 private static function addSystemCommands()
     $cmds = array('delete cache' => 'Delete GitHub Cache', 'logout' => 'Log out this workflow', 'update' => 'Update this Alfred workflow');
     if (Workflow::getConfig('autoupdate', true)) {
         $cmds['deactivate autoupdate'] = 'Deactivate auto updating this Alfred Workflow';
     } else {
         $cmds['activate autoupdate'] = 'Activate auto updating this Alfred Workflow';
     if (self::$enterprise) {
         $cmds['enterprise reset'] = 'Reset the GitHub Enterprise URL';
     foreach ($cmds as $cmd => $desc) {
         Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->title('> ' . $cmd)->subtitle($desc)->icon($cmd)->arg('> ' . str_replace(' ', '-', $cmd)));
     $cmds = array('help' => 'readme', 'changelog' => 'changelog');
     foreach ($cmds as $cmd => $file) {
         Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->title('> ' . $cmd)->subtitle('View the ' . $file)->icon('file')->arg('https://github.com/gharlan/alfred-github-workflow/blob/master/' . strtoupper($file) . '.md'));
 private static function addSystemCommands()
     $cmds = array('delete cache' => 'Delete GitHub Cache', 'logout' => 'Log out this workflow', 'update' => 'Update this Alfred workflow');
     if (Workflow::getConfig('autoupdate', true)) {
         $cmds['deactivate autoupdate'] = 'Deactivate auto updating this Alfred Workflow';
     } else {
         $cmds['activate autoupdate'] = 'Activate auto updating this Alfred Workflow';
     foreach ($cmds as $cmd => $desc) {
         Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->prefix('gh ')->title('> ' . $cmd)->subtitle($desc)->icon($cmd)->arg('> ' . str_replace(' ', '-', $cmd)));
            foreach ($users as $user) {
                $name = substr($user->command, 1);
                Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->prefix('@', false)->title($name . ' ')->subtitle($user->description)->arg('https://github.com/' . $name)->prio(20 + (isset($user->multiplier) ? $user->multiplier : 1)));
        Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->title('my ')->subtitle('Dashboard, settings, and more')->prio(10)->valid(false));
    } else {
        $myPages = array('dashboard' => array('', 'View your dashboard'), 'pulls' => array('dashboard/pulls', 'View your pull requests'), 'issues' => array('dashboard/issues', 'View your issues'), 'stars' => array('stars', 'View your starred repositories'), 'profile' => array(Workflow::getConfig('user'), 'View your public user profile'), 'settings' => array('settings', 'View or edit your account settings'), 'notifications' => array('notifications', 'View all your notifications'));
        foreach ($myPages as $key => $my) {
            Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->title('my ' . $key)->subtitle($my[1])->arg('https://github.com/' . $my[0])->prio(1));
    if ($query) {
        $path = $isUser ? $queryUser : '******' . urlencode($query);
        Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->title("Search GitHub for '{$query}'")->arg('https://github.com/' . $path)->autocomplete(false), false);
} else {
    $cmds = array('logout' => 'Log out from GitHub (only this Alfred Workflow)', 'delete cache' => 'Delete GitHub Cache (only for this Alfred Workflow)', 'update' => 'Update this Alfred workflow');
    if (Workflow::getConfig('autoupdate', true)) {
        $cmds['deactivate autoupdate'] = 'Deactivate auto updating this Alfred Workflow';
    } else {
        $cmds['activate autoupdate'] = 'Activate auto updating this Alfred Workflow';
    foreach ($cmds as $cmd => $desc) {
        Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->prefix('gh ')->title('> ' . $cmd)->subtitle($desc)->arg('> ' . str_replace(' ', '-', $cmd)));
print Workflow::getItemsAsXml();