 function setIds($str, $type_name = 'trades', $add_new = false, $target_id = 0)
     require LOCALE_PATH . 'wordsegment.class.php';
     $ws = new WordSegment();
     $title = $ws->getResult();
     $values = $exist_keys = $not_exist_keys = $key_result = array();
     if (empty($title) || !is_array($title)) {
         return false;
     $titles = implode("','", $title);
     $key_result = $this->dbstuff->GetArray("SELECT id,title FROM {$this->table_prefix}keywords WHERE title IN ('{$titles}') AND type_name='" . $type_name . "' AND target_id='" . $target_id . "'");
     if (!empty($key_result)) {
         foreach ($key_result as $val) {
             $exist_keys[] = $val['title'];
     $not_exist_keys = $this->array_diff($title, $exist_keys);
     if (!empty($not_exist_keys)) {
         foreach ($not_exist_keys as $valx) {
             $values[] = "('{$valx}',{$target_id},'{$type_name}')";
         if ($add_new && !empty($values)) {
             $values = implode(",", $values);
             $this->dbstuff->Execute("INSERT INTO {$this->table_prefix}keywords (title,target_id,type_name) VALUES " . $values);
 public function SearchAppKeyword($keyword, &$cacheHit, $soft_type = self::APPSTORE)
     $RET = array();
     if ($soft_type == self::APPSTORE) {
         $cache = Factory::Redis(ClusterRedis::CLUSTER_APP);
         list($keywordCacheKey, $expire) = $cache->GetStrategy()->GetAppSearchKeywordKey($keyword);
     } elseif ($soft_type == self::GAME_CENTER) {
         $cache = Factory::Redis(ClusterRedis::CLUSTER_GAME_APP);
         list($keywordCacheKey, $expire) = $cache->GetStrategy()->GetAppSearchKeywordKey($keyword);
     /** get Cache */
     if (AppLogic::IsUseCache()) {
         if ($keywordCacheKey && ($res = $cache->get($keywordCacheKey)) && ($searchRs = Util::JsonDec($res, TRUE))) {
             $cacheHit = TRUE;
     if (!isset($searchRs)) {
         // 判断是否是包名
         if (!$this->isPackage($keyword)) {
             // 繁体转简体
             $keyword = ChineseConvert::t2s($keyword);
             $categoryId = CategoryLogic::GetCategoryMap($keyword);
             // 分词
             $ws = new WordSegment();
             $segWord = $ws->AddDict(WordSegment::DEFAULT_DICT)->AddDict(WordSegment::USER_DICT, WordSegment::DICT_TYPE_TEXT)->SetIgnorePunc(TRUE)->Slice($keyword)->GetResult(array($ws, 'cbMergeWithPipe'));
             // 如果分词结果不是字符串
             if (!is_string($segWord)) {
                 return false;
             // 整词列表
             if ($this->WholeWords($keyword)) {
                 $segWord .= '|(' . $keyword . ')';
             // 中文做单字拼接
               $len = mb_strlen($keyword, 'UTF-8');
               for($i=0; $i<$len; $i++) {
               $w = mb_substr($keyword, $i, 1, 'UTF-8');
               $wlen = strlen($w);
               if($wlen >= 3) {
               $segWord .= '|('. $w .')';
             // 分词结果转拼音
             $pyWord = py_class::str2py($segWord);
             Log::Single()->Info("Search Word", array('key' => $keyword, 'seg' => $segWord, 'py' => $pyWord));
             $pyWord = $this->filterKeyword($pyWord);
         } else {
             $segWord = '';
             $pyWord = '';
             $package = $keyword;
             Log::Single()->Info("Search package", array('key' => $keyword));
         $this->search->setFilterRange('status', 1, 1);
         if ($soft_type == self::GAME_CENTER) {
             $this->search->setFilterRange('soft_type', 1, 1);
         $this->search->setSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, '@relevance DESC, download DESC, scores DESC, last_update_time DESC');
         //$this->search->setRankingMode(SPH_RANK_EXPR, 'sum((exact_hit*5+(min_hit_pos==1)*2+lcs)*user_weight)*1000+bm25');
         $this->search->setLimits(0, 100, self::DEFAULT_SEARCH_TOTAL, self::DEFAULT_SEARCH_TOTAL);
         $indexs = implode(',', $this->GetSearchAppIndex());
         if (!$this->isPackage($keyword)) {
             $filterWordArr = $this->GetSearchAppFilterWord();
             $filterDeveloper = 0;
             foreach ($filterWordArr as $word) {
                 if (strpos($keyword, $word) !== FALSE) {
                     $filterDeveloper = 1;
             // addQuerys
             $this->search->addQuery("@name {$segWord}", $indexs);
             $this->search->addQuery("@cname {$segWord}", $indexs);
             if ($pyWord) {
                 $pyWordArr = explode('|', $pyWord);
                 foreach ($pyWordArr as $pyName) {
                     $this->search->addQuery("@py_name {$pyName}", $indexs);
                 $this->search->addQuery("@py_cname {$pyWord}", $indexs);
             $this->search->addQuery("@tag {$segWord}", $indexs);
             if (!$filterDeveloper) {
                 $this->search->addQuery("@developer {$segWord}", $indexs);
             $cateQuery = $categoryId ? "@(category) (^{$categoryId})|({$categoryId}\$)|(,{$categoryId},)" : "";
             if ($cateQuery) {
                 $this->search->addQuery($cateQuery, $indexs);
         } else {
             $this->search->addQuery("@package {$package}", $indexs);
         $res = $this->search->runQueries();
         if (is_array($res)) {
             $error = '';
             $warning = '';
             $searchRs = array();
             foreach ($res as $k => $v) {
                 if (isset($v['error']) && $v['error']) {
                     $error .= $k . ':' . $v['error'] . ' & ';
                 if (isset($v['warning']) && $v['warning']) {
                     $warning .= $k . ':' . $v['warning'] . ' & ';
                 // matches
                 if (isset($v['matches']) && $v['matches']) {
                     foreach ($v['matches'] as $data) {
                         if (!array_key_exists($data['id'], $searchRs)) {
                             $searchRs[$data['id']] = $data['weight'];
                         } else {
                             $searchRs[$data['id']] += $data['weight'];
             /** 写Cache */
             if ($searchRs && $keywordCacheKey) {
                 $cache->set($keywordCacheKey, Util::JsonEnc($searchRs));
                 $expire && $cache->expire($keywordCacheKey, $expire);
             // log error
             if (!empty($error)) {
                 Log::Single()->Error("Sphinx error", array('error' => $error, 'keyword' => $keyword, 'segWord' => $segWord, 'py' => $pyWord));
             // log warning
             if (!empty($warning)) {
                 Log::Single()->Warn("Sphinx warning", array('warning' => $warning));
     if (isset($searchRs) && $searchRs) {
         $pageSize = 20;
         $offset = 0;
         $sliceSearchRs = array_slice($searchRs, $offset, $pageSize, TRUE);
         $count = count($sliceSearchRs);
         $idx = 0;
         foreach ($sliceSearchRs as $appId => $weight) {
             $RET[$appId] = $weight;
             if ($idx >= $pageSize) {
     return $RET;