  * Convert wikitext to HTML
  * Do not call this function recursively.
  * @param string $text text we want to parse
  * @param $title Title object
  * @param $options ParserOptions
  * @param $linestart boolean
  * @param $clearState boolean
  * @param int $revid number to pass in {{REVISIONID}}
  * @return ParserOutput a ParserOutput
 public function parse($text, Title $title, ParserOptions $options, $linestart = true, $clearState = true, $revid = null)
      * First pass--just handle <nowiki> sections, pass the rest off
      * to internalParse() which does all the real work.
     global $wgUseTidy, $wgAlwaysUseTidy, $wgShowHostnames;
     $fname = __METHOD__ . '-' . wfGetCaller();
     $this->startParse($title, $options, self::OT_HTML, $clearState);
     // AG, for upgrade 1.21: added to get image sections set up
     global $wgParser;
     $oldParser = $wgParser;
     $wgParser = new Parser();
     $wgParser = $oldParser;
     $this->mInputSize = strlen($text);
     if ($this->mOptions->getEnableLimitReport()) {
     # Remove the strip marker tag prefix from the input, if present.
     if ($clearState) {
         $text = str_replace($this->mUniqPrefix, '', $text);
     $oldRevisionId = $this->mRevisionId;
     $oldRevisionObject = $this->mRevisionObject;
     $oldRevisionTimestamp = $this->mRevisionTimestamp;
     $oldRevisionUser = $this->mRevisionUser;
     $oldRevisionSize = $this->mRevisionSize;
     if ($revid !== null) {
         $this->mRevisionId = $revid;
         $this->mRevisionObject = null;
         $this->mRevisionTimestamp = null;
         $this->mRevisionUser = null;
         $this->mRevisionSize = null;
     wfRunHooks('ParserBeforeStrip', array(&$this, &$text, &$this->mStripState));
     # No more strip!
     wfRunHooks('ParserAfterStrip', array(&$this, &$text, &$this->mStripState));
     $text = $this->internalParse($text);
     wfRunHooks('ParserAfterParse', array(&$this, &$text, &$this->mStripState));
     $text = $this->mStripState->unstripGeneral($text);
     # Clean up special characters, only run once, next-to-last before doBlockLevels
     $fixtags = array('/(.) (?=\\?|:|;|!|%|\\302\\273)/' => '\\1&#160;', '/(\\302\\253) /' => '\\1&#160;', '/&#160;(!\\s*important)/' => ' \\1');
     $text = preg_replace(array_keys($fixtags), array_values($fixtags), $text);
     $text = $this->doBlockLevels($text, $linestart);
      * The input doesn't get language converted if
      * a) It's disabled
      * b) Content isn't converted
      * c) It's a conversion table
      * d) it is an interface message (which is in the user language)
     if (!($options->getDisableContentConversion() || isset($this->mDoubleUnderscores['nocontentconvert']))) {
         if (!$this->mOptions->getInterfaceMessage()) {
             # The position of the convert() call should not be changed. it
             # assumes that the links are all replaced and the only thing left
             # is the <nowiki> mark.
             $text = $this->getConverterLanguage()->convert($text);
      * A converted title will be provided in the output object if title and
      * content conversion are enabled, the article text does not contain
      * a conversion-suppressing double-underscore tag, and no
      * {{DISPLAYTITLE:...}} is present. DISPLAYTITLE takes precedence over
      * automatic link conversion.
     if (!($options->getDisableTitleConversion() || isset($this->mDoubleUnderscores['nocontentconvert']) || isset($this->mDoubleUnderscores['notitleconvert']) || $this->mOutput->getDisplayTitle() !== false)) {
         $convruletitle = $this->getConverterLanguage()->getConvRuleTitle();
         if ($convruletitle) {
         } else {
             $titleText = $this->getConverterLanguage()->convertTitle($title);
     $text = $this->mStripState->unstripNoWiki($text);
     wfRunHooks('ParserBeforeTidy', array(&$this, &$text));
     $text = $this->replaceTransparentTags($text);
     $text = $this->mStripState->unstripGeneral($text);
     $text = Sanitizer::normalizeCharReferences($text);
     if ($wgUseTidy && $this->mOptions->getTidy() || $wgAlwaysUseTidy) {
         $text = MWTidy::tidy($text);
     } else {
         # attempt to sanitize at least some nesting problems
         # (bug #2702 and quite a few others)
         $tidyregs = array('/(<([bi])>)(<([bi])>)?([^<]*)(<\\/?a[^<]*>)([^<]*)(<\\/\\4>)?(<\\/\\2>)/' => '\\1\\3\\5\\8\\9\\6\\1\\3\\7\\8\\9', '/(<a[^>]+>)([^<]*)(<a[^>]+>[^<]*)<\\/a>(.*)<\\/a>/' => '\\1\\2</a>\\3</a>\\1\\4</a>', '/(<([aib]) [^>]+>)([^<]*)(<div([^>]*)>)(.*)(<\\/div>)([^<]*)(<\\/\\2>)/' => '\\1\\3&lt;div\\5&gt;\\6&lt;/div&gt;\\8\\9', '/<([bi])><\\/\\1>/' => '');
         $text = preg_replace(array_keys($tidyregs), array_values($tidyregs), $text);
     if ($this->mExpensiveFunctionCount > $this->mOptions->getExpensiveParserFunctionLimit()) {
         $this->limitationWarn('expensive-parserfunction', $this->mExpensiveFunctionCount, $this->mOptions->getExpensiveParserFunctionLimit());
     wfRunHooks('ParserAfterTidy', array(&$this, &$text));
     # Information on include size limits, for the benefit of users who try to skirt them
     if ($this->mOptions->getEnableLimitReport()) {
         $max = $this->mOptions->getMaxIncludeSize();
         $cpuTime = $this->mOutput->getTimeSinceStart('cpu');
         if ($cpuTime !== null) {
             $this->mOutput->setLimitReportData('limitreport-cputime', sprintf("%.3f", $cpuTime));
         $wallTime = $this->mOutput->getTimeSinceStart('wall');
         $this->mOutput->setLimitReportData('limitreport-walltime', sprintf("%.3f", $wallTime));
         $this->mOutput->setLimitReportData('limitreport-ppvisitednodes', array($this->mPPNodeCount, $this->mOptions->getMaxPPNodeCount()));
         $this->mOutput->setLimitReportData('limitreport-ppgeneratednodes', array($this->mGeneratedPPNodeCount, $this->mOptions->getMaxGeneratedPPNodeCount()));
         $this->mOutput->setLimitReportData('limitreport-postexpandincludesize', array($this->mIncludeSizes['post-expand'], $max));
         $this->mOutput->setLimitReportData('limitreport-templateargumentsize', array($this->mIncludeSizes['arg'], $max));
         $this->mOutput->setLimitReportData('limitreport-expansiondepth', array($this->mHighestExpansionDepth, $this->mOptions->getMaxPPExpandDepth()));
         $this->mOutput->setLimitReportData('limitreport-expensivefunctioncount', array($this->mExpensiveFunctionCount, $this->mOptions->getExpensiveParserFunctionLimit()));
         wfRunHooks('ParserLimitReportPrepare', array($this, $this->mOutput));
         $limitReport = "NewPP limit report\n";
         if ($wgShowHostnames) {
             $limitReport .= 'Parsed by ' . wfHostname() . "\n";
         foreach ($this->mOutput->getLimitReportData() as $key => $value) {
             if (wfRunHooks('ParserLimitReportFormat', array($key, &$value, &$limitReport, false, false))) {
                 $keyMsg = wfMessage($key)->inLanguage('en')->useDatabase(false);
                 $valueMsg = wfMessage(array("{$key}-value-text", "{$key}-value"))->inLanguage('en')->useDatabase(false);
                 if (!$valueMsg->exists()) {
                     $valueMsg = new RawMessage('$1');
                 if (!$keyMsg->isDisabled() && !$valueMsg->isDisabled()) {
                     $limitReport .= "{$keyMsg->text()}: {$valueMsg->text()}\n";
         // Since we're not really outputting HTML, decode the entities and
         // then re-encode the things that need hiding inside HTML comments.
         $limitReport = htmlspecialchars_decode($limitReport);
         wfRunHooks('ParserLimitReport', array($this, &$limitReport));
         // Sanitize for comment. Note '‐' in the replacement is U+2010,
         // which looks much like the problematic '-'.
         $limitReport = str_replace(array('-', '&'), array('‐', '&amp;'), $limitReport);
         $text .= "\n<!-- \n{$limitReport}-->\n";
         if ($this->mGeneratedPPNodeCount > $this->mOptions->getMaxGeneratedPPNodeCount() / 10) {
             wfDebugLog('generated-pp-node-count', $this->mGeneratedPPNodeCount . ' ' . $this->mTitle->getPrefixedDBkey());
     $this->mRevisionId = $oldRevisionId;
     $this->mRevisionObject = $oldRevisionObject;
     $this->mRevisionTimestamp = $oldRevisionTimestamp;
     $this->mRevisionUser = $oldRevisionUser;
     $this->mRevisionSize = $oldRevisionSize;
     $this->mInputSize = false;
     return $this->mOutput;
文件: Parser.php 项目: ErdemA/wikihow
  * Convert wikitext to HTML
  * Do not call this function recursively.
  * @param string $text Text we want to parse
  * @param Title &$title A title object
  * @param array $options
  * @param boolean $linestart
  * @param boolean $clearState
  * @param int $revid number to pass in {{REVISIONID}}
  * @return ParserOutput a ParserOutput
 public function parse($text, &$title, $options, $linestart = true, $clearState = true, $revid = null)
      * First pass--just handle <nowiki> sections, pass the rest off
      * to internalParse() which does all the real work.
     global $wgUseTidy, $wgAlwaysUseTidy, $wgContLang, $wgParser;
     $fname = 'Parser::parse-' . wfGetCaller();
     if ($clearState) {
     $this->mOptions = $options;
     $oldRevisionId = $this->mRevisionId;
     $oldRevisionTimestamp = $this->mRevisionTimestamp;
     if ($revid !== null) {
         $this->mRevisionId = $revid;
         $this->mRevisionTimestamp = null;
     //initialize the image array for later
     $oldParser = $wgParser;
     $wgParser = new Parser();
     $wgParser = $oldParser;
     wfRunHooks('ParserBeforeStrip', array(&$this, &$text, &$this->mStripState));
     # No more strip!
     wfRunHooks('ParserAfterStrip', array(&$this, &$text, &$this->mStripState));
     $text = $this->internalParse($text);
     $text = $this->mStripState->unstripGeneral($text);
     # Clean up special characters, only run once, next-to-last before doBlockLevels
     $fixtags = array('/(.) (?=\\?|:|;|!|%|\\302\\273)/' => '\\1&nbsp;\\2', '/(\\302\\253) /' => '\\1&nbsp;');
     $text = preg_replace(array_keys($fixtags), array_values($fixtags), $text);
     # only once and last
     $text = $this->doBlockLevels($text, $linestart);
     # the position of the parserConvert() call should not be changed. it
     # assumes that the links are all replaced and the only thing left
     # is the <nowiki> mark.
     # Side-effects: this calls $this->mOutput->setTitleText()
     $text = $wgContLang->parserConvert($text, $this);
     $text = $this->mStripState->unstripNoWiki($text);
     wfRunHooks('ParserBeforeTidy', array(&$this, &$text));
     //!JF Move to its own function
     $uniq_prefix = $this->mUniqPrefix;
     $matches = array();
     $elements = array_keys($this->mTransparentTagHooks);
     $text = Parser::extractTagsAndParams($elements, $text, $matches, $uniq_prefix);
     foreach ($matches as $marker => $data) {
         list($element, $content, $params, $tag) = $data;
         $tagName = strtolower($element);
         if (isset($this->mTransparentTagHooks[$tagName])) {
             $output = call_user_func_array($this->mTransparentTagHooks[$tagName], array($content, $params, $this));
         } else {
             $output = $tag;
         $this->mStripState->general->setPair($marker, $output);
     $text = $this->mStripState->unstripGeneral($text);
     $text = Sanitizer::normalizeCharReferences($text);
     if ($wgUseTidy and $this->mOptions->mTidy or $wgAlwaysUseTidy) {
         $text = Parser::tidy($text);
     } else {
         # attempt to sanitize at least some nesting problems
         # (bug #2702 and quite a few others)
         $tidyregs = array('/(<([bi])>)(<([bi])>)?([^<]*)(<\\/?a[^<]*>)([^<]*)(<\\/\\4>)?(<\\/\\2>)/' => '\\1\\3\\5\\8\\9\\6\\1\\3\\7\\8\\9', '/(<a[^>]+>)([^<]*)(<a[^>]+>[^<]*)<\\/a>(.*)<\\/a>/' => '\\1\\2</a>\\3</a>\\1\\4</a>', '/(<([aib]) [^>]+>)([^<]*)(<div([^>]*)>)(.*)(<\\/div>)([^<]*)(<\\/\\2>)/' => '\\1\\3&lt;div\\5&gt;\\6&lt;/div&gt;\\8\\9', '/<([bi])><\\/\\1>/' => '');
         $text = preg_replace(array_keys($tidyregs), array_values($tidyregs), $text);
     wfRunHooks('ParserAfterTidy', array(&$this, &$text));
     # Information on include size limits, for the benefit of users who try to skirt them
     if ($this->mOptions->getEnableLimitReport()) {
         $max = $this->mOptions->getMaxIncludeSize();
         $limitReport = "NewPP limit report\n" . "Preprocessor node count: {$this->mPPNodeCount}/{$this->mOptions->mMaxPPNodeCount}\n" . "Post-expand include size: {$this->mIncludeSizes['post-expand']}/{$max} bytes\n" . "Template argument size: {$this->mIncludeSizes['arg']}/{$max} bytes\n";
         wfRunHooks('ParserLimitReport', array($this, &$limitReport));
         $text .= "\n<!-- \n{$limitReport}-->\n";
     $this->mRevisionId = $oldRevisionId;
     $this->mRevisionTimestamp = $oldRevisionTimestamp;
     return $this->mOutput;