public function execute() { PHPWS_Core::initModClass('intern', 'Internship.php'); PHPWS_Core::initModClass('intern', 'Agency.php'); PHPWS_Core::initModClass('intern', 'Department.php'); PHPWS_Core::initModClass('intern', 'Faculty.php'); /************** * Sanity Checks */ // Required fields check $missing = self::checkRequest(); if (!is_null($missing) && !empty($missing)) { // checkRequest returned some missing fields. $url = 'index.php?module=intern&action=edit_internship'; $url .= '&missing=' . implode('+', $missing); // Restore the values in the fields the user already entered foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { $url .= "&{$key}={$val}"; } NQ::simple('intern', INTERN_ERROR, 'Please fill in the highlighted fields.'); NQ::close(); return PHPWS_Core::reroute($url); } // Sanity check the Banner ID if (!preg_match('/^\\d{9}$/', $_REQUEST['banner'])) { $url = 'index.php?module=intern&action=edit_internship&missing=banner'; // Restore the values in the fields the user already entered foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { $url .= "&{$key}={$val}"; } NQ::simple('intern', INTERN_ERROR, "The Banner ID you entered is not valid. No changes were saved. The student's Banner ID should be nine digits only (no letters, spaces, or punctuation)."); NQ::close(); return PHPWS_Core::reroute($url); } // Sanity check student email if (isset($_REQUEST['student_email']) && preg_match("/@/", $_REQUEST['student_email'])) { $url = 'index.php?module=intern&action=edit_internship&missing=student_email'; // Restore the values in the fields the user already entered foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { $url .= "&{$key}={$val}"; } NQ::simple('intern', INTERN_ERROR, "The student's email address is invalid. No changes were saved. Enter only the username portion of the student's email address. The '' portion is not necessary."); NQ::close(); return PHPWS_Core::reroute($url); } // Sanity check student zip if (isset($_REQUEST['student_zip']) && $_REQUEST['student_zip'] != "" && (strlen($_REQUEST['student_zip']) != 5 || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['student_zip']))) { $url = 'index.php?module=intern&action=edit_internship&missing=student_zip'; // Restore the values in the fields the user already entered foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { $url .= "&{$key}={$val}"; } NQ::simple('intern', INTERN_ERROR, "The student's zip code is invalid. No changes were saved. Zip codes should be 5 digits only (no letters, spaces, or punctuation)."); NQ::close(); return PHPWS_Core::reroute($url); } // Course start date must be before end date if (!empty($_REQUEST['start_date']) && !empty($_REQUEST['end_date'])) { $start = strtotime($_REQUEST['start_date']); $end = strtotime($_REQUEST['end_date']); if ($start > $end) { $url = 'index.php?module=intern&action=edit_internship&missing=start_date+end_date'; // Restore the values in the fields the user already entered unset($_POST['start_date']); unset($_POST['end_date']); foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { $url .= "&{$key}={$val}"; } NQ::simple('intern', INTERN_WARNING, 'The internship start date must be before the end date.'); NQ::close(); return PHPWS_Core::reroute($url); } } // Sanity check internship location zip if (isset($_REQUEST['loc_zip']) && $_REQUEST['loc_zip'] != "" && (strlen($_REQUEST['loc_zip']) != 5 || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['loc_zip']))) { $url = 'index.php?module=intern&action=edit_internship&missing=loc_zip'; // Restore the values in the fields the user already entered foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { $url .= "&{$key}={$val}"; } NQ::simple('intern', INTERN_ERROR, "The internship location's zip code is invalid. No changes were saved. Zip codes should be 5 digits only (no letters, spaces, or punctuation)."); NQ::close(); return PHPWS_Core::reroute($url); } // Sanity check agency zip if (isset($_REQUEST['agency_zip']) && $_REQUEST['agency_zip'] != "" && (strlen($_REQUEST['agency_zip']) != 5 || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['agency_zip']))) { $url = 'index.php?module=intern&action=edit_internship&missing=agency_zip'; // Restore the values in the fields the user already entered foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { $url .= "&{$key}={$val}"; } NQ::simple('intern', INTERN_ERROR, "The agency's zip code is invalid. No changes were saved. Zip codes should be 5 digits only (no letters, spaces, or punctuation)."); NQ::close(); return PHPWS_Core::reroute($url); } // Sanity check supervisor's zip if (isset($_REQUEST['agency_sup_zip']) && $_REQUEST['agency_sup_zip'] != "" && (strlen($_REQUEST['agency_sup_zip']) != 5 || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['agency_sup_zip']))) { $url = 'index.php?module=intern&action=edit_internship&missing=agency_sup_zip'; // Restore the values in the fields the user already entered foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { $url .= "&{$key}={$val}"; } NQ::simple('intern', INTERN_ERROR, "The agency supervisor's zip code is invalid. No changes were saved. Zip codes should be 5 digits only (no letters, spaces, or punctuation)."); NQ::close(); return PHPWS_Core::reroute($url); } // Sanity check course number if (isset($_REQUEST['course_no']) && $_REQUEST['course_no'] != '' && (strlen($_REQUEST['course_no']) > 20 || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['course_no']))) { $url = 'index.php?module=intern&action=edit_internship&missing=course_no'; // Restore the values in the fields the user already entered foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { $url .= "&{$key}={$val}"; } NQ::simple('intern', INTERN_ERROR, "The course number provided is invalid. No changes were saved. Course numbers should be less than 20 digits (no letters, spaces, or punctuation)."); NQ::close(); return PHPWS_Core::reroute($url); } PHPWS_DB::begin(); // Create/Save agency $agency = new Agency(); if (isset($_REQUEST['agency_id'])) { // User is editing internship try { $agency = new Agency($_REQUEST['agency_id']); } catch (Exception $e) { // Rollback and re-throw the exception so that admins gets an email PHPWS_DB::rollback(); throw $e; } } $agency->name = $_REQUEST['agency_name']; $agency->address = $_REQUEST['agency_address']; $agency->city = $_REQUEST['agency_city']; $agency->zip = $_REQUEST['agency_zip']; $agency->phone = $_REQUEST['agency_phone']; if ($_REQUEST['location'] == 'internat') { /* Location is INTERNATIONAL. Country is required. Province was typed in. */ $agency->state = $_REQUEST['agency_state']; $agency->province = $_REQUEST['agency_province']; $agency->country = $_REQUEST['agency_country']; $agency->supervisor_state = $_REQUEST['agency_sup_state']; $agency->supervisor_province = $_REQUEST['agency_sup_province']; $agency->supervisor_country = $_REQUEST['agency_sup_country']; } else { /* Location is DOMESTIC. Country is U.S. State was chosen from drop down */ $agency->state = $_REQUEST['agency_state'] == -1 ? null : $_REQUEST['agency_state']; $agency->country = 'United States'; $agency->supervisor_state = $_REQUEST['agency_sup_state'] == -1 ? null : $_REQUEST['agency_sup_state']; $agency->supervisor_country = 'United States'; } $agency->supervisor_first_name = $_REQUEST['agency_sup_first_name']; $agency->supervisor_last_name = $_REQUEST['agency_sup_last_name']; $agency->supervisor_title = $_REQUEST['agency_sup_title']; $agency->supervisor_phone = $_REQUEST['agency_sup_phone']; $agency->supervisor_email = $_REQUEST['agency_sup_email']; $agency->supervisor_fax = $_REQUEST['agency_sup_fax']; $agency->supervisor_address = $_REQUEST['agency_sup_address']; $agency->supervisor_city = $_REQUEST['agency_sup_city']; $agency->supervisor_zip = $_REQUEST['agency_sup_zip']; $agency->address_same_flag = isset($_REQUEST['copy_address']) ? 't' : 'f'; try { $agencyId = $agency->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { // Rollback and re-throw the exception so that admins gets an email PHPWS_DB::rollback(); throw $e; } /********************************** * Create and/or save the Internship */ if (isset($_REQUEST['internship_id']) && $_REQUEST['internship_id'] != '') { // User is editing internship try { PHPWS_Core::initModClass('intern', 'InternshipFactory.php'); $i = InternshipFactory::getInternshipById($_REQUEST['internship_id']); } catch (Exception $e) { // Rollback and re-throw the exception so that admins gets an email PHPWS_DB::rollback(); throw $e; } } else { $i = new Internship(); } $i->term = $_REQUEST['term']; $i->agency_id = $agencyId; $i->faculty_id = $_REQUEST['faculty_id'] > 0 ? $_REQUEST['faculty_id'] : null; $i->department_id = $_REQUEST['department']; $i->start_date = !empty($_REQUEST['start_date']) ? strtotime($_REQUEST['start_date']) : 0; $i->end_date = !empty($_REQUEST['end_date']) ? strtotime($_REQUEST['end_date']) : 0; // Credit hours must be an integer (because of database column type), // so round the credit hours to nearest int if (isset($_REQUEST['credits'])) { $i->credits = round($_REQUEST['credits']); } $avg_hours_week = (int) $_REQUEST['avg_hours_week']; $i->avg_hours_week = $avg_hours_week ? $avg_hours_week : null; $i->paid = $_REQUEST['payment'] == 'paid'; $i->stipend = isset($_REQUEST['stipend']) && $i->paid; $i->unpaid = $_REQUEST['payment'] == 'unpaid'; $i->pay_rate = $_REQUEST['pay_rate']; // Internship experience type if (isset($_REQUEST['experience_type'])) { $i->setExperienceType($_REQUEST['experience_type']); } // Set fields depending on domestic/international if ($_REQUEST['location'] == 'domestic') { // Set Flags $i->domestic = 1; $i->international = 0; // Set state if ($_POST['loc_state'] != '-1') { $i->loc_state = strip_tags($_POST['loc_state']); } else { $i->loc_state = null; } // Clear province, country $i->loc_province = ''; $i->loc_country = ''; } else { if ($_REQUEST['location'] == 'internat') { // Set flags $i->domestic = 0; $i->international = 1; // Set province, country $i->loc_province = $_POST['loc_province']; $i->loc_country = strip_tags($_POST['loc_country']); // Clear state $i->loc_state = null; } } // Address, city, zip are always set (no matter domestic or international) $i->loc_address = strip_tags($_POST['loc_address']); $i->loc_city = strip_tags($_POST['loc_city']); $i->loc_zip = strip_tags($_POST['loc_zip']); if (isset($_POST['course_subj']) && $_POST['course_subj'] != '-1') { $i->course_subj = strip_tags($_POST['course_subj']); } else { $i->course_subj = null; } // Course info $i->course_no = strip_tags($_POST['course_no']); $i->course_sect = strip_tags($_POST['course_sect']); $i->course_title = strip_tags($_POST['course_title']); // Multipart course if (isset($_POST['multipart'])) { $i->multi_part = 1; } else { $i->multi_part = 0; } if (isset($_POST['multipart']) && isset($_POST['secondary_part'])) { $i->secondary_part = 1; } else { $i->secondary_part = 0; } // Corequisite Course Info if (isset($_POST['corequisite_course_num'])) { $i->corequisite_number = $_POST['corequisite_course_num']; } if (isset($_POST['corequisite_course_sect'])) { $i->corequisite_section = $_POST['corequisite_course_sect']; } // Student Information $i->first_name = $_REQUEST['student_first_name']; $i->middle_name = $_REQUEST['student_middle_name']; $i->last_name = $_REQUEST['student_last_name']; $i->setFirstNameMetaphone($_REQUEST['student_first_name']); $i->setLastNameMetaphone($_REQUEST['student_last_name']); $i->banner = $_REQUEST['banner']; $i->phone = $_REQUEST['student_phone']; $i->email = $_REQUEST['student_email']; $i->level = $_REQUEST['student_level']; // Check the level and record the major/program for this level. // Be sure to set/clear the other leve's major/program to null // in case the user is switching levels. if ($i->getLevel() == 'ugrad') { $i->ugrad_major = $_REQUEST['ugrad_major']; $i->grad_prog = null; } else { if ($i->getLevel() == 'grad') { $i->grad_prog = $_REQUEST['grad_prog']; $i->ugrad_major = null; } } $i->gpa = $_REQUEST['student_gpa']; $i->campus = $_REQUEST['campus']; $i->student_address = $_REQUEST['student_address']; $i->student_city = $_REQUEST['student_city']; if ($_REQUEST['student_state'] != '-1') { $i->student_state = $_REQUEST['student_state']; } else { $i->student_state = ""; } $i->student_zip = $_REQUEST['student_zip']; /* $i->emergency_contact_name = $_REQUEST['emergency_contact_name']; $i->emergency_contact_relation = $_REQUEST['emergency_contact_relation']; $i->emergency_contact_phone = $_REQUEST['emergency_contact_phone']; */ /************ * OIED Certification */ // If OIED certification has changed, then double check permissions $cert = $i->oied_certified == 1 ? true : false; $certSubmitted = $_POST['oied_certified_hidden'] == 'true' ? true : false; $certChanged = $cert != $certSubmitted; if ($certChanged && !Current_User::allow('intern', 'oied_certify')) { $url = "index.php?module=intern&action=edit_internship&internship_id={$i->getId()}"; NQ::simple('intern', INTERN_ERROR, "You do not have permission to change the OIED certification checkbox. No changes were saved."); NQ::close(); return PHPWS_Core::reroute($url); } // Check if this has changed from non-certified->certified so we can log it later if ($i->oied_certified == 0 && $_POST['oied_certified_hidden'] == 'true') { // note the change for later $oiedCertified = true; } else { $oiedCertified = false; } if ($_POST['oied_certified_hidden'] == 'true') { $i->oied_certified = 1; } else { if ($_POST['oied_certified_hidden'] == 'false') { $i->oied_certified = 0; } else { $i->oied_certified = 0; } } // If we don't have a state and this is a new internship, // the set an initial state if ($i->id == 0 && is_null($i->state)) { PHPWS_Core::initModClass('intern', 'WorkflowStateFactory.php'); $state = WorkflowStateFactory::getState('CreationState'); $i->setState($state); // Set this initial value } try { $i->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { // Rollback and re-throw the exception so that admins gets an email PHPWS_DB::rollback(); throw $e; } PHPWS_DB::commit(); /*************************** * State/Workflow Handling * ***************************/ PHPWS_Core::initModClass('intern', 'WorkflowController.php'); PHPWS_Core::initModClass('intern', 'WorkflowTransitionFactory.php'); $t = WorkflowTransitionFactory::getTransitionByName($_POST['workflow_action']); $workflow = new WorkflowController($i, $t); try { $workflow->doTransition(isset($_POST['notes']) ? $_POST['notes'] : null); } catch (MissingDataException $e) { NQ::simple('intern', INTERN_ERROR, $e->getMessage()); NQ::close(); return PHPWS_Core::reroute('index.php?module=intern&action=edit_internship&internship_id=' . $i->id); } // Create a ChangeHisotry for the OIED certification. if ($oiedCertified) { $currState = WorkflowStateFactory::getState($i->getStateName()); $ch = new ChangeHistory($i, Current_User::getUserObj(), time(), $currState, $currState, 'Certified by OIED'); $ch->save(); } $workflow->doNotification(isset($_POST['notes']) ? $_POST['notes'] : null); if (isset($_REQUEST['internship_id'])) { // Show message if user edited internship NQ::simple('intern', INTERN_SUCCESS, 'Saved internship for ' . $i->getFullName()); NQ::close(); return PHPWS_Core::reroute('index.php?module=intern&action=edit_internship&internship_id=' . $i->id); } else { NQ::simple('intern', INTERN_SUCCESS, 'Added internship for ' . $i->getFullName()); NQ::close(); return PHPWS_Core::reroute('index.php?module=intern&action=edit_internship&internship_id=' . $i->id); } }
<?php defined('_JEXEC') or die; jimport('joomla.application.component.controller'); class WorkflowController extends JController { public function display() { parent::display(); } } $controller = new WorkflowController(); $controller->execute(JRequest::getCmd('task')); $controller->redirect();
/** * Initialize complex static variables * @static */ public static function staticInit() { self::$logger = Logger::getLogger(__CLASS__); }