public function run() { $count = Wine::where('group_id', 0)->count(); echo "Operating wines number : {$count} wines" . PHP_EOL; Wine::where('group_id', 0)->chunk(100, function ($wines) { foreach ($wines as $wine) { echo "Handling: {$wine->rakuten_id}"; $start = time(); $request = curl_init(''); curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array('img' => "@" . $wine->local_path)); curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $result = json_decode(curl_exec($request)); $matched_wines = $result->matches; $matched_rakuten_ids = array(); foreach ($matched_wines as $matched_wine) { $matched_id = $matched_wine->id; $num_of_match = $matched_wine->numMatches; if ($num_of_match < 10) { continue; } $rakuten_paths = explode('_', $matched_id); if (count($rakuten_paths) < 2) { continue; } $matched_rakuten_ids[] = join('_', array('rakuten', $rakuten_paths[0], $rakuten_paths[1])); } if (count($matched_rakuten_ids) == 0) { echo "No Matched Wines to group" . PHP_EOL; continue; } echo "Num of matched wines : " . count($matched_rakuten_ids) . ". Now updating group" . PHP_EOL; $group_wines = Wine::where('rakuten_id', $matched_rakuten_ids)->get(); $group_id = 0; foreach ($group_wines as $group_wine) { if ($group_wine->group_id > 0) { $group_id = $group_wine->group_id; break; } } if ($group_id == 0) { $group_id = $wine->wine_id; } $wine->group_id = $group_id; $wine->save(); foreach ($group_wines as $group_wine) { $group_wine->group_id = $group_id; $group_wine->save(); } echo "Grouping Done. Group id is {$group_id}" . PHP_EOL; echo "Cost : " . (time() - $start) . " seconds." . PHP_EOL; curl_close($request); } }); }
public function testGetTimelineSuccess() { $this->setUpRating(); $this->setUpCountry(); $this->setUpWineNote(); $this->setUpProfile(); $_params = $this->_params; $_params['user_id'] = "user_id"; $response = $this->_getAuth($_params); $error_code = ApiResponse::OK; $user_timeline = array(); $user_timeline[] = $this->_user_id; $user_follow = Follow::where('from_id', $this->_user_id)->orderBy('updated_at', 'asc')->get(); if (isset($user_follow)) { foreach ($user_follow as $user) { $user_timeline[] = $user->to_id; } } $pagination = ApiResponse::pagination(); $page = $pagination['page']; $limit = $pagination['limit']; $wine = Wine::with('winery')->forPage($page, $limit)->get(); $ratings = Rating::whereIn('user_id', $user_timeline)->whereNotNull('wine_unique_id')->with('profile')->with('wine')->forPage($page, $limit)->get(); foreach ($ratings as $rating) { $winery = Winery::where('id', $rating->wine->winery_id)->first(); $rating->winery = $winery; $country = Country::where('id', $rating->winery->country_id)->first(); $rating->winery->country_name = $country->country_name; $like = Like::where('user_id', $this->_user_id)->where('rating_id', $rating->id)->first(); if ($like) { $rating->liked = true; } else { $rating->liked = false; } $wishlist = Wishlist::where('user_id', $this->_user_id)->where('wine_unique_id', $rating->wine_unique_id)->first(); if ($wishlist) { $rating->wishlist = true; } else { $rating->wishlist = false; } if ($rating->wine->image_url != null) { $rating->wine->image_url = URL::asset($rating->wine->image_url); } if ($rating->wine->wine_flag != null) { $rating->wine->wine_flag = URL::asset($rating->wine->wine_flag); } if ($rating->profile->image != null) { $rating->profile->image = URL::asset($rating->profile->image); } $rating->winery = $rating->winery->toArray(); } $data = $ratings; $this->assertEquals(array("code" => ApiResponse::OK, "data" => $ratings->toArray()), json_decode($response->getContent(), true)); }
public function run() { DB::table('wine_notes')->delete(); $user_id = User::where('email', '*****@*****.**')->first()->user_id; $user_1 = User::where('email', '*****@*****.**')->first()->user_id; $user_2 = User::where('email', '*****@*****.**')->first()->user_id; $wine_1 = Wine::where('wine_id', 1)->first()->wine_unique_id; $wine_2 = Wine::where('wine_id', 2)->first()->wine_unique_id; $wine_3 = Wine::where('wine_id', 3)->first()->wine_unique_id; Winenote::create($data = array('id' => 1, 'wine_unique_id' => $wine_1, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'note' => 'This is note 1')); Winenote::create($data = array('id' => 2, 'wine_unique_id' => $wine_2, 'user_id' => $user_1, 'note' => 'This is note 2')); Winenote::create($data = array('id' => 3, 'wine_unique_id' => $wine_3, 'user_id' => $user_2, 'note' => 'This is note 3')); }
public function run() { DB::table('ratings')->delete(); $user_id = User::where('email', '*****@*****.**')->first()->user_id; $user_1 = User::where('email', '*****@*****.**')->first()->user_id; $user_2 = User::where('email', '*****@*****.**')->first()->user_id; $wine_1 = Wine::where('wine_id', 1)->first()->wine_unique_id; $wine_2 = Wine::where('wine_id', 2)->first()->wine_unique_id; $wine_3 = Wine::where('wine_id', 3)->first()->wine_unique_id; Rating::create(array('id' => '1', 'user_id' => $user_id, 'wine_unique_id' => $wine_1, 'rate' => '0.5', 'content' => 'this is rating 1', 'like_count' => '5', 'comment_count' => '5', 'is_my_wine' => '1')); Rating::create(array('id' => '2', 'user_id' => $user_id, 'wine_unique_id' => $wine_2, 'rate' => '1.5', 'content' => 'this is rating 2', 'like_count' => '5', 'comment_count' => '5', 'is_my_wine' => '1')); Rating::create(array('id' => '3', 'user_id' => $user_id, 'wine_unique_id' => $wine_3, 'rate' => '4.5', 'content' => 'this is rating 3', 'like_count' => '8', 'comment_count' => '5', 'is_my_wine' => '1')); Rating::create(array('id' => '4', 'user_id' => $user_1, 'wine_unique_id' => $wine_1, 'rate' => '5', 'content' => 'this is rating 7', 'like_count' => '6', 'comment_count' => '15', 'is_my_wine' => '1')); Rating::create(array('id' => '5', 'user_id' => $user_2, 'wine_unique_id' => $wine_2, 'rate' => '5', 'content' => 'this is rating 8', 'like_count' => '14', 'comment_count' => '8', 'is_my_wine' => '1')); }
public function run() { DB::table('wishlists')->delete(); $user_id = User::where('email', '*****@*****.**')->first()->user_id; $user_1 = User::where('email', '*****@*****.**')->first()->user_id; $user_2 = User::where('email', '*****@*****.**')->first()->user_id; $wine_1 = Wine::where('wine_id', 1)->first()->wine_unique_id; $wine_2 = Wine::where('wine_id', 2)->first()->wine_unique_id; $wine_3 = Wine::where('wine_id', 3)->first()->wine_unique_id; Wishlist::create(array('id' => '1', 'wine_unique_id' => $wine_1, 'user_id' => $user_id)); Wishlist::create(array('id' => '2', 'wine_unique_id' => $wine_2, 'user_id' => $user_id)); Wishlist::create(array('id' => '3', 'wine_unique_id' => $wine_3, 'user_id' => $user_id)); Wishlist::create(array('id' => '4', 'wine_unique_id' => $wine_1, 'user_id' => $user_1)); Wishlist::create(array('id' => '5', 'wine_unique_id' => $wine_3, 'user_id' => $user_1)); Wishlist::create(array('id' => '6', 'wine_unique_id' => $wine_1, 'user_id' => $user_2)); Wishlist::create(array('id' => '7', 'wine_unique_id' => $wine_3, 'user_id' => $user_2)); }
public function setUpData() { $user = new User(); $user->email = '*****@*****.**'; $user->password = '******'; $user->fb_id = '123456'; $user->save(); $this->_user_id = User::where('email', '*****@*****.**')->first()->user_id; $login = new Login(); $login->id = 1; $login->user_id = $this->_user_id; $login->session_id = '3f9a362bb40714f77cadfd9f5b9d801b'; $login->expired_at = '2019-07-30'; $login->save(); $this->_session = '3f9a362bb40714f77cadfd9f5b9d801b'; $this->_user_id = Login::where('session_id', $this->_session)->first()->user_id; $winery = new Winery(); $winery->id = 1; $winery->brand_name = 'Winery 1'; $winery->country_id = '1'; $winery->region = 'Abkhazia'; $winery->save(); $wine = new Wine(); $wine->wine_id = 1; $wine->name = 'Wine_1'; $wine->rakuten_id = 'rakuten_drinkshop_10508227'; $wine->original_name = "this is wine_1"; $wine->original_name_2 = "wine_1"; $wine->winery_id = 1; $wine->year = '2009'; $wine->wine_unique_id = '1_2009'; $wine->average_price = "2200.00"; $wine->average_rate = "3.5"; $wine->rate_count = "3"; $wine->save(); $this->session(array('user_id' => $this->_user_id)); }
public function run() { DB::table('wines')->truncate(); DB::table('wineries')->truncate(); DB::connection()->disableQueryLog(); set_time_limit(3600); $c = 0; $i = 1; $count = 1; $winery_id = 1; try { $file = app_path() . '/rakuten_wine_data_20140905.csv'; //$file = app_path() . '/testcsv.csv'; $i = 1; $country_name_on_wines = Wine::take(300)->get(array('country_name')); $country_name_ja_list = Country::get(array('country_name_ja')); foreach ($country_name_ja_list as $country_name) { if ($country_name->country_name_ja != null) { if ($i == 1) { $re = $country_name->country_name_ja; $i++; } else { $re = $re . "|" . $country_name->country_name_ja; } } } $re_country_name = "'/" . $re . "/'"; $parser = \KzykHys\CsvParser\CsvParser::fromFile($file, array("encoding" => "UTF-8")); foreach ($parser as $column_wine) { echo $c++ . "\n"; if (count($column_wine) == 33) { $validator = Validator::make(array('rakuten_id' => $column_wine[0]), array('rakuten_id' => 'exists:wines2,rakuten_id')); if ($validator->passes()) { if ($column_wine[13] == 'NA' && $column_wine[14] !== 'NA') { $column_wine[13] = $column_wine[14]; } if ($column_wine[9] == 'NA' && $column_wine[10] !== 'NA') { $column_wine[9] = $column_wine[10]; } for ($j = 0; $j < 33; $j++) { if ($column_wine[$j] == 'NA') { $column_wine[$j] = ''; } } if ($column_wine[3] == '') { $column_wine[3] = $column_wine[1]; } if ($column_wine[9] != null) { $in_string = preg_match($re_country_name, $column_wine[9], $matches); if ($in_string == true) { //$country = explode('・', $country_name->country_name, -1); $country = Country::where('country_name_ja', $matches[0])->first(); if ($country) { $flag = $country->flag_url; } else { $flag = null; } } } $winery = Winery::where('brand_name', $column_wine[16])->first(); if ($winery == null) { $winery_data = array('id' => $winery_id, 'brand_name' => $column_wine[16], 'country_id' => '', 'country_name' => $column_wine[10], 'year' => $column_wine[14], 'winery_url' => $column_wine[18], 'region' => $column_wine[11], 'description' => ''); Winery::create($winery_data); $winery = $winery_id; $winery_id++; } else { $winery = $winery->id; } $wine = array('name' => $column_wine[3], 'name_en' => $column_wine[4], 'sub_name' => $column_wine[5], 'sub_name_en' => $column_wine[6], 'year' => $column_wine[13], 'winery_id' => $winery, 'rakuten_id' => $column_wine[0], 'original_name' => $column_wine[1], 'original_name_2' => $column_wine[2], 'country_name' => $column_wine[9], 'image_url' => $column_wine[27], 'wine_flag' => $flag, 'imformation_image' => $column_wine[21] . ',' . $column_wine[22] . ',' . $column_wine[23] . ',' . $column_wine[24] . ',' . $column_wine[25] . ',' . $column_wine[26], 'rakuten_url' => $column_wine[17], 'wine_unique_id' => $i . '_' . $column_wine[13], 'color' => $column_wine[12], 'average_price' => $column_wine[15], 'average_rate' => 0, 'rate_count' => 0, 'wine_type' => $column_wine[7], 'folder_code' => $column_wine[20]); if ($wine['year'] == '' || $wine['year'] == 0) { $wine['wine_unique_id'] = $i . '_' . $i; } Wine::create($wine); $i++; } } else { $error = implode(",", $column_wine); $file_error = app_path() . "/error.txt"; file_put_contents($file_error, $error . "\n", FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); } } } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } }
public function upload_image_wine_scan($wine_unique_id) { $result = Wine::uploadImageWineScan($wine_unique_id); return Response::json($result); }
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src="/js/javascript.js"></script> <body> <div id="message"></div> <div class="container_12"> <div id="nav"> <?php showMenu(); ?> <div style="float:right;margin-top:12px; margin-right:15px"><label for="quickSummary">Quick Summary By UPC:</label><input type="number" id="quickSummary" name="quickSummary"><input type="button" value="Go" onClick="window.location.assign('/upcsummary/'+$('#quickSummary').val())"></div> </div> <div id="content"> <?php $wine = new Wine($dbh); $wine->fetchWineByUPC($_GET['upc']); ?> <div id="edit" style="display:none"> <h2>Edit: <span id="editUPC"><?php echo $_GET['upc']; ?> </span></h2> <form id="form" name="form"> <input type="hidden" id="function" name="function" value="updateWine"> <input type="hidden" id="wine_id" name="wine_id" value="<?php echo $wine->getID(); ?> "> <label for="name">UPC/EAN:</label><input type="text" style="width:400px" id="upc" name="upc" value="<?php echo $wine->getUPC();
function login() { if (isset($_REQUEST['username']) & isset($_REQUEST['password'])) { include_once '../models/wine.php'; $obj = new Wine(); $username = stripslashes($_REQUEST['username']); $password = stripslashes($_REQUEST['password']); $username = $obj->real_escape_string($username); $password = $obj->real_escape_string($password); $result = $obj->login($username, $password); $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); if (!$row) { echo '{"result":0, "message":"Failed to login"}'; } else { echo '{"result":1, "user_name":"' . $row['user_name'] . '"}'; } $result->close(); } }
<?php require "../config/config.php"; require "../library/DataBase.php"; require "../model/wine.php"; $w = new Wine(); $mensaje = ""; if (isset($_POST["btnGuardar"])) { $w->__SET("name", $_POST["txtName"]); $w->__SET("year", $_POST["txtYear"]); $w->__SET("grapes", $_POST["txtGrapes"]); $w->__SET("description", $_POST["txtDescription"]); if ($w->save()) { $mensaje = "alert('guardo')"; } else { $mensaje = "alert('no guardo')"; } } $datos = $w->read(); include "../view/index.php";
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src="/js/javascript.js"></script> <body> <div class="container_12"> <div id="nav"> <?php showMenu(); ?> <div style="float:right;margin-top:12px; margin-right:15px"><label for="quickSummary">Quick Summary By UPC:</label><input type="number" id="quickSummary" name="quickSummary"><input type="button" value="Go" onClick="window.location.assign('/upcsummary/'+$('#quickSummary').val())"></div> </div> <div id="content"> <?php $wine = new Wine($dbh); $json = $wine->getInventoryRecord($_GET['id']); $arr = json_decode($json, true); ?> <?php /*<div id="edit" style="display:none"> <h2>Edit: <span id="editUPC"><?php echo $_GET['id'];?></span></h2> <form id="form" name="form"> <input type="hidden" id="function" name="function" value="updateWine"> <input type="hidden" id="wine_id" name="wine_id" value="<? echo $wine->getID();?>"> <label for="name">UPC/EAN:</label><input type="text" style="width:400px" id="upc" name="upc" value="<?echo $wine->getUPC();?>"><br> <label for="name">Type:</label><select id="type" name="type"> <option value="Chardonnay" <? echo (strtoupper($wine->getType()) == 'CHARDONNAY'?'selected':''); ?>>Chardonnay</option> <option value="Fume/Sauvignon Blanc" <? echo (strtoupper($wine->getType()) == 'FUME/SAUVIGNON BLANC'?'selected':''); ?>>Fume/Sauvignon Blanc</option> <option value="Pinot Grigio" <? echo (strtoupper($wine->getType()) == 'PINOT GRIGIO'?'selected':''); ?>>Pinot Grigio</option> <option value="White Zinfandel/Rose" <? echo (strtoupper($wine->getType()) == 'WHITE ZINFANDEL/ROSE'?'selected':''); ?>>White Zinfandel/Rose</option>
public static function deleteWinenote($wine_unique_id) { $user_id = Session::get('user_id'); $winenote = Winenote::where('user_id', $user_id)->where('wine_unique_id', $wine_unique_id)->first(); $error_code = ApiResponse::OK; if (Wine::where('wine_unique_id', $wine_unique_id)->first()) { if ($winenote) { $winenote->delete(); $data = 'Wine note is deleted'; } else { $error_code = ApiResponse::UNAVAILABLE_WINE_NOTE; $data = ApiResponse::getErrorContent(ApiResponse::UNAVAILABLE_WINE_NOTE); } } else { $error_code = ApiResponse::UNAVAILABLE_WINE; $data = ApiResponse::getErrorContent(ApiResponse::UNAVAILABLE_WINE); } return array("code" => $error_code, "data" => $data); }
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); require_once 'inc/init.php'; require_once 'inc/'; $wine = new Wine($dbh); $wine->fetchWineByUPC($_GET['upc']); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/960/reset.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/960/960_12_col.css"> <!--<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/960/text.css">--> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src="/js/javascript.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $( document ).ready(function() { changePagination(0,'first','inventory'); }); </script> <body> <div class="container_12"> <div id="nav"> <?php showMenu(); ?>
/** * Function to search for a task */ function searchWine() { if (isset($_REQUEST['searchWord'])) { include_once '../models/wine.php'; $wine = new Wine(); $searchWord = $_REQUEST['searchWord']; if ($result = $wine->searchWine($searchWord)) { $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); echo '{"result":1, "wines": ['; while ($row) { echo '{"wine_id": "' . $row["wine_id"] . '", "wine_name": "' . $row["wine_name"] . '", "winery_name": "' . $row["winery_name"] . '", "cost": "' . $row["cost"] . '", "wine_type": "' . $row["wine_type"] . '", "year": "' . $row["year"] . '"}'; if ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { echo ','; } } echo ']}'; } else { echo '{"result":0,"status": "An error occurred for select product."}'; } } }
public function run() { DB::table('wines')->delete(); Wine::create(array('wine_id' => '1', 'name' => 'Gnarly Head Authentic White', 'year' => '2011', 'winery_id' => '1', 'image_url' => 'wines/1.jpg', 'wine_unique_id' => '1_2011', 'average_price' => '1200', 'average_rate' => '3.0', 'wine_type' => '2')); Wine::create(array('wine_id' => '2', 'name' => 'Trimbach Riesling', 'year' => '2010', 'winery_id' => '2', 'image_url' => 'wines/2.png', 'wine_unique_id' => '2_2010', 'average_price' => '1700', 'average_rate' => '4.0', 'wine_type' => '2')); Wine::create(array('wine_id' => '3', 'name' => 'Gruner Love Featuring the Stadlmann Gruner Veltliner ', 'year' => '2011', 'winery_id' => '3', 'image_url' => 'wines/3.png', 'wine_unique_id' => '3_2011', 'average_price' => '1600', 'average_rate' => '2.5', 'wine_type' => '1')); Wine::create(array('wine_id' => '4', 'name' => 'Pine Ridge Chenin Blanc + Viognier ', 'year' => '2013', 'winery_id' => '4', 'image_url' => 'wines/4.png', 'wine_unique_id' => '4_2013', 'average_price' => '1200', 'average_rate' => '2.0', 'wine_type' => '3')); Wine::create(array('wine_id' => '5', 'name' => 'Frescobaldi Nipozzano Chianti Rufina Riserva', 'year' => '2009', 'winery_id' => '5', 'image_url' => 'wines/5.png', 'wine_unique_id' => '5_2009', 'average_price' => '2200', 'average_rate' => '4.5', 'wine_type' => '1')); for ($i = 6; $i < 11; $i++) { $data = array('wine_id' => "{$i}", 'name' => "Wine_{$i}", 'year' => '2009', 'winery_id' => "1", 'wine_flag' => '', 'image_url' => 'wines/' . $i . '.png', 'wine_unique_id' => $i . "_2009", 'average_price' => '2200', 'average_rate' => '4.5', 'wine_type' => '1', 'rate_count' => '3'); $winery_id = $data['winery_id']; $winery = Winery::where('id', $winery_id)->with('country')->first(); if ($winery) { $data['wine_flag'] = $winery->country->flag_url; } else { $data['wine_flag'] = ''; } Wine::create($data); } // Wine::create(array( // 'name' => 'カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン',s // 'year' => '1990', // 'winery_id' => '1', // 'image_url' => public_path() . '/images/1', // 'wine_unique_id' => '1_1990', // 'average_price' => '0.0', // 'average_rate' => '0.0', // 'wine_type' => '赤', // )); // Wine::create(array( // 'name' => 'メルロー ', // 'year' => '1990', // 'winery_id' => '1', // 'image_url' => public_path() . '/images/2', // 'wine_unique_id' => '2_1990', // 'average_price' => '0.0', // 'average_rate' => '0.0', // 'wine_type' => '赤', // )); // Wine::create(array( // 'name' => 'カルメネール', // 'year' => '1993', // 'winery_id' => '1', // 'image_url' => public_path() . '/images/3', // 'wine_unique_id' => '3_1993', // 'average_price' => '0.0', // 'average_rate' => '0.0', // 'wine_type' => '赤', // )); // Wine::create(array( // 'name' => 'シラー', // 'year' => '1993', // 'winery_id' => '1', // 'image_url' => public_path() . '/images/4', // 'wine_unique_id' => '4_1993', // 'average_price' => '0.0', // 'average_rate' => '0.0', // 'wine_type' => '赤', // )); // Wine::create(array( // 'name' => 'ピノ・ノワール', // 'year' => '1990', // 'winery_id' => '1', // 'image_url' => public_path() . '/images/5', // 'wine_unique_id' => '5_1990', // 'average_price' => '0.0', // 'average_rate' => '0.0', // 'wine_type' => '赤', // )); // Wine::create(array( // 'name' => 'ピノノワール・ロゼ ', // 'year' => '1993', // 'winery_id' => '1', // 'image_url' => public_path() . '/images/6', // 'wine_unique_id' => '6_1993', // 'average_price' => '0.0', // 'average_rate' => '0.0', // 'wine_type' => 'ロゼ', // )); // Wine::create(array( // 'name' => 'シャルドネ', // 'year' => '1990', // 'winery_id' => '1', // 'image_url' => public_path() . '/images/7', // 'wine_unique_id' => '7_1990', // 'average_price' => '0.0', // 'average_rate' => '0.0', // 'wine_type' => '白', // )); // Wine::create(array( // 'name' => 'ゲヴュルツトラミネール ', // 'year' => '1990', // 'winery_id' => '1', // 'image_url' => public_path() . '/images/8', // 'wine_unique_id' => '8_1990', // 'average_price' => '0.0', // 'average_rate' => '0.0', // 'wine_type' => '白', // )); // Wine::create(array( // 'name' => 'リースリング ', // 'year' => '1990', // 'winery_id' => '1', // 'image_url' => public_path() . '/images/9', // 'wine_unique_id' => '9_1990', // 'average_price' => '0.0', // 'average_rate' => '0.0', // 'wine_type' => '白', // )); // Wine::create(array( // 'name' => 'ソーヴィニヨン・ブラン ', // 'year' => '1993', // 'winery_id' => '1', // 'image_url' => public_path() . '/images/10', // 'wine_unique_id' => '10_1993', // 'average_price' => '0.0', // 'average_rate' => '0.0', // 'wine_type' => '白', // )); // Wine::create(array( // 'name' => 'ヴィオニエ', // 'year' => '1993', // 'winery_id' => '1', // 'image_url' => public_path() . '/images/11', // 'wine_unique_id' => '11_1993', // 'average_price' => '0.0', // 'average_rate' => '0.0', // 'wine_type' => '白', // )); }
<?php require_once 'inc/init.php'; require_once 'inc/'; echo 'Hello Wine Enthusiasts.<br>'; $dbh->query("DELETE FROM wine"); $dbh->query("DELETE FROM inventory"); $newWine = new Wine($dbh); $newWine->setUPC('1541948561658'); $newWine->setName('Pinot Grigio'); $newWine->setVintage('1954'); $newWine->setSellPrice('150.00'); $id = $newWine->writeWineToTable(); echo $id . '<br>'; $newWine->setID($id); $id = $newWine->addInventory(10, 15.5, 'Bought From Bob'); echo $id . '<br>'; $id = $newWine->removeInventory(5, 45.5, 'Sold To James'); echo $id;
function testsperengine() { global $tests; SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "perform generic bean manipulation"; $ok = 1; $bean = RedBean_OODB::dispense("note"); $bean->message = "hai"; $bean->color = 3; $bean->date = time(); $bean->special = 'n'; $bean->state = 90; RedBean_OODB::set($bean); $bean2 = RedBean_OODB::getById("note", 1); if ($bean2->state != 90 || $bean2->special != 'n' || $bean2->message != 'hai') { $ok = 0; SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $bean->message = "lorem ipsum"; RedBean_OODB::set($bean); $bean->message = 1; $bean->color = "green"; $bean->date = str_repeat("BLABLA", 100); RedBean_OODB::set($bean); $note = $bean; SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $person = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $person->age = 50; $person->name = "Bob"; $person->gender = "m"; RedBean_OODB::set($person); RedBean_OODB::associate($person, $note); $memo = RedBean_OODB::getById("note", 1); $authors = RedBean_OODB::getAssoc($memo, "person"); if (count($authors) !== 1) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } RedBean_OODB::trash($authors[1]); $authors = RedBean_OODB::getAssoc($memo, "person"); if (count($authors) > 0) { $ok = 0; } if (!$ok) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } //unit tests //drop the note table SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "dispense an RedBean_OODB Bean"; $oBean = RedBean_OODB::dispense(); if (!$oBean instanceof OODBBean) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "put a bean in the database"; $person = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $person->name = "John"; $person->age = 35; $person->gender = "m"; $person->hasJob = true; $id = RedBean_OODB::set($person); $johnid = $id; $person2 = RedBean_OODB::getById("person", $id); if ($person2->age != $person->age) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } $person2->anotherprop = 2; RedBean_OODB::set($person2); $person = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $person->name = "Bob"; $person->age = 50; $person->gender = "m"; $person->hasJob = false; $bobid = RedBean_OODB::set($person); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "find records on basis of similarity"; $ids = RedBean_OODB::getBySQL("`gender`={gender} order by `name` asc", array("gender" => "m"), "person"); if (count($ids) != 2) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $ids = RedBean_OODB::getBySQL("`gender`={gender} OR `color`={clr} ", array("gender" => "m", "clr" => "red"), "person"); if (count($ids) != 0) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $ids = RedBean_OODB::getBySQL("`gender`={gender} AND `color`={clr} ", array("gender" => "m", "clr" => "red"), "person"); if (count($ids) != 0) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); R::gen("Person"); $dummy = new Person(); $dummy->age = 40; SmartTest::instance()->test(count(Person::find($dummy, array("age" => ">"))), 1); $dummy->age = 20; SmartTest::instance()->test(count(Person::find($dummy, array("age" => ">"))), 2); $dummy->age = 100; SmartTest::instance()->test(count(Person::find($dummy, array("age" => ">"))), 0); $dummy->age = 100; SmartTest::instance()->test(count(Person::find($dummy, array("age" => "<="))), 2); $dummy->name = "ob"; SmartTest::instance()->test(count(Person::find($dummy, array("name" => "LIKE"))), 1); $dummy->name = "o"; SmartTest::instance()->test(count(Person::find($dummy, array("name" => "LIKE"))), 2); $dummy->gender = "m"; SmartTest::instance()->test(count(Person::find($dummy, array("gender" => "="))), 2); $dummy->gender = "f"; SmartTest::instance()->test(count(Person::find($dummy, array("gender" => "="))), 0); SmartTest::instance()->test(count(Person::listAll()), 2); SmartTest::instance()->test(count(Person::listAll(0, 1)), 1); SmartTest::instance()->test(count(Person::listAll(1)), 1); $can = Person::where("`gender`={gender} order by `name` asc", array("gender" => "m"), "person"); //test array access foreach ($can as $item) { if ($item->getName() == "Bob" || $item->getName() == "John") { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } else { SmartTest::failedTest(); } } //test array access $bean = $can[0]; if ($bean->name == "Bob") { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } else { SmartTest::failedTest(); } if ($can->count() != 2) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $can->rewind(); SmartTest::instance()->test($can->key(), 0); SmartTest::instance()->test($can->valid(), true); SmartTest::instance()->test($can->current()->getName(), "Bob"); $can->next(); SmartTest::instance()->test($can->key(), 1); SmartTest::instance()->test($can->valid(), false); SmartTest::instance()->test($can->current()->getName(), "John"); $can->seek(0); SmartTest::instance()->test($can->key(), 0); $beans = $can->getBeans(); if (count($beans) != 2) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); //test slicing $can->slice(0, 1); $can->rewind(); SmartTest::instance()->test($can->current()->getName(), "Bob"); SmartTest::instance()->test($can->count(), 1); $b1 = array_shift($beans); if ($b1->name != "Bob") { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); //basic functionality where() $beans = Person::where("`gender`={gender} order by `name` asc", array("gender" => "m"), "person")->getBeans(); if (count($beans) != 2) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); //without backticks should still work $beans = Person::where("gender={person} order by `name` asc", array("person" => "m"), "person")->getBeans(); if (count($beans) != 2) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); //like comparing should still work $beans = Person::where("gender={gender} and `name` LIKE {name} order by `name` asc", array("gender" => "m", "name" => "B%"), "person")->getBeans(); if (count($beans) != 1) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $searchBean = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $searchBean->gender = "m"; SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "associate beans with eachother?"; $app = RedBean_OODB::dispense("appointment"); $app->kind = "dentist"; RedBean_OODB::set($app); RedBean_OODB::associate($person2, $app); $appforbob = array_shift(RedBean_OODB::getAssoc($person2, "appointment")); if (!$appforbob || $appforbob->kind != "dentist") { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "delete a bean?"; $person = RedBean_OODB::getById("person", $bobid); RedBean_OODB::trash($person); try { $person = RedBean_OODB::getById("person", $bobid); $ok = 0; } catch (ExceptionFailedAccessBean $e) { $ok = true; } if (!$ok) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "unassociate two beans?"; $john = RedBean_OODB::getById("person", $johnid); //hmmmmmm gaat mis bij innodb $app = RedBean_OODB::getById("appointment", 1); RedBean_OODB::unassociate($john, $app); $john2 = RedBean_OODB::getById("person", $johnid); $appsforjohn = RedBean_OODB::getAssoc($john2, "appointment"); if (count($appsforjohn) > 0) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "unassociate by deleting a bean?"; $anotherdrink = RedBean_OODB::dispense("whisky"); $anotherdrink->name = "bowmore"; $anotherdrink->age = 18; $anotherdrink->singlemalt = 'y'; RedBean_OODB::set($anotherdrink); RedBean_OODB::associate($anotherdrink, $john); $hisdrinks = RedBean_OODB::getAssoc($john, "whisky"); if (count($hisdrinks) !== 1) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } RedBean_OODB::trash($anotherdrink); $hisdrinks = RedBean_OODB::getAssoc($john, "whisky"); if (count($hisdrinks) !== 0) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "create parent child relationships?"; $pete = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $pete->age = 48; $pete->gender = "m"; $pete->name = "Pete"; $peteid = RedBean_OODB::set($pete); $rob = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $rob->age = 19; $rob->name = "Rob"; $rob->gender = "m"; $saskia = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $saskia->age = 20; $saskia->name = "Saskia"; $saskia->gender = "f"; RedBean_OODB::set($saskia); RedBean_OODB::set($rob); RedBean_OODB::addChild($pete, $rob); RedBean_OODB::addChild($pete, $saskia); $children = RedBean_OODB::getChildren($pete); $names = 0; if (is_array($children) && count($children) === 2) { foreach ($children as $child) { if ($child->name === "Rob") { $names++; } if ($child->name === "Saskia") { $names++; } } } if (!$names) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } $daddies = RedBean_OODB::getParent($saskia); $daddy = array_pop($daddies); if ($daddy->name === "Pete") { $ok = 1; } else { $ok = 0; } if (!$ok) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "remove a child from a parent-child tree?"; RedBean_OODB::removeChild($daddy, $saskia); $children = RedBean_OODB::getChildren($pete); $ok = 0; if (count($children) === 1) { $only = array_pop($children); if ($only->name === "Rob") { $ok = 1; } } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "save on the fly while associating?"; $food = RedBean_OODB::dispense("dish"); $food->name = "pizza"; RedBean_OODB::associate($food, $pete); $petesfood = RedBean_OODB::getAssoc($pete, "food"); if (is_array($petesfood) && count($petesfood) === 1) { $ok = 1; } if (!$ok) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } //some extra tests... quick without further notice. $food = RedBean_OODB::dispense("dish"); $food->name = "spaghetti"; RedBean_OODB::trash($food); //test aggregation functions //insert stat table $s = RedBean_OODB::dispense("stattest"); $s->amount = 1; RedBean_OODB::set($s); $s = RedBean_OODB::dispense("stattest"); $s->amount = 2; RedBean_OODB::set($s); $s = RedBean_OODB::dispense("stattest"); $s->amount = 3; RedBean_OODB::set($s); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "can we use aggr functions using Redbean?"; if (RedBean_OODB::numberof("stattest") != 3) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (RedBean_OODB::maxof("stattest", "amount") != 3) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (RedBean_OODB::minof("stattest", "amount") != 1) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (RedBean_OODB::avgof("stattest", "amount") != 2) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (RedBean_OODB::sumof("stattest", "amount") != 6) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (count(RedBean_OODB::distinct("stattest", "amount")) != 3) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } RedBean_OODB::setLocking(true); $i = 3; SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "generate only valid classes?"; try { $i += RedBean_OODB::gen(""); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } catch (Exception $e) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } //nothing try { $i += RedBean_OODB::gen("."); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } catch (Exception $e) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } //illegal chars try { $i += RedBean_OODB::gen(","); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } catch (Exception $e) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } //illegal chars try { $i += RedBean_OODB::gen("null"); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } catch (Exception $e) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } //keywords try { $i += RedBean_OODB::gen("Exception"); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } catch (Exception $e) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } //reserved SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "generate classes using Redbean?"; if (!class_exists("Bug")) { $i += RedBean_OODB::gen("Bug"); if ($i !== 4) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } } else { if ($i !== 3) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } } if (!class_exists("Bug")) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "use getters and setters"; $bug = new Bug(); $bug->setSomething(sha1("abc")); if ($bug->getSomething() != sha1("abc")) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } //can we use non existing props? --triggers fatal.. $bug->getHappy(); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "Use boolean values and retrieve them with is()?"; if ($bug->isHappy()) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $bug->setHappy(true); $bug->save(); $bug = new Bug(1); if (!$bug->isHappy()) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $bug->setHappy(false); if ($bug->isHappy()) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "avoid race-conditions by locking?"; RedBean_OODB::gen("Cheese,Wine"); $cheese = new Cheese(); $cheese->setName('Brie'); $cheese->save(); $cheese = new Cheese(1); //try to mess with the locking system... $oldkey = RedBean_OODB::$pkey; RedBean_OODB::$pkey = 1234; $cheese = new Cheese(1); $cheese->setName("Camembert"); $ok = 0; try { $cheese->save(); } catch (ExceptionFailedAccessBean $e) { $ok = 1; } if (!$ok) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $bordeaux = new Wine(); $bordeaux->setRegion("Bordeaux"); try { $bordeaux->add($cheese); } catch (ExceptionFailedAccessBean $e) { $ok = 1; } if (!$ok) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); try { $bordeaux->attach($cheese); } catch (ExceptionFailedAccessBean $e) { $ok = 1; } if (!$ok) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); try { $bordeaux->add(new Wine()); $ok = 1; } catch (ExceptionFailedAccessBean $e) { $ok = 0; } if (!$ok) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); RedBean_OODB::$pkey = $oldkey; $cheese = new Cheese(1); $cheese->setName("Camembert"); $ok = 0; try { $cheese->save(); $ok = 1; } catch (ExceptionFailedAccessBean $e) { $ok = 0; } if (!$ok) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); try { RedBean_OODB::$pkey = 999; RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(0); $cheese = new Cheese(1); $cheese->setName("Cheddar"); $cheese->save(); RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(10); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } catch (Exception $e) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } try { RedBean_OODB::$pkey = 123; RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(100); $cheese = new Cheese(1); $cheese->setName("Cheddar2"); $cheese->save(); RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(10); SmartTest::failedTest(); } catch (Exception $e) { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } try { RedBean_OODB::$pkey = 42; RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(0); $cheese = new Cheese(1); $cheese->setName("Cheddar3"); $cheese->save(); RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(10); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } catch (Exception $e) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } //test value ranges SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "protect inner state of RedBean"; try { RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(-1); SmartTest::failedTest(); } catch (ExceptionInvalidArgument $e) { } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "protect inner state of RedBean"; try { RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(1.5); SmartTest::failedTest(); } catch (ExceptionInvalidArgument $e) { } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "protect inner state of RedBean"; try { RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime("aaa"); SmartTest::failedTest(); } catch (ExceptionInvalidArgument $e) { } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "protect inner state of RedBean"; try { RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(null); SmartTest::failedTest(); } catch (ExceptionInvalidArgument $e) { } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); //test convenient tree functions SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "convient tree functions"; if (!class_exists("Person")) { RedBean_OODB::gen("person"); } $donald = new Person(); $donald->setName("Donald"); $donald->save(); $kwik = new Person(); $kwik->setName("Kwik"); $kwik->save(); $kwek = new Person(); $kwek->setName("Kwek"); $kwek->save(); $kwak = new Person(); $kwak->setName("Kwak"); $kwak->save(); $donald->attach($kwik); $donald->attach($kwek); $donald->attach($kwak); if (count($donald->children()) != 3) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (count($kwik->siblings()) != 2) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } //todo if ($kwik->hasParent($donald) != true) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($donald->hasParent($kwak) != false) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($donald->hasChild($kwak) != true) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($donald->hasChild($donald) != false) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($kwak->hasChild($kwik) != false) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($kwak->hasSibling($kwek) != true) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($kwak->hasSibling($kwak) != false) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($kwak->hasSibling($donald) != false) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } //copy SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "copy functions"; $kwak2 = $kwak->copy(); $id = $kwak2->save(); $kwak2 = new Person($id); if ($kwak->getName() != $kwak2->getName()) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "countRelated"; R::gen("Blog,Comment"); $blog = new Blog(); $blog2 = new Blog(); $blog->setTitle("blog1"); $blog2->setTitle("blog2"); for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $comment = new Comment(); $comment->setText("comment no. {$i} "); $blog->add($comment); } for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $comment = new Comment(); $comment->setText("comment no. {$i} "); $blog2->add($comment); } if ($blog->numofComment() !== 5) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($blog2->numofComment() !== 3) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "associate tables of the same name"; $blog = new Blog(); $blogb = new Blog(); $blog->title = 'blog a'; $blogb->title = 'blog b'; $blog->add($blogb); $b = $blog->getRelatedBlog(); if (count($b) !== 1) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } $b = array_pop($b); if ($b->title != 'blog b') { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "inferTypeII patch"; $blog->rating = 4294967295.0; $blog->save(); $id = $blog->getID(); $blog2->rating = -1; $blog2->save(); $blog = new Blog($id); if ($blog->getRating() != 4294967295.0) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "Longtext column type"; $blog->message = str_repeat("x", 65535); $blog->save(); $blog = new Blog($id); if (strlen($blog->message) != 65535) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } $rows = RedBean_OODB::$db->get("describe blog"); if ($rows[3]["Type"] != "text") { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } $blog->message = str_repeat("x", 65536); $blog->save(); $blog = new Blog($id); if (strlen($blog->message) != 65536) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } $rows = RedBean_OODB::$db->get("describe blog"); if ($rows[3]["Type"] != "longtext") { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } Redbean_OODB::clean(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "Export"; RedBean_OODB::gen("justabean"); $oBean = new JustABean(); $oBean->setA("a"); $oOtherBean = new OODBBean(); $oOtherBean->a = "b"; $oBean2 = new OODBBean(); $oBean->exportTo($oBean2); if ($oBean2->a !== "a") { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } $oBean2 = $oBean->exportTo($oBean2); if ($oBean2->a !== "a") { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } $oBean->exportTo($oBean2, $oOtherBean); if ($oBean2->a !== "b") { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } $arr = array(); $oBean->exportTo($arr); if ($arr["a"] !== "a") { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } $arr = array(); $arr = $oBean->exportTo($arr); if ($arr["a"] !== "a") { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } $arr = $oBean->exportTo($arr, $oOtherBean); if ($arr["a"] !== "b") { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "Export Array"; $oBean->a = "a"; $oInnerBean = new JustABean(); $oInnerBean->setID(123); $oBean->innerbean = $oInnerBean; $arr = $oBean->exportAsArr(); if (!is_array($arr)) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($arr["innerbean"] !== 123) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($arr["a"] !== "a") { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } //test 1-to-n SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "1-to-n relations"; R::gen("Track,Disc"); $cd1 = new Disc(); $cd1->name = 'first'; $cd1->save(); $cd2 = new Disc(); $cd2->name = 'second'; $cd2->save(); $track = new Track(); $track->title = "song 1"; $track->belongsTo($cd1); $discs = $track->getRelatedDisc(); SmartTest::instance()->test(count($discs), 1); $track->belongsTo($cd2); $discs = $track->getRelatedDisc(); SmartTest::instance()->test(count($discs), 1); $track2 = new Track(); $track2->title = "song 2"; $cd1->exclusiveAdd($track2); SmartTest::instance()->test(count($track->getRelatedDisc()), 1); $cd2->exclusiveAdd($track2); SmartTest::instance()->test(count($track->getRelatedDisc()), 1); }
public function testSearchWineSuccess() { $data = array(); $_params = $this->_params; $response = $this->action('POST', 'WineController@search', array(), array('data' => json_encode($_params))); $user_id = $this->_user_id; $wine = Wine::where('name', 'LIKE', '%wi%')->with('winery')->get(); if ($wine) { foreach ($wine as $wines) { if ($wines->image_url != null) { $wines->image_url = URL::asset($wines->image_url); } if ($wines->wine_flag != null) { $wines->wine_flag = URL::asset($wines->wine_flag); } $ratings = Rating::where('user_id', $user_id)->where('wine_unique_id', $wines->wine_unique_id)->where('is_my_wine', 1)->first(); if ($ratings) { $data[] = $wines; } else { $wishlist = Wishlist::where('user_id', $user_id)->where('wine_unique_id', $wines->wine_unique_id)->first(); if ($wishlist) { $data[] = $wines; } } } } $this->assertEquals(array("code" => ApiResponse::OK, "data" => $data), json_decode($response->getContent(), true)); }
public static function deleteRating($id) { $rating = Rating::where('id', $id)->first(); $error_code = ApiResponse::OK; if ($rating) { $rating_profile = Profile::where('user_id', $rating->user_id)->first(); if ($rating_profile != null) { $rating_profile->rate_count = $rating_profile->rate_count - 1; $rating_profile->save(); } $rating_wine = Wine::where('wine_unique_id', $rating->wine_unique_id)->first(); if ($rating_wine != null) { $rating_rate = $rating_wine->average_rate * $rating_wine->rate_count; $rating_wine->rate_count = $rating_wine->rate_count - 1; if ($rating_wine->rate_count > 0) { $rating_wine->average_rate = ($rating_rate - $rating->rate) / $rating_wine->rate_count; } else { $rating_wine->average_rate = 0; } $rating_wine->save(); } $rating->delete(); $data = 'Rating Deleted'; } else { $error_code = ApiResponse::UNAVAILABLE_RATING; $data = ApiResponse::getErrorContent(ApiResponse::UNAVAILABLE_RATING); } return array("code" => $error_code, "data" => $data); }
public static function uploadImageWineScan($wine_unique_id) { $error_code = ApiResponse::OK; $user_id = Session::get('user_id'); $wine = Wine::where('wine_unique_id', $wine_unique_id)->first(); if ($wine) { if (Input::hasFile('file')) { $file = Input::file('file'); $destinationPath = public_path() . '/images/' . $user_id . '/wine/' . $wine->wine_unique_id; $filename = date('YmdHis') . '_' . $file->getClientOriginalName(); $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); if (!File::isDirectory($destinationPath)) { File::makeDirectory($destinationPath, $mode = 0777, true, true); } else { File::cleanDirectory($destinationPath); } $upload_success = $file->move($destinationPath, $filename); $data = URL::asset('images/' . $user_id . '/wine/' . $wine_unique_id . '/' . $filename); } else { $error_code = ApiResponse::MISSING_PARAMS; $data = null; } } else { $error_code = ApiResponse::UNAVAILABLE_WINE; $data = ApiResponse::getErrorContent(ApiResponse::UNAVAILABLE_WINE); } return array("code" => $error_code, "data" => $data); }
function exportCSV($arr, $dbh) { if (isset($arr['reportType']) && $arr['reportType'] == 'summaryByUPC') { $wine = new Wine($dbh); $wine->fetchWineByUPC($arr['upc']); if (isset($arr['toDate']) && $arr['toDate'] != null) { $to = $arr['toDate']; } else { $to = null; } if (isset($arr['fromDate']) && $arr['fromDate'] != null) { $from = $arr['fromDate']; } else { $from = null; } $json = $wine->getInventorySummary($from, $to); //Generate HTML and echo it out; $data = json_decode($json, true); if (!isset($data[0])) { die('No data was found matching your criteria.'); } $fp = fopen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/tmp/summaryByUPC.csv', 'w'); $header = 'UPC,Name,Cost,SellingPrice,Quantity,DateTime,Location'; fwrite($fp, $header); fwrite($fp, PHP_EOL); foreach ($data as $row) { fputcsv($fp, $row); } fclose($fp); header('Location: /tmp/summaryByUPC.csv'); } else { if (isset($arr['reportType']) && $arr['reportType'] == 'completeInventory') { $wine = new Wine($dbh); if (isset($arr['toDate']) && $arr['toDate'] != null) { $to = $arr['toDate']; } else { $to = null; } $args = array('date' => $to); $wines = $wine->fetchAllWines(); $data = json_decode($wines, true); $fp = fopen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/tmp/completeInventory.csv', 'w'); $header = 'UPC,Name,Qty,Cost/Bottle,Total Cost,Selling Price,Cost/Selling Price'; fwrite($fp, $header); fwrite($fp, PHP_EOL); foreach ($data as $row) { $curWine = new Wine($dbh); $curWine->fetchWineByUPC($row['upc']); $args = array('date' => $to); $inv = $curWine->getCurrentInventory($args); //cur is json summary of inventory $row = '' . $curWine->getUPC() . ',' . $curWine->getName() . ',' . $curWine->getCurrentInventory($args) . ',' . number_format($curWine->getCost(), 2, '.', '') . ',' . number_format($curWine->getCurrentInventory($args) * $curWine->getCost(), 2, '.', '') . ',' . number_format($curWine->getSellPrice(), 2, '.', '') . ',' . $curWine->getCost() / $curWine->getSellPrice(); fwrite($fp, $row); fwrite($fp, PHP_EOL); } fclose($fp); header('Location: /tmp/completeInventory.csv'); } else { die('Invalid Report Type'); } } }
//try to mess with the locking system... $oldkey = RedBean_OODB::$pkey; RedBean_OODB::$pkey = 1234; $cheese = new Cheese(1); $cheese->setName("Camembert"); $ok = 0; try { $cheese->save(); } catch (ExceptionFailedAccessBean $e) { $ok = 1; } if (!$ok) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $bordeaux = new Wine(); $bordeaux->setRegion("Bordeaux"); try { $bordeaux->add($cheese); } catch (ExceptionFailedAccessBean $e) { $ok = 1; } if (!$ok) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); try { $bordeaux->attach($cheese); } catch (ExceptionFailedAccessBean $e) { $ok = 1; }