public function testShouldProperlySetHeadersWithPreExistingValues()
     $dummyResponse = new WikiaResponse("tmp");
     $dummyResponse->setHeader(CrossOriginResourceSharingHeaderHelper::ALLOW_ORIGIN_HEADER_NAME, "t,m,p");
     $cors = new CrossOriginResourceSharingHeaderHelper();
     $cors->setAllowOrigin(["a", "b", "t"])->setHeaders($dummyResponse);
     $headers = $dummyResponse->getHeader(CrossOriginResourceSharingHeaderHelper::ALLOW_ORIGIN_HEADER_NAME);
     $this->assertEquals($headers[0]['value'], 'a,b,t,t,m,p');
 public function testViewDefaultRender()
     $output = $this->object->getView()->render($this->object);
     $this->assertStringStartsWith('<pre>', $output);
  * This method sets all configured CORS related headers
  * @param WikiaResponse $response response object to set headers to
  * @param bool $mergeExisting
 public function setHeaders(WikiaResponse $response, $mergeExisting = true)
     foreach ($this->allowValues as $headerName => $values) {
         if (!empty($values)) {
             $valuesToSet = $values;
             $headers = $response->getHeader($headerName);
             if (!empty($headers) && $mergeExisting) {
                 foreach ($headers as $header) {
                     $valuesToSet = array_merge($valuesToSet, explode(self::HEADER_DELIMETER, $header['value']));
             $response->setHeader($headerName, implode(self::HEADER_DELIMETER, $valuesToSet));
     return $this;
  * @dataProvider cachingHeadersProvider
 public function testCachingHeaders($varnishTTL, $clientTTL, $cachingPolicy, $expectedValue, $passExpectedValue)
     $this->object->setCacheValidity($varnishTTL, $clientTTL);
     $cacheControlValue = $this->object->getHeader('Cache-Control')[0]['value'];
     $passCacheControlValue = $this->object->getHeader('X-Pass-Cache-Control')[0]['value'];
     $this->assertEquals($expectedValue, $cacheControlValue, 'Cache-Control header should match the expected value');
     $this->assertEquals($passExpectedValue, $passCacheControlValue, 'X-Pass-Cache-Control header should match the expected value');
  * dispatch the request
  * @param WikiaApp $app
  * @param WikiaRequest $request
  * @throws WikiaException
  * @throws Exception
  * @throws WikiaHttpException
  * @throws WikiaDispatchedException
  * @return WikiaResponse
 public function dispatch(WikiaApp $app, WikiaRequest $request)
     global $wgAutoloadClasses;
     if (empty($wgAutoloadClasses)) {
         throw new WikiaException("wgAutoloadClasses is empty, cannot dispatch Request");
     $format = $request->getVal('format', WikiaResponse::FORMAT_HTML);
     $response = new WikiaResponse($format, $request);
     $controller = null;
     $profilename = 'unset';
     // Main dispatch is a loop because Controllers can forward to each other
     // Error condition is also handled via forwarding to the error controller
     do {
         // First time through the loop we skip this section
         // If we got through the dispatch loop and have a nextCall, then call it.
         // Request and Response are re-used, Response data can be optionally reset
         if ($controller && $controller->hasNext()) {
             $nextCall = $controller->getNext();
             $request->setVal('controller', $nextCall['controller']);
             $request->setVal('method', $nextCall['method']);
             if ($nextCall['reset']) {
         $profilename = null;
         try {
             // Determine the "base" name for the controller, stripping off Controller/Service/Module
             $controllerName = $app->getBaseName($request->getVal('controller'));
             if (empty($controllerName)) {
                 throw new WikiaException("Controller parameter missing or invalid: {$controllerName}");
             // Service classes must be dispatched by full name otherwise we look for a controller.
             if ($app->isService($request->getVal('controller'))) {
                 $controllerClassName = $app->getServiceClassName($controllerName);
             } else {
                 $controllerClassName = $app->getControllerClassName($controllerName);
             if (empty($wgAutoloadClasses[$controllerClassName])) {
                 throw new ControllerNotFoundException($controllerName);
             // Determine the final name for the controller and method based on any routing rules
             $callNext = $this->applyRouting($app, $response, $controllerClassName, $request->getVal('method', self::DEFAULT_METHOD_NAME));
             $controllerClassName = $response->getControllerName();
             // might have been changed
             $controllerName = $app->getBaseName($controllerClassName);
             // chop off Service/Controller
             $method = $response->getMethodName();
             // might have been changed
             $profilename = __METHOD__ . " ({$controllerClassName}_{$method})";
             $controller = new $controllerClassName();
             /* @var $controller WikiaController */
             if ($callNext) {
                 list($nextController, $nextMethod, $resetData) = explode("::", $callNext);
                 $controller->forward($nextController, $nextMethod, $resetData);
             // map X to executeX method names for things that used to be modules
             if (!method_exists($controller, $method)) {
                 $method = ucfirst($method);
                 $hookMethod = $method;
                 // the original module hook naming scheme does not use the "Execute" part
                 // This will throw an exception if the template is missing
                 // Refactor the offending class to not use executeXYZ methods or set format in request params
                 // Warning: this means you can't use the new Dispatcher routing to switch templates in modules
                 if ($format == WikiaResponse::FORMAT_HTML) {
                     try {
                         $response->getView()->setTemplate($controllerName, $method);
                     } catch (WikiaException $e) {
                         throw new MethodNotFoundException("{$controllerClassName}::{$method}");
                 $method = "execute{$method}";
                 $params = $request->getParams();
                 // old modules expect params in a different place
             } else {
                 $hookMethod = $method;
                 $params = array();
             if (!$request->isInternal() && !$controller->allowsExternalRequests() || in_array($method, array('allowsExternalRequests', 'getRequest', 'setRequest', 'getResponse', 'setResponse', 'getApp', 'setApp', 'init')) || !method_exists($controller, $method) || !is_callable(array($controller, $method))) {
                 throw new MethodNotFoundException("{$controllerClassName}::{$method}");
             if (!$request->isInternal()) {
                 $this->testIfUserHasPermissionsOrThrow($app, $controller, $method);
             // Initialize the RequestContext object if it is not already set
             // SpecialPageController context is already set by SpecialPageFactory::execute by the time it gets here
             if ($controller->getContext() === null) {
             // If a SpecialPageController is dispatching a request to itself, preserve the original request context
             // TODO: come up with a better fix for this (it's because of the setInstance call in WikiaSpecialPageController)
             $originalRequest = $controller->getRequest();
             $originalResponse = $controller->getResponse();
             if (method_exists($controller, 'preventBlockedUsage') && $controller->preventBlockedUsage($controller->getContext()->getUser(), $method)) {
                 $result = false;
             } elseif (method_exists($controller, 'userAllowedRequirementCheck') && $controller->userAllowedRequirementCheck($controller->getContext()->getUser(), $method)) {
                 $result = false;
             } else {
                 // Actually call the controller::method!
                 $result = $controller->{$method}($params);
             if ($result === false) {
                 // skip template rendering when false returned
             // Preserve original request (this is for SpecialPageControllers)
             if ($originalRequest != null) {
             if ($originalResponse != null) {
             // keep the AfterExecute hooks for now, refactor later using "after" dispatching
             $app->runHook("{$controllerName}{$hookMethod}AfterExecute", array(&$controller, &$params));
         } catch (WikiaHttpException $e) {
             if ($request->isInternal()) {
                 //if it is internal call rethrow it so we can apply normal handling
                 throw $e;
             } else {
                 $response->setVal('error', get_class($e));
                 $details = $e->getDetails();
                 if (!empty($details)) {
                     $response->setVal('message', $details);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             if ($profilename) {
             Wikia::log(__METHOD__, $e->getMessage());
             // if we catch an exception, forward to the WikiaError controller unless we are already dispatching Error
             if (empty($controllerClassName) || $controllerClassName != 'WikiaErrorController') {
                 $controller = new WikiaErrorController();
                 $controller->forward('WikiaError', 'error', false);
                 // keep params for error controller
                 // response is re-used so skip the original template
     } while ($controller && $controller->hasNext());
     if ($request->isInternal() && $response->hasException() && $request->getExceptionMode() !== WikiaRequest::EXCEPTION_MODE_RETURN) {
         Wikia::logBacktrace(__METHOD__ . '::exception');
         switch ($request->getExceptionMode()) {
             case WikiaRequest::EXCEPTION_MODE_THROW:
                 throw $response->getException();
                 // case WikiaRequest::EXCEPTION_MODE_WRAP_AND_THROW:
             // case WikiaRequest::EXCEPTION_MODE_WRAP_AND_THROW:
                 throw new WikiaDispatchedException("Internal Throw ({$response->getException()->getMessage()})", $response->getException());
     return $response;
 protected function renderInvalid()
     $output = $this->response->getData();
     $output += array('exception' => array('message' => "Invalid Format, defaulting to JSON", 'code' => WikiaResponse::RESPONSE_CODE_ERROR));
     return json_encode($output);
  * After the forms is sent to the proper Email Controller, inspect the result.
  * If it's "ok", add a confirmation banner notification to indicate success. Otherwise
  * add an error banner notification and output the error from the Email Controller.
  * @param \WikiaResponse $result
 private function addBannerNotification($result)
     $responseData = $result->getData();
     if ($responseData['result'] == 'ok') {
         \BannerNotificationsController::addConfirmation("Successfully sent email!", \BannerNotificationsController::CONFIRMATION_CONFIRM);
     } else {
         \BannerNotificationsController::addConfirmation("Errors: " . $responseData['msg'], \BannerNotificationsController::CONFIRMATION_ERROR);
 protected function assertSuccessfulEmail(WikiaResponse $resp = null)
     if (empty($resp)) {
         throw new RequestException("Got empty response from the {$this->type} email controller");
     $data = $resp->getData();
     if (empty($data['result']) || $data['result'] != 'ok') {
         throw new RequestException("Failed to send email:\n" . print_r($data, true));
  * @dataProvider testRenderingFormatsDataProvider
 public function testRenderingFormats($format, $responseValueName, $responseValueData, $expectedResult)
     $response = new WikiaResponse($format);
     $response->setVal($responseValueName, $responseValueData);
     if ($format == WikiaResponse::FORMAT_HTML) {
         $this->object->setTemplate('Test', 'formatHTML');
     $this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $this->object->render());