opt('mc_link_style', 'lined'); $link_class = ''; $link_type = $this->opt('mc_link_type', ''); $btn_text = $this->opt('mc_btn_text'); // Target $target = ''; $mc_link_target = $this->opt('mc_link_target', 'self'); if ($mc_link_target == 'self') { $target = 'target="_self"'; } elseif ($mc_link_target == 'blank') { $target = 'target="_blank"'; } elseif ($mc_link_target == 'img') { $target = 'data-lightbox="image"'; } elseif ($mc_link_target == 'iframe') { $target = 'data-lightbox="iframe"'; } $mc_btn_link = $this->opt('mc_btn_link'); // Override link if modal image selected if ($mc_link_target == 'img') { $mc_btn_link = $this->opt('mc_btn_modalimg'); } if ($link_type == 'btn' && ($link_style == 'lined' || $link_style == 'linedplay') && !empty($btn_text)) { $link_class .= 'btn btn-lined'; } $mct_link = array(); $mct_link[] = 'media-container__link--' . $link_type; $mct_link[] = 'media-container__link--style-' . $link_style; $mct_link[] = $link_class; if ($link_style == 'borderanim1' || $link_style == 'borderanim2') { $mct_link[] = 'kl-font-alt'; } if (!empty($mc_btn_link)) { ?> <a class="media-container__link <?php echo implode(' ', $mct_link); ?> " href="<?php echo $mc_btn_link; ?> " <?php echo $target; ?> > <?php // Show the text $text = ''; if ($link_style != 'circle' && !empty($btn_text)) { $text = '<span class="media-container__text">' . $btn_text . '</span>'; } // Show icon if circle or linedplay style if ($link_type == 'btn' && $link_style == 'lined') { // Show text echo $text; } // Show icon if circle or linedplay style if ($link_type == 'btn' && $link_style == 'linedplay') { echo '<i class="kl-icon glyphicon glyphicon-play"></i>'; // Show text echo $text; } // Show icon if circle or circle style if ($link_type == 'btn' && $link_style == 'circle') { echo ' <div class="circleanim-svg"> <svg height="108" width="108" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" > <circle stroke-opacity="0.1" fill="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="5" cx="54" cy="54" r="48" class="circleanim-svg__circle-back"></circle> <circle stroke-width="5" fill="#FFFFFF" cx="54" cy="54" r="48" class="circleanim-svg__circle-front" transform="rotate(50 54 54) "></circle> <path d="M62.1556183,56.1947505 L52,62.859375 C50.6192881,63.7654672 49.5,63.1544098 49.5,61.491212 L49.5,46.508788 C49.5,44.8470803 50.6250889,44.2383396 52,45.140625 L62.1556183,51.8052495 C64.0026693,53.0173767 63.9947588,54.9878145 62.1556183,56.1947505 Z" fill="#FFFFFF"></path> </svg> ' . $text . ' </div>'; } // Show border animation Style 1 (part 1) if ($link_type == 'btn' && $link_style == 'borderanim1') { // part 1 echo '<i class="media-container__border-tt"></i><i class="media-container__border-tl"></i>'; // Show text echo $text; // part 2 echo '<i class="media-container__border-bb"></i><i class="media-container__border-br"></i>'; } // Show border animation Style 1 (part 1) if ($link_type == 'btn' && $link_style == 'borderanim2') { // There's a math behind the stroke animation, $boxWidth = $this->opt('mc_borderanim2_width', '400'); // Box width $boxHeight = 70; // Box height echo ' <div class="borderanim2-svg"> <svg height="' . $boxHeight . '" width="' . $boxWidth . '" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <rect class="borderanim2-svg__shape" height="' . $boxHeight . '" width="' . $boxWidth . '" /> </svg> ' . $text . ' </div>'; } ?> </a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php }
/** * This method is used to display the output of the element. * @return void */ function element() { $options = $this->data['options']; $title = ''; $style = $this->opt('ps_header_style', ''); if (!empty($style)) { $style = 'uh_' . $style; } $hclass = 'psl--' . strtolower($this->opt('ps_sliding_direction', 'Vertical')); $bottom_mask = $this->opt('hm_header_bmasks', 'none'); $bm_class = $bottom_mask != 'none' ? 'maskcontainer--' . $bottom_mask : ''; $is_screffect = $this->opt('ps_scrolling_effect', 0) == 1; $scr_main_class = ''; $scr_effect_class = ''; $scr_effect_attribs = ''; $scr_effect_attribs_captions = ''; if ($is_screffect) { $scr_main_class = 'scrollme'; $scr_effect_class = 'animateme'; $scr_effect_attribs = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1" data-easing="linear"'; } ?> <div class="kl-slideshow portfolio-slider__sideshow gradient <?php echo $style; ?> <?php echo $bm_class; ?> <?php echo $scr_main_class; ?> <?php echo $this->data['uid']; ?> <?php echo $this->opt('css_class', ''); ?> "> <div class="fake-loading loading-1s"></div> <div class="bgback"></div> <div class="kl-slideshow-inner portfolio-slider-frames psl__wrapper <?php echo $hclass; ?> <?php echo $this->opt('psl_fullscreen', '0') == 1 ? 'psl--fullscreen' : ''; ?> <?php echo (int) $this->opt('ww_height') ? 'psl--height' : ''; ?> "> <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source(array('source_type' => $this->opt('source_type'), 'source_background_image' => $this->opt('background_image'), 'source_vd_yt' => $this->opt('source_vd_yt'), 'source_vd_self_mp4' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_mp4'), 'source_vd_self_ogg' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_ogg'), 'source_vd_self_webm' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_webm'), 'source_vd_vp' => $this->opt('source_vd_vp'), 'source_vd_autoplay' => $this->opt('source_vd_autoplay'), 'source_vd_loop' => $this->opt('source_vd_loop'), 'source_vd_muted' => $this->opt('source_vd_muted'), 'source_vd_controls' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls'), 'source_vd_controls_pos' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls_pos'), 'source_overlay' => $this->opt('source_overlay'), 'source_overlay_color' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color'), 'source_overlay_opacity' => $this->opt('source_overlay_opacity'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient_opac'))); ?> <div class="th-sparkles"></div> <div class="psl__inner"> <div class="kl-slideshow-safepadding psl__container <?php echo $scr_effect_class; ?> " <?php echo $scr_effect_attribs; ?> > <?php if ($this->opt('ps_slider_title') || $this->opt('ps_slider_desc')) { echo '<div class="container">'; if ($this->opt('ps_slider_title')) { echo '<h3 class="psl__main-title">' . $this->opt('ps_slider_title') . '</h3>'; } if ($this->opt('ps_slider_desc')) { echo '<h4 class="psl__main-desc">' . $this->opt('ps_slider_desc') . '</h4>'; } echo '</div>'; } ?> <div class="psl-carousel__wrapper"> <div class="psl-carousel__container"> <?php if (isset($options['single_pslides']) && is_array($options['single_pslides'])) { foreach ($options['single_pslides'] as $k => $slide) { echo '<div class="psl-carousel__item psl--item-' . $k . ' ' . ($k == 0 ? 'psl--active-item' : '') . '">'; if (isset($slide['ps_slide_title']) && !empty($slide['ps_slide_title'])) { $title = '<span class="psl__project_title">' . $slide['ps_slide_title'] . '</span>'; } $ps_slide_link = zn_extract_link($slide['ps_slide_link'], 'psl__project_url'); // Right Image if (isset($slide['ps_slide_image3']) && !empty($slide['ps_slide_image3'])) { echo '<div class="psl__img psl-img--right">'; if (isset($slide['ps_slide_image3']) && !empty($slide['ps_slide_image3'])) { echo '<div class="psl__img-bg" style="background-image:url(' . $slide['ps_slide_image3'] . ')"></div>'; } echo '</div>'; } // Left Image if (isset($slide['ps_slide_image2']) && !empty($slide['ps_slide_image2'])) { echo '<div class="psl__img psl-img--left">'; if (isset($slide['ps_slide_image2']) && !empty($slide['ps_slide_image2'])) { echo '<div class="psl__img-bg" style="background-image:url(' . $slide['ps_slide_image2'] . ')"></div>'; } echo '</div>'; } // Front Image if (isset($slide['ps_slide_image1']) && !empty($slide['ps_slide_image1'])) { echo '<div class="psl__img psl-img--front">'; echo $title; echo $ps_slide_link['start'] . $ps_slide_link['end']; if (isset($slide['ps_slide_image1']) && !empty($slide['ps_slide_image1'])) { echo '<div class="psl__img-bg" style="background-image:url(' . $slide['ps_slide_image1'] . ')"></div>'; } echo '</div>'; } echo '<div class="clearfix"></div>'; echo '</div>'; } } ?> </div> <a class="psl__prev" href="#"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left kl-icon-white"></span></a> <a class="psl__next" href="#"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right kl-icon-white"></span></a> </div> <!-- end Carousel wrapper --> </div><!-- /.psl__container --> </div><!-- /.psl__inner --> </div><!-- /.psl__wrapper --> <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_bottommask_markup($bottom_mask); ?> </div><!-- end kl-slideshow --> <?php }
/** * This method is used to display the output of the element. * * @return void */ function element() { $uid = $this->data['uid']; $options = $this->data['options']; if (empty($options)) { return; } // Scrolling Effect $is_screffect = $this->opt('sc_scrolling', 0) == 1; $scrolling_type = $this->opt('sc_scrolling_type', 'translate_op_scale'); $scr_main_class = ''; $scr_effect_class = ''; $scr_effect_attribs = ''; $scr_effect_attribs_fade = ''; if ($is_screffect) { $scr_main_class = 'scrollme'; $scr_effect_class = 'animateme'; $scr_effect_attribs_split = ''; if ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op_scale') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1" data-scale="1.5"'; } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1"'; } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300"'; } $scr_effect_attribs = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-easing="linear" ' . $scr_effect_attribs_split; $scr_effect_attribs_fade = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-translatey="200" data-opacity="0.1" data-easing="linear"'; } ?> <div class="kl-slideshow static-content__slideshow static-simpletext nobg <?php echo $uid; ?> <?php echo $scr_main_class; ?> <?php echo $this->opt('css_class', ''); ?> "> <div class="bgback"></div> <div class="kl-slideshow-inner static-content__wrapper <?php echo $this->opt('sc_fullscreen', '0') ? 'static-content--fullscreen' : ''; ?> <?php echo (int) $this->opt('ww_height') ? 'static-content--height' : ''; ?> <?php echo $this->opt('sc_fadeboxed', '0') ? 'sc--has-fade-mask' : ''; ?> "> <div class="static-content__source <?php echo $scr_effect_class; ?> " <?php echo $scr_effect_attribs; ?> > <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source(array('source_type' => $this->opt('source_type'), 'source_background_image' => $this->opt('background_image'), 'source_vd_yt' => $this->opt('source_vd_yt'), 'source_vd_self_mp4' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_mp4'), 'source_vd_self_ogg' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_ogg'), 'source_vd_self_webm' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_webm'), 'source_vd_vp' => $this->opt('source_vd_vp'), 'source_vd_autoplay' => $this->opt('source_vd_autoplay'), 'source_vd_loop' => $this->opt('source_vd_loop'), 'source_vd_muted' => $this->opt('source_vd_muted'), 'source_vd_controls' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls'), 'source_vd_controls_pos' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls_pos'), 'source_overlay' => $this->opt('source_overlay'), 'source_overlay_color' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color'), 'source_overlay_opacity' => $this->opt('source_overlay_opacity'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient_opac'))); ?> <div class="th-sparkles"></div> <?php if ($this->opt('sc_fademask', '0')) { ?> <div class="sc__fade-boxed-mask"> <?php if ($this->opt('sc_fadeboxed', '0')) { ?> <div class="sc__boxed-mask"></div> <?php } ?> <div class="sc__fade-mask"></div> </div> <?php } ?> </div><!-- /.static-content__source --> <div class="static-content__inner container"> <div class="kl-slideshow-safepadding sc__container <?php echo $scr_effect_class; ?> " <?php echo $scr_effect_attribs_fade; ?> > <div class="static-content static-content--simple scs--theme-<?php echo $this->opt('sc_text_theme', 'grayish'); ?> "> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <?php if (isset($options['sc_sc']) && !empty($options['sc_sc'])) { echo do_shortcode($options['sc_sc']); } $sc_button_text = $this->opt('sc_button_text', ''); $sc_button_link = zn_extract_link($this->opt('sc_button_link', ''), 'btn ' . $this->opt('sc_button_style', 'btn-fullcolor')); if (!empty($sc_button_text) && !empty($sc_button_link['start'])) { echo '<div class="sc__simpleaction">'; echo $sc_button_link['start'] . $sc_button_text . $sc_button_link['end']; echo '<span class="sc__line"></span>'; echo '</div>'; } ?> </div> </div><!-- end row --> </div><!-- end static content --> </div><!-- /.container --> </div><!-- /.static-content__inner --> </div><!-- /.static-content__wrapper --> </div><!-- end kl-slideshow --> <?php }
/** * This method is used to display the output of the element. * * @return void */ function element() { $options = $this->data['options']; if (empty($options)) { return; } $uid = $this->data['uid']; $style = $this->opt('ww_header_style', ''); if (!empty($style)) { $style = 'uh_' . $style; } $bottom_mask = $this->opt('hm_header_bmasks', 'none'); $bm_class = $bottom_mask != 'none' ? 'maskcontainer--' . $bottom_mask : ''; // Scrolling Effect $is_screffect = $this->opt('sc_scrolling', 0) == 1; $scrolling_type = $this->opt('sc_scrolling_type', 'translate_op_scale'); $scr_main_class = ''; $scr_effect_class = ''; $scr_effect_attribs = ''; $scr_effect_attribs_fade = ''; if ($is_screffect) { $scr_main_class = 'scrollme'; $scr_effect_class = 'animateme'; $scr_effect_attribs_split = ''; if ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op_scale') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1" data-scale="1.5"'; } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1"'; } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300"'; } $scr_effect_attribs = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-easing="linear" ' . $scr_effect_attribs_split; $scr_effect_attribs_fade = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-translatey="200" data-opacity="0.1" data-easing="linear"'; } ?> <div class="kl-slideshow static-content__slideshow <?php echo $style; ?> <?php echo $uid; ?> <?php echo $bm_class; ?> <?php echo $scr_main_class; ?> <?php echo $this->opt('css_class', ''); ?> "> <div class="bgback"></div> <div class="kl-slideshow-inner static-content__wrapper <?php echo $this->opt('sc_fullscreen', '0') ? 'static-content--fullscreen' : ''; ?> <?php echo (int) $this->opt('ww_height') ? 'static-content--height' : ''; ?> "> <?php if ($this->opt('source_type', '') != '' || $this->opt('source_overlay', '') != 0) { ?> <div class="static-content__source <?php echo $scr_effect_class; ?> " <?php echo $scr_effect_attribs; ?> > <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source(array('source_type' => $this->opt('source_type'), 'source_background_image' => $this->opt('background_image'), 'source_vd_yt' => $this->opt('source_vd_yt'), 'source_vd_self_mp4' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_mp4'), 'source_vd_self_ogg' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_ogg'), 'source_vd_self_webm' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_webm'), 'source_vd_vp' => $this->opt('source_vd_vp'), 'source_vd_autoplay' => $this->opt('source_vd_autoplay'), 'source_vd_loop' => $this->opt('source_vd_loop'), 'source_vd_muted' => $this->opt('source_vd_muted'), 'source_vd_controls' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls'), 'source_vd_controls_pos' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls_pos'), 'source_overlay' => $this->opt('source_overlay'), 'source_overlay_color' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color'), 'source_overlay_opacity' => $this->opt('source_overlay_opacity'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient_opac'))); ?> <div class="th-sparkles"></div> </div><!-- /.static-content__source --> <?php } ?> <div class="static-content__inner container"> <div class="kl-slideshow-safepadding sc__container <?php echo $scr_effect_class; ?> " <?php echo $scr_effect_attribs_fade; ?> > <div class="static-content boxes-style"> <?php // TITLE if (isset($options['ww_slide_title']) && !empty($options['ww_slide_title'])) { echo '<h3 class="static-content__subtitle sc-subtitle--centered">' . do_shortcode($options['ww_slide_title']) . '</h3>'; } echo '<div class="sc__boxes row">'; if (!empty($options['ww_box1_title']) || !empty($options['ww_box1_image']) || !empty($options['ww_box1_desc'])) { echo '<div class="col-sm-4">'; echo '<div class="static-content__infopop">'; if (!empty($options['ww_box1_image'])) { echo '<img src="' . $options['ww_box1_image'] . '" alt="' . $options['ww_box1_title'] . '" class="sc__img"/>'; } if (!empty($options['ww_box1_title'])) { echo '<h4 class="sc__box-title">' . $options['ww_box1_title'] . '</h4>'; } if (!empty($options['ww_box1_desc'])) { echo '<p>' . $options['ww_box1_desc'] . '</p>'; } echo '<div class="clearfix"></div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; } if (!empty($options['ww_box2_title']) || !empty($options['ww_box2_image']) || !empty($options['ww_box2_desc'])) { echo '<div class="col-sm-4">'; echo '<div class="static-content__infopop">'; if (!empty($options['ww_box2_image'])) { echo '<img src="' . $options['ww_box2_image'] . '" alt="' . $options['ww_box2_title'] . '" class="sc__img"/>'; } if (!empty($options['ww_box2_title'])) { echo '<h4 class="title">' . $options['ww_box2_title'] . '</h4>'; } if (!empty($options['ww_box2_desc'])) { echo '<p>' . $options['ww_box2_desc'] . '</p>'; } echo '<div class="clearfix"></div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; } if (!empty($options['ww_box3_title']) || !empty($options['ww_box3_image']) || !empty($options['ww_box3_desc'])) { echo '<div class="col-sm-4">'; echo '<div class="static-content__infopop">'; if (!empty($options['ww_box3_image'])) { echo '<img src="' . $options['ww_box3_image'] . '" alt="' . $options['ww_box3_title'] . '" class="sc__img"/>'; } if (!empty($options['ww_box3_title'])) { echo '<h4 class="title">' . $options['ww_box3_title'] . '</h4>'; } if (!empty($options['ww_box3_desc'])) { echo '<p>' . $options['ww_box3_desc'] . '</p>'; } echo '<div class="clearfix"></div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; } echo '</div>'; ?> </div><!-- /.boxes-style --> </div><!-- /.container --> </div><!-- /.static-content__inner --> </div><!-- /.static-content__wrapper --> <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_bottommask_markup($bottom_mask); ?> <!-- header bottom style --> </div><!-- end kl-slideshow --> <?php }
/** * This method is used to display the output of the element. * * @return void */ function element() { $uid = $this->data['uid']; $options = $this->data['options']; if (empty($options)) { return; } $style = $this->opt('ww_header_style', ''); if (!empty($style)) { $style = 'uh_' . $style; } $bottom_mask = $this->opt('hm_header_bmasks', 'none'); $bm_class = $bottom_mask != 'none' ? 'maskcontainer--' . $bottom_mask : ''; // Scrolling Effect $is_screffect = $this->opt('sc_scrolling', 0) == 1; $scrolling_type = $this->opt('sc_scrolling_type', 'translate_op_scale'); $scr_main_class = ''; $scr_effect_class = ''; $scr_effect_attribs = ''; $scr_effect_attribs_fade = ''; if ($is_screffect) { $scr_main_class = 'scrollme'; $scr_effect_class = 'animateme'; $scr_effect_attribs_split = ''; if ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op_scale') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1" data-scale="1.5"'; } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1"'; } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300"'; } $scr_effect_attribs = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-easing="linear" ' . $scr_effect_attribs_split; $scr_effect_attribs_fade = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-translatey="200" data-opacity="0.1" data-easing="linear"'; } ?> <div class="kl-slideshow static-content__slideshow sc--showroom-carousel <?php echo $style; ?> <?php echo $uid; ?> <?php echo $bm_class; ?> <?php echo $scr_main_class; ?> <?php echo $this->opt('css_class', ''); ?> "> <div class="bgback"></div> <div class="kl-slideshow-inner static-content__wrapper <?php echo $this->opt('sc_fullscreen', '0') ? 'static-content--fullscreen' : ''; ?> <?php echo (int) $this->opt('ww_height') ? 'static-content--height' : ''; ?> "> <?php if ($this->opt('source_type', '') != '' || $this->opt('source_overlay', '') != 0) { ?> <div class="static-content__source <?php echo $scr_effect_class; ?> " <?php echo $scr_effect_attribs; ?> > <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source(array('source_type' => $this->opt('source_type'), 'source_background_image' => $this->opt('background_image'), 'source_vd_yt' => $this->opt('source_vd_yt'), 'source_vd_self_mp4' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_mp4'), 'source_vd_self_ogg' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_ogg'), 'source_vd_self_webm' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_webm'), 'source_vd_vp' => $this->opt('source_vd_vp'), 'source_vd_autoplay' => $this->opt('source_vd_autoplay'), 'source_vd_loop' => $this->opt('source_vd_loop'), 'source_vd_muted' => $this->opt('source_vd_muted'), 'source_vd_controls' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls'), 'source_vd_controls_pos' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls_pos'), 'source_overlay' => $this->opt('source_overlay'), 'source_overlay_color' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color'), 'source_overlay_opacity' => $this->opt('source_overlay_opacity'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient_opac'))); ?> <div class="sc-huge-arrow"></div> <div class="th-sparkles"></div> </div><!-- /.static-content__source --> <?php } ?> <div class="static-content__inner container"> <div class="kl-slideshow-safepadding sc__container <?php echo $scr_effect_class; ?> " <?php echo $scr_effect_attribs_fade; ?> > <div class="static-content sc--showroomcrs-style"> <?php // TITLE if (isset($options['sc_shcar_textcontent']) && !empty($options['sc_shcar_textcontent'])) { echo '<div class="sc__textcontent">' . do_shortcode($options['sc_shcar_textcontent']) . '</div>'; } // BUTTON $prim_btn = zn_extract_link($this->opt('sc_shcar_prim_btn', ''), 'btn btn-fullcolor'); $sec_btn = zn_extract_link($this->opt('sc_shcar_sec_btn', ''), 'btn sc__secbtn btn-lined'); if ($prim_btn['start'] || $sec_btn['start']) { echo '<div class="sc__actionarea clearfix">'; if (!empty($prim_btn['start'])) { echo $prim_btn['start'] . zn_extract_link_title($this->opt('sc_shcar_prim_btn', '')) . $prim_btn['end']; } if (!empty($sec_btn['start'])) { echo $sec_btn['start'] . zn_extract_link_title($this->opt('sc_shcar_sec_btn', '')) . $sec_btn['end']; } echo '</div>'; } ?> <?php // var_dump($options); if (isset($options['single_shcar']) && is_array($options['single_shcar'])) { echo '<div class="sc__shcar-wrapper">'; echo '<div class="sc__showroom-carousel cfs--default" data-speed="' . $this->opt('sc_shcar_speed', 5000) . '" ' . ($this->opt('sc_shcar_pagi', 1) ? 'data-pag="1"' : '') . '>'; foreach ($options['single_shcar'] as $item) { echo '<div class="sc__shcar-item cfs--item">'; if (isset($item['sc_shcar_image']) && !empty($item['sc_shcar_image'])) { $linkurl = $item['sc_shcar_image']; $datalightbox = 'image'; if (isset($item['sc_shcar_video']) && !empty($item['sc_shcar_video'])) { $linkurl = $item['sc_shcar_video']; $datalightbox = 'iframe'; } echo '<a href="' . $linkurl . '" class="shc__item-link" data-lightbox="' . $datalightbox . '">'; $image = vt_resize('', $item['sc_shcar_image'], '280', '190', true); echo '<img src="' . $image['url'] . '" alt="" class="img-responsive">'; echo '</a>'; } if (isset($item['sc_shcar_title']) && !empty($item['sc_shcar_title'])) { echo '<h4 class="shc__item-title">' . $item['sc_shcar_title'] . '</h4>'; } echo '</div>'; } echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; } ?> </div> </div> </div><!-- /.kl-slideshow-inner__inner --> <?php if ($this->opt('sc_fullscreen', '0')) { ?> <a class="tonext-btn js-tonext-btn" href="#" data-endof=".kl-slideshow-inner"> <span class="mouse-anim-icon"></span> </a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_bottommask_markup($bottom_mask); ?> <!-- header bottom style --> </div><!-- end kl-slideshow --> <?php }
/** * This method is used to display the output of the element. * @return void */ function element() { $options = $this->data['options']; if (empty($options)) { return; } // Scrolling Effect $is_screffect = $this->opt('sc_scrolling', 0) == 1; $scrolling_type = $this->opt('sc_scrolling_type', 'translate_op_scale'); $scr_main_class = ''; $scr_effect_class = ''; $scr_effect_attribs = ''; $scr_effect_attribs_fade = ''; if ($is_screffect) { $scr_main_class = 'scrollme'; $scr_effect_class = 'animateme'; $scr_effect_attribs_split = ''; if ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op_scale') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1" data-scale="1.5"'; } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1"'; } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300"'; } $scr_effect_attribs = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-easing="linear" ' . $scr_effect_attribs_split; $scr_effect_attribs_fade = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-translatey="200" data-opacity="0.1" data-easing="linear"'; } ?> <div class="kl-slideshow static-content__slideshow <?php echo $this->data['uid']; ?> <?php echo $scr_main_class; ?> <?php echo $this->opt('css_class', ''); ?> "> <div class="bgback"></div> <div class="kl-slideshow-inner static-content__wrapper sc--videobg <?php echo $this->opt('sc_fullscreen', '0') ? 'static-content--fullscreen' : ''; ?> <?php echo (int) $this->opt('ww_height', 600) ? 'static-content--height' : ''; ?> "> <div class="static-content__source <?php echo $scr_effect_class; ?> " <?php echo $scr_effect_attribs; ?> > <?php $sourcetype = $this->opt('sc_vb_video_type'); if ($sourcetype == 'self') { $sourcetype = 'video_self'; } else { if ($sourcetype == 'iframe') { $sourcetype = 'embed_iframe'; } } WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source(array('source_type' => $sourcetype, 'source_background_image' => $this->opt('background_image'), 'source_vd_yt' => $this->opt('source_vd_yt'), 'source_vd_self_mp4' => $this->opt('sc_vb_sh_video1'), 'source_vd_self_ogg' => $this->opt('sc_vb_sh_video2'), 'source_vd_self_webm' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_webm'), 'source_vd_embed_iframe' => $this->opt('sc_vb_embed'), 'source_vd_vp' => $this->opt('sc_vb_sh_video_cover'), 'source_vd_autoplay' => $this->opt('source_vd_autoplay', 'yes'), 'source_vd_loop' => $this->opt('source_vd_loop', 'yes'), 'source_vd_muted' => $this->opt('source_vd_muted', 'yes'), 'source_vd_controls' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls'), 'source_vd_controls_pos' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls_pos'), 'source_overlay' => $this->opt('source_overlay'), 'source_overlay_color' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color'), 'source_overlay_opacity' => $this->opt('source_overlay_opacity'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient_opac'))); ?> <div class="th-sparkles"></div> </div><!-- /.static-content__source --> <div class="static-content__inner container sc--captpos-<?php echo $this->opt('sc_caption_pos', 'middle'); ?> "> <div class="kl-slideshow-safepadding sc__container <?php echo $scr_effect_class; ?> " <?php echo $scr_effect_attribs_fade; ?> > <?php echo '<div class="sc__video-captions">'; if (!empty($options['sc_vb_line1'])) { echo '<span class="sc__video-line kl-font-alt">' . do_shortcode($options['sc_vb_line1']) . '</span>'; } if (!empty($options['sc_vb_line2'])) { echo '<span class="sc__video-line kl-font-alt">' . do_shortcode($options['sc_vb_line2']) . '</span>'; } echo '</div>'; ?> </div><!-- /.container --> </div><!-- /.static-content__inner --> </div><!-- /.static-content__wrapper --> </div><!-- end kl-slideshow --> <?php }
/** * This method is used to display the output of the element. * * @return void */ function element() { $options = $this->data['options']; if (empty($options['single_icarousel'])) { return; } $style = $this->opt('ic_header_style', ''); if (!empty($style)) { $style = 'uh_' . $style; } $bottom_mask = $this->opt('hm_header_bmasks', 'none'); $bm_class = $bottom_mask != 'none' ? 'maskcontainer--' . $bottom_mask : ''; // Slider Options $data_attrs = array(); $data_attrs[] = 'data-autoplay="' . $this->opt('ic_autoplay', 'true') . '"'; $data_attrs[] = 'data-timeout="' . $this->opt('ic_timeout', '5000') . '"'; $data_attrs[] = 'data-perspective="' . $this->opt('ic_perspective', '75') . '"'; $data_attrs[] = 'data-slidespaces="' . $this->opt('ic_slidesspaces', '300') . '"'; $data_attrs[] = 'data-slides="' . $this->opt('ic_slides', '7') . '"'; $data_attrs[] = 'data-direction="' . $this->opt('ic_direction', 'ltr') . '"'; $data_attrs[] = 'data-keyboard="' . $this->opt('ic_keyboard', 'true') . '"'; $data_attrs[] = 'data-mousewheel="' . $this->opt('ic_mousewheel', 'true') . '"'; $data_attrs[] = 'data-timer="' . $this->opt('ic_timer', 'Bar') . '"'; $data_attrs[] = 'data-timeropc="' . $this->opt('ic_timer_opacity', '40') . '"'; $data_attrs[] = 'data-timerdim="' . $this->opt('ic_timer_diameter', '220') . '"'; $data_attrs[] = 'data-timercolor="' . $this->opt('ic_timercolor', '#fff') . '"'; $data_attrs[] = 'data-timerpos="' . $this->opt('ic_timerposition', 'bottom-center') . '"'; $data_attrs[] = 'data-timeroffx="' . $this->opt('ic_timer_offset_x', '15') . '"'; $data_attrs[] = 'data-timeroffy="' . $this->opt('ic_timer_offset_y', '-5') . '"'; ?> <div class="kl-slideshow kl-icarousel <?php echo $style; ?> <?php echo $bm_class; ?> <?php echo $this->data['uid']; ?> <?php echo $this->opt('css_class', ''); ?> " > <div class="fake-loading loading-1s"></div> <div class="bgback"></div> <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source(array('source_type' => $this->opt('source_type'), 'source_background_image' => $this->opt('background_image'), 'source_vd_yt' => $this->opt('source_vd_yt'), 'source_vd_self_mp4' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_mp4'), 'source_vd_self_ogg' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_ogg'), 'source_vd_self_webm' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_webm'), 'source_vd_vp' => $this->opt('source_vd_vp'), 'source_vd_autoplay' => $this->opt('source_vd_autoplay'), 'source_vd_loop' => $this->opt('source_vd_loop'), 'source_vd_muted' => $this->opt('source_vd_muted'), 'source_vd_controls' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls'), 'source_vd_controls_pos' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls_pos'), 'source_overlay' => $this->opt('source_overlay'), 'source_overlay_color' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color'), 'source_overlay_opacity' => $this->opt('source_overlay_opacity'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient_opac'))); ?> <div class="kl-icarousel-container kl-slideshow-safepadding"> <?php if (isset($options['single_icarousel']) && is_array($options['single_icarousel'])) { echo '<div class="th-icarousel kl-icarousel__wrapper" data-count="' . count($options['single_icarousel']) . '" ' . implode(' ', $data_attrs) . '>'; foreach ($options['single_icarousel'] as $slide) { echo '<div class="kl-icarousel__slide">'; $ic_slide_link = zn_extract_link($slide['ic_slide_link'], 'slide kl-icarousel__link'); echo $ic_slide_link['start']; if (isset($slide['ic_slide_image']) && !empty($slide['ic_slide_image'])) { $image = vt_resize('', $slide['ic_slide_image'], '480', '360', true); echo '<div style="background-image:url(' . $image['url'] . ')" class="kl-icarousel__img"></div>'; } if (isset($slide['ic_slide_title']) && !empty($slide['ic_slide_title'])) { echo '<h5 class="kl-icarousel__title ff-alternative"><span>' . $slide['ic_slide_title'] . '</span></h5>'; } echo $ic_slide_link['end']; echo '</div>'; } echo '</div>'; } ?> </div> <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_bottommask_markup($bottom_mask); ?> </div><!-- end kl-slideshow --> <?php }
echo $style; ?> <?php echo $bm_class; ?> <?php echo $this->data['uid']; ?> <?php echo $this->opt('css_class', ''); ?> "> <div class="bgback"></div> <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source(array('source_type' => $this->opt('source_type'), 'source_background_image' => $this->opt('background_image'), 'source_vd_yt' => $this->opt('source_vd_yt'), 'source_vd_self_mp4' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_mp4'), 'source_vd_self_ogg' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_ogg'), 'source_vd_self_webm' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_webm'), 'source_vd_vp' => $this->opt('source_vd_vp'), 'source_vd_autoplay' => $this->opt('source_vd_autoplay'), 'source_vd_loop' => $this->opt('source_vd_loop'), 'source_vd_muted' => $this->opt('source_vd_muted'), 'source_vd_controls' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls'), 'source_vd_controls_pos' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls_pos'), 'source_overlay' => $this->opt('source_overlay'), 'source_overlay_color' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color'), 'source_overlay_opacity' => $this->opt('source_overlay_opacity'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient_opac'))); ?> <div class="th-sparkles"></div> <div class="kl-slideshow-inner container kl-slideshow-safepadding"> <div class="row"> <div class="ca-container" data-count="<?php echo $countitm; ?> "> <div class="ca-nav"> <span class="ca-nav-prev"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left kl-icon-white"></span></span> <span class="ca-nav-next"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right kl-icon-white"></span></span> </div> <div class="ca-wrapper ca-alt" data-autoplay="<?php echo $this->opt('ww_slider_autoplay') == 1 ? 1 : 0;
/** * This method is used to display the output of the element. * * @return void */ function element() { $uid = $this->data['uid']; $options = $this->data['options']; if (empty($options)) { return; } $style = $this->opt('ww_header_style', ''); if (!empty($style)) { $style = 'uh_' . $style; } $bottom_mask = $this->opt('hm_header_bmasks', 'none'); $bm_class = $bottom_mask != 'none' ? 'maskcontainer--' . $bottom_mask : ''; // Scrolling Effect $is_screffect = $this->opt('sc_scrolling', 0) == 1; $scrolling_type = $this->opt('sc_scrolling_type', 'translate_op_scale'); $scr_main_class = ''; $scr_effect_class = ''; $scr_effect_attribs = ''; $scr_effect_attribs_fade = ''; if ($is_screffect) { $scr_main_class = 'scrollme'; $scr_effect_class = 'animateme'; $scr_effect_attribs_split = ''; if ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op_scale') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1" data-scale="1.5"'; } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1"'; } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300"'; } $scr_effect_attribs = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-easing="linear" ' . $scr_effect_attribs_split; $scr_effect_attribs_fade = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-translatey="200" data-opacity="0.1" data-easing="linear"'; } ?> <div class="kl-slideshow static-content__slideshow sc--weatherbox <?php echo $style; ?> <?php echo $uid; ?> <?php echo $bm_class; ?> <?php echo $scr_main_class; ?> <?php echo $this->opt('css_class', ''); ?> "> <div class="bgback"></div> <div class="kl-slideshow-inner static-content__wrapper <?php echo $this->opt('sc_fullscreen', '0') ? 'static-content--fullscreen' : ''; ?> <?php echo (int) $this->opt('ww_height') ? 'static-content--height' : ''; ?> "> <?php if ($this->opt('source_type', '') != '' || $this->opt('source_overlay', '') != 0) { ?> <div class="static-content__source <?php echo $scr_effect_class; ?> " <?php echo $scr_effect_attribs; ?> > <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source(array('source_type' => $this->opt('source_type'), 'source_background_image' => $this->opt('background_image'), 'source_vd_yt' => $this->opt('source_vd_yt'), 'source_vd_self_mp4' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_mp4'), 'source_vd_self_ogg' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_ogg'), 'source_vd_self_webm' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_webm'), 'source_vd_vp' => $this->opt('source_vd_vp'), 'source_vd_autoplay' => $this->opt('source_vd_autoplay'), 'source_vd_loop' => $this->opt('source_vd_loop'), 'source_vd_muted' => $this->opt('source_vd_muted'), 'source_vd_controls' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls'), 'source_vd_controls_pos' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls_pos'), 'source_overlay' => $this->opt('source_overlay'), 'source_overlay_color' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color'), 'source_overlay_opacity' => $this->opt('source_overlay_opacity'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient_opac'))); ?> <div class="th-sparkles"></div> </div><!-- /.static-content__source --> <?php } ?> <div class="static-content__inner container"> <div class="kl-slideshow-safepadding sc__container <?php echo $scr_effect_class; ?> " <?php echo $scr_effect_attribs_fade; ?> > <div class="static-content sc--wb-style"> <?php // TITLE if (isset($options['ww_slide_title']) && !empty($options['ww_slide_title'])) { echo '<h2 class="static-content__title text-center">' . do_shortcode($options['ww_slide_title']) . '</h2>'; } // SUBTITLE if (isset($options['ww_slide_subtitle']) && !empty($options['ww_slide_subtitle'])) { echo '<h3 class="static-content__subtitle text-center">' . do_shortcode($options['ww_slide_subtitle']) . '</h3>'; } // BUTTON $ww_slide_m_button = $this->opt('ww_slide_m_button', ''); $ww_slide_l_text = $this->opt('ww_slide_l_text', ''); $ww_slide_link = zn_extract_link($this->opt('ww_slide_link', ''), 'btn btn-fullcolor btn-lg btn-third'); if ($ww_slide_m_button || $ww_slide_l_text) { echo '<div class="sc__actionarea">'; if ($ww_slide_l_text && !empty($ww_slide_link['start'])) { echo $ww_slide_link['start'] . $ww_slide_l_text . $ww_slide_link['end']; } // BUTTON LEFT TEXT if ($ww_slide_m_button) { echo '<h5 class="sc-infopop__text kl-font-alt">' . $ww_slide_m_button . '</h5>'; } echo '<div class="clear"></div>'; echo '</div>'; } ?> <?php if ($this->opt('scw_enable', '1') && $this->opt('scw_woeid') != '') { ?> <div class="sc__weather" id="sc__weather_<?php echo $uid; ?> " data-woeid="<?php echo $this->opt('scw_woeid', ''); ?> " data-location="<?php echo $this->opt('scw_location', ''); ?> " data-unit="<?php echo $this->opt('scw_unit', 'f'); ?> "> <div class="fake-loading loading4s fl--nobg"></div> </div><!-- /.sc__weather --> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div><!-- /.kl-slideshow-inner__inner --> <?php if ($this->opt('sc_fullscreen', '0')) { ?> <a class="tonext-btn js-tonext-btn" href="#" data-endof=".kl-slideshow-inner"> <span class="mouse-anim-icon"></span> </a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_bottommask_markup($bottom_mask); ?> <!-- header bottom style --> </div><!-- end kl-slideshow --> <?php }
/** * This method is used to display the output of the element. * @return void */ function element() { $options = $this->data['options']; if (empty($options)) { return; } $uid = $this->data['uid']; $style = $this->opt('ww_header_style', ''); if (!empty($style)) { $style = 'uh_' . $style; } $bottom_mask = $this->opt('hm_header_bmasks', 'none'); $bm_class = $bottom_mask != 'none' ? 'maskcontainer--' . $bottom_mask : ''; // Scrolling Effect $is_screffect = $this->opt('sc_scrolling', 0) == 1; $scrolling_type = $this->opt('sc_scrolling_type', 'translate_op_scale'); $scr_main_class = ''; $scr_effect_class = ''; $scr_effect_attribs = ''; $scr_effect_attribs_fade = ''; if ($is_screffect) { $scr_main_class = 'scrollme'; $scr_effect_class = 'animateme'; $scr_effect_attribs_split = ''; if ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op_scale') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1" data-scale="1.5"'; } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1"'; } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300"'; } $scr_effect_attribs = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-easing="linear" ' . $scr_effect_attribs_split; $scr_effect_attribs_fade = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-translatey="200" data-opacity="0.1" data-easing="linear"'; } ?> <div class="kl-slideshow static-content__slideshow nobg <?php echo $uid; ?> <?php echo $bm_class; ?> <?php echo $scr_main_class; ?> <?php echo $this->opt('css_class', ''); ?> "> <div class="bgback"></div> <div class="kl-slideshow-inner static-content__wrapper <?php echo $this->opt('sc_fullscreen', '0') ? 'static-content--fullscreen' : ''; ?> <?php echo (int) $this->opt('ww_height') ? 'static-content--height' : ''; ?> "> <?php if ($this->opt('source_type', '') != '' || $this->opt('source_overlay', '') != 0) { ?> <div class="static-content__source <?php echo $scr_effect_class; ?> " <?php echo $scr_effect_attribs; ?> > <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source(array('source_type' => $this->opt('source_type'), 'source_background_image' => $this->opt('background_image'), 'source_vd_yt' => $this->opt('source_vd_yt'), 'source_vd_self_mp4' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_mp4'), 'source_vd_self_ogg' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_ogg'), 'source_vd_self_webm' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_webm'), 'source_vd_vp' => $this->opt('source_vd_vp'), 'source_vd_autoplay' => $this->opt('source_vd_autoplay'), 'source_vd_loop' => $this->opt('source_vd_loop'), 'source_vd_muted' => $this->opt('source_vd_muted'), 'source_vd_controls' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls'), 'source_vd_controls_pos' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls_pos'), 'source_overlay' => $this->opt('source_overlay'), 'source_overlay_color' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color'), 'source_overlay_opacity' => $this->opt('source_overlay_opacity'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient_opac'))); ?> <div class="th-sparkles"></div> </div><!-- /.static-content__source --> <?php } ?> <div class="static-content__inner container"> <div class="kl-slideshow-safepadding sc__container <?php echo $scr_effect_class; ?> " <?php echo $scr_effect_attribs_fade; ?> > <div class="static-content default-style static-content--with-login"> <?php // Check if this is a request coming from an authenticated user and if it is, // then do not display the form - there's no point in that. // This form will only work for unauthenticated users $section_1_class = 'col-sm-12'; $showForm = !is_user_logged_in() && (int) get_option('users_can_register') == 1; if ($showForm) { $section_1_class = 'col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1 col-md-7 col-md-offset-0'; } ?> <div class="row"> <div class="<?php echo $section_1_class; ?> "> <?php if (!empty($options['ww_slide_title'])) { echo '<h2 class="static-content__title">' . do_shortcode($options['ww_slide_title']) . '</h2>'; } if (!empty($options['ww_slide_subtitle'])) { echo '<h3 class="static-content__subtitle">' . do_shortcode($options['ww_slide_subtitle']) . '</h3>'; } $ww_slide_l_text = $this->opt('ww_slide_l_text', ''); $ww_slide_link = zn_extract_link($this->opt('ww_slide_link', ''), 'sc-infopop__btn text-custom'); if (!empty($options['ww_slide_m_button']) && !empty($ww_slide_l_text) && !empty($ww_slide_link['start'])) { echo '<div class="static-content__infopop fadeBoxIn sc-infopop--left" data-arrow="top">'; echo $ww_slide_link['start'] . $ww_slide_l_text . $ww_slide_link['end']; echo '<h5 class="sc-infopop__text kl-font-alt">' . $options['ww_slide_m_button'] . '</h5>'; echo '<div class="clear"></div>'; echo '</div>'; } ?> </div> <?php if ($showForm) { ?> <div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1 col-md-5 col-md-offset-0"> <div class="fancy_register_form"> <h4 style="text-align:center"><?php _e("Create <strong>your account</strong> now", 'zn_framework'); ?> </h4> <form name="login_form" method="post" class="th-register-form register_form_static form-horizontal zn_form_login" action="<?php echo site_url('wp-login.php?action=register', 'login_post'); ?> "> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-sm-4 control-label" for="user_login"><?php _e("Username", 'zn_framework'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-8"> <input type="text" name="user_login" id="user_login" class="form-control inputbox" required placeholder="<?php _e("Username", 'zn_framework'); ?> "/> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-sm-4 control-label" for="user_email"><?php _e("Email", 'zn_framework'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-8"> <input type="email" name="user_email" id="user_email" class="form-control inputbox required" placeholder="<?php _e("Your email", 'zn_framework'); ?> "/> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-sm-4 control-label" for="user_password"><?php _e("Your password", 'zn_framework'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-8"> <input type="password" name="user_password" id="user_password" class="form-control inputbox" required placeholder="<?php _e("Your password", 'zn_framework'); ?> "/> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-sm-4 control-label" for="user_password2"><?php _e("Verify password", 'zn_framework'); ?> </label> <div class="col-sm-8"> <input type="password" name="user_password2" id="user_password2" class="form-control inputbox" required placeholder="<?php _e("Verify password", 'zn_framework'); ?> "/> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <div class="col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-4" style="margin-bottom:0;"> <input type="submit" name="submit" class="zn_sub_button btn btn-fullcolor th-button-register" value="<?php _e("REGISTER", 'zn_framework'); ?> "/> </div> </div> <div class="th-response" style="display: none;"></div> <input type="hidden" value="register" name="zn_form_action"/> <input type="hidden" value="zn_do_login" name="action"/> <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?> " class="zn_login_redirect" name="submit"/> <div class="links"></div> </form> </div> </div><!-- end section right --> <?php } /* End if (! logged in)*/ ?> </div><!-- end row --> </div><!-- end static content --> </div><!-- /.container --> </div><!-- /.static-content__inner --> </div><!-- /.static-content__wrapper --> <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_bottommask_markup($bottom_mask); ?> </div><!-- end kl-slideshow --> <?php }
/** * This method is used to display the output of the element. * @return void */ function element() { $options = $this->data['options']; if (empty($options)) { return; } $uid = $this->data['uid']; $style = $this->opt('ww_header_style', ''); if (!empty($style)) { $style = 'uh_' . $style; } $bottom_mask = $this->opt('hm_header_bmasks', 'none'); $bm_class = $bottom_mask != 'none' ? 'maskcontainer--' . $bottom_mask : ''; // Scrolling Effect $is_screffect = $this->opt('sc_scrolling', 0) == 1; $scrolling_type = $this->opt('sc_scrolling_type', 'translate_op_scale'); $scr_main_class = ''; $scr_effect_class = ''; $scr_effect_attribs = ''; $scr_effect_attribs_fade = ''; if ($is_screffect) { $scr_main_class = 'scrollme'; $scr_effect_class = 'animateme'; $scr_effect_attribs_split = ''; if ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op_scale') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1" data-scale="1.5"'; } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1"'; } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300"'; } $scr_effect_attribs = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-easing="linear" ' . $scr_effect_attribs_split; $scr_effect_attribs_fade = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-translatey="200" data-opacity="0.1" data-easing="linear"'; } ?> <div class="kl-slideshow static-content__slideshow <?php echo $style; ?> <?php echo $uid; ?> <?php echo $bm_class; ?> <?php echo $scr_main_class; ?> <?php echo $this->opt('css_class', ''); ?> "> <div class="bgback"></div> <div class="kl-slideshow-inner static-content__wrapper <?php echo $this->opt('sc_fullscreen', '0') ? 'static-content--fullscreen' : ''; ?> <?php echo (int) $this->opt('ww_height') ? 'static-content--height' : ''; ?> "> <?php if ($this->opt('source_type', '') != '' || $this->opt('source_overlay', '') != 0) { ?> <div class="static-content__source <?php echo $scr_effect_class; ?> " <?php echo $scr_effect_attribs; ?> > <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source(array('source_type' => $this->opt('source_type'), 'source_background_image' => $this->opt('background_image'), 'source_vd_yt' => $this->opt('source_vd_yt'), 'source_vd_self_mp4' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_mp4'), 'source_vd_self_ogg' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_ogg'), 'source_vd_self_webm' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_webm'), 'source_vd_vp' => $this->opt('source_vd_vp'), 'source_vd_autoplay' => $this->opt('source_vd_autoplay'), 'source_vd_loop' => $this->opt('source_vd_loop'), 'source_vd_muted' => $this->opt('source_vd_muted'), 'source_vd_controls' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls'), 'source_vd_controls_pos' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls_pos'), 'source_overlay' => $this->opt('source_overlay'), 'source_overlay_color' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color'), 'source_overlay_opacity' => $this->opt('source_overlay_opacity'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient_opac'))); ?> <div class="th-sparkles"></div> </div><!-- /.static-content__source --> <?php } ?> <div class="static-content__inner container"> <div class="kl-slideshow-safepadding sc__container <?php echo $scr_effect_class; ?> " <?php echo $scr_effect_attribs_fade; ?> > <div class="static-content textpop-style"> <div class="textpop__texts"> <?php // Line 1 if (!empty($options['sc_pop_line1'])) { echo '<span class="textpop__line1 kl-font-alt">' . $options['sc_pop_line1'] . '</span>'; } // Line 2 if (!empty($options['sc_pop_line2'])) { echo '<span class="textpop__line2 kl-font-alt">' . $options['sc_pop_line2'] . '</span>'; } // Line 3 if (!empty($options['sc_pop_line3'])) { echo '<span class="textpop__line3 kl-font-alt">' . $options['sc_pop_line3'] . '</span>'; } // Line 4 if (!empty($options['sc_pop_line4'])) { echo '<span class="textpop__line4 kl-font-alt">' . $options['sc_pop_line4'] . '</span>'; } ?> </div> <?php // BUTTON $ww_slide_m_button = $this->opt('ww_slide_m_button', ''); $ww_slide_l_text = $this->opt('ww_slide_l_text', ''); $ww_slide_link = zn_extract_link($this->opt('ww_slide_link', ''), 'sc-infopop__btn text-custom'); if ($ww_slide_m_button || $ww_slide_l_text) { echo '<div class="static-content__infopop fadeBoxIn" data-arrow="top">'; if ($ww_slide_l_text && !empty($ww_slide_link['start'])) { echo $ww_slide_link['start'] . $ww_slide_l_text . $ww_slide_link['end']; } // BUTTON LEFT TEXT if ($ww_slide_m_button) { echo '<h5 class="sc-infopop__text kl-font-alt">' . $ww_slide_m_button . '</h5>'; } echo '<div class="clear"></div>'; echo '</div>'; } ?> </div><!-- /.video-style --> </div><!-- /.container --> </div><!-- /.static-content__inner --> </div><!-- /.static-content__wrapper --> <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_bottommask_markup($bottom_mask); ?> </div><!-- end kl-slideshow --> <?php }
/** * This method is used to display the output of the element. * @return void */ function element() { $options = $this->data['options']; if (empty($options)) { return; } $bottom_mask = $this->opt('hm_header_bmasks', 'none'); $bm_class = $bottom_mask != 'none' ? 'maskcontainer--' . $bottom_mask : ''; $style = $this->opt('ww_header_style', ''); if (!empty($style)) { $style = 'uh_' . $style; } $countitm = 0; $singleItem = $this->opt('single_item'); $hasItems = isset($singleItem) && is_array($singleItem); if ($hasItems) { $countitm = count($singleItem); } ?> <div class="kl-slideshow circularcatalogue circularcarousel__slideshow <?php echo $style; ?> <?php echo $bm_class; ?> <?php echo $this->data['uid']; ?> <?php echo $this->opt('css_class', ''); ?> "> <div class="bgback"></div> <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source(array('source_type' => $this->opt('source_type'), 'source_background_image' => $this->opt('background_image'), 'source_vd_yt' => $this->opt('source_vd_yt'), 'source_vd_self_mp4' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_mp4'), 'source_vd_self_ogg' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_ogg'), 'source_vd_self_webm' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_webm'), 'source_vd_vp' => $this->opt('source_vd_vp'), 'source_vd_autoplay' => $this->opt('source_vd_autoplay'), 'source_vd_loop' => $this->opt('source_vd_loop'), 'source_vd_muted' => $this->opt('source_vd_muted'), 'source_vd_controls' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls'), 'source_vd_controls_pos' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls_pos'), 'source_overlay' => $this->opt('source_overlay'), 'source_overlay_color' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color'), 'source_overlay_opacity' => $this->opt('source_overlay_opacity'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient_opac'))); ?> <div class="th-sparkles"></div> <div class="kl-slideshow-inner container kl-slideshow-safepadding"> <div class="row"> <div class="ca-container" data-count="<?php echo $countitm; ?> "> <div class="ca-nav"> <span class="ca-nav-prev"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left kl-icon-white"></span></span> <span class="ca-nav-next"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right kl-icon-white"></span></span> </div> <div class="ca-wrapper ca-catalogue" data-autoplay="<?php echo $this->opt('ww_slider_autoplay') == 1 ? 1 : 0; ?> " data-timout="<?php echo $this->opt('ww_slider_timeout', 9000); ?> "> <?php if ($hasItems) { $i = 1; foreach ($singleItem as $slide) { echo '<div class="ca-item ca-item-' . $i . '">'; echo '<div class="ca-item-main">'; $bg = ''; if (isset($slide['ww_slide_image']) && !empty($slide['ww_slide_image'])) { $bg = 'style="background-image:url(' . $slide['ww_slide_image'] . ');"'; } echo '<div class="ca-background" ' . $bg . '></div><!-- background color -->'; // More button if (isset($slide['cc_enablepanel']) && !empty($slide['cc_enablepanel'])) { $smore = isset($slide['cc_slide_read_text']) && !empty($slide['cc_slide_read_text']) ? $slide['cc_slide_read_text'] : ''; $smore_theme = isset($slide['cc_slide_more_theme']) && !empty($slide['cc_slide_more_theme']) ? $slide['cc_slide_more_theme'] : 'light'; echo '<a href="#" class="circularcatalogue__more js-ca-more js-ca-more-close circularcatalogue__more--' . $smore_theme . '" data-text="' . $smore . '"><span></span></a>'; } echo '<div class="circularcatalogue__details">'; // Top label if (isset($slide['ww_top_label']) && !empty($slide['ww_top_label'])) { echo '<h4 class="circularcatalogue__tlabel">' . $slide['ww_top_label'] . '</h4>'; } // Title if (isset($slide['ww_slide_title']) && !empty($slide['ww_slide_title'])) { echo '<h3 class="circularcatalogue__title">'; echo '<span>' . $slide['ww_slide_title'] . '</span>'; echo '</h3>'; } // Bottom label if (isset($slide['ww_bottom_label']) && !empty($slide['ww_bottom_label'])) { echo '<h4 class="circularcatalogue__blabel">' . $slide['ww_bottom_label'] . '</h4>'; } echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; if ($this->opt('cc_enablepanel', 1)) { echo '<div class="ca-content-wrapper">'; //echo '<a href="#" class="ca-close"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span></a>'; echo '<div class="ca-content">'; // Content Title if (isset($slide['ww_slide_content_title']) && !empty($slide['ww_slide_content_title'])) { echo '<h6 class="ca-panel-title">' . $slide['ww_slide_content_title'] . '</h6>'; } // Image gallery in panel $gal_img1 = isset($slide['cc_sidegal1']) && !empty($slide['cc_sidegal1']); $gal_img2 = isset($slide['cc_sidegal2']) && !empty($slide['cc_sidegal2']); $gal_img3 = isset($slide['cc_sidegal3']) && !empty($slide['cc_sidegal3']); if ($gal_img1 || $gal_img2 || $gal_img3) { $img_width = isset($slide['cc_sidegal_w']) && !empty($slide['cc_sidegal_w']) ? $slide['cc_sidegal_w'] : 200; // 4/3 ratio for height $img_height = $img_width * 0.75; echo '<ul class="ca-gallery mfp-gallery mfp-gallery--images">'; if ($gal_img1) { $gal_img1_resize = vt_resize('', $slide['cc_sidegal1'], $img_width, $img_height, true); echo '<li><a href="' . $slide['cc_sidegal1'] . '"><img src="' . $gal_img1_resize['url'] . '" alt="" class="img-responsive"></a></li>'; } if ($gal_img2) { $gal_img2_resize = vt_resize('', $slide['cc_sidegal2'], $img_width, $img_height, true); echo '<li><a href="' . $slide['cc_sidegal2'] . '"><img src="' . $gal_img2_resize['url'] . '" alt="" class="img-responsive"></a></li>'; } if ($gal_img3) { $gal_img3_resize = vt_resize('', $slide['cc_sidegal3'], $img_width, $img_height, true); echo '<li><a href="' . $slide['cc_sidegal3'] . '"><img src="' . $gal_img3_resize['url'] . '" alt="" class="img-responsive"></a></li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } // Content description if (isset($slide['ww_slide_desc_full']) && !empty($slide['ww_slide_desc_full'])) { $content = wpautop($slide['ww_slide_desc_full']); echo '<div class="ca-content-text">'; if (preg_match('%(<[^>]*>.*?</)%i', $content, $regs)) { echo do_shortcode($content); } else { echo '<p>' . do_shortcode($content) . '</p>'; } echo '</div>'; } // Link if (isset($slide['ww_slide_read_text_content']) && !empty($slide['ww_slide_read_text_content'])) { $ww_slide_link = zn_extract_link($slide['ww_slide_link'], 'btn btn-lined lined-gray'); echo $ww_slide_link['start'] . $slide['ww_slide_read_text_content'] . $ww_slide_link['end']; } echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; } echo '</div><!-- end ca-item -->'; $i++; } } ?> </div> <!-- end ca-wrapper --> </div> <!-- end circular content carousel --> </div> </div> <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_bottommask_markup($bottom_mask); ?> <!-- header bottom style --> </div><!-- end kl-slideshow --> <?php }
/** * This method is used to display the output of the element. * @return void */ function element() { $options = $this->data['options']; if (empty($options['single_flex'])) { return; } $style = $this->opt('fs_header_style', ''); if (!empty($style)) { $style = 'uh_' . $style; } $thumbs = ''; if ($options['fs_show_thumbs']) { $thumbs = 'zn_has_thumbs'; } $full_image = ''; // Shadow style $fs_shadow = ''; if (isset($options['fs_shadow']) && $options['fs_shadow'] != '') { $fs_shadow = 'zn-shadow-lifted'; } $fs_height = '470'; if (isset($options['fs_height']) && !empty($options['fs_height'])) { $fs_height = (int) $options['fs_height']; } // Flex slider style $sliderStyle = 'classic'; if (isset($options['fs_style']) && $options['fs_style'] == 'modern') { $sliderStyle = 'modern'; } $bottom_mask = $this->opt('hm_header_bmasks', 'none'); $bm_class = $bottom_mask != 'none' ? 'maskcontainer--' . $bottom_mask : ''; ?> <div class="kl-slideshow simpleslider__slideshow <?php echo $this->data['uid']; ?> <?php echo $style; ?> <?php echo $bm_class; ?> <?php echo $this->opt('css_class', ''); ?> "> <div class="fake-loading loading-2s"></div> <div class="bgback"></div> <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source(array('source_type' => $this->opt('source_type'), 'source_background_image' => $this->opt('background_image'), 'source_vd_yt' => $this->opt('source_vd_yt'), 'source_vd_self_mp4' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_mp4'), 'source_vd_self_ogg' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_ogg'), 'source_vd_self_webm' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_webm'), 'source_vd_vp' => $this->opt('source_vd_vp'), 'source_vd_autoplay' => $this->opt('source_vd_autoplay'), 'source_vd_loop' => $this->opt('source_vd_loop'), 'source_vd_muted' => $this->opt('source_vd_muted'), 'source_vd_controls' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls'), 'source_vd_controls_pos' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls_pos'), 'source_overlay' => $this->opt('source_overlay'), 'source_overlay_color' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color'), 'source_overlay_opacity' => $this->opt('source_overlay_opacity'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient_opac'))); ?> <div class="th-sparkles"></div> <div class="kl-slideshow-inner container kl-slideshow-safepadding"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <div class="zn_simple_slider_container showOnMouseover <?php echo $thumbs; ?> <?php echo $fs_shadow; ?> kl-flex--<?php echo $sliderStyle; ?> "> <ul class="zn_general_carousel cfs--default " data-fancy="false" data-transition="<?php echo $this->opt('fs_transition', 'fade'); ?> " data-direction="left" data-autoplay="<?php echo $this->opt('ww_slider_autoplay') == 1 ? 1 : 0; ?> " data-timout="<?php echo $this->opt('fs_speed', 9000); ?> " data-easing="easeOutExpo" data-thumbs="<?php echo $thumbs; ?> "> <?php if (isset($options['single_flex']) && is_array($options['single_flex'])) { foreach ($options['single_flex'] as $slide) { $fs_slide_link = zn_extract_link($slide['fs_slide_link'], 'slide__link'); $link_title = zn_extract_link_title($slide['fs_slide_link']); $thumb = ''; if (isset($slide['fs_slide_image']) && !empty($slide['fs_slide_image'])) { $image = vt_resize('', $slide['fs_slide_image'], '1170', $fs_height, true); $full_image = '<div class="zn_simple_slider-itemimg" style="background-image:url(' . $image['url'] . ');"></div>'; if ($options['fs_show_thumbs']) { $small_thumb = vt_resize('', $slide['fs_slide_image'], '150', '60', true); $thumb = 'data-thumb="' . $small_thumb['url'] . '"'; } } echo '<li class="cfs--item" ' . $thumb . '>'; if ($sliderStyle == 'classic') { echo $fs_slide_link['start']; echo $full_image; echo $fs_slide_link['end']; } else { echo $full_image; echo '<div class="flex-gradient-overlay"></div>'; } echo '<div class="flex-caption-wrapper">'; // Label if (isset($slide['fs_slide_label']) && !empty($slide['fs_slide_label']) && $sliderStyle == 'modern') { echo '<h5 class="flex-label" style="' . (!empty($slide['fs_slide_label_color']) ? 'background-color:' . $slide['fs_slide_label_color'] : '') . '">' . $slide['fs_slide_label'] . '</h5>'; } if (isset($slide['fs_slide_title']) && !empty($slide['fs_slide_title'])) { echo '<h2 class="flex-caption kl-font-alt">' . $slide['fs_slide_title']; } if ($sliderStyle == 'modern') { echo $fs_slide_link['start']; echo $link_title; echo '<span class="flex-arrow"></span>'; echo $fs_slide_link['end']; } if (isset($slide['fs_slide_title']) && !empty($slide['fs_slide_title'])) { echo '</h2>'; } echo '</div>'; if ($sliderStyle == 'modern') { echo '<div class="flex-underbar"></div>'; } echo '</li>'; } } ?> </ul> <?php if ($this->opt('fs_bullets', 'true') || $this->opt('fs_show_thumbs', '0') == 1) { ?> <div class="zn_simple_carousel-pagi cfs--pagination <?php echo $thumbs; ?> "></div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($this->opt('fs_nav', 'true')) { ?> <div class="zn_simple_carousel-nav"> <span class="zn_simple_carousel-arr zn_general_carousel-prev cfs--prev"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> </span> <span class="zn_simple_carousel-arr zn_general_carousel-next cfs--next"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> </span> </div> <?php } ?> </div><!-- /.zn_simple_slider_container --> </div> </div> </div> <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_bottommask_markup($bottom_mask); ?> <!-- header bottom style --> </div><!-- end kl-slideshow --> <?php }
/** * This method is used to display the output of the element. * @return void */ function element() { $options = $this->data['options']; $uid = $this->data['uid']; if (empty($options)) { return; } $style = $this->opt('ww_header_style', ''); if (!empty($style)) { $style = 'uh_' . $style; } $bottom_mask = $this->opt('hm_header_bmasks', 'none'); $bm_class = $bottom_mask != 'none' ? 'maskcontainer--' . $bottom_mask : ''; // Scrolling Effect $is_screffect = $this->opt('sc_scrolling', 0) == 1; $scrolling_type = $this->opt('sc_scrolling_type', 'translate_op_scale'); $scr_main_class = ''; $scr_effect_class = ''; $scr_effect_attribs = ''; $scr_effect_attribs_fade = ''; if ($is_screffect) { $scr_main_class = 'scrollme'; $scr_effect_class = 'animateme'; $scr_effect_attribs_split = ''; if ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op_scale') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1" data-scale="1.5"'; } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1"'; } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300"'; } $scr_effect_attribs = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-easing="linear" ' . $scr_effect_attribs_split; $scr_effect_attribs_fade = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-translatey="200" data-opacity="0.1" data-easing="linear"'; } ?> <div class="kl-slideshow static-content__slideshow <?php echo $style; ?> <?php echo $uid; ?> <?php echo $bm_class; ?> <?php echo $scr_main_class; ?> <?php echo $this->opt('css_class', ''); ?> "> <div class="bgback"></div> <div class="kl-slideshow-inner static-content__wrapper <?php echo $this->opt('sc_fullscreen', '0') ? 'static-content--fullscreen' : ''; ?> <?php echo (int) $this->opt('ww_height') ? 'static-content--height' : ''; ?> "> <?php if ($this->opt('source_type', '') != '' || $this->opt('source_overlay', '') != 0) { ?> <div class="static-content__source <?php echo $scr_effect_class; ?> " <?php echo $scr_effect_attribs; ?> > <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source(array('source_type' => $this->opt('source_type'), 'source_background_image' => $this->opt('background_image'), 'source_vd_yt' => $this->opt('source_vd_yt'), 'source_vd_self_mp4' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_mp4'), 'source_vd_self_ogg' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_ogg'), 'source_vd_self_webm' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_webm'), 'source_vd_vp' => $this->opt('source_vd_vp'), 'source_vd_autoplay' => $this->opt('source_vd_autoplay'), 'source_vd_loop' => $this->opt('source_vd_loop'), 'source_vd_muted' => $this->opt('source_vd_muted'), 'source_vd_controls' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls'), 'source_vd_controls_pos' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls_pos'), 'source_overlay' => $this->opt('source_overlay'), 'source_overlay_color' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color'), 'source_overlay_opacity' => $this->opt('source_overlay_opacity'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient_opac'))); ?> <div class="th-sparkles"></div> </div><!-- /.static-content__source --> <?php } ?> <div class="static-content__inner container"> <div class="kl-slideshow-safepadding sc__container <?php echo $scr_effect_class; ?> " <?php echo $scr_effect_attribs_fade; ?> > <div class="static-content productzoom-style"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1 col-md-5 col-md-offset-0"> <?php // TITLE if (!empty($options['sc_title'])) { echo '<h3 class="static-content__subtitle">' . do_shortcode($options['sc_title']) . '</h3>'; } // FEATURES LIST if (!empty($options['sc_lp_features'])) { echo '<ul class="sc__features">'; $textAr = explode("\n", $options['sc_lp_features']); foreach ($textAr as $index => $line) { echo '<li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok kl-icon-white"></span> ' . $line . '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } // First Button $sc_lp_button1 = $this->opt('sc_lp_button1', ''); $sc_lp_button1_link = zn_extract_link($this->opt('sc_lp_button1_link', ''), $this->opt('sc_lp_button1_style', '')); if (!empty($sc_lp_button1)) { $iconHolder = $this->opt('sc_lp_button1_icon', ''); $bicon = !empty($iconHolder['family']) ? '<span class="button-icon kl-' . $this->opt('sc_lp_button1_icon_style', '') . '" ' . zn_generate_icon($this->opt('sc_lp_button1_icon', '')) . '></span>' : ''; echo $sc_lp_button1_link['start'] . $bicon . '<span>' . $sc_lp_button1 . '</span>' . $sc_lp_button1_link['end']; } // Second Button $sc_2p_button1 = $this->opt('sc_2p_button1', ''); $sc_lp_button2_link = zn_extract_link($this->opt('sc_lp_button2_link', ''), $this->opt('sc_lp_button2_style', '')); $btText = $this->opt('sc_bt_text', ''); if (!empty($sc_lp_button1) && !empty($sc_2p_button1) && !empty($btText)) { echo '<span class="or">' . $this->opt('sc_bt_text', '') . '</span> '; } // Second Button if (!empty($sc_2p_button1)) { $iconHolder = $this->opt('sc_lp_button2_icon', ''); $bicon2 = !empty($iconHolder['family']) ? '<span class="button-icon kl-' . $this->opt('sc_lp_button2_icon_style', '') . '" ' . zn_generate_icon($this->opt('sc_lp_button2_icon', '')) . '></span>' : ''; echo $sc_lp_button2_link['start'] . $bicon2 . '<span>' . $sc_2p_button1 . '</span>' . $sc_lp_button2_link['end']; } ?> </div> <?php // IMAGE if (isset($options['sc_lp_image']) && !empty($options['sc_lp_image'])) { echo '<div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1 col-md-7 col-md-offset-0">'; echo '<div id="screenshot" class="sc__screenshot">'; $image = vt_resize('', $options['sc_lp_image'], '620', '390', true); $image_big = vt_resize('', $options['sc_lp_image'], '1000', '630', true); echo '<div class="image">'; echo '<a class="kjq-loupe" data-lightbox="image" href="' . $image_big['url'] . '">'; // echo '<img src="' . $image['url'] . '" width="' . $image['width'] . '" height="' . $image['height'] . '" />'; echo '<img src="' . $image['url'] . '" alt="" class="img-responsive" />'; echo '</a>'; echo '<div class="sc__loupe"></div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; } ?> </div><!-- end row --> </div><!-- /.productzoom-style --> </div><!-- /.sc__container --> </div><!-- /.static-content__inner --> </div><!-- /.static-content__wrapper --> <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_bottommask_markup($bottom_mask); ?> <!-- header bottom style --> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(){ jQuery('.kjq-loupe').loupe({ 'default_zoom': 150, 'default_size' : 160, 'apply_overlay' : false, 'drop_shadow' : false }); })(); </script> </div> <!-- end kl-slideshow --> <?php }
/** * This method is used to display the output of the element. * * @return void */ function element() { $uid = $this->data['uid']; $options = $this->data['options']; $style = $this->opt('ww_header_style', ''); if (!empty($style)) { $style = 'uh_' . $style; } $bottom_mask = $this->opt('hm_header_bmasks', 'none'); $bm_class = $bottom_mask != 'none' ? 'maskcontainer--' . $bottom_mask : ''; // Scrolling Effect $is_screffect = $this->opt('sc_scrolling', 0) == 1; $scrolling_type = $this->opt('sc_scrolling_type', 'translate_op_scale'); $scr_main_class = ''; $scr_effect_class = ''; $scr_effect_attribs = ''; $scr_effect_attribs_fade = ''; if ($is_screffect) { $scr_main_class = 'scrollme'; $scr_effect_class = 'animateme'; $scr_effect_attribs_split = ''; if ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op_scale') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1" data-scale="1.5"'; } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1"'; } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300"'; } $scr_effect_attribs = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-easing="linear" ' . $scr_effect_attribs_split; $scr_effect_attribs_fade = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-translatey="200" data-opacity="0.1" data-easing="linear"'; } ?> <div class="kl-slideshow static-content__slideshow sc--reservation-form <?php echo $style; ?> <?php echo $uid; ?> <?php echo $bm_class; ?> <?php echo $scr_main_class; ?> <?php echo $this->opt('css_class', ''); ?> "> <div class="bgback"></div> <div class="kl-slideshow-inner static-content__wrapper <?php echo $this->opt('sc_fullscreen', '0') ? 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'static-content--height' : ''; ?> "> <?php if ($this->opt('source_type', '') != '' || $this->opt('source_overlay', '') != 0) { ?> <div class="static-content__source <?php echo $scr_effect_class; ?> " <?php echo $scr_effect_attribs; ?> > <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source(array('source_type' => $this->opt('source_type'), 'source_background_image' => $this->opt('background_image'), 'source_vd_yt' => $this->opt('source_vd_yt'), 'source_vd_self_mp4' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_mp4'), 'source_vd_self_ogg' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_ogg'), 'source_vd_self_webm' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_webm'), 'source_vd_vp' => $this->opt('source_vd_vp'), 'source_vd_autoplay' => $this->opt('source_vd_autoplay'), 'source_vd_loop' => $this->opt('source_vd_loop'), 'source_vd_muted' => $this->opt('source_vd_muted'), 'source_vd_controls' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls'), 'source_vd_controls_pos' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls_pos'), 'source_overlay' => $this->opt('source_overlay'), 'source_overlay_color' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color'), 'source_overlay_opacity' => $this->opt('source_overlay_opacity'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient_opac'))); ?> <div class="th-sparkles"></div> </div><!-- /.static-content__source --> <?php } ?> <div class="static-content__inner container"> <div class="kl-slideshow-safepadding sc__container <?php echo $scr_effect_class; ?> " <?php echo $scr_effect_attribs_fade; ?> > <div class="static-content sc--resform-style"> <?php // TITLE if (isset($options['ww_slide_title']) && !empty($options['ww_slide_title'])) { echo '<h2 class="static-content__title sc-title--centered text-center">' . do_shortcode($options['ww_slide_title']) . '</h2>'; } // SUBTITLE if (isset($options['ww_slide_subtitle']) && !empty($options['ww_slide_subtitle'])) { echo '<h3 class="static-content__subtitle sc-subtitle--centered text-center">' . do_shortcode($options['ww_slide_subtitle']) . '</h3>'; } // BUTTON if (isset($options['ww_slide_m_button']) || !empty($options['ww_slide_l_text'])) { echo '<div class="sc__actionarea">'; $ww_slide_link = zn_extract_link($this->opt('ww_slide_link', ''), 'btn btn-lined btn-lg btn-third'); echo $ww_slide_link['start'] . $this->opt('ww_slide_l_text', '') . $ww_slide_link['end']; // BUTTON LEFT TEXT if (isset($options['ww_slide_m_button']) && !empty($options['ww_slide_m_button'])) { echo '<h5 class="sc-infopop__text kl-font-alt">' . $options['ww_slide_m_button'] . '</h5>'; } echo '<div class="clear"></div>'; echo '</div>'; } // Check if current year is leap year $crtYear = date('Y'); $isLeapYear = date('L', strtotime("{$crtYear}-01-01")); $months = array(__('JAN', 'zn_framework'), __('FEB', 'zn_framework'), __('MAR', 'zn_framework'), __('APR', 'zn_framework'), __('MAY', 'zn_framework'), __('JUN', 'zn_framework'), __('JUL', 'zn_framework'), __('AUG', 'zn_framework'), __('SEP', 'zn_framework'), __('OCT', 'zn_framework'), __('NOV', 'zn_framework'), __('DEC', 'zn_framework')); $days = array(0 => 31, 1 => $isLeapYear ? 29 : 28, 2 => 31, 3 => 30, 4 => 31, 5 => 30, 6 => 31, 7 => 31, 8 => 30, 9 => 31, 10 => 30, 11 => 31); ?> <div class="sc__res-form clearfix"> <form name="sc__form-reservation " action="#" class="sc__form-reservation"> <div class="rf__block rfblock--fields clearfix"> <div class="rf__field rffield--bigger clearfix"> <label class="rf__label"><?php _e('CHECK IN', 'zn_framework'); ?> </label> <select name="checkin_month" class="rf__select rf__checkinmonth"> <?php foreach ($months as $i => $month) { echo '<option value="' . $i . '">' . $month . '</option>'; } ?> </select> <select name="checkin_day" class="rf__select rf__checkinday"></select> </div><!-- /.rf__field --> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function($){ "use strict"; // Holds the days of each month var months = { 'm_0': [<?php echo implode(',', range(1, $days[0])); ?> ], 'm_1': [<?php echo implode(',', range(1, $days[1])); ?> ], 'm_2': [<?php echo implode(',', range(1, $days[2])); ?> ], 'm_3': [<?php echo implode(',', range(1, $days[3])); ?> ], 'm_4': [<?php echo implode(',', range(1, $days[4])); ?> ], 'm_5': [<?php echo implode(',', range(1, $days[5])); ?> ], 'm_6': [<?php echo implode(',', range(1, $days[6])); ?> ], 'm_7': [<?php echo implode(',', range(1, $days[7])); ?> ], 'm_8': [<?php echo implode(',', range(1, $days[8])); ?> ], 'm_9': [<?php echo implode(',', range(1, $days[9])); ?> ], 'm_10': [<?php echo implode(',', range(1, $days[10])); ?> ], 'm_11': [<?php echo implode(',', range(1, $days[11])); ?> ] }; // Helper method - set days accordingly to the month provided var setDays = function(months, selectedMonth){ var days = months[selectedMonth]; if(days){ $('.rf__checkinday').empty(); $.each(days, function(i,v){ $('.rf__checkinday').append('<option value="'+v+'">'+v+'</option>'); }); } }; // On change month $('.rf__checkinmonth').each(function(){ $(this).on('change', function(){ var selectedMonth = $(this).val(); if(selectedMonth >= 0 && selectedMonth <= 11){ selectedMonth = 'm_'+selectedMonth; setDays(months, selectedMonth); } }); }); // On Load setDays(months, 'm_'+0); /* * Build search query for endpoint */ var endpointUrl = "<?php echo $options['ww_endpoint_url']['url']; ?> ", monthUrlField = "<?php echo isset($options['ww_month_field']) && !empty($options['ww_month_field']) ? esc_attr($options['ww_month_field']) : 'm'; ?> ", dayUrlField = "<?php echo isset($options['ww_day_field']) && !empty($options['ww_day_field']) ? esc_attr($options['ww_day_field']) : 'd'; ?> ", nightsUrlField = "<?php echo isset($options['ww_nights_field']) && !empty($options['ww_nights_field']) ? esc_attr($options['ww_nights_field']) : 'n'; ?> ", guestsUrlField = "<?php echo isset($options['ww_guests_field']) && !empty($options['ww_guests_field']) ? esc_attr($options['ww_guests_field']) : 'g'; ?> ", sepFirst = '<?php echo false === ($pos = strpos($options['ww_endpoint_url']['url'], '?')) ? '?' : '&'; ?> ', sepNext = '&'; $('.rf__submit').on('click', function(ev){ ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); var _mv = $('.rf__checkinmonth').val(), _dv = $('.rf__checkinday').val(), _nv = $('.rf__checkin_nights').val(), _gv = $('.rf__checkinguests').val(), _month = monthUrlField + '=' + _mv + sepNext, _day = dayUrlField + '=' + _dv + sepNext, _nights = nightsUrlField + '=' + _nv + sepNext, _guests = guestsUrlField + '=' + _gv + sepNext; endpointUrl += sepFirst + _month + _day + _nights + _guests; <?php if ($options['ww_endpoint_url']['target'] == '_self') { ?> window.location.href = endpointUrl; <?php } else { ?> $('<form target="_blank" action="'+endpointUrl+'" style="display:none;">') .appendTo('body') .append('<input type="text" name="'+monthUrlField+'" value="'+_mv+'"/>') .append('<input type="text" name="'+dayUrlField+'" value="'+_dv+'"/>') .append('<input type="text" name="'+nightsUrlField+'" value="'+_nv+'"/>') .append('<input type="text" name="'+guestsUrlField+'" value="'+_gv+'"/>') .submit(); <?php } ?> }); }); </script> <div class="rf__field"> <label class="rf__label"><?php _e('NIGHTS', 'zn_framework'); ?> </label> <select name="checkin_nights" class="rf__select rf__checkin_nights"> <?php for ($i = 1; $i < 31; $i++) { echo '<option value="' . $i . '">' . $i . '</option>'; } ?> </select> </div><!-- /.rf__field --> <div class="rf__field"> <label class="rf__label"><?php _e('GUESTS', 'zn_framework'); ?> </label> <select name="checkin_guests" class="rf__select rf__checkinguests"> <?php for ($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++) { echo '<option value="' . $i . '">' . $i . '</option>'; } ?> </select> </div><!-- /.rf__field --> </div><!-- /.rf__block --> <div class="rf__block rfblock--submit"> <button class="rf__submit"> <span><?php _e('CHECK <br/> AVAILABILITY', 'zn_framework'); ?> </span> </button> </div><!-- /.rf__block --> </form> </div><!-- /.sc__res-form --> </div> </div> </div><!-- /.kl-slideshow-inner__inner --> <?php if ($this->opt('sc_fullscreen', '0')) { ?> <a class="tonext-btn js-tonext-btn" href="#" data-endof=".kl-slideshow-inner"> <span class="mouse-anim-icon"></span> </a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_bottommask_markup($bottom_mask); ?> <!-- header bottom style --> </div><!-- end kl-slideshow --> <?php }
/** * This method is used to display the output of the element. * * @return void */ function element() { $options = $this->data['options']; $style = $this->opt('ww_header_style', ''); if (!empty($style)) { $style = 'uh_' . $style; } $bottom_mask = $this->opt('hm_header_bmasks', 'none'); $bm_class = $bottom_mask != 'none' ? 'maskcontainer--' . $bottom_mask : ''; // Scrolling Effect $is_screffect = $this->opt('sc_scrolling', 0) == 1; $scrolling_type = $this->opt('sc_scrolling_type', 'translate_op_scale'); $scr_main_class = ''; $scr_effect_class = ''; $scr_effect_attribs = ''; $scr_effect_attribs_fade = ''; if ($is_screffect) { $scr_main_class = 'scrollme'; $scr_effect_class = 'animateme'; $scr_effect_attribs_split = ''; if ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op_scale') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1" data-scale="1.5"'; } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate_op') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300" data-opacity="0.1"'; } elseif ($scrolling_type == 'translate') { $scr_effect_attribs_split = 'data-translatey="300"'; } $scr_effect_attribs = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-easing="linear" ' . $scr_effect_attribs_split; $scr_effect_attribs_fade = ' data-when="span" data-from="0" data-to="0.75" data-translatey="200" data-opacity="0.1" data-easing="linear"'; } ?> <div class="kl-slideshow static-content__slideshow <?php echo $style; ?> <?php echo $this->data['uid']; ?> <?php echo $bm_class; ?> <?php echo $scr_main_class; ?> <?php echo $this->opt('css_class', ''); ?> "> <div class="bgback"></div> <div class="kl-slideshow-inner static-content__wrapper <?php echo $this->opt('sc_fullscreen', '0') ? 'static-content--fullscreen' : ''; ?> <?php echo (int) $this->opt('ww_height') ? 'static-content--height' : ''; ?> "> <?php if ($this->opt('source_type', '') != '' || $this->opt('source_overlay', '') != 0) { ?> <div class="static-content__source <?php echo $scr_effect_class; ?> " <?php echo $scr_effect_attribs; ?> > <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source(array('source_type' => $this->opt('source_type'), 'source_background_image' => $this->opt('background_image'), 'source_vd_yt' => $this->opt('source_vd_yt'), 'source_vd_self_mp4' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_mp4'), 'source_vd_self_ogg' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_ogg'), 'source_vd_self_webm' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_webm'), 'source_vd_vp' => $this->opt('source_vd_vp'), 'source_vd_autoplay' => $this->opt('source_vd_autoplay'), 'source_vd_loop' => $this->opt('source_vd_loop'), 'source_vd_muted' => $this->opt('source_vd_muted'), 'source_vd_controls' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls'), 'source_vd_controls_pos' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls_pos'), 'source_overlay' => $this->opt('source_overlay'), 'source_overlay_color' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color'), 'source_overlay_opacity' => $this->opt('source_overlay_opacity'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient_opac'))); ?> <div class="th-sparkles"></div> </div><!-- /.static-content__source --> <?php } ?> <div class="static-content__inner container"> <div class="kl-slideshow-safepadding sc__container <?php echo $scr_effect_class; ?> " <?php echo $scr_effect_attribs_fade; ?> > <div class="static-content event-style"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1 col-md-7 col-md-offset-0"> <?php // TITLE if (isset($options['sc_ec_title']) && !empty($options['sc_ec_title'])) { echo '<h3 class="static-content__subtitle">' . do_shortcode($options['sc_ec_title']) . '</h3>'; } ?> <div class="ud_counter kl-counter kl-font-alt"> <ul class="sc_counter kl-counter-list"> <li class="kl-counter-li"><?php _e('0', 'zn_framework'); ?> <span class="kl-counter-unit"><?php _e('day', 'zn_framework'); ?> </span></li> <li class="kl-counter-li"><?php _e('00', 'zn_framework'); ?> <span class="kl-counter-unit"><?php _e('hours', 'zn_framework'); ?> </span></li> <li class="kl-counter-li"><?php _e('00', 'zn_framework'); ?> <span class="kl-counter-unit"><?php _e('min', 'zn_framework'); ?> </span></li> <li class="kl-counter-li"><?php _e('00', 'zn_framework'); ?> <span class="kl-counter-unit"><?php _e('sec', 'zn_framework'); ?> </span></li> </ul> <?php echo '<span class="till_lauch kl-counter-launch"><img class="kl-counter-launch-img" src="' . THEME_BASE_URI . '/images/rocket.png" alt="' . __('Launch Date', 'zn_framework') . '"></span>'; ?> </div><!-- end counter --> <?php if (!empty($options['sc_ec_mlid'])) { echo '<div class="mail_when_ready kl-newsletter-wrapper">'; echo ' <form method="post" class="newsletter_subscribe newsletter-signup kl-newsletter clearfix" data-url="' . trailingslashit(home_url()) . '" name="newsletter_form">'; echo ' <input type="text" name="zn_mc_email" class="nl-email form-control kl-newsletter-field" value="" placeholder="' . __("*****@*****.**", 'zn_framework') . '" />'; echo ' <input type="hidden" name="zn_list_class" class="nl-lid" value="' . $options['sc_ec_mlid'] . '" />'; echo ' <input type="submit" name="submit" class="nl-submit kl-newsletter-submit kl-font-alt btn btn-fullcolor" value="' . __("JOIN US", 'zn_framework') . '" />'; echo ' </form>'; echo '<span class="zn_mailchimp_result kl-newsletter-result"></span>'; echo '</div>'; } if (!empty($options['sc_ec_mlid']) && isset($options['single_ec_social']) && is_array($options['single_ec_social'])) { echo '<span class="or">' . __("-or stay connected: ", 'zn_framework') . '</span>'; } if (isset($options['single_ec_social']) && is_array($options['single_ec_social'])) { $icon_class = $this->opt('sc_ec_social_color', 'normal'); echo '<ul class="social-icons sc--' . $icon_class . ' clearfix">'; foreach ($options['single_ec_social'] as $key => $icon) { $iconHolder = $icon['sc_ec_social_icon']; $social_icon = !empty($iconHolder['family']) ? zn_generate_icon($icon['sc_ec_social_icon']) : ''; $icon_color = ''; if ($icon_class != 'normal' && $icon_class != 'clean') { $icon_color = isset($icon['sc_ec_social_iconcolor']) && !empty($icon['sc_ec_social_iconcolor']) ? $icon['sc_ec_social_icon']['unicode'] : 'nocolor'; } if (isset($icon['sc_ec_social_title']) && !empty($icon['sc_ec_social_title'])) { if (isset($icon['sc_ec_social_link']) && !empty($icon['sc_ec_social_link'])) { $icon['sc_ec_social_link']['title'] = $icon['sc_ec_social_title']; } } $sc_ec_social_link = zn_extract_link($icon['sc_ec_social_link'], 'social-icons-item scev-icon-' . $icon_color, $social_icon); echo '<li class="social-icons-li">' . $sc_ec_social_link['start'] . $sc_ec_social_link['end'] . '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } ?> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <?php echo '<div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1 col-md-5 col-md-offset-0">'; // Text if (isset($options['sc_ec_vid_desc']) && !empty($options['sc_ec_vid_desc'])) { echo '<h5 style="text-align:right;">' . $options['sc_ec_vid_desc'] . '</h5>'; } // VIDEO if (isset($options['sc_ec_vime']) && !empty($options['sc_ec_vime'])) { echo '<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9 black_border">'; echo get_video_from_link($options['sc_ec_vime'], 'embed-responsive-item no-adjust', '520', '270'); echo '</div>'; } echo '</div>'; ?> </div><!-- /.row --> </div><!-- /. static content / event style --> </div><!-- /.container --> </div><!-- /.static-content__inner --> </div><!-- /.static-content__wrapper --> <?php if (isset($options['sc_ec_date']) && !empty($options['sc_ec_date']['date']) && !empty($options['sc_ec_date']['time'])) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function ($) { "use strict"; //#! Start countdown var years = "<?php _e('years', 'zn_framework'); ?> ", months = "<?php _e('months', 'zn_framework'); ?> ", weeks = "<?php _e('weeks', 'zn_framework'); ?> ", days = "<?php _e('days', 'zn_framework'); ?> ", hours = "<?php _e('hours', 'zn_framework'); ?> ", min = "<?php _e('min', 'zn_framework'); ?> ", sec = "<?php _e('sec', 'zn_framework'); ?> "; var counterOptions = { layout: function () { return '<li class="kl-counter-li">{dn}<span class="kl-counter-unit">{dl}</span></li>' + '<li class="kl-counter-li">{hn}<span class="kl-counter-unit">{hl}</span></li>' + '<li class="kl-counter-li">{mn}<span class="kl-counter-unit">{ml}</span></li>' + '<li class="kl-counter-li">{sn}<span class="kl-counter-unit">{sl}</span></li>'; } }; <?php // General Options $str_date = strtotime(trim($options['sc_ec_date']['date'])); $y = date('Y', $str_date); $mo = date('m', $str_date); $d = date('d', $str_date); $time = explode(':', $options['sc_ec_date']['time']); $h = $time[0]; $mi = $time[1]; ?> var y = <?php echo intval($y); ?> , mo = <?php echo intval($mo) - 1; ?> , d = <?php echo intval($d); ?> , h = <?php echo intval($h); ?> , mi = <?php echo intval($mi); ?> , t = new Date(y, mo, d, h, mi, 0); jQuery('.ud_counter .sc_counter').countdown({ until: t, layout: counterOptions.layout(), labels: [years, months, weeks, days, hours, min, sec], labels1: [years, months, weeks, days, hours, min, sec], format: 'DHMS' }); //#!-- End countdown }); </script> <?php } ?> <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_bottommask_markup($bottom_mask); ?> </div><!-- end kl-slideshow --> <?php }
/** * This method is used to display the output of the element. * @return void */ function element() { $options = $this->data['options']; if (empty($options['single_wow'])) { return; } $style = $this->opt('ww_header_style', ''); if (!empty($style)) { $style = 'uh_' . $style; } // Shadow style $ww_shadow = ''; if (isset($options['ww_shadow']) && $options['ww_shadow'] != '') { $ww_shadow = 'zn-shadow-lifted'; } $captstyle = ''; if (isset($options['ww_caption_style']) && $options['ww_caption_style'] != '') { $captstyle = 'ws-alternative-title'; } $sl_height = $this->opt('ww_sl_height', '470'); $bottom_mask = $this->opt('hm_header_bmasks', 'none'); $bm_class = $bottom_mask != 'none' ? 'maskcontainer--' . $bottom_mask : ''; ?> <div class="kl-slideshow kl-wowslider <?php echo $style; ?> <?php echo $bm_class; ?> <?php echo $this->data['uid']; ?> <?php echo $this->opt('css_class', ''); ?> "> <div class="fake-loading loading-2s"></div> <div class="bgback"></div> <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source(array('source_type' => $this->opt('source_type'), 'source_background_image' => $this->opt('background_image'), 'source_vd_yt' => $this->opt('source_vd_yt'), 'source_vd_self_mp4' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_mp4'), 'source_vd_self_ogg' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_ogg'), 'source_vd_self_webm' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_webm'), 'source_vd_vp' => $this->opt('source_vd_vp'), 'source_vd_autoplay' => $this->opt('source_vd_autoplay'), 'source_vd_loop' => $this->opt('source_vd_loop'), 'source_vd_muted' => $this->opt('source_vd_muted'), 'source_vd_controls' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls'), 'source_vd_controls_pos' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls_pos'), 'source_overlay' => $this->opt('source_overlay'), 'source_overlay_color' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color'), 'source_overlay_opacity' => $this->opt('source_overlay_opacity'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient_opac'))); ?> <div class="th-sparkles"></div> <div class="container kl-slideshow-inner kl-slideshow-safepadding"> <div class="th-wowslider <?php echo $ww_shadow; ?> <?php echo $captstyle; ?> " data-transition="<?php echo $this->opt('ww_transition', 'blast'); ?> " data-autoplay="<?php echo $this->opt('ww_autoplay', 'true'); ?> " data-timeout="<?php echo $this->opt('ww_timeout', '3000'); ?> "> <div class="ws_images"> <ul> <?php if (isset($options['single_wow']) && is_array($options['single_wow'])) { $i = 0; $thumbs = ''; foreach ($options['single_wow'] as $slide) { $title = ''; $ww_slide_link = zn_extract_link($slide['ww_slide_link'], 'link'); if (isset($slide['ww_slide_title']) && !empty($slide['ww_slide_title'])) { $title = $slide['ww_slide_title']; } echo '<li>'; echo $ww_slide_link['start']; if (isset($slide['ww_slide_image']) && !empty($slide['ww_slide_image'])) { $image = vt_resize('', $slide['ww_slide_image'], '1170', $sl_height, true); echo '<img id="wows1_' . $i . '" title="' . $title . '" alt="' . $title . '" src="' . $image['url'] . '" width="' . $image['width'] . '" height="' . $image['height'] . '" />'; $image_thumb = vt_resize('', $slide['ww_slide_image'], '150', '60', true); $thumbs .= '<a href="#" title="slide' . $i . '"><img src="' . $image_thumb['url'] . '" alt="" />' . $i . '</a>'; } echo $ww_slide_link['end']; echo '</li>'; $i++; } } ?> </ul> </div><!-- end ws_images --> <div class="ws_bullets"> <div> <?php echo $thumbs; ?> </div> </div><!-- end ws-bullets --> </div><!-- end #wow slider --> </div> <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_bottommask_markup($bottom_mask); ?> </div><!-- end kl-slideshow --> <?php }
/** * Display the proper sub-header based on the provided arguments * * @param array $args The list of arguments */ public static function zn_get_subheader($args = array()) { $id = zn_get_the_id(); $defaults = array('headerClass' => 'zn_def_header_style', 'title' => get_the_title($id), 'layout' => zget_option('zn_disable_subheader', 'general_options'), 'def_header_bread' => zget_option('def_header_bread', 'general_options', false, 1), 'def_header_date' => zget_option('def_header_date', 'general_options', false, 1), 'def_header_title' => zget_option('def_header_title', 'general_options', false, 1), 'show_subtitle' => zget_option('def_header_subtitle', 'general_options', false, true), 'extra_css_class' => '', 'bottommask' => zget_option('def_bottom_style', 'general_options', false, 'none'), 'bg_source' => '', 'is_element' => false, 'inherit_head_pad' => true, 'title_heading' => 'h2'); $saved_headers = zget_option('header_generator', 'unlimited_header_options', false, array()); // Combine defaults with the options saved in post meta if (is_singular()) { // if ( is_singular() || is_home() || is_shop() ) { $post_defaults = array(); $title_bar_layout = get_post_meta($id, 'zn_zn_disable_subheader', true); if (!empty($title_bar_layout)) { $post_defaults = array('layout' => $title_bar_layout, 'subtitle' => get_post_meta($id, 'zn_page_subtitle', true)); $saved_title = get_post_meta($id, 'zn_page_title', true); if (!empty($saved_title)) { $post_defaults['title'] = $saved_title; } } // Sub-header style $zn_subheader_style = get_post_meta($id, 'zn_subheader_style', true); if (!empty($zn_subheader_style)) { $post_defaults['headerClass'] = 'uh_' . $zn_subheader_style; } // Get Subheader settings from Unlimited Subheader style foreach ($saved_headers as $header) { if (isset($header['uh_style_name']) && !empty($header['uh_style_name'])) { $header_name = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $header['uh_style_name'])); if ($zn_subheader_style == $header_name) { $defaults['bottommask'] = $header['uh_bottom_style']; } } } $defaults = wp_parse_args($post_defaults, $defaults); } elseif (is_tax() || is_category()) { global $wp_query; $cat = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); if ($cat && isset($cat->term_id)) { $id = $cat->term_id; $ch = get_option('wpk_zn_select_custom_header_' . $id, false); if (!empty($ch)) { if ('zn_def_header_style' != $ch) { $defaults['headerClass'] = 'uh_' . $ch; } // Get Subheader settings from Unlimited Subheader style foreach ($saved_headers as $header) { if (isset($header['uh_style_name']) && !empty($header['uh_style_name'])) { $header_name = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $header['uh_style_name'])); if ($ch == $header_name) { $defaults['bottommask'] = $header['uh_bottom_style']; } } } } } } $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); $args = apply_filters('zn_sub_header', $args); // If the subheader shouldn't be shown if ($args['layout'] == 'yes') { return; } $extra_classes = array(); $bottom_mask = $args['bottommask']; if ($bottom_mask != 'none') { $extra_classes[] = 'maskcontainer--' . $bottom_mask; } $is_element = $args['is_element']; if ($is_element) { $extra_classes[] = 'page-subheader--custom'; } else { $extra_classes[] = 'page-subheader--auto'; } // Inherit heading & padding from Unlimited Subheader styles // Enabled by default for autogenerated pages and via option in Custom Subheader Element $inherit_head_pad = $args['inherit_head_pad']; if ($inherit_head_pad) { $extra_classes[] = 'page-subheader--inherit-hp'; } $extra_classes[] = $args['headerClass']; $extra_classes[] = $args['extra_css_class']; // Get Site Header's Position (relative | absolute) $header_pos = 'psubhead-stheader--absolute'; $headerLayoutStyle = zget_option('zn_header_layout', 'general_options', false, 'style2'); if (zget_option('head_position', 'general_options', false, '1') != 1) { if ($headerLayoutStyle != 'style7') { $header_pos = 'psubhead-stheader--relative'; } } $extra_classes[] = $header_pos; ?> <div id="page_header" class="page-subheader <?php echo implode(' ', $extra_classes); ?> "> <div class="bgback"></div> <?php $bg_source = $args['bg_source']; if (!empty($bg_source) && is_array($bg_source)) { WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source($bg_source); } ?> <div class="th-sparkles"></div> <!-- DEFAULT HEADER STYLE --> <div class="ph-content-wrap"> <div class="ph-content-v-center"> <div> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <?php $br_date = (int) $args['def_header_bread'] || (int) $args['def_header_date']; $def_cols = $br_date ? 6 : 12; if ($br_date) { ?> <div class="col-sm-6"> <?php if ((int) $args['def_header_bread']) { zn_breadcrumbs(); } else { echo ' '; } if ((int) $args['def_header_date']) { echo '<span id="current-date" class="subheader-currentdate hidden-xs">' . date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), strtotime(date("l M d, Y") . get_option('gmt_offset')), false) . '</span>'; } else { echo ' '; } ?> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="col-sm-<?php echo $def_cols; ?> "> <div class="subheader-titles"> <?php if (!empty($args['def_header_title'])) { ?> <<?php echo $args['title_heading']; ?> class="subheader-maintitle"> <?php echo $args['title']; ?> </<?php echo $args['title_heading']; ?> > <?php } ?> <?php if (isset($args['show_subtitle']) && $args['show_subtitle'] && !empty($args['subtitle'])) { ?> <h4 class="subheader-subtitle"> <?php echo do_shortcode($args['subtitle']); ?> </h4> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end row --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_bottommask_markup($bottom_mask); ?> </div> <?php }
/** * This method is used to display the output of the element. * * @return void */ function element() { $options = $this->data['options']; $style = $this->opt('ls_header_style', ''); if (!empty($style)) { $style = 'uh_' . $style; } $slider_desc = ''; if (isset($options['ls_slider_desc']) && !empty($options['ls_slider_desc'])) { $slider_desc = '<h3 class="ls__main-title">' . do_shortcode($options['ls_slider_desc']) . '</h3>'; } $uid = $this->data['uid']; $ls_slider_display = $this->opt('ls_slider_display', 'laptop'); $slides_exists = isset($options['single_lslides']) && is_array($options['single_lslides']); $fullscreen = $this->opt('ls_fullscreen', 0) == 1 ? 'ls--fullscreen' : ''; $enable_autoplay = $this->opt('enable_autoplay', 'yes') == 'yes'; // Mask // -- not needed as the slider has it's own mask // $bottom_mask = $this->opt('hm_header_bmasks','none'); // $bm_class = $bottom_mask != 'none' ? 'maskcontainer--'.$bottom_mask : ''; ?> <div class="kl-slideshow laptop-slider__slideshow ls--<?php echo $ls_slider_display; ?> <?php echo $style; ?> <?php echo $fullscreen; ?> <?php echo $this->data['uid']; ?> <?php echo $this->opt('css_class', ''); ?> "> <div class="bgback"></div> <?php WpkPageHelper::zn_background_source(array('source_type' => $this->opt('source_type'), 'source_background_image' => $this->opt('background_image'), 'source_vd_yt' => $this->opt('source_vd_yt'), 'source_vd_self_mp4' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_mp4'), 'source_vd_self_ogg' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_ogg'), 'source_vd_self_webm' => $this->opt('source_vd_self_webm'), 'source_vd_vp' => $this->opt('source_vd_vp'), 'source_vd_autoplay' => $this->opt('source_vd_autoplay'), 'source_vd_loop' => $this->opt('source_vd_loop'), 'source_vd_muted' => $this->opt('source_vd_muted'), 'source_vd_controls' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls'), 'source_vd_controls_pos' => $this->opt('source_vd_controls_pos'), 'source_overlay' => $this->opt('source_overlay'), 'source_overlay_color' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color'), 'source_overlay_opacity' => $this->opt('source_overlay_opacity'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient'), 'source_overlay_color_gradient_opac' => $this->opt('source_overlay_color_gradient_opac'))); if ($this->opt('source_mask', 1)) { echo '<div class="ls-source__mask ls-source__mask-back"></div>'; echo '<div class="ls-source__mask ls-source__mask-front"></div>'; } ?> <div class="th-sparkles"></div> <div class="laptop-slider__inner container ls--theme-<?php echo $this->opt('ls_theme_color', 'light'); ?> "> <div class=" ls__container kl-slideshow-safepadding"> <?php echo $slider_desc; ?> <div class="ls__laptop-mask"> <div class="ls__screen"> <div class="zn_laptop_slider_wrapper"> <div class="fake-loading loading-1s fl--nobg"></div> <div class="zn_laptop_slider" data-details="#ls__left-desc-<?php echo $uid; ?> " data-autoplay="<?php echo $enable_autoplay; ?> " data-trans="<?php echo $this->opt('ls_trans', 5000); ?> "> <div class="zn_laptop_slider_container"> <?php if ($slides_exists) { $bullets = ''; foreach ($options['single_lslides'] as $slide) { $ls_slide_link = zn_extract_link($slide['ls_slide_link'], 'ls__item-link'); $bullets .= '<a href="#" class="ls__nav-item"></a>'; $caption = isset($slide['ls_slide_title']) && !empty($slide['ls_slide_title']) ? $slide['ls_slide_title'] : ''; // Display image echo '<div class="ls__slider-item">'; if (isset($slide['ls_slide_image']) && !empty($slide['ls_slide_image'])) { $image = vt_resize('', $slide['ls_slide_image'], '800', '600', true); echo '<div class="ls-slider-item__img" style="background-image:url(' . $image['url'] . ')"></div>'; } // If JUST slider if ($ls_slider_display == 'laptop' && !empty($caption)) { echo '<h3 class="ls__item-caption ff-alternative">' . $ls_slide_link['start'] . $caption . $ls_slide_link['end'] . '</h3>'; } echo '</div>'; } } ?> </div><!-- /.zn_laptop_slider_container --> </div> </div><!-- /.zn_laptop_slider_wrapper --> </div> <!-- end /.ls screen --> <?php if ($this->opt('ls_slide_bullets', 1)) { ?> <div class="ls__nav"> <?php if ($slides_exists) { echo $bullets; } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($this->opt('ls_slide_arrows', 1)) { ?> <div class="ls__arrows"> <span class="ls__arrow ls__arrow-left"></span> <span class="ls__arrow ls__arrow-right"></span> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <!-- laptop mask --> <?php // If it's using the SLIDER description if ($ls_slider_display == 'lapt_slider_desc' || $ls_slider_display == 'lapt_desc') { ?> <div class="ls__left-desc" id="ls__left-desc-<?php echo $uid; ?> "> <?php if ($ls_slider_display == 'lapt_slider_desc') { ?> <?php if ($this->opt('ls_slide_title')) { ?> <div class="ls__sl-main-title"><?php echo $this->opt('ls_slide_title'); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($this->opt('ls_slide_desc')) { ?> <div class="ls__sl-main-desc"><?php echo $this->opt('ls_slide_desc'); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php // BUTTON $slide_link = zn_extract_link($options['ls_slide_link'], 'btn btn-fullcolor'); $slide_link_sec = zn_extract_link($options['ls_slide_link_sec'], 'btn ls__secbtn btn-lined ' . ($this->opt('ls_theme_color', 'light') == 'dark' ? 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($this->opt('ls_theme_color', 'light') == 'dark' ? 'lined-dark' : '')); if (!empty($slide_link['start']) || !empty($slide_link_sec['start'])) { echo '<div class="ls__actionarea clearfix">'; if (!empty($slide_link['start'])) { echo $slide_link['start'] . $slide['ls_slide_link']['title'] . $slide_link['end']; } if (!empty($slide_link_sec['start'])) { echo $slide_link_sec['start'] . $slide['ls_slide_link_sec']['title'] . $slide_link_sec['end']; } echo '</div>'; } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </div><!-- /.ls__left-desc --> <?php } ?> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div><!-- /.laptop-slider__inner --> </div> </div> <?php // not needed as the slider has it's own mask // WpkPageHelper::zn_bottommask_markup($bottom_mask); ?> </div><!-- end kl-slideshow --> <?php }
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